Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, December 25, 1879, Image 2

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TO ADVERTISER. A DV.fi RTISJJK PUBLISH! A'tt CO. Cedartovm, G-a., December 25- The AtUuita Repub icnn says UK-r id going to be a thorough reoigi-iu- aution of the Repuhlimne in Georgi ■ Samuel J. Tilden. As the number of possible demo- cr.itic candidates for President grow less and less, there is a growing feel ing that Mr. Tinden holds the nomi nation of his party in the hollow of his hand. If ho does not to keep it for himself, it will be because he chooses to give it to some other man of his party. We are of the opinion, however, that Mr. Tilden will con and that five or six Ropublicttis will, f orm u, e wishes of the majority of be elected to Congress n* xt year. ^ His party, and should the nomina- We presume the Republican is banking heavily upon ths Indepen dent movement, hoping that all the Congressional districts of the State will follow ths lead of the Seventh and Ninth and thus make the break in the Democratic ranks general arid immanent We would not be much surprised if the Republican’s hopes proved to be, to some ex'e it, well >fitur.ded. $Utl'&ft*its of the count made by the Governor and Council of Maine 'Show tire following result: In the 1 (House, 78 Pushionists and 61 Re- Ipnblicans. In the Senate, 20 Fu *sionists and II Republicans This is the final result of what j 'was at first considered a clean sweep by the Republicans, and gives the Democrats and Greenbackers control of both branches of the. legislature As no Governor was elected by the popular vones,there having been three candidates in the field, neith r of whom received a majority of all the 'votes, the Legislature will elect the ‘■Governor, who will, of course, be a, Greenbacker or Democrat. HEWS AHD ( LIM ING*!. Congress adjourned last Friday nntil Jan«ary-6ib, We don’t know whether 1 to ascribe 1 ths decline of cotton to the approach of the holidays or to some other, cause. •It seems that Grant is “oyated” -vHierever he goes, by all men without • regard to race, color or party predi- Hectton. The Tennessee legis’stnre met ■in extra session-last weak, the object ■of tire extra session being to confer additional power on the cities of Memphis and Nashville to execute .proposed sanitary improvements. < Gen. William Muhone, the leader • of the repudiationist party in Vir- . ginia, hus been elected United States ^Senator to succeed Senator Withers, ■ by a coalition of the readjusters and republicans in both houses of the legislature Some of the North Carolina ne groes arc jwxodusting” to Indiana. The government of Spain has about decided to abolish slavery in Cuba. Wm. D. Simpson,present Govern or of South Carolina, has been elect ed Chief Justiceof the Supreme Court of that State. Ben Hill, when last heard from, was an extreme hard-money man. The boces of John Randolph, of RoanOke, are to be taken to Rich mond, V*, and rebnried. The majority for Wiltz, democrat, for governor of Louisiana is 30,751. The majority for the new constitu tiou is 59,072. 'A'Mormon apostle is visiting in Mexico, and the old rumor of a wholesale migration to that country 'is revived. •‘The women.” remarks the Sprine fi id Refubliian, ‘have come to stay.’ ’Dio Lev is says that stays are kilim* some of it e.u now. The w.-lking m.Ilia has broken out i-afresh in New fork and a number of ambitious females are treading down the tan bark at a lively pace. The only vacancy in congress will , b« filled on the tenth of next month —the vacant seat being the one filled hy the late Mr. Lay, of the seventh Missouri district. The Democratic National Exec utive Committee will meet in Wash ington City the 22<1 of February, to da -ids upon the time and place of assembling the Nominating Conven tion. Philadelphia will probably b< the city selected, as it is about set tled that the caudidate will be an Eastern hard tno»ey man. The Republican organs evince a very decided opposition to the pro posed investigation of the canses of the negro exodus from certi in South ern States. They know that traces of Republican intrigue would be found, and fear, perh< ps, that a very :im[H<rtant part of the Republican .plan of “solidifying the North” iwould be fully uncovered to the view of the people.—News. The selection of Don Cameron *p chairman of the republican national committee, and of Chicago us the nv*c ing place of the convention, is a double Grant victory. Cameron was a member of Graut’a cabiuet: Grant has publicly said that lie is one of ( the few really great men in this country, and Cameron is, ir. short, an avowed third-term man. Sherman is his wile’s uncle, and Blaine is Pennsylvania-born, but Cameron will prove ture to Grant And so will Chicago. The Now York Her aid says that, with Don Cameron at the head of. the committee, “it is safe to oredict that there will be no “lack or ability or money for so or ganizing ths southern republicans that “their delegates to the national convention will express their real preference.”