Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, November 27, 1879, Image 3

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Jedartown. O-a. November 27. THE ADVERTISER. EVERT THURSDAY UORXUtG Church IMreclory. METHODIST. ‘VERY SABBATH D.J Rrwci, PMtor. BAPTIST. ■ .»d Sri SAMATIlS. C A. , P»tfor. PRESBYTERIAN. aad 4th SABBATHS J- E.JoK*». Putor KNIGHTS OP HONOR. Cedartown Lodge N«*. 273. ’ t. BURBANK Dictator LEDBETTER It£K>«T.K r -. r BMU sr«rr ¥<md»J hljht alter Stl Aha IfcMahhath*. masonic. Caledonia l.odce F, A. M. .B. STUBBS ~ i^Ttan Bjy? D eoSSini«rtoi iri PrldaT .W*J- mfmomth, U ruom orer Unntlngton A Wrijtit LOOAL NEWS. "" Wjnu ft Bro. have just opviieil 8 new Lumber Yard. Any one want ing lumber will do well to call on them. If yen want lime by tlie barrel call on Wynn A Bn. Call for Wynn’s best if you want the beat »hirt in town. New itock finest gins anil brandies I town at Bob lluiclieraon’s. at . Don’t worry with a cough when >5cts worth of that cough syrup at Bradford A Walker’s willr keveyou. Before you uuy a corset eiamine those new tsyle ones at A. D. H'»Eg k Co’a nov0 4t At this season of tbeyeara box of BRADFORD A WALKERS Liver fills in the House will olten prevent >rntrusted sickness by being used in ^ ime. They coat only 25 cents anil f they do yon no good they cost ,„u nothing. Try one box and be souvinced. Bradfi.nl * Walker keel* the beet wrUlrj nk'lobe Had anywhere. T.kuy.mr iukrt.nd there lid jjet it filled ter a nickel. KM. a boa ot Bradfonl A Walkrr'e vegteahle ^r^“r«Sun* 1 Vw^J l ^fee.Smne Charlie Ledbetter can now be found behind the counter of Wynn ft Brother’s. E^-J. P.J .hnson, formerly of the Cave Spring Hotel, has rented the Treadaway Livery Stable, and will soon move over. |5gf“Rev. D. J. Myrick and ffm. J. Nores left Moudav evening to at tend the Methodist Conference, which meets in Augusta on next Wednesday. tarJudge Enlow and his energet ic lady, since the burning of the Ho tel, have removed up over Hunting- ton ft Wright’s-store, where they will be pleased to see all who want a good square meal |y Dr. Teasdale, with the assis tance of ll.-v. George Harris, are con ducting a series ijf meeting* at the Baptist church. , jy l’he farmers have had a very good season for picking ont their cotton, yet there is a great deal in the fields unpicked. tar A fine razor was found at the fire last week at the burning of the Hotel, which the owner can get by calling on Mr. Sank Clatjf* and proving property. f : The depot will be located near the Cherokee Iron Company’s store, at the terminus of the R. R. _3f”A good many of onr farmers have commenced to sow wheat t3f“The tax B Kik (o f the town Manhal closes to-day. Look ont. fcy.VfijB J nnie T. Clarke, of Esom Hill, left Tuesd ay for Virginia on a visit to her relatives and frieuds. jyMise Ava Wright, the ac complished daughter of Judge A. R. Wright, of Rome, has just re turned home from a visit to onr town. jyMies Dora Crook, of Jack sonville, Ala., is on a visit to Cedar town, the guest of Mrs. W. T. Gib- iCich II lunger uuuwi <• ltlaie ii*** nunc"—aotueiiuie* ninciy-nint*. REMEMBER that if you buy a box of Iradford ft Walker * lover 1 ■>'* s"* 11 V o not wire entire aaiiafaction you can ge b’x .f «»y other pills ... Ih. market rithout eharjee. There is no chance for •u to lose by trying a box of them. For Sale. A Na. 9, Silver Plated Wilson Sewing Machine, bran new with samplete set ol BttacUine.it*, very ow Apply at this office. U Aliont ten years ago 1 wax con "IkonTosio, at Bradford ft Walk ■’a, is the cheapest and best tonic in j Trv it. tf ils to give satisfaction. 