Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, October 11, 1883, Image 2

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GttoxUm D. B. FREEMAN, Editor. aFAdwiipmncnU i interred at the rate mt ft per aquarc, for the firet insertion MS 5W rents per agoare for each enbae- ftliwnTOB. The spare of one inch m (eekoned aa a square. Special rates ■teen on advertisements to ran for a bapr period than ono month. Cedartowa. Ga.. Thursday. Oct. n, 1883. The capacity of the cotton mill at Ittnulnyh.-im, Ala., will be at present I^DU cpindlea and will tarn oat 8,000 to 10,000 pounds of cotton yarn per week. A duplicate mill is to be built In the near future, the two to cost <400,000. The success of the hosiery factory at Columbia, S. C., lias been so great that Mr. Moulton, the proprietor, contemplates removing the machine ry from his Laconia Mill, in New Hampshire, to Columbia, where there Ls already sufficient machinery to turn eat 10,000 pairs of stockings a day- TlIK following patents were grant cd to citizens of Georgia, week end tag October 2,1883, reported express ly for this paper by Jos. H. Hunter, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, 934 F Street, Washington, D. t\: Leonidas A. Huberts, Monti cello, belt fastener; Jas. W. McKen- aie, Dooly county, and John F. Pow ell, Macon, combined seed planter and fertilizer distributor. Tax precise language of the law authorizing the issue of postal notes Is the following: “That for the trans mission of small sums under live dol lars through the mails the Post-mast- er-Generai may authorize postmast ers at money-order offices to issue money orders, without correspond ing :ulvices, on an engraved form, to be prescribed and furnished by him; and a money-order issued on such new form shall be designated and known us a ‘postal note,’ and a fee of three cents shall be charged for the tauio thereof. Every postmaster who shall tame a postal note, under the authority of the Postmaster-General, shall make the same payable to bear er, when duly receipted, at any meocy-order office which the remit ter thereof may select, and a postal note shall, in like manner, be pay able to bearer when presented at the office of issue.” The Dry Goods Bulletin admits that the quality of Southern textile goods is equal to that of correspond ing goods turned out in the North. It suys: “Their processes are on a par with the most perfected machin ery, in use elsewhere, and it would be difficult to determine what climax or perfection these Southern manufac turers may not reach: cotton manu facture in particular, for the latter is installed in the very heart of the region producing the raw material, and therefore the proflts made are, to begin with, greater than they possi bly can be in the old cotton-manu facturing States. At the time of the Centennial, the South had barely be gun to revive from the disasters of the war, so that what it exhibited at the time did not show results clearly perceptible. All this seven years have changed; the South at present stands forth most creditably and Sings down the gauntlet of competi tion, provoking emulation on the part of rivals, as well as confidence at the hands of men of means, at the North.'” There is a boldness to l>e admired, in the treatment of the subject, evincod in tho following utterances of an exchange, though all cannot en dorse then:: “The liquor dealers have had another convention, and once more proved to a doubting world that there is more nutrition in u glass of whisky than in a bcefstake, and that a man has a divine right to embrace every lamp-post which guides him on his devious way home at night. Temperance orators are al ways monomaniacs, who suffer from a chronic dyspepsia and are determ ined that the world shall not have a good time if they can help it. The politician who advocates prohibition is the arch enemy of mankind, for he Interferes with our moral free agency. Temperance men stultify themselves by the use of false logic. It is a well known fact that a man grows strong by resisting temptation. A man who has never hud a temptation or never successfully resisted one is a mere conglomeration of human mush and milk. The liquor dealer is the man ufacturer of temptation for the pur pose of strengthening the moral na ture of mankind. To do away with the liqnor traffic would simply make men moral iu spite of themselves; and if that is not- running in the face of Providence, pray what is ?” Broadbrim's Now York Letter. New York, Oct. 8, 1883. While the three factions, Tamma ny Hull, Irving Hall, and the < oun'y Democracy are fighting to see which om? shall get- this imperial city by the thrait, our streets and parks, which the thieves of the Tweed ring left in the best possible condition, have be come an raisightly ruin. Central Park a few years ago was our pride. It; beautiful avenues and shady nooks were a constant delight to the thousands who frequented it, but it is so no longer. It is now the Para dise of tramps and blackmailers, who watch of an evening for ladies and gentlemen enjoying a quiet stroll and suddenly rushing out from their re treats accuse them of all sorts of in famous offenses, and then by threats of exposure extort money from them as the price of their silence. This would, be bad enough if the thieves and.black mailers were not aided by the police. We have t wo sets of po lice-in this city. The regular police, governed by rite police commission, and the park police, ruled by the park commission. Instead of acting together, and aiding each other in furthering the ends of justice, they endeavor to otuwit and thwart each other, and throw every