Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, January 01, 1880, Image 3

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,4!1£1) EVERY THURSDAY MOBN1NU. ?dartowTi, G-a«. January 1 'IE ADYEETISEE, Chaicb Directory. METHODIST. iYSABBVTH D .T. MTRICK, IVustor. B \PTIST. a 3rd SABBATHS. C. K. H«»P«no», Pa*t»r- PRESBVTEKIAN. 4 4th SABBATiW *■ E. Jours, Vaator KNIGHTS OF HONOR, edartown Lodge No. 473. BURBANK - .Dictator. LBDBSTTER 2 e meets every Monday night alter Sd and lb bath*. masonic. aledonia laidte F. A. M. TUBBS i'cerrta^' ds’^cornmnnication 3rd' FridVy_ nightJn month, in room over Huntington * W right o C AL NEWS. eople"of refined tastes all prefer best perfumes. Those Lunborg nets at Bradford & Walter s fill rhat nicer new “"'f make than one of those >*“'* 1 * & * ‘ volumes of poetry at Bradford f nlker. ? et one of those nice inkstandi at 3 ford & Walker’s to make a New r’s present of. r yn n Bro!^haveT”"sold more Is during the past six weeks than r ever sold before m the same -th of time. ______ rvnn & Bro. are receiving their i plows, traces, hatpes etc. call i n n for your hardware. ’ you want lumber oh short leave your orders at Wynn & . we also keep lumber ou hand t of our store. you want an extra neat pair a go to A. D. Hogg & Cos and hem. ClirUtmav day in Cedartown. Christmas day in Cedartown pass ed off quietly and pleasantly and we make the state ment with some pride that lhere was scarcely the sem blance of desturbance on the streets, no fight and so far as we can learn no serious attempt on the part of any one to “raise a row.” This, we ad mit, is remarkable and a surprise to us, especially as the town was crowd ed with people all day and much drinking was done. In elbowing our way through the crowds which lined the streets and gathered to gether on the corners, we ceuld see on evtry hand the work of Tom and Jerry, Egg-nog and drinks of yet more “fiery cheer,” but almost every face into which we looked, was light rd up with mirth and good humor, peace and good will. While return ing thinks to the marshal audpoliee force for their commendable conduct on that day, we think that the fact of their having comparatively little to do in keeping order is a sure sign thatfthe people of onr t wn and com munity a _ c becoming more quiet and peaceable and the choice spirits who were went to give the authorities much trouble are cooling down. Over this State of affairs we ought to con gratulate ourselves. Miss Laura Jones, of Kirkwood, is with her Cedartown friends again. This acccounta for the remarkably bland and happy expression on the countenances of some of our young men. ISAAC T. MEE, Dealer in Tin, Stoves, Hard ware and Hollw-Ware of all kinds. Cook arid Heating Stoves, both wood and coal burners, a specialty. Stove Pipe Ventilators, fire-proof; Stove fixtures of all kinds, cheap. Call and p,ice mv goods, if you want bottom prices and good articles. All kind of job work done on short notice. Roofing and guttering a specialty. With many thanks to my custo mers for past favors, I respictlully solicit a continuation of their trade in future, trusting that I may not only merit their trade, bnt many new customers. I shall, from time timecontinue toenlarge my stock and keep a larger aud better assortment of everything in my line fur the bet ter accommodation of all my custo mers. nov274t For Sale. A No. 9, Silver Plated Wilson Sewing Machine, bran new with j New Fork Weekly Herald* One Dollar a Year. The circulation of this popular newspaper has more than treble* during the part year. It con tains all the leading news contained in the Daily Herald, and is arranged in handy department*. The Foreign News embrace* special dispatches from all quarter* of tho globe. Under tne head of American News are given the Telegraphic Despatches of the week from all parts of ihe Union, This feature alone makes The Weekly Herald the most valuable chronicle in the world.'