—Const i tu tion. There are two amendments to the constitution before congress which will probably be adopted by congress aad the state. One is directed against Mormonism—polygamy be ing prohibited by it in the Uuited States and the territories; the other gives congress the power to regnlate trade-maks. Neither is of a parti san nature and as one strikes at an evil that drmam's federal interfer ence ; and the other won Id save a vast amount of property, it NT""" tion fall upon some other person, we are satisfied that there will be no _ man more zealous as regards the in- | terestofliis party, than Samnel J. Tilden. The opjionents of Tilden flatter themselves that he is politi cally dead. But we think different. Judge Jeremiah Black, of Pennsylva nia, in a recent conversation with a friend, being asked his opinion on this important subj'-ct, gave it in terse Angl-- kixou language, of which he is a well known master, that “Mr. Tilden is the most potential man in the democratic party. If the party, is so ungrateful as to sacrifice . aim, it must have a care in the man ner in which it does the business. His was not a carcass to be hacked for the hounds, but a dish to be carv ed as fit for the gods. No democrat can reach the White Honse by step ping over the political cordse of Mr. Tilden. Talk about conciliating the 70,000 men—of at least very doubt ful characters—who tratoriously de fied the decision of the party conven tion and bolted Governor Robionson! Would it not be better to pay some regard to the six hundred thousand tried and true men who loyally stood by the ticket ? No, no. Mr. Tilden may consent to be sacrificed, but without his consent the fact will be one of funeral m»a s.” Kew York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. The circulation of this popular newspaper has more than trebled duriDg The past year. It con tains all the leading news contained in the Daily Hbrald, and is arranged in handy departments. The Foreign News special dispatches from all qi . Under the head of American News are given the Telegraphic Despatches of the week from oil ports of the Union, This feature alone makes The Weekly Herald the most valuable chronicle in the world, 'as it is the eheapest. Every week is given a faithful re port of Political News g complete and comprehensive despatch- _ from Washington, including full reports of the speeches of eminent politicians on the questions of the hour The Farm Department of the Wskkly Hbrald gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestion* and discoveries relating to tne duties ol the farmer, hints for rais ing Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vegetables, etc, etc, with suggestions for keeping buildings and farming utensils in repair. This is snpplemenu-d by a well-edited department, widely copied, under the bead of The Home. S ring recipes for practical|dishes, {hints for’mak- g clothing and lor keeping op with the latent coun (y > Ga, ill faVOr of the State and A statistician who has been study • ing the House of Representatives, td.sposes of all chances of the Repub licans- ever getting possesion of the lower branch of Congress. Therv are 1137 memberB from Northern Sta'es. Of the districts these repre ss ut, 48 have b en democratic at all times and under all circnin.-tances. They returned Democrat to Con gress during the war, and at a time when the Democratic party of the country was in its weakest condi tion. The Republicans, even if they carry every doubtful district in the North, cannot secure more than 119 members from that section, whereas a majority is 147. To get a mujori- ty of Congress.-!, herefore, the Re publicans must carry eight districts in uie bou'h. where they have now o .ly five. Until the South goes over to the Repuulican party, tin-rrlore, th r- is no possibility of the Repub licans ever securing control ol don* gre.s. A great many of our exchanges of Independent proclivities declare that Rev. W. H. Felton, D1 D.J does not adjure Democracy outright in his late letter. Of course not. Our champion political divine is too cun ning for that. The time to jump has not come jet, so he sits on the fenc; awhile longer viewing the po litical prospect. II-.- has, so far, only prepared himself to leap into the midst of the Radical fold if by so do ing he finds he can better the person al condition of Felton, D. D. Oue who so-well understands how to serve God and Mammon at the same time can verv readily assume the garb of Democracy in which to serve Radi calism. Jothing and for keeping . fashions at the lowest price. Every item of cook ing or economy suggested in this dejiartraent is practically tested hy experts before publication. Letters from our Paris and London correspondents on the very latest fashions. The Ilome Depart ment of the Wbxklt Herald will save the house wife more than one hundrea times the price of the paper. The Interests of Skilled Labor are looked alter, an d ^everything relating to me chanics and labor saving is carefully recorded. There is a page devmwi to all the phases of the business markets. Crops, Merchandise, etc..? etc. A valuable feature Is found in the specially reported prices sad conditions of The ProducelMarket. fipoRTiNf NBWssthnjne and tabrend. ^together with a SStory every Week, a Sermon by some emi nent divine, l iterary. Musical. Dramatic, Personal and Sea Notes. There is no pape? in the woild which contains so much news matter every week as the Wkkklt Hbrald. which is sent, postage five, for One Dollar. You can subscribe at any time. The New York Herald in a weekljifonn. One Dollar a Year. Address, NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway and Ann Street, New York, dsrlfl piacp, lots of land Nos 193, 252, and*353, lying in the 20th district and 3rd section of Polk coun v, Ga, as