Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, November 01, 1883, Image 2

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:<lrtei*W8 fyilm’%^ D. B. FREEMAN, Editor. jr-IriAdvcrttaemoiitsiiiserted at tho rate of St per Hquarc?, for the first insertion nnd 50 cents per squire for each snbso- quritit insertion. The space of one inch is reckoned as a square. Special rates pi von on advertisements to run for Ion—er period than one month. Ga2artown, 6a,, Thursday, Hot. 1,1833. The Now York Herald proposes Tilden and Hoadly for 1881. The annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Georgia was held in Ma con, commencing Tuesday, the 39th ~ instant. The total cost of the late session of the legislature was $101,033.81. That of the Senate was $25,415.45, of the House $76,618.3(5. In Alabama the price of common labor has increased twenty-five cents a day, owing to the growth of manu factures, the building of railroads, and the wonderful mineral develop ments which have been made. The Southern Exposition at Lou isville wijj close its doors on the 10th instant. The managers announce themselves entirely satisfied with re sults achieved. No Southern State, it fe said, was as well represented as Florida. The Richmond State thus gives the outlook in Virginia: If the next Legislature is secured by the Ma- nonites tlie clmrter of this city will be changed. AVe will be ruled from Capitol Hill through the Gubernato rial henchman of the boas. Negroes and disreputable whites will patrol the streets as police. the company’s President, William E. Dodge of New York, and built a town which they called Eastman, after William P. Eastman, Mr. Dodge’s confidential associate. The property became worth millions, and is increasing in value; and now the heirs of Chase, Crocker, and Colby say that the title lias not passed to the Georgia Lumber Company. It is a bonanza for the lawyers. 7 Clean 3Ioney. The money made by farming is the cleanest, best money in the world. It is made in accordance with God’s first law—under honest and genial influences—away from the faint of trade or the heat of specula tion. It fills the pocket of the form er at the expense of no other man. His gain is no man’s loss; but the more he makes the better for the worid at large. Prosperous formers make prosperous peopie. What ever benefits our agriculture benefits the world. Colored Men Getting Tlieir Eyes Open. Neiv York Sun. At the Bethel African Methodist Church a mass meeting, of, colored citizens was held last night to diseu: the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that the Civil Eights bill, made a law in 1875, is unconstitutional. Hundreds went away unable to get inside of the doors. The aisles were crowded The Mormon apostles, who travel in luxurious sleeping coaches and represent themselves as being mod eled on the apostleships of primitive times, own and run a bank, street railroads, an opera house, and a mammoth trading post in Salt Lake City, control the Utah Central Eail- . road, and collect $500,000 a year in tithes from the faithful followers of ■ the Church of the Latter Day Saints. At Chicago, on the 25th, a well at- *— tended meeting of colored citizens „ was held for the purpose of protest ing against the recent decision of the Supreme Court on the civil rights bill. Rev. W. Polk, i>astor of the church in which the meeting was held, said in the course of his re marks : “The decision is an insult to our race. I have always been a good Republican, but now I believe we should give our allegiance to that party which will give us our rights, even if it runs the devil’s ticket or Ren. Dutlcr.” Tuf. New York Sun says: All the violent measures of the Republican party, which were devised in the heat of political passion and for the purpose of political advantage, have now come to grief. They have foiled and reacted against their authors be cause none of them rested on tho ba sis of broad and enlightened states manship. Sectional prejudice, per sonal hatreds and a bigoted, narrow policy prompted most of the legisla tion which disfigured the statut hooks during the years when ex treme methods dominated in the public councils. The State licenses of the following insurance companies have been re voked: The Star, of New York; the Columbus Insurance and Rankin Company, of Mississippi; the West ern Assurance Company, of Canada; the City of London Insurance Com puny, of England; the New England Mutual, of Massachusetts; the Penn Mutual, of Pennsylvania; the Hart ford Annuity, of Connecticut. The right to do business in the State h denied these companies because they foiled to make to the Governor the semi-annual return of their condition, us required by law. It now seems rather certain that Mahone will be defeated in Virginia. The sfipjKirt of the coalitionalistr., so- called, that first followed him, it is said, is gone, while it is manifestly evident that Mr. Arthur is leaving him to paddle his own little canoe. Poor Mahone! lie is now destines!, if appearances are not deceptive, to learn the lesson which so many on his line have learned before him— that of the fruits of disloyalty and coalition with enemies of his party being nothing less than political death. Amount of Money in the Country. The director of the mint makes the statement that the amount of coin, bullion and currency in the country on Oct. 1, wasSl,780,507,823. Of this total $4S9,009jp)0 is in the treasury. The silver dollar^* and bullion amount to •$120,000,000; the silver dollars in actual circulation to less than $40,000,000. Of the $1,300,000,- 000 held by the banks, which is esti mated as in circulation, $400,000,000 is in gold coin, $55,000,000 in gold certificates, $347,090,000 in national bank notes, and $309,000,000 in green backs. There has been an increase in the past year of $7,000,000 in gold coin, $'22,000,000 in gold certificates, of $5,000,000 in silver dollars