Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, November 20, 1879, Image 3

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THE ADVERTISE. PUBlSUVD EVERY THURSDAY JiOKNITW!. Cedartown, Ga. Norember 20 OJiucii I>ii’?cioiy. METHODIST. EVERY SAC3 VTII n.j BU’TISI'. ja and 3ri SABBATHS, C- IVIIeki PRBSBYTEKtAN FRIGHTS OF 110X051. Cedaita'.vn !.o'.l;a So. £73. T. F. Hictat* L. S. LilHI-iTYBit TiEPOl'Ti .nut* ivory Majd.iy night artcr vl “ JUSHiVl!'. Caleiioaia Lndsie F A. .11. ...W. M. T.S. STUBBS v J. ird -Friday S-hf?:. ° ‘ u & Wri-Ut’s L o u A. Li n je \v s. “a Yw/mi & Bfo. r-r Shoes and toots, Hals clothing or any tiling •on want. If you want to Sr.- a !>nsy s-t of joys take a pr-ei> at Wy ilM & Kl '“- Wynn & are receiving n-w rood* constantly. Tlnn-fme liter took is always fresh. Uinta the ilace to buy goods. Don’t worry »ith a cough when ■5cu worth oi tli-.t cmigh syrup a. Bradford & Walker’s will r Loveyou. lvifora ya« "«y * u rte . 1 1; ose new tsyle ones ut A. L. ll»^g Cob. ,l0V ° 41 at this season of the yeara box of i vDFOIU) & WALKER’S lav. r iU in the House will olieii preveiii ,traded sickm-ss by being used in ., , Xil'-V cost oi-ly 2a cents anil ti.’ey do you "O good tney cos „ o .thing. Try one b x and >•" i\ ill tied. I : v.:r p.:;.r i i f-jur h ’ A,| H litnc r.ov.E'iB.ntiiiai *r o! rr..d,uir .t -v.. t- •- I.Wer WUs .ml ' •■Vj la ie.t ».»-! enin-r bjutsli.diau } oil • e 5 -.,u id boc *»>- trying » »•* i y“" For Saif. ,*v No. 0. Silver Plated dd isoi, •-v w ,; r .r Al .chili", Ilian " t .. ijjplefe sob .1 aUaoi.iuot.t-, IT.".. lino Ad >iV aMi is ollie-. u o, .. V — - * -- , .1 co’iti.Mi- d U;,»pe le a a on , w.,# .- >ne d-re t » n■ tp.-li-ss on. ir 1:0X3 e .I - mi" i l-. -li • <1 me. S -olvised M uv ill- liver >•: -•■- , b\’ 0‘- j * <• l 1 *• ! •it ti. i. i. Id-! Was oi.rbvl roil and ml in.w s aimi al.d w ... . nsiJ. r I! an ii. v.noidle it-ninoy io .1 i. B .- Orr ni.u io aruls i i on .,, i ,. „ ; i■! ifd on;d with i hai r.-.l .iiiL—John Kenedy, Ci.-sviii- - f r sale inOodar u« bv IVad : l & jV'.iis-r at 75 coats per u t-.n. "do valent nostrum is ibe Inox >M0 at Branford & Walk, i f, bu. rood, honest. lnmie-■ made r.-in-dy. \«»: Toxic, at liri.dlord & \t dk in the cheapest and best tome in -. Tr.ih 11 ft ,..is s vu limbing io iry a b.itt’. mat Tti'N Toxic at lb-adlmd o\ ali .. iii. — 'Ssit b.-nehtsymi. Wem; ,. ,i :! 1>, every inolullCo where 1 U to 1 iv- salis'aotmn. gal Snbces. , Parties desiring ns to d-> ■' g al H<l riivniR should always bring them i.vDu’ciork \V.-dliosdav m -rniiiL uruer to insure insertion. 1 Olid, be better 1. iiniid them in early outlay morning. lteuieuil>er al- Ivs to have tile m c. ssary he ac. iVipaiiv tim advertisement. Farmers -can tn t their ldm- stem l)m thadl'ord & Walker at 1J o-nu pound. *■* imps : and Lanlern • In great variety of ho-li s yle and •ice at Bradford & Walker’s. :ir .ttjftut is Uaralsoii County. J .tin K. Holcomb, jit, sheriff ut mileoii cvmnlv, in authorized u c-.-ive and receipt for subscr ptimu i tlm Abvbktisek in tliat county • tf specially request our friends ii. iat couniy to make s< t lenient * :t im at the first opportunity. t' ratton.Cuarantei-d are putting up and selling, mi i,. ,;wii lable, the follow ng its mily remedies, on which w. n tee satisfaction or wilt re Hi no 1 » oney in every instance. Tin- ir, open and shut proposition, wile jgpOnly five weeks to Christmas Lanterns h-.