ti e property ol Alvin Q Jenkins, by vir tue, of one tax fi fa issued by W J Richardson, Tax Collect >r of Polk conmy, Ga, in favor of the Slate and county against Alvin D Jenkins. Levy made and returned to me by hn “ e W J Richardson, Tax Collector, anU Ex Offi Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos 867, 868, 869, 934, and 993 in the 18th district and 3rd section of Polk county, Ga, as th- property of Andrew M and 0 J Store by virtue of one tax fi fa, issued b\ W J Richardson, Tax Collector o: Polk county, in favor of the Stat- and county against said Andrew M and C J Stone. .Levy made and re turned to me by W J Richardson, T C, and Ex Off Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, fit of land No 972 in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of Isaac Battle by virtue of one tax fi fa, issued bv W J Richardson, Tax Collector of Polk SAM*L P. SNOW, Ttachtr of Piano, Cabinet Organ 6uitar, etc-, and instructor in Vocal Music and Voice-Building, Cedartown, Georgia. TEEMS—Per niorth (10 Lesion-'... .$5.00 Vocalization per month 5.00 Next term will begin January Mu, and con- Cedartown, Ga. G EORGIA—Polk County.—W. C. Knight, ad ministmtor on the estate of B. J, Hand, ap plies for leave to sell all the land belonging to said estate lying between the road leading from Ce- dartowu to Cave Spring to the centre af the spring branch as far down as J. C. Reece’s land, tne same containing one acre more or less, and lying within the {incorporate limits of Cenartown in said county. Therefore, all jfersons concerned will be at the Court of Ordina^ to be held in said county on the first Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said applica tion should not be granted. This November 6th, 183>. JOEL BREWER. aov27- Ordinary. ce da«own S 0 £ 0o;> W. J. NOYES. J. E. nOUSEAL. f Mrs. H, N. NOYES, Assistant, | Associate Principals. * 1 rnilB SPRING TERM, will commea ca the le X Monday in January. Rates of Tuition as usual. The patronage of all interested in buildlng- —community novlS up and sustaining a good School in « respectfully solicited. G EORGIA—Polk Cottntt.- < Trustse’s Sal*. G eorgia—polk^couvty.—wm be soiiiibe- forc the court bouse door in <5*dartown, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in January. ISSn, one hundred and fifty-six acres of land, belnk£the undivided part of the late borne of Mrs.:A. E. Byrd. Nearly one half of the place is cleared; has a good dwell ing and several tenant houses on it; there arc several never failing springs on the place, Lake Creek rnnnlag through one side cf It. "vision. 8. X. H. BYRD Trustee. Sold for divit I am also offering to sell the Green place, on tho line of Floyd and Polk counties, at private r-*“ It is well improvedi and contains eight bun and sixty five acres. 8. M. II. BYR dec!8-2w PIANOS & ORGANS FR01 FACTORY TO PMASER EVERY MAW Hit OWN A8ENT LuUcu A BatM* Graud Utradacfiea •ale continued until Nov. «, «*>. Only sate of the kind ever sou.seafuMy carrtsdonA in America. I/MM superb Instruments atfbetary iwteefbr faktredoetten and Adverttaemeat. New " ass: iMiff ootHiplin. PIANOS, f oct. Ill), ?!<**• 15s; Square Grands, *' • If* >1 sto P*> $7*1 1 J , V ) P*» Minor Top Case, t» lew, handsome, durable. 6 years guarantee. U rnrm. to J*M*> r—dun. Oiyrtw, tmdrattan. IM tor tawrinttn drralan, WHAT PATS BEST AFTER HARVEST, Is A SERIOUS OOXSIDBBATIOIT OP ITS COST AND PROFITS,AND HOW TO ECON OMIZE BY COMPARING TOUR OWN BX- PEUIF.NCE WITH THAT OF OTHEU8 IN Farm Labor. OSIiY $1.15 A TEAR, “Will piac* you in possession of the only Newspaper that gives the actual experience and experiments of prac tical farmers.” ‘Tbe Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer is the medium through which prodncer8of every class make known theirown experi ence, and seuk that of others.” Address 1. LCDDEH * BATES, Savannah, Ca. Guardian’s Sale Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Fayette county, Georgia, will be sold at the court house door iu Cedartown. Polk coun ty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following pro perty, to-wit: One undivided tenth intereft in lots of land Nos. 140. 150.151,180 and Ml contain ing forty acres each. Said land being and lying in the first district and fourth section of Polk county, Georgia, Sold as the property of Mrs. M. A. Goodman,a minor of W. J. Garner, deceased, for the benefit, of said minor. Trrras made known day of sale. Thi* December 1st, 1879. J. K. Sl’URLIN, Gnardiau, etc. Haralson County Sheriff Sales. TTILL be sold before the court house door lu /y Buchanan. .Haralson comity, Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next, between tbe legal hours of sale the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 152, in the 8th district and 5th section of originally Carroll now Haralson county. Ga., bv virtue of one justice court fi fa. in favor o! Moore, Marsh & Co., vs. J. R. Miller. Property pointed ont by plaintiff’s attorney. Levy made and retnrned to me by lawful constable. Tenant in possession notsfiud. This November 29th. lo79. J. K, HOLCoMOB, Sheriff. Polk County Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold, before the caurt house door, in Cedartown, Polk county, Ga.. