Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, June 24, 1880, Image 2

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•The National-Board of Health in Bounces that it lias established it.- liver inspection service along', the Mis8iesip n ’ iic Coni- The Terruui lai Uciimc *ilteeof Utah has passed a resolu tion declaring that polygamy snould be snppressed hv law. Congress adjourned with about eight hundred bills on the Senate Calendar and about fourteen hundred on the House calendar. - ‘New York San.} Is 'fh ul Giu field such a man that patriotic- citizens ij'ti.etlhittd States j ivn well and wisely support him for [President? Can the executive r.u- j rh'-rity cl the republic be safely in trusted to him ? Th. 8e a-e the cjacs- it>HP which every voter should now -sk : and we answer calmly and em phatically that lie is not such a man. The character of Gen. Garfield can be judged from the following c.u spicnons facts; When, in 1S72, the Credit Mobil- ier bribery and corruption among The Siaideu’s Prayer. members of Congress were first ex- . A romantic young man asked lirs sweetheart to take a walk with, him hy moonlight on the river bluff at East Dubuque, Iowa. She wait gladly. When hit!! way tip the ex tension they halted to admire the prospect. Suddenly a stone slipped underneath the young man’s feet and he went down like a curtain rid lie caught hold of some vines which, clung a the rocks and hung on for dear life, expecting to full a hundred feet and to be dashed in pieces on t.he rocks below. The young woman could not pnTl him up, so she All on WINES, OTfglSlSM^ -nPlAT.BTl INT WHISKIES, BRANDIES, &C., HAS THE ENGIUSIVE HTGI IN <’KDARTf A full stock «.f the BEST GOODS SODA WATER. GINGER ALE. GIN Also a good line of CIGARS AND cAcairt , G-eorgia, TO SELL .£X-.' cfc 33C. Myors’ SARATOGA ¥. I. PHIL MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FO „ t hand Will ke;*p constantly in stock all kind* of Sumner beverages, such as COOL LAGER, I50TTCED ‘ j.-w), SELTZER WATER, etc. [jACuO. Be snre and give me a call. Machinery of All Kinds. Col. CuraonD Anderson, ol Ma con will be urged by his friends for Hie position of United States Sena tor to enceeed ex Governor Brown. Bruce, the negro beuator from Mississippi, owns two large planta tions on the Mississippi river, and is currently reputed, to be worth $200,- 800. The aggregate amount of appro priations made during the session ol Congress, which expired the lCth is about one hundred and eighty-six millions, A telegram from Washington states fliat information has been received that workingmen’s, unions through out the United States will vote against Garfield on account of his opposition to the eight hour law. The State Democratic Executive Committee recommended that pri mary conventions will be held in all the counties July 21st, for the pur of ejecting.delegates lo the State Gu bernatorial Convention, which meets in Atlanta August 4th. Philadelphia Times : We learn from some of the organs that the Democratic papers are slandering Gen. Garfield. This is very repre hensible on the part of the Demo cratic papers, as the truth seems to be sufficiently distressing to answer all purposes. Said the Chicago Inter-Occar. (Grant organ) the day before Car- field’s nomination t “IDs record would be lead, and his spinal weak ness a discouragement to the Repub lican party.” On the day after: “We say candidly and earnestly, with Grant out of the field, no candidate is more acceptable to the Inter-Oc that the friends of Grant could have nominated.” Washington Post : Some lex for Democratic campaign orators this year! Garfield and the DeGolyer paying contracts. Garfield and the Credit Mobilier. Garfield and th salary grab. Garfield and the San born-Jayne business. Garfield and the infamous Federal election la Garfield and the vote of Louisiana in 1876. Garfield and the electoral com mission. What a record it is. Ben Butler has