** it is the cheapest. Every week la given a faithfal re port of Political News cmbmcin**eofnolct«»and comprehensive despatch es* from Washington, inclndine foil reports of the speeches of eminent politicians on the questions of the hoar The Farm Department picpouu xv iluviiv and solicits the patronage of farmers „j v , n2 recipe, for nmrtiealMiahes. hinta Tor mnk- fiml mprohnntfl We are not vet pre- I Itil- clothing and for keening no with the l«tn«t anu merenants. lit an. uvi.l .* ; fa, hinn* at the lowest price. Every item of conk- O.ired to iusuro against lo83 by nre in- oremnnmv anggented in tht. department *_ r - ,1 ,,„ e rialrta -it nrpa. practically tested by expert* hefore pnbliemtion. therefore take no lire riSKS at pres- fierinrsfrnm nnr Paria and London rnrre?pnndenta ent. When prepared to do SO notice on the very l«t-at faahlona. The Home Pepert- L1 , 1 , . » .* x. nr-Tit of tfi*‘ WrcKI.T TTvr. I.p will rave the honae- Wlll b? given. 1 lie house IS OI oriCK wife more than one hnn_drefl times the price of the and covered with iron. Terms for weighing and storage: For 10 days or les3, 12£ cents ; 10 to 15 days, 15 cents; 15 to 20 days, 20 cents; 20 to 30 days, 25 cents, and 25 cents per month for longer ime. CHAMBLISS & HURT. nov6 4t Hymenlal. Mr. R. 8. Tomlinson, of Cedar town, waB united in marriage, at 1 o’clock last Tuesday evening, to Miss Mattie T. Hardy, daughter of Dr. W. Hardy, of this city. The many friends of Mr, Tomlin son extend their most hearty con gratulations upon securing for a life long companion one who is the em bodiment of loveliness, grace and pu rity, and our wishes for them is a fu- urc of unalloyedJhappinesB and pros n’t worry with a cough when 1)e rity, the brightness of which will worth ol that_ cough eyrup jit.j eypr p, t . intensified by the flight of time.—Cartersville Express. We take the above from the Car tersville Express. It has never been our good fortune to form the ac quaintance of the uride, but if re ports be true as they came to ns, Bob houhl be m.»et heartily congratulat ed on the acquisition of such a lite- p.-irtnpr. In congratulating the bride > worul Ul LUtax* y [ford & Walker’s will relieve you .fore you buy a corset j e new tsyle ones at A; D. Ho„g j r’s. D. Hogg & Co. have some ex- J lice ladies -tress goods they wish row. __ uov04t ' ll Notl ? eS ; i ... t0 A d legal ad-1 we 3an say truthfully and “we know is,ng should always bring them whom.! we speak ” that no worthier (j ^clock Wednesday morning young ninn than her happy husband order to insure insertion. H fiaSl b . found within the confined of Id be be* ter t*» hand them in ear \ coun ^y ,day merripg. Remember al-1 , bav. the 11-c. ssary fee ac-I >any the a-l-ertisemeiit. EM E.V1BER-that -f you hl '? a ,.f Bradford & Walker s Liver , and they do not give entire hat- linn you can get a box ot any t „.ils in the market wuhont go. There is no chance for y .so by trying a b-x o them. t th * b , ox of hDFOUD & WALKERS Liver, ^^r,,,. 0l| , , in the house will olten prev-n ,,, „ , ■ racted sickness by being used in | Mis I M Iran , They cost only 25 cents and iey do you no good they cos; nothing. Try one box aud be rinced. The County School Hoard. The'Comity Board of Education at ts reo-mt sitting grant, d licences to tho pels 'iiT’i iftlieob-Tow : 1ST Git A PE LICENSE. J. E. II nisea), J. C. Harris, W. J. Noyes, J. t>. King, J. M. Lawson, A Baugh, col. 2d grade license. J. M. Harris, .Miss MI Caldwell 3d grade license. Miss F. Stevenson, Mias E J Beasley, W. C. Morris, Miss Lizzie Lloyd Miss S. J. Roberts, Mrs. L. V. Sparks J' ’ A7* ITT™a o r the Wkekt.y Hkkald gives the a* well 30mplete set OI attachments, very fh e mo «»t