obstacle in the way of each other’s success. Only last week a gentleman was taking a walk with his wife. Whileinalonely place a policeman rushed out of the bushes, and with a violent oath, at the same time flourishing his dub, declared that he had caught them and would take them iu. The gentleman naturally felt outraged and stood up in defence for his wife, only to be brutally clubbed, dragged to the po lice station, and thrown into a cell. Next morning when he was taken before a magistrate, and the true in wardness of the affair became known, the gentleman was discharged and the attention of the park commission called to the outrage, and we expect to hear, in the course of a few weeks, that the policeman was perhaps over zealous in his duty, and they will po litely request him not to do it again. This Ls hot one of many instances where the public have been subjected to outrage, and where all satisfaction has been deni; J. Broadway, our great thoroughfare, is in wretched condition. The pave ment which the Tweed ring laid in 1868 has never lieen repaired, and it is full of holes and gullies from the Battery to Union Square. The street commissioner has no time to look af ter it. He Ls busy looking up the fronds of his subordinates, for it now looks as if every public department was honey-combed with fraud. Thefts of the public funds have been going on for years, and nobodyT>ut the rob bers appear to know anything about it. We are having an overhauling of the city’s musty ledger, and it Ls not pleasant reading for the tax pay ers of New York. We are asking ourselves who paid the $40,000 that it took to carry the political heelers to Buffalo and back. They all wore clothes in the latest style, nobby hats and shiney boots, gold chains big enough for an ox cart were by no means rare, and the dis play of diamonds would have de lighted the heart of a Chatham street or Bowery Jew, who felt that in the ordinary course of human events they would eventually find their way into his window. They were a hard- looking lot. Just such a crowd as you meet at rat pits and dog figlits and slugging matches in the prize ring. Looking at the crowd I could not help asking myself, who pays for all this; who paid for the whiskey, champagne, brandy, and cigars that these ruffians consumed? This is getting to be a serious consideration. Officers are made to pay so that an army of political heelers can be main tained. Barney Biglen, the baggage 3inasher of Castle Garden, makes a larger salary than the President of the United States, and the sheriff of the county of New York receives over 100,000 a year. In one way and another we use up in our city and county government nearly thirty millions of dollars, and in a few years they have piled on as a debt of one hundred millions of dollars. . The grand jury has been trying to indict somebody for the frauds, and now we are met with the appalling fact that we have no prison large enough to hold the criminals if we indict all the swindlers and thieves in New York. To give you an idea of how things are done, or certainly were (lone up to a very little while ago, the sheriff farmed out for a con sideration various departments un der his control. Ludlow street jail was one of the most valuable bonan zas, and was let out, in round num bers, for $25,000 per year. The next question was how to get this money back, for of course it had to be wrung out of the poor wretches who were under control of the deputy sheriff in charge. Defaulters, swind lers awaiting trial, criminals about to be extradited to foreign countries, were all remanded to this jail. The keeper had a boarding house where board could be obtained at from fif teen to fifty dollars per week. He also had a bar where all sorts of drinks could be procured, and strict watch was kept to see that no contra band whiskey was admitted to the jail. If a prisoner wanted to pass the night outside the prison walls he could do so, no matter what his offence, for $100 to the keeper and $25 to the deputy who accompanied him. In this way a Bank of England forg er, who was awaiting extradition, spent over $3,000. Tweed spent a lit tle fortune there, and other well- known criminals have spent quite as much. It has been estimated that under favorable circumstances Ludlow street jail was good for $1,000 per week, leaving a clean $25,000 profit for the lucky holder of the berth. The question is how to reform it. I can only think of two ways. Either sink the island or blow it up. Either way has certain diffi culties v/hich I cannot at present overcome. If we sink it how can we fill up the hole, and if we blow it up what can we do with the debris. Brooklyn is a blaze of excitement again this week over another scand al, which lias shaken it to its center. Formany years there has resided there a physician who has with his family enjoyed the highest social consideration. He has children grown up and daughters married, and a wife who is honored and re spected by all who know her. The doctor himself Ls a flne-looldng on the shady side of fifty. He was fond of music, and occasionally led in the choir. He was powerful on Moody and Sanky’s hymns, he coaid “Hold the Fort” against a battalion, and his “Ninety-and-Ntae” was al most equal to Sanky’s. He was heavy at exhortation, and had a special gift of prayer. But a shadow came over his home, for his wife noticed that he was taking an undue interest in a young saint, who was also a pillar of the church. He went off with her to excursions and pic nics, and some months ago he went off ou a picnic with his little angel and he did not come buck. Inst week the heart-broken