Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, October 11, 1883, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS. The-hugest and best Assortment LamptfMM Lamp Fixtures, at T. F. BurMbk’s. • - ■ HarperA Go. sell clothing as cheap as you ean buy it th Atlanta iana Rome. Straw Hats, the cheapest in town."' '"2 tf Dr. 9.,iL Thompson’s Liniment is kept on sale at T. F. Burbank’ 0 Drugstore. . - ■ I Trasses! A good stock now on hand at T. F. BujiSmk’s. Go to Harper A Co’s., if yon white fancy Ties, they nave a splen did line. J. S. Stubbs A Co. have a splendid line of Dress Goods, cheaper than ever. For Sale, family horse. Apply at A this Mr Send me 1 doz. battles Brown’s Iron Bitters. It is the best tonic I ever knew. Mrs. Julius A. Peek May 9th, 1883. Now Is the time to sow Turnip seeds. Buy seed of T. F. Burbank, Stock all fresh. Bradford A Tomlinson are prepared to supply you with Fruit Jars. Call on them. J. S. Stubbs A Co. have the finest line of Laces and Hamburgs in town, and at the lowest figures. Premature grayness avoided by using Parker’s Hair Balsam, distin guished for its cleanliness and per fume. oct!l-2w. A splendid line of Drugs, Paints. Oils, Putty, Glass, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, etc., to be found always in stock at T. F. Burbank’s. Be sure and call. Wynn A Bko., keep a good sup ply of Lumber and Shingles. Leave your orders for Doors, Sash and Blinds with them for prompt atten tion. India Linens, Brown Dress Lin ens, Mohair Lace Suitings, Silk Suit ings, Black Lace Brocades, and fig ured Lawns in great variety, at J Stubbs and Co.’s. Do you want Paints and Oils, Sash Doors and Blinds, or Window Glass* We will furnish you at Chattanooga and Atlanta prices, and save you profits and delay. Our motto is “Quick Sales and Short Profits. Bbuce Harris A Co. 117 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. Buy your Drugs, Paints, Oils, Put ty, Glass, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Standard Proprietary Remedies, etc., ef T. F. Burbank, who always keeps a good assortment at reasonable prices. ______ For Kent. A tract of land, consisting of 300 acres of open land, to rent—now oc cupied by Mrs. Lawson—on Lake Creek. Apply to Mr. Pruitt, place, or Dr. Kincaid, Rome, Ga. W. P. Wimberly A Bro., under “Buena VSta,” wiltkeep a wetths- sorted and fresh line of Family Gro ceries that will be sold at the most reasonable prices. The trade of Polk county men visiting Rome especially solicited. til-jan. When visiting Rome, call on W, P. Wimberly A Bro., under the “Buena Vista,” for your groceries. Fair treatment, fresh goods and low prices, is what all can expect. Arrived, and Arriving! One of the largest and best assorted stocks of fell clothing and overcoats ever seen in this market; also, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, and everything a man wears. Come and see for your selves. 8nits from three and a half, up to thirty-five dollars, also, large ***** as number forty-six low for Stand, tf -at Wright’s Clothing A. R. Harper A Co. In The Sleeping Car from Chicago. A lady eat with her only child; The poor little fellow almost wild, He was making a noise like a circus band, For a horrible felon was on his hand. A qniat old man remarked to the mother, «I think we can atop this pain and bother, I’ve a bottle of Pain Killer here,” said ‘‘And I think it will cure him; let us see." He poured some drops on a moistend rag, Ana wrapped the felon, as if in a bag. And aoon the suffering child was calm As the voice of a summer evening psalm. Polk Superior Court. Order of business for August Ad journed Term, to be held second Monday in November, 1883. Ordered that the call of the docket « at No. 1. February Term 1883 common law docket will be first in order at the adjourned term, that no parties or witnesses in any cases except those on the common law docket need attend during the first week of