eulighted a report er in San Francisco. “General,” said the inquisitive visitor, “I wish yon would favor me with your opinion as a lawyer on if certain subject. Wha do you think of the evidence in the Whittaker ease?” Giving the well- chewed end of his unlighted cigar an extra roll, and dropping his eyelids, the General looked at the questioner with a sententious glance, and re plied: “I think he bit his own ear We have yet to find one of the gov ernor’s appointees who is not in favo of his renomination. However, it i a hard task to forget aud turn the back of yonr hand on one who has given you place and position.—At lanta Phonograph. We have not found a single man whom the governor refused to up point to an office but who is not against his nomination. No, not one. It is hard, however, to forget a want of appreciation upon the part of any one.—Macon Telegraph. posed, Gen. Garfield was one among those aeeus-d. lie immediate!.' pub lished a letter express'y and positive ly denying that be had any share in ‘l. Next, on January 14, 1873, he ppear. d before the commute* of the House of Representatives, and under iath declared: “1 ueyer owned, re ceived, or agreed to receive any stock of the Credit Mobilier, or of the Un- Pacific railroad, pnr any divi dend or profits arising from either of them.” But on January 23 next following, the lion. Oak Ames was examined before the same committee, aud proved by record evidence, partly in General Garfield’s own handwriting, that General Garfield had had stock in the Credit Mobilier, and that he had rtceived dividends thereupon.— Mr. Ames also testified that Gen.Gar field had visited, him subsequent to the commencement of the investiga tion by the Hor.Ro, and had endeav ored to induce him to swear before the committee that money thus paid him as dividends liad been delivered to him as a loan, and yet at the very same time that lie had endeavored to procure this false testimony from Mr. Anus, Gen. Garfield had called upon Ames to pay him an additional sum ol money on account of the Credit Mobilier, claiming that the dividends lie had already received had not been as large as they should have been. A perjurer, and a man who at tempts Lo suborn peijury, is not fit to be President. One other important feature in the history of Gen. Garfield iu his rela tion to tlie De Golyer paving con tract. ■ One De Golyer had made a contract with the Shepherd ring in Washington to put down a quantity of patent pavement. Gen. Garfield was chairman of the Committee on Appropriations in the House of Rep resentatives. In order to pay for this patent pavement an a -propria" tion was needed from Congress. The su m o I aid to Garfield on behalf of De Goi ter, aud appropriations to the amount < f millions of dollars were thereafter {.ranted lothe Washington ring, the apppvopriation for the De Golyer pavement being included therein. These are some o! the facta in the public record of James A. Garfield, now the Republican candidate for President of the United States. her knees and prayed for him. The young man united with her after thi fashion : “Help! Murder! Oh, Lord !'! I know I’ll be all broke up. Now I j lay me. Confound it all, I forgot. Oh, Jerusalem! I've got to let g.>' preity quick. Give 113 some daily bread. Oh that ain’t right I Oh, Lord f Send somebody to help me out oft his scrape. Help T’ At this point lie could hold on no longer,-but went down. But not one band red feet. Only a few fi et, for he landed on a ledge which neither lit- nr she had seen in their excitement. A small fragment of cuticle rubbed off his knee was the sole injury. Some Remarks by Deni, Kiarney. Nfay York, June 18. — Denis Kearney, in an interview, says: I, era had no Hon. David a. Wells, ex Sena tor Barnum, Senator McDonaId ( Senator Voorliees, Willi, m E. Ni- black, of Indiana; Dion Bradbury, of Maine; Senator Whyte, ex Gov ernor Thomas, ex-Goveruor Carroll, of Maryland; Senator