Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, November 20, 1879, Image 2

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THE AETEETISE1. ADVtiK HSKBPUBLINIHNO ( ( . CinJartown. Ga., November 2C The poolities’ pro' V-iii of Bn bom “I? Srtnr.pl J. Tilden dead ? ’’, I’--"—— L "The Greer.hack ju-.r:y is a thine-.! ‘the past. ThcSate ilrctions l-uri-e .i;.r.*nt of sight The character of Governor Cot quitt is at present tindereoing sum* cn deisms, favorable and oihi-rwis-, liy ibo press of the State. "We begin again to read in nnr cx changes of the burning ofg'ui-honse: This hifsin«ES seems to*ho one o the fall divergin' s of oiv farmers. The mvnblicnis of the S'at- threaten to ar>use thems-Teg, nr (maize and come at u,3 or.ce mare. V^T-c have no obj-’Ctions. Contrary to oar many fond hope- and exportations *he whole demo- cnttic ticket in New York, except Stale enpin-er, was defeated. The A'-tin I on works will be ir Pill Idas' -t>v toe tirot "f J.iumr' n x'. Tiie walks me tinder the im eedia'e coi-ir.-l of Oi IVonii gtOD ind Mi* .i-i'nn K Stillweii, of.Jlome, ■.nth ehv.T penth-men and imsin-St nen of energy ami xperence, win n.iiv ■ gone earnestly 10 work repair* g 'lie furnace and getting rend; or making iron. ' W" announce will sip ; a pi eat lire tne revival (If this in .ustrv. I w.i! be, in many ways leneiioia! to oar comity, but, asal rum the selfish feeling we am iiHjiji- r- see .T dm Still veil luck among us For ourselves and in behalf, of hi r.aay ir.ri.ils in die county we ex end to him a sine-re anu most hear ry welcom *. Gi e u* y nr lend John ; ve hope y >u Will abide with us for be remainder of vmir natural lilts. (Citified The temp-rance movement again shows some signs ol life, and icn: -penrnoe societies may again l ecorm “83 thick as autumn leaves,” i fc. .We are late enquiring, but we ar-* anxious to know if the Chicago peo ple have learned to what point a tel egram to Z.ich Chandler should be sent. Wherever lie is we suppose he is “watching and waking” for tie election noys from Chicago. Governor* Colquitt, “in graceful recognition of Divine Providence, which has rewarded our labirs with plenty and prosperity and praiecicd nur homes from pi stilence,” has, hv proclamation, appointed Thursday, the 27th instant, to be obifcrvsd as a (Jay of thanksgiving and praise. Jifr. Aw try and the Atlanta Con stitution have gotten on a big spite over the interest law. We had non. d (he Consti’ntion would cease its at tacks upon the policy ef the act. It has become a 1 .w and should now have fail* play, and if it does not work well will he repealed. ~Vc would like lo know of our Rome "exchanges if the North & South railroad fever has subsided. Rome must Luild the wad or lose several thousand bales of cotton, which she now receives from l’-Ik, j Carroll, Haralson, Panldin • and !h--! counties of ( 1 l.arn, R.iudulpli am! j Ulnrokee, Alahiui i. Gwinnett llerahl: W that, a large mej -niy of the d. m»- ;r ,irs upon whom the hurlhen ot the STigali.oi fell wi re acting honcst- i the faithful discharge ol their '}• m the ) B ty, witli no selfish or ulteri ;--c in view, and the vote upon Hum ii.