-vn been in de mand the past few nights. j3J~TJte Presbyterian church has a new clock 8®“ Miss Kate Lyons lias re- tnriud home from CartersviH •. Itrdf ii-l all the loc 1 notices in tl-.is isstn*. •^“Thursday next i3 thanks- giving day. ^“Wood has been in demand the past day or two. CgyDr. 11. In. Pearson, of Cave Spring, was in town Monday. IS" M r. Rd) Sheppard is now with Messrs. W. M. Phillips & Co. ;-iri f any county in the State has a ni uv prompt and eflioient Tax Collector than Polk, .et ’em trol him mi . YiS ' Mr. S. M. Davenport, Ordina ry of I la raison county, gave usa call last Friday. i3f“Cedartown is as good a cotton market as there is in tile State—“still say we.” jJgrMr. Nixon, who is well known in this sec-lion of country, is now with Messrs. Barr & Leak. We will off r some good rea sons in oar next issue why 0. dar- town should have a bunk. r. J. p. Duffy has moved his harness shop to Mr. A. Dougli- r }’i old stand 33*We are beginning to believ*- that the cotton boom is resting upon a firm foundation. 23?”Mr. A 1) itiglierv has mnv.-d iiissiloon to bis new building above .’dr. Wright’s livery stable. farC.d.irtown can beat the world —in the t.uui.cr of h r files and child en. Kg“The crowd was so large ut lie Presbyterian church Sunday night that many could not get in. B3"Mr. J. C. Allen and Mr. Asu Prior brought ill seventeen birds the mlier even tug. J hutty has a tine iird dog, J3”Pr..f. Tice's prediction that we would witness the “falling stars” in Thursday night las', was a fai.ure n this s c ion. J3f See nm.ice in this issue ut ■lit tics Harris and Kntow in reg rj m tin- eliangin ' t,i the day of hold ing their court. jsVk ' cunty Will have, by 111. fi -sl of Jmuirv i x , twijex en ive ir-m fiiniaces in •r> rati m, an 1 PniK is n .t a mmtn- i: : county either, tint, me of ill-' ■ i-e‘ ag ic-ulmral coui.ti 3 in lb at-. t 11. I xe'-an; e- we loi'ir— tliat i. Several of toe to AT iSaodei ie.5 of the S'nte th" b or a id girls sit up i-inti! .’■Ive o'ciock or thfri-'ib i -i on limsl iy nig,it. las: to s-- t.ie stars II. Vie hear ii liiuied am mg lit- young eopie tliat til.3 vis ti me, to a tiille ext.en r . in Coda: town. Bar. 0. T. Tee. .i de, 3. i) , Of K.-mxvili-, Telia., a revivalist m 1 evangelist of note, iv.11 Com ii nee. a series of meetings in th liter, si of religion on Thursday ol ll -pivs jl! week (i ,-nigh!). Servi c s l,el 1 at the Bapt.ot chnrcli. All are sped.,ily req i s'ed to lead eit- Ul'ageiilent. Dli !■■ to JJ I, Ilatch'-rson’s f r Hoi iiks. Tom amt J.-ivt a special v. Auction i very Wednesi'a and Sat d y nights at Boh II utclierson’s. Auction: Auction ! Aucti-n! at li di llniclor.mn’s -1 o’clock eve>y Sutu day eo ning. m.v30 3t New stock Ii.,- st. gins and In undies io town at Bob Iluicln rsou’s. 3t AV. W. Milam has a lull proof corn wlii.-kys't per pillion. B st apple cider in town. Wh- ref At. W. W. Minim's. Ask Mr. Millar Wright if it is not the be. t. Wade .Milam’ssaloon is on the Top Line. Doiia ymi I'org.