Vest, ex-Gov ernor Woodson, of Missouri; ex-Sen ator Stockton, of New Jersey ; ex- Governor Robinson, of New York ; Senator Bailer, Senator Hampton, ex-Governor Porter, of Tennessee; ex-Governors Throckmorton and Hubbard, of Texas; Gen. A. R. Law- ton, of Georgia, and Senator Davis, of West Virginia, are members of the Cincinnati Convention. This chunk ot wisdow is taken from the Cotton Planters and Man ufacturers Journal: “As well might the South send her corn to Minneso ta to be ground, her bacon to Cin cinnati to be smoked, her sugar and molasses to New York to be refined, her irbn and coal to Pittsburg to be made into plows, as to send her raw Cotton thousands of miles to be man ufactured and then returned to the very fields where it is grown, which 'she virtually docs at present, paying the expense of transportation and commission both ways, when it is positively known that cotton can be manufactured at least two cents per ponnd cheaper near the fields where it is grown than it can be by ship ping it to either New or Old Eug- have just come from the Industrial Con veil lion of Voting Cattle at Chi cago—Green backers, they are called —where I entered niv protest against the lecherous, bond-holding slave- drivers, who are grinding suffering humanity in the ground. I am en gaged iu inventing a wheel to turn the world upside down. It has a double back-action. I don’t know how it will work yet. On one side there is a guilotine to cut off the necks of these p litical cut-throats, the corrupt jtuh es and the blackmailing, bribe-taking pack of hounds, the newspaper proprietors who prosti tute the press to subserve their pur poses. We will elect Weaver. We will carry Maine, California, Alabama and Mississippi, and per haps Texas. This will throw the vote into the House. What do I think of the Republi can candidates? Why, them, Garfield is ti bribe-taker, and a cess pool of tartaric acid thrown into the depths of Hades could not make a worse object than Chester A. Arthur, who has 110 following but a pack of pap-suckirs, who want choking with the halter. Tilden, the old thief, was the starter of ail this talk about hirnself. He is likely to be the candidate at Oincin oti and stands the best show, —-— him. The devil ought to take him where lie belongs. They are all dead. They represent the damn monopolists, who have throttled the laboring man until lie has to beseech them 10 be allowed to ■touch the Ji-em of their princely gar ments. Tilden, the old thief, wonld steal the pennies eff a dead man’s eyes and then kick the corpse. Arthur’s Nomination a Disgrace. tBoslan Adevrtiser, P.rp-l It is an ungracious task to find fault with any action taken by a con vention whose main work bus been so satisfaeto.y. But it would he shirking the truth not to say that the nomination for the Vice President is a great disappointment. Mr. Arthur is a Representative in his own per son of principles and methods in politics which a large portion of the Republican party ntterlv Condemns, —and unfortunately he represents nothing else, ilis name could add nothing to the ticket, for'bis natural reputation is the slighest; and such as it is was acquired m a contest with President Ilayes in which the Presi dent was in the right and Mr. Ar thur in tile wrong.* * * * If it was necessary to propitiate Senator Conkling, a r ter losing his magnifi cent battle for Gen. Grant, it was a small price fur him to ask, but much too high a price fur the convention to pay. * * * It degrades the cause which lie led so gallantly, and it will offend many more Ilian it can possi bly conciliate. WOOL FACTORY. At Raswsll, C'bb County, Ga. ' \-- THE LAUREL MILLS lAIUEACTUKIM CO. AH BOB, mrTCHSSRSOlff. - 7*0 ;yg?