-r's resolution ih nionsTated it. Ho •hat tiler- was a ring who cured noth ing for Goldsmith or R-nfroe or Murphy if tiny could only inaugu rate anil carry forward a successful crusade, against Oulqui t. tiler*- is n** question. And the n xt campaign in Gc rg' i will show where three nen stand. Lit every tun eni’nl on os own bottom. Jl Colquitt is cor- -upt make your charges, giving tinn- and pl.ee and facts. H • has fftimted defiance in your face f-r wo years He has challenged and invited inv-s ligation, he has evn g-o-.e further and demand* d it. And aln-r a tho:* nigh, sitting, laborou.' hearing, with <oiii • of his-bitterest enemies "ti the committee, he stands vindicated by an almost unanimous vote of tin general assembly. How puerile then are these newspaper attacks. They begin in sun-ke and end where they began. There;.]*: K Vera! grains of truth in the above. \Ve have always thought that the origin of the gov eruor’a mistakes and sliort-conimiii 's could os largely traced to the g- d ness of his heart. \\ e say candidly Ilia', in our opinion, he is not ailto "ether the right man for governor ne.d.-r the the new regun.-, thinking as we d*. that he is wanting in some of the elements necessary tor the in auguration of the thorough civil ser vice ref rm cnnlvmphred by the framers of the new constitution and d-manded hy the pmpl;—ho cannot handle the pruning knife asd-ldy and as remorselessly as it ought to h- handled. Our rasp c:, however, for the ina* y nobie quali-ies ofiieiul and heait which we know inin Uipuss*ss. w- ul 1 prevent our j-i i* g m any ciU’.ide to injure hi.- go d ml.lie an- we cannot, believe Such ac usad.* w 1 rtiviv.-any sympathy from tile peo- pl .* of Georgia. If we are to credit tho newepe pers and c irrespond> n’s, there wil Oe an ein-rge ic effort made to di place quite a number of congress men in this State. l Ve thint this, in 8-nne cases, would i>e i great misfortune for Geoigin. Vv* do not say that we have, in all Cases the la-st represent!! ires puss:hie oi obtainment in a state so prolific o intellectuality ; but it must lie-boric in mind that nothing so conduces li the weakness of a commonwealth a Washington as constant or fn-qoeii 1 changes of i's congressmen i’ln* it*si powerful and inliueiitial mem bers are thos who have in- s r expe- rienee and who have Leri long i: ,,-n ice. Whether right or wrong, he custom obtains inflexibly ih:i ill-* n» w niemlK.-r Shalt tak- and k**ej i b ck seat, mi'll tie shall heroin- properly eniii ltd n instruct and m f rm lus eiders. Tins is so w.-li mi dergioo t, Go:h by democrats and re publicans, that wiieii a raw c -ugress mau on eiher side of the lions- attempts to lake tl^* k-.td be is ah s-din. ly c.uslied out. Tfu-ie wer. sever d mortifying exampl = of this I at the extra session, and 1 he!e u;ii be more no doubt at the iv- ular session in December. A wise, lileur- IJnii headed and sagacious man like George D. Tillman or N. J. Himmond, for example, busies himself during one term by working hard for Ins con stituenev, informing himself ns to public affiirs, getting I lie pel feet -q-iipineut necessary to a cordial Healing when his time comes, and voting right while discreetly hold ing his tongue. More than one .» hern man was put lo shall e, or Something hke it, last spring, by liic sensehe 3 clam -rof -ome of bisliouie peojile who insisted upon liis making a speech, as if the