said adjourned term. That the call of the dockets after the common law will be in the following order: Issue. Joel Branham, Judge Superior Court, Rome Circuit. Fall Session of Cedartown Academy.' The Cedartown Male and Female Academy will resume its exercises on Monday, August 26th. The term will continue sixteen weeks. Pat rons will please send in theirchildren promptly on the first day, as delay adds to the trouble of classifying and is to the detriment of pupils. In our efforts to build upand main tain a thorough progressive school, we hope to receive the hearty co-op eration of all interested in education. To former patrons we return thanks, and to them we confidently refer thane who would inquire into the merits of the school—as to its discip line, methods and thoroughness oi instruction. J. C. Harris, Principal. Mrs. V. L. Ray, Miss Lula G. Harris, ' Removal. I have lately removed my stock to the building on Main street one door Sooth of Dr. Richardson’s office, where I intend to keep on hand a hugely increased stock, embracing everything in the line of Family Groceries. By feir dealing and low prices I shall hope to merit a share of public patronage. Give me a call. act4-2. J. II- W ALSTON. | Assts. BREVITIES. The new two-cent stamp is admired Christmas is lees than three months off. The protracted meeting at the Baptist church is still in progres When yon sell yonr cotton don’t forget to pay the printer. Mr. Sam. Ledbetter, of Columbus, is at present on a visit to relatives in this county. Mr. L. M. Reeves has accepted the position of Marshal of Cedartown. and will make a good officer. Mr. E. Kain has been rather ill at the Boos house for several days post, but we are pleased to learn is now better. The work of macadamizing the eastern end of the street leading to the depot is being pushed vigorously forward. The Board of Education of Polk county will meet at the Court House in Cedartown on Wednesday, Octo ber 17, at 8 o’clock, a. m. On next Sunday there will be only one service at the Episcopal chapel, that at quarter past four. Sunday school at ten o’clock. It is not generally known, but it is said to be a feet, that Georgia and Mississippi are the strictest temper ance States in the Union. Mr. J. M. Morris, late of this place, is now engaged with Mr. Frank E. Block, the prominent confectioner and grocer, of Atlanta. The soul of the man with the straw hat is just now tom with conflicting emotions. To-day is, to-morrow isn’t a fit time to wear it. We should be gratified if the re duction of postage to two cents would increase remittances to this office, so-called poetry excepted. A number of persons from this place have expressed an intention of going down to Atlanta to hear Beecher’s lecture on Friday night. We notice by a late number of that journal that our young friend Jerry Reeves is now one of the publishers of The Fort Worth (Tex.) Daily Dem ocrat. While the weather is delightful in this latitude, snow storms are skirm ishing around lively in the North. Our Northern friends among us may think of this fact with a slight shiver. The Mayor of Americus intends to prohibit cows the freedom of the streets if any complaint from citizens is heard. Let the Mayor of Cedar town put tiie question on a basis of that sort and the town will have a cow law. Cotton has been looking up in price for the last day or so, in consequence of which a considerable amount of the staple lias been marketed here the past few days, and everything com mercial bears a much better aspect. A protracted meeting, it is under stood, will begin at the Methodist church .next Sunday night. The pastor, Rev. J. W. Roberts, expects to be assisted by Rev. J. B. Robins, of Give Spring, and perhaps others. Mr. Calhoun, late agent at Seney depot on the E. T. Va. A Ga. Rail road, has been appointed agent for the East and West Railroad at Broken Arrow. His fomily is at present located at this