Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, August 23, 1883, Image 2

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MANUFACTURERS, 128 and 190 West 33*1 St., Xew.York, Jwy tun.!. 5-H Am’t of nrouejr on band for Pauper-fUnd- v —.— 919.00 Ain’t of monajr on- hand for Bridge fund **** Total on hand for all porpoees* From the tax boots we- firal the ataount at taxable property in the oouaty-to be $1,874,562, showing an *- mIha avap laof roup AT TURNER & COLVILLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CEDARTOWN, -GA. ' OmnDrn Wns A Cro-’s Stork. *ym gaBtieb in Polk mud surroundini Mftntmflftis all tha courts. Prompt "IE WhBSTTil STG Co.IffiHEl «o TihunitiTS traatlM on dtoonei of Pa—, JatUr, Sffioe, Shrey and 1'onltry, ud how to :nr« then. HiomIiH Knoairj’i <wi*f lorin?a.Tl preserving. Iha Mania Portooy •.ad tha treatment ni every-day andileatl and •ijarioa. The Form hod how to lucres* :rop%. The Ondrj mm* heir/. Orchard ad Fruits. Bea Guitar*; Saifttun Growing, :(tteii90 Chwiflatr/i prartiea! cooking, *ha - n%, and wardrobe niaaagesirn!. Evarj CIf tow* and Ito Mechanics of th* Fane. Tie Book for the Plaster, Tarasr and Stock Raiser. lad Stpsrtx’t ft Birisiaa Snftnl; JBsstrattt. mjfsmmim or tlila Important work. Sold byiuMeiip- ioncuif.&nd fnmirlical t > MibKribcr^iatitM* -luji-i- or Genua, at the following price,: CloA Similar, Pad Ciit SidtM . S8 7» leather {library Style) - - 4 75 3 cnt, postpaid, oa receipt of price (whoro we tore no agent). nr sum ran DKeCRirrms and Connaoadatlnns by practical mduieatidefarawn. Addroee, I BLEY’S SEEDS tanoMSSIe tofllealockBixidoiilOfcuura- Oor If «n> atb tr ».*.*/•* m »ar lit. O r Kefot* lie t-rtumr, to f-iml-li a Borwprwr on S le<e ■91 ft fort ud eeicr than «r.y e** cr Ea UDA cine to* tiled ellh n Aoiceieiie WsmXS Cot oe. If ree to > Patioroiy m P"T-«Me tnc-r*. Boiler. CJree- •'laraew-KHi. ekaitinr or PolWje, D.8. FREEMAN, Editor. far Advertisements inserted at the rate eif n per BCfUare, for the first insertion and 50 con taper square for each subse quent insertion. The space of one inch b reckoned, as a square. Special rates risen on advertisements to ran for s longer period than one month. Cedartown, Ga., Thursday August 33, 883. The New York Star says: “It used to be a saying here in America that mil men are equal; that ail have equal rights before thelaw and in the body politic, and that the era of slav ery, black or white, had passed away This is a popular fallacy as General Eckert, Superintendent of the Wes tern Union, has Just proved, and slav ery lives. There are different laws for rich and poor, for capital and labor, aud the man who has had the misfortune of being born to toil, must uot presame upon the rights, priv- ligesand authority of his capitalistic At the meeting of the Agricultural Society of Georgia in Atlanta, an ad-, dress was delivered by Hon. I*, F. Livingston on “Diversified Farming." Thi3 was followed by an address on “Labor,” by Dr. 8. W. Iceland. Dr. Lehuri madesomo Inter esting remarks to show the folly of educating negro laborers. Ad dresses were delivered by Captain J. G. McCall on “Truck Fanning,” and W. J. Houston on “Transpor tation.” Thos. Hardeman was re elected President. The convention adjourned to meet in Savannah in February. Owing to the limited time we had and from lack of aennaintance with the various lands and property of the county, we found it impossible to re port intelligently as to whether pro erty had been given incorrectly as value. We find the tax books kept in good style. We find the public DuildingB in good repair and under the careful ?fol- 1,000 We put it upon record that it will eost from two to two and a half mil lions to complete the- new- capitol building. The present bill appro priates only one million. The legis lature is deceiving Itself. The men who are engineering the bill are laughing in their sleeves at the sim- . plirity- of the average legislator. They know well that one million dollars will de expended on the foundation and first or second floor or story of the capitol. Georgia ought to have a magnificent State House, worthy of the State and its capital city. The people had better know now than latere* that it means an. expendi ture of from $2,000,000 to- *2,500,000. The reputation of the Statesas well as its interests, demand the erection of a building that those who come after us will be proud of.