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January, 1880, the following described property, to-wit; ning, 1 farmer himself! A fact fufij de monstrated in the department (two pages a Week) devoted to ‘The Farmer and his Household’ in the Weekly Enquirer.” “Every department is complete.” •It is worth $100.00 a year to farm- ore, but costs only $1.15. “The! Best is the Cheapest.” “It always has the news in advance of all others.” “There is none better.’’ “It is the best Political Friend (he People have, advocating its democracy upon the prin ciples of justice and equity to all.” “It is the original Greenbacker.” Such are a few of the ma»y compliments paid to the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, by the Press throughout the country. The' merits of its hdU4Hial % Agricultural, Politi cal, Correspondence, Literary, Telegraphic Netcr WEEKLY ENQUIRER: 10 Copy, ono year... .. .$1.15 ie copy, six months,... COPY FREE FUR CLUBS OF SEVEN. DAILY ENQUIRER: Three Months Sunday’s Issue alone, pee year,.... Any two days* issue “ .... Any three days’ Isaac, .. 3 75 3 00 4 00 6 00 _ _ . vn that both will go throught Specimens Free. Agents Wanted, t encountering serious oppo-1 FARR AN & McLEAN, Publishers, Constitution. I CISCINNATI, O. Lot of land NollSO, lying in theSlst disrictand rd section of Polk county, Ga, as the property of Macajab Wilson, by virtue of one tax fi fa i*»ncd by W J Richardson. T C of Polk county, Ga. in favor of tbe btate and county, against Macaiak Wilaeu. Levy made and returned to me by W J Richardson, T C. and Ex Off Shcrifl l Also, at the same time aad place lots of land Nos. 1318,1319,1330. and 1331. lying in the lfttfa district and 3rd section of Polk county, Ga,. as the property of Wm. H, Thompson, hy virtue of one tax fi. fa. Issued by W. J. Richardsfin, T. C., of Polk county. Ga.. in favor of the State and county, against said Thompson. Levy made and returned > me by W. J. Richardson,!* C.,and Bt Off Sheriff, Also, at the same time and plac^, lota of laud Nos. 94 and 95. lying in the 31st district and 3rd section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of WesicyBrannon, hy virtue of one tax fi. ta. issned by W. J. Richardson. T. C., of Polk county, Ga., In favor ol the State and county, against said Brannon. Levy made and returned to me by W. J. Richardson, T. C., and Ex. Off. Sheriff. Also, at tbe same time and place, lots of land Nos. 511 and 570, lying in the 3d district and 4th section of Polk county, as the property of Mrs. Nancy Crocker, by virtue of one tax fi. fa. issued by W. J, Richardson, T. C.. of Poik county, Ga., in favor of the State and county against said iMrs. Nancy Crocker. Levy made and returned to u by W. J. Richardson, T. C., aad Ex. Off-! Sheriff. Also, at the same time and pface. lot* of land Nos, 651.652, and 717. in the 2d district and 4tb section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of James L. Jenkins, by virtue of one tax fi. fa. is sued by W. J. Richardson, Tax Collector of Polk county, in favor of of the Stoke and county, against said James L. Jenkins. Levy made and returned to me by W, J. Richardson, Tax Collector and Ex. Off. Sheriff. Also, at the same time >nd place, lots of land Noa 572, 573 and 508, lying in the 18th district and 3rd section of I’oik county, Ga. as the property of Geo W Brock, by virtue of pne tax ft fa. isrued by W J Richardson, T, C. of I’olk county, Ga. in fa. vor of the State and county, against said Brock- Levy made and returned to me by W. J. Richard- in, T, C , and Ex Off Sheriff Also, at the same time and place, lots of land property of J R Morgan, by virtue of one tax fl fa issued by W J Richardson, T C, of Polk county. Ga, in favor of the State and county against said J R Morgan. Levy made and retnrned to me by W J Rhhardson, TC.and Ex OflJSneriff, Aloo, at the same time and place, lot of land No* S99, lying in the 21st district and 3rd section of Polk connty, Ga, as the property of Thomas R Akin, by virtue of one toxfi fa, issued by W J Richardson. T C, of Polk connty. Ga. in favor ol the State and county, against said T R Akin. Levy made and returned to me by W J Richardson, Tax Collector, and Ex Off Sheriff, Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos 303, 363, 264, 304 in the 21st district 3rd section of Polk connty, Ga, as the property of O B Whatley, by virtne of one justice court fi fa from 1075 district G M, in favor of Philpot & Dodds, for the use of Wm Rich, vs S P Shepard and O B Whatly. Levy made and retnrned to me by a constable. Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No. 1287 in the 3rd dis trict and 4th section of Polk county, Ga, as the property of J Q Baker, by virtne of one tax fi fa issued by W J Richardson, Tax Collector of Polk county, Ga., in favor of the State and county against said J Q Baker. Le- y made and retnrned to me by W J Richardson, T C, and Ex Offi Sheriff. connty against said Isaac Battle. Levy made aud returned to me by W J Richardson, Tax Collector, and Ex Off Sheriff. Also, at the same lime and place lots ol land Nos 525,1176,1195,1196, 355,379. 