place. The weather has been rather pleas ant ior the past week. The atmos phere being just crisp enough to im part a bracing feeling to humanity, and reminding all that old Winter will before long put in an actual ap pearance. On account of a, misplaced switch, several cars belonging to a train on the E. A W. ran off tbe track near the furnace, one evening the past week. It took several hours hard work to replace them. The cars were dam aged to some extent. Recorder L. S. Ledbetter kindly furnishes us with the following state ment of the valuation of property in the town of Cedartown: Real estate, $136,925; Money and solvent debts, $74,626; Merchandise, $57,549; Oth er property, $38,924. Total value of property, $307,115. Mr. W. P. Wimberly, of this coun ty, and his brother from Houston county, are just now opening out a grocery business under the “Buena Vista” at Rome. They have some business locals in our paper this week hich all are requested to read and give them acall when visiting Rome. Conductor H. F. Lester of the East and West, left on Monday eve ning, as we understand, for Cincinnati to attend the annual con vention of the Conductor’s Insurance Association of America, which con vened in that city on yesterday. We presume the boys will have their usual good time. Friday the young men of Evan’s Chapel, Atlanta, showed their appre ciation of their worthy pastor, Rev. Thomas E. Pierce, late of this place, in a very graceful way. They pre sented him with a handsome suit of clothes, a line overcoat and hat; in deed, a complete outfit for the wint er. A more faithful pastor never served a congregation, and he is ap preciated, says the Constitution. The following are the views of Vennor on the weather for the bal ance of October: Third week, show ery and cooler, cool evenings and nights, frosts probable about 20th or 21st. Fourth week, cool and show ery, with fogs and mists. Probably a winter snap during the week, with sharp frosts and scattered snow flur ries; generally feir ending of the month. We notice that in New Haven a three-story dwelling is to be removed about twenty-five feet while thefem- ily remain in it—which reminds us of a story told of Judge Enlow to the effect that he once moved a large brick building across the Mississippi river, without a brick being loosed. The Judge, however, even with his well-known credence for the wonder ful, refuses to give the story an en dorsement! TIs growing cold and chilly. And Mary Jane and Willy No more upon the front stoop chew their gum. Gone the buzzing fly’s weird chorus And mosquitoes cease to bore us And the bumble bee no more doth sweet ly bum. An Editor's Lift. One of the beauties and ; charms of an editor’s life is in hisdead-heading it on all occasions. . No'one who has never feasted on the sweets of that bliss can begin to take in the glory of its happiness.. Hedo<es$l00 worth of advertising for a railroad, . gets “pass” for a year, rides $25 worth and then he is looked upon as a dead head or a half-blown deadbeat. He “put6” a concert troupe $10 worth and gets $1 in complimentaries, and is thus passed “free.” If the hall is crowded he is begrudged the room he occupies, for if his complimentaries were paying tickets the troupe would be so much in pocket. He blows and puffs a church festival free to any de sired extent and does the poster printing at half rates, arid rarely gets a “thank you” for it. It goes as part of his duty as an editor. He does more work gratuitously for the town and community than all the rest of the population put together, and gets cursed for it all, while in many in stances where a man who donates a few dollars to a Fourth of July cele bration, base ball club, or church, is gratefully remembered. Oh, it is a sweet thing to be an editor. He passes “free,” you know.—Ex. Act " Signed by the Governor. Atlanta, Sept. 28.