and $14,- 000,000 in silver certificates, in the hands of the people or outside the treasury and the national banks. Against this is a decrea*; of $16,000,- 000 iu the amount of greenbacks so belli, and $15,000,000 in national bank notes, making, with an in crease of fractional silver coin, at a net increase in the amount of the circulation medium of $9,000,000. ■— Keep it Up, ltri.thcrn. Ilim Good for You. Southern Trade Gazelle. The business boom seems to have taken a firm hold on all the Georgia towns. Scarcely a town in the State ■but is pushing ahead in such rapid anil prosperous fashions ns to make a mushroom Western town die with envy. The farmers and planters, even, are endowed with. the same spirit, and are extending their “ter ritorial limits” and salting down wealtli in every nook anil corner. The agricultural citizens of the South are beginning to see and feel the im mense advantage which it is to them to have a sure and active demand at home for their products. The manu facturing fever, which lias struck the South, was.in Georgia first made manifest, where, having seen the great advantage to a locality which these busy wheels brings, have not Men anil women were.in about equa numbers. The Rev. W. R. Derrick pastor of the church, gave out the hymn “My Country ’tis of Thee,” and it was sun®: with enthusiasm. Mr. T. Thomas Fortune, colored, ed itor of the Globe, was made chair man; Mr- I’ori une said that some news papers in this city have sought to blind the public to the true position colored people are in. It was sought to confound their political, social,and civil rights, whereas negroes are ful ly aware that political and social rights are different. “I claim,” said Mr. Fortune,“that, as a citizen of the United States, ! am entitled to all the privileges and immunities ofa citizen. Civil Rights bill or no Civil Rights bill. We have a political rights bill which gives us citizenship. ~ We won it on the licit' of battle, and we will hold to it. [Ap plause.] We owe no mail a debt of "ratihide for liberating us. The black man bad nothing to say when lie was brought from Africa, but now he is here to stay and work out his destiny. We ask no man for social rights. They will flow naturally out of the circumstances we are thrown into.” Assemblyman John P. Green, col ored,, of the Ohio Legislature, said that he was inclined to look on the bright side of the situation. “In the South,” he said, “the Civil Rights law never did us much good, because negroes do not have equal and exact justice there even now; whereas in the North there lias been little need for a cival rights, law. Two things remain to cheer colored men. First, they can resort to State courts to maintain their l ights, and secondly, they can so act that they can force white persons to respect them.” L iwyer John F. Qn tries,- colored, said : “Either the Supreme Court is wrong or the fr .mars of the civil Rights Law committed an outrage on colored men and a fraud on the country. Our remedy is not to cry and whine over tiiisvrisis. We will meet and overcomp the difficulties. In the State courts we will seek our remedies, and we will find 'them. The trouble is that disreputable and selfish politicians will mane a handle of this decision to influence the pas sions of the people and »> arouse the old war feeling. We are strong. 11 the Republican party will confess that all their long policy has been a mistake we can stand it. We will support that political party which promises us to lead in equal rights and justice to all men.” |t,’ontiiiui*d applause and cheers.J A res itition was passed thanking Justice Harlan for Ids dissenting opinion. Mr. Derrick said: “With ■ptli.K SHERIFF SAllies.—Wild, UK “ sold before the Court House door, in t ie town of Ced irtown, Polk coun ty, Ga.. within the legal hours of sale,on the first Tuesday in November next, the foliowing property, to wit: Lots of land r.u ubers 116, 185. 1.-17, 201, 2!)!'; 315, 330, 834, 342, 344, 339, 373, 374, 413, 432, 451, 10!, 478, iu the 29th district anil 3d section, anil 88, 00, 160, 171, 208, 2 K), 219, 235, 233,242, 253, 231, 821, 35-8, in the 1st district and 4tii section of Polk County, Ga., : levied oh-as the property of Mis K W Bpronl, and John R Towers, agent for Mrs II W Bproul, by vir tue of one tax fi f i Issued by 51. E. McCormick, T. C., in favor of the State and county vs. John RTowers, agent for Mrs R W Sproul, for tax due the State and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 220, iu the 1st district and 4th section and number 064, in the 3u district and4th section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of Mary F La mar, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E MQfonniek, T C, in favhr of State and County vs. Mrs Mary F La mar, for tax due the State and Coun ty for the year 18,82. Also, at the .-.une* time and place, will be sold lot of land number 65, in the 21.st district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as th6 property of Stanford & Furman, agents for Mrs Mary Mullins, by Vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M E for j \V Seen, by virtue of one tax ii McCormick, T C, in fovoi of State and fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in only sustained and strengthened ballot, the sneiliug book, and the TiWIQO HlUV litlT <mi Kfinot.int <r . . ' * * those they have, but are constantly on the outlook for new plants of all kinds. Georgia is fully entitled to the distinction and profit she is getting from her enterprise, and is a shining lamp to the pathway of her sister Southern States. There is no right-thinking man iu the. North or Soutii, says the Phil adelphia Press, who does not view with gratification the evidences of Southern progress in industrial de velopment and wealth, as well as in mere population. It is simply a part of pur-marvelous national growth. The whole can be no more or no less than the