-aBBac MlSlsiOSf: In selling DRY GOODS at low G ;nres. It is also XNCONTESTXBLE FACT Sixty-four different makes of STEAM ENGINES and BOILERS ranging from 3 to 40 horse-power—new and second-hand—all at very low prices. Also agents for the ALBANY and Would respectfully call the attention or Wool Growers and dealers in Wool to their excellent JEANS, TWEEDS and LIN SETS, which they are exchanging for wool on reasonable terms, or will manufacture wool sent to us into heavy Jean? at 22>< cents ncr yard. School Boy Jeans at 17# cents; Tweeds, 15 cents; Linsevs. at 12,V cents.— We pay freight on all wool shipped to us. and gnarantce safe return of goods. Those living near the Western & Atlantic or any Rail Road connect ing with the same will ship their wool to Marietta, Ga. We will get the wool from there aud rctnrn goods to station free of charge. To any one who pleasure in sending them ulars gry' ig rates of exchange, direction! for shipping wool, etc. Also will send samples o our goods to make a selection from before ship ping or bringing your wool to the factory. MR. C. E. Of Cedartown, is acting wish can deliver their should be directed to 4 FACTORING CO.,” Rc HEATJf, our agent, and anywHTT AH letters LAUREL MILLS MANU- swell. Ga. J. S. WOOD. President. NATURES QW!i ilT^y^; £GY Injunction RefrreoU. [Atlanta Poet, 10th.] The Jessup case, which was taken „ , , , ,, up by the United States Court ves- five thousand dollars was terday, was resumed this morning.-^- nif injunction brought The case w to restrain the Savannah, Florida and Western railroad company from carrying into effect the rules and regulations established by the rail road Commission. A restraining or der had been granted when- the hill was filed. This morning, after the conclusion of the aignmer.t, the court refused to grant the injunction, on ihe ground uf the Slate’s injunction, on the State’s demurrer, that the stockhold- such interest involved vs them to demand the in fo aulho-riz jn notion. A new bill was then entered by. Col. Falligant in behalf of an alien stockholder—one not a citizen of the United States—and - mother— r*S- ™ straining order was granted until the 14th ol September when the cast- will come up again under this new form. Wool, Fashion Nodes. Tally-ho suitings, all shown in old gold. French lace is used in profusion on summer dresses. The groom selects the bride’s bon - quet at weddings now-a-days. Mauve a i lilac will be the favor ite shades m midsummer millinery. Summer dresses, made w ith blouse waists, have overskirts pointed in front. ? St A $ § YEGFJABr “ ^ ’ MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOD, LIVER 8tK! 0HEY37 For Blood It It pret> GUmUiE, For Liver Complain S X medic! S pc.ccd of kne | eeuibliiins l 5 oration me eazativa * >.oTvvn tor tie evils which produce all dls- loses cf the the r.fi’e}’, the Rfihieyst ice^sary, only, to examine my Stock and Prices to be Calicoes, £s>om ©1 Gants Upwa?dsr BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, LINENS, GINGHAMS, TICKINGS. &C B-Iack and Colored Bilks a S'peolalt;^ PERCALES, LAWNS, GRENADINES JL Beautiful Stools of Fpia|C3 ? CURTAIN LACES, CRETONS. &C. immense Bargains in SCid Gloves, LACE TOP AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES, The finest anti chcopeat stock of PL YIN AND FANCY RIBBONS ever placed in this market. . Hamburg and Swiss Edgings and Insertings. ■ riG>33 I.OT QJU” SHOES, Sold at price? much under the cost ol m mufactarc. Call early and seenre bantams while you have THOMAS FAHY, 58 Broad Street, Noble Building, Rome, Ga. BROWN COTTON GrJN. PACKING SCREWS, SEPARATORS, THRESHERS, CORN MILLS AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, in general. We hud a fine trade in this line last year, and general satisfaction was given. We are also Dealers in General Merchandise the opportunity 1880. SPRING! 1880. M1LI.1MKRY ©SGli. Now being opened and receiving daily at THE CRYSTAL PALACE. Retail. Ua.revS e»vM For Kidney DUeu GttSATiKH, S f JH£TiN£, For Eeroful* I>: eOHATIHE SENSES tlon cad mgh in its etfTecS. unexcelled-fur the ofr.ll Moca Di*- Sevof- UH, THDu-i *.