—The Gov ernor has signed and approved the following acts since adjournment: An act to submit the question of prohibition to the counties of Cobb and Thomas. An act incorporating the Vigilant Live Stock Mutual Insurance Com pany. An act to regulate the publication of the Supreme Court reports. An act to prescribe when the stat ute of limitations shall begin to run against creditors of unrepresented es tates. An act to amend section 1215 of the Code, so for as relates to the manner of receiving pupils into the institn tion for the blind. An act to amend section 1694 of the Code in reference to fees of the ordi naries. An act to provide for surveying lands in certain cases. An act to amend section 4565 of the Code in reference to retailing spirits without license. An act to appropriate money for le gal sendees rendered in the prosecu tion of the Eastman rioters. An act to make it unlawful to fur nish liquor to habitual drunkards. An act giving owners of stallions, jacks and bulls a lien upon the get of the same. An act to amend section 2003 of the Code in reference to the setting apart homestead and exemption of person alty in certain cases. An act to submit prohibition to Meriwether county. " An act to prescribe the duties of deputy clerks cf county courts. An act to amend an act incorporat ing the Rome and Chattanooga rail road. An act to incorporate the Georgia Loan and Trust Company. An act prohibiting the seining, boating, netting or catching fish with hook or line iu Emanuel county. An act to authorize the ordinary of Baldwin county to issue bonds to re tire outstanding bonds felling due. An act to amend the road laws of this Stateso far as relates to Chattooga county. An act incorporating the Mer chants’ Savings Bank of Atlanta. An act to submit the question of prohibition in the 829th district, G. M., of Floyd county. An act incorporating the Ginal Navigation and Land Company. An act to prescribe the manner of producing in any court of this State any person needed as a witness in a criminal case who is confined in the penitentiary or chain gang. An act to prevent the discharge of firearms on or near public roads. An act to provide an additional manner of bringing cases to the Su preme Court. An act to create the office of county administrator. An act to provide for the payment of tales jurrors, whether they are sworn or serve. An act to make the breaking and entering a railroad car with intent to steal, or stealing therefrom, a felony. An act to establish a City Court for Floyd county. An act to submit the question of prohibition to Floyd county, outside the city of Rome. An act compelling tax collectors and treasurers to render account when called on to the proper officers. An act to provide against loss by fire of certain books, the property of the State, in the bauds of county officers. An act to authorize the issue of alias tax fi. fas in lieu of originals lost or destroyed. An act to incorporate the Manufac turers’ Mutual Insurance Company. An act to provide a special lien up on crops in fevor of transferees of debts for rent. An act to authorize the Governor to insure the public buildings of the State and the library. An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Bartow to permit owners of lands on the Eto wah and other streams to erect gates on public roads. An act to supply a deficiency in the contingent fond, appropriating there for $10,000. An act incorporating the town of Jasper in Pickens county. An act to appropriate money to pay the contingent expenses of the Legis lature. An act incorporating the Planters’ Loan and Trust Company. An act incorporating the town of Ball Ground in Cherokee connty. An act to incorporate the.Georgia Investment, and Banking Company. An act to provide an additional mode, of foreclosing mortgages on personal property in certain cases be fore the debt shall become due.. An act to amend section 4578 of the code, prohibiting the running of freight trains on Sunday. . To amend the