Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, December 04, 1879, Image 3

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F. BURBA** a.™™ Sabbaths ^ TIE ADVERTISER. BLSI12D EVEI1Y T1IUBSDAY MOP.NINO. iedartown, G-a., December 4- Church Directory. METHODIST. £RY SABBATH D. 1. Mteick, Pastor. baptist. and 3rd SABBATHS, C. K. HUDlldO, P-tor. PRESBYTERIAN. and 4th SABBATHS i- E. JoSM, Tutor knights of honor. O dart own Lodge No. *73. MASONIC. Caledonia Lodze F. A.M. W.M. S. STUBBS fceeretat'T u!uu'r UD coSn,c«;ion 3rd ’ wXii .. «vpr Uontineton & Wruht ■* Hogsl Fat Hog*!! Ahnnt the 5th of December, 18*9, will have 75 head fine f*t ho£B Tn edartown for sale- Those wishing buy good pork will please come a/once. We also have at this m e about 15 head good horses and u'-^tshSSi&i, >v27-tf Cedartown, Ga. Visiting cards, half dozen varieties, just received at Bradford ft Walker’s. 2g|r We have two daily mails now one from Cave Spring and the other via the Cherokee R. R. |5JpMr. G. W. McMeekin and wife returned on the first inst. from Florida where they have been on a visit to Mr. McMeekins brother whom he had not seen for- thirty years. jgJT*Mr. T. R. Radclifffrom Esom Hill is clerking for Messrs Barr & Leak 'Married. On Tuesday evening the second instant at the Methodist church in Cave Spring, Ga., were married Mr. J. C. Harris of this place and Miss Ellie Simmons of the former place. The church was tastily decorated, the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Jones, in his usually impres sive, elegant manner, the bride look ed “a thing of beauty,” the bride groom looked as one over the spirit of whose dream a quiet happiness a ' _ . , . had come and the whole affair passed J^»Jndge Underwood came down , off ^ Ieagaud and wkhout the on last Monday and dis9missed the adjourned term of Court. r-eTA motion for a new trial in the sawmill case of Jinkins against M. P. Harris was argued before Judge Underwood on Monday the first inst. but the Judge refused to grant a new trial. Fresh, pure drugs are the kind you want and Bradford Walker's is the house to get them from tf )Uac VO gcv mivua 11UUB. to any rcoruilo we uua uumi Married on Thursday the 2the spirit of a mere newspaper atEsomlli 1 ntheCampbelite cfiurih. monplace. Car wishes and cougrat- New stock finest gins and brandies town at Bob Huichtrson s. 3t Don’t worry with a cough when lCt s worth of that cough syrup at radford* Walker’s will relieve you. Before you buy a corset examine use new tsyleones at A-D^H Kg Co’s. a. d. Hogg & h -,:r w « h i nice ladies dress goods th,^ wish stiuW. _ . , year a box of iADFORD & WALKER’S Liver iu in the house will olten pievint ,traded sickness by being ne. They cost only 20 cents and tliev do von no good they cos u 'nothing. Try one box and be uvinced. by Rev. J. E. JJones Mr. 9. A. Gra- I ham of Floyd county to Miss Alice ' Wimberly of Polk county. We wish them a pleasant voyage through life. £^“Prof. Snow and class will give us one of his excellent musical enter tainments on Friday evening next. These periodical Reviews lend much to encourage this lint of edu cation, and the exercises have al ways reflected great credit and dis played fine talent for training on the part of the Professor, and our people may justly feel proud of his abilities. Let all attend on Friday night. S§^~The series of meetings at the Baptist church which have been in progress for the last week or ten days clossed Sunday night. Dr. Teasdale is one of the ripest scholars in the Baptist denomination. It ii seldom the privilege of any community to listen to such able convincing and effective preaching as we have been peculiarly blest with during the past month. ,, , , v Alter keep the hc»t writing kehAdtny where. Take your InkAUnS there . -at it filled tor • nickel. vestcable , c . A. jrill or .•'hen yon feel a little r pill* iu your I ie occHFioualty •A atich ' nune”—HBomeUmee*nincty-nlnc. For Sale. A No. 9, Silver Plated Wilson wmg Machine, bran new with niplete set of attachments, very ,, Apply ut tins olhee. 