*: Tcttci ,Xir:fS*hi ;;K: .i Jilui:sm.51cr- rin’iizl jettisoning* t noiis, ftyrvcjtvia, Inui- 3 :■stion, Sour Sfows- a s’;. Hci eat ion c/ iVene, do. ASK YOU?. BHliSEiST FCH IT. 7HEBP.GVH CEESCALCO. BALTIMORE, Md. S5SSS FOR SA.EE. REAL ESTATE lu the wide-awake, progressive little city of CEDARTOWfi POLK CQUHTY, SA. F. M. SMITH, Real Estate Agent, Wliolosalo and. Comprising fill' lines of Foreign and Domestic- MILAriS, CHIPS, LEGHORNS BRAIDS, RICE S ; RAW, RIBBONS. CANTONS, FLOWERS, TAPE, FEATHERS, SILKS, MISSES AfiD CKILOtiEN’S HATS, LARGE SELECTION STRAW GOODS, ETC-., ETC.. ET&. ETC., In our Dress Goods Department we will off r the largest selection in every style in American and Foreign novelties, trimmings lo match, Lace. Husiery, Hamburg Embroideries, Parasols, and a full line of White G001I3. Hand made Sir es a Specialty. Samples mailed on application. DAVIS & OO. apri-3m % Shorter Bloc k, Eome, G And have in store a well selected stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS CLOTHING AND’GROCERIES, All of which we will sell low. either for cash or to nrompt paying tiwe cus tomers. We are agents for GEORGE A. CLARK’S O. ]M. T.” TFRBAD, And will sell at retail and also will job 13 to meichants at regnlar jobbers prices. 10,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted We will pay highest price for all the washed wool brought to ns. Persons'corteniplating the erection ot buildings may save money by calling ou us for prices of LUMBER, LATHS arid SHINGLES. Cora* and see us. W. M. PHILLIPS & CO., a P r29tf ’ Cedartown, Get,. BBEsaacos—■■■■■ spurn© mxmxfztun Mrs. T. B. "Williams, A3XLC2>_-‘AS5 £3kS?., lIoMS3, CSF^l, Is new Receiving and Opening the laarsesst of CS-oods Fines It l as ever h-on her pleasure to offer her friends. The stock is fresh and r.«w, embracing all the new and fashionable goods in her line. Good goods at the lowe.it price will b- found in her hon.se. I aslt you to give me a c-a’l before you purchase, examine my goods and g-t my prices. Or ders by mail will receive’ careful attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Mourning goods and ladies underwear a S)> -malty. a pi 21} 3 m fEE cS GO 232fC5.^.ca. St., 3TLC3130.0, O-n. HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGINES MADE BY THE TAYLOR MANUFACTURING CO, 0. & G. C Eli & CO., C. AULT .MAN & CO, BLY. •fS: &Sa AMD DEALER LX WILD LAXDS, By rearrest of the owner. Thoe [. Uace. E.-Ki-. I oiler for a good and. commo- ioti- two sroc£ xl4'aUini? ■otI anished, 5unr cootrrodrae on ii.et7fTor.-«Rr t»«yj roo;H.-> up -taira, tlye eood brick and nil necessary out bi.iUlm; bearinc lruit trees of tin fine fruits. The best of with a bo _ but*! selection ot in" water in abundance. Said lot bound as follows*: East by the Cedartown Hotel, Sprint; street between,s»ath by Prj*or street, went by ihc llijrii Sch«>.*l buildinir. north by the- public sprinir. Can be bomjht at tbc low price of $3,000 first payment. $1,00-1 at time possession giv en. Second payment $1,000 on 25th December, 18q. third payment $1,000 on 25lh December 1282. with interest on the fast payments fron date of possession. Titles perfect. Persons_ wishing^to ipectfully 'mfr j -' desi AprI5-0m Haralson County Shsriff’s bet alas. j door on the e legal property. first Tuesday in July hours of sale, the foi ... Lots of land Nos. !»74 97D anfi DTfi’in 2d district aud 3rd section of originally Unnlditnj now Haralson county, Ga. Levied on as tlie prop.rrty of T. O. Stringer by virtue of one justice court.fi. fa. in fa vor of Alien Bhilpot vs. T. O. Stringer. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Levy made The ideal dress for camp-meeting wear is black siik of the ‘*1/’ and brands. and returned l in # c Jors, the new Pen cocks, embroiilere 1 decorate ihe corners uf handkeichu fs. Iron-clad lisle-thread hose come in solid drabs of all shades, ribbed from the top to ihe instep. i by John Moon, L. C. • .AIho at th-e same rime and place will be sold lots of land Nos. 851,852.9Pi. all in the 20th district and 3rd section of oriyinaliy Paulding now Ilarah * the property of Georgia TT-, Bil.KEB. & HALL, X»ZDAXi£]H.S IKT- fiEIEUAI IAKDWABJ, STIC IT j±S Heady-Made Plows, FIow§tocks, Nails, Iron and §teel, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Hakes, Ma nure Forkt:. etc., J3uggy VUlieelw, Sliait Circles, Holes and YEG .X UF YG- TUKING GO., AND JAMES. LEGrEL & jjO. Sweepstakes ind D.iytou ritts’ Separators and Horse Pow- rs. Wrighi’s Anti Friction and Faiquliur’s Improved Horse Louisville Separators and Ground Hog Threshers. Brown, Pratt and Sawyer Cotton Gins. Grain Scythes and Cradles. Hubs, Spokes, and Fellows, and a full Stock of Hardware at prie*--i guaranteed to be as low as the market will allow. upr2!) 3m THROWS, Saws,-Miss, -Looks, -Hiag&s, Lkaias^ 3^' j We have just opened a Hardware House in Cedartown, nd ask a trial in Goods and prices. We are '{SPRING ! 1880 MRS. FA. O. GARRARD, At Veal’s Jewelry Store, Rome, Ga. Millinery and Fancy Good: -all Copper Minina Company by three Jus tice court fi j:is issued from 1072 district. G. M.. of Polk county, Ga., in favor of A. II. Parmley, Jtob- HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS. LACES. FLOWERS. RUCHING5 TIES, BOWS, SILK THREAD, ZEPHYRS, MOTTOES, CARD BOARD, And many other New, Stylish and Cheap Goods. No trouble to show goods. You are respectfully invited to call. Fine trimmed Hats and Bon f nets a Specialty apr' Co ul John II. Dari . wuil (.‘upper Minins: Company. Levy mate and re- tnrned to me by Joseph M. Thorna-on, L. C — Tenant in poseeasicu notified. This April 22.188-J, J.K. HOLCOMBE, Sheriff. BITS Of' GENEK.VL YEWS Crop Itepiut «f t!ie Agriciritnral De- part incut. Washixgxon, June 17.—The fol lowing was issused by the Depart ment of of Agriculture to-day : The cotton returns to this depart ment indicate an inersase in the area planted in cotton of 7 percent. The reports were as follows: Forty coun ties in North Carolina report an average increase of G per cent.; nine teen counties in South Carolina r.n increase of 7 per cent.; seventy-five counties in Georgia, 9 per cent, in crease; thirteen to ntiea in Florida, 3 per cent, increase ; thirty-two counties in Alabama, S per cent, in crease ; thirty-nine counties in Mis sissippi, an average increase of 3 per cent.;eighteen counties in Louisiana, 4 per cent, increase; seventy-three counties in Texas, 12 per cent, in- cre-ase; thirty counties in Arkansas, 7 per cer-f. increase, and twenty-five counties in Tennessee, 15 per cent, increase. The condition is reported betier than last year at the same time, and is 39 this year, against 9G last year. The weather was favorable every where. Rather, too much rain in Mississippi and Louisiana. Wheat.—The average of spring wheat shows a slight increase over llie crop sown last year. There is a decline in ’he area sown in the States of Wisconsin and Iowa of nearly 12 percent. Ill the New England States the area is about the same. In Miu- Atianla has atwut 123 practicing lawyers. Snow fell on ti e 15th in Minnea polis, Minn. A telegram states that the miners at Leadviile, Col., have quietly re sumed work. The Continental Guards, of New Orleans, are making a tour of the Northern cities. I. M. Kalloeh has been held to answer without bail at San Francisco lor murdering DeYoung. The corner stone'of the monument to be evicted on King’s Mountain, Noith Carolina,was laid on the ICth. A terrible epidemic lvsemblingdys- euteiy, lias stricken down over one thousand persons in North Adams, .Mass. Many cases are proving fatal. The Supreme court has decided that part of the Louisiana law which taxes commencin', travelers twenty- five dollars per mouth, is unconstitu tional. An official dispatch from Havana says the Government of Spain is in ignorance to the fact that American ships have been fired upon by Span ish men-ol-war. The Post stys the 4t.h of July in Atlanta will undoubtedly be a suc cess. The committees appointed are making all possible arrangements to guarantee a good time. Senator Zebulon B. Vance, of North Carolina, and Mrs Florence S. Martin, of Kentucky, were mar ried hist Wednesday at the residence of the bride’s mother, in Oldham county, KV, Rf. Rev. Bishop Mc- Closkey officiating.' 