-t ir. Milam is selling more cigars and belter cigars than any one io -Cedar 'own. lie can prove it bv me. B auto w. Milan, is selling cigars at f.,e ory rices. Don’t f rget that 3 yeiy' old l'.y- i Miium’s. Ciidartomi H. HaxsWeJlj Pro pi into: . The following prisons have regis :ered at the Cedartown Hotel in the seven -days: T Law, Atlanta; A E Millar, and daughter, Teci’.mseiq Ala.; r '"Thr,S”i p S’;S: i j sia iMhhirtJriBN “ i! - w - B iy our preparations i Tonic, ve and B -tie Lininient. etable Liver Pills, toniue Worm Candy, r Man's Porous Piasters. Water, thing Syrup, rric Polish. -s-e ami Cattle Towders. ct Powder. Bi'.al'fouo & Walker, Cedartown, Go. ran Tonic Bradford & W alkers is a sure K of chills. You should a bottle on band if you have ■asm. t, apprehend an attack !is and lever. Costs only < tie! a pint, or .fifty cents a hall ind if it does you no good costs othing. 11 F.EAO CAREFULLY. Owing to a change in our business, we are compelled to in tify pa,ties .wing ns to come forward ai.d settle by the first of December, at Which time all notes and accounts will he given out. for collection, unless other wise arranged. llespi ctfullv. P1IILP0T & DODDS. NovSOSv A Cas'd, WAGONERS TAKE NOTICE Huntington & Wright and Philpot & Dodds have a Free Wagon Yard, with comforta ble stalls for stock, as well as a convenient Tlouie with good fire accommodations for the free use of their customers. Any report to the contrary is maliciously false. No Wagon Yard in Cedartown belonging to the merchants make any charge for nse of the same. Respectfully, Huntington & Wright, Tiiilpot & Dodds. Cedcrtown, Gu., Nov. 19, 1879. No\20 it Dr. Upson, Dentist, lias arrived and is ready to wait upon any one r.ei d- i :g Work in his line, at their rest deuces. He may lie found at the Cedartown H'-tel, or orders left at the p-. s'. - ffic'i will reach him. It Revival. ’! he union revival meeting, which lias been in progress Here for s- Veial weeks, closed on Sunday night last. The lab irs ot Mr. Back-n m were crowned with a success ui.expected and til.known within dm last twen ty year’s history of our town, a suc cess « hiCri Sj le. didly illustrates whin can he done by quiet, earnest and W) li directed work. If the w. rk done hy this evang- list is as lasting as we liope^and trust it will h our town and conitiiuniiy will ow, to him a debt of gratitude which cm never be repel, Tm-re is not a mm or woman am mg us so san- gyii/.*as t.i have h-li ved three week- ago, that the meetings which begun, siili >.<> fl urish of trumpets, at tin Pri any ter an ch" rnh would do tin -.voad- rlu! wo k which it, has dime. T’li- moral cud tvligi ,tis atmosphc ri around us has undergone a chae.g- over which I In-re is tin It nr: loC.tHoU n n -.t to r j -q.- and hr the :: -ilent py-jy.-r to li-t.v -n that it nun result in pe'rma-ient, 1 is i -g good. ■Spritig; J Williams, Barlow; C J Cur,vers, Stilesboiv; A J McWitorN-r, Cincinnati; J P Yirk-s, Philadel phia; Col .Madison Stratton, Nash- vill,; F L Mal'arv, J U Bu : tr, Bonie; V 0 Moss; J W Me Muir, Louisville;' F J Nilson, Euluirlec; Uol N J L'tiuilin, com. ti; Dr J D Upson and wife. S'ilesboro; J B Hooper, city; M V B Ake, II 0 King, county; L II Thrasher, Ch. rokee Bail load; Ned Bradford, Cherokee county, Air; Dr Wui Bradford, O G Ja ns, hiV JE Junes, F M Iligltt, A P Win - berly, C S Johnson, J It Nixon, J H Phillips, A D Hogg, J C Allen ana wife, B W Kellett, Asa Prior, Mrs Ledbetter, John 0 IIand,J G Harris, A J Touilinsm , J O ‘Waddell unu wife, It S Tomlinson, Eliiah Moul trie, P C Harris, It 0 Pitts, W F Treadaway, W O Cornelius, D U Iwdbetter, city. Fire. Ab-'.a't ti o’c! ick Tn -siiv, tie C. erokee II del. ooc ipi -1 a i 1 k- |d by Ja-.L'e F if,w.is ii:ioyv r \ io be on ti.