practical snir’estinn 0 »ud discover^’ * * ’ * *• * - *- F relating to the duties of the farmer, hints for raip iner Puttie. Ponltrv. Grain*. Trees, Vegetshles. etc efc, with suggestion* for keeping buildings and ;farming utensil* in repair. Th*s is snpplementes hv a well edited department, widely coined, unde- low. Apply at this office. tf Cotton Notice. The Cedartown War-honse is now prepared to receive and store cotton CHEAP GOODS. Have just moved into their elegant new Store Rooms on HAST SIDE OF MAIW STREET, Where they are now opening an extensive stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Their Goods were selected with great care and with an eye to the needs of their customers aad were bought for Cash. They will be sold at the lowest figures. Go and examine their stock and prices before making your purchases. aug7 tf THOMAS BERRY. ALFRED SHORTER. JOHN MONTGOMERY M. E. McLAURIN, GEO. M. BATTEY. m Wholesale" Grocers, Commission Merchants, AND COTTON FACTORS, AT OLD RAIL ROAD DEPOT AND STEAMBOAT WHARF, ROME, GEORGIA. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and Produce Consigned to ns. the head of The Home. “What do you raise your hat to that old fellow for?” He’s only Giles the huckster.” “That makes no difT.-rence,” said Harry. “The question is not wheth er he ia a gentleman, but whether I am one.”—Moral exchange. Medical Notice. Hereafter at night Dr. Everard Richardson can be found at his house located in front ol the residence of Mr. J. S. Noyes. dec25-tf wifp'moiT than one hnndrea time* the price of the paper. The Interest* of Skilled Labor are looked after, and everything relating to me chanics and labor saving i* carefully recorded. There is a page devoted to all the phases of the business market*. Crops. Werrhandlse. etc., etc. A valuable featnre i* found in the iqwcially reported prices aEd condition* of The Produce Market. Pfokttw© News at home and abroad, together with a Stouy every week, a Sermon by some emi nent divine. Literary, Musical, Dramatic, Personal and Sea Note*. There i* no paper in the woild which contain* so much new* matter every week a* the Weekly Hebald. which 1* sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You can subscribe at any ime. The New York Herald in a weeklylform. One Dollar a Year. Addrees. NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway and Ann Street, Now York. dec!8 Betting is a mighty bad thing, the fact is it never benefits any one ex cept the winner, while the loser has a kind of lust look and feeling. But if yon can get a dead sure thing, why then put up yonr last dollar on it. We know of one Biich chance. You can bet yonr last dollar on Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment curing it every case. Price 50 cts. For 8ale by Bradford & Walker, Cedar own, Ga. march 13 ”79-eowly That 2 and 2 make 4 is an edab- lished fact none can ueny Tha P >r- alline is the best rene dy in tne wor d for all disorders of the stomach a d liver, 18 another fact to which a 1 who have tried it will bear testimony. It is entirely vegetable, and c m pounded with the g-eatest care; -ach package containing 80 d- s : for i n adult. Price 50ots. For Sale by Bradford & Walker, Cedartown, Ga. march 13, ”70 eowly A. D. Ho rg & Co. have a vry compete stock oi boo s end slioes- partieularly nLe ladies shoes. Gall aud see them. noyO 4i It costs you nothing lo ! ry a hot' e tf that Iron Tonic at Bradford & Walker’s unless it benefits you. Moucy refunded in every instance where it fails to give satisfaction. tf & BORGIA—Pock Couxtt.