sum of all the parts. The greater, richer and stronger each State anil section of the Union is the greater, richer and stronger will be the nation itself. Millions of dollars are involved in , a law-suit that has been instituted in southeastern Georgia, arid a largo population in the South are already looking at it with keen interest. The suit involves the title to 300,000 acres in Dodge, Laurens, Montgomery, Pulaski, and Telfair counties,. now- held by the Georgia'Lumber Compa ny. The land was distributed by the State with other lands by public lot tery, many years ago, at trivial cost to those to whom it fell, and Stephen Ciuise and Samuel E. Crocker of Maine and William Colby of New Hampshire bought out the men who drew the prizes—the land being then ,-lmost worthless. Subsequently,the Georgia Lumber Company, profess- lag to have bought out Chase,- Crock er, and Colby, entered upon the hinds, and named one county after One Week of Tilden. Wichita Timex. To gratify the curiosity of tlio.se of our readers who are interested polit ically anil otherwise in the welfare and Health of our esteemed friend Samuel J. Tilden we have been tak ing the reports issued every day from Gramercy Park, as follows: Monday, 6 a. m.—Mr. Tilden rose at 4 o’clock and, after sawing his usual cord of wood, is now taking a hearty breakfast. Tuesday—Mr. Tilden is so feeble that he can’t draw his own breath. Wind is furnished him through the muzzle of a large rubber sack. He is a mere wreck and shadow. Wednesday noon—A Texas steer being driven by jumped into Mr. Tildeu’s garden ; the grand old sage caught the animal by tiie tail anil threw him across the street, landing him in the net-work of telegraph wires on the opposite side. The owner of the steer has brought suit for damages. Thursday—The physicians found Mr. Tilden as eoid as a clam ; the blood seems literally to be dried up in his veins ; he has taken no nour ishment for forty-eight hours. Friday—At nine o’clock Mr. Til den has just finished his forty-ninth goose egg on a wager of his ability to eat fifty eggs in fifty hours. His ap petite is keen, and he is anxious to get at the fiftieth egg. .Saturday, 4 p. m.—Mr. Tilden was picked up on the street at 8:30 in an unconscious condition. No one is al lowed to see him. He is unable to swallow. He is utterly worn out and can last but a few hours at the most. Saturday evening, 10 p. in.—While Mr. Tilden was exercising with his Indian war clubs, fifty-six pounds each, one of them slipped from his grip and knocked a great hole through the wall and lulled the hack- man on the outside. hoe, the negro nin go anywhere. 1 the Italians, the Germans, anil tie- Jews can he tolerated, I, as a negro, can be tolerated in this country. [Prolonged applause.] We need no crutches. We can walk alone. We are not soreheads or office seekers, and the Republican party may un derstand as much. Bad, hard men have got into the Republican party, and we will throw red pepper into their eyes.” A voice—Three cheers for Ben. Butler. Pastor Derrick—Yon i-an’t cheer in here, it isn’t the place. Go out in the street anil cheer for Ben. Butler. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. G eorgia, folk county.—e. Si Sewell and C. M. Sewell applies for permanent letters of adniinisuiftton on the estate of Marion Sewell, late of said county, deceased. Therefore all persons concerned will take notice to be and ap pear at a court of I irdinary to be held in said county on tho first Monday in De cember next and to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Tills November 1st, 1SS3. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. in Gold FOR A POSTAL CARD. Tho al»ovo is a bona-fide offer to anv one who will accept and write the names and address of book agents they may know of on a postal card and soiul to us. We prefer the names of those now can vassing, although those that have can vassed will do. Send in the names and we will show you how it is done. PKR ^rONTH $100 Work ami Capital. Savannah News. The Chicago Tribune says that what the South needs is more work rather than more capital. The Trib une doesn't understand the situation in the South, and is not, therefore, qualified to speak. The white people of the South are workers. The con dition of the South now, in comoari- sou with what it was immediately after the war, proves that the Sou thern people have not been idle, and that they are not thriftless. The great cotton crops are not made by negro labor. Negroes help to make them, but it is doubtful if they make one-fourth of them. There was a time when the annual crop was only a lit tle more than half as large as it is now, and the negroes made about ail of it. Negro labor, however, can no longer be relied upon. The negroes prefer the towns to the plantations, and avoid the cotton fields whenever they can. The Southern people want Northern capitalists to build cotton mil;.-! and factories of one kind and another, anil to open mines. They themselves are too poor to do this. What little money they have is em ployed in the business which fur nishes them »living. In time, how ever, they will have surplus capital, and then they will- not suggest- to ‘northern capitalists the opportuni ties which the South presents for profitable investments, it is proba ble that there are planters who would like to borrow money on their plan tations to release themselves from the bondage ofa heavy interest debt, in order to get money to make a crop they are often compelled, in one way or another, to pay interest at the rate of from 10 to 15 jier cent. They think it would bejjetier if they could get money from the North at 6 or 7 per cent. The South is doing as much work as any other section of the country. The animus of the Trib une’s article is not easy to under stand. i AND OUTFIT FREE. We want men, women, boys and girls work right in their own ‘towns, vil lages and neighborhoods, on salary or commission, it is a pleasant business we offer you, and you need not be away from home over night. We shall be glad to famish an outfit free to start vou in business in the world. All those who engage with us make money rapidly.