Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, July 12, 1883, Image 3

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€*feto?j Mmfer. LOCAL MATTERS. Farmers and others desiring a gen teel, lucrative agency business, by ■Which $5 to $20 a day can be earned, ■end address at once, on postal, to H. C. Wilkinson & Co., 195 and 190 Fulton Street, New York. dee.21-Cm as Wynn &■ Bro., keep a good sup ply of Lumber and Shingles. Leave your orders l'or Doors, Sash and Blinds with them for prompt atten tion. Bo you want Paints and Oils, Sash, Doors and Blinds, or Window Glass? We will furnish you at Chattanooga and Atlanta prices, and save you profits and delay. Our motto is ‘‘Quick Sales and Short Profits. Bp.uce Harris & Co. 117 Broad Street, Borne, Ga. Rood Potatoes. Buy of J. A. Wynn & Bro., who have a good stock on hand. - Buy your Garden Seeds of J. A. Wynn & Bro. Stock fresh and ex- teasive. Garden Seeds! •Fresh and genuine, at J. A. Wynn & Bbo.’s “Tough on Chills.” Cures 5 cases for 25 cts. in cash on •tamps. Mailed by John Parham, Atlanta, Ga. India Linens, Brown Dress Lin ens, Mohair Lace Suitings, Silk Suit ings, Black Lace Brocades, and fig ured Lawns in great variety, at J. S. Stubbs and Co.’s. J. S. Stubbs & Co. have the finest line of Laces and Ilamburgs in town, and at the lowest figures. Go and see the handsome new stock of Spring Clothing, Hats, Shoes, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, now being received at Wright’s Clothing Store. It embraces the latest styles in each line. vtaB^rriBa. Venders of blackberries are nu merous. Haralson Superior Court convenes next Monday. Mrs. John Merrell is visiting her people in Carroll. Mrs. Frank Lsster is visiting her father at Bamesville. The Episcopal? are negotiating for a for their new house of worship. The Episcopal church edifice is gradually assuming symmetrical pro portions. The galorious fourth went fcv with out a single ripple of jubilant interest in these parts. Gen. WrHard Warner, of Tecum- seh, Ala., has been an attendant at Poik Superior Court. An unusual amount of sickness in the form of dysentery and bowel troubles is reported in this section. The fruit crop this season, it is gen erally, computed, wiirbe a sorry one. A small yield and of inferior quality. Judge Underwood and Col. Stan cell by their vocal sparring have served greatly to amuse spectators at Court. The change of base of Individuals at this season of the year, as a prac tice grown more common from year to year, until now weli nigh epi demic; furnishes lucrative business for the rsilroade. Truly, it is an ill wind that blows no man good. Becking in filth and emitting poisonous effluvia are yet- places in town that ought earlier to have been looked after. Some people do not seem to put a favorable estimate up on the good truism that an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure. We have not turned physician, but would state that during such weather as now prevails, it is well enough for people to exercise caution in many ways to avoid the summer ills, to which flesh is susceptible. Particu larly avoid over-exertion, and take care of your diet. A Rome special to the Atlanta Constitution says: “J. W. Rcaasa- ville, President of the Home and Car rollton railroad, has just returned from a trip to New York in the inter est of his road, ne reports the pros pects good for its early completion far as Cerlartown.” The ubiquitous and irrepressible Hie wheat crop, as we learn from] cepArtown prices current. threshermon, Is turning out a very poor yield; averaging only about six bushels per acre. • Com does pot look promising, while\cotton has favora ble chances ahead. The growing of sunflowers betrays an lesthetie interest hereabouts.' Buy your Clothing flit. Wrigi of M. A. *If you want the latest and best fruit jars, call on I. T. Mee, Diamond Dyes have only to be used to be appreciated. For sale by Bradford & Tomlinson. 4w Lamps! Lamps! Lamps! The largest and best assortment ot Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, at T. F, Burbank’s. Harper & Co. sell clothing as chea; as you can buy it in Atlanta am Borne. Straw Hats, the cheapest in town. tf Dr. R. B. Thompson’s Liniment is kept on sale at T. F. Burbank’s Drug Store. Trusses! Trusses! A good stock now on hand at T. F. Burbank’s. Buy your Drugs, Paints, Oils, Put ty, Glass, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Standard Proprietary Remedies, etc., of T. F. Burbank, who always keens a good assortment at reasonable prices. Mason’s and- Winslow’s Fruit Jars at I. T. Mee’s. tf Prolong the usefulness of your fa ded raiment by the use of Diamond Dyes. For sale by Bradford <jc Tom- inson. Shoes Tor the Shoeless. A tasty, well assorted stock oi shoes, embracing all grades for Gen tlemen’s, Ladies’, Misses’ and Chil dren’s wear, at living prices, at J. A. Dodds’ Shoe Store. Goto Harper & Co’s., if you want white fancy Ties, they have a splen did line. commercial travelers, scenting fall A considerable crowd from this