loudest hr v. U-rs oi congress were of necessity tin. .cost valued members We do not say th-t brainless or useless men should hr C -. tinned ind- finitely as c mgressmeii. It Georgia has such men in her delegation let ill ,m h- removed and betrer men eubs.'i ir.rd. liu! i: is un? to such in- n ns are so considered incompetent to examine well how far I lie charges m.ide against them are true, and how far the mere cickle of *‘snkeis’* vvho have th ir I cal demigod and seek his advancement rathef than tin go id of the state.—-Augusta Cliron- -oie. -THE ATLAMTA CO^STlTUriCW. i year that wJ’.l witne-a rpt r» i..,1 ! the pretrert-fs anti cuiniinaffrvi ol the uio*it interest- I Hf It • * Jit* il Lkim It ilHM It UiAl \ jnjpqUrical contrst that 1 as tver taken place in UtijmSis4'ok* 10 get Cnt'3 enough to } ibigeotmUT^-eyery and every^thong^tlm alii ir<*ii tnnni Geornia auU Alalmaru o fill Iforthern and Eaat-rn orders. Th- S-lin.i, R..ms iunl ih lton loud is now d-e-ng tile heaviest huo-* ness ever Xpen.-nc-d by that 1-re. The conn try is well rid o r * I pivo!:d dates.’’ New York aid 1 dan are j.enf- for . intcruuition. Why not pet the best? Abroad The Cont-tituf inn is rcc'ignixt.*d. referred io and qioted from as the leading southern journals- n-» the organ and vehicle of the "best southern th-.>tipht atid opinion—iand at home it.- columns consulted for the laste-t news, thv rn sl eat c meur. and for »I1 ui.-ttiore of sjjccial and currtnt inter-The Couetitution contaias nn»re and la ter u*l-_'mph;c_newe than any other fJet»rp1a piper, and fhis porti-'nlar lVattire will bo largely added to curingibe coming>cur. All its fc.ei]iii**s for trail - p th ■ latest news from all parts ol the cnnntn iiCitll. I torial opiiaoiii*. ils coutrlbut ooe to the drill cf i correut discussion, its humorous and satiti*.tal par- Mr Afoiiflv tint] Mr Snllk- V in- * »irr»pb-*, are copied from one cud ol the t onntry iVU. .u. , to ,ho Oliver. It aims aiwaya to be the brightest ttillu to mnlfltiilHll !\ ViVJLl 'U i;tv 111 and rite best—newsy, rrig'nal and piqeant. It r •. i j .-ii vt'.i'idi 1 T-h<~v i vi i! i-Tims pirtlcnlarly lo give tbc news imparrialy and Jj.ti.is ».ti > i-ii*i. ti' V J | fnl'v, and to keep its rea lets informefi of thv drift ti’eil' IilsfftiIlL'3 tilOlV in about : of c.irretit discussion by liberal but conciso qnota- , = ; ti'ins from all its contemporaries. It aims, in IVO 'A Oi’ka. | short, to more than over dvservi* to bo kt.own as the 21*t unt^, (»a.. St. oj>en Wc rnvia'c ,r.fill a tentren to ;!*cj prospectus nf tiu-. Atl.iati C-msti u-1 tion which we publish tn day. We! fed that -ve c.-n s iy nothing new to our r -d.-is in praise of this great and growing newspaper. '!’li - m- tn'es of tin- Constitution admit that i: is flit- in w.-*ii*s! paper in th- State, perhaps in tin S nth, and is always alive to the progress, the material prosperity and to the every interest of the South and her people. The Southern Cultivat r, which will hereafter be issued from the priming estiiblishraeiit.ot the Consti’titi i-, has .been lo.’ig and fav -rably kn-wa to our readers. Yell can get no better •newspaper than the Constituti n. Daily and Weekly, and no better Agricultural Journal than the S- uili- ern Cultivator Snilh of Masm a.id Dickson’s line. Cmc.voo, III., N ivi-mh i* 13.