Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, July 26, 1883, Image 3

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d±ssasisgsafc > Wo will fnmiah vrui af nhat+on/wra Hunt, of SUver Creek, Mr. Junius Hillyer, one of Rome’s attorneys, paid our town a visit this Didk iliitekford, as for of the guests, j placo of his time the greatest northeast of this place, was shot on the little! Saturday evening last within a few victim's parents and among friends, hundred yards of his house, while re- Mrs. G. B. Sponcler, of Neuman, has j turning from town. His wife, who been for several weeks enjoying a heard the shooting, together with a visit to her father Mr. A. J. Bowe, | colored man about the place, went to at this place. Little Ray, her bright I the spot and found him hist sinking little daughter aged about eighteen from Ids wounds. , was playing about the hotel j been fired from a double-barreled i overlooking Main street, and I shot gun and both lai apparei ty in an unguarded moment leaned over taken effect. , s paid a visit to ourtdi, thus writes that paper: A bii limestone spring and a few scessible to the sprin; ;omprise the an te-bell am vii- We will furnish you at. Cl gnd Atlanta prices, and profits and delay. Our “Quick Sales and Short " save you motto is • Brcce Harris & Co. Street, Rome, Ga. Court will next Monday. An inlant child of Mr. Battle Saturday night. Mrs. Deason, of Vann’s Valley, is again visiting tapjeiack Lam Broeailm, and fitr- Dyes have only to I to be appreciated. For sale L& Tomlinson. 4\v Lamp^and Lamp Fixtures, at T. F. Harper & Co. sell you can buy it in . me. Straw Hats, the Dr. R. R. Thompson’s Liniment fa kepj on sale at T. F. Burbank’s Buy your Drugs, Paints, Oils, Put- -, Glass, _Lainps, Lamp Fixtures, of T. F."~ - - - - Burbank, who always kcc^s Lewis Bond, colored has lately had ■ected a neat three-room cottage in the north end of town. Faded silver and cold gravy are ;w shades of color that are clamoring for popularity. Mrs. Clias. Danner, of Beaufort, S. C., is visiting her sister at Cedar- town; Mrs. J. W. Bishop. Mr. Bridger, of Atlanta, is a brief visit to our part of the country for the benefit of his health. Capt. and Mrs. A. G. West arrived home on Monday from a brief but pleasant visit to the sea coast. Mr. II. M. Mountcnstle and wife, of Cartersville, are visiting the rela tives of the latter at this place. Mr. Thompson, of Miss., is paying a visit to his son at this place, Dr. R. R. Thompson. Mr. John Merrell has bought out the mercantile interest of Dr. J. A. Liddell in the firm of Moore & Lid dell. Ned. Bradford left yesterday to be gone two weeks on his periodical jaunt among his relatives and friends in Alabama. James Taylor, an old negro man, said to bo one hundred and twelve years old, died not far from this place le day last week. The many friends of Ed win L. Alee will regret to lcam that he has gone North on account of ill health, with lage, i spring being the most iui- Two shots had .porta: factor of the whole, not only the town but supplying in the surrounding Upon being asked who J eonnti Digging wells, after inany the balusters so far as to lose her bal- shot him, he replied that it was Geo. ] expenye failures, had been abaii- ance, and fell to the street below, a j Ivirk. Dick was carried to his house ! doncthut now, a semi-artesian plan distance of some sixteen feet. The where he lingered in agony until I of boug has succeeded, though at little bodywas picked up by an excited next morning, when Dr. Richardson, I much renter expense than our rock- spectator on the sidewalk and no of this place, was sent for. The Doc-! less Aahta wells i:i furnishing the cries being uttered and no apparent tor, from the dangerous character of I own i>ouniifu! supply of nature’s of breathing being noticed, it his wounds, could do nothing to re- whoiame brewing. In the old era was believed to be inanimate, ar.d it store him, and Dick died about nine ■ all mean tile supplies were brought was thus carried above and the fond o’clock. Before death lie told the | from ome, twenty miles distant, parent notified, who, upon witnessing J Doctor his story of the killing, say- 1 two dak’ time consumed (7n the road, her supposed lifeless child, gave vent big that George Kirk was the man j An or.ge or lemon for tiie sick was to her feedings in heart-rending do- who shot him. Said that he saw him | aknost&nattainable, except by the Slight evidences of ns he was in the act of firing the