I orders, have swooped down upon our place went on the excursion to Car- business folk with redoubled fury, tersville last Sunday to attend the I would seem, this season. Eachindi- distnct meeting. vidua! specimen seems determined There are some cases of chills and to Secure the largest sales or “bust fever reported about town, which trace” in the attempt, seem to lie only a non-abatement An exchange says:“A home without of last year’s crop. a newspaper is a place whore old hats Mr. W. T. Tomlinson, of Sanford, are stuffed in the window panes Fla., accompanied by liis sister, Mrs. where the children are like young Marks, is up cn his usual summer pigs, the house-wife like a savage, and visit to his old home. the husband with a panorama of the Mrs. W. F. Hall, with several of Jjismal Swamp painted on his shirt her children,' left yesterday for a I bosom with tobacco juice.” visit of several months to her mother, 14 is pleasurable to note the in- near Lynchburg, Va. creased interest being taken in the Mrs. J. W. Barr is gone on a trip [propagation and keeping of flowers louthward, during which she w m | by many of Cedartown’s ladies. The visit her mother in Atlanta and J oy these silent emblems of purity other relatives at Columbus. afford are in no wise oversltadov.-ed a,,„ - „ , T . . . i by what might seem to one not ex -mss Susie Harris, of Virginia, . , . , niiino- Hwhiio I P erlen ced, a great amount of care. We were glad to observe the genial features of our young friend Be-ii Watts on our streets the past week He has Deen located for some time in Charleston, where, as Ills looks indi cate, at least, he has fared well. Ben is immensely and deservedly popular Miss Jessie Branham^ the lovely | in this part of the “moral vineyard.” The Ashville, (Ala.) JEgis says: The first engine cn the East West narrow-gauge railroad, crossed Coosa River on last Saturday, 30th inst. Hurrah! Perhaps the bridge on which it crossed is the third bail' over the river, and it is the first con- who has lately been spending awhile with friends at" Bockmart, is n^w paying a brief visit to ibis place. Wanted.—To exchange a New Home Sewing Machine, bran new out of factory, for a good milch cow, or for lumber. Apply at this office. daughter of Judge Joel Branham, is visiting at Cedartown, and expresses an intention of remaining several weeks. A fire occurred at Rockmart a few nights ago, which consumed the bus iness house of Hugh J. Jones. We have no. been informed as to the necting the bank in this count” with origin. its opposite.” A Main street sign reads, “Barber Miss Moilie Young, who has lately Shop and Ice Cream Saloon.” The returned home from Gaines% r iile, component substances of such an es-1 whore she has been officiating as in- tabiishnient constitute a doubtful ad mixture. Excursions are becoming popular and frequent on the East and West Railroad. The colored people seem .Particularly to enjoy the exhilarating I <7 and among our clever people, diversion. a colored carpenter'adopts a novel •In these days of hypocrisy it-is 1 mode of avoiding being annoyed by ?afe to observe that the man with the tha inquisitive, by pasting a paper up biggest bibie in his window is not I ou bis work which reads “I am structress in art in the Gainesville Female College, was accompanied by Miss Josie Wilkes and Miss Freeman of that place, who remain for a while njoying a pleasant visit in our cou: Court. The adjourned session of Folk Su perior Court which began last week was held for the purpose of clearing up some old civil eases on the dock ets. All those tried thus far have been tedious and haw consumed con siderable time. Among these, two exciting most interest were those of Eaves & Collins vs. Cherokee Iron Company, and JJiggins vs. the Cher okee Railroad. The former was a case in which the- plaintiffs sued for $30,000 damages for alleged violation of ore contract. The trial consumed nearly three days, and was rather spirited, able counsel beingemployed on both sides. McCutehenaud Shu mate, Siancell and Blanee, repr; sented plaintiffs, and Underwood, Rowell, Broyles and Thompson, de fendants. The verdict must have, been a genuine surprise to the plain tiffs, and provoked chagrin untold, being over §11,00 against them. The latter case was one in which the plaintiff sued for damages for loss of an eye, caused by a cinder from an engine it was claimed. Tes timony overwhelmingly showing up favorable for the defendants, the jury gave a verdict for them. The ver dicts in both cases, so far as we can learn, receive apopular endorsement, they furnish a snre evidence. of a growing feeling against the unright cous prejudice that corporations have no rights, and ought to contribute to the result of a decrease of much use less and expensive litigation, the ou growth of such prejudices. Adyektiseh Office, l Gedaetowj.-, Ga;, June 2i 1SSS; j cotton: Good Mild!;rigs y Middlings 2:. 9% Strict Low Jliddiings 933 Low Middlings ..." 