'gal JotiCT*. , , , . Parties deairing ns to do legal atl- REAO CAREFULLY. Owing to a change in onr business, we sre compelled to natify parties owing us to come forward and settle by the first of December, at which time all notes and accounts will be given out for collection, unless other wise arranged. U-spectfiillv. PHILPOT ft DODDS. Nov20 2w Cedartown Hotel—J. H. Maxwell, Fro prietor. The following persons have regis tered at the Cedartown Hotel in the past seven days: E C Jones. Bartow county; A J Setxe, New York; E S Nixon, D Tshopik, Chattanooga; J P Dukes, Philadelphia; R S Whitehead, co.; A D Hogg, 0 G Janes, J C Harris, Asa Prior, A C Heath, W D Wright, Dr EH Richardson, W W Milam W J Richardson, J G Allen and wife, Miss M P Harris, city; C H Smig- gett, Cincinnati; Van Williams, J F Middleton, Stilesboro; T J Norris, T W Baxter, T Warren Aiken, Car- tersville; James Pyram, B Barker, S L McGhee, Atlanta; Lee Burrough Berry Kitchen, Kingston; J E Thorn, Louisville; T W Helm, Big Lick, Va; D B Freeman, Calhoun; John Hutchins, J C Battle, Esom Hill; Pink Johnson. Hope Baker, Cave Spring; G W Peacock, Ga; Col Madison Stratton, B McConnell, Nashville; G C Williams, III; L A Mackvy, Ala; A Trammell, J II Dnke, A W Tedcastle, Rome; P C Blankenship, Prior’s Station; Mrs O H Sharp, W B Miller, Hampton, Ga; R ('Carter; J W Cochran; G K Peek, M<p F P Allen, Rockmart; A R Millar, wife and daughter, Tecumseh, Ala; F R Walker, Rom-; S-.l S Ledbetter, Warrenton, Al»; Walter Elliott, GuntersviPe, Ala; John Prior, Selma, Rome 4 D 811. Dentistry. Dr. J. D. Upson, Surgeon Dentist, late of Gainesville. Ga., and a grad uate of the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, will visit thA place, professionally, on Monday, the 17th Inst. and remain a. few days. Dr. Upson has had fifteen years exper ience in the practice of Ills profes sion, and performs the operations pertaining to the science and art of dentistry in a finished and durable manner and guarantees satisfaction in all work. He is permanently lo cated at Stilesborro and will make occasional visits to this place. He I solicits a trial by those neediug work in his line. , tf A. D. Hogg & Co. have some, ex tra nice ladies dress goods they wish to show. nov6 4t If you want an extra neat pair pvnts go to A. D. Hogg ft Co’s and get them. no»6 4t A. t>. Hovrg ft Co. have a very complete stock of bools and shoes— particularly nice tallies shoes. Call and see them. nov6 4t ® Cotton Notice. The Cedartown Warehouse is now prepared lo receive and store cotton and solicits the patronage of farmers and merchants. We are not yet pre pared to insure against loss by fire therefore take no fire risks at pres ent When prepared to do so norica will bi given. The honse is of brick and covered with iror. Terms for weighing and storage: For 10 days or lesj, 12£ cents; 10 to 15 days, 15 cents ; 15 to 20 days, 20 cents; 20 to 30 days, 25 cents, and 25 cents per month for longer time. CHAMBLISS ft HURT. The plain English of Dr. Felton's letter is that he will support the re publican candidate for the presiden cy next year, be that candidate Grant, Hayes, Bla'.ne or Sherman. This is what we may confidently ex pect. It is true he leaves himself an avenue of escape in the event of the nomination of David Davison a soft money platform, but it is highly im probable that tbe democratic nation- ■M ssrs. Warren Aiken and al convention will do so silly a thing „ . r* .. n -v—o : n 1 even to please Dr. Felton It re* Tiios. Baxter, of Gartersville, were l mn j n9 t0 be seen whether the rever- town Tuesday. end politician ean make good his KsyOur young friend, Ben Walk-' boasts about Georgia. It remains to er, of Cave Cpring, is spending a j he seen whether lie cat. sweep the ’ 1 . state m October with an independent lew days m the city. 'candidate for governor, ana in the F. Burbank has moved ' m >nth following turn over its elec- •nto bis new store, next to J.S. Stubs jtoral vote to the republican earn] J , | dale for president. It remains to be * ' J °- 8 ‘ [ seen whether the democrats of the were glad to meet in onr seventh district will be deceived again into returning him to congress on the plea that he is a sound democ at aud always xc's w th the party when in Washington. We hope the peopl- in Georgia who have hitherto sup ported -iiidepem ents will now learn where they are being taken and come back to the party organization before they are delivered into the hands of the er.emy. They may as well re- cogivz' the fact that the paths of in- d p-'iidentisin lead but to the c imp of radicalism.