—Awgustii Chron icle. Death of J udge filactt. Judge Jeremiah S. Black died! at his home at York, Pa., cn the morn ing of the I9tb. Shortly before Judge Black died he said to Iris wife: “ How can I fear to cross the dark river when my Father waits for me on tire other »lioro,” andadded: “Would I were as comfortable about- all I leave behind unfinished in this world,” and then breathed the following earnest prayer: “ Oh Thou beloved and most merciful Heavenly Father, from whom I had my being, and in Whom I have ever truste J, if it be Thy will grant that my suffering end and^that I speedily be called home to Thee, an**, oh bless am} comfort thee my Mhry !” Judge Blaek was born in Grades, Somerset county, Pennsylvania, on the 10th of January, 1810. He was therefore,a little over seventy-three years of age. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1830. In 1842 he became presiding Judge ofthedis- triet Court of his native State. Oa march 5, 1857, he accepted the posi tion of Attorney General in President Buchanan’s Cabinet. Ha remained in that position until 1860, when he was appointed Secretary of State. He left public life with Mr. Buchanan’s administration, and devoted himself tb>the practice of his profession- He wss a great lawyer, and history will place him among the statesmen of the country. He was • loved and respected by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and his death will be generally mourned. Net .rious Offender Arrested! The Chief of Police in Hartford has arrested and effectualy brought to a stand-still that old offender“cramps.” “Cramps” was “known to the police for a long time; in fact, the Chief had him in his bowels. “Cramps” came ralglc pains. Kilji.ES proved to be more than old a’V-v *‘Cmmps”coui<l stand. The notorious villain surrendered, and acknowl edged himself beaten. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS. Polk Superior Court. Y«'e, tlie Grand Jury, selected and Bwocn for the first week of August term, 1883, make the following pre- seat'neats: We, through our committees, have examined the Ordinary’s, Sheriff’s {ijkI Clerk’s books, and find them neatly and correctly kept. The dockets of the following Jus- tkscs-and Notaries Public were pre sented to us for inspection, vis.r L. It. llurst, J. P. of 1075 district; L, S. Ledbetter, N. P. and J. P. of 1075 district; W. N. Strange, N. P. and J. P- cf 1076 district; D. N. Hump- tor.,J.J*-of 1076 district; C. A. Wood, N. P. and J. P. 1076 district; W. T. Thompson. N. P. and J. P. of 1073th district. All these we found to con form to the law except a failure in some instances to state the cause of action and cone but the officers of the 1075th dlstricfkeep separate dockets for 8»te ambeivil cases as required bv law. Weespeeially call attention of the N. J. Ps ami N. P.s of the oountv to section 4,505 of the code, and ask that they in future be gov erned by said section! We find from the treasureris-books the-following report: Ain’t of money on. hand for county purposes. Arn.'t tniumc nn hanil for ... good repair .... supervision of the County Commis sioners. We reccommend the Commission ers of Roads and Revenues to insure the court house and jail for the lowing amounts: On the court house - - -12, “ “ jail - $3,000 Accompanying our general pre sentments we have the following re port of the penitentiary committee: To the Grand Jury of Poik Su perior Court, August Term, 1883. The undersigned committee