11 Below we give the numbers of hales of cotton received in Cedar- town up to tile first of Decemlier severo‘1 of our merchants got their cotton books burnt np during the fire last summer and therefore we unable to prod ce aud compare the receipts of last year with those tf this. Year 1879-18781 llnntington & Wright, 1,447, 1,150 J. S. Stubbs & Co., 1,3G5, 852 PhilpotS: Dodds, 400, Wynn & Bro., 393, G. W. Featherston & Co., 349, About ten years ago I was con .-red a confirmed dyspeuc and my K . was considered a hopeless one the t’hvsicans who treated me. l ,. advised to try the liver medi- ie prepared by Dr. J. G. ».ei8c . ed three bottles and was entirely red and am now sound and well. 1 nsider it au invaluable remedy foi at disorder and heartily recorn- Btid it to all afflicted with that com- aint.—John Kenedy, Cassville, i. For sale in Cedartown by Brad- rd & Walker at 75 cents per bottle. No patent nostrum is the Ikon iNic at Bradford & Walker s, bnt rood, honest, home- made remedy [ronTonio, at Bradford & Walk- s 18 the cheapest and best tonic in >. Trvit. 11 It costs you nothing to try a bottle that Iron Tonic at Bnulf " rd ^ fiber’s unless it benefits you. Money umled in every instance where it Is to give satisfaction. u off most pleasantly and wkhout the Blighest jar or confusion. The even - ing was not two cool, the drive to Cedartown was agreeable and the re ception at Dr. Harris, in the form r f a splendid supper was all the heart of a fastidious epicurean conld wish. In our congratulations to our young friends and in wishing them all the contentment, peace and hap piness which heaven ever vouchsafed to any mortals we utter nothing in com □lations come unbidden from a heart warmed and overflowing with earn est, hearty friendship and affection and sincerely solicitous for their fn- ture. Our hopes and fears, our pray- irs, go with them now as they eater upon the threshold of life’s straggle, joyous, buoyant, hopeful, when plea- suie sparkles in the cup of youth,” as they travel towards the prime of manhood and womanhood and when the shadows full deep on the evening of life. ISAAC T. MEE, Dealer in Tin, Stoves, Hard ware and Hollw-ware of ail kinds. Cook and Heating Stoves, both wood and coal burners, a specially. Stove Pipe Ventilators, fire-proof; Stove fixtures of all kinds, cheap. Call and price mv goods, if you want bottom prices and good articles. All kind of job work done on short notice. Roofing aud guttering a specialty. With many thanks to my custo mers for past Civors, I respi ctfnlly solicit a continuation of their trade in future, trusting that I may not 1 only merit their trade, but many new customers. I shall, from time limecontinue toenlarge my stock and keep a larger and better assortment of everything in my line for the bet ter accommodation of all my custo mers. nov274t • Go to Bob Hutcherson’s for Hot Drinks. Tom and Jerry a specialty. NEW HOUSE, NEW MERCHANTS, NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES, A. D. HOGG & CO., MAIN STREET, CEDAETOWN, GEORGIA, H AVE just opened a select stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE iu their njjw store, aod want all their friends and the public gen erally to call and let them show their goods and prices. Their siock was eraiiy to can anu in mem anuw men r — .— bought before the recent rise in orices, aud they feel confident of haring goods at bottom figures. They h ve beautiful Dress Goods, Calicoes, Cor- goods at oouom ngures. u ve uruumui i/ir^ — gpts, uew style, Bleachiugs, Flannels,Cassimeres, Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans. Hosiery, Glowee, Hardware, Notions, etc., etc. Extra nice Gentlemen s Underwear VERY LOW. Remember the place—last brick store on Sonth Main Street, west side. No ' 6 1 - v Anction every Wednesday and Sat unlay nights at Bob Hutcherson’s. Cotton Notice. i Warehouse is now Th*4Jedartown prepnroa to receive and store cotton id aofecititbe pa and solicit* the patronage of farmers and metehanh*. We are not yet pre pared to insure against loss by fire therefore take no fire risks at pres ent. When prepared to do so notice will bfegiven. The house is of brick begiret and «w*recl with Terms ftr weighing and storage: For 10 days or les3, 12^ cents ; 10 to 15 days, 15 cents; 15 to 20 days, 20 cents; 20 to 30 days, 25 cents, and 25 cents per month for longer time. CHAMBLISS & HORT. CHEAP C©ODS. Phillips & Co., J. S. N.iyes, Barr & Leak, A. Dougherty, J ud Crabb. 