—Augusta Chronicle " ■***■ tf , CLIPPINGS. A North Carclioa man li ts an in teresting family of twenty s-ven vertisement Of J. C. Harris. This ! daughters. He hasn't had a from hi , n r ' gate in ten y< ars. young man is so Well known to till ol 6 _ J ns and has so well es ablishetl him self in iiis profession by his individ ual t nergy, that no encomiums are office yesterday, and to have the pleasure of taking the gentleman by the hand, Mr. John E. Stil!weli,-of the Etna Iron Works, who is, by the-bv, one of the cleverest of men. J2gf”The y mug mer. of Cedar town have organiz'd a debating club. Iii onr opinion there is scarce ly anything more improving, than a well conduced debating Boci-ty. I,*-t all the meniliers take an active iiart and invite others to join, ihe chib mefti #very*Ci«^ mg'*. -' School Sutier, , We call attention to the school a< dered a eontirmed dyajar w *se was considered a hopeless one V the phvsicans who treutrd me. 1 „ advised to try the liver ii.edi- ine prepareal by Dr. J. G. I * la ' . r - * sell three bottles and was entirely tired and am now souml ami well. 1 insider It an invaluable remedy for liat disorder and heartily recmi- ,e„d it to all afflicted with that com iT'^sale in Cedar own hylwd-’ neces-urfirmt onr hands. He has >rd ft Walk-r at 75 cents per bottle, heretofore received a 1 literal share of . pa'ronage in Ins line, ano proved No patent nostrum is the luos hims lf fully equal to the responsi- 'osic at Bradford & Walker’s, but good, honest, home- matle rrmt dy School Notice. By order of the Board of Educa tion, the Public School term has been changed from the months of July, Angust and September, to tbe months of January, February and March. The annnal examination of teach ers for the Public Schools in Polk county for the year 1880 will be held at the Conrt House in Cedartown, embracing the 29'h and 30th of De cember, 1879. The examination will begin at 10 o’clock, a. m., on Mon day, the 29th of December. T. L Pittman, C. S. C. Polk County. OctlG-bl The name of Mi.-s Alt die Hill was on the programme of last evening's concert for the benefit ol the yellow fever sufferers, but having contracted a severe cold, her friends feared she would he nnahie to fulfill her engage ment. However, Shu app-ared and sang Ernami luvoluini in tones so ■ b ar. and with such artis ic execu tion , that she received a hearty en core. I was enabled to do this, she Slid, l>v nsing Cons* us' Iloney ol Par, the best compound in' the world f.>rclearing i he voice, relievirg hoarse- ncss, curing coughs ami colds. Price 50cts. For Sale by llradlortift Wal ker, Cedartown, Ga. ■ - march 13, ”?9-eowlv Hogs! Fat H gs!! About the 5th of Decemb-r, 1879, will have 75 head fine fat hogs in Cedartown (or sale. Those wishing T 771 a lent tie lo buy good pork will please come It costs you nothing to try a bottle ^ onC( , We „, gl> | mve ttt this that Iron 1on ic at Bradf ft time aW 15 head g,.ml horses and llkeF* unless it benehtsyon. Mon y jale ch Cb „ __ unded in every instance wlitre it ,,, r nov27 tf T. Ij. MITCHELL, Cedartown, Ga. ISAAC T. MEE, finiWW"»!W* a*o - O — •tising should always bring them Dealer in Tin, Stoves, Hard- Tlllii'K j " by 9 o’clock Wednesday morning order to insure insertion. It mid be better to onday morning, a vs to have the iinpany the advertisement, Inestone! Fa-niers can get their blue stone om Bradford ft Walker at 10 cents pound. " imp* aM Lantcnn. In great varietv of bo'li s'yle and rice at Bradford ft Walker’s. ■r Agent ia Haralson County. John K. Holcomb, jr, sheriff of arslson county, is authorized to •ceive and receipt for subscr ptions i the ApvbRTISER in that county. Je specially request onr friends in tat county to make set lement with im at the first oppor unity. tf -are and TIollw-waue of all kinds tire mseruon. it Cook and Heating Stoves, both wooil hand them in early sn( j C(m | i„,rners, a special-y. Stove r. Rememlier al- p i))r Ventilators, fije-fwf; Stove necessary fee ac.- fl xtnrrg 0 f all kinds, cheap. Call and piice m\ goods, if you want bottom prices and good articles. All kind of job work done on short notice. Roofing and gnttiriug a specialty. With many thanks to my custo mers for past favors, I respi ctfully solicit a continuation of their trade in fumre, trusting that I may not oalv merit their trade, but many new customers. 