'Pile Supreme Court of Indiana on the Sth morning overthrew the con liesota an increase of 1 per cent. In Nebraska aud California an increase j stitutional amendment changing the of 11 per cent. The condition winter wh at is remarkably good.- time of holding the State election fr.on October to the second Tuesday Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and II- in November. The • pinion of th bnois all report above 100 per cent. Court was rendered by Judge Biddle. ©OUT . jiSUTr.OR SHROHJQ A iALICYLIC^ £CE2 CURE. M^nnfactwed only tinder the above Trade Mark, by the KUJiuPEAN SALICYLIC MEDI CINE CO., of Paris an«l Leipzig. Immediate KeAef Warranted Permanent Ccke Guaranteed. Now exclusively uwai hy all celebrated Physicians of Europe and America'. The highest Medical Academy of Paris reports So cares out of Iff) cases within three days. Secret.—tiie only dissolved or the poison- ors rsuc acid which exists in the bi.ojd of RHEUMATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. CURED. CURED. CURED. TI. S. Dewey, Esq., 201 Broadway, Inflaniuato Rheumatism. • Mrs. E. Towne, 63 Ease Ninth street (cijfclkyi/ muttons in the joints), Ch; Rheum. A. M. Prnger^ 74 Newark avenue, Jersey City, Chronic Rheumatism. John F. Chamberlain, Esq.. Washington Qab, Washington, I). C -Rheumatic Gout. Arnold, Esq., 12 Weybosset pfrg^l.Provi dence. II. i., of twenty years’ Clin Tohu If. Turugate, liib Sanchez cisco, Neuralgia and Sciatica. 2 Rbei.-oiffri-W! i Fra For Material, Iniermilteni and Chronis Fevers, Chills, or Ague, SALiCYLIGA 18 A CERTAIN CUR 1 ':, Supers eclin: tirely the use of.Sr.lphateic.f Qu ine. as it win not only cut the fevers, but u achieve a RADICAL CURB.without j and troubles £ of rhe i 3 from (MINI Ni $i a box six boxes for $5, bentlree by Mail on receipt uf money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR I'l but take no imitation or substitute, as our Salic lica (copy righted) is gnanuiteed to relieve, money-refunded, and will be delivered free on l ceipt of orders, by calling on or addressing WASHBURNE & CO.. SOLE AGENTS, 212 Broadway, cor. Fulton St. (.Knox BniUlhi* Slate Roofers 1 We will do firet-claes PLAIN ROOFING A.T C2333ja.ri.TOWW —AT— •Sf&S pes? Squads satisfaction guaranteed IN EVERY PARTICULAR, ELLIS DAVIS & a o Rockmart, Ga. Literary Revolution and Universal Knowledge. Strictly in the Hardware Business, and will be prepared to furnish goods in our line as cheap as they can be bought in any raaiket. Give us a trial before going elsewhere. „ You All Feel It! An Encyclopedia In 20 vols. ov e r 13-000 pages : iO percent r cvciopuidi* ever before published in this conntry, ana soi*i. han l-omely and $ 10, »n half morocco fi»r $ 15. and printed on lin- heavy papei gilt top, for $20— an enterpr J! ter than any En and, in cloth for id in half Russia, beyond all precedent in book pub- Ihfhiusr. ■ , - - " The Libraky of Usr, of “Chamber’s Encyclopte 1 terest to American r suited t;» the wun»s 1 latest Encyciopiedta Spscimeii Volumes 5n either style will be sent for examination, with privilej re e-reat majority of t a reprint entire of the last (1870) Edinburgh edition tent or new matter added, upon topics of special in- 1 character to any similar work, better than any other v.io consult works ol ieference, and altogctucr the receipt of prop irtionatc price per volume. Special Discounts to all early subscribers, and extra discounts to clubs. Fall particulars with descriptive catalogue of many other standard works equally low in price, seat free. Lemling principles of tlie America i Book Exchange: I Pnbligh cnly books of real value. If. Work upon the basis of preent coil of makinz banks, about one half what it was -a few y^-ars ng». III. Sell to buyers direct, and save thc.n the CO to 61) percent commission commonly allowed to dealers. IV. The cost of books when made 10.000 at a time is but a fraction of the cost when made 500- at a time —adopt the low price aud sell the Urge quantity. V. LVogood type, p ip-sr, etc., do careful printing, and strong, neat binding, but avoid all *pa !