—1 will r reel re era ed bid, until the 1st day of January next for a Superintendent of tbe Pauper Farm of said connty Tor the year 18:0, including the nursing of, and cooking for inmates. Reserving the right to award said position to the most suitab'e person. This December 15th, 1879. JOE\ BKKWER, decl8 iw Ordinary. Joseph A. Blance, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CEDARTOWN, GA. ri^Flrst Room up Stair* over J. S. Stubbs ft Co’* Store. &*pt*25-ly PIANOS M ORGANS imruanmniBsir EVERT MAN MIS OWN AGENT Liddaa * Bates’ Ormnd tewodwcUn Hal, continued tmtU Nonr. njWo. Only of Mte Wad »r« cantodoatta^Mloa. 5*551 Square Grands, $**7. ! 9 I H. M. J-,h.D-n, Phill H. Edding, c L it tilled for a nickel. I A. M. Shepherd, COL box of Bradford & Walker’* TOgteable All Others r- j' CtPll. A portion of mafn yonrhourr all y j'i'Uc U >ose rejected may receive special r b a^rll"'save yon awng licences upon application of School r*a a , n i mm"’^mrUme^ r ninrt,-niue. Trustee. ,out ten years ago * 1 * . w,k3 I The National Greenbackers pro ed a confirmed dyspeuc ana my t0 hl , ld a mee tyig in Washing- was considered a hopeless on T ton 0I1 the eighth ol January, and ie physicaus who treated me. n(ldres4t , B f ri , m Wendell Phillips, Ben advised to try the hver ; But ] er> y 0 i, Ingersoll and Dr. Fel- prepared by Dr. J. G- i* • . ton are announced as a part of the three bottles aud was e “ tlle, J progriim me. The Georgia Oongress- 1 and am now sound anil wen. i n ha8 „ otten i„to very “miseella- ider it an invaluable remedy 1 r „ 60C i e ty.—Chronicle, disorder and heartily recom- , » eu x „ 1 it to a'l afliicted with that com- shrinking of the water in In —John Kenedy, -Cassville, lare Lake, Cal, lias uncovered a pre For sale in Cedartown by Brad- historic settlement, stone buildings, & Walker at. 75 cents per bottle, traces of canals once bordered with - «.»——- planted trees, and other evidences of o patent nostrum is the I R0If occupation hy an unknown race, be- ic at Bradford & Walkers, but j ng clearly defined as the water sub od, honest, home- made remedy. alde8- atBradford & Walk- A considerable maj-ritv of the • eheilpest and best tonic in national republican committee ar IS the cheapest ami oe I snppotfer8 ' 0 f Grant, and the rest lr I 1 prefer Blaine as first choice. Two Aecnt In Haralson County. only will support Sherman, and that , K TT.ilcomb ir., sheriff of as second choice—one of these being ,hn K. HolComD’ jr, (d t0 )he colored member from Georgia, alson county, w ^ tio ns who holds a place in the enstom- ive and receipt for «3 p at Savannah. Sherman is in lle AD ut B rennest our Wends in fact almost without a friend in the S wunty y to make set kment with national committee of his party, at the first opportunity. tf The negroe8 0 f Forsyth have had a large meeting, and organized them- isration Guaranteed selves into a grand emigration socie- Je are putting up and selling, nn- ty . q-hey all want to go to Kansas onr own lable, the follow ng list but nnfortiinately haven’t the means family remedies, on *hich we L^cessary for getting there. Ihe rantee satisfaction or will refund w [,ite people are perfectly willing for monev in every •instance. Hus every one to go who so desires, they Ldr open and shot proposition, rPas0 „i„g that discontented laborers there is no danger of your wast- do mor e harm than pood, and the "ney on worthless nostrums if 80O ner they emigrate the better for Consumption Cured. An old physician, reared from -practice,-having had placed In hi* hand* by an East India miasiona ry the formula or a simple vegetable remedy fo r the speedy and permanet cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Latarrah, Ashroa, aud all Throat and Lung A Auction*, also* postive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative power* in thousand* of casos, has felt it his duty to make it kuown to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this •cipe, in German, French, or English, with lull di- xec.ions for preparing and using. Sent by mail, by