322, 43, 27, 22, 2, 4,309, The Public Schools Will open very soon and if you are going to patronize them you hay bet ter go to Bradford & Walker’s and supply yourself with school books. They keep all kinds that the school board have adapted. Literary Items. The Library Magazine of select foreign literature is to be increased to 193 pages monthly, and the tye enlarged, for the year 1880. Ameri can Book Exchange, Now York $1.00 a year. ‘The Life and Words of Christ,’ by G tikie, heretofore published at $6.00, it just broughtout in a handy volume, good type and handsomely bound, for the price of 50 cents, by the American Book Exchange, New York. A fine edition, wide margins, half Russia binding, gilt top, is sold for $l."0. Volume three of the ‘Libary of Universal Knowledge,’ recently is sued, can tains 874 pages, covering topics between the words Birs and Caterpillar. ^The publishers an nounce that it has already readied a sale of nearly 10,000 copies. Ameri can Book Exchange, New York. The unabridged $1.00 edition of Cruden’s Concordance, some time since announced as in preparation by the American B 10k Exeaange, N-w York, is just ready. ‘Leaves from the Diary of an Old Lawyer : Intemperance the Great Source of Grime,’ which is described as a story that will compare with the famous ‘Diary of a Pnysician,’ aud temperance plea with ‘Ten Nights in a Bar Room,’ is soon to be med by the American Book Ex change, Neiv York. 40 Bushels lime for sale at Wynn & Bio’s. The best syrup in town at Wynnn & Bro’s. Ro&aurant. Mr. D. J. Lowery has opened restaurant in the room adjoining Mr. Tate’s store, where he is prepared to famish meals to any one at any time. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, anil prices reasonable. A splendid line of fancy candies and confectionaries at Wynn & Bro’s »al Notices. Parties desiring us to do legal aa- rtismtr should always bring them by'9 o’clock Wednesday morning order to insure insertion. It mid be better io hand them in early onday morning. Remember al- lV s to have the necessary fee ac. mpany the advertisement. Auction: -auction! Auction! at jb Hutcherson’s 4 o clock every iturday evening. nov~0-3t Goods at hard pan at Wynn & Bro. Rubbers at Ladies and Gents Wynn & Bro. If you want an extra neat pair panto go to A. D. Hogg & Co’s and get them. nov6 4t REMEMBER that if you buy a “ of Bradford & Walker’s Lne> 11s and they do not give entire sai- action v ou can P et “ boX [,er pills in the market wiihout ar <re. There is no chance for you lotL by trying •» box them. r Agent iu Raralson County. John K. Holcomb, jr., sheriff of iralapn county, is authorized to ;eiv(Paiid receipt for suhscr ptions the Advertiser in that county, e specially request our friends in at county to make set lement with m at the first opportunity. tl itisfation Guaranteed We are putting up and selling, tin r onr own lable, the follow ng list family remedies, on which we larantee satisfaction or will refund e money in every instance, ihis a fair, open and shut proposition id there is no danger of your wast o money on worthless nostrums it ,n buy our preparations: Iron Tonic. Nerve and B lie Liniment. Vegetable Liver Pills. Santonine Worm Candy. Poor Man’s Porous Plasters. Eye Water. Teething Syrup. Electric Polish. Horse and Cattle Powders. Insect Powd?r. Bradford & Walker, Cedartown, Ga. lat Iron Tonic At Bradford & Walkers is a sure •evenative of chills. You should a bottle on hand if you have iy reason to apprehend