— in- D liy N ws having invited tin i g vernors of tile it*;- (S, and pniiii: ; iient sou tin rn nin, to send oongrat ! iihili-ins on G au.’s reiuni, received a numh i' of such c-mgrifnlari us, iiujudiiig one from II »:•- Ai xandei H,. Stephens,. one fr--m Geiiern! L-mgiori-et, and the f-d 1 ii-HK-n Toom' s: - V'l iiiia, G-.—M. K. im*: Your tel-gram r c- nii o' I:- niHiver, exci p I, It- r-- n -1 e 'tlgealill ill 'll i,’ -'ii on is -aifc arriv ii try. lie t-iignc 1 >r lus i (1 - . -net Won : i f-'Ug it th. W? are glad to learn rai'road commissioners hive organ- iz d and will s-ion commence the work of regula'i g the freight and passenger tariff of the ra.lro.uls. The r.iilre c bill gives plenary pow ■ rs to t'.ie commissiouers and they can crush any railroad c uipanv which refuses to come Fqu i*. iy u, to llie. terms of i!ie law, and if they do iheir duty justly and feittessly. we expect much good to fi .*.* from tin ir iabois. Tiie main pu-p ?e oi the law is to remedy tin « u ‘j si discrimination made against local freights, and if this can be s ccess fully gprried out, it will b vas ly hen- ficial to shippers, and v.edo im: think will in the end result; in any injury to the railroad i . or sis. Heretofore the railroads have been able to dictate their own arris to local shippers and have, as a inlo. us.'d tli-ir pow-r unsparingly and cruelly, and we h"P" and bell *.*•■ that a practical remedy for th:= crying evil will be found and applied. Col. B. C. Yancey is for.- the giaud jury of Clarke c Ohiouicle. That grand jury wi'l do except listen to the speechr; Yauc-y. Ill 111 C'l III! tv.— Special Telegratti to the Morning -V: iv.g Washisgtos. November Pi —ll is 1 arned here, upon ru'li'-riiy not to tie qu.-stiuned, th i; Dr. F ! fi Inn writ en a letter, w..ieh will St’., nly b- t.njhiishe l, in wh;cii tie states .l-ar- h- has r *: ounc'd ail all* gi.u.ce io. am cut Ii >se entir *ly from, the D :n >- cratic inirty. He w l! give li s rea s.n-s for this step, and will state ;hat, in ii.s opinion, he is sustain, d m Im course bv a inaj >ri.y ol the i .ie.it went p.e -pie of G orgia. T’ i- o -u- s on the part of D-. Felton is s -me- what, pensstimal. ar.d is said to lie in the inter, st of J Jin iSheiinan ns it I’l.-sideutial cant .date. \Y give the ai >ve for what it is to o-wiiig tram St oic, K'i i-v-d. I do • present my to G. n-l'ii! I-, iiis cnuri- n a ntry linn ot for nine, am i .sr. I am ready i-* try it ovei ag ;u. D.-ath to the union. Signed R. ToOiitis.” The above dispatch of G nera To.oubs whether truer not is char at,, ristic. It is creating some stir in the northern States, is g"ing tl" rou Js of all the re v,* papers and, a-- a m tt'-r rf ciiu’*s the ra-hc.i-s :ir- alt mpli'ig to m.ik ■ p litical Capital out uf it an i in toe present humor- ol the people w’ll succeed in il ung so. A com nip ran* puts tlu* nialtei* in n,:s w is : Ween the burincs- men of a town I .iI :o advertise cx ten iv, Iy they diminish the impel* iai.ee .-lid trade ot 'lie place, and permit in .re enterpising lo.-alitier tak- tile latter away from-tlu-ni. AI though done for., th ir imlivi.luai interest, advertisers should he lo-ik ed on ley citizens of the towns -when- they reside, as in some 3eiiS'.