— ^ on can devote your whole time or your spare moments. It you decide to en gage in a paying business, write at once, lor fall particulars, enclosing 25 ci • :s to us for packing and postage, and you will receive our iiiblo Out lit by return mail. Address LONDON BOOK * BIBLE HOUSE, 822 S. Sixth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Heroes of the Plains i } j VVantsd.g . Wanted. | Agents Acrents The Great New Book of Wes tern Adventures. County v.s. Stanford & Furman, agents for Mrs Mary Mullins, for tax due the State aud County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 776, in the 18th district and 3il section, of Polk County, Ga., levied on as 4he property of K G Furman, by virtne of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCor mick, T C, in favor of State and County vs. R G Furman, for.tax due the Suite and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 101, in the 29th district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga.. levied on as the property of James S Hook, by virtue of one tax 11 fo issued by M E McCor mick, T C, in favor of State and County vs. James S Hook, for tax due tiie State ami County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 301, in tin* 21st district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of Dan’i B Sanford by vir tue of one tax fi fo issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of State anil County , vs. Dan’i B Sanford, for tax due the State aud County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 249. 8i)S and 460, in;the 21st district and 3d section and 283,* in tiie 18th district and 3d section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of S G White, agent for A T S Briscoe, de ceased, by virtue of one tax fi fo is sued by M E MeCormi.-k, T C, in fa vor of the State and County vs. S G Whitp, agent for A T S Briscoe, for tax due tiie si-imointL,County for the year 1882. • ■ Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, hit of land number 521, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk County", Ga., levied on its the property of A J Perseis, by virtue of one tax ii fo issued by M E McCor mick, T C, in fovor of tin* State anil County vs. A .1 Perseis, for tax liue the State, and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number '.'■tii. in the 2d district and 4tli section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of H K 1 Long, by virtue of one tax fi fo issued by M ii McCor mick, T C, iu fovor of the - State anil County vs. 11 K i Long, for tax due the State and County for tiie year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 429, in the 20th district and 3d section anti 84, in the 1st district and 4th section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as tiie property of \\ jf Hum \V Cooksey, by yirtue of one tax fi fa issued by .M K McCormick, T C, in favorol the Stale anil County vs. W illiam W Cooksey, for tax due the State and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will he sold, lot of land number 331, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk County, Ga., levied on as the property of Sherard H Gay, by vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick T C, in favor of the State and County v.s. Sherard H Gay, for tax due the State and County for the year 1882. Also, at the same-time anil place, will be sold, lot of land number 452, in the 2d district anil 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Vincent Corley, bv vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M ii Mc Cormick, T C, in favor of the State and county, vs. Vincent Corley, for tax due the State and county for the year 18S2. Also, at tiie same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 842, in the 21st district aud 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied ou as the property of T J Bowers, agent for Job Bowers, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. T J Bowers, agent for Job Bowers, for tax due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time anil place, will be sold, lot of land number 1278, in the 2d district'and 4lh section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of S H Henderson, agent for Duncan C Hill by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. SI1 Henderson, agent for Duncan C Hill. .for tax due the State anil coun ty for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 1286, in the 18th district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J W Morrow and Sarah J Fears, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J W Morrow and Sarah J Fears for tax due the State and coun ty for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 659, in the 18th district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent favor of the State and county v.s. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J W Heen, for tax due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time anil place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 357, in the JSth district and 3d sec tion, 230, 177, and 823, in the 1st dis- Poik county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent lor fdrs Minnie P Kyle, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCor mick, T G, in favor of the State and county vs. Isaac Y. Sawtell, agent for Mrs Minnie P Kyle, for tax due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 229, in the 20tii district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for Thomas A Hall, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for Thom as A Hall, for tax due the State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 828, in the 2lst uLstrict and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for a' W Morrow and Sarah J Fears, by virtue of one tax fi fit issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor of the State and county v.s. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for J IV Morrow and Sarah J F ears, for tax due State and county for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 1232, in tiie 3d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the proper^,- of isTthc Y Sawtell, agent for Urrin T Terry and Isaac Y Sawtell, by virtue of one tax fi fa issued by M E McCormick, T C, in favor oFthv State and county vs. Isaac Y Sawtell, agent for Gi rin T Terry and Isaac Y Sawtell, for tux due the State and county for tiie year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of hind number 805, in the 2d district and 4tii section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Isaac Y Sawtell, by vir tue of one tax fi la issued by M E Mc Cormick, T C, in favor of 'tiie State and county v.s. Isaac Y Sawtell, for tax due the State aud county for tiie year 1882. Also, at the same tilne and place, in favor of Philpot, Dodds & Bro. vs. Green XiOyd and Amanda Loyd. Property pointed out by plaintifPsat- torneys. Levy made and returned to me by L. C. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 689, in the 21st district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of defendant, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa issued from the 1074th district, G. M., in favor of IV. J. Adair vs. J, W. Stevenson. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to me by L. C. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 761, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk, county, Ga., as the property of the defeniiunts in fi fa, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa issued from th'e 1223d district, G. M., in favor of N. J. Tumlrn & Co. vs. J. AV. Tolbert and Mary Tolbert. Levy made and returned to me by L. C. Also, at the same time anil place, will be sold, lot of land numlier 349, in the 21st district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of defendant, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa issued from the 1072d dis trict, G. M., in favor of O. AV. Mor gan, bearer, vs. J. J. Hiett. Prop erty pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to me'by L. C. Also, at the same time anil place, will be sold, one steam saw mill anil engine jaunted out by A. II. York, one of the defendants in fi fa, as the property of A. II. York, property in possession of A. II. York anil located near the tunnel on the E. Tenn., Va. and Ga. Railroad, as the property of A. H. York, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of John T. AVilson vs. A. H. York, J. L. Jones and M. Jones. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one house anil ten acres triet and 4th section, and 338, in the of land lying east of A T an AVert and 20th district auil 3d section, all of Rome road anil south of the Carters- vilieand Van Wert roail, formerly owned by Thomas Moore, in the 18th district and 3d section of Polk countv, Ga., as the property of S. S. Davi's, said property now in possession of M. II. AVebb anil pointed out in fi fa. Levied on by virtue of en attach ment fi fa issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of Charles M. Harper vs. S. S. Davis. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 1274, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, as the property of d 1 fenilant AV. T. Green, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa issued from the 1975th district, G. 51., in favor of Huntington & Wright vs. AV. T (}•••:,i «'«••• •->. ■ out by defendant. Levy made and re turned to me by L. C. i.. W. CLEMENTS, Sheriff. October 2, 1583. Haralson Sheriff Sales. AVill be sold, before the court house door, in the town of Buchanan, Har alson county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following prop- erty to-wit: The North half of lot of land No. 205, containing 101', acres more or less, in 8th dist. and 4th sec tion of original Carroll now Haral son county, Ga., levied on as the property of J. O. Mann by virtue of one Justice Court fi. fa. issued from 653d Dist. G. M., in favor of J. R. Driver vs. J. C. Mann. Propertv pointed out by plaintiff, and defend ant notified. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 131, in the 8th district anil 5th section of originally Carroll, now Haralson county, Ga., levied on as the proper ty of Waiil Wilder, by virtue of two justice court li fas issued from 653d district, G. M., in favor of Baker, Ilail <fc Co., vs. AVaiil Wilder & Co. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. AVilder, defendant, noti fied of levy. Levy made and re turned to me by L. C. J. K, HOLCOMBE, Sheriff. October 2, 1883. To tlic Ladies MISS SUSIE TOWLES (Huntington & AVright Building HAS NOAV IN STOCK A SUPE RIOR LINE OF MILLINERY GOODS EM3SACIN Ladies’ Hats, Trimmed and Untkimmed, Bibbons, Plumes, Flowers And a General Line of FANCY ARTICLES\ such as usually fonnd in a first-class Millinery Establishment. Sole Agency for tuts Vicihity for the Coronet Corset, the undeniable merits of which instantly recommend ic to ail the ladies. ^UGall and examine and price goods, ourteous attention and reasonable rices to alL tiijan. Kai’ber Shop ! West Side Main St., Cedar!oivn, Ga One Door South of Barr tfc Leake, BY LEWIS BOND. Bond’s Hair Tonic! A popular Hair Dressing, Remove? Dandruff, stops itching in' the hair 01 beard, and is an effectual remedy for chapped face >r hands, lome Railroad—Schedule S O X AND AFTER NOVEMBER LTTII, the following schedule will be put in force on this road: The Rome Express, Daily, except Sun day Through to Atlanta, Without Change. Leave Rome 7:20 a. m. ston, 8:05 a. in. Arrive 10:30 a. m. No. 1. Daily. Leave Rome at 7:45 a. m. Arrive at Kingston at 8:45 a. in. Arrive at Chatta nooga at 12.30 in. Arrive at Atlanta at :40 p. m. No. 3.