an attack chills and lever. Costs only one filar a pint, or fifty cents a hall int, and if it does you no good costs in nothing. tf A. D. Hosg ft Co. have a very co nplete stock of boots and shoes— particularly nice ladies shoes. Ca l a .id see them. nov6 4t School Notice. By order of the Board of Educa tion, the Public School term has been changed from the months of July, August and September, to the months of January, February and March. The anfaml examination of teach era for the Public Schools in Polk county for the year 1S80 will be held at the Court House m Cedart -wn. embracing the 29-h and 30th oi De cember, 1879. The examination will begin at 10 o’clock, a. m., on Mon day, the 29th of Dec. nib<-r. T. L Pittman, C. S. C. Polk County. Oetl6-td That 2 and 2 make 4 is an estal - lished fact none can ueuy. That Poi - alline is the best remedy in the work' for all disorders of the stomach and liver, is another fact to which all who have tried it will bear testimony. It is entirely vegetable, and com pounded with the greatest care; rack, package containing 80 dost ? for an adult. Price 50eta. For Sale by Bradford & Walker, Cedartown, Ga march 13, ”79 eowly Betting i« n mighty had tiling, tin fart is it never benefits auv one ex cept the winner, while the loser hie a kind of loot look and teeling. Bit if you can get a dead sure tiling, win then put up your last dollar on it We know of one such chance. \ can bet your last dollar on Tabl. r Buckeye Pile Ointment curing i every case. Price 50 els. For Sale by Bradford & Walker, Cedartown, Ga. march 13 ”79-eowiy Perforated Card Board, both plain and Bilvered, at Bradford & Walker’s. oct30-tf Consumption Cared. Cedartown Hotel—J. H. Maxwell, Pro prietor. Prepared at all Points. The fire at the gin house just across the street from Berry- & Co.’s platform last Saturday evening, jroaght to light a fact not known by many before fiat time, that is that this firm has every necessary appli ance right at hand of their own for putting out auy ordinary fire tliai may occur about their premises. As soon as the tire was seen Saturday, ’res. Foster, Chief ol Berrys it C.. -Eiro Department,” sounded tin the alarm with his own stentonan lunos and summoned all bauds on deck Quick a3 thought, hundred of feetollrese of the best mantRac ture w< re unwound from a reel un derthe selter, and while one man was giving it a few turns to fasten It to a fire-plug which they have place at a convenient point utar the edg> of the platform, another had earned ,ne nozzle across the platform ue.ir two hundred feet, and as quick a watei could be driven through wub a pressure sufficient to throw it sev enty five feet ill the air, l 1 was luru ed loose UI011 the flames, and u- smuke now and then would show the tire taking hold on the platform, a well-directed siream wuu.d soon diown it out With this hose Messrs. B rrys & Co. can reach any part of their large establishment — w rehouse, store house or plaiform, upstairs or down stairs. With a watchman alway on the premises at night, and watchful and faithful men -on hand all day, there is little danger of auy serious dimage to them from fire. We are glad to bear that Messrs. Berrys & Co, in acknowledgement of the services rendered not only themseUes, but the whole city, in tend to compliment the Fire Depart ment with a present of one hundred dollars. And we think that the in surance companies that would have had the loss to bear had the fire reached the cotton on the platform, ought to plank np liberally, and do the handsome for “thejboys. —Cou rier of second inst. The following persons have regis tered at the Cedartown Hotel in the past seven days: Henry f clazeuger, Alex Kirk patrick, Henry Rose, T H Eming, Chattanooga, Tenn; C E Heath, R S Tomlinson. 