* j-nblic beliefactors, and he. s ..mid he i n ciuraied accordingly Ue nierchani wlio advenis s cx ensively is worth lo hisDW-i loam a;i-l its people more* than lolly Chat, -never show them Selves ii. print, and shaul I he iui lids reason alone p.ri I I'leli. as inning that he i', of c.mrse, a fair l.nsiness man. Cedartowu now claims a boom She lias just become toe terminus ot a railroad, and now aids Steam Con nection ivnii ib outside world, is pecan! iy with AG.mtr, This nt*w road iviil nut only tend to build u| Cedartowu, but u ill develop.* the large miiieud r soiiiv.es oi I’oik cm.'.iy by placing them within east lvaci. of market. A., present, north ern and notheast G -orgiuoff-rgreat- i* atti'ucii ms f -r the prufiulde em- j-Ioytnent of enterprise and capital t han any scion of country upon tin continent —-Constitution. “Tiie grandest bailer the dem.'cr i v of t'iis country Ii s had for a qnar t- r. of a century is -S-nitud j. 'I'iid.-n He was aggressive. H- was not con- feat nnr iy to ward off the blows id the enemy, but. he struck at them; struck at them to hurt; charged upon them, muted them. H- gath ered together these ttered cohorts of of King •“Sieger,. ’ The ridiculous fancy of niggers for tiie word ‘color ’d’ is one ot iiie strangest phenomena of iiie times. \' u in y kick a nigger from New Orleans to St. Raul and back if you only call him a ‘c l.»r- d genth-m in’ '1 Here is in thing on earth will rile a nigger quicker o. more ilfectually ill in to c.ll him a nigger. Tiie literary niggers are the Worst of a 11. \Ye get several nigger m• wsp-ip-rs in exchange, and GnS fellows ta k ab ui Gel -red pap I'S .’ Tie duky id.tors sr, about holding a cuivcniioj O -lon d pap. l a ! J ns: thin k oi ii! G.-ioreu I*—q*i,is. f And we read an ut Gob.r d Bands, (I dor. d Schools, Colored Note.3, a ’ all kinds of c ,iunu itiir.gs, Atenniiig ai : c same time A" gger ipers, Nigg .r bands, elc. If S .inoo, after get in" li's ej - te - th cn . had insisted oo cali -.g hi nselfa Negro, ali ii"u.. bat he is nearly as much ashamed, a*, leas: he gets as m 11 w.i ti call- a N *gro as .vheii dti-.b u a Nig de ll • ii rust he c dored or nothing, Oligil tile Word lo men'.tug! S3. Colors vary from R at of a ficz o puu.p.kin to tii-'.L ol a brindled steer: And a‘colored individual’ may he my lim from a yaller d-g lo a black siiiiki’. N-g roc-s, Miilattot’S, Qu.I.’j.jiiS m l Oviioiooi’3 arc spcciiij au i tve-ii known ojimi'd that mean 6 m -tiiin;’. i^ger, as a g.iu-i'.c ii.tiiii*, 1.-. sllf'l T, ' ttlnl-.eOoiahit:. Tiu-iv \s an nr.,ma of iuui l»*Ilow- aeit-111**1 ami eve.; tenderii.Si iu tlie d w. rd. Tii.1t u d s hied by flic Fi ni Mc- F m.sey flee utinu *c.;j J* vi.’ IIjw jriiiny, m.-itiV ut In 113 of i»3 oiif \t.uili iiave bei u lor.ch. d iv.iii rhe snng 4 L’heiv w ig mi oi l Ni^vr, and hi? 1:1111 * Wild Uuir I- Njr,’ And ii.onnicd over the g G-d u:i cl-.-’a d nu« t uiv y The woid u.^g< r is unrno.rU] zed i i a tiioUSUid Si.-n^’S ill.it iiu'akelt kindly n-A tender Unnigh'.a t»f tin 1 t r *\ t y. The plaintive melodies d-.V'.jl in ■•ui* cars, And the lives Ofi th pathetic strains. sy * li we were black w n h- jcalle 1 :i ii (low s) Seutinei, rep. would iusis ;t:r.—L •mal a i wortii. We ait i uot belie ve it. ,nk to say we d< (Juiet Men. W ishin^ton never made 1 speech. In the z-iiith ol liis fame he once ittcinpt 11, failed, ai.