9 - 0 to SJ£ Candles per pound Mackerel, per 100 Potatoes, Irish, per bu ' “ Sweet Iron Steel Plows Horseshoe nails Home shoes Mule Shoes Butter "7 Eggs ’ Wheat Meal Corn Onto 7 Cried peaches, annealed 7 “ pealed iekensr—spring, non.; hens 20 21(330 1 c-o TURNER & COLVILLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW CEDABTOyrN, GA. Offtck Ovkk Wyxx a Bko:’s Stowe, Will practice in Polk am! surrounding counties; ami in ail the courts. Pronipi attention to business; 15@25 123-< §1 20 R:uis.» TaCmr : ^....7.7.777 Bcfeswax . Bsik sides Sugar cured hams Dr. L. S. Ledbetter, DENTIST, CEDARTOWN, - - GEORGIA jp&'All Dental work performed iff the most skillful manner. Barber Shop West Main St., Cedartown, <*r. One Door South of Barr & Leahe, BY LEWIS BOND. Bond’s Hair Tonic! Flour S*!t, Va., per sack s Molasses Sjrrup, N; O Sugar, brmv'ji 77. 44 white, Standard A Tea • Coffee, It»o Bagging 777 Rope, cotton - 44 Sisal Leather, sole Hides, dry 7 44 Green. 3 (a^xy. $1 10 6o(aW) GO $10 12 : $Yc$l$ G"W*1 00 10&I2U 20(5/11 A popular Hair Dressing, Removes Dandruff', stops itching in' the hair or heavd, and is an effectual remedy for chapped face ir hands, c. e. JANxs. IS 30@32 G eorgia—polx county.—mbs. If. 1*. McAllister, the holder of a bond for titles made by P. Vandevender, deceased, while in life, for one-half in- .* ... j a. lots of land numbers 02, .... 4, 8, i», 10, and 11, in the Irth district and 1th section, and lots nuaibsrs 7, 0, 10, 11,65, 64, 63, 63, 82, 134 135, 206, 207, 225, 226, 227, and 270, in the ARMSTEAD RICHARDSON. & RICHARDSON, ATTORNEYS at LAW, Cedartown, Ga. £t-S**Spoeial attention given to collec- Officc in the Court House. 311. CHAELES S. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Office Over Burbank’s Drug Store, CEPAIiTOlYN, ga. WALL PAPER. always the proper person to give building an l credit to. Diamond Dyes for sale by Bradford & Tomlinson. J. S. Stubbs & Co. have a splendid line of Dress Goods, cheaper than ever. Mr. Burbank: Send me 1 doz. bottles Brown’s Iron Bitters. It is the best tonic I ever knew. Mrs. Julius A. Peek May 9th, 1833. Ice cold soda water at Burbank’s. Go to Burbank’s for a cool and nice drink of soda water. 10,000 pounds of Bacon to barter for Wheat, Oats and Corn, or sell for cash at low figures. 4t Featherston <fc Rno. A splendid line of Drug3, Paints Oils. Putty, Glass, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, etc., to be found always in stock at T. F. Burbank’s, and call. ays Be sure Buy Pearline. At Burbank’s. Pearline, a valuable wash in compound, for sale by T. F. Burbank Uncle John, said a bright little girl of eight summers, to a gentleman whose hair was just showing tints of silver, “why can,t you walk as fast as I?” “My dear, I once chased the buttefly with a light elastic step yours, but I’m too old for such sports now, am besides a victim of Rheu matism, and must therefore stop at the nearest drug store for a bottle of Coussen’s Lightning Liniment, which will cure Rheumatism, Lame Back, Sprains, Bruises, etc. Price 50 cts. Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment Is the favorite remedy for that terrible disease, Piles, or Hemorrhoids. It is the favorite remedy because it never fails to cure the most obstinate case when used accordingto directions. Do not fail to avail yourself of the relief afforded by this valuable comnound, but call at the drug store for Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment. Price 50 cts. “An infant crying in the night, An infant crying for the light, And with no language but a cry.” The child was in pain and knew’ no batter than to cry until morning, or until somebody brought him some thing to relieve his suffering. Every body who has the care of a small child should remember that the little fellow’s pains and gripes are ever more severe to him than correspond ing pains would be to a big man Acting on this, it is wise always to have Persy Davis’s Pain Killer. on hand. If you have a cough or cold, or dis ease of thethroat and lungs, useCous- seii’s Houey of Tar, the best and pu rest compound ever offered to the public. There are a.few worthless imitations of This valuable remedy, but it has no rival as a ready relief for diseases of the throat and lungs, bad colds and severe coughs of long standing. Use. Coussen’s Honey of Tar and get rkl of your cough hoarseness and difficulty of Price, 60 cents. Imported watermelons are plenti ful in the market, and are morbidly devoured, regardless of dangers from colics or other physical troubles that might result. The Messrs. Green, with their house.” A questioner nevertheless, seeing the words indif ferently spaced, wanted to know if he meant to say lie was building “an ice house” or “a nice house.” Blooming Grove, about eight miles south of Cedartown, it is stated, is ca pable of being made a valuable re apron vibrating thresher, threshed s ° rt for . people in . summcr - several one day last week twelve hundred l! ‘ ce E P rin S 3 affording different vari- bushels of wheat, which is regarded I 01103 v/ ater, fine scenery and