wife learned that he had married the girl in Ro chester, and was figuring there as a bright and shining member of the church. He has brought ruin and disgrace on himself, on the girl, and on his family, but this week and the affair will go to the courts when we shall be regaled with the history of another ruined home. I could not help remarking the other day, notwithstanding the fact that the big bridge ends in Chatham street, it is the only street in New York in which there is little or no change, the buildings exactly as they looked fifty years ago. II is the great artery ivhich connects down towi with the tremendous human hives that crowd the east side. The street Ls narrow and dirty, and the houses have a decayed sort of air which tells of a former age. The Jew clothier, once so famous, has only a feeble hold there. He has moved his stock to other and pleasanter pastures. Even the pawnbrokers have fled. Simp son has moved up town, having only a small office at his former stand, and the Harts, once so famous, have abandoned the business. One broth er is dead, and the other own stocks and bonds estimated at millions how many nobody knows. By the way, there is quite a ro mance about the Harts, the inside history of which has never been written. Right in the middle of the block on the south side of Chatham street is a vacant lot belonging to the Harts. Tiie fence is covered with jiosters and the inside is covered with a pile of ruined moss-grown brick Over forty years ago there stood on that lot a ciotiiing store, and abov it was a lodging house where cheap lodgings were let to passing travel ers. One night it was burned to the ground, and several of the sleeping lodgers perished in tiie flames. Hart got his insurance, but from that day to tills he has never built upon the lot. The property Ls worth thous ands of dollars. Its value many times over has been paid in taxes, yet there it lays year after year, and the owner refuses to build on it him self or lease to those who would Some say that at midnight, when it Ls stormy, the ghosts of those, who perished in the flames, can he seen dancing among the ruins. This may be so, but I have never seen them. The recent decision of the Court of ApfK-.il? in the Western Union cases, allowing them to issue a stock divi dend which had been before declared unlawful, has created some conster nation, for it now looks as if Gould had captured the courts as well as the railroads and telegraphs. Tiie weather fortunately is cool, almost wintry, so that, although our mad up, we do not actually explode. Business is booming, the theaters are crammed nightly, and the perform ance exceptionally good, stocks still uncertain, and likely to continue so. Yours truly. Broadbrim BARNES’ Patent Foot and Steam Power Machinery. Com plete outfits for actual work shop business. I-athes lor wood or metal. Circular saws, sc roll saws, formers, mortisers, ten- oners, etc. Machines on trial if d -sireil. Discript- ive catalogue and pries list free. W. F. A JOHN BAKNES, No. 2114 Main st., Book lord'll!. CHEROKEE RAILROAD — SCHEDULE! Taking effect Monday, March 19,1883. GOING WEST. NO. 1—1‘ASSKXOKR THAIS. Daily, Sunday exempted. I/Cave Cartersville 9:41 a. m. A rrive Stilesboro 9:38 “ Taylorsville -10:17 Rock mart 11:10 Cedartown -12:05 p. m. SO. 3—PASSKNdKB TKAIX. Daily, Sunday exeepted. Leave Cartersvitle 4:30 p. m. Arrive Stilcsboro 5:04 “ Taylorsville 5:22 “ Roekmart Halo “ Cedartown 7:00 SUNDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leavo Cartersville 2:50 p. Ill. Arrive Stilesboro 3:26 “ “ Taylorsville 3:47 “ “ Roekmart 4:25 “ Cedartown 5:24 “ GOING EAST. NO. 2—PASSKNOEK TRAIN. Daily, Sunday excepted. Leave Cedartown 2K>5 p. m. Arrive Roekmart 2:58 “ “ Taylorsville 3:33 “ “ Stilesboro 3:51 “ “ CartcraviUe 4215 “ NO. 4—PASSENGER TRAIN. Daily, Sunday exrqdcd. Leave Cedartown 6:00 a. m. Arrive Roekmart 0:53 “ “ Taylorsville 7:2S “ “ Stilesboro 7:46 “ “ Cartersville 8:20 “ SUNDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leave Cedartown 8:00 a. m. Arrive Roekmart 8:56 “ “ Taylorsville 9:35 “ “ Stilesboro 9:56 “ “ Cartersville 10:35 “ JKdr- Train No. 1 makes connection with Western * Atlantic train leaving Atlanta 7:30 am; pdf' No. 2 connects with Western A At lantic train No. 2 from Chattanooga, ar riving in Atlanta at 8:40 p ni; JC9P No. 3 connects with Western A At lantic train No. 1 leaving Atlanta at 2:40 p m; pt!~ No. 4 connects with Western A At lantic “Romo Express” arriving in At lanta at l(fc20 a m ; p-ir- Sunday accommodation train go ing east connects with Western A At lantic train arriving in Atlanta at 1:40 p in; fir- Sunday accommodation train go ing west connects with E T V A G Rail road at Roekmart. JOHN POBTELL, Gao T Kershaw, Manager G F A P Agent ■p >LK SHERIFF HALEB.—YVILX, BE sold before the Court House door, in the town of Cedartown, Polk coun ty. Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the flint Tuesday in November next, the following property, to wit: Lots of land numbers 116, 185, 187, 261,2911,315, 330, 334, 342, 3+4, 360, 373, .774, 413, 432, 451,461, 478, in the 20th district and 8d section, and 88, 90, 169, 171, 2U8, 209, 210, 235, 236,242, 253. 