1 shall, from time time continue toenlarge my stock anil keep a larger aud better assortment of everything in my line for the bet ter accommodation of all my custo mers. uov274t itis ration Guaranteed We are putting up and gelling, nn- r our own lable, the follow ng list family remedies, on which we iar*ntee satisfaction or wili refund e money in every instance. This a fair, open and shut proposition, d there is no danger of your wa6t- g money on worthless nostrums if in buy onr preparations: Iron Tonic. Nerve and Bone Liniment. Vegetable Liver Pills. Santonine Worm Candy. Poor Man’s Porous Plasters. Eye Water. Teething Syrup. Electric Polish. Horse and Cattle Powders. Insect Powd?r. Bradford ft Walker, Cedartown, Ga. ■at Iron Tunic At Bradford ft Walkers is a sure ©venati?® of chills. You should ep a bottle on hand if you have ly reason to apprehend an attack chills and fever. Costs only one jllar a pint, or fifty centy a h#|f int, and if it doeFyou no good costs >u nothing. Go to Bub Hntcherson’s for Hot Drinks. Tom and Jerry a specialty. Anction every Wednesday and Sat urday nights at BobJIutchersou’s. Auction ! Auction ! Auction! at Bob Hutcherson’s 4 o’clock every Saturday evening. nov20 3t The committee to organize a Na tional Agricultural Society have is sued from New York an address sta'.ing that the aim of the society is the advancement of agriculture iu th# United States by practicle meth ods, such as periodical exhibition ol soil products in the principal cities of the couutrv, the encouragement ol emigration, the discussion of ques tions of agriculture and of commerce in its products, and ihe collection and dessemi nation of thought and experience thereon. A convention, to which all person interested in th# subject are invited, will be held at the Metropolitan Hotel, in New York, December 10. The Wuhiigton Star thinks Messrs. Stephens and Speer will join Dr. Felton in refusing to set and vote with the Democrats in Congress, # nd that the party will lose control f the House of Representatives. The Treasurer has lately been kept busy paying off eoupms. The State debt has been reduced abont 1400,- 000. D es pr-sperity mean high prices * It ie an easy thing to get confused in political economy. The “Hood” tale of cotton, which was recently sold at the Galveston cotton exchange for the benefir of the orphan fond, hag been shipped to Liverpool to be resold in London by Hon. Judah P. Beujamin, in the interest of the charity. One hundred and eleven Atlanteee signed the pledge last Wednesday night, having been induced so to do by the powerful temperance appeals of Mr. John W. Drew, who has in stituted a temperance crusade at the capital. This makes three huudred aud eighty-two total abstainers at p esent in Atlanta. Waterman, of the Lagrange Re porter, though a thorough society editor, declines to publish the fair visitors to his town as the sweetest girls he ever met.” Waterman is most probably married, and ihe free dom o! the press is so far fettered, we fear. United States;Marshal Filzsimons is undergoing investigation. John Sherman is determined that eveiy one of the Democrats who hold Fed eral offices in the South shall be re moved before the time arrives for ap- pointing delegates to the Republican Con ven Lion. There is an increased demand in all departments of commerce, and the piices have gone upward. The move is general. It certainly comes at an opportune moment for the planters, and is a blessing. Faces are brig liter and smiles more f re quent. Political difficulties have 1 st the r power. Co ton last evem g in Columbus was three cents higher than at the same date last year, and a very large quantity of it is in the hands of the producers. That three a pound or fifteen dollar* a bale to the plauter reads sweeter than Ten nyson ever wrote and more eloquent than Ben Hill's rounded periods.— Columbus Enquirer Senator Thurman.