23, 60,266, 295, 310,339, 387, 382,412, 455, 456,461,481,482, 496, iu the 2nd district and 4th sec tion; also lots of land Nos 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1178, and 1282, in the 3rd district and 3rd district and 4th section of Polk connty, Ga. as tbe property of Benjamin F Bigelow by virtue of one tax fi fa issned by W J Richardson, Tax Collector of Polk county, Ga, in favor^of the State and connty, against said Ben jamin F Bigelow. Levy made and returned to me by W J Richardson, Tax Collector, and Ex Off Sheriff. Also, at the same time and plac lots of land Nos 642, 643, 644, and 654, in the 18th district aud 3d sec tion of P-dk county, Ga, as the pro perty of John C Waits,by virtue clone tax ti fa issned by W J Richardson,Tax Collector of Polk county, in favor of the State and county against the said John C Waits, Levy made and re- turned to me by W J Richardson, Tax Collactor, aud Ex Off Sheriff. Also, at tbe same time anu place, lots of laud, Nos 205, 206, 240, and 241 in the 21st district aud 3rd sec tion of Polk county, Ga, as the pro perty of Mr* Lydia Corarv, by virtue ol oue tax fi fa issu.-d by W J Richard son, Tax Collector of Polk county, in favor of tbe State and county against said Mrs Lydia Corsay. Levy made aud returned to me by W J Richardson, T C, and Ex Off Sheriff Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos 17, 56, 87, aud 88. in the 18th district and 3rd section of Polk county, Ga, as the property of Mrs Mary A Sitnmerville, by vir- ture of oue tax li fa issued by W Richardson, Tax Collector of Polk county iu favor of l.Le State an county agoi-..6t uterville. I. to me by W J lector and Ex Off Sheriff. Also at tbe same time ecd place, lot and house in the town of Cedar- town, Ga, bounded on the north by the Cave Spring road; on the east b> the Methodist church lot aud spring on the south by spring branch; ot he west by J <J R--ese’s lot, as the property ol the estate of B J Hand deceased, by virtue of two State and connty tax fi fas, issued by J R West, former Tax Collector, vs J W T Hand, administrator of B J Hand deceased. Levy made aud returned me by a constable. Also, at the same time and place, lots oi land Nos 785, 786, 798, 799, 800, aud 858, in tbe I8th district and 3rd section ol I’olk county, Ga, as the property of Mrs Mary L llard-gi by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by W J Richardson, Tax Collector of Polk couuty, iu favor of the State and Co, agaiust Mary L Hardage. Levy made and retnrned to me by W J Richardson, Tax Collector and Ex Off.Sheriff. Also, at tbe same time and place, lots of land Noa 1251, 1252, in tbe 2nd district and 4th section ol Polk connty, Ga, as the property of How ell Nunn, by virtue of one Tax fi fr. issued by W J Richardson, Tax Col lector in favor of the State and coun ty vs, said Nnun. Levy mace and returned to me by W J Richardson Tax Collector, and Ex Off Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, lots of laud Nos 1198, 1199, iu thi 2und district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga, as the property of deleu dant by virtue of one Tax fi fa, issued _ Da ric muff _ otiier* applies to hare the private way leading from the residence of said I. P. Davis to the Bar tow county line near the residence of W. M. Tripp made a second-ctoe public road. Therefore all Demons concerned will be at a Court of Ordiaary in said county on the third Monday in January next to show cause, if any they hive, why said private way should not be made a second class public road of said county. Given under m> hand, this December 9th, 1879, JOEL BREWER, Dec 11-5 w Ordinary, Morning News Serials. ANEW STORY. By a lady of Florida. Sombre jVtonde J ▲ Novo!. BY MARY ROSE FLOYD. THE SAVANNAlTWEEKLY NEWS ,F NOVEMBER 29th WILL CONTAIN THE _ opening chapters of an intensely interesting and charmingly written Serial Story, entitled SoiBKE Momdk, written expressly for the News by Miss Mary Rose Floyd of Daly Grove, Fla. In presenting this new Serial to oar readers wt „el tnat we ran no risk when we proanee tbe lov ere ol pleasing and weli- wrought fiction a rare literary treat. To indicate its merits here, would bo, in a measure, to forestall the interest of the reader aad time diminish the pleas are which its perusal cannot fall to Impart. Soxbrb Monde will run through some eight or ten number* of the Wbbkly Nbws. New *ab- gcribers should commence with commencement ot the story. Subscription $2 ft yoar, $1 for six months. Money can be sent by Money Order, Roistered ” risk. J. n. EfiTlLL. Savannah, Go. ivur of toe Staie anil .at Mrs Mitrjr A 8 • vy mode ami rrturfiu J Richardson, Tax Col- Letter, or Express at c J. C. HARRIS,Principal. L day m January and will continue SX montns Vail Term opens 3rd Monday hi August and con tmnes 4% months. Rates of tuition a* customary. The school-room is convenient and comfortable; training thorough and discipline firm. The Principal ofleie his thank* for . and confidently ask for a liberal share of patronage ta the fa tore. Reference as to discipline, etc., is made to the former patrons of this school. nov57-2m A *5.50 HOLIDAY CIFT1 j SOLID SILVER PLATED! TABLEWARE FOB every reader of this advertisement* * it vml Tw Isdfa. r ot (hi* notice as a Holiday Gift. retail price, 94.9#, l ,9lJM, making a | their Silverware into every neighborhood, at once, the old established ( of 8*114 Silver PIa«e4 8*00■«. tUui 80114 surer Pixel Setter Kiift, retail price, — untud useful HaildlJ Sift* inlredact their SUrerware into I . M. Sewsta* Silver jPlatiyy V*. will LUMPKIN’S OLD RELIABLE LIVERY, FEED mo SALE STABLE. Cedartown, Ga. MILLER A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on hand to hire. Good Herses •nd excellent vehicles. Splendid accommodation* for Diovers and others. Horsne, Carriages, aad Baggie* always on hand for sale. ” “ “ “■ (hi o C Per '•opy, when sent in clubs nf 10. la the price of tbe PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES, one year, to any address. (hi e?r\ Per copy, when sent la club# of 19, Is ibJL-DU the price of the PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES, on# year, to any address. (ho AA Per copy, to single subscribers, it the price of the PHILADKLPBIA WEEKLY TIMES, one year, to any address. (h/v A A Six DoHart we will tend three SD.UU copies of tbe PHILADELPHIA W’EEKLY TIMES, one year, to any address, postage free, aad give the parson sending us the moneya copy of the ANNALS OF THB WAR^a beautifully illustrated volume of 900 pages, the retail price ef which to #4. We unhesitatingly claim for the Philadelphia Weekly Times That it is the Labokst. the Chkapbst tad the Bb?t family journal publi-hcd. Write to oe for a specimen copy and ju<lt;e for yourself, la lie columns the reader will find all the news, ample variety of editorial, poetry, literary articles, stories and ►ketches, tales of travel, fashion gossip, interviews with prominent men. financial reports, dramatic criticism, religions tidings, ag ricultural and domestic articles, and *v«ry other feature that can make a paper valuable. The miscellany of spirted writings, covering overy variety and range of subject and thought will be inaii’t.ii n» d as of old by contributors who stand at the head of their specialties. A special feature wtll be the continostlon of tho •‘ANNALS Or' THE WAR,” graphically written by soldier*. North and South, descriptive of scenes These ANNALS haw pr*»vod so valuable that fho bound volume centaiuing thoir first series has oondHn immense sals. CEDARTOWff HOTEL, Cedartown, Ga. J. H. MAXWELL, Pbopiuetob, H as been repaired, refitted and refurnished, and the proprietoi proposes to make it a pleasant home for boarders and a cheerful, com fortable resting place for tran sient customers. DR. E.&. DOYLE, Practicing Physician, CEDARTOWN, POLK CO., GA OflMitRmldMN* tualS-lj TERMS—ONE YKAIfc One CapY. - - fii.oo I Ten Coplea, - - $15.09 Five Copies, - - M.CO j Twenty Crpies. 18.00 An t:xir» cuf>j freu to the getter np of a club. THE TIMES, dccll Times Building. Philadelphia. DR. C. H. HARRIS. Ph/siei&n and Sfircaott, Oodfuriewn, » • • Ofilee at Bradford A Walker** Dreg Store. Best donee ot the Recce Il->use. nov 14-ly A GHREBLE t * an order from the Court of O - dinury, will be sold before the court hou*e door in Cedartown, Poik county. Ga., between the legal hours of «ale. on the l*t Tnosdi 1810, the following property, to wit: Lot of laud No. 116. is the 1st district and 4th section; Hll in the list district and trd section; ■an* asm— ttnwi* m • THECQMPLETEHOME tittttssigss&szsazs* NEEDED 'JtJiZmX BY Pace*. LompHem. hy W j Richardson, Tax Collector, m trod " cti ' lavor of the State and county, vs, Robert Nunn. Levy made and re turned to tne by W J Richardson. Tax Collector and Ex Off Sheriff. Also, at the same time aud place, lots of land numbers 205 aud 154 in the 18th district and 3rd section of Polk county, Ga, to satisfy a justice court fi fa from the 1073rd district. G M, in said county, in favor of E 0 Davis, vs, A S McGregor and J G Bullock, Levied on as the property bf A S McGregor hy Jordan Farmer, constable, and retnrned to me. Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos 1087, 1291, 1231. 1145, 1146, 1159, 1139, 1160, 1217. 1232, 1236, 1218, 1230, and 1222, in the 2nd district and 4th section ol Polk connty, Ga, as the property of M E West. Property pointed ont by plaintifi and in possession of defrn dant, by virtue of one Polk Superior Court fi fa, in favor of A Huntington, vs, M E West, as the property of said West W. G. TAYLOR, Sheriff £■ W. CLJBMJSJfTS, D, Sheriff Debtors and Creditors Notit*. L LL persons Indebted to B. J. Hand, tola _X said county, decrased. are hereby notified aad required to make Immediate payment; and all persons holding claims against said deceased will C leese hand in their claims properly attested as th tw requires, to the undersigned. W.C. KNIGHT. Administrator drtoenls non, of the estate of B, J. Bead. WM. B. h’KNTON THOMAS & FENTON, (Successors to Bov. P. T. Thomas.) &RBLE DEALERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBE Monuments, Tomb A: Head Stones IT* tt* th* FINEST MARBLE, unarantec th. LOWEST PRICES as4 th. rmrj hifhctt Stjle at wort N. 35. Corner Market Square, vine, Tennessee. Parties wishing work wUl do well to aril, or corrceposd with our egont, drcll-3m C. E. HEATH, Cedartown, Ga. MILLINERY-FALL STYLES , V. BSYUB. Over Stubbs Ob Go's New Store, W ILL OPEN A OENER\L ASSORTMENT OF ttF*11lw.ww CtOOda AND Notions, ON MONDAT. SEPTEMBER ill'll INMANT. Old friwd», »nd n.w, an Invited to axiolne before porchreing Light Summer “Straws” colored, re-shaped and trimmed. Dress-making and Hair Work as heretofore. ALWAYS UP WITH THE LATEST STYLES. OaDABTOWN. GA . «^*«nl»r ». 198. 8«pt* G EORGIA—lUBALjtoa C ovavr.—To all whoi it may concern: James H. Shoiantt havia_ in proper form applied to me for permanent totters of administration on ths estate of John fihelnntt, late of oaid county. This I* to cite all and singu lar the creditors and next of kin of John tihelontt. to be and appear at my office within tbe time al lows* by law. and show cease, if nay they can. why permanent administration should not b$ granted to James H. Sbelnutt on John Shelaatt’i estate. Wltnese my hand aad offieia! signature, Sep tember 1st* 1979. 9. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. THE ATLANTA COUSTlTUnON, Paring the earning year—a jeer that will witness the prosress and culmination of the moot Interest- lag political contest that has ever taken place ta this country -every citizen and every thoughtful person will be compelled »o rely upon the news pa psrs for information. Why not get the best ‘ Abroad The Constitution 1s recognised, referred t aud quoted from ae the leading soathern journals as the organ and vehicle of tbe best southern thought and opinion—and at home It* tollmen are consulted for the laatest new*, tbe freshest com ment. and for all matters of special and carreat interest. The Constitation eon tains more and to. ter telgraphic news than oar other Georgia paper, and this particular feature will he largrly added to during the coming year. All its Puri litter for gelh * ring the forest news from all part* of the eonntr will be enlarged aad' supplemented. The Coosti :utieu|ls both chronicler and eoameutator. Itsedi torial opinions, its contribution* to the drift of current discussion, its homeron* end satirical par agraph*. are copied from one end of the eonntry to the other. It aims always to be the brightest aad tbe best—newsy, rriginml end piqnaat. It aims particularly to give the news Impartially and folly, and to keep its readers informed of the drift of earrent discussion by liberal but concise quota tions from all its contemporaries. It aims, iu short, to more than ever deserve to be known os “the leading southern neswspnper.” Bill Arp will centime te contribute his unique letters, which grow in savory humor week hy week. TM 91” will add his quaint fon to the enlleotioa of goad things, aud “Uncle Remus’* has in preparation a series of negro myth legends, illustrating tbe folk-lore of the old plantation. Ia every respect The Constitution tor IW0 will be better than ever. The Weekly Constitution is carefolly edited compendium of the news of the week aad contain* tbe best sad freshest matter to be fbaad la oar other weekly from a dally oflre. Its newa a miecelfoneoa* contents are tht freshest sen market reports the latest. THE SOIJTHEBff CCLTITATOB. This adlted *V Mr. W. L. Inn. ul derated to tbe beet Intaraeteol tbe Mratel* ef tbe eoetb. II le peat M reduced rate* «ttk lb* Weekly edition of The Cooetitatw*. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. FOR 1880. Lippincott’s Magazine, A Profusbly Illustoatbd Momtolt or Literature, Science, Art, and Trhvtl. This Magazine enters its Twenty-fifth volnme with the number for January. 1880. The publish er* take pleasure in again asuring the patrons of the journal that iu the Tuture, as iu the post, the popular aud prominent features will maintained, and that they will soaliaae tbe in troduction of s>uch new attractions on may prove of interef*t, and sustain the high reputation gained lor this Magazine. Tbejr will spare no efforts to supply their patrons with a fund of Ihe litst & Most Attractive Reading, for every diversity of taste,—to be of no class, no party, but belonging to all aud profitable to all- The contents of tne New Volnme will embrace A Highly Interesting Serial Stofy, ADAM AND EVE, By the author of “Dorothy Fox,” “Hero Carthew,” etc.. To bb comxbxcbd ix TUB JANUARY NUMBER. Dr. Oswald’s Entertaining and at tractively I uatrated “SUMMER- LAND SKETCHES” will be con tinued, together with ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES TREATING OF LIFE, TRAV EL, and SUBJECTS of INTEREST. Short Serials by American Writers, will Hoppar from time to time. SUGGESTIVE AND PRACTICAL PAPERS ON MEDICAL SUBJECT*. HOUSEHOLD ART. EDUCATION; etc. BjrDr. Clark. W. Dalle.; Helen Campbell; M. G. \»n Kenreeleer. etc. PICTURBSOUK and HUMOROUS SKETCHES OF LIFE AT HOME AND ABROAD. Be Mar. Dean; Prof. T. F. Crenel Jennie Woodrille, and raanr other., SUUKT STORIES. "Constance F. Tattlers, and the CjMjpaillor” "C Wool.im; Rebecca Harding Bavin; Sarah Win n portent folly an#- Also at the same time and place- au^f/i- ‘stukirs. By tbe.bnth<>r„*» “rauere. one town lot lying Jin the town of Cedartown, Ga, aud bounded on the north by the Methodist church, colored; on the east by street and Mrs J W T Hand's place; south by J H Price’s lot, west by Rome road, a* the property of the estate of B J Hand, deceased,by virtue of one State and county Tux fi fa issued by L B York, Tax Collector,vs J V T Hand, administrator of B J Hand, deceased. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. also ftnd aplacu. OUR MOin'nLT GOSSIP, olway* department of tin* wUI b * t *Th* * PICTORIAL EMBEDLI8HMENT of the Magazine will be aad I. a matter of carefal attention BTFor sale by *11 Book and New* Wj^*re. Terma: Yearly Subscription, $4,00. .Siityd* Aam- t> *eF^8pecUmn Number mailed, $**!»<« ibid, to any address* on receipt of 99 eegfs. J. B. LIPPINCQTT a ca, Publishers, 715 and 717 Market Bt„ Philadelphia. ••Thi. Splendid Magazine abonld b* te*nd la everv reading finally.”—Germantown Telsgreph. uov27 6t " ' Dolly Constitution., Weekly Constitation.. $ 10 tOnyao*. . 5 90 six monf . 1 SO three months . 