- , an 1 in a te-V a ai m ad- L i • i de In; - It >g -v-n- :1 -i" r, ■ind no efforts c ull ■ x iigu s!> .t. the <■!; ‘s oi tltc t.,wn were promp 1;,- th - gr itud lied ev ery t;; Ig p -issiid ■ '.Via -I -:i ' !•> re move I , r serve the far ii‘ure, am. so far ns i s i l -i’.i n .! n s: iV- '•'} . rticle urnitiire and ci ,thing o the house Was saved v. ith c.-mpam tiv !v 1 i• tie da img?. Tile d -.-rs wimlo-v sash sa.id everyihiug wile C -uid he cu: loose lioni • i.e bulling wen- preserved. Mr. AIK n, who v,-.u the owner of the Lulling, was in suppose, a Considerable looser by tin fire aul we ivgr- t his loss. W- .-ym- pithlz • als ' ivi:n the hoarders win were to s mm extent dam ig d am trinjairarily thrown out of liouns, but it is with Mr. anil Mrs. E.,luw. who were leliy tile greatest ibstr.-. that we in -s deeply symp.i-.li z -, ami we Imp ■ i-ur pe -ple will extend u them all the aid and encouragement which, under rite circumstances, they deserve. Cedartown, Ga., N v.. 1st, 1819. It tv. J. E. Junks. C- dartown, (11. My Dear Sir: In behalf of many friends, I have the pi ssure of pre senting you vet h this ovetc alas tr mkeu of their esteem and regard I’m you. Hoping that you may live t wear cut, many such overcods and always he suit muded i>y kind friends I atn. yours tru’y, M. V. B. Ake. Cedartown, Ga , Nov. IS, 1879. Mr. M. V. B. Ake, Dear Sir; Yours of Novembet Lst, “in behalf of many t;ie..ute- getfier with h neat, c unfortalde, vC cepiabie and lunch apptt-ciated ovtr- coat, was duly received. Yon being cognizant of the circumstanc s by which 1 have been surrounded, my d-lay in acknowledging needs no ap' logy. N ,\v, permit me, 'hrough you, t- teinl-r to t ose kind friends my sin cere and heart felt thanks lor liii, visible, comfortable token of tb.i esteem and regard for me,” and to thank tti-.-in lbr the kind » fc'T.-s --Xoress-d in your pouinioiiltatiou. i t. ust that I m.-iy not prove unwor thy of ;h'S L ki n mi l of thme kind wishes. I feel that 1 have n,-v r hael any cause to doubt y «r friendship and kindly feelings, but inid I ever doubted, I can assure yob, that it would not take many such ov-icoa'i to remove the doubts. Again I thank you, and through you thank the many kind friends, whom you have the honor to represent. Respectfully, J. E. Jones. A pretty gtrl; lias aright tf) bare Dr. J. D. Upson, Surgeon Dentist, late of G dni-sville. Gu , and a grad uate nl the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, will visit this pine , professionally, on Mon lay. the 17th i-ist. and remain a lew days. Dr. Upson has had Ii titter, years exper ience, in the p notice of his proles .-don, and performs the operation:- pertaining to the science and art of dentistry in a finished and durable manner and guarantees 'satisfaction m all work. He is pe'rriianently lo cated at Stilesbnrro and will make - eeaeiomil visits to this place. II- solicits a trial hy those needing work in his line. tf A. D H-gg & Co. have some ex tra nice ladies dress goods tn y with to show. novG It If von want an extra neat pai: p.nts go to A. 1). II gg & C'o’s and get them. novG It A. D. Hovg & Co. have a vet complete stock oi boo s .