ap pointed by yon for the purpose visiting and inspecting the conv— camps located in the county respect fully state that they have perform ed the duty assigned them with the results as stated below :; The camps situated on the Chero kee Iron Co’s property we find ad mirably fitted up and ail the appoint ments ample to insure the health, comfort and security of the convicts (eighty-tliree in number) confined there. The record of the camp shown us represents the camp as being in a fine state of health and discipline. The only point upon which we feel constrained to report unfavorably at this camp is the filthy condition of the bedding and blankets. A small additional expense would in our opinion correct this and remove .a possible element of danger to their health. This camp we understand to be a part of the convicts assigned to W. B. Lowe and are hired to the Cherokee Iron Co. Of the camp near Roekmart on the line of the K. T. Va. & Ga. R. B. we cannot speak so well as to its appoint ments. The arrageiuents for the care of the sick (if there should be any) ure not such as would be neccessary in coid or rainy weather. The health of the camp was reported to us as ex ceptionally good. Of the 44 convicts confined there are 43 at work aud the otiier but slightly sick. Our remarks as to the bedding aud blankets of the Cherokee camps apply with still greater force to this one. Nor is the camp in other respects kept in as cleanly condition. This camp is a part of the convicts of W. 1). Grant aud they are at work on the E. T. Va. & Ga. R. R. Jno. W. Baku, ) Grand Gkiffin W. Jones, j- Kobt. 11. Wheeler. j Jurors. Wm. F. Darden, V Citizens ap- Wm. Bradford, ) pointed by J as. E. Jones. J tne Grand Jury. Our foreman in accordance with law. appoints \V\ J. Noyes chaplain oi the convict camps at (he Chetokee Iron Works and Aaron Persons (cot) chaplain ot the camp near Itocxuiart. 1 rum all the information we could get. we find tne roads in the county *u verygood condition, with lew ex ceptions as to- footways aud oridges ucross-siougiis-and other places aud we reler me people interested in these to the Commissioners of Roads aud Revenues, whose duty it is to furnish material lor repairing suca places when it is neccessary. Whereas, the sureties 011*. B. York former tax collector ask to be re leased of the 20 per cent. i«uaity as sessed in a certain fi la against min ni favor of the county, whereas u wits shown to tne jury la.it said li. la. wu3 collected on tue date of its issu ance uiui that tne cqjauty did not sui ter any loss whatever. \Y e there fore reccommend tnat said securities of L. B. York be released lroui said penalty. ■ We reccommend that the Commis sioners of Roads aud Revenue, ex amine into tne matter 01 making our paupers comfortaole, and it they in ‘heir wisdom think best, that tuey ouv a piece of land aud erect thereon suitable buildings and move our paupers to said home and see that they are properly cared lor. We return our tnanks to His Honor Judge Branham and to the Solicitor General lor courtesies, ex tended our body. We reccommend tnat these presentments be puoiisned in the Cedartown Advertiser ana that the editor be paid seven dollars and fifty cents for publishing them. Martin V. B. Are, Foreman. John W Barr, Marcus H Bunn, Daniel S Berry, Robt A Biggers, Jas it Barber, Jordan W Camp, Wm S Featheaston, Richard Gammon, Elias D Hightower, Tnoinas B UubDaru, Thomas C Hagan, Seaborn Jones, Sr, Griffin W Jones, Stephen King, Au gustus S McGregor. J ulius A Reek, Thomas M Face, William M Phillips, Linton G Ray, Robert H Wheeler, William P Vt o xi, Robt M Wingard. NEW ARRANGEMENT i J. D. ENLOW Having Taken tho BOOZ HOUSE And Renovated it thoroughly, will open on tho loth instant fortho entertainment of the traveling public Patronage re spectfully solicited. TERMS LIBERAL. “ Live and Let Live ” is his motto. JAS. D. ENLOW, Proprietor. JANES & RICHARDSjN, ATTORNEYS