<l gaved it 1 ]) confused and abasl ed. In fr uning r.p theConsntu iouof theUaiud fc) 9 :ixe labor was almost wholly per formed in ;i Commi-lee of the Whole, of which G-org- W.i lung- ton was the chairman, but lie made only two speeches dmi. g iiie con vent! in, wliie » ivt iv of a wry few words eacii. 'Fin' o nventn-n. h w ever, a knowledge■«! the nius spim, and hisioiiaus dlirm iiiat !»ad it not been f«*r lus pe.sm r: p 'pulniity, iind '.he tn r y w.nds oi ius iirsi speech, pr-in- tweing it the bes‘ tnat C<*ui«l be united upon, tin* t.oustitu- 1 on won id have b.-en rej-eed bv th people. Th* iis -s J If rs«m i.t v>*. •r.atie :t sjn-reii. lie C*U dn\ do U. Napoleon, wii- s - ex ciuive abi.» y it aimoS 1 wiihoui p;ii*.tlbi, Stin nit g:«nb*st trouble Was ili li::d: 1 iii men »f deeds ra'.iier liiau *»l w«»rd . It is impossible to k ep up with Tie weddings. Old Cope, has got jljnur twen'.y-f nr hours Uie stftrt ol is an 1 h** is gaining iu ev ry section »f tiie slate.—Gonstitiiuou. There are three things whic’i we ar** lvs.dved to put dutv.-i—drunk'-u nese, which spealcs f«?r it-’eTf, r fee liv ing. nr th- ) unit o r cmrifiu.iily go ir.gj iBt upon live wry *hrtek, mid joking ahuutdrink tmd tlrunkards,— O.irdmal Manning at a Loudon lein- ptoTuice Meeting. Tho Mississippi Senate eh.cted on th»» Till inst. wid consist- r d 33 Dem ocrats, 2 Gr.’ehhackers* m i I U^puh- lican m T th** House of It‘pn seuuuives con'ui ns 70 Democrats, 10 Ur^.- ba kers, 3 la publicana and 4 Tude- pendeuts. There are imo coi.>r»d members of ihe L-gDUture, “lie ii Greenback *r and the o h-1* u D. rno- 3rat, t he l uter from *cy-. N»-w England is having just now a regular ‘‘earnivai of crune. As. tiie significance i? n*.t:r;d ami i.ot no- btiiiil, th* re is no howl abont it in the j ap-iv. B.sid* e, Xcw^Eogluhd is uot in the o »uth. The bocm in cotton is assisted by news f;t>m Uiiinu—a c miby by ih/- wav that produces m-arly one half of tiie wo: Id’s minimi or p«. This fact is n »t genet ally known ItcCiUiSf the Chinese .spin, weave mid consume their crop. This year\s crojUii Chiim is reported short of an average, and it is belie.v-.d tiled iiciency wsil haw* to be made »ipi>y siupmeuts ol goods from this cuui'.ry. Old Z tc’n Chandler had an ingen ious way of t>:eu ing ius s.«Twart hlashphemv-: * 4 ; I am in th«* hiihn s.une. lines,” he Said, iJ -»f < xpr' Stiag myself freely. It's a bad i know ; but .h»- English lang-it '»■'.* d ti dent in s m-t r-'Spec;a* uo:i’; sneak nnv other.” •*lh»* irtiftiug w>ntb*Tn !ler^T.1papcr.' >, B'.ll Arp coiitmu** to contrfbulo Jii? unique letter* 1 , whirl; gri.xv in wjvory hum»*r week by week Si*' will ndd liis quaint fnn to ih i collection of sood ihtDt»^.^«n'.l * Uucl« Kitinuy” 'i-ps in pronamtion n pfriet* of neirn* myth leg-nd», iUn^tratinj: the folk-lore of thy old piamatfnn. Tn every respect The CootOitniimi Tor wiil he better titan ever. The Weekly Constitution it* carefully etlit contjuMeilnm of *h-* news of the we- k and contain* the be>»c untffrcs'hiwt matter to he found iu any other \v.