261, 321, 358, in the 1st district and 4th section of Polk County, Ga., levied 011 as the profierty of Mrs. It. W. Sproul, and John R. Towers, agent for Mis. It. W. Sprout, by vir tue of one tax fl fa tamed by M. E. McCormick, T. U., iu favor of the State and county vs. John It Towers, agent for Mrs R W Sproul, for tax due the State and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of huid numbers 229, iu the 1st district and 4th section and number 964, in the 3d district and 4th section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of Mrs Mary F La mar, by virtue of one tax fi fa* issued by M E McCormiek, T G, iu favor of State and County vs. Mrs Mary F La mar, for tax due the State and Coun ty for the year 1882. Also, at the .vtiue time and place, will lie sold lot of land number 65, in the 21st district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of Stanford & Furman, .-.gents for Mrs Mary Mullins, by vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favoi of State and County vs. Stanford & Furman, agents for Mrs Mary Mullins, for tax due the State and Countv for tiie year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 776, in the 18th district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of It G Furman, by virtue of one tax ti fa issued by M E McCor mick, T C, in favor of State and County vs. R G Furman, for tax due tiie State and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will lie sold, lot of hind number 191, in the 2t)th district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of James S Hook, by virtue of one tax fi fit issued by M E McCor mick, T C, in favor of State and County vs. James S Hook, for tax due thoStatoand County for the vear 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 391, in the 21st district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of Dan’i B Sinford by vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of State and County vs. llau’I B Sanford, for tax due the State and Countv for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 240, 308 and 466, in the 21st district and 3d section and 2S3, in the 18th district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of S G White, agent for A T S Briscoe, de ceased, by virtue of one tax fi fa is sued by M E McConni.'k, T C, in fa vor of tiie State and County vs. S G White, agent for ATS Briscoe, for tax due the State and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 521, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of A J Persels, by virtue of one tax fl fa issued by M E McCor mick, T C, iu favor of the State and County vs. A J Persels, for tax due the State and County for the vear 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of hind number 973, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of HK1 Long, by virtue of one tax fi fa Issued by M E McCor mick, T C, in favor of the State and County vs. HK 1 Long, for tax due the State and County for tiie year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 429, in the 20tli district and 3d section and 34, in tiie 1st district and 4th section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the projiert.v of William W Cooksey, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by*M E McCormick, T C, in favor ol the State and County vs. William W Cooksey, for tax due the State and County for tiie year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of laud number ill, ill till* fl district. enrl 4th upetinn nf Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 842, m of IWOntt'EfMjfs hr W.-irlgia iai Hndiahi J»*An internal remedy, containing no Quinine, Opium, Chloroform, Chloral fa] or narcotics of any kind. Safe and quick in its action.~&k Mayor's Omcx, Lkespuro, Va., April 19,1879. Messrs. Hutchison X Bro.: It affords me pleasure to testify to tiie great virtue of your “Neuralgine” for the cure of head ache and neuralgia. It Ls the best remedy for these most distressing complaints ‘i have ever used. It should he in evory family in the country. Yours truly, Geo. R. Head, Mayor of Leesburg, Va. Messrs. Hutchison A.Bro.: I am happv to say that your “Neuralgine” acted as a specific in my case, reliering me in an incredibly short times I would advise all suffering'from neuralgia and headache to trv it. Yours etc., Mav 9,1SKS— 12m L. V. Sims. SI. D. in the 2d district and 4th section of l’olk County, Ga., levied on as tiie property of Slienird II Gay, by vir tue of one tax It fa issued by M E McCormick T C, in favor of the State and County vs. Sherard II Gay, for tax due tiie State and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 452, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Vincent Corlev, bv vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M E Mc Cormiek, T C, in favor of the State and county, vs. Vincent Corlev, for tax due the State and countv for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and plaee, will be sold, lot of land number 170, in the 21st district and .‘kl section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Thomas Holcomb, liy virtue of one tax fi fa issued bv M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. Thomas Hol comb, for tax due the State and coun ty for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 157, in the 17th district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Thomas Purehail bv vir tue of one tax fi fa issued bv M E Mc Cormiek, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. Thomas Parchall, for tax due the State and countv for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and plaee, ill be sold, lots of land numbers 282, the 1st district and 4thsection, 590, the 21st district and 3d section, and 76, in the 2d district and 4th sec tion of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of C S Guiton by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCor mick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. C S Guiton for tax due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 950, in the 21st district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of