pleas- as a rather extraordinary piece of work. Rev. J. IV. Roberts, of this place, ant surroundings generally being characteristics. There is some talk of it being opened tar the aeeommo- preachcd the missionary sermon at dation ofa limited number of guests the Methodist district conference at' seasoa - Cartersville last week, and succeeded in raising quite a handsome sum of | money. The stockholders of the Cedartown I Cotton Factory should remember and | be oil hand at the meeting next Sat urday, for permanent organization, ; notice of which appears elsewhere in | this paper. It is a fact universally admitted on all sides that the Advertises Job Office turns out as creditable work as any establishment, no matter where located, and the consequence is we are not only getting all our home work, but increasing gradually the number of orders from other points in this section. Our outfit is all new . f>nd first-class, selected in person and The editor, though yet feeble, is with care by the head of the estab- glad to be this week back to his post. I lishment, and our every effort is to IV e trust that paucity of reading please our customers. Samples of matter in this and several former Is- work can be seen on application, sues, will be excused on the ground An amusing scene was produced in our illness. court by a prominent attorney, who Miss Sue Grant, the popular art was observed when-ready for an ar- instructress, left a few days ago for a gument, to be much annoyed by an visit to her latehomeat Shellmound, obstinate fly which, notwithstanding Marion county, Tenn. Her scores, of vigorous efforts to dislodge it, stuck friends wish her a pleasant trip and closer than abrothcraboutthe bridge' a safe return. of his nose. He began, “May it please Rev. J. W. Lee, of Dalton, lectured ta* 16 cour t—” Here a pause caused before a respectable sized audience at b y tbo familiar antics of the fly, the Presbyterian church last night, which caused more positive blows his subject being “fsubdue the Earth.” from t5ie P- a., and the sentence was Those who heard it pronounces it a finished in about the following way: rare intellectual treat. “the flies pester me so bad, I don’t There is a prominent citizen'of Ce- kuow wba * to do -” dartown who will never be bothered T h c servant question is one that byany one swinging on his frontgate, hn® for sometime agitated house- as he has been noticeably destitute of wives, who find it difficult to secure that valuable barrier to wandering proper help or control the same. It stock for the last several years. is claimed that of late the colored A dance occurred at Mr. James <das ‘ s humanity are attempting to Kilgore’s on Friday night of last becoTn e quite arbitrary, demanding week, and was said to have been cn- cx °rh|tant prices and unreasonable joyed. In spite alike of hot weather aad exhibit an utter in- and of all effort to cry down Such I difference, often, to beingemployed. It is even hinted that the wash- Hetp Your Town. It is a well established principle that the people make tiie place. A thousand towns are kept in check by the greed and lack of public spirit, where one is kept down by the Jcca»» on. Pash and energy overcome all obstacles; greed and lethargy will kill the most promising locality. A town will just be what its citizens make it. If its landowners hold their lots so high that newcomers are kept out, this will retard its growth. If the citizens prefer to patronize the mer chants, mechanics, etc., of other places to those at heme, you drive ic:n from town. ‘ What is wanted is for the people to bo united as far as public good is concerned. Patronize each other, give a warm greeting to every worthy new settler and aid home enterprises. If tills policy is | pursued a town will become prosper ous and thrifty. If, on the contrary, people refuse aid without a big ice of the profits, look upon every new arrival as a pigeon to bsf plucked, and patronizo their neighbors only hen they can’t do as well or better somewhere else, then a place will grow slowly :: at all, its natural ad vantages win go to waste and count as nothing in the*question ' purity.—JIarieUa Jountaf. . , — , — the second district of the 4th section, nil in Polk county, Ga., has applied for an or der authorizing and requiring M. V. is. Ake, as administrator on the estate of said P. Vandevender. to make to her the said il. P. McAllister’s titles forsaid lands in terms of aforesaid bond. Therefore ail persons concerned will be and appear at a court of ordinary to be held in said county cn the first Monday in June next, to show cause, if any they have, why said order should not be granted. Given un der my hand and official signature, this tho 3d day of May. 1.HK3. JOEL BIlE’iVER, Ordinary. Local Legislation PLICATION WILL I5E MADE TO. lie General Assembly- of the .State of Georgia at its adiounred session lo be con vened on the tlrst Wodnesdav in Julv noxt, for 1 ho passage .,t' a local bill dr which the following will be the titie: An act to amend an act entitled an aet to in- CHEEOXEE RAILROAD — SCHEDULE! Taking effect Mo r. d&y. March 19; 1-383. GOING WEST. so. I—passexcer train; Daily, Hut,day excepted: Leave Cartersville - 11:43 a. m: Arrive istilesboro y:JS •• “ Taylorsville 10:17 “ Jtjikmart tl:10 “ Cedartown .12:03 p." in. NO. 3—i-assznokB train; Daily, Sunday excepted. Leave Cartersville 4:30 p. Arrive fttileshoro 5 : .