lit LAW, Cedartown, Ga. jWSpecial attention given 'to oollec- DR. CHARLES H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Office Over Burbank’s Drug Store, CEDARTOWN. GA. WALL PAPER. Fashionable Designs for Parlors, Halls, Chambers, Ac. W ill begin to teach a class in music at f SfcjjrSamples and Prices Mailed Free. a STRONG FACTS! A great many people are atldrg what paoiculu troubles Bkown’s Ikon Srrraas is good for. It trill sure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Cos- sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail similar disrates. Its wonderful curative power is .•amply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at Cue foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. taking brown s Iron bitten, and X scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. I am now using the third bottle ami I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to a!L Kidney Disease Cured. Chris tiassburg, Va., i88r. Suffering from kidney disease. 1 which I could get no relief, I from which I could get no reiser, I tried brown's Iron bitters, which cured me completely. A^child^o* feTno appetite and dkl not seem to he able to cat at alL 1 gave him Iron bitten with the happiest results. J. Ryu Montagu*. Heart Disease. Vine St., Hamburg, Pm. iJec. 3, iS8x. After trying different physician* and many remedies for palpitation •C the heart without receiving any benefit. I was advised to try brown’s Iron Bitters. 1 have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me so much relict Mrs. Jaxxis Hbs*. For the peculiar trophies to which ladies are subject, Brown’s Iron Bitters is invakuble. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. MUSIC CLASS. Mi’s. I. 13. Buff the residence of J. A. Wynn, on MONDAY', AUGUST 25th. For terms etc., apply to KBS. SUIT. Aus-15-tf MANTUA-MAKING I Miss Nannie Cambron Having oj>ene<l an establishment in renr part of I’hilpot, Dodds & Co.’s store; is prepared to do work in her line such as cutting fitting and making of ladies’ dresses. Work done in latest style and at moderate prices. aug3-2ni. P OLK SHERIFF’S SALES.—WILL lie sold before the Court House door in the town of Cedartown, Polk county, <*a., between the legal hours of side, on the first Tuesday in September next, the fallowing property to wit: Lots of land numbers 518 and 605, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., known as the John P. Ham mock farm, it being the homestead of said Hammock, as the property of John P. Hammock, and in possession of James Hammock. Also one white and yellow spotted cow, eight years old; one grey horse, about sixteen years old; one loom and fixtures, one spinning w’heel, two feather beds, two. common liedsteads, two dining tables, two pine chests, one clock, one mattress, two under bed tick** four quilts, fo«r under sheets, three counterpanes, four pillows, one bolster, one trunk, one musket, one hand saw, two augers, one wash pot, on* dinner pot, five old chairs, one cupboard, two large hogsheads, three small barrels, two dishes, two grindstones, one man’* sad dle, one drawing-knife, one set plow gear, one old one-horse wagon ; all os the property of John P. Hammock, by vir tue of two Polk Superior Court li fas, one in favor of W. T. Witcher, executor of Jesse Ammons, deceased,vs. said Ham mock,the other in favor of V. II. Oppert vs. John P. Hammock and S. L. Ham mock, Also, at same timo and place will lie sold lots of land numbers 1151, 1224 and 1225. in tho 18th district and 3rd section of Polk county, Ga. Also lots numbers 1222, and one-lialf of lot number 1221, in the 21st district of the 3d section in said coun ty, containing 180 acres, more or less, a* tneproperty of L. B. York, princ’l, by vir tue ot one fi. fa.,issued by Joel Brewer, or dinary of Polk county, Ga., in favor of C. H. Wood, county treasurer, vs. L. B. York, principal, W. C. Barber A. Hunt ington, M. V. B. Ake and W. R. Beck, securities, Huntington A Wright, trans ferees. Property pointed out by L. 1L York, principal. E. W. CLEMENTS, Sheriff. August 2, 1883. G EORGIA—POLK COUNTY.