first! wealth farmers having produce to life soon became manifest, and be-1 shot, which he did from amid a small | marke Now the Cedarfonians cool coining rapidly brighter, filled those clump of bushes near the roadside, their lfifc and water with Atlanta around with hope for its resuscitation The secondshothe fired after coming ice. ares,livery stables, a bakery —a hope the realization of which cut into plain view. | and a lank'illustrate the new era, they were not to be disappointed in. j Sheriff Clements, bein^j notified of! and ahigo cotton fkctorv to be creet- two days of anxiety on the part the killing, ar.d learning Dick’sstory ed thilsammer, will add to the com- Stool Plows . shoe nails. Horse shoes Mule 5 lo@2T> 12'..: SI Talfc: . per i Z(y4 2 $1 it* JSFEfaJFS*,*, Sk£“Se'fcer ■ Vk ° r> G '" ire ' I like a new be lt remedy. Every ivo- use it. Mrs. Garitz, i Pile Ointment is unique as a Patent Medicine, in that it is recommended for nothing but Piles. It is perhaps the only patent licine extant which does not pro- ! to cure from a dozen to one liun- I diseases. But it will effectually > Piles, and is only 50 cts. at 1. T. Mee’s. Winslow’s Fruit Jars > Prolong the usefulness of your fa- m. ded raiment by the use of Diamond For sale by Bradford & Tom- well assorted stock oi all grades for Gen- , Misses’ and Chil- at living prices, at J. A. A crowd of fishermen from this place went down the East and West on Tuesday for a several days fishing jaunt on Euliarlce creek. Rev. J. W. Bishop made a trip to Atlanta the past week to consult the noted optician Dr. Cullioun, in regard to some defects of his eyes. Services at tne episcopal cim^.i next Sabbath. Sunday school at 10 o’clock; morning servico at 11 o’clock; evening service at 5:30 Mr. W. S. Featherston and family left this week for Nfewnan, where they go to spend awhile visiting Mr. Featherston’s father, Judge L. H. of parent and friends, the little one, of who did it, himself being indis- ! niercil importance of this thriving barring some symptons of. soreness, posed, sent Constable J. H. Walston, i town. seemed apparently well. The father witti a posse to arrest Kirk. Thear-I ThcSherokce Iron Works and its of the child, Mr. Sponcler, arrived in I resting party went to Kirk’s house j *v/o arrow' gauge railroads have response to a telegram sent him, on at a late hour Saturday night, and 1 given ji impetus of grofl-th to this Saturday, and on Tuesday with the found the object of their search, who | produijve valley. Capt. West, the injured little one left for his home. J submitted peaceably to the arrest, j centreing head of the company, is P all ; e]£L .<j_ I He was brought to town and commit- j 0116 of he completest business men We are told that in a school l>eiii!' tcdtojail yhcrehehas remained until I we eve'met, and his wife is a perfect taught not many miles from here a to ; da -*'> wiiea his preliminary trial I eoniplthant to her husband. When few days since one of tiie smaller wiil tdce I ;!ace - j a - bis Sundries, Capt. West reminds scholars for some offence was being ° n Sun<1 -iy evening, Coroner Jerry one of is engines, moving as if his bv the teacher. A large j^bompson empaneled a jury and held muscicfwere of flexible iron and his brother of the child became enraged 1111 illquwt ovor th . e body of thede- motivepower steam, yet and made for the teacher witlAio * oased - After hairing evidence from I cvaa t! > n > his quick repartee evince knife. The teacher beiii"-“built “ 1C varioU3 witnesses, the jury re- that hipovverful frame is no soulless from the ground up,”' yanked the turned a verdict to the effect that he maehin. During his business by young fellow around’ rather lively, ,lad l ' onle to h ‘ s dea *‘» from gun shot day, hi does not allow it to mar his when he saw still another brother wounds from the hands of George evenin'! at home. His palatial resi- waltzing forward to the fray. lie I Kirk ’ and that the act was one ofjdence, milt in gothic style, am a Svrup, N. O Sa^ar, browki 44 White, Stand; Tea Corfoe, Rio **tRgins •••• GO »I0 fio Wi 00 10# T2-4 pH lU ! i 1 . Hail;/, S.OHU& csccptvfii Leave Carters vUle 0:45 a. m. A rrive 10:17 : Stilesljorcv Taylorsville.... .11:10 “ -12:05 p. m. NO. .»—P2t5W:iMGKll Til A INI ... l)ai% Sunday rxctp'lcd'. Leave Carihrsvillo -l:‘*i>p. ra. Arrive Stilesboro. si: n da v Acfsix. aioii yiuN. Leave Cartersville 2:50 p. m. Arrive Stiiesboro 41 44 Taylorsville 3:47 * 4 44 liockmart 4:25 5:21 4 ‘ GOING; EAST. NO* 3— PASSteXtlElC Til A IN. Dovft, Sunday rxccyUd. Leave ('odartown' 2:05 p. ru. Arrive Rockmart.b.: 44 44 Taylorsviiie r,.X} 44 Stiiesbun* ; : i 44 44 Cartersvillo .. 