addrewing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Siikrar, 149 Towers’ Block, Rochester. N* Y. octie 6m Webb’s Restaurant, Bakery, Lager Beer, & Ale, Neaily Opposite the New Masonic Temple, No. 81, Broad Street, Borne, Ga MEALS AT ALL HO JRS. Oysters, Birds, Game, Fish, &c,, in their Season, aud Always the Best the Market Affords Furnished. Also Lodgings Furnished Strangers. Meals 25cts each; Lodgings 25cts per head. march 27- tf my our preparations: u Tonic. rve and Bone Liniment, getable Liver Pi}' 8 - itonine Worm Candy, ar Man’s Porous Plaster*, e Water, ething Syrup. ■ctric Polish, irse and Cattle Powders, sect Powder. Bradford « W alker, Cedartown, Ga. the county ron Tonic Bradford & Walkers is a sure of chills. You should Charles Dickens seems to have known as much of the geography o’ the South »s the average Northern editor. Some of the letters written by him when in this country just after the war. have recently been pub lished One ■){ them written from Baltimore descriltes that city as the place, where Bntler carried it with so high a hand in the war, and where the ladies used to spit when they passed a Northern soldier. — Chronicle. 7- nfphilla You snou.ut The Forty-sixth Congress has ,ve of chilis. I have I hardly got to work, and yet already bottle on h.tn } i.,, a taken up and acted on provi- aS °u to a PP reh ^ oul one Lions for a long holiday recess. That Us and Iever - C°B« J lia |f does not look promising for the legts- to. £ »«H j thing- 1 6ri88 ‘ SnSteument at wholwle rrntern. m _S»yUl term* to Mua*.c Ttacktn, C»«rcii«, ami Cavort. Address for IntrodmetWm tol« circuimra, LUDDEN ft BATES, SavMiitah, Ga. WHAT PAYS BEST AFTER HARVEST, Isa serious considf.ratiok of its COST AND PROFITS,AND HOW TO BCON- OM1ZB BY COMPARING TOUR OWN EX- PERIBNCE WITH THAT OF OTHERS IK Farm Labor. NEW Livery and Sale Stable, Cor. Main £ rnor Street." CEDARTOWN. GA. W. F TREADAWAY, Proprietor. New Vehicles, Good Stock aud low prices. G lve me a trial. jan. 1, ’79-ly J. K. Williamson. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND OM!2 IVJBXiXiZIRf CEDARTOWN, - GEORGIA. Office, Bradford & Walker’s. Lcpt35-tf Burial eases and Caskets. Huntington & Wright have added to their business a full line of beau tiful Burial Cases and Caskets from the smallest to the largest size, which they propose selling as low as they can be bought in any market. Also, afull line of undertakers trimmings. W. M. Phillips & Co., Have received (and are daily making additions to it) their Fall Stock of DRY GOODS Of everv description, including a fine line of ©OOUS, CLOTHI NGt, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. They think they have the finest line of goods they have ever pur chased, and at lower prices. They ask an examination by every one. They will hereafter keep Wag in Material of all kinds from a lynch j in to vny part of the wagon. mh20-ly WADE W. MILAM Will sell yon your Christ mas Liquors cheaper than any one this side of St. Louis. Don’t fail to sample and price his goods before buying elsewhere. We Blanks ns Slow About it, | but don't mind U'llinj; you in a quiet way, I Ihat we have one of the largest and best SELEO- J I TED STOCKS of FALL and WINTER GOODS > ( ever brought to Cedartown, aud eeRiiiR them at ‘ prices that will astonish yon, and ail yonr! friends. You may not bclieyo it, in lact. j I we had rather you would not. we want J I you to come aud see for yourself, and bo convinced. | J25”It will pay you tc see us before yon sell you* COTTON or buy your GOODS. FESj&THERSTOZfr & GO. BRADEG&D & WALKEE, CEDARTOWN. OILY $1.15 A TEAR, “Will piace you in possession of the only Newspaper that gives the actual experience aud experiments of prac tical farmers.” “The Cincinnati Weekly Enqmrer is the medium through which producers of every class make known theirown experi