—It is announ ced that a movement is on foot to send Senator Thurman to the House of Representatives from the Colum bus (Ohio) district, where he resides. That district is now Democratic, and though the new Republican Legisla ture will doubtless gerrymander the State, it is quesiionable if they can change its political character. Mr. Thurman was a member of the House thirty-four years ago. The New York Times (Rep.) com mends the “Independent Democratic movement in Georgia” to the watchful care and affection of Southern Re publicans, and seem* to believe that tbe votes controlled by thie Indepen dent faction can be poHad for Grant next year. -- NEW HOUSE, NEW MERCHANTS, NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES, A. D. HOGG [CO, MAIN STREET, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, H AVE just Opened a select stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE in their new «tore, and want all their friends and the public gen erally to dill and let them show their goods and prices. Their s ock was bought before the.recent rise in prices, aud they feel confident of having goods at bottom figures. Th»v hive beautiful Dress Goods, Calicoes, Cor sets, naw^tyle, Bleachings, Flannela,Cas8imeres, Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans, IT wilifr. Gloves, Hardware, Notions, etc., etc. Extra nice Gentlemen’s Underwear Tift* Low. Braember tbe place—last brick store on South Main Street, west aide. No. 6 ly CHEAP GOODS. If y«u have Corns or Bunions, use CoMena-^fjighttrinp’ LJiUni.-ut,; and yon cm irip the light Imitas'ic with with ease and grace. . It will :iHo cure Rheum» ism, Lam- 1 Back. Spr i s, Bnvs-s; etc. On animal-, for Gall*, fh-yin, Uiutbone, etc., ii ff-cts a speenjr ..iv 1 p tnane-.it cnr a -, Remember Censors’ Lightning j . '■ _ e Liniment. P ic- 50 cis. For Sa'e by | Yv agon Sca.CF, $00 Bradford ft Walker, Oedaitown, Gi. j march 13,''79-eon ly , j. e. Stubbs m co» Save just moved into thrift elegant new jStare Rooms on EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, . Where they are now opening an extensive stock of &ENEEAL MEECHMDISE, Theii Goods were selected with great care and with an eye to the needs of rhrir customers and were bought far Cash. They will be sold at the lowest figures. Go aud examine their stock and prices before making yonr purchases. augf tf COBWEB HALL, Main street, Cedartown, Georgia. . IS (Jud Crab’s Old Stand,) SMITH & BBASNOS, W E beep-a full-line of WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, GIN and BEER. Wo make a specialty of tbe famous “Cobweb” Li- qiuirs and Stone Mountain Corn aud Bourbon. We keep only pure I.iqvors, such as may be used for medicinal purposes or as a beverage. Giw ns a trial and be convinced. Nov6-8m Also, a nice lot of FAMILY GROCERIES, cheap. DOWN VsU ftt HIDH CHICAGO SCALE CO., 149 and 151 Jefierson Street Chicago. III., ' Have 'reduced the prees of alt kinds of -■ SCALES. P.-rf leati-d Laid B etid, Imi h plain and silvered, at Bradford ft Walker’?. uct30_ i'onsnmptlnn Cared. An old physician, retired from practice, haring had placed in hie bands by so East India mirt.«iona ry the formal* of a simple vegetable remedy fo* the s{>eedy and permanet care for Conramptimn. Bronchi tie, < atamth, Arhma. and all Throat and Lun* Alicctions. alro a poetive and radical enre for Nervoue Debility and all Nervoue ComplaintB. after haviug tested Its wonderful curative powere in thonaande of car.*p, bar feit it hie daty to make it ki.own to hie roffering fellow*. Actuated by thie motive and a derive to relieve human eoffering. will eend free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, m German, French, or Kn^lish, with lull di- rec.ione for preparing and asin^. Sent by mail, by addressing with etamp, naming thie paper, W. W. Shekab, 149 Powere’ Block, Rocheeter. N* Y. octlC 6m | 2-lt'Tt Wngou^Scalef, $40 AH other siz -3 at a gr. at refinction. Every Scale “f-illy warranted.” Ah orders iromptlv filled. Oirenlars.-Price List and Iestimonials sent urnn ano’icat.on BUY THE CUKAPKST AND BEST ju'v!7 Om Webb’s Eestauraiit, Bakery, Lager Beer, & Ale, Neatly Opposite the New Maronic Temple, yo. 87, Broad Street, Home, Ga MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Oysters, Birds, Game, Fish, fto., in their Season, and Always the Best the Market Aflords Furnished. Also Lodgings Furnished Strangers. Meals 25cts each; Lodgings 25cte per head. march 27- tf PALL TRADE OPEIED. GREAT BREAK IN PRICES CUSTOMERS ASTONISHED at the Extremely LOW TRICES asked or Goods. NEW Livery and Sale Stable, Cur. Main <C Prior Street ’ CEDARTOWN. GA. NT. F TREADAWAY, Proprietor. New Vehicles, Good Stock and low prices. Give me a trial. Jan. 