act creating the Rail road Commission. An act to amend section 3974 of the code, providing constables sales un der .chattel mortgage fi. fos., shall be advertised ten days instead of thirty. An act to repeal section 3974 which provides for notice to mortgagers foreclosing mortgages. An act for the relief of J. E. Mc Guire, of Bartow county. An act to provide for taxing rollin; stock and other personal property of railroads lying partly in this and part ly in other States. An act to make it unlawful for owners of any turnpike road or toll gate to demand toll when the same are not kept in repair. An act to appropriate $3,000 for re pairs of the capitol building. An act to prescribe the fees of jus tices of the peace and constables in proceedings to dispossess intruders or tenants holding over. Ail act to make “Stephen’s United States Calendar” evidence in this State. An act to amend the charter of the State University so as to authorize the election of the Governor of the State a member of the board of trus tees. An act to compel drivers of engines to cause trains to stop within fifty feet of railroad crossings. Au act to provide a permanent fund for purchasing and binding books for the State Library. An act to appropriate money for the stationery accounts of the Legis lature. An act making an appropriation to pay funeral expenses of A. II. Ste phens. An act to incorporate Turtle and Altamaha River Canal Company. An act to incorporate the Meehan ics Mutual Insurance Company. An act “to provide a general law for the incorporation of railroads." An act to authorize the Superior Court of either county to incorporate towns or villages located in both counties. An act to make penal the selling or incumbering personal property held under a conditional purchase. An act to compel connecting rail roads to receive freights from con necting lines when tendered in ears. An act to provide for putting to death live stock rendered useless on account of injuries received from rail road trains. An act to appropriate money for the repair of certain public buildings. An act to prevent the driving of cattle from localities infected with distemper or infectious diseases. An act to amend an act to provide for keeping the records of wild lands. An act to amend the road laws so far as relates to Floyd county. An act to appropriate certain money to the Academy for the Blind for the treatment of the inmates of the institution. An act to authorize clerks of the Superior Courts to re-record papers lost or destroyed by fire. An act to incorporate the Rome Fire Insurance Company. An act to supply a deficiency in the printing fond of the Railroad Com mission. Also several acts to amend the fol lowing sections of the Code: 534,4157, 2481, 1409, 4214, 344, 4513, 4097, 134' 3971, 233. W.S. Featherston has 8,000 to 10,000 feet- of lumber at his residence to sell cheap. Mrs. J. R. Meyer, Savannah, Ga., says: “Brown’s Iron Bitters has been of great benefit to me in female complaints.” Fred’k Sincath, 210 Chariton at., Savannah, Ga., says: “I derived much benefit from the use of Brown’s Iron Bitters.” /’’I EORGIA — POLK COUNTY. — MA- UT rion Davis lias applied for exemp tion of pcraoiialtv, and I will pass upon tiie same at 10 o’clock a. m. on the 8d day of Novembee, 18S3. st my office. This October 11,1SS3. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. G eorgia—polk county.—w. b. Parris has appliod for exemption ef personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 11 o'clock a. m., oil the 3d day i November. 1SS3. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. Sale of Town Lots at Buchanan, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, ou the first Tuesday in November next, 50 valuable town lots, commencing within one quarter mile of Court House fronting Carrollton st., and extending along said street three quart ers of mile from Court House. Size of front lots, from one to two acres. Back lots, from three to ten acres. These lots are beautiful! v situated for building pur poses, ar; we 1 elevated, diy, and will re ally make health preserving homes to purchasers. The most of this property is within the coiporate limits of Buchanan (county seat of Haralson) a thriving and wide-awake little town, in a good and fertile county, with health unsurpassed, with good society, and splendid mail fa cilities, within seven miles of depot on G. P. R. R. and on direct line forrailway from Rome to Carrollton, Ga. Come one, come all, who want a home in our midst. Titles guaranteed to b^ genuine. J. K. HOLCOMBE, Agt. W. T. JONES, ROME, GEO. American and Italian Marble, MOJTHMEHTB and TOMBSTONES, Granite and Limestone Far Building Purposes. A large variety of Monuments and Head Htunos constantly on hand, and any style made to order on short notice. A large supply of Stone Mountain Granite and all Lime Stone, for door sills, door posts, window sills and caps constantly on hand. ALL WORK GUARANTEED and set up if desirod. Prices reasonable, and patronage solic ited. Infills,Chattanooga# St. Leas Railway AHEAD or ALL 00MPETIT0BS. Business Men, Tourists.12 a m a*pliup Emigrants, Families,^CiJiuiiluCI Thk Best Route to Louisville, Cincin nati, Indianapolis, Chicago, and the North is via Na.shvii.ue. The Best Route to St. Louis and the . West is via McKenzio. The Best Route to West Ten nosece, and Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and : -Texas points is via Mckenzie. DOIN'’T FORGET IT! —By this Dine vou secure the— M 'A.Y1 m T1 m of ^PEEI A FET Y, COM- in(tAimmii FOKT) satisfaction. —AT THE— Minimnm ofEXPEXSE ’ anxiety, JimumUIiiBOTHKR, FATIGUE. Bo sure to Buy your Tickets over the N., C., &_Sk L. R’y- The inexperienced Traveler need not go amiss: few changes are necessary, and such as are unavoidable are mado in Union Depots. THROUGH SLEEPERS! —BETWEEN— Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Lou isville, Nashville and St. Louis via Co lumbus, Nashville and Louisville, Nash ville and Memphis, Martin and St. Lou is, Union City and St. Louis, McKenzie and Little Rock, where connection is made with Through Sleepers to all Texas points. Call on or address A. B. WRENN, Trav. A., Atlanta, Ga. W.T. Rogers, P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. W% L. DAN LEY, G. P. and T. A., Nashville, Tenn. WALL PAPER. Fashionable Designs fop Parlors, Halls, Chambers, &c. i^rSamples and Prices Mailed Free H. Bartholomae & Co., MANUFACTURERS, 128 and 130 West 33d St.. Now York WHITE & MARSHALL, Dealers in Furniture of All Kinds, Our Stock embraecs Everything usually kept in a Furniture Store. BED LOUNGES, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDING, — CORNICING, WINDOW SHADES, NOTIONS, N ATTI{ES C FF. CENTER TABLES, MllUiM.£l.- S3P A good assortment kept constantly on hand. Hi remotM old Furniture and rqxetr SettingSfackkcs COFFINS — AND — Thes© celebrated Stoves will ROAST. BAK2 and HEAT IRONS In lass time and with LE3o FUEL than any ether vapor Code Stove made. Bo sure and buy iho Dc*n?r!er Non-Explocivo Vopor Cook Stove. iiANur.v Tcanr> r.x ttfz Milan bkMttsb. ** CLEVELAND. OKiO. IKE STS a W&, LSANUTACIUIIFRS OF “CC-K !*ffiPK0V£D” WIND MILL, AND DKAL£LS Cl TAIES, H?Z, Fittings, Irsss Goods, i<2 all Ikicys connector! with ft'achincry & Water Supplies. M OFFICES, 31 <2; 33 Randolph St TheWebster S’fgOo.usiteh DETROIT? MICH. CARRIAGES, PHOTONS, BUGGIES, ROAD CARTS. Tor Terms sad Trices address, FISH B3QS.&CQ., RACINE, WIS. Or call oa Hots to PcuLWHWt.— T le» c « cut offlowr*r portion of £h* p’.fctr, [containing this cote.] autl *hon!