- ml slio-s— partic.ilarly nice ’adies shoes. Cal and see them. novG It Colton Notice. The Cedartown Warehouse is non prepared to receive and store Colton and solicits the patronage of farmers and merchants. We are not yet pre pared t-i insure against loss by Sre therefore take no lire ri.-ks at pres ent. When proper d to do so notice will b- giv-n. Tin- Ii nse : s of brick and co. r. d vritn iror. Terms hr weighing aul storage ; For 10 days nr lest, 321 cents ; 10 to 15 days, 15 ceil*,-; 15 to 20 days. 20 cent.-; 20 to 30 days. 25 c-nts, and 25 cents per month for longer " 1U " CHAMBLISS & HURT. The bin? st and eheatv-st line of Dress G ■ dsever , ffovi! in this mar ket at Phillips & Co’s. Call and - xamine for yourselves. oct23 3t School poSisj. By erder of the B >ard of Ei’.uca- ton, the Public School term has been changed front lire months o! July. August and September, to the non It- of January, F,hru-.iry and -Vlarch The annual examination of ter.cli ■rs for the Public ."-cii- ids in Polk county f-,r the v.-ar 1SS0 wtl! be held a! toe Court II ,use in Cetlari-wn, 'luhr icirig the 29 li and 30.It of De cember, 1S7S) The examination will begin at 10 oV-h e!,-, a. m„ oil M n lay, the 29. . et Dec- inn -r. T. L Pimi vN, C. 8. C. Polk C-.unlv. O .-tlG td That 2 and 2 make 1 an : s':;o l:.-he I Ihc; n.-ti- can n- uv. lor P-rr Bine is ih. best remedy 1.1 n.c „. to- !5i- Ii dis r-.h-rs ol tile st - :t-h .r;d liver, is another f-cr t-i wh e'. all •vho have tried ii ".' i! hear s' im t.y ft is etil.r, iy v-getalde, a d c in ,,.111 -.de i *-,ih the great it care; -ael. punkage c iiitainiug SO ih s .' I- r ai alnli. Pii.--- 50els i-'-i- .--..a- Brad ford & h'llk-r, t 5 daflov,-;-, Ga ?*i .rcu 13, i -i oi a iy Bciiit.g is a mhad ii'.o f: l .. r, mrwr Tien- tl any o - the '.linner, iil ih- :!e I .- r • a k : '-l of! i , -k a'.li teeb, lie •f }"II ''a - I g t» „ea,l .-'II- .il..';„ - til -.I pip op y..ur last i!.,:!■• r ; We !..,oW ol ill- FI;--!: I ' a: e V il bet V til last «t -if., 1 ,: 'I -lhl. i H-ek y' IM- O •.! • v , y Ia~-. P-.50 « *. I- :- ! r lord & W - k- r. <’-• iar -• :i. G uiui'ch 13 "7'J-e it iy ovt30- f I'onsnstpftutt raved. NE1Y HOUSE, NEW MERCHANTS, NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES, I A. O. HOGG CO., HfCJhJL133T, CEDARTOWN, GITOIiGI^, KJAVE just opeurd Ji s^l-ct stock ol GE\ELL\L MEUl'IIANDISE •■*1 in tilt'll* iicav tft-oiv, uiiii wiiut all their friends and the puniic geii- orallj (o coll and i^t tium sh«»w ih -ir goods aixl p r ic«-s. Tlif.r s o«:k "as boii^jit boforo the necut rise in j»ric» s, and tin y feci uoiititleuc ol having ^••odj uL bid tom tigmvs. Tiiuy have luMUilul Dress Goods, Calicoes, Cor- sets, ijfw », yi<*. IRoachmg^, FI -n Cassini .n-es, Kerseys, K-i-t oky J a ns. ir*sij?ry, GImv-s, Haniwurc, JS r oiions f etc., etc. Extra nice Gcutkiiiv idc UiicinvYi-ar very LOW. ii, in aider me piaoc—last brick store on South ilui.i S n*et. w s vtiib’, . Nobly "CHE.5 P~~COODS. J. e* STUBBS -i& CO. Have just moved into their elegant new Store Rooms on HAST SIBB 0T m&im STRjSHT, Where ti:, y are now optnirg au extensive stock of GfflEBAL IEECHAIBISE. I’ln-ir Goods were selected with great care and with an eve t» the need: ■d : liieir custom- rs and were b-light for Cash. They will be sold m tie lowest fieures. Gu and examine their stock and prices before making ymn purchaecs. '■ COBWEB HALL, Main street, Cedartown, Georgia. (Jud Crab’s Old Stand,) SMI® 11 & BBAiNN02T, "TiortriAiri’oiT.s. p •> f-d line of WHISKIES,' BRANDIES, WINES, 0I.