- ding-.’hfat and heavily-leaded t/y>e, spongy yap tr and ga'u ly binding, which are so commonly resorted to to make books appear large and fine, ana whinli greatly add to their cost, bat do no not add to their value. VI. To make $1 and a iriend is better than to make 55 and an enemy. £5f&33Ld£L3?d IiS©ouss 3 erne Library'*)! Modern’ Classics.. Library of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols.. $10. Milam’s Gibbon’s Rome, 5 vois.. $2 50. 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VTorics ol Flavius Josephus. $2 Comic History of the U. S.. Hopkins. iUus., 53 cent: Health by Exercise, Dr. Geo. II. Taylor. 59 cents Health for Votncn, Dr. Geo H. Taylor, 50 cents. Library Magazine, 10 cunts a No., ^1 * year. Library Magazine, bound volu ucs, 60 cents. ' Diary of an old la wyer, $' by E. T. Aldei ill us Each oft •stage extra. M. 1 in fine editions •ices. hound II by mail, also publish d Hut: bindings, ai higher rder,: Remit by bank draft, money c 2 sent iu postage stamps. Address jLjSIJIj RIC AR JOHN B. ALDEN, Manager. stered letter, 30 OK • by Ei EXCHANGE. Tribune Building. New York- Burial Oases Ss Caskets. ines^ a full line of and Caskets, froir the smallest to the largest size, which we pro pose selling aa low as they can be bought in_ any full line of Undertakers’ Trim- HUNTING TON & WRIGHT. h £ s. for 200 paces. EPHRAtM BROWN, Lowell, Mast W . Agent made $5i50 in two days ’ another, $32 In one day. Tby it. Wi, Sole Agency of Town or County. Home J iaili’oad. 1 SCHEDULE-TAKING EFFECT MAY 19,18S0. MORNING TRAIN—DAILY - . Leave Rome daily at.... Arrive at Junction Anve at Kingston. Leav • Kingston Arrive at Junction ,8 00 A A! .. 8:10 " . 9:12 ** Of, at least most of you do. At this season you sorely feel tha need of something to brace and strengthen the system, give tone to the nerves, vigor to the muscles, whet the appetite, irn-' prove digestion, purify the blood and lift the whole physical man up to a higher standard of health and render it less liable to at- 1 tacks of many dangerous disorders now prevailing. If you feel the need of a remedy that will meet any or all these symptoms, get a bottle of Bradford & Walker's Iron Tonic (4 pint tor 50 cents) and you will not be disappointed. If it does you no good they will refund your mony, every cent of it, when you return the empty bottle. Manufactured and for sale by BRADFORD & WALKER, , , • Cedartown. Ga. Announcement Extraordinary! G. W. S'EiLTUSSHS'TOKT Has opened out his Spring and Summer Stock, Which i-mbr-ces a fine line of new, neat and seasonable gm-.I, and will be a..Id at prices LO^TtfER TSAKT TLtK LOWEST B--sure and call before purchasing l.<rwhere. jau8-tf. A. HOUeHERTY, EVENING TRAIN. Daily Except Sundays. Leave Rome at 5:30 P. M. Arrive at Junction 5:40 “ Arrive at Kingston 6:45 “ Leave Kingston at 7^0 “ Arrive at Junction Arrive at Rome .. . Rome tune slower by 10 minntea than A. K. R, lime, and eight minutes taster than DEALER IISF First - Class Liquors, Wines, Brandies, Beer, Cider, <fec., CE DAH.TO W JST, - - -- Q-XZORQ-IA Buys direct from Distiller?, and conseqnently ens^omers advau &D.R. il EBEN HILLYER, President.. JAS, A. SMITO G, P. Agent i:'«) “ | tages none others can offer. Has the Sole Agency for ‘ ni n VE1ERAN SSZ'x. i Copper Distilled KENTUCKY RYc A fine Whisky, highly recorotnended lor medicinal purposes. Keeps on hand a good line of TOBACCO and I ntake a-business of bgying ana eeHla .Mk