4:25 44 NO. 4—I’AMKKNtiillt TKAIN. , dJaity, 6'unduy excelled. I^ave <5*iIartov.'u 0:00 a. va Aiiive iondcquirt 0:5:5 44 Tiiv«ehi\ iiie * 7:2S 44 Sti'ie ; nr.> 7:4'* 44 Cartmsvf’Ic 44 lif IM First-Sasi} Job Printing; —TIIE— AB VEI&ISEB JOB OFFIoi Is thorough equipped v.itli NEW TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, Ac! of the ; . i:iost..mmlerri design, and now material tiiroii/jfcout.. r *m!. idrurits lV.«dii- ties equal. If iiot s::y< rior, 1<j tof any iu I ' ouiee in Luis section for turning out All Kinds' el Jo!) Printing with neatness and dispatch, i hs low as the lowest; Leather, sole.. Hides, dry . 1^ 00(5:52 Dr. L. S. Ledbstter DENTIST,- CEDAItTOVrN, - - GEORGIA. jL>2i.2*TS>OI* SllOJJ I West Side ni.iiit St., Cedartown, Ca. One Door South of Dan- ,t Leake, BY LEVViS BOND. Bond’s Eair Tonic! A ]M>*mIar Hair Dressing, panarnU*, stops itching in the took brother number one gently by premeditated murder. sloping eminence, command a fine his garments and laid him on the I ItsesaB fr « m evidence before the view ofi thousand broad acres, the floor, placed one knee on him while coroncr ’ s jury, that a feud had for valuahiiproperty of tiie iron works, he made ready for the next antago- I SJme tinle existcq between Kirk and I A ttt u v s of native oaks shades ti.e nlst, who, making a hold attack and the deceasea “Nto, who have lived Rround^and mre flowers, with their finding himself worsted, abandoned I cIose ‘'Ciobbors, growing out of some I bestow a refining touch, his proposed belligerent mission. I ! ‘ u ;’ - su !bs—one of which was a case of I b'yrthc/ off ga.rden;; ar.d orchar.-L When the melee became fairly open- 3etJuction in which a fifteen year old j hiut of hxurious tastes; adjacent to ed, the very wildest excitement pre- dau -bter of Ratchford was'the alieg- j thess . clover fields, with low- vailed in the school, the scholars 0,1 victi,J1 > aaJ a brother-in-law of ia S bods grazing therein, suggest numbering about sixty fleeing | Kirk the al lc«ed seducer—the second | goldt-iftutter and creamy milk, and* through the open doors and windows !1 aise afn ‘ ia ^ Uirk, in winch Hatch- hug« foundry beyond, glowing like frightened sheep, until the par- ford had had ,i!ai indicted for soiling with iittinse heat, with its gig-antic ticipants in the tussle wore the only I x '' hisk - v Uicgaily. Evidence was ad- engine, lice a living cyclops, toilhig occupants of the house. On a child, I d ' Jced which showed that Mastin I by day. aid night; reveals the source it is claimed, ran two miles home ^ llread . Huber of the young man of weaRi that has created this lovely without stopping. It took some time a:, arged with seduction, and fatlier- Edaa - Vithin, wa find the elegance to restore order about that literary r 11 ' 1 ; 1 '" oi ’ K irk, had made threats °‘ a York stone front, and the rancho, but tilings are reported as a p Inst Rutchford, avowing that host disposing hospitality so rare to quite serene now. | effect tlir.t he should not live until I a r l c h nun. A neat Episcopal chapel, August Court. I ncaringompletion, is soon to be con- , ^ i K!rk and his relatives stoutly af- sccraied. °r- ye f firm llis h'.no'prK-c, and the latter At hvivc yearn of agb, C.ijt. Y.csi ’ ^M^imd : :. th9 I ° U bviir.l, and is an effeutuui remedy for clipped fire ir bunds. H inai!,.post-paid, any one oi felbiv.iog collections, upon Piants! Roses! Seeds! TFt£ n roeipt of One Hollar: 12 iinc evcr-blooniiiig roses: It) roses, ail wiiite, pink, red, or yellow shades* 10 geraniums, singlo or double; dah- ; 2» packets of i»est l!ov.’er seeds packets of best vegetable seed-;; i:» gladiolus Imlbs; 10 assorted bedding planio: i2 tu!»erose l»:;1 bs, Price Lists free ; satisfaction _np"»2m Jjouisvilie^ ICy^ _ "E. A. MAG!NNE33, ! nc Detroit Safe Company, Maxui-actusuks oa the Goto Harper & Co’s., if you white fancy Ties, they have a s 1 Dyes for sale by Bradford r&cs: Ice cold soda water at Burbank’s. Go to Burbank’s for a cool and nice drink of soda water. 10,000 pounds of Bacon to barter or Wheat, Gats and for Wheat, Gate and Com, or sell for fcash at low figures. 