\ and p,it. w make .-picalty of the fa on,us “Oooedi” L; plots mil Sion- Mountain Corn and i, ur-ion. Vve k-ep only pur. L q-ju-i n-i-li as miy -■)-* I i.,r* mjdicin.il p irp-s-s or as a b.-v lag:-. ,,vc us a ti-dti arid be convinced. N -v6-2m Alsu, a nicek>t of FAMILY GROCERIES, cheap. KICK ¥%icm rHft’i«o scale co., : 149 a --l l .1. ii-. : s >?I ’a: t_‘ 1 —"A .t>i,f-, i: v. j. da.. .J th, pr'ces of -J! kinds of SO ALES, ! Lm d,£•;•;!Y.-', i;‘iO. } 2-tOn Yv'ttgon Scales, §40 Ail ,.(h- r ••• :e r gi- :rt redne-ion. Every Seale “f-rily warn,i-ted. ! W orde.s lomelv fitted. Circnlm? Price JEst m-d Teetimonia's sen' t:..d ;tuv THF P!IF.APh:s;’.-'.N!) BK-"’ jn’ 17 0. An oKI piiysiciiii, rulirctl f:«>ui pr iC’.i •. h:D. in iiavl j-htcctl hi bi- ht;n<l> by.n; \. :.-r j -ry llie furtmil.t t<f n t in; 1.- n : . tiy It-’ the at.tl ucnnaitef euro for fo:isL;r.;iiins Lun^ Ar. ct: »n<. al.-.' :t :■ >;, .v ; :rl r.-t lU'. i «•«.- for Ncrvoa DeU.irty :md ,’i : - r" hm '-iii • t.it.is After having; iir womliu lul r.iir tuve yrower* ousuuils of cases, Lat felt it ItR- lo niak* it ki.t;»*n to his MillVrini; !»•!!• uvs*. Atiualt'd 1». I will rend free ol charge to all wh.» tie-ire ii. l!.i- iTC.pc. m German. French, or Kngli.-h. wiih ml; (i i rcc.i.m# for preparing »u«i u*Siur. Sent by mail, hy aJ.lre^in- with -ramp, naminu this M,p r. W ii,c'RtMt-f. N- Y ~ Wiibb’s iiastauiant, Bakery, L.iger Beer, fe Alt X«a,'y 0|>!,n: itettu- New Mjfoi.ic Tcmi.Ie, Xu. <V7, Brand B/roct, Ikime, Go KEAL’i AV # L- HO TBS. Oyster,,, Birds Game, Kish, ii their Season, and Alw ys the B st the Market Aihirls Fii'ni-in-'t. Als-, Lodgings Furiiish’«.! Strar.gur Munis 25cts e ici:; 25ci per head. mimi c * 2 ? ! ■ HZKW Livery and Sale Stable, Car. Main u : Prior Gtrcd. MIL TRADE OPEIED, GREAT Ii It Id Ate. H PHI €ES CUSTOMERS ASTONISHED at the Extremely LOW PRICE." asked or Goods. IS LEG ANT LINES OF ALL GOODS KEPT IN A MIXED STOCK Sole Agents for the Bay State Standard Screw-Eastenc 1 TUT WABI3 AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. CEDARTOWN, GA. il. F 1REAOAAAY, Proprie'oi New Vehicles, Good Stock nlid h-w prices. Une me a !rial. J. E. VITi'llamsozz. PRACTICAL WYYTCI-J MAKES AND CEDAliTOWN, GEdPiGIA. Ollic", Bradford & Walker’s. l.<-ptij-tf ' CHOICIS HOUSSJ. CAVE SPRING, GA., R.C. Tilly, Prop LIVERY AND FEED STABLES COACH TO CEDA8TSWK DAILY. 'X'Txo Millinery otcstt.gd. oed.U, Under the super' isioii of RSlssss X r e-lwrlxx, Is first-chiss. and the latest styles are always on hand. Call and see our magnificent Stock now arriving. FHIXjPOT «a BQDB3, OctJ-3m nkwItoSi?^ • ' NEW FIBM, NtW GOODS. BABB & IMAMB® pealers in Cicneral Merchandise, m&lM STr, GEDARTOW?