Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, December 13, 1883, Image 4

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New Rope.—Tt is aatd that new rope for any purpose oar be made perms* neatly soft and pliable by bo ling in wrier for two boon, and then drying in the son or in a warn ram, We hare received a number of letters pro tmttng'agriari the nse of our columns for such “palpable fraud! and mfcrepresenta- Hook;” therefore, to confirm beyond a doubt the authenticity of the letter, sod the genuinfcneee of itk sentiments, a reporter of this paper wan commissioned to ascertain all the possible facta in the m&tur. Accord ingly be Tidied Clifton Spnngs, taw the author of the letter, and with the follow ing result: . Dr. Henry Foster, the gentleman In -Qore'Joa, ts $8-or 64 years of aee and has an extremely cordial manner. He presides as superintendent orer the celebrated rani- gneats sod is unquestionably the leading ■. health resort of the country. Several years ago this benevolent man wisely de termined to be hie own executor; and, there fore turned overthis magnificent property J worth $800,000, as a free gift to a board Ur—l—l U fcofar, Smea, 14SS. Tot coughs, colds, sure throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, and consumption in its early stages, nothing equals Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery.” It is also a great blood-purifier and atrengtb-restorer nr tonic, and foe liver complaint and cos tive conditions of the bawels it baa no equal. Bold by druggists. Rheumatism,Neural hunger and expoaure of all kinds in a bleak and cbeedees country. Ha baa need, therefore, for his rough, shaggy ooat and his hardy little frame. They enable him to endue privation and hardship which would speedily over come animals that are muon igr^er and stronger in appearance. Almost every family in Shetland owns two, three or more ponies, which are need for ail kinds of draught and carriage, for bringing in the farm pro- vogruui»cu.> Young, middle-aged, or old men, suffer ing I rum nervous debi.ity or kindred affec tion*, should address, with two stamps, for large treatise, World’s Dispissiiy Mkdical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.. sions, 8t. Titus Dance, Alcoholism, Opium Eating, Seminal Weakness, Im- potency, Syphilis, Scrofula, and all Nervous nnd Blond Diaenaea. tWTo Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary Hen, Merchants, Bankers, Ladies and all whose sedentary employment causes Nervous Pros- trsUon, Irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys, or who require a nerve tonic, appetiser or stimuient,Aes»ergs» Mr- suss is invaluable. ( CyjJZU_ljL iWThoaaands [ ||EIGBKJIT 1 of trustees, representing theprincipal evan- - gqjicri denomination?. Among the trus tee* are Bishop A. C. Core, Protestant Bpiloopsi, Buffalo; Bishop Matthew Bunp- ' son, - Philadelphia, Methodist Episcopal; S - President M. B. Anderson, of the Uoiver- 'toy of Bottiester; Bev. lit. Clark, Secreta- •' ry of the A. B. C. P. M., Boston. The beccvOluit purpose ofthe institution is the . cue: 1st.—of evangelical missionaries and thi;lr families whose health haa been broken hi their work. 2nd.—of ministers, of any deaosainatioo, in good standing: 3rd.—of members of any church; who otherwise - would be unable to secure such care and treatment. The current expenses of the . hattitutioo are met by the receipts from the - hundreds of distinguished and wealthy people who every year crowd its utmost i. eapackty. Here come men and women *"■ ■ ' who wow once in perfect health, but neg lected the first symptoms of disease. The nomriabi paths they felt at first were over looked until their health became impaired. Ttay Httie realized the danger before them, noe how alarming even trifling ailments might prove. They constitute all dames, tending ministers and bishops, lawyers, judges, statesmen, millionaires, journalists, college professors and officials from all parts of the land. Drawing the morning Democrat and Chraiials from hia pocket, the reporter remarked, “Doctor, that letter of yours ' haa created a good deal of talk, and many ct o«wreaders have questioned its authen ticity.'' w “To what do you refer!’’ remarked the “Have yon not men the paperf’ “Tea, but 1 have notched time to read ttyet/* The reporter thereupon showed him the letter, which was aa follows: Utirros Spbutos tiasiTAsniK Co.,) Clotoh springs, It. Y., Oct. 11,1803. f Dxaa Bun I am using Warner’s Safe . Cure, and 1 regard it as the beat remedy far lame forms of kidney disease that we have. 1 am watching with great care some rises 1 am now treating with it, and - 1 hope for favorable results. 1 wish you might come down yourself,aa 1 would like very much to talk with you about your sterling remedy and abow you over dur institution. Tours truly. [Signed] HENBY FOSTER, M. D. “1 do not see why anybody should be ■keptioal concerning that letter,’’ remark ed the doctor. “Isn’t it unusual for a physician of your —..wUni, uj influence to commend a pro prietary preparabonl’’ “1 don’t know how it may be with othen, but in this institution we allow no person to dictate to us what we shall use. - Our pnrpomis to cure the sick, and for that work we nse anything we know to be