*eb ; y from a daily office Its new* and miscriLmcous ronteut- are th i freshest and id market report- 1 tm* latest. TitS SOOTHER? CULTIVATOR. This, the best, the mo*t rel’ah'e and most pop- nl«r of southern aerictilcural jouro-ris is issued from the printing e*tabU«hin*:nt of Ti>e Consi’-ta tion. It i< still eilited by Mr. W. L. Jones, an«! is devoted to the h-;«t interests of the fanners of th*; south. It is sen- at- reduced rates with tlu Weekly.edaiitn of The Cousiitutton NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVERTISER. ONLY ONE HOLLAR A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. MILLINER,V-FALL STVl.ES . Wfrgm vfc' m- BOfHj Over *c€3 Co’s KTow Store, W ITT, OPRV A GT?'CKR\L ASSORTMENT f*P 33WCf.lU.-?aOTV Gooda AKD rffotit-ON MONDAY. SSPT*fidUc:;t <9 Tli .NSfAT, 1\ “ Old ixicuds, and ik w, are invite-l to t x>iguue before pueuastug Light bnir.m.'r “Straws” color-fS, re-sliniivii a <1 trim nail. Dross-ni>kiiig anJ Hail VV’ -rk as heretofore. ALWAYS UP WITH T^E LATEST STYLES. Polk C:un.y Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold, before the court house door, i’l Cedartowu, Polk count}, Ga.. between the legal h«*urt» of sale, on the firs; Tncsrhiy in Dec-m- ber. 13711, the folio wins; tlercnlnd prop’rty. to wil : Lots cl land. »'«*. 3W, ^UO, .®T3, 437. 3L1, 3C3. SOL S77.JJI. 8rJ.JlG8..«n<l 2W. aU district anti r^rd s«Tti*m *h Folk ci containing 40 acres each, more or ksi point* d out iu this U. fa. by virtue « f-ayc h. fa issued from l'olk Superior Court in favor of James Young, vs. O. B. W-uatley., Al--o. at the same time and place, iO acres of lot of land No. lol, 18th district ami 3rd section of Folk county, Ua.. as tbe proptrrty of W. J. Siiu- ircrvilli: lor tax of 1ST7, by virtue of one fc’X li. fa. issued Ui fuvor of the State and county, by i.. B. Y'«<rk, Y. C... aptiust W. J. Sim cerville. Also, will be sold before the eourt honsedoo^r. in Cedartowu. Folk eoAuty, (t».. on the fitst 'I nesday in lA-cutitlnff next, between the legal hours of sulu, the mowing prop-Tty. to wit; One printing press, tweuiy-one ta.-es. two stands, four tables, and all other turnitnre and niaferial and the type h«:io!igingto lh<*«iffiw of the Cedartowu Record in and county xt'suid fi f*. W. G. TAYI.OR. Sheriff. E. VV. CLEMENTS, Ucp Enerifl. Haralson C&ur.ty Chariff Salts. TiiRMS OF SUD3CRIPTION. Daily Coastif ution $ 19 eo a year. Weekly Constitution 5 Wl six month*. 2 50 tiirse months 1 SO a v.tar. I DP six months. ClubsoT 10. »2 5*1 a year. Clobbs of 10. 12 51 Cun* 01*20. 20 00 iVeekly Coi:-t:tiUIuii nnd Cnl- tivstor to same address ... 2 50 for one year. Adrlrr-s TIIE CONSTITUTION. NuviO Atlanta Ga. The the S-Jiiili tITr MBaYHLE WEEKLY AIERICiH. ONE DOLLAR FOR A YEAR. T IIS next Frosidential elect: of vita’ im porta j: bourse)! sale, tr.e f»‘.l -wing r ,ro F ,::r,v » to-wil: Lots of land. Nos. 1U20. M*-l, 105U. 1052 and 970 is the 20th district and 3rd sectiuu of original Fauhlir.g now Haralson county. Cm., as the pm petty of VVm. M. Morgan, by virtue of one inort- jyat'i- ft la i-sn.*d from Haralson Superior Court, ID favor of N. M. Wright, vs. Wqi. ,M. Morgan l*roperty .painted -out 4h &aid U, la. Tenant in poasucaion nuii&cd. Also, at the same time and place. Tot of land No. 1081 iu the aOth district and 3rd section of origi-1 ual Pnoldmg now ILiralson epouty, Ga.. as the j property pf W. M. Faitnc'^hy virtue t f orv J us;ice ; Court ff. fa. iu favor of W. L. Driver, vs. VV M. : Farmer, and A. J. Hunt sccaiity. i*ropi*nj pointed oat by defendant. Levy made ee< : re turned to me by. a constable. This-Oct..17. liflT Aiso. at the same time and fihce, lots of land. 5. 