—Daily except Sunday. Leave Rome 3:30p. in. Arrive at King ston at 4:30 p. in. Arrive at Chattanooga at 8 p. in. Arrive at Atianta at 8:40 p. m. TRAINS GOING WEST. The Rome Expresr—Daily Except Sun day. Through Without Change. Leave Atlanta 4:30 p. in. Leave King ston 7:00 p. m. Arrive at Rome at 7:45 >. ui. No. 2.—Daily. Leave Atlanta 7:00 a. in.. Leave King ston 0:20 a. m. Arrive at Rome at 10:20 a. m. No. 4.—Daily, except Sunday. Leave Atlanta 2:40 p. m. Leave King ston 4:55 p. in. Arrive Rome 5:55 p. m. Nos. 1 and 3 makes connection at King ston for Chattanooga and all Western points. E14EN HI LLYER, Pres’t. J. A. SMITH, G. P. Agent. IMJkmB&mAM Th« best and most economical h-.ir<!res- . sin^v ’sr d- marie from ? matcrlalsthat areben-1 J - ficial to the hair and ij'calp, Parser’s Hair] Ihalsam is highly f teemed everywhere for its excellence and j superior clcanuoess. j if Saver Fails to fteforc the YentMui Ceisr | and lustre to "ray or tided hair.is elegantly per- ’ *s warranted to remove dandruff and escaip, & prevent foiling ot the hair. 3«l £f7«. trt dealers *a drags. A S-'ptaalive Rualth and Strength Butorer. If you are a mecha-ic or former, worn oat with overwork.«r a m«rhcr nxi down by family or house hold duties try Pakuex's Linger T«-nic. If yon rrc a lawyer, minister or business man ex- haustod by mental strain «-rauxiouscares, do not take ic tosicauag stimulants, but use Parker’s Ginger Tonic If yn’t have Consumption, Dyspepsia, ^ Rheuma tism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with a::y disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood nr nerves, yon can be cured .by Park er’s Ginger Tonic. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier Aid tts Ext sad Surest Cough Colt Ever Used. If vou arc wasting away from age; dissipation or any disease or weakness and reatiii e a stimulant take Ginger Tonic at once; it wiB invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours, nrscox & CO., ira WillL-.ni St, N«r To*. Me. sad cae Collar tiaes, at all dealers in medicines. G it CAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SOS. Its rich and lasting fra-rancc has mt’.d- this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There Is nothing like it. Insist upon having Flores, ton Cologne and look for signature of <?^yC4CO70 S every bottle. Any druggist or dealer in per- VtGORO TESTED £us.ot’ In thonsamls Founded on scieniilic medical prin- ples, it has been prow- .. - — ■ favoraud reputation wniie Itsnumerons comnetitorsdiave invariably dl ™ ct application of this remedy to the seat of the disease makes its specific Influence relt without delay. The natural functions of the Hie aniraatiitg ele- nients of life which have been wasted are given back. The buoyant enengyoi the brain and ninscn- !ar system renders the patient cheerful; he gains strength with rapidity; * * KEKVOUS DEBILITY, organic weakness, nnd numerous obscure diseases, batilhie the “kilt ol best physicians, result for youthful indiscretion, too free indulgence, and over brain work. ■mZS no *. temporize while such enemies lurk in your system. Take a remedy that has cured thou sands, and does not Interfere with you attentiou to business or cause any pain or inconvenience. Send for a Deveriptnre Hunphlrt giving Anatomical Illustration t, which will convince the most sc« ptical that they can be reafer. d to perfect manftood, and fitted forth* duties of Ht». «anv? n- if never affheted. Brat free to any one. Betnedy sold ONLY by the HARRIS REMEDY CO.MFG.CHEIIIISTS'. 3M1 N. lOtfi. at ST. LOUIS, MO. Ou South’s treata«t ii. tr-c ^£tla C5. thno 17 :r\ s? A book of wild lift? and thrilling adven tures on the Plains; fights with Indians , . md desperate white men; grand Buffalo : Don of Polk county, Gil., levied,on as Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 179, ia the 21st district aud 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of Thomas Holcomb, by virtue of one tax ti fa issued bv M ii McCormick, T O, in favor of the State and county vs. Thomas Hol comb, for tax due the Stateand coun ty for the year 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 157, in the 17th district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as tiie property of Thomas Parchail by vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M K Mc Cormick, T C, in favor of tiie State and county vs. Thomas Parchail, for tax due the State and county for the year 1S82. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 282, in the 1st district and 4th section, 590, in tiie 21st district and 3d section, and 73, in tiie 2d district and 4th see- J°i\ (’apt. Jack, the Poet Scout, Texas Jack, Kit Parson, Papt. Payne, the arron Scout, White Beaver, the -Mcdiciiiq Man of th other only Also, at the same time and place, Pim- j will be sold, lot of land number 059. preat I in the 21st district anil fid section oi Topographic Illustrations of tho Battle, and superb portraits of Sitting Bull and his Ixcnerals. Agreatmid valnable-hdok] reads like a romance, and outsells all others. Two hundred thousand copies already sold. cuts, don’t throw your time away on slow hooks, or worthless, imi tations of tiiis grand work, but send at once for tin- great original. It sells on sight. IKK) large pages, 13> Illustrations, Hi Pino Colored Plates. Price orilv S2.00. Canvassing Outfits FREE to Agents who are canvassing for any other book. Don’t miss this grand chance, hut write at once for Pictorial Circulars and extra terms, address. HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO., 723 Sanson? St., Philadelphia, Pa. ’arris has amfiieil for exempt foil of personalty, and’I wi" county vs. James N Man, for tax due the State aud county for the vear 1882. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 338, in the 18th district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of A II McLaws, by virtue of mu* tax fi fa Issued by 51 K 5tcGir- mick, T C, in favor of tiie State anil county vs. A II McLaws, for tax due the State anti couaiv for the vear 1SS2. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 475, in the 29th district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., levied on as the property of James J Jackson, by vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by M K 51c- Conuiek, T C, in favor of the State same at u o’clock a m * o/the “fdav o° ' * m! c,,unt . v vs - James J Jackson, for November. Iss:?. ** *’ ‘ | tax cine the State andcounty for the JOEL BREWER. Ordinary. > ,e:lr ,88 -- section of Polk county, Ga., levied on us the property of Fred Cox, by vir tue of one tax fi fa issued by ME Mc Cormick, T C, in favor of the State and county vs. Fred Cox, for tax due tiie State anil county for the year 1882. Also, at tiie same time and place, will be sold, 4,509 pounds of seed cot ton gathered and weighed on tho farm of mid in the possession of J. D. Williams: also, ?5o bushels, more or less, of coni, sold as the property J. D. Williams, to satisfy one fi fa is sued from Polk Superior Court in fa vor of Daniel Lowery vs. J D Wil liams. Properly pointed out by Blance <Sc Noyes, plaintiff’s attorneys. Aiso, ai the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 12?)4, 1253, 1165, 1181, 1266, 1264 and 1265, in the 3d district and ‘4th sec tion of Polk county, Ga.; also, num ber 1030, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga.; all as the property of Reuben Webster, se curity, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Poik Superior Court in favor of James M. Smith, Governor of said State, vs. Kd. Webster, principal, and Reubin Webster, security on bond. Also, at the same time and place, will Ik? sold, one town tat and house in Ceilartown, Poik county, Ga., fronting 22 feet and running back 100 feet, bounded on tiie north by A. Huntington’s lot, on the south by J. A. Liddell’s lot, on the east by M. F. Liddell’s lot, and on the west by Main street, said lot occupied by anil in possession of J. A. Dodds. ’ Sold as tiie property of John Jones, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the City Court of Atlanta in favor of Pique, Manier <Sr Hail vs. John Jones. Also, at the same time and place, will b- sold, lot of land number 110, in tiie 21st district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of Daniel Agan, to satisfy a li fa issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of Huntington A Wright vs. Daniel Agan. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorneys. Also, at the same time and place, will lie sold, lot of land number 971, anil part of lot number 079, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of Henry Wells, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of J. E. II- useal anil AV. E. AVood, assignees of Huntington & Wright vs. Henry AA’ells. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorneys. Also, at the same time and place, will 'oe sold, one. undivided half in terest in one town lot in the town of Ceilartown, containing one acre, more or less, bounded on the south by able to an or.lcr from the Court of Oniinary of Polk county, Ga., will be sold, before the C’onrfc House door in the town of Cedartown, Polk county, Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Novenibemext, the fol lowing propertv, to-wit: All the real estate belonging to tiie estate of Susan E. Stafford, ceased, consisting of one town lot in Cedartown, Polk county, contain ingr one-half acre, more or less, with two dwellings and stables thereon. Said Jot bounded on the west by the premises of L. G. Ray, on the north by street run ning from livery stable to Dr. G. W. Chisolm’s, on the east by street running from (’. Philpot’s dwelling to and by public well near Itockmart road, and on the south by the premises lately owned by A. Dougherty, but now by Thomas Moore. Terms: One-lialf cash; balani in twelve months. L. B. TREADAWAY, Administrator of Susan E. Stafford. sold on the 1st Tuesday in No- ber next before the Court House door in. Cedartmvn, ’Polk County, Geor gia, the late Residence and Homestead of Thomas Deaton, late of Polk (’ounty, < hi., deceased. Part of lots of land No’s.- said property bein'? situated at Rogers’ station on the East and West Railroad 2 miles West of Taylorsville. The v/hole tract containing about 4o acres more or less, lying in the 18th- dist. and ■id section of Polk County, Ga. There is situated on the place a good dwelling liou.se, kitchen, Blacksmith shop, two tenant houses and a store house with a good cistern attached to the store house. All new and in good repair. Property sold for the benefit of creditors and to pay year’s support and money elected by the widow in ;i?u of Dower. Terms cash. V/. C. KNIGHT, Administrator, of Thos. Deaton, Deceased. E xecutrix sale. — Georgia, Polk County. Agreeable to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Polk Coun ty, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in Cedartown, in said Coun ty of Polk, within the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November next lots of laud No’s. 7*1, 74, 75 and 143, in the 17th dist. and 4ch section of Polk County. Sold as the property of .Joathan Hopper, deceased, for distribution. Terms: One third cash and tiie remainder in one and two year payments. Titles made upon last pavfnent. ELIZABETH HOPPER, Executrix. Dr. L. S. Ledbetter, DENTIST, Stubbs street, oil the east by James t “5P s ■ rat . r lsa * - - - - - - ■ l oans s, Monaay, Oetobor 1st. Morris’ lot, oil the north by C. Phil pot’s lot, on the west by Miies’ lot, said lot now oeoapielt by Green Loyd. Sold as the property * of defendant Green Loyd, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa issued from the 1075th dis trict, G. 51., in favorof N. 51. AA'right vs. Green Loytl. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorneys. Levy made and returned to me by L. C. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one house and lot in the town of Ceilartown, Polk county, containing one acre, more or less, bounded on the south by Stubbs street, on the east by James Morris’ lot, on the north by C. Philimi’s lot, on the west by Jliles lot, said house anil lot now occupied by Green Loyd and Aman la Loyd, the ilefemjanis, as the property of said said defend ants, to satisfy one Justice Court fi ft issued from the 1075th district, G. M. C’EDARTOAVN, - GEORGIA. and First-Class! Job Printing. —TIIE— AD7EETISE5 JOB OFFICE Is thorough equipped with NEW PRESS, NEW TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, &c of the most modern design, and new material throughout, rendoringits facili ties equal, if not superior, to those of any office in this section for turning out Ail Kinds of Job Printing with neatneRS and dispatch, and at price? as low as the lowest. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, Gnartiutred Strictly First Class. For Beauty of ITinish, Pipo like Tone. Superiority oi Ac..•>-!. Work and Thoroughm.*** ef Cou- t .ruction they stand unrivalled. ELSGAITT CATALOGUES FUEE. awtizss : WHITNEY ORGAN CO., S >To Slanufarturcrs Kojr.I OrgMM, DETROIT, Mica. BILL HEADS, RECEIPTS, CIRCULARS, PROGRAMMES, TAX NOTICE ! SECOND ROUND. I will !?“ at the following places for the nrpose of frolic--ting the state and county ENVELOPES, NOTES, INVITATIONS, ICKETS, SCHOOL REPORTS,POSTERS. HAND BILLS, DODGERS, LABELS, PAMPHLETS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS. In fact ?m\' and all kinds of printing ex ecuted in a manner sure to please. Legal Blanks. All kinds of Legal Blanks supplied on very short notice. .Such blanks as Jus tice Court Summons, Executions, Sub- pumas, Garnishments, State Warrants, Attachments, Distress Warrants, Posses sory Warrants, Forthcoming Bonds, Af fidavits, Ronds for Titles, Deeds, Claims. Declarations, Dindlord’s Ltens, Mort gage Deeds, Waiver Notes, etc., kept al ways in stock. All blanks not kept in stork will be printed to order, on short notice. Our blanks are printed from, clear new type, and are unsurpassed for neatness. All ordeffe fcy mail will receive atten tion. I>.*B. FREEMAN, Proprietor. i Store, Monday even; Roekmart, Thursday, October 4th. Buncombe, Wednesday, October od. Fish (’reck, Friday, October 5th. Cedartown, Saturday, October 6th. Jlarapton’s, Tuesday, October fith. Adkins’ Shop, Monday morning, Oc tober 8th. W. P. West’: October 8Lh. I will close my books first dav of No vember. (.kune outandsee thatamomti-s of taxesaro right without after trouble. Look out lor advertisement of wild lauds not returned for l^ c 2, and t-u. taxes have not been piid upon:'and s- at once if they are-advertised 'through mistake, and avoid trouble, as same v/iJI : »e sold on first Tuestlav in November next. M. E. SIcCORMICK, T. C. PAYNE’S IO Horse Spark-Arresting Portable Engine has cat 10.000 ft. of Michigan Pine Boards in iu hoora, burning alabs Iruiu the saw ia sight-foot length*. Our 10 Horse ice Guarantee to famish power to «w 8.000 ffr-t of Ilcmiock Board-* in 10 hours- Our 15 Horse iciil cur 10.000 feet in sinie time. *' r Engine* an? guaraxtet.d to •ui- h a horse ixnvc r on W ie-n •1 snd wafer than any other En ine not find with an Automatic at Off. if yon want n Stationary Portable Engine. Bdller. Clrcu *r Saw-Mill, Shafting or Pnilej-M. -ither ca>-t •'■x 31e<lu:»rt> Pai inr ighr-Iron Pulley, s’ nd ’or our ilhi-lutP d cat’ll**gee. No. 12, for inforuiatiim and prices. B. W. PAYNE A SONS. Corning, N. Y. Box 1437. lOcfor a con Address Times Pim. Co. Boi itaa, Umim, iim. G eorgia—polk county. — m. riou Davjs iia.i api>li.-l for ex<-i»|.- tion of personalty, and I will pass ??;?•• the *uni? at 10 o’clock a. m. on tho39 5.- of Novembec, 18.-?3. at niv oMtcc. To October II, lt¥a. JOEL BREWER, Ordinar. -. TQSPJD DISOHDil RED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these som-ces arise three-fourths or the diseases of the huu;nn race. These Eymptomsimhcate their existence: Lou mt Appetite, Bowcln costive, hick Head* 8cIie,fHlIt*'Hi R!t*r catlnp, aversion to eicrtioa of tody cr nslad* EruCtatiea of foul, Irritaliility of tenaper, Low spirits, A f.-cling of h«vln« nr/;lected ims daty, i>Izxii«es*i,Hnt».criie^RfctliO lleftrtjDcta bciorc t.!?o fytd.hl ^hiycol* crcri Urirs/*, CC.'iVrtPAllO.V, and de mand tho u»o ofa r^rnedythat nets directly on the Liver. A3aLivcrracdicineTUTT , S 1'ILLy have no e p.nL Their action on tho KxJncysr.ndSk-uistt ? so proiupt.; removing all impu* itic3 thronyh these tliree “seav* rngf ra of tl»o cyatcia,’* pro^Iucing appe tite, somd digestion, rugulnr stools, a clear skin and a vigorous bo«l *. ^UiCT*M Pfl.lAI ennso no nansca or griping nor interfere with daily work and arc a perfect AUT5DOTE TO MALARIA, E-*>!dcY‘*ryw!i»TS',2^se. Oi!i' , «».44»InrraySi.,N.a. wire Mm Ga.-.r Hath on WntsEEits change l» riant :y t->aUi»‘:7r Sunt by a star to **p- r’ication cf ibis I>TE. 6o!«l by DmggMat or sect by< ET?rcPTOiirccciptof F1. .. incir-avStrc**t.8>wYcrk. „ F ...ns:pgsBui.RECEIPTS IUL THE CELEBRATED BARNUBI CHEESE SAFES. (Patented.) Emu G20CSES, ATTSITTIOH! BctNokiI Hav*Not.*I Vs.No.silI Bor The celebrated BARNUM SAFES. For rale generally by the wholesale woodeoware nd grocery dealers. If your jobber cannot simply yon, send your orders direct to us. The L T.Baraum Wire4 Iron Works, DETROIT. MICH. V-ISAlVKI.II<r EOCNDItV, 16H Vih* Street, Ciueiitnati, Oi ALLISON A SMITH. EPIainEnglishl «^I8 HERE EXPRESSED! ■"muO Out Fiee Circular tellstm am iRmrpTCa— ibwtod nd tb^ compL WMktnmtb. Ua. I commenced Drinstfe ■—will and he cared fir the sums. r. toss*. Mr be nfeiwl to m. «d I vRUmm tbMk . °w. Off ¥* re* wonwyi witn aervona or poyMOl iwili- , _ Impotenco Mtlad circular la ant fin. Bend fuUsddnss on postal aurtsa WUHMS UERdEOV CO. SUM “ JlJjSr