—Thom as H. Peek, administrator on the es tate of R. H. Peek, applies for leave to sell lot of land No. 14, m the 21st district of the 3rd section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of deceased. Therefore, all persons concerned will appear at a Court of Ordinary to be held in said county on the first Monday in September next, to show cause why leave to sell land should not be granted. This July 25th, 1883. JOEL BKKWEIt, Ordinary. WAGONS! CARRIAGES, PHjETONS, BUGGIES, ROAD CARTS. for Terms and Price* address. F1SR B30S. t CO., Dot, *> fcr.rtl.llo—Jf-tTO of th. Ill.*., [mutaiuing tki. kK.1** 1 Ibmban .*n*7 for wMclij*In jour «rol> Ity. Uuarl hi. or dKlriuM. »ua r a. * co. SUMMER Imprudences ARE SURE TO BRING ON BUMMER DISEASES INDIGESTION, DIARR1KEA. DYSENTERY, COLIC, CRAMPS, DOWEL COMPLAINTS. FEVERS, Ac., Ac. BUT Perry Darki'« Pain Killer Deivk, Them Aw at. Dbtves Them Awat. Dotes Them Awat. oerr u without nm riua. but or our dhuuoist. C EORGIA—POLK COUNTY.—W. T. Burge, administrator on the estate ot Dalton Burge, of mid county, dertfcoil, has applied for letters of dismission from his said administration. Therefore, all persons concerned will take notice to ap pear at a court of Ordinary to be held in said county, on the first Monday IMuto- ber next, to show cause, if any they have, whT Kftd letter. dismission should not ue granted", thisJul^3rd, 18K3. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. Hoi to Get A BICYCLE FREE! T HE WHEELMAN is a handsomely illustrated SO page magazine of Bicy cling and Tricvcling literature and news. It otters the following premiums : • For 180 subscribers we will give a Colum bia Tricycle. For 140 subscribers we will give a Full Nickeled Expert (any size.) For 100 subscribers wo will give a Stan dard Columbia Bicycle (any aize.) For 80 subscribers we will give t St. Nicolas Bicycle (48 or SO inch). For 65 subscribers we will give a Mustang Bicycle. For GO subscribers we will a St. Nicolas Bicycle (41 or 46 inch.) For 50 subscribers we will give a Western Toy Co. Bicycle (42 inch.) *. A cash premium of 50 cents each is al lowed where the number of subscribers is too small to obtain a premium, if 10 or more are obtained. Terms, >2.00 poryear. Subscriptions should be sent in as re ceived. All remittances by draft or P. O. Order. Send 20 cents fur sample copy and full particulars or a 3c stamp for full particulars. THE WHEELMAN, 602 Washington Street, Boston, Maas. D.S.M0RGA8&GQ. DRAFT Triumph. Heaters AMD THE UOISELES!* New Clipper Mower Th* TR1P1P3 lr-4lTJa are far eitopUrity la con*frn«*ti*»n, hsj of wuuwniwit, light weight.j *a*l c<*mI working capacit/ I* all c*>ndittoa« cf grain. Tb* XE* CLIPPER him »T1 th* a<tv»n*i»r**« cf <!*• OLD CLIPTaH llOWkJl with zuau/ valuaUo l—prcvww^n**. D. S. MORGAN S CO., Brockoort,MonreeCo..N.Y Tilt BEST ON EARTH. These celebrated Steves will ROAST. BAlvS and HEAT IRONS In lass tlma and with LESS FU5L than any other vapor Cooic Stove made. Co sura and buy the Dangler Non-Explosivo Vapor Cook Stove, uren rrus n rax UiOnillpdfafci Iur.I|iini — — v - internal remedy, containing no Quinine, Opium, Chloroform, Chloral or narcotics of any kind. Safe and quick in its action. M avon’s OFiner, Leesburo, Va., April 19,1879. Messrs. Hutchison A Bro.: It affords me pleasure to testify to the great virtue of your ‘-Neuralgine” fur tiie cure of head ache and neuralgia. It is the best remedy for these most distressing complaints I have ever used. It should be in every family in the country. Yours truly, Geo. R. Hear, Mayor of Leesburg; Va. Messrs. Hutchison & lito.: I am happy to say that your “Neuraigine” acted r.s a specific to n.y case, retievina ...'W’ incredibly short time. I would advise all suflering'from neuralgia and headache