James N Man bv virtue of one tux fi fa Issued by M E' McCor mick, T C, in favor of the State-and county vs. James N Man, for tax due the 8tate and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of laud number 338, in the 18th district and 3d section of Folk county, Ga., levied oil as the property of A H McLaws, by virtue of one tax fl fa Issued by M E McCor mick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. A H McLaws, for tax due the State and county for the vear 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 475, in tiie 20th district and 3d section of Folk eountv, Ga., levied on as the property of Jumes J Jackson, bv vir tue of one tax fi fa Issued by M E Mc Cormick, T C, in favor of the State an<J county vs. James J Jackson, for tux due the State and county for the year 1882. in the 21st ifistriet and 3d section Polk county, Ga., levied ou as the property of T J Bowers, agent for Job Bowers, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. T J Bowers, agent for Job Bowers, for tax due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land uumlier 1278, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of 8 H Henderson, agent for Duncan C Hill by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. S H Henderson, agent for Duncan C Hill, for tax due the State and coun ty for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will lie sold, lot of land number 1286, iu the 18th district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J W Morrow and Sarah J Fears, by virtue of one fax fi fa Issued by M E McCormiek, T C, in favor of tho State and county vs. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J W Morrow and Sarah J Fears for fax due the State and coun ty for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 659, in the 18th district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as tiie property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J W Hcen, by virtue of one fax fi fa issued by M t McCormick, T C, in favor of tiie State and county vs Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J W Keen, for fax due the State and county for tiie year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 357, in the 18th district and ;ld sec tion, 230, 177, and 323, in the 1st dis trict and 4th section, and 338, in the 20th district and 3d section, all of Polk county, Ga., levied on as tiie property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent tor Mis Minnie P Kyle, by virtue of one tax ti fa issued by M E McCor miek, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. Isaac Y. Sawtell, agent for Mrs Minnie P Kyle, for tax due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 229, in the 20th district aud :id section of Polk county. Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent tor Thomas A Hall, by virtue of one tax ti fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State ami county vs. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for Thom as A Flail, for tax due the State and county for tiie year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of laud number 828, in the 21st district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Istuic Y Sawtell, agent for J W Morrow and Sarah J F'ears, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormiek, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J \V Morrow and Sarah J F'ears, for tax due State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and plaee, will be sold, lot of land number 1232, in the 3d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for Orrin T Terry and Isaac Y Sawtell, by virtue of one tax ti fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of tho State and county vs. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for Orrin T Terry and Isaac Y Sawtell, for tax due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 305, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, by vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M E Mc Cormick, T C, in favor of 'the State and county vs. Isaac Y Sawtell, for tax'due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 792, in the 18th district and 3d section, and 261, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Fred Cox, by vir tue of ono tax fi fa issued by M E Mc Cormick, T C, in favor of tiie State and county vs. Fred Cox, for tax due the State and county for tiie year 1882. Also, at tiie same time and place, will be sold, 4,5<K» pounds of seed cot ton gathered and weighed on the farm of aud in the possession of J. D. Williams: also, 50 bushels, more or less, of corn, sold as the property J. I). Williams, to satisfy one fi fa is sued from Polk Superior Court in fa vor of Daniel Lowery vs. J D Wil liams. Property pointed out by lilaiiee & Noyes, plain tiff’s attorneys. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 1254, 1253, 1105, 1181, 1266, 1204 and 1205, in the 3d district and 4th sec tion of Polk county, Ga.; also, num ber 1080, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county’, Ga.; all as the property of Reuben Webster, se curity, to satisfy a fi fa Issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of James M. Smith, Governor of said State, vs. Ed. Webster, principal, and Reubin Webster, security on bond. Also, at the same time and place, will lie sold, one town lot and house in Cedartown, Polk county, Ga., fronting 22 feet and running back 100 | situated on the plaee a' good dwelling in favor of Phiipot, Dodds A Bro. vs. Green Loyd and Amanda Loyd. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s at torneys. Levy made and returned to me by L. C. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 680, in the 21st district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of defendant, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa Issued from the 1074th district, G. M., in favor of W. J. Adair vs. J. W. Stevenson. Property [stinted out by defendant. Levy ‘made and returned to me by L. C. Also, at the same time and plaee, will be sold, lot of land number 761, in the 2d district aud 4th section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of the defendants in ti fa, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa issued froiii the 1223d district, G. M., in favor of N. J. Tumliu & Co. vs. J. W. Tolbert and Mary Tolbert. Levy made and returned to me by L. C. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 349, in the 21st- district and 3d section of Polk county’, Ga., as tiie pro[>erty of defendant, to satisfy one Justice Court ti fa issued froiii the H>72il dis trict, G. M., in favor of G. W. Mor gan, bearer, vs. J. J. Hiett. Pro[>- erty [minted out by defendant. Levy made anil returned to me by L. C. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one steam saw mill and engine pointed out by A. II. York, one of the defendants"in fi fa, as the property of A. H. York, pnqierty in possession of A. H. York anti located near the tunnel on the E. Tenn., Va. aud Ga. Railroad, as the property of A. II. York, to satisfy onefi fa issued from I’oik Mtqierior Court in favor of John T. Wilson vs. A. H. York, J. L. Jones and M. Jones. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one house and ten acres of land lying east of Van Wert and Rome road and south of the Carters- villeand Van Wert road, formerly owned by Thomas Moore, in the 18t"h district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., as the projierty of S. S. Davis, said property now "in possession ofM. H. Webb and pointed out in fi fa. Levied oil by virtue of on attach ment fi fa issued from Polk .Superior Court in favor of Charles M. Harper vs. S. S. Davis. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 1274, in the 2d district and 4tii section of I’oik county, as the [>ro[>ertv of dc fondant W. T. Green, to satisfy one Justice Court li fa issued froiii the 1075th district, G. M., in favor of Huntington & Wright vs. W. T. Green. Property [minted out by defendant. 1 a-vy made and re turned to me bv L. C. E. W. CLEMENTS, Sheriff. October 2, 1883. To tiie laadios ! HISS SUSE TOWLES (Huntington A Wright Building,) HAS NOW IN STOCK A SUPE RIOR LINE OF MILLINERY GOODS, EMBRACING Ladies’ Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Ribbons, Plumes, Flowers, And a General Line of FANCY ARTICLES, such as usually found in a first-class Millinery Establishment. Sole Agency for this Vicinity for the Coronet Corset, the undeniable merits of which instantly recommend it to all tiie ladies. ./t-friCall and examine and price goods. Courteous attention and reasonable prices to all. til.jan. Haralson Sheriff Sales. Will be sold, before the court house door, in the town of Buelianan, Har alson county, Ga., within the legal hours of stile, on tiie first Tuesday in November next, the following p’rop- erty to-wit: The North half of lot of land No. 205, containing 101 j acres more or less, in 8th (list, and 4th sec tion of original Carroll now Haral son county, Ga., levied on as the property of .1. C. Mann by virtue of one Justice Court fi. fa. issued from 653d Dist. (4. M., in favor of J. It. Driver vs. J. C. Mann. Property pointed out by plaintiff, aud defend- ant notified. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 131, in the 8th district and 5th section of originally Carroll, now Haralson county, Ga., levied on as the pro[>er- ty of Waid Wilder, by virtue of two justice court fi fas issued from 653d district, G. M., in favor of IJaker, Hall <Sc Co., vs. Waid Wilder <lc Co. Property pointed ontLby plaintiff ’s attorney. Wilder, defendant, noti fied of levy. Levy made anil re turned to me bv L. C. J. K. HOLCOMBE, Sheriff. October 2, 1383. ible to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Poke county, Ga., will he sold, before tiie Court House door in the town of Cedartown, Polk county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in Xovemborncxt, the fol lowing property, to-wit: Ail the real estate belonging to the estate of Susan K. Stafford, de ceased, consisting of one town lot in Cedartown, I’oik county, contain ing one-half acre, more or less, with two dwellings and stables thereon. Said lot bounded on the west by the premises of L. G. Ray, on tiie north by street run ning from livery stable to Dr. G. \V. Chisolm’s, on the east by street running from C. Philpot’s dwelling to and by public well near Roekmart road, and oil the south by tile premises lately owned by A. Dougherty, bnt now by" Thomas Moore. Terms:‘onc-half cash ; balance in twelve months. L. B. TREAD AW AY, Administrator of Susan E. Stafford Bai’ber Whop ! West Side Alain St., Cedartown, Ga. Ono Door Smith of Barr A Leake, BY LEWiS BOND. Bond's Hair Tonic ! A popular Hair Dressing, Removes Dandruff, stops itching in the hair or heard, and is an effectual remedy for chapped faee ?r hands, . 2 PAnKEPJa j HApE BAjlSAM | ThsBcstrmd nest 1 Jr* eccucmictlhirdrcs- 1 j a ' d ***** hi HKl MtesU mw* superior clec&cess. P * It fever Fc!b to f.xtarc tho Yoctlifc! Color f 2 nr. J lustre to grr.y or fuled heir.Ls cle^-ntlypcr- f 3 fumed mid i-; •.vnrrsn»cd to remove dandruff and !