0 G Janes, J E W-st, P C Harris, W R Hunt, Dr C II Harris, Miss Anna Harris, J C Harris, city; R S Tomlinson, M V B Ake, John R West, c.rnnty; 3 Stur gis Macon ; Col T M Acton, G P Lowery, J H Stewart, J hiJ Smith, R II Lockhart, Wm Lazaron, J W Bracken, Atlanta; Col Madison S ratton, Nashville; J W Elliott, Guntersville; H H Ha’l, E F Smith, Thus Powell, W C Baker, Csrters- viU, • \V A Darden, J P Johnson and wife, Walter B Tomlinson, Cave Spring; Judge J W II Underwood, J W II Ander-on, Rome; J C Cun- yus, Floyd county, W A Burns, Oxford, Ala; Col Barber and wife, Salt Lake City; Sol S Ledbetter, Warrenton, Ala. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India miB*lona ry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy lor the speedy and permanet cure for Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrah, Ashma, and all Throat and Long Aflections. also a poetive and radical can for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thonsands of cases, has felt, it his daty to make It known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French, or English, with lull di rec.ions for preparing and using. Sent by mail, by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W W. Sbuub, 141# rowers’ Block, Rochester. N- Y octIC Cm fe m iJ Have just moved into their elegant new Store Rooms on east side op I«Am street, Where they are now opening an extensive stock of GMERAL IERCHAEDISE. Their G *ods were selected with great care and with an eye to the needs of their customers and were bought for Cash. They will he sold at the lowest figures. Go aud examine their stock and prices before making your purchases. aug7 tf COBWEB HALL, Main street, Cedartown, Georgia. (Jud Crab’s Old Stand,) BWEWM & jr’KOrilTBj70H9. GIN WTT7-E keep a full line of WIIISKIK3, BRANDIES, WINKS, V? and BEER. We make a specialty of the famous “Cobweb Gi quors and Stone Mountain Corn and fi.iirjon. Me Keep only pun Liquors, such as may be used for medicinal purposes or as a beverage. Give us a trial and be convinced. l V6 '^ U Also, a nice lot of FAMILY GROCERIES, cheap. W. M. Phillips & Co., Have received (and are doily making additions to it) their Fall Stock af DRY GOODS Of every description, including a fine line of GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. They think they have the finest line of goods they have ever pur chased, and at lower prices. They ask au examination by every one. They will hereafter keep Wigan Material of all kiuds from a lynch pin to any yart of the wagon. mh20-ly We Maks no Blow About it, I bui don't mind telling yon in ft way. t That we have one of the largert and bon SELEC TED STOCKS of FALL and WINTER GOODS I J ever brought to Cedartown, and telling them at J pricee that will a^toniah yon, and all yonr j j friend*. Yon may not believe it. in taet^J we had rather yon would’ not. we want | | you to eome and sec for yourself, and bo convinced. I pT It ' will pay you to .see as before yOti tell yoar COTTON or buy yonr GOODS. FEATHERSTON A GO. BEAirOEI & WAIKEE, SOUTH MAIN STREET, CEDARTOWE GEORGIA, down WITH HIG H V £ CHICAGO SCALE CO., 149 anil 151 Jefferson Street Chicago. Ill., Have reduced the prices of all kinds of SCALES. l-lon Wagon Scales, SCO. I 2-ton Wagon'.Scaler, $40 All other siz.-s at a gr. at reduction. Evc-rv Scale “f-illy warranted. K-ep always on hand a complete stock of all things nsnally lonnd in a-, first-class Drugstore. Country physicians will find our drugs fresh and reliable. Prescriptions put np with special care. YOlIjGCp^ GAIJ/Kljr, (Shorter Block) ROME, - ' - _ - - - - CEA-. LIFE SIZE (bust) for only ten dollars; half life size only five dollars. His work is all strictly first-class. Makes copies of all sorts of pictnre? ’ ' 1 feb27-ly any size and character desired. iL J. YOUNG, Wine, Webb’s Restaurant, Bakery, Lager Beer, & Ale, Neailj Opposite the New Masonic Temple, No. S7, Broad Street, Iiomc, Ga MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Oysters, Birds, Game, Fish, &c., in their Season, and Always the Best the Market Allords Furnished. Also Lodgings Furnished Strangers. Meals 25cts each; Lodgings 25cts per head. march 2 ’ tf EALL TRADE OPEIED. NEW Livery and Sale Stable, Cur. Main £ rnor Street.' GREAT Hit LAM. O PRICES DEALER INT Corn and Rye Whiskies, Gins and Erandies, Noyes Warehouse, CEDARTOWN, QA^ A Specialty made of Stone Mountain Bourbon and .Stone Mountain"Corn Whiskey THE “R E. EEE, and OLD CABINET” Cannot be excelled. I keep such Liquors as may be used as a beveragae or for me lical pnrp >ses, with perfect safety. Give me a call. Good treat ment guaranteed. 