1 SO a year. this valuable Silverware to every Solid Silver Plated Spoons and Butter Knife of thatalam*'Rose "pattern, making the most useful and most beautiful gift ever offere Hobday Order, and I for redemption, | leaf the __ these valuable articles, you have merely to cut out the following He the ItouglM Silver Plating Co, Chkage, I1L, together with amount necessary to pey actual cost of packing, pomace or czpitmg Bexeetor! Thi*Silverware i* to eost ys«Wthta*,exaptthe of packing, pomace or arpesmge, etc., which you ore required to send wxh tbe the Silverware is then NEW HOUSE, NEW MERCHANTS, ^ * NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES! A. D. HOGG «fc CO., MAIN STREET, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, H AVE jnst opened a select stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE in their new iitore, and want »ll their friends snd the pnblic gen erally to call and let them 'How their goods and prices. Their stock was bought before the rrcent rise in iirie-s,i*ud they feel confident of having good* at bottom fignrea. They h*re tienutifnl Dres« G -ods, Calicoes, Cor sets, new style, Blenching*, Flannels, Cassimeres, Kerseys, Kentucky Jeaite, Hosiery, Gloves, Hardware, Notions, etc., etc. Extra nice Gentlemen’s Underwear vebv low. Remrmber the place—last brick store on South Main S'reet, west .ids. No'6-ly DO WIST Wl¥S SlGfS CHICAGO SCALE CO., 149 anu 151 Jefferson Street Chicago. Ill, Have reduced the prees of all kinds of SCALES. 4-ton Wagon Scales, $60. | 2-ton Wagon^Scales, $40- AU other sizes at a great reduction. Every Scale “fully warranted.’’ All orders promptly filled. Circulars. Price List and Testimonials sent noon*application. BUY THE CHE PEST AND BEST. julvl7-6m Clubs of 10. » 09 Southern Cultivator 1 50 m “ “ Clnbbs of 10,11 50 *• Clues of 10. 10 00 " Weekly Constitution end Cul tivator to same address ... 169 for one year. Address THB CONSTITUTION. NovXO Atlanta Ga. The Cheapest Newspaper in the South. TUB mshyule weekly AMEUIGAK. ONE DOLLAR FOR A YEAR questions Of vital importance to every elHoen ot the Union. Upon ite results will dopmd the perpetuity of ©nr republican form of government. All these questions will be thoroughly discussed Iu tho next session ef Congress, which begins on the 1st day of December. It Is our desire and ear purpose, so for os we can contribute to that end. that every eltinen shall be folly Informed upon all these questions ef vast moment. Is oar national govern nent to be henceforth ah Imperial despot fsm • Is the bayonet to rale the ballot ? Are the rights of tho Plates, expressly reserved in. th* Constitution, te yield to esa trail zed dletotion ? 8hail arrogant and imperious party leaders, under the ay or Liberty, rob the cirisen of Libertyf Hhftll Mammon be tbe only deity who shell be ac knowledged aa having divine righto; Shall laker be deprived af It* just reward f In nodes to bring it within the means of every man, meahania.'far mer ard laborer, in all vocations, even ta these hard time#, to inform himself whet notttteal par ties are proposing, we hove red need Am term* of the Weekly American to ONfr DOLLAMayear; For six months, 79 cento ; Three men ths, 49 cents. The real vmlee of the paper will not be decreased with reduction of price; but will bo vastly in in proportion to prJc$, TBB AMSKICAN. Nashville, Team. Rome BhUvahi* CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. On mad after MONDAY. Nomnttr 171 k ik* *■ wU 'w *"*“ * Oft » MORNING TRAfN. Leave Rom* Suit at *-ttA a Arrive ml Rome daily ...10:00AM ■FENlha Tjurs. D*U/ except .Snaday*. Leave Home at . j-m p w Arrive at Rome P* li* Boik trein, will nuke eonaeciloe «V Miimoii NtU* U»l** «■ W. * A. R. K. to nd from A Gnu Ud p*i*M Smth. URN HILLTBR. JAS, A. WU, Q, P. A geek CHEROKEE RAILROAD. OmctCnMinlnuMii A apart 17,1R1. O N end nller Monday, ftepf. let. 187*. U» m thi, Rnnd will run dell j (Sundnye excepted, as follow* : No 1. xnin, Weet I St»-„oi.,. I No-7. r-nlng Keek Leave 70:4. A. M. | Cartereville Arrive8:00, P.M. - 8:». A.M. I mUeelKirn Airlve 5:1». P. M. •• 9^)7. A. M. I Taylorsville I Arrlr# *,•?** - 10:10 A.M. I Rtwhmnrt I Afirive S:40. F. M. \rrive 10:.W A.M. | Terinlnus | Leave 3:00, P. M. No. 1 leave* Carterevlll# after arrival of day poNsengtr from Atlanta. No. 1 connects Cner-rllio with P"ftj&'&XStZtiMe*. n0~Heck to connect with rrnine at Termlnne. will leave Oedarlown a, follow, : . Moraine at *-Vl o’elark. I Rveainr at 1:*> o alotk CHOICE HOUSE. CAVE SPRING, GA.,f: R. C. Tilly, Rrop LIVERY AND FEED STABLES MAIL COACH 70 CEDARTOWN DAILY. J. R. BUTT A GO., ROME. Gr-A--, Whi.lcaate And Retail Dealers in $t0ve$, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Aeente for Rome Stovea and other flrrt cla-p facto, riea. Wo hoy in largo lot, for rash, aad make k>w*M poeeibfa prlea*. Call and eee, DC ONLY DEMOCRATIC MORNiNS I EAPER IN NEWY0RK CITYl ENTEBXMNINBANDViBOROUSJ ALLTHEHEWS OF THE WORLD 1 y jLfORADAY_9_^r , ^TsSekly^undayt^** 1 IIEBOUlRABFfflYCENTSFtlAIBfifii ^POSTAGE RAID0^*5- NorthWhjjiilSt ANEWYDRIObp Real Estate Agency, Agency is needed la this community, has established t»e for the pnrpone of buying selling and renting, for other*. Iteal Estate such ns farm*, town property, mlnea and mining interests. He will take property te sell or rent and make no charge for advertising or trouhto unices a sate or rental i* aeeompltohod. Any one having properly for rale or rest will make money by consulting me. Millar a. Wright. *90- Cedartown, Polk county, Ua. THE SOUTHERN i. die M.ya-.kl A LABOR QUARTO of 37 pom handsomely print- id. filled with choice road, fa* of Internet to tbe to- mt*. with an Uldatrated MakAon department for toe “M: LL, ih. On ■ I ink (FreM, A’m."a mm, M* Aanpr nattW. mtf Oi -BaOj Men** tt—%rS Wkf fa. of Of JbaOcmt, xntm not**YaadMaap. MtrmUmoC