-;4 “ Taylorsville 5:22 “ Rockmart C:00 “ Cedartown 7 : oo SUNDAY AuconitoPATio:.-, New and Fir&Giass 1 Job Priitfcirigj Leave Cartersville 2:30 p. m. Arrive istilesboro Z:25 44 Taylorsville 3:47 Ilockmart 4^5 Cedar town 5:21 Fashionable Designs lb* Parlors, Halls, Chambers, &c. SSrSamples and Prices Mailed Free. H. Bai’tliolomae & Co., MANUFACTURERS, 128 and 130 West 33d St., New York Plants! Roses! Seeds YTTE will mail, postpaid, any < Y T tiie following collections, upon ment proposed being as follows: That an act to prescribe the manner of incor- rating towns and villages in this State approved August 20th, 1-72, be added as an amendment to the charter of Rock- marl, and to !:x the boundaries of said town, and to regulate the tax on im provements, live stock, agricultural im plements, wagons, etc., on farming lands within the corporate limits of said town. order of the Mayor and Aldermen of Rockmart. J. C. YORK. Marshal. WANTED AGENTS! Sudden ileutls. Mr. James Blackman, a citizen of Atlanta, while on his way io Birm ingham, stopped in this county list week to see the family of his br,>G ier) Dr. Blackman, whose mysterious ah s&nce is well known, the family resi ding at the old home near Lime Branch. Remaining Friday, he en joyed himself in walks about the form and a short while after supper, of which he ate heartily, lie retired! Shortly after retiring he was heard to groan as if in some agony and young man about the house wa3 sent SZLDSfi SCOUT, * Oft Twelve Y/j?.r3 Amcir-g tfca Mm, BY . &ea^.c.S.B«sbIa D. S. A. The ni j. L ezciUng *5*2^ receipt of One Dol 12 line ever-blooming roses; !0 roses, a!! whit?, pink, red, or yellow shades 10 geraniums, 3inple or double; 8 ilah lias; ~~ * - ias; 20 packets of best flower seeds; 20 jackets of best vegetable seou::; 10 gladiolus bulbs; 10 assorted beddin plants; 12 tuberose bulbs. Price Lists free ; satisfaction guaran teed ; thirty greenhouses in operation. Address : NANZ Jz NEUNEhi, Florisi apii2;ii Louisville, Ky, E. A. MAG!NMESS, The Detroit Safe Company, Manufacturers of the World’s (Saapica Firs aad Scalar Proof Safes. 510 and 512 Main Strcst, Louisville, meh22-4 m. - 1VENTUCKV. m mm K {v r*y c2s?'ja2 •>: to liis room, and found him agpu* ently only slightly roitlfl»,.a^ea- deavored to fix him com fortablyjli'it subsequent silence arousing a dftsp; -j concern, he was examined and fiiuad to be lifeless. It is suppxsal that apopiexyor heart disease was tjL cause of his death. His roafcins vafa interred on Sunday at4BIoon!Bg Grove thumb burying place. ' Bitten by a Snake. ^ On last Saturday Mr. John R. Hunt while near his barn was stoop ing down to pick up some object fretn the ground, and was bitten on the finger by a snake that lay unobserved in close proximity. The snake was a ground rattlesnake measuring two feet, which is a well known poison ous species, and the bite naturally gave Mr. Hunt alarm, ne began immediately to think of a remeefy, which he used by catching a snail! chicken and opening a place in tjje entrails placed Ills finger in it held it tlierejforla time. While the chicken died, Mr. Hunt experienced no trouble from his bite boyont. a very slight swelling of the bitten Sa ger. A dog which was with Mr. Huntwas bitten by the same snake. A Easiness Offer—Bradford's. Iron Tonic. Another your\s sai;js has served to widen and increase the reputation of thi* most valuable family medicine. Its sales now far exceed those of any medicine on onr shelves. ~ We nay to every purchaser, 4 *If this medicine does vr™ *»#* «r.w.r7 fund your money.” Of more than one thousand bottles sold we have had one bottle returned. No one takes any risk ir using this Tonic. There is nothing in it that will do the least harm to any pm ♦ of the system, arid if it does no good it costs you nothing, iz is beneficial to persons of any age sc*. Ifc.vs tonic, diuretic and alterative in it3 action. Jt may bo used with benefit for indigestion GOING EAST. XO* 2—PASaZNOEtt TRAIN. Daily, Sunday excepted. Leave CedUrtovn 1 2:05 p. m Arrive Rockman... u 44 TaylorsVilie 3133 ** “ Siilcsboro 3:51 *» 44 Cartersville 4:23 44 *0. 4—i’asssngzf. train; Daily, Sunday excepted. Leave Cedartown 6:00 a. ra. Arrive Rockmart 6:53 44 Taylorsville 7;2S 44 Stilesboro 7 ; ^q « Cartersville s’:20 44 SUNDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leave Cedartown S:00 a. m. Arrive Rockmart 8.%>5 4 * 44 Taylorsville y : .35 “ 44 Stilesboro y ; 5Q u 44 Cartersville 10:33 “ Train No.