«i there be an sffeucr for these vehicles in your locsl- iusort h.s or their name, and oblige Caskets ! Our stock in those goods em braces a good Variety of Styles and a full range of Sizes. STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day’s labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted^ in the often heard expression, “Oh! I wish I. had the strength!” If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN’S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic—a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. Soi N. Fremont St., Baltimore During the war I was in jured in the stomach by a piece of a shell, and have suffered from it ever since. About four y ears ago it brought on paraly sis, which kept me in bed six months, and the best doctors in the city said I could not live. I suffered fearfully from indigestion, and for over two years could not eat solid food and for a large portion of the time was unable to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Brown’s Iron Bitters and now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. Decker. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. BOWIE & GEORG! Proprietors Rome Foundry ^ M ichine S hop Arc Prepared to Ovcrbr.nl and Repair Engines, Saw Mills, Gins and Ma chinery of M Kinds, m :Ur-. Have a large assortment of lYitiern:-: of Bevel Mil! Geer, Ppw Mil! Goar, .Segment Bevel Gear, Segment .Spun* Gear for V. at Whcv 1Gudgeons, Flanges, Couplings, ila tigers,-Boxes,lulled Spindles, .Steps, &c. Boiler Grate liars for.epui cr wood—a!! siz and leigths. Tii o-Roller, 13-M, Cm Kills, Eiaparators and Gr-iios. ^ Repairs for a I makes of C’a> laity. A I! work thorou-riily do: ur Sir. George, at ream nubie pri BOWIE Ss CJ Etowah Street mv.l Rome Mi!U. Light f.-iKtin: under scq>?r i’omiu. i, ROME, GA. rv 13W GOOJ)W ! WKW Cs OODS! Wholesale and Retail! J. S. STUBBS & CO., Codarlowii, Ojs., ARE NOW RECEIVING A NEW AND ELEGANT LINE OF Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots, Slice] nM Heady made Clotriiag. THEIR STOCK OF DRY GOODS A^p.-NCTIOIVS Comprises the LATEST FARR ICS in DRESS GOODS, enr! all the NOV ELTIES in TRIMMINGS. These jroods wore selected with arc tivite an inspection of their stock, con: in st vies and priors. ' FOR CASH, and they* s will bo pleased, both SCALES SCALE CO, U. 3. STAN DADO SCALES OF ALL KINDS, TRUCKS, Etc., CiatfiaaonJin. i©“Sai fir Catate PAYNE'S IO Horse Spark-Arresting Portable Engine has cut 10.000 fL of Michigan Pine Bosrdti in lv hour*, burning alabe from tbo saw in signt-foul lengths. m , -£RA % ' ~ " 7 l ■ MT - ; - g jsrl 4 % x -- *■><--* DUaA3LS LIGHT DRAFT Triumph Beapers AND THE NOISELESS New dipper Mower. They would call s ::! attention to their STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES! HAS THE 0MLY ADJUSTABLE SPRING IN THE WORLD. Ko Sac, Wo Siyay, Uo Pitch, Carries Akv Weight. - Light, Stylish and Strictly First-Class. Every Buggy Warranted 2 Years, Springs Warranted, io Years The Easiest Ridikq Sugqy Built. THE NEWEST AND BEST THING OUT IN CAnniAGE SPRINGS. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND T RICE LIGT. TheShruSpurs Bugs? Co, grass rapids, bich. STEAD RICHAUDSON. JANES & RICHARDSON, 4.TTORNKYS at L.1W, Cedartow - :,', Ga. ^STSpecltil attention given to eolleo- DR. CHARLES H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Office Over Burbank’s Drug .Store, CEOAKTOtVX. GA. The THHniTH * WA PHILS are un^qualed for simplicity in tou*fca.-ti.>n, of loanajEeTiwit. light weight, durability ai»J gobd working capacity in r.ll conditions of prain. The K£W CLIPPER In* c3l the ad van faces of the OLD CLIPPjlB MOWER with many valuable , improvements. Send roq Janrurn) CrrrorLATt. Good AGEHl'd WANTED iu unoccupied territory. D. S. B10R&A9 a CO., Brock9ort,McnroeCo.,N.Y Marblsymrd 102 & 104 Broad St.,Homs,Ga ocll-ly. Bone vs Guarantee to famish power to Mw 8,000 fe. t of Hemlock Ba-snL* iu 10 hours. Our U Mane vitt cut tOjDOO feet in time time. “ Oar Engine* arc guauanteed to fiirni-b a horse-power on K fuel and water tkun any other So _ _luff ■itber ea-t or MeddartV Parent Drought-Iron Palter, s* nd Tor our illustrated catalogue. Na Id, for Information and price*. B. W. PAYNE A SONS. N/Y. Box Mf7. FREE! ffiffiBlE SEIF-CUBE. * frvorttt pmntpttm of on. of th„ flMrsM0ILflMflB6Ca.fsiiUM.Ua NEW ARRANGEMENT J. D. ENLOW Having Taken the OOOX HOUKE And Renovated It thoroughly, will open »n the 15th instant for the entertainment >f the traveling public Patronage re spectfully solicited. TERMS LIBERAL. “Live and Let Live” is his motto. JAS. 1>. EX LOW, Proprietor.