• |iiclLngcf idctaip, £: prevent falling ol the hair. I- 50c. aad £1 r.t dealer* drujn. \ >T— •- -tw> . wz iw. —r—ru I P\3 i \\:i{ A Supcrlativs faalth and Sire::gtl* Restorer. If y«u are a rrcrha-ic ©r fanner, worn out with overw ir!:. c r a ric her rro down by family or house- held duties try Pak:;ei:’j Cingek TcKjc. If you are a lawyer, minuter or Tnuinc^s man ex hausted by mental strani or anxious cares, do not tal:o into.-acalintj: tiisuianis,but use Parker’s (Jin-cr Toniu- If you Bare Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism, ivVJ.icy or Urinnry Complaints, or if yosx are troubled wi n axy disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, L!»;d or nerves, you can be cured by Pahk-c ee’s Ginger Tonic, i t is the Greatest Blood Purifier Rsi ftc G::! csJ Sorest Cough Core Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or ary disease or weakness and rcmiirc a stimulant take Gingex Tonic at once; it will invigorate^ and buikl V9’i up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save youis. IIISCOX k CO., J63 Willhn> SI., Vew York. 50c. mi cue dollar iisti, at all dealers in medicines. G2EAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Its nth and lasting fr^g-aucc has nuri--; this dell"htfitl perfume exceedingly popular. T here 'lac-thisg like St* Insist upon having Flukes- J'N Cologne and look for signature of . J&c4c*va i every bottle. Any jniggisi or dealer in per fumery can • upply yon. ax and 75c sizes. -S PAVING BUYING 15c. SIZE. Rome Railroad- Oil, -Schedule! A N I> A ITER NO VEMBER 13TIr, 'the following schedule will be put iu force on this road: Daily, except Sun- Atlanta, Without The Rome Express, day Through to Change. Leave Rome 7:20 a. m. Arrive at King ston, 8:05 a. 111. Arrives in Atlanta at 10:30 a. 111. No. 1. Daily. Leave Rome at 7:45 a. m. Arrive at Kingston at 8:45 a. ni. Arrive at Chatta nooga at 12.20 m. Arrive at Atlanta at 1:40 p. m. No. 3.—Daily except Sunday. Leave Rome 3:30 p. ni. Arrive at King ston at 4:30 p. in. Arrive at Chattanooga at vS p. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 8:40 p. in. TRAINS GOING WEST. The Rome Expresr—Daily Except Sun day. Through Without Change. Leave Atlanta 4:30 p. m. Leave King ston 7:00 p. m. Arrive at Rome at p. 111. No. 2.—Daily. Leave Atlanta 7:00 a. in.. Leave King ston 0:20 a. 111. Arrive at Rome at 10:20 a. m. No. 4.—Daily, except Sunday. Leave Atlanta 2:40 p. in. Leave King ston 4:55 p. ni. Arrive Rome 5:55 p. Nos. 1 and 3 makes connection at King ston for Chattanooga and all Western points. EBEX H1LLYER, Prcs’t. J. A. SMITH, G. P. Agent. VJG0R0 feet, bounded on the north by A. Huntington’s lot, on the south by J. A. Liddell’s lot, on the east by M. F. Liddell’s lot, and on the west by Main street, slid lot occupied by and in possession of J. A. Dodds. ’ Sold as the property of John Jones, to satisfy a ti fa issued from the City- Court of Atlanta in favor of Pique, Manier * Hall vs. John Jones. Also, at the same time and place, will l>; sold, lot of land number 110, in tiie 21st district and 3d section of I’oik county, Ga., as the pro[>erty of Daniel Agan, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Polk Sujierior Court iu favor of Huntington A Wright vs. Duniel Agan. ' Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorneys. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 971, and part of lot number 970, in the 2d district anil 4tli section of Polk county, Ga., as the pro[ierty of Henry Wells, to satisfy a fi fa Issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of J. E. Hi useal and W. E. Wood, assignees of Huntington * Wright vs. Henry Wells. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorneys. ALso, at the same time and plaee, will he sold, one undivided half in terest in one town lot in the town of Cedartown, containing one acre, more or Ires, bounded on the south by Stubbs street, on the east by James Morris’ lot, oil the north by C. Phil pot’s lot, on the west by Miles’ lot, said lot now occupied by Green Loyd. Sold as the property of defendant Green Loyd, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa Issued from the 1075th dis trict, G. M., iu favorof N. M. Wright vs. Green Loyd. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorneys. Levy made and returned to me by L. C. Also, at the .same time and place, will lie sold, one house and lot in the town of Cedartown, Polk county, containing one aere, more or less, bounded ou the south by Stubbs street, on the east by James Morris’ lot, on the north by C. Philpot’s lot, on the west by Miles lot, said house and lot now occupied by Green Loyd and Aniania Loyd, the defendants, as the property of said said defend ants, to satisfy one Justice Court fl fa issued from the 1975th district, G. M. sold on the 1st Tuesday in No vember next before the Court House door in Cedartown, Polk County, Geor gia, the late Residence and Homestead of Thomas Deaton, late of Polk County, (hi., deceased. Part of lots of land No’s.