4t Fkatiierston & Rro. for its hy Hair Balsam, distin- IS. and call. fine of Drugs, Paints, Glass Lamps, Lamp to be found always in Burbank’s. Be sure Our colored brethren have given up all hojies of “forty acres and a mule” as a gift from the Government “An infant crying in the night, An infant crying for the light, And with no language but a cry.” The child was in pain and knew no We learn with pleasure that Willie, an infant sou of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. England, who has been very low. through constant and unflagging at tention, is improving. MiuTied, one evening last week at Rockmart, Mr. Andrew J. Bobo to Miss Katie M. Hogue, Rev. S. S. Landrum, of the Christian church, officiating. The couple have our best Mr. Thomas Woodward, after a so journ of several months in our midst, will leave this week for his home iu New York State. He carries with him the best wishes of many friends made during his stay in our commu nity. Mr. John Merrett is now having erected a one-story frame building, twenty by fifty feet, on his lot Main street north of the A. J. You brick building. It will be occupied when completed by L. B. Owen and J. P. Turner as a jeweler’s shop, and phonograph gallery. The jail than at months. One day this week, we are told, those incarcerated on different i numbered in all The criminal docket in our Superior Court is going, to require tedious anu costly work to dispose of it. Mr. Bartow Crabb left on Monday evening last for li is late home at Lone Oak, Hunt county, Texas, with to remaining there ncntly. During his stay of several months in our town, he has by his excellent demeanor won the friend ship of many, who will wish him contentment in his adopted home, id success at whatever he may en- ige iu. One of our best known and most popular young business men left the earlier part of tills week for Augusta, where he will wed to-day a lady well known and possessing many friends Notice of the event will ap- in our next. Meantime, we wish the contracting parties the fail measure of joy they anticipate in their venture. Little To'minie Edniundson died on Saturday morning last. Being a from tonsiletiis, he was seiz ed at the time above mentioned with a choking fit and died before medi cal skill Could afford him Tommie Was weirknoWtf bj body in our community, having by his marked energy add Indust# in selling the Atlanta Constitution uch.iri assisting to provide the needs of life in his father’s fam ily. Though in body a mere Inite iu acquaintances, (n tllo » , r ^ > _ , j. „„ t>. . ) vare S-^foWed in j c „] 0 rcd man who Iate!y"hac(\i dim- I motile! liad jiiid aside a small b*u; a of baptist church to pay the last tribute culty with Hatch ford, in which it is by her spiuuIng-Avheel of respect to the body of Tommie 1 c ; a imcd he was worsted. He has that she offered to divide with her mk Edmuaidson. “Tommie,” as been arrested, but says that lie will 8011 > hut with the stoical in depend- ac *dressed him, was born Feb. 14, easily prove an ali!>i. once tint lias characterized his suo- lo<l, and died July 2!, 1383. He was Mastin Allread,William Wood and cessful ureer he refused ills mother’s industrious and truthful. Many who Hope Mobley liava been arrested generoui gift. She then tookan cld have Win on fKn I , . .... ’ i . . .. .. him so often in the streets ; selling newspapers will always re- liim, for tiicy learned to charged with being with Mexico* dollar and handing it to Kirk. I him saict “My son, take this dol- | Kirk hakemployed Messrs. Thomp- Jar and leep it, and you will always like him much. Lui in lies family and Glenn to defend him, while f:ave moicy.” Tiie earnest lad took his good qualities as a son and Iwoth-1 lhe statc wiu ^ re p resen ted by tI,e talfananic coin and dutifully plainest. His obedience | Janes & Richardson and King i: kept the quaint, motherly advice, Bunn. and to-da* considers that old Mexi- The good citizens of the comma- ean dollanis the priceless germ ofhis nity greatly regret that so foul & princely Pissesflons. c-riiiie should be committed, and a iofibins a Tai-k. general wish is expressed that the A Romeqiecial to the Atlanta Con- \roTr ... . i rca ' perpetrator may be brought to a siiiution giws the following facts in ti - t | - 'V ... nem ln stern realization of tiie strength of i regard to (no robbing of the Turk this their affliction to lift up tke| justico in , vith th0 sJ who who was ltre several weeks since: to fattier and motlier, his affection to father, mother, sister and brother, him the prime figure of that j They loved him much, and were building great hopes I on his future. But God took him. drooping spirits. July 23,1883. J. \V. Bisiior. transgress the law’s mandates. For about six weeks the crops in in tills section have been suffering for The earlier com is represented to be damaged to an extent render- Doablless a great many people will remember tic Turk and his wife who traveled ■ through this section a month ago with a >:a forming bear. They went down into St. Ciair county, Ala., last week awl fell among thieves. 