1, "IS-ly ELEGANT LINES OF ALL GOODS KEPT IN A MIXED STOCK Sole Agents for the Bay State Standard Screw-Fastened SHOES AND BOOTS. TIN WARE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. The Millinery Department, Under the supervision of Miss LilZ27to Velvln, Is firstxclass, and the latest styles are always on hand. Call and see onr magnificent Stock now arriving. PHILPOT & DODDS. W. M. Phillips & Co., Have received (and are daily making addition3 to it) their Fall Stock of SRY GOODS Of every description, including a fine line of BHESS GOOBS, CLOTHING. HATS, CAvPS, BOOTS and SHOES. They think they have the finest line of goods they have ever pur chased,-and at lower prices. They ask nn examination by every one. They will hereafter keep Wag in Material of all kinds from a lynch pinto vnyiartof the wagon. mh20-ly We Hake no Blow About it, -- l '4 • “ It will pay yon quiet way. i t*-»i tJELEC | TKD STOCKS of PALL and WINTElt GOODS * j ever hroaght to Cedartown, and telling them at j I pricer that will astonish you, and all your! I rriendr. Yon may not believe it. in tact, j we had rather you wonld not. w« want j | yon to come and eec for vouMeif. and be convinced.! uajtoefore yoa your COT T05 or buy your GOODS. FSA7HERSTON A CO. BRADFORD & WAIKER, DRUGGISTS. SOUTH MAIN STREET, CEDARTOWN. GEOR&IA, Keep always on hand a complete stock of a'l things nsnally found in a first-(-lass Drugstore. Country physicians will find our drugs fresh and reliable. Prescriptions put ap with special care. J. K. Williamson. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AJtD CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. Office, Bradford ft Walker’s. LeptSS-tf CHOICE HOUSE. CAVE SPRING, GA^ R. C. Tilly, Trop LTVEBY AND FEED STABLES MAIL COACH TO CEDARTOWN DAILY. NEW STORE- NEW FIRM, !N EAY GOODS. BABB M MAlIf Dealers in General Merchandise, MAIN ST., CEDARTOWN, GA. (Next door to Philpot & Dodds’.) ^•E KEEP ON HAND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, FANCY GROCERIES, Etc, EDd feel confident that the public will find it to their interest to exam ine our stock before purchasing. Sept25-’toJanl Y 0t\ r Q;$ C. ALI/fvliY, HOME, (Shorter Block) GA. LIFE SIZEj(bnst)''f<ij only ten dollars; half life size only five dollars. His wprk.is 'allsXrtctfy urst-ctass. Makes copies of all sorts of .picturej any sizq *h4.ctiih4tor dhtsirvtl. feb'27-ly J. YOUNG, JDEALER IN Command Rye Whiskies, Wine, Gins and Brandies, Noyes Warehouse CEDARTOWN, Oft, A Specialty made of Stone Mountain Bourbon and .Stone Mountain"_Corn Whiskey THE “R E. LEE, and OLD CABINET” Cannot be excelled. I keep Mich Liquors as may he used as a beveragae or for medical pufpises, with perfect safety. Give me a c.’.ll. Good treat ment guaranteed. oet 3, tm’79. FREE A VALUABLE iNVENT|0N ’ !T THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE In workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, »M as elegantly finished as a first-class Pia.as. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expositions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT, for repairing all kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHING, furnished FREE with all WILSON SEWINC MACHINES, together with a Tucker, Ruffler, Corder, Set of Hammers, Binder, etc. AOBNTS WANTED. Address WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO. TT.T.gf018. U. 6. A. DB. S. W. JONES, H. E. PENDLETON. WHOLESALE Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Liquors, Oils, Glass aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET STREET, 3ST ASHVIIiIiB," TENN. Gin-on?. Beeswax,"Feathers. Rage, Wool, Dried Fruit, etc , taken on account from <n«torr.er* isrheFt market price. I* 11 ' OLDEST AND BEST DR. J. BRADFORD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine This is a prompt and certain cure for aP diseases of the Liver, such st? DVspepsia, Headache, Chilis and Fever, &c. J Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every ease, or money ‘returned. For sale by druggists generally. J. G. TEISER, Dehler in Drugs} Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc.. Rome, r.u. For sale bv Brad ford ft Allen, Cedartown, Ga, and R. T. Hoyt a-,,! n J. PtVf rs, Uonie.Cs. b-'iS-S I*