* A Business Olfji*— Bradford's Iro 1 'louit;. Another year’s sales has served to widen and nieieusv the repsrtetiinz of tliiri most valuable family meuicine. Its sales now far exceed those of any medicine on o i r shelves. Wo say t j every purchaser, •*ii tnis medicine docs you no good, re turn tiie empty bottle anti we will re fund your money.’* Of more than on<3 thousand bottles sold we have had one ifottle returned. one take- -ny risk iu using this Tonic. Thera i,s nothing in it that v.'ill do the least harm, to any part of the system, and if it dors no good ,it cohLs you nothing. Tt is beneficial fo persons of any age-or sek! it is konie, «i:nrblic anti alterative in ifs action, it may be used with heiudilOjpl' indigestion, jaun dice,rsotu* stomach, r^p»pepsi«, heart burn, liver complaint, torpid or inactive Is, beaUneii ache, pair kidney Li mat :Iisolators, .dlufrhi dtrsiig >ac* WILL DO! n the join t3fthd linil w, stfff- nesfS ana soreness in the I'nusclis, .and for any impoverished or disordered state of the blood. U promotes digestion, rogulatcs the appetite, onr'ii iics and puri fies the blood, xarfgointcs the nervous system and gives taste, strength cu l * vigor to bque, muscle add nerve. It is not cfahSred that it” - ove, » ha i,r.s- hem. \Z hloftd purifk lV. The cn;?!!—1 to 2 teas;»oenfuis in a • of water before each m ud—ami ;c njt \ 'r.v:»Mo. J t ribes not i or injure too tooth. It.eosk* you : to cry it if it do^s > ofi'no .good, i gladly refund the ifionev to cv- wh > uses it without benefitf :irrd soM —«v fw mix DM >Ki) <V* Ti >M LIFSOX, LATEST AND BEST SEWING MACHINE. It Is TOhw.iHy e<mre«7c*d. even bv oar com- prtitorF, to 1»* the flaMt fiaiahed ami best matte in th* market Elegant Wood Voaxx, ornamented with EaoKTaad fliT-T. AGI5TS WASTED. ADDRESS IBBill CLEVELAND, OHIO. If you will send us OXK DOLLAR we we will send Oji* Sunny Snath to.yon for 1 year. It is an s page -column paper, published twi • a month, and is devoted to the interests oi the Farm a id Fireside. The best South- Arri -'writers contribute to its columns. W'c also send you a certificate entitling yon to participate in our Grand Disfrib- iitufrn of Premiums among subscriber?- •Dee. 12th, 18S3. Among the premiums to bo given away are the following: .•iwh ; $500 cash ; 2 premiums of-*25deach; 4 homes in Texas of ltt) acres each ; Pi- ano, Organs, Watches and other premi ums too numerous to mention. Xo Blanks. Every subscriber guaranteed to receive a premium. Send ’?! now.and secure the agency for your neighborhood, or send your name on a postal for a sam ple copy. Agents are coining money. Write at once. The first sabs „*riptio:i re ceived from your neighborhood\\oll en title the sender to the agency, and a* agent’s outfit free. Address SUNNY SOUTH CO, (A) oct!3-5t. Jinv.vnwood, Texas. l Bend to j MOORrS 1 BOnVECHi IIXIV EC81T7 l v , Atlffffta, Gd. For I Uufitratetl Circulur. A lire actual Beat ffSciocL Etta*Most tumtu vex*. eilc Ga. _ W - Cedar Valiev F;BB oi 240 Acres kt OR RENT. Rrtuatcd one r.;ijo ca t of CViLirtown, contains 1G0 acres in high skit>f e : i ’ ration. On the place Isdwelling with ms, ism •Hi comj r sipg •very variety of fniii trots. Tareog^i enemeut r.outcr:, one st rva.it ^icusc* rood born :»n«l and other hi i : dings. N v- »rai acres w-HRset in clover ml gr.: s. Vny bae wishing to see the p aco.app y. J. E. ROBERTS. rap Betanan jzd& l ru>.K to all u.id to * .:« T. u.r>r.. *Jt.- -t ^ JtHtJ ’J'J,for' i*lCLtin4f Plant*, >'n: t ’fi'et* ispy to iTsrxei r . - . _ o.M.fiiaftv& uo SstROir Mian