-1 makes connection with Western A Atlantic train leaviusr Atlanta 7:30 a in ; No. 2 connects with Western A At- untic train No. 2 from Chattanooga, ar- : ving in Atlanta at 8:40 p rn ; No. 3 connects with Western A At- utic train No. 1 leaving Atlanta at 2:40 p m ; No. 4 connects with Western A At lantic “Rome Express” arriving in At lanta at 10:20 am; £5*5* Sunday accommodation train go ing east connects with Western A At lantic train arriving in Atlanta at 1:40 i> m; Sunday accommodation train go ing west connects with E T V A G Rail road at Rockmart. JOHN FOStELL, Geo T Kershaw* Manager G F it P Agent —‘THE- AD YEBTIS2S JOI Is thorough equipped with NEW PI{Fj«, • NEW TYPE; EOEDEiis, - OR J? AMENTS, 4c; of the most modern design, itlidi. new material throughout, rendering its fincili-! ticsetrual.if not superior,.to.those of any office in this section for turning out All Kinds of Job Prmtmj with neatnoss and disnatch, hn3 it prices as low as Hit- Idwust: LETTER HEADS!, KOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, CILT, HEADS,' receipts; CIRCULARS, PROGRAMMES; NOTES, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, SCHOOL REPORTS,POSTERS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, labels, pamphlets, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS; STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS. In fact any and all kinds of printing ex-' eeuted in a manner sure to j/lense. Legal Blanks/ SasiiviUc.Cliattisoogai SModIs Railway AHEAD 0? ALL C0KPETIT0BS. Business Men, Immigrants, Families,ftCiiiCiiibCi inn Rust Routs to Ixniisv’ille, Cincin- nati, Indianapolis, Chicago, and the North is via Nashville. Ths Bet Route to St. Louis and tho ^ A est is via McKenzie. a he Best Route to West Tennesoe®, and Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and lexas points is via Mckenzie. DON’T FORGET IT! —Ky Dine you secure the— Mp-tH TnnTn »fSPEBD^AFETY,COM- Ui OUIjroit-r, SATISFACTION. —AT THE— Tiim il TP nf A NXIETT, laniuumxijiOTji ER , FAT :o UE ; All kinds of Legal Blanks supplied on 1 very short notice. Such blanks as Jus tice Court Summons, Executions, Sub poenas, Garnishments, Sbito Warrants, Attachments, Distress Warrants, I'osses- soiy Warrants, Forthcoming Rorfds; Af fidavits, Bonds for Titles, Decvf^; Claims; Declarations, landlord's Lie®; Atort- gage Deeds, Waiver Notes, etc.,' kept al ways in stock. All blanks not kept in stock will he pfintot? hi order, on short notice. Our blanks are printed from clear new type, and arc tfnsnfpassed for neatness All orders by mail will receive ntton-' tion. D. B. FREEMAN. Proprietor. '83 AfiBAND C0MBUi4Ti0H’8i Cedartown Advertiser AND THE LOUISVILLE Re sure to Buy your Tickets over the N., C., & St. L. R’y- Tlio 'inexperienced Traveler need not go emisc: lew changes are necessary, and such as are unavoidable are made in L nion Repots. TIIRO UGII SLEEPERS! —BETWEEN— Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Lou isville, Nashville and hit. Lmis via Co- ambus, Nashville and Louisville, Nash- ille and Memphis, Martin and .St. Lou is ii. ill. One year for only A2.30. Two papers for little more tiian the price of one. By paying us 82..70 you wilf receive for one year vonr horfie paper with the Courier J.iurnal, the representative nows-’ p-n^r of the South, DeraiM-ratie and for a Tariff for Reven ‘ * ,p! f ic v r Revenue only, and. tho best/ brightestftiid ablest fiimily weekly in the Lnited States, Those who desire to ex-’ ose wiio desire to ex amine a sample copy of the C'ourier- Jonnial can do so at t/iis office. is, Union City and St. Louis, Me Ken: arid Uitlo Rock, where connection is ma*!Ie with Through Sleepers to all Texas points. Call on or address A. JJ. WREXy, Trav. A., Atlanta, Oa. W, T. Rogft*^, l\ A., Chattanooga, Tenn. V.. L. DANLEY, (J. P. and T. A., Nashville, Tenn. turn the empty bottle and vvo^vriH' re- ROHI.8 Saill’Oad Sdiedttie ! O N AND AFTER NOVEMBER 13TH, the following schedule will be pat in force on tLis road : The Rome Express, Dailv, except- Sun day Through to Atlanta! WUhou: The beauty of PCRRY DAVIS’S PAiN KILLER is that it act 1 : so promptly, surely and efficiently. Don’t be without Pain- Kilixt. 1 Have it ready for instant use 1 Keep it with you at home cr abroad 1 headaches, rheumatism, neuralgia, back ache, pains in the joints and limbs, stiff ness and soreness i:i the muscles, and for any impoverished or disordered state of the blood It promotes digestion, regulates the appetite, enriches and puri fies the blood, invigorates the nervous system and gives tone, strength and vigor to bone, muscle cud nerve. It i- r:ot claimed that it will cure all the diseases enumerated above, but it an be ALL THE DRUGGISTS SELL IT used with benefit in any of them, costs 50 rents for a half pint bottle—- hardly half as much as most of ths so- called tonics and blood purifiers. Th® dose is small—1 to 2 tsaspoonfcls in s. swallow of water before each meal—and the taste not disagraeable. It does not blacken or injure the teeth. It costs you In * nothing to try it if it docs you no good. We will gladly refund the‘money to ev ery one who uses it without benefit. Made and sold oulv by BRADKORD & TOMLINSON, Iiruggists and