7 . . | Some one sue! out a warrant against It is a mistaken notion that a fine L- .. ... .... ..... ulc tne man for uimg opprobrious words, About Advert-sing. If you can arouse cariosity it is a [ great point gained. The fair don’t hold all the curiosity iu the world. ing it almost irreclaimable even if | a ” e ^° iliie . l0C:xti p n > surroua <i-1 and he was placed in charge of a man good seasons should prevail from ', - v ‘ c signs, i:> a superior loimed Sprcv.ell, who started with 'advertisement, for the experience of him to AshvSle. When they bad tne mast entei-pnsmg merchant.; J.'-1 gone some dlstmee, Sprewoli told the uuit it pays to spend iesj m rent and Turk that if he would pay him $35 more m advertti-mg. ^ lie could go fra*. The Turk agreed ne t iii -.prc-ing advertiser proves | t G this and pulled out a roll of money The later com, of which, owing to the backwardness of spring, there is a considerable acreage, with future good seasons would yet have to make. Cotton lias been UV1UUU.V. vw IJIUIVVI. GGllUU 1UU> Ucttll 1 ii , . . * iv lino [luri’.u UUl U UiU UlWUty at a standstill and promises an insig- understands how to buy, be- an j pa ;,- the stun. Sprewcli seeing aificant yield if the drouth does not f fb m adv ° rtams hc knows 1 — Altogether, the crop pros- ** * pect in this section may be put down as anything but flattering, and dis mal looking countenances are becom ing uncommonly numerous. “ '“-'' n b 1 1C knows how | that the man had more monoy, car ried him a short distance further into a thickly wooded spot and stepping behind the ignorant man, shot him twice in the head with a pistol. Tin man fell to the ground, and Sprewell supposing him dead, robbed him of S400. It transpired that both the A simple card may profitably stand years without a change, but a sensa tional advertisement should change as often as you can get the printer to do it. You can’t cat enough in a wedfc to HffTinfo^’st- nf 6 ''fT’ ° f - ESOm I !^ Sty °" a “ !ul .y° u calI ' t adver - I Shotem^I^ offly^ralp'wou^ds ami Wednesda” n ! <d-t < f 1 *st''w!”*’ OI f I T" 1 l* plan Cld,ei ’- vvhen the man regained consciousness weunesda a night of last week, of To make a man realize an idea as Cherry Grove church, just over flic you realize it, is what is necessary to line in Cleburne county, Ala., and of make him understand his needs. New Bethel Campbell ite church at Advertisements must aim to place a Borden’s Mill, on Terrapin creek, in matter se clearly before the public the same county. Both churches that they see it as clearly as the ad-1 TT A . ! v,\ r - S0 - N !. SREiffFi’ .nai.:>.- ream fqcpnvarcwl r4vlv/v nn + i a. I J JLi III bd S'ila OSIdW 1.10 COUi t jl«>*ise \vere aisco\ ered robe on lire at about veriiser does. door in the town of Buehnnan, H-.raison the same time of night—about mid- Enterprising people are be-rinain" county, Ga., on tin* first Tuesday in Au- night. The burning was undoubted- to isarn the value of advertising the " 1 ‘ ly the work of incendiaries, upon year round. The persistency of those I k-n-1 No. containing forty he found his way back to liis wife and bear, where he reported the out rage. At last accounts Sprewell had not been arrested. World’s Gsaapfea Fira and Burglar 510 and 512 Louisville, mr*h22-t:n. Street, - Kentuci* A Business OfTor—r5s*u«irord’s iron Tonic. Anotlici* year's saies Ims ferred to v.'iden :ind iaeroasctiie reputation of this most valutiiuG f.tmily It.ssjiie** now far exceed those of nny medieinoon our shelves. We s iy to every ]m»vh:iser, : ‘If this'inedicine does \'*>u no good, re turn the empty botli;? and v.*e will re- fund 3'our uiouey.” ' 7 more than one th(*usand boUics so] J v.*e have ha 1 one hot-tie returned. No one tahes any risk ill using this Tonie. 