00 *" FREE VII MULE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWINS MACHINE • a._ _ anil 90 AlAOailtlVa CUSTOMERS ASTONISHED at the Extremely LOW PRICES asked or Goods. ELEGANT LINES OF ALL GOODS KEPI’ IN A MIXED SIOCK Rochester, N. Y., Trevor Hall, Nov. 18,1879. Rev. J. E. Jones, Cedartown, Ga. Dear Bro : I rejoice in the spiri tual prospeiity of Cedartown, and send Christian sa’ntition to all the brethren engaged in the revival meeting. May God abundantly bless every soul. Please request especial prayer on my behalf. Yours, affectionately, etc., C. K. Henderson. p s If convenient, write to me. C. K. H Sole Agents for the Bay State Standard Screw-Fastened silOHS JLBIID TIN WARS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. CEDARTOWN. GA. w. F TREADAWAY, Proprietor. New Vehicles, Good Stock and low prices. G ive me a trial. Jan.l,’791y Among the delegates in attendance on the North Georgia Conference is Rev. W. D. Anderson, of Mariatta. For several years Mr. Anderson was a couspicuons figure iu Georgia poli tics—being a member of the Legisla ture and Speaker pro tern, of the House. He finally abandoned pub lic affair* for the ministry, and has since been doing noble service for the canse of Christ.—Augusta Chron icle. J. K. Williamson. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JE W1F!T iIjER, CEDARTOWN, - GEORGIA. Tne MiHlnery Department, Under the supervision of TLExess XjIS23t© Wcl'XTiYX, Is first-class, and the latest styles are always on baud. Call aud see our magnificent Stock now arriving. PHIXxFOT & DOBD2. In workmanship is equal to a Chronometer VVatoh. and as elegantly. finished as a first-class Pla.v^ It FASTER VJ-na and Centennial ^^■tions.^.T SEWS^ORE FOOR^ FASTER WILSON MACHINES sold re^aW^’ , hn The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT, Tor repainng all kin£ of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCH1NC, ftirnished FREE with, all WILSON SEWING MACHINES, together with Corder, Set of Hexmers, Binder, etc. Tucker, RufBer, AGB3JTTS WANTJdU. Address WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. P.S. A. DR. S. W WIT JOIsTES, xSTiLW STORE- NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS. Says the Baltimore Gazette; It i* whispered among the knowing that Grant is about to write a book, of which the tide is to be: “Around Le World on Eighty Cento.” Officp, Bradford & Walker’s. Lept25-tf CHOICE HOUSE. CAVE SPRING, GA., R. C. Tilly, Drop LIVERY AND FEED STABLES MAIL COACH TO CEDARIQWN DAILY. Dealers in General Merchandise, MAIisr ST., CEDARTOWN, SA. (Next door to Philpot & Dodds’.) ^-E KEEP ON HAND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF H. E. PHHDIaETOM. WHOLESALE Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Liquors, Oils, Glass aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE!,'- TEM’Bff. Oiling, Beeswax, Feather*. R^. Wool, Dried Fruit, etc,, muon on account ftonwMtomcr. ighent market price. »n DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, FANCY GROCERIES, Etc., and feel confident that the public will find it to their interest to exam- jne onr stock before purchasing. Sept-5 toJanl OLDEST AND BEST dr. j. BRADFORD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine This is a prompt and certain cure f« rail diseases of the Liver, such re Dyspepsia, Headache, Chills and Fever^ &c., Satisfaction Guaranteed iu Every case, or money returned. For sale by drugglsto generally. ^ J. Gr. x RISER, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., Rome, Ua, For sale by Bradford & Allen, Cedartown, Ga., and R. T. Hoy^and^D J. Powers, Rome, C a.