to try it. Yours etc., day 9,1SS2- 12m L. V. Sims, M. D. Cedar Valley Far* or 249 Acres for Sale OR RENT. Situated on© mile ea*t of Cedartown, contains 1G0 acres in high state jof cnlti- vation. On the place is a dwelling with seven rooms, fine orchard comprising every variety of fruit trees. Three good tenement houses, one servant house, good bam and aud other buildings. Sev eral acre* well set in clove* and grass. Anyone wishing to see the place, apply J. E. ROBERT?. t-iii yi-i MANrrACTrrr.KA or ‘OL'S IMPROVED” 'mo MILL, iS* *:n> dfjlzcs B :r :s&m. riUL^Sr^eocfe, ~ \ «'•>! »h C!xr.frt.-l SUL Park-ir; l V/zhr S^Sa. ^ 3 Sr cr* NI 111 ss PH OFFICES, Otnntntred Ftriftly Ffrsf Clars. •'•jr 5c«uty offnaieh. l*lp*l k«sT»*i:<*. SnpArfnrit] u: A. • Wi.rS ifid Th»*.v3R. t»ri* ofifb- ft . . ACtfoA tlicy luu i lUX.lYftii'Hl- XLZVmXr: CATALOGUZS yEJIX. vsrsiv fee;.:; cc. f S J4-*t:fa--lBrrr* Coy. I Organ, WncirstaHAi Iecetaae Pills LIVER Bilious Complaints SCALES nftu co. Ycain OF ALL HKDS. TRUCKS. Etc.. it* Mmmrnmm KDici CLEVCLAK9, OHIO. TORPID B3WSW. DISORDSRCD LIVER, end MALARIA, - v , Trom t lie jo smirccs arts* 1^ co-.oar^Vt of t!i« (!ui‘jsst of tl;e bc:-!tn tiCP. These i.ymj)tuiiu in«l:taf*i ilifi .re xiJtencc: !»»•• of ApMtUe, ]»ow<2« costive, Sick Ilctfi* me hr, fnilr Ttzr * :ir, c Torsion to «x«r:low cf beOjr r.r inlnd. EnwUt!«» of food, lrri«abiljty cf t impr, Lev? nir!M, A f filing t.ri.’Hfl.-*? ssc*iyl«ctcd «.*ne tin: v* Dlfiil I'intir rlnij st Ifce 21=art. itot-j foprorc t eyro.ls'^lftlycol ored € J.1 STIPAX 1 J.V, #nd <*0- T^a^idthoi .itfart a* t»«’.!rre:»y riihfl I.ivrr. AsaLivcrr.iC»!Ic J ncTCS , T*b FTTsIsShava mc V'ltlraetionon tho ikiin*3rsrn lSi4 ni-jp.’iopromp?;removing all l»2»u-itit*a fjrtm :»tinvc three c njjcit eft m p-olr.cinrr »rp-« stools,j$rlc.nr rL’ann lari^yrrml;*).! •. PifjLS i*:3 ro a oe r ipi '-'-T nor ir.turlora vrilli d«'Iy rerk suit. 1 , n: 5av.*rfdc5 AKTsDOTS VO MALARIA. .Vo!l-T.-rrv.Lrr'V.-'c. I»rr;»yS “?n- rt?.nt y tmCV' iSr i:iarx l*y a single n> r’ic^Ut cf ll: = * l’TC. 07 or*c”tl T« iifcniptcf T*. —THE — LATEST ARO BEST SEWINa MACHINE. S ll Is nr! YwtwUy eendel wren !>▼ wir mu» petitors, to bo tho fiiMBt ftnisheilast&bwtBMd* in tho market Elegant XTood T7o*k, ersaxaemtoX with bonaadGoz. AGZYTS WANTED. ADDRESS ■■n CLEVELAK9, OHIO. Buchanan Wind Mill USIXCCILED F-'S mm, ICHA3HITT LIGHT RUNNING. . row nzthaa cf zetaca- hj Os S2h, T2XX7STnWZS7n SVBABLE EILL BUILT. ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Eb. BOOHARiH WBD BEL CO, BUCHANAN. KIICHIQAN. PAVNC*a IO Hare* Sparfc-AiTMtlne Puri ah:« Kngiae baa * MU»» fL «»JUchtoa Km Baud. In 1« huan. hundag abbs ftwa th. sto h, right fowl foafths. WHITE & MARSHALL, Dealers in Furniture of All Kinds, Our Stock embraces Everything usually kept in a Furniture Store. BED LOUNGES, PICTURE FRAMES. MOULDING, — CORNICING, — -t WINDOW SHADES, J- — NOTIONS, — CENTER TAB. MIRRORS. A good assortment kept eomtantlg on hand. COFFINS We remodel old Furniture and repair Seining Machine*. Caskets ! Our stock in these goods em braces a good Variety of Styles and a full range of Sizes. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Wholesale and Retail! J. S. STUBBS & CO„ Cedartown, On., ARE NOW RECEIVING A NEW AND ELEGANT LINE OF Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots, Sbces and Ready-made Clothing. THEIR STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Comprises the latest ~ tmjitsls GOODS, and all the NOV. ELTIES in TRIMMINGS. —r— These goods were selected with great care and BOUGHT FOR CASH, and they invite aa inspection of their stock, confident that purchaser* will be pleased, both in styles and price*. They would call special attention to thoir STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES I Which shall always be offered at the lowest market rate. White Sewing Machine! THE LADIES’ FAVORITE! BECAUSE IT IS THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, THE MOST QUIET, MAKES A PRETTIERSTITCH, And has more conveniences than any other Machine. It is warranted five yean, and is the easiest to sell, and GIVES THE BEST SATISFACTION ot any Machine in the market. Intending S nrchasera are solicited to examine it before uyirig. Responsible Dealers wanted in all un occupied territory. J. D. & T. F. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 59 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. far For sale by J. A. WYNN * BRO., Cedartown, Ga. tilapr22. Atlanta Marble Works I WALSH & PATTERSON BROS., Successors to WM. GRAY, Importers and Dealers in mFOKEIGN AND AMERICAN= MARBLES. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, HEADSTONES, AND ALL KINDS OF LAm i aull l h, nr*Aici ua jvs, Ai> ij ajjl xvijn CEMETERY WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. We also have on hand all that BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY of STATUARY that wan on exhibition at the COTTON EXPOSITION. Designs furnished free on ap plication. Office and Works No. East Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga, tiU may 10. THE BEST WAGON •ON WHEELS— IS BAHOTACTUBBD XT FISH BROS. & CO, RACINE, WIS., iutijr an.) th. npiiUDn at wakfac •‘THE BE8T WAGON ON WHEELS.” KaaActmra have *MUh«d At warmly, tot AgmSo atj,«i tor ewa laapnaililtlj. give -.to foilowt*£ warranty wtih M(k w*fna. If m i|md: We Hrvefof Warrut the KISH BROS. WAOOff Ne. ..to to well mdele «my rt*4 mt good aatci^*!. and that tha atrsagth of tho mme iasaftcleat for all ^work with tew r—oa off eafMHYO aiurai Ml., boot*chMf*.orlh. tt. fllhliW greitadag. House and Lot for Sale. I offer for sal, my house and lot situa- ay 1 ted in Bast End, Cedartown, three- fourths of a mie from the Oourt House, and half mile from Cotton Factory lot. House contains six rooms and haU. Lot contains 3% acres good land, and has oil it a young orchard consisting of several - dozen choice fruit trees, that will come into bearing next year. Excellent weU of water convenient to houae. Parties desirous of purchasing can caU on me and I wiU take pleasure in showing th. premises. Terms cash by December. JOEL M. HARRIS. GINGERTShr A SapcrlaM «o» art ttrmfk Ratarar. II yaa av« a Btarharie •» frwr, *«n wt with crcrwaTk. rr a mwkmedown by fionOy«r kim$ told duties try Pabk***s Gimki Tunc. If yoasrsalnrysr, ninbter erhnnMaaa » toasted hy merit •! uram mr anxious arcs, da aat tska ifltOi-ksUaghtminiftSf.lMituse Fsrlur’s Ginger Tome IfyauLnc Dyepcpsis, Kheuran. itst, Kid:iey or Urinary Compfcunis, x f j tx»a», Kki:iey or Urinary uompuuus, or ■ you «i tracb!sd wi:lt any disorder of the lungs, etomach. bo*tk blood •rnerses. rmenn to cored bjrP*»K- sa’s Ccicsa T«t.x, lus the Greatest Blood Part m fiat ttt 1st Ml Seat Cwgh Cart Cur Suft UnanTOiarnar troaca <5mm6o. w My dlieiM M TOJinro Md « *TO*ulM**ris, Ciseu To*ic at mcc: * win nng«n*e *>1M yvi ay is. *lw fitW *Iom bo* w*3 nmr wraott. It luis uted hiuulnj* cf live.; it tot «»• y**a inscox a co, tu wiism u- k*» to m* HSBHE9 Its rich aid buir.f fr^--ai,c= has nu ^- «hu its nth -ud huir.f (r-i--anc= hi-. delirh!ftdpetfum.«tceeJi .*ly popola-. 1 fc.r» !,-O'Uh. It. iMhtlMtml bavup Fuo* on every tottfo. Any or dealer in for- •can.applyyotto synnd75C sixes. LARC* f AT’NO WTTWfl Mt HO. •COLOCNE. THE SPIRAL SPRIN6 RII6GY HAS THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SPRING Kl THE W0NL0. Ho Sac. ho Sway, ho Pitch, Cashes Asy Wbokt. LIGHT. STYUSH AND STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. Star Buggy Wahuhted 2 Veabs. Springs Warranted ro %asi The Easiest Ridinc Buccy Built. the NSWeST AND BEST TNIN« OUT IN CARIHACK 8PMHCS. WRITE FOR ILLUrTRAtlD CATALOOUB AOO PRICE U*T, TnESroM.Swstlw6s.BtM0 mmaciL to BEHR PIANOS With Patent Cylinder Top. OEHR BROS. A CO., NEW YORK. BEND FOB CATALOGUE. J FOB TKI i si. §UI2 aft 53! =sS§Sj 5 Off fajg s H Tha Fastest Sening Book of the Age! 1C0KPLET3 LI7B STOCK BOOK I