— said property being situated Rogers’ station on the East and West Railroacl2 miles West of Taylorsville. The whole tract containing about 4o acres more or less, lying in the 18th dist. and •tion of Polk Countv, (4a. There house, kitchen, Blacksmith slioj tenant houses and a store house with a good cistern attached to the store house. All new and in good repair. Pn>]>erty sold for the benefit of creditors and to pay year’s support and money elected by the widow in lieu of Dower. Terms cash. W. C. KNIGHT, Administrator, of Thos. Deaton, Deceased. E xecuterx sale. — Georgia, Polk County. Agreeable to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Polk Coun- tyi Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in Cedartown, in said Coun ty of Polk, within the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November next lots of land No’s. 71, 74, 75 and 14-3, in the 17th dist. and 4th section of Polk County. Sold ax the property of Joathan Hop]K*r, deceased, for distribution. Terms: One third cash and the remainder in one and two year payments. Titles made upon last pavmcnt. ELIZABETH HOPPER, Executrix. Dr. L. S. Ledbetter, DENTIST, CEDARTOWN, - - GEORG: New .and First-Class! I ~ Job Printing. —THE— ADVERTISER JOB OFFICE Is thorough equipped with NEW PRESS, NEW TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, &(-. of the most modem design, and new material throughout, rendering its facili ties equal, if not superior, to those of any office in this section for turning out All Kinds of Job Printing LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, mMmrnzm TESTED by use In thonsanrifl , of cases. Ffitii’icd on . scientific mcdlca! prin ciples, It lias been jxow- ~ in favor and reputation ■etitors have Invariably .i. . j-r-.—, r of thl3 remedy to tlieseatof the disease makes its specific influence felt without delay. The natural functions cf the human oreanism are restored. The animating cle- nients oi life which have been wasted arc given back. The buoyant enenjry of the brain ami muscu lar system renders the patient cheerful: he uains strength with rapidity. NEItVOUS DLL51LITY. organic weakness, ami numerous obscure diseases, bafillmr the skill ot best physicians, result for y .niliful indiscretion, too free Indulgence, and over brain work. Do not temporize while such enemies lurk In your system, fake a remedy that has enred thou- sanus, and does not interfere with you attention to business or canse any pain or inconv ( Send for a Dcirriptive FanipliM ziviiif; Am Illustrations, which will convince the mo.t ect-ptical that they can be rcstor. d to perfect manhood, and fitted forthe duties of lit-, sem- e ^ if n.’v*r afcctcd. Sent free to any one. Kemedy sold ONLY by tho HARRIS REMEDY GO.KiFG.GHEHIfSTS. 306 1 : N. 10th.St. ST. LOUIS, MO. Os# Earth's treatment 53. trro scsiha 55. three scsths 57 d 1 Cuarcstred Strictly First Class. For Beauty cf Finish. Pino like Tone. Superiority oi Al- . hi. Work and Thm-oiif;iiuer.s ofcou- r; ruction they Btaud tin rivalled. EL2GA27T CATALOGUES FUSS. Annans,: WHITNEY ORGAN CO., Sale ilaanfarf urers Iioynl Orgaat, DETROIT, Mica. ENVELOPES, NOTES, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, B1 LI TAX NOTICE ! SECOND ROUND. I will lx* at tho following places for the purpose of collecting the State and county taxes for tin* year 1883: Young’?;, Monthly, Octolx*r 1st. Roekmart, Thursday, October 4th. Buncombe, Wednesday, October 3d. Fish Creek, Friday, October 5th. Cedartown, Saturday, October (ith. Hampton’s, Tuesday, October !ith. Adkins’ Shop, Monday morning, Oc tober 8th. W. P. West’s Store, Monday evening, October 8th. I will elose niv books first day of No vember. Come out and sac that amounts of taxes are right without after trouble. Look out for advertisement of wild lands not returned for 1882, and that taxes have not bedh paid npon, and see at once if they are advertised through mistake, and avoid trouble, as same will Ik* sold on first Tuesday in November next. M. E. McCORMICK, T. C. Hatz you #cen It? If * remember no ^cran^ to Bend 10c for * Addrroa Times Pub. Box 320, Boston, ILisaJ HEADS, RECEIPTS, CIRCULARS, PROGRAMME SCHOOL REPORTS,POSTE1 IS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, LABELS, PAMPHLETS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, STATEMENTS, SI1IPP1XG TAGS. In fact any and all kinds of printing ex ecuted in a manner sure to please. Legal Blanks. All kinds of Legal Blanks supplied on very short notice. Such blanks as Jus tice Court Summons, Executions, Sub poenas, Garnishments, State Warrants, Attachments, Distress Warrants, Posses sory Warrants, Forthcoming Bonds, Af fidavits, Bonds for Titles, Deeds, Claims, Declarations, landlord’s Liens, Mort gage Deeds, Waiver Notes, etc., kept al ways in stock. All blanks not kept in stock will be printed to order, on short notice. Our blanks are printed from clear new type, and are unsurpassed for neatness. All orders by mail will receive atten tion. D. B. FREEMAN, Proprietor. HArnw bbs .. gragsag am TOZPZD BOWELS- DISORDERED LIVER* sr a d FJAL&PAA, From tlieso sources arise three-fourth3 cf the cli3cas;*3 cf the human race. Tiicr-j eyinptonxsir.:hc:r«.tctheireriritence:Lays cf Appetite, Doiytls costive. Sick Iirod> tchc, fallnciiq after catlnsr, cvcnicr. to exertion cf bwTy or mind, liknetatien of fo '-d, Irrlialiiiity of touaper, Lov7 spirits, A f.olisj cf having laeglcetcd poino dn:y, II?:xiae3-5,Flnttcria^attho Ilticrt, IV>£. j before tVo oyA, bodily ccZ- crcd. Urine, C and c7i> ir.andtliov-3 cf a rcmcdytliat net 9 rtirectiy on tho Liver. AiaLivermcfiicin<;T*7f , i v 3 PIT.F.S liavo no c -pint. Their action on tho KUncysaml Skin is a’ao prompt; removing cJl impurities throng?! lijesoth'TC ci*rr: rs of system,” producing appo- tite,»on*id digestion, vgchiratools, a clear skinumla vigorous bod •. TJ ZT’S I*Ihh3 C;iii 43 no cn griping nor interforo villi d '.ily work and arc a perfect AKTS0OYS TO K3ALASHA. fc'oiie\-’*iy\rb?'rri,£r5c. C3i<*r.4l JIr.rr.iyS?.,N.Y. _ ffiUlHL. Or\Y Hath on 'Wiuskkss cUr.nged In- P.nM'.ytn a CLOSZT IlLAr-t byantnElo ap- r’Joatioi of tills DTE. Sort by Drassists, or sc:*t by cxnress on receipt of St • O n: i Jl'irrey Strc-t, Yot*. T?iT’S rPrFW. 6? 6SS721 BEE!?73 F8EE. THE CELEBRATED BARNUM CHEESE SAFES. (Patented.) £4 Atlanta, Ga. JSr-Ao3c Tour ZDrvae-griot for For all injuriesin man or beast nothing equals Hajcbdbo Liniment. For Sil". bu BRADFORD * TOMLINSON.