'ihiere is notinug in it that will do the least hi roi to any jiart of the system, :i:ir! if it doer, no goo-i iL costs you nothing, it is benehei*..! to persons of any age or sex. It is tonic, diuretic and alterative in if. action, it may he used with benefit i«*r indigestion, inundic'j, soursiomacii, dysi>cjis:a, heart- bun*, liver co-nplaint-ftorpul or inactive bowels, kidney disorders, clkirrlKea, headaches,rijeuniatisni, neuralgia, ache, pains in the joints and limbs, still ness and soreness in the muscles, nn*l for any impoverished or <!isordered state of tiie blood It promotes dig* .si ion, regulates the appetite, cnricties and puri fies liie blood,* invigorates the nervous system and gives tone, strength and vigor to bone, rr.usele and nerve. It is not claimed that it will e:;r5 ::1I the diseases enumerated above, hut it can bo used ivitii benefit ii* any *>f t-hem. It costs of) cents f«»r a kali’ ]»int bottb*— hardly half ns much as most of the so- called t«.*nics and blood pu.riliers. The dose is small—1 to 2 teospooniuls in p. swallow of water before each meal—and tiie tiusto not disagreeable, ft does not blacken or injure the teeth. It costs you nothing to try it if it does you no good. We will gladly refund ;he money to ev ery one who uses it without benefit. ?tlaue and sold'nil*.* bv BRADFOllli <V' TO'MLINSON, Druggists and liooksoiiers, apo-y BOOKS, STATIONERY, Pianos, Organs, &c. Book aid Iosb Stobb, sr.v;»AV ac •»:o:jmoi»atiox . Leave Cedariown S:< Arrive Ifix kmart 8:;' .. «»:*> 44 . I-:',r, 44 -lB.To 44 (.’artursville Train No. 1 makes connec-tion with Western it Aliautic train leaving Atiant.i 7:3c: a ni; ,Z'T‘ No. 2 connects Avitli Weste rn At lantic train No. 2 from Chattanooga, ar riving in Atlanta at S;-*0 p m ; No.:»connects v.ith Western & At- A f n r-i «•: ’antic train No. 1 leaving 2:40 p m ; .7- Xo. 4 connects with Western A At lantic “Home I’xprjtkT’ arriving in At lanta at Ifr.2i) am; Sunday accommodation train go ing east connects with Western & At lantic train arriving in Atlanta at ?> ns; Sunday accommochition train go ing west connects with iB T V it <i llail- road. at lioc-kmaru * . . JOHN POSTHLI,, Geo T Kershaw, G y A P Agent liuSlivilis.Gliittasosgai St.Louls Eailtzay AHEAD 0? ALL CuHPETITOES. Easiness Men, Tourists,ait*a*rjb/in K?.i m itAX'rs, Runiu^ribiiOiliLU The liitsT IJoiTTE to IiV'.ui.sviilc, Cincin nati, Indianapolis, i’jiicago, and the North is via N Asuvu.m-’. To:-: JjIlst K u tk to Si. i^oul.s and the West is via McKenzie. Tin; J{;_sr 1*o; tk to t Tenncscce, and Kentucky, Mkisissipjii, Arkun&is and Texas points is via Aickcnzie. tjoin ? t 4<y.r it : —I»y till:; Din * you secure the— LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, DILL HEADS, UOTKS, RSCSiPTS, . INVITATIONS,’ CtRCUL.ViLS, IICKBTS, PROGRAMMES; SCHOOL UEI’OUTAPttiTSRH, HAND I5ILLDODGERS, LAREIAJ, PAMPIILETS, VISITING CARDS; RBSIKSSR CARDS; STATE-Mir-.-is,' rr.nvsi'Jo tags.’ In fact any and all kinds of printing c edited in a man :iur sure to : i: ]*;•:?: * pleas* fcega! Blanks.' • - t All kinds of Legal TlTanlvS supplied on very short notice. blanks as Jus tice four: Summons, K icentlo.ia, Sub- picnas, Gartushmeu* *, State \Varniuts,* -viiachi:i:*!ics, D.sires-*; Warrants, Pos-vis- sory Warrants, •forlln-oiiiing i.oiv.Is, Af fidavits. Do inks for Titc-.s, D-.-nds. .Claim.-.,* Declarations, Landlords ifioiis, M.*:*r- gag- i»-;cds. \ f J»dv.-r !:.*pt al- v ays i:; *All biao'k- noi ltc*:.t in stuck’will be printed to orrk*r, **n short noti* •*. ir.-y olrtnks arc print ’d from ype*, and arc u»i»uroiU5.9fd for clear vlil rec-c 1>. P. PRLEM MMMiicoiijATioral -ay — **: MPEX.SE, ANNIE' OTiriili, r ATiG i. Da sure to Buy your 'i’ickets over the N., C., & St. L. R’y. Ccaartown Advertiser. a n i> v:; i: u *i; isy i l;. k . WEEKLY Seiim-iCEMi; OilC 4 :•!* for * Tiie inexperienced Traveler nerd net o amis*: ioa cnangesare m**-cs:siry,nn'i .'•!i as are unavoidable arc* made i«i ly vd.-Vk Two p-'iic.rs for iiuiey:xorv than the price ol one. Dy paying us $:V70 you will receive for one year your h*»me paper with ihd iAC.uicr Journal, tiie;vp:v. - a :ii\v iujWs-j p*n;cr of the Seal!:. j atic entl ibr a. Tariff for I'•venae only, and t.ij h best’ | bright-standablest faihiiy uorfily in the n SLEEPedo ithir.v; and Nashville, Atlanta and Lou- svi!!c, N:v-hvilic and St. * - si; s via Co~ tnubiis, Naihvilhj and Loui ivillr , Nnsii- ilie ami fd cm phis, Martin a;d St. Loa- s, Union L’:t.v r?»d Si.* Lohi^, Aic^Wiintie nnu L-ttie Rock, wh re couivoctrnn is lade with ThrZ'.