Booksellers, apo-y Cedartown, Ga. SUUIrttMJS SCALE CO., Sanafecturers of. U.S.STANDARO SCALES sport, some i>eopIe will dance. Services at the Episcopal chapel on Sunday at the following mentioned hours: Sunday school at 10 o’clock, morning service at 11 o’clock, and evening service at 5:30 o’clock. This last is a change from the former hour. Mr. John H. Hawkins and lady leave this week for Virginia, bidding our section possibly a final adieu. During their sojourn in our midst they have made scores of friends who will ever wish them life’s best treas ures. Mr. G. C. Green, who lives near this place, a fewdaysago while chop ping wood for a ‘steam engine, was struck in the left eye by a flying limb and so Iiadlyinjured thatitis thought he .will law the use of the member entirely. women are making an attempt to league together to dictate prices, etc., in ail which they are encouraged by the male portion of the race. It is possible, if not even probable, that the stealing that has been done of late, has been tho outgrowth of this manifest spirit. Mr. J. E. Good, who has been sev eral years in the employ of the CHier- okee Iron Co., and has discharged his duties with the most perfect sat isfaction, has been given the position of [superintendent of tho furnace. This place is one of responsibility, calling capacity and judgment oft in to command. He will be found equal to the tasks, and the company, we have good reason to opine, wilf^jiot Notice. ■’/ All the stockholders of the Cedar- town Manufacturing Company will please meet at Philpot’s hail at 10 a. m., Saturday 14th inst. The compa ny will elect Directors and perma nent officers at that time. It is espe cially important that every stake holder should be present. ‘I J. E. Houseal, Sec. pro {e14^ . OF ALL KINDS, TRUCKS, Etc., CSaibswpJiss. s®*SsL fir E&figaa Eate you G(*en Jt? If ‘ remciubur bo yocn^ BOOKS, STATIONERY, Pianos, Organs, &c Book and Music Store, ~ —* , ..iihout Chan: Ireave Roni9 7:20 a.m. * Arrive at King- *ton, 8:05 a. in. Arrive® in Atlanta •; i0:30 a. in. No. 1. Daily. Laave Rome at 7:45 a. m. Arrive a' Kingston at 3:15 a. ni. Arrive at Chatta nooga at 12.20 zn. Arrive at Atlanta at 1:40 p. m. No. 3.1—Daily excapt Sunday. Leave Rome 3:30 p. in. Arrive at King ston at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Chattanooga at S p. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 8:10 p. ai. TRAINS GOING WEST. CtocDide ti Constitntlsnallst, AUGUSTA, CA. The Oldest Newspaper in the South; The Cimoxici.E A CoX3t:ttitioxal!st is the o!dc.-t newsjraper in the South; haying been established in 1785. The Chuonici.e is progressive anti lib eral in all things and is essentially a fair repretentative ofSoutherttopinioit and a persistent exponent of Southern indns- - tries. While froa from sensationalism end immorality, it is in no way behind the best of itscotemporaries as a purvey or of the news. Tha morning ChekWcpe W art eight page paper of 43 columns. Fries {10 per' per ;ir: six months pi. The Evening Gauoxictji is Hie same so as the morning paper.. The pries is' JS per year; six months S3. "..This makes it the largest .•'.iiciaj.'jeapcrtt elght page pa-' The Rome Exprear—Daily Except Sur. day. Through Without chaDge. Leave Atlanta 4:30 p. m. Isiavc Kin_ ston 7:00 p. tn. Arrive at Rome at 7:43 p. ni. No. 2.—Djily. Ler.rn Atlanta 7:00 a. m.. Leave King ston 0:20 a. in. Arrive at Romo at 10:20 No. 4.—Daily, jxccpt Sunday. Leave Atlanta 2:40 p. m. Leave King- J ~ ~ Arrive Rome 5:53 p. rn. ston 4:33 p. m. Nos. 1 and 3 makes connection at Kin„ ston for Chattanooga and all Western points. KEEN HILLY EH, Fros'l. J. A. SMITH, G. R. Agent. Tiie Reprezentatne Newspaper OF TIIE SOUTH. 113 IJroad Street, Rome. Ga. been greatly fcnlartjocl, and is now ono of tiie bandsomest an«l most com modious Book Stores in the State. On hand and receiving every week, lar^e DEMOCRATIC And For a Tariff for Revenue Only. loeea; ■Adarowi Trace Tvr.. Co. Box S4&, isoeicc, Scliool Notice. The fall term of the Cedartown High school will commence Sept. £4/ and close Dec. 14, 1883. W. J. Noyes, PrincipaL NEW ARSANGEMENjJ 1 | ’VH **Tri '*aAaonio«f [ ‘-£*13 *A "X u O *!»^awpu{3 j ‘KOfiU.ll *3 rtZ ‘SBasppa j *oaej *3yd joj isuEOOfi 1 ! fYsicars Indian Vegetable Pills And all Bilious Complaints Sal® l® t t»te,1yinsjn!rt!y vegetable:, no grip- hifi'dcea cts. Ali I>ru-gua. J D. ENLOW Having Taken the * BOOZ regret having awarded him soffit a trust. p z And Renovated it thoroughly on the 15th instant fortbe entcrra..^„ of the traveling public Pglronaral spoctfully solicited. Til TERMS LIBERAL. f . ‘ Live and Let Live ” ia hia molt' JAS. D. ENLOW, Nervous Ssbasstioii, Premature Decay, - Xoss of Memory. 40a-ME<naCb-bound Bock of trie lesome iee to Voo'ic Mon. by a Kesn!;n- bhvslcian. cnncMi-n. by a Keg«!;u- bhvsiclao. oa nxcliit of tiro thrae-casi _ otaoim. A-dm.