ence, and seek that of others.” “The best teacher of farming, is the farmer himself! A fact fully de monstrated in the department (two pages a week) devoted to ‘The Farmer and his Household’ in the Weekly E quirer.” “Every department is oomplete.” “It is worth $100.00 a year to farm era, but costs only $1.15. “The;Best is the Cheapest.” “It always has the news in advancr of all others.” “There is none better.” “It is the best Political Friend the People have, advocating its democracy npon the prin ciples of justice and equity to all.” “It is the original Greenhacker.” Snch ar* a few of the mavy compliments paid to the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, by the Pres* throughout the country. The merits of its Editorial. Agricultural, Politi cal, Correspondence, Literary, Telegraphic News and Commercial departments combine to make it all that is required m an A No, 1, first-class family journal. WEEKLY ENQUIRER: One Copy, one year $1.15 One copy, six months,... w COPY FREE FOR CLUBS OF SEVEN. DAILY ENQUIRER: Without Bun. Issue. WUk Bun. Issue. One Year $12 00 $14 00 Three Months ... 3 25 3 75 Sunday’s Issue alone, per year, 9 00 Any two day*’ Issue ** 4 00 Any three days’ issue, “ 6 00 Specimens Free. Agents Wanted. FARRAR & McLEAN, Publishers, CINCINNATI, O. COBWEB HALL, Main street, Cedartown, Georgia. ’ (Jud Crab’s Old Stand,) SMITH PHOPHIETOnS- W E keep a full line of WHISKIES, GRAN DIES, M INES, GIN and BEER. We make a specialty of the f«nous LobeO qnors and Stone Mountain Corn and B>uioon. P a beverage Liquors, such aa may be n3e(l for medicinal puip a W»v6-2m ^ Give ns a trial and be convinced. ^vnfinTT^ i Also, n nice lot of FAMILY GROCERIES, cheap. Kt-cp alwuys on hand a complete stock of a’! tilings usually tonnd in a first-class Drugstore. Country physicians will find our drugs fresh and reliable. Presetiptions put up with special care. YOU^G^ GALAXY, FALL TRADE OPEIED, GREAT BREAK IN PRICES CUSTOMERS ASTONISHED at the Extremely LOW PRICES asked or Goods. SOUTH MAIN STREET. GEORGIA, ROME, (Shorter Block) GYA. LIFE SIZE (bust) for only ten dollars; half life size only five dollars. His work is all strictly first-class. Makes copies of all sorts of pictures .mv size and character desired. feh27-ly A. J. YOUH©, [DEALER IN Corn and Bye Whiskies, Wine, Gins and Brandies, Noyes DART0AYN, GA. A Specialty made of Stone Mountain Bourbon and .Stone MountaiiqCorn Whiskey THE “R E. LEE, and OLD CYVBI3STET” Cannot be excelled. I keep such Liquors as may be used as a beveragae or f or medical purposes, with perfect safety. Give me a call. Good treat ment guaranteed. 00 DU. S. W. J ONES, WITH H. E. PENDLETON. WHOLESALE Osmgs, Paints, Garnishes, Liquors, Oils, Glass aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET STREET, KfASHVXIiLE,'! TEJETWr. Ginseng, Beeswax, Feathers, Raga, Wool, Dried Fruit, etc., taxon on account from cu. toman igheat market price. ^ ^ , ,,, M , , . , ^ aD ~ ^ ELEGANT LINES OF ALL GOODS KEPT IN A MIXED STOCK Sole Agent! for the Bay State TIN Standard Screw-Fastened WARE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. THe MUllnery Department, Under the supervision of wwHtn T,i9CTte Velvin, Is firsUclaas, and the latest styles are always on hand. Call and iee our magnificent Stock now arriving. -vi PHXlaPOT & DODDS. OLDEST AND BEST DB.J. BRADFORD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine —o This is a prompt and certain cure for all dieeasos of the Liver, such 83 Dvspepda, Headache, Chills and Fever, &c. s Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every case, or money returned. For sale by druggists generally. J. G. TEISER, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., Rome, Ca, For sale by Bradford & Allen, Cedartown, Ga., and R. T. Hoyt and n ] J. Powers, Rome, G a. — ^ e " 3