717, .723. 724, 7’*1. 7*2, 857 and 920 in the first district ana 4Jh soction. ai d 327 - ud 3ft5 i*i t.ie 8IU dlsUict &nd ,4th section. llan,!n*»n comity. <**.. ■ Virtue o: a fl. fa, issued *fr*’nn Ptfil: ^npavi*‘r Court, In favor of Jonathan ’Long, against John L. KoWe, a*-.he property of said John L. Rowe iTpun perpetnity <»r our repnbllr Ail these-qnesuons wtil b; t. .will determine »tn c.very cit’.z *n ta ts will depend the form of government, nrronghly discii«»ed in , which begins «»n the r. It is oar desire and «Hir can contribute to th it end. fl he fjltyinformed up: -t mom/iR. I- our ua>-lnt:al : g» ipsriHl desp-'t- j ?Rte*ihuth W J. K. HOLCOMBE, Sheriff. Bush hasapphvd im* exemption ol per ty^nd setting apart and vnluatiou rd hornet and I will upon the same at Oo'ciock, o*> the 22nu day ol November, lt79, at :uj This Novell!our If L 1879. iiovli tw 3. M. DAVENPORT. OriHv '•eforth Elizabeth, 'J l.cK-sa. Biihvrt, Amanda, A7media. Wesley, and .Ir.fper Kiligt r< . ihjlricn cf WiKiiun Ki ililTgirre. f!eeeas«d: £<-nis«. Robert and L. J. Ingtam, children of Isabella lngrann, dr* eased; .lumes. V.'iliiaiu, Rob.-i t and Mary fUiSgotp. chil dren ol Rot-on B. Kdlgore. tlereaseu; Tioh. rt. I ; Mary. John W.. Ther sa. Jane and Mttnti ck Kill 1 ' *. chi (Iren of Jai:t'.*s J. Kiilg**rt*. dee bayonet t<» rule* ih • ht liot ? Ar^the ' at this "Terra of the Conrt. i»f rfu* wilHof 1 Robert rights 'if the Mates, expressly reserved Consllfutioij, to .1 to centrtUzed dictafiou 5*Illi' arrogrit m.l ira.rerion • p-irt.v leaders, u.-t 1- Lib;? ty> j 'rhe «.»rdlHi.ryV office iu of IJU S5?i“.ll iLincn-n h.* the only there who sinll • kii-»w.**.Ign.l a~ hiving rlrvine rights: Khali Inhop 1 uf r^r 1 < .. !>e deprivftil tif it- 1 j’lAt r.n-t”d ? la order to Iffing [ tf «1 the proha’et it. witiiiu the infc*.HS uf every i *" •••• -- ■ wiricli vne claims d iu said wiil. 5 jr-qr.ired end eittul llHoM-*' be eseciitrtx, ltsch *-f ■ J ftn CHtftty at the ■ i t CkiUFt Ilt.tis-v ( | linr-tl nlstf December 'Jvrtn. 1S7:». cuputy to ut Nl XT DOOR TO MILLAR WRIGHTS STABLE. New Fixtures, and Old Goods l KEEPS TEE EEST OE LIOEOES. The PisGst ImoDitsl PrmPi cal Use. Ps randy 'p: Isdi- ntech luic. 1 hr dll v-..cation-*, even in these j hard times, to tutor .a hua-e-f what political par- . pnijK^ing. we h-ve* iiyfn'U'sl r«i\* terris t»f fkjy * r 3rd, lSTD. - TV.-To Ll. \vf II e-heinntt hMiu- I- Loi Shei. utt. anl S’ina VT ir es. CiiaiKi-pa^m Tiie best Triple Dislii’ed Gin gii Utecord. GOODS: N*i man knows liow it w.ll u U* r lifter, but from the tones o s-.im* men’s y>r;>yi rs, and their ieiigt.i, om- tile deinocr.ir.ic jiarty into one mighty j s impress *d with ihe belief th<»t army ; i fused into it his own brave. „ spirit and led it to victory. Same 1 ! want to pull up u chair mid sit d .via, J. Tiiden, the deal -cracy va.it you and talk to the Lord all the time.--— Atchis'-n, Kansas, Patriot. when ihose men go to h *ave*', Guy'd want to pull up a c and talk to file I.oi Stubcnvillc Herald, Agents vTaa cd. FA iBAfi & SvcLEAfs. Pub ishsrs, CI.\{ iSAATJ, o.