^ ©A. (Next door to Philpot Sc Dodds’.) MfE KEEP ON HAND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, FANCY GROCERIES, Etc, an ! feel confident that the public will fiud it to their interest to exam ine our stock before purchasing. Sept25-toJai> W. M.. FMIIro® & Co., u Have received (and are daily making additions to it) their F$U Stock of urnir Of every description, including a fine line of BSiSS e-OOUSy CGOTITINn G, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. They think they have the fin-st lme of goo,la tlu-y have ever pur chased, and at lower prices. They a.-k mi examination Itj every one. They will le r-.-ifter keen Wjg '!1 ^533 ii! of ail kinds from a lynch • i i to -ny ) art of rite wagon. nih20-ly W3 IVI-xAn 53 Absu’i il> IS: I T«*:i) ST'M’KS <»f PALL -Iml VVINTEU WOO-i ' bronsht to »dflan-nvu. arid rf’Iutv Th- m at \ piir.-s tlL-t will a-lonish von, and t:li your I svu'iidf. Yot, may not believe ir. in fact. I wc had rather yon would not. want you toc-n'.e and t*ii : for yo »r>»dr. and b« convinced. I gjg, 1 ” Lt will pay you to aoc us before you ?ell your COT PON or buy your GOOOS. P3ATHERSTOS ^ GO. BMMOED & WALKER, STB, SOUTH MAIN STREET, CSDAETOWI. &E0R&IA, K i p alw ys on hard a c-mtpl- te s'„ek of -iii things usually fc-nnd in a irst-ciiiss Dr -gstoFt. n’ -nutty phy.-nonius will find our drugs fresh an,l eliabli-. Pte8Ciiptii;it,3 pur up witu special care. FHCITOG-SIAPH© YOUNGS GAiuE^Y, 1X0 MU, (Shorter Block) O Tx. LI E ;!E,1 (l-io : ) f o- ->:i!y ten dollar-: half life size oidv five doiinr?. L 1 W , k i- JfI'i; :y fi st chss. M..li-s c pu s of ;,!] s-ats of picttii'es i y s z - and char tct.-r di-sirtd. ft-1.27 lv 14. J. ¥®UN@^ DEALER IN Oorn sind Hye Whiskies, Wiat?, QlVzZ rind Srandies, Noyes W.tr.-hmts > .CEDARTOWN, GA. A Specialty made , f -done Mountain B-jurhon and Stone Mountain Corn Whiskey n-IK “iI K. TaTCId, and OLD CABINET” Jannot be esc -II •••!. I k- such Liq-i ,r: as ir-iv b- ns d as -s h veraga- • r r:n -li.;a! pttrn is-.-s, -vTi p-.-rf.-ct saf.-tv. G v.: m - a c.II. G aal tr.at- n mt guaranteed. out 3. in,’79. FREE, k VI.Li.4BLE INVENTiBW, "HE WORLD REKOWKED inanship is equal to a Chronometer VVateli, find a3 eleganciy 1 as a first-class Pm,.? It received the highest awards ct tho and Centennial Expositions. IT SEWS OFIE-rOURTH PASTES achirtes. Its capaeitv is unlimited. There are more WILSON IVIAGGGiSS sold in the United States than the combined ssi33 of ail the others. The WILSON ^SiSSSNC ATTACKMSKT, fer repatrins ail kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHSHC, furnished FREE with all WILSCrl SEWINC f.1 ACHIfiES, together with a Tucke ^.CS-ESSJ-TS •W^a.3vJ ! 2?SUSD. Address WILSON SEWING MACHINE 00, nxzBraia ^ a &. Dll S. TU. JO GAGS, 3S= K FiaroiiSSTOZ?. YvHIOLESALE Paint?, Wazmishas, Xiis^sors, GII% Glass sad Ss-2d3 ? NO. 55, NORTH MARKET STREET, sa'Asx-x'urxraX.xa, .uhds Eng*. Wool, Dried Fruit, etc , take i on m^WEMT Iii BESf DR. J. BRADFORD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine TliU ii : a i»r<ja»pt uni certain cure f *r ub o r the Liver, such su I)ysII aiLurijf, Chills a:i<l I Vvur, &c. Satisfaction Cruaraatecd i:a livery case, or mom-y returned. For sale bvdmvricts generallv. J. G. TBISER, Dealer in Drugs, Medicine.;, Garden Seeds, ele . Rome, Ca, For sal" by Bradford & Allen,. Ctdui towii, Gi., r.al S. T. U->yr. and 1) J. Powers, Rome, G.:. • fel>23 lv