*9 m (SMITH JSUS9UL ULSAvUE. K1 i-rayer Books, Blank Books. Station ery, Fancy Articles,, Jjcliool Supplies, etc. Also, will be found jp Music ijepnrt- mont, asplcndid assortment of Chicker- ing. Mathushek. Arion and Hale. Pianos —both Square, Grand and Upright. Also Mason A Hanilin, Shoninger, Packard and Bay Suite Organs, at prices that defy competition, cither North or Sooth, in strument*,. sold on installments, or at wholesale for cash. Ludden A Batts' prices at Savannah duplicated. octI3-ly. H. A. SMITH. THE WEEKLY COURIER - JOURNAL! AN ORGAN OF LIVE ISSUES, LIVING IDEAS AND MOltAL FORCES. largest papers in the Boutin It b lew. pages and contains seventy column's of matter. Price J2 per year; $1 for abr months. Specimen copies sent free. Address; CaaoxtcLk A CoxsanTUTioXALiar, Augusta, Ga; For the Grand Book Mysteries and Mis eries of AmerlcaV Grout Cities, Dy J. 1!'. Bud. 8aJ“ Outsells AH Other Honks! ■©* ^ Mysteries, miseries and secret way* of M',%k al .td low lii'e in our five represent- r WANTED! ative eities: New York and its carnivals of sin: struggles and trials of the poor: sensuahiun and fast life of tho door: do-' 'I'ax J\otice. LAST OPPORTUNITY. I will bo at Cedartown, Frtday, Jam 22nd, 1333, for the purpose of receiving Tax Return* for the year 1883. Books will lie closed July 1st. All persons that do not make tlicir returns by that time will be double taxed. Freeholders will please get numbers from their deeds in making returns. J. M. ARRINGTON, T. R. Local Legislation. A N act to incorporate the town of Bre men, in tiie County Haralson. T° ap FREE! SElf-CilBL ■a. . »j)»M«rlptlOT ef on® ot th® *<i »tt«<jes«fa* «pMCmIIsta fa (he U. H. , ~£SES22SZEaZ!S£i SSHmL p wwtoo.. I point a Mayor and Council for said tov/n. To confer upon the Mayor and Council tho power to regain to ‘and control the sale of intoxicating liquors and bitters in said town, and to grant certain other priviliges to said town. Notice is hereby given that application will bo made to the Legislature at its next July session, for the passage of an net having for its ti tle the above atfd foregoing. "This Juno C. W. PARKER, D. M. McBTJRNKY. JOSEPH ENTRIKIN. R H. PARKER 4 W. A. KELSON. J. B. SNTitt&lSN. 1 An Enemy of Monopolies, Oligarehiszn and tho Spirit of Subsidy a® Embodied in That Thieving Tariff. T1IK WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL Has no superior -» n -rcat family ami political newspaper i:i t!:o .South, and is excelled by but lew in the United States. It contains, each week, tire most com plete summary of the news of tits world, and its editorial columns (Hknkt Wat- tebson, Ivi i tor-iii-Cuicf; are always able, strouir a:id brighL Among tl>9 especial teatures are Telegraphic Spcclais from all the leading points in the United States and Europe, Serial and Short Stories, TaL-nage’s sermons tiie day after deliv ery in Brooklyn Tabernacle, Market Re ports, Fashion Letters, Turf and Stock K.ports, Answers to Uorreaoondeuts' Department for Children. No Homo in the Country should be without it. 5U BSCRIPTION TERMS: Daily, 51 and fast life of tho poor; do-’ tectivc stories and terrsbie crimes; secret resorts ; tricks and strtrtdlcs of knaves; Washington City wltli fts inspiring ar chitecture; intriguing politician*; brib- ery, scandals, beautifui sirens ad lobby ists; ghastly moral tvr'eeis: oar law makers in their true colors'; San Fran-', eieeo and its wonderful riches; Cbiuhsv life; opium dens; joss houses ^gambling pits; secrets of the highbinders; startling, adventures; thrilling doscriptiotis of western life in ’40; Sait Lake City, Polygamy in Utah; history of Mormon- ism ; its mysteriona crinios and startling abuses; first revelation of the terrible ea- (iovvmcnt rites; blood atonement and highway murders; secret lives of tho Mormon leaders; degradation and mis-' cr, of the women; New Orleans, the negro’s paradise; thrilling history of voudenism; negro ghost stories and superstitions; racy scenes at camp-meet ing revivals; coon hunts; social litV among the Southern aristocracY. 5'liis book contains over WiO pages atrdf 130 illustrations; price 52.50; pictorial circulars and complete table of contents free; extra terms to agents. Write at once fur full particulars, or send .30 cent* :n stamps or currency, and secure outfit stid territory HISTORICAL, PUBLISHING CO., 414 N. Third Srest. St. lywiis. Mo. clu'o of five has been sent its the club raiser can, throughout the year, add sin gle snlucriptionsas received at our low est club rate—51 10 for yearly subscrip tions. Yearly subscriut'ions only can fie received at this rate.- Our term* for loss than' a j-ear are 51 for S months; 73 cents for C months; 50 cents for three months.- A sample Copy of Weekly Courier- Journal is sent Ire© of charge fpr exarni- nation on anplicatian. - Liberal cash com mission allowed canvassers, and outfit sent them free of charge. Address _ W. N. HALDEMAN, President Coni mi-Journal Oo. f ‘ For Sole by BHAPFOHP « TOMLINSON. Cultivate Flower® I 12 Ever-blooming RosrsC 12 Fine Gerauiua»*.-5ft.t)0. inaji £2 Bedding Plan . .,... 12 Pansies, fiirest strain Id* 12 Verl>cnaa,-best varieties, 1 Catalogue*sent free;on a: lookout Gkpp