-'Jh Sleepers to all Tc-sas points. Call on or e.cTtltess A. D. W11EXX, Trnv. A., Atlanta,Oa. Vv r . T. Rogers, i*. A., Clunbrnooga, To nil. W. L. DaIvLEY, G. 1*. and T. A., Nashville, Tenn. Homo Efilroad—Sdicdnlc o-: l nited States. Those wi:o desire to ov-- :m:ine a copy of ♦ho- Cotirior- Joumnl can do so at this ofilce.' t. '•iildsTA 7 A FIRST-CLASS laiaiMi iswippsr! Bur. ore-year, and an Interesting Novel, FOR HJ.OO. ANT* AFTER NGVEMDER KITH. :!i-e following schedule \> iil be pul in ive on this r*>u-.i: he Rome Express, Daily, except Sun day Through Lg Atiiiata, WitiiOuL (thane e. Jjce.ve Rome 7:20 a. ru. '‘.rrive at King- on, }>:•')./ a. in. Arrives iu Atlanta at .0:30 a. m. No. 1. Daily. • Leave Rome at 7:lo v. in. Arrive at Ingiiii/n nt c:4f» A. in. Arrive at Ghatta- ? ;*>ga at I2.'i0 iu. Arrive at Atlanta at :-i.» p. m. No. 2.—Daily except f>:indny. T.- ave Rome ’.. ’O j‘*. Arrive at King- drm at 4:2** p. *u. Arrive at i tanooga i. Arrive at Atlanta at' :10 p. m. TRAINS f.’OING WEST. Vha Rome IC.vprevr—Daily L>:cept Sun- Througli Without Change. Atlanta-ktb'J p. m. Tjeavy King- ton 7:0.) p. m. A.rrive at Rome at 7:*i."> tub mm& mm mz A in:i*ninoth sheet, g«x'>2 in r *hc>, con- tab-ingS p*.rgw of re* id big mattejr,, com- J.i isilig ail rJ:c news*)!' Uio wjck., Te!t— ‘.rapid*- !uK,*..t-!ie j , accnrato Market Rc- i#i*ri:s a well edited Acrlcultiira!' D;c>art- nient, Origi r.::\ Seri.c* . a page of GEORGIA FLORIDA NEWS. Ii is not a local paper. To the fariiiei, . :.nnic, artisan, the business *.r |;r*>f«g-s:o:iKl mail, w2n» has not tiie advanc.ge of a daily inoil,' i. is a paper by whi*-:i he con be iiToriocd of events transpiring in. the bus*- vw?rld, whether i.i bis ov»n S»**.:r or in the most distant parts of th.e giobr*. lie addition to a tirs'-ebc-s r,sj/mer at a mo Icntto »>»•:**(*, no o!:s-r open y. r.y snbacri:>cr a • id.’tiso-'d r.evcls tf No. 2.—Daily. iv<* Atlanta 7v:u a. m.. Leave King ston 9:20 it. m. Arrive at Home ut iu:-U No. 4.—Daily, -xccpl .Sunday. Leave Atlanta 2:10 p. in. Lea s e King ston 4:oH p. m. Arrive Rome n» s. 1 and 3 makes eonneetlonsL King ston for ’Chattan*.'Oirn ami all Yv’e.-.tern 11 n{-•-. •*; i >x:; 11« l i iki, i>rc*s*t. J. A. SMITH, G. 1*. .Agent. ike I*8iie:ciiative Ksissaicr OF TIIiY SOUTH. DEMOCttATIC And I-'or a Tariff for llcronuc Only. _ eonfciming i* whom it would be well if the law I who are not inttfatoted bYthraylSiS^i^Vij^A 18 *- could visit ite direst vengeance, of ‘ dull times,’ but keep their 1 " ‘ Great outrage is felt by the citizens before the public, will surely place of the two localities over the villian- them on the right side iu the end. ous work. an:l .">r l s:—;ion Haralson Co., Ga., 1-r. iaJ on aa the property of Win. C. ue of oho .justice Ufa, issue 1 fro,a 1977 district, G. .M., in favor of Walton, Wltann ' ~ All persons subject to town tax are hereby notified that the books are the little this, it is wise always to v Davis’s Pain Killer. often by liis bright, original ; A large, crowyattended his on Sunday. A tribute to his i appears elsewhere in our, Married, at the residence of the father of the bride, Mr. John Flcken, i in Atlanta, on Monday moraine fast ‘\“' V , 0pen at tlie s * ore of at 10 o’clock, by Rev.br. Beckman h f Icr ct c: °*’ at which P !ac0 1 " i!i Mr. Theodore Fining, of Cedartown reeeive tae mamcipal tax for the to Miss Emma Ficken. Tiie happy year 1SSk Please comc f; ir\vard at young couple reached this place, their once and give i:l yoUT l >ro P ; ‘ rt F- probable future home, on Tuesday. Jifo. C. Allen, C. T. R. We wish for them all the joys of an unalloyed matrimonial experience. of officers-elect of .Cliapter, No. 141, Royal last. Dr. hYm. A. Love, of Atlanta, Past High Priest, was present and We leanl that a fa m Street Tax Notice. The fast half of the street tax is >w due. All-persons subject to the me will be required to settle at tee; By order of Council. John P. Duke, Marshal. •let, ix. : Cm., vs W. Hsimmtl, property pointcl out bv plaintiff. Tenant in possession notified, levy made and returned to me by lu C. Also, atthe same time and pi:i**-5 will be sold lot of land No. I>2r», cont-iining 1* *rt v acres xuoro or less, in 20:li (list, and Jrd section of original Cherokee now Haral son county, Ga., levied on as the roocr- tv of J. M. Waldrop, by virtue of one Justice court ii fa. issued from 1077 disk, G. M., in favor of (*. W. Howell, vs. .J. M. Waldrop, said Waldrop noticed of levy. Levy made anrl returned to me by A. Thomason, L. C., this 2nd July, 1.423. K. Hogue, administrator on' tbo estate of W. SMIogue,applies for let- tft'fi-ostthis said a* ed will appear at a court of Ordinary to lie hold iii said county on the first Mon day in October next' to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismission It3 Broad .Street, Home, Ga. Has been great‘y enlarged, and is now one of tiie handsomest and most com modious Eook Stores in the State. On hand and receiving every week, large supplies Of Sehooi, (jlassicaf, Suindar.I and 7disee 11aneons Looks, I'hotograr.ii Autograph' Album**, Bibles, ifynm and iTaycr Looks, j;la:*.k IV»oks,Sfiition- ery, Fancy Articles,, School Supplies, etc. zVfso, will be found in the Music Depart ment. asplendid assortment of <•bicker ing, >Iathn3hek, Arion and Halo. Pianos —both Square, < lrand anti Upright. Also Mason A* Hamlin, Shouir.gcr, Packanl and Lay S .aie i >rgcns, at prices t’.iat defy >mx)eLit:on, oitb* r N*>rt!i <»r Souths I * straments sold on inst-.llmrnts, .or- wholesale for cash. Lndden & Bat.-s* price- at Savannah duplicated. o^tl3-Ly. H. A. SV»TT?. THE WEEKLY eJltr AN ORGAN OF LIVE ISSUES, L1VIN(. I DELLS AND MORAL. FOitCLo. An Enemy of Monopolies, Oligarchism and the Spirit of Subsidy as Embodied in That Thieving Tariff. THE WEEMIiY CGUnaEn-JOUn5fAI. Morning News fdbrary fret*. fsnbv.cripbon, s2.fM n \\ \r ui tn Jilib *crlpt:.nite*. an k - seni throng}; local igcr.fii a.iL :pjotina3tor.-, or diro**t to J. IT. E'dT* LL, 3 V.Tiitak . r Street. iSuvauua'i, Ga. j For tiie Grand Rook . $ j ,srei*ies and 311«- x ' ies o'* ' •oT cica’o • at Cities, Vy J. W. Hurt. Outsells Aii Otiivr Books f .“^5 oly.t -r e-, oi> tics and secret ways of higiia.ud i >w ilfi* in our five represent- at*vecities: Ne.v York and iUroiruivala ofsin : ytr*!;:gio4, :nd trials of the poor; sensualism .tud lifr.- of the poor; de^ rective sn.'bs a:i*i terrible crimes; secret r uiirs; i: i swindles of knaves; V/City -.Vita its inspiring str- ehiicctcii*.'■; in^rlg.i'ug politicians; brib- - ”» -i’.s. be :n;:fui sire os as * >bhy- Lsts; g ! M moral wr;**’ks; our law makers in their (Vde color *: SiL’i Fran- ;.*iso«>and its wonderful rI d*os; Chinese i«fe; Apiuiti uens; jo-s lou es; gaiaiding pits; secrets oi. he highbinders; shuiaug adventerr*; tkril’lng dcscrip.doi.s wwiern llh* i*i *i:>; Halt luiL i ( i^*, Folygamy in ! h:;’i: hintoryof .Mormon-; ism ; iv* n;y-e. -riou- ( idii.es n:id*rr,*;i t!iiig ••*buses: first rcvclatioiLOf ti*r^»Xrr!b:een-» dov.'m *-it riies; inood ntonemeut ami highway murders; lives of tho M6riii*.»:« leaden*; degradation an i mis ery of the vfm.'K-r;; Xew Orleans, the negro’s pa'radiso; thrilling blsiory of voudoui.-in ; negro gfioist stories and superstitions; racy scenes r.t c;tu:p-meet- hv' revivals; <-»ju limits: social life among the Southern, aristocracy. . - This book contains o'ecr (/ v K) pej^e? and. LY; illustrations; price :?2..7t); pictorial circulars .ami complete ruble of co»*tcnt« free: extra terms t«» agents.' Write at once for bill particulars, or send iii) rcntM. in «t:tm-vs or currency, and s&c3«d butiit and territorv ilI3TOTvH IAI# PUBLISHING CO., Tfas m, s Ul *r: -;c.>i.iieai i.cwsp, CUTfliiida & CoasiitatisaaHst, AUGUSTA, GA. The Gidest Newspaper in the South. The Chiionicls A < 'oxsnnmo.tAMST is the oldest news;taper in the South, having been established In 17!-r>. r Flie Gnnoxicin; is progressive and lib eral in all tilings ansi is csssntl.aliy a fiiir repretentative of Southern opinion and a jiersistent exponent of Son: a cm indus tries. W1 " “ :. While free from sensationalism immorality, it is in no wav behind a greuc i.unily and ... id [!,(! So;.ib, hud is kcciic • by bui fj-.v in the I'nited Sfct s. ird;u;, each wee!-:, ;‘ic most com- Plcte sui.ruary of tiie news of the world, and it:; editorial columns’ (: kmiv Wat- f rtnsoN, Khior-iii-Cijifi: ary always able, strong and bright. Among the especial leiiturcs are Telejrraplue Specials froia the leading points i:i tlia United iSh'.ics and Europe. Serial and Snort Stories, fal mages sermon** tho day after deliv ery iu Grookivii Ta.bcrnao •*. Market ite- jx.-rts, l'ushion Lotto:?*, Turl’ and Sm-.-k il.;>ur:s; Answers to Coi*r»-sj>.jndei;t-’ Departhicnt for Children. ..No ilomw in tho Country should be without it. the best of its eotemporaries as a purvey or of the news. The morning fbrr.oxicLE is an eiglit l»age paper of 48 coiuxcns: Price ;*I0 per year: six months ->N. The Evening Cimorarr.E is the morning paper. The price is per year; six montbs ;fills it the bu-gest and cheapest eight page pa per in the South. The Sunday CirrtoxiCT.E is n verr irr- terertliig pai«:r. It is ati iy s ht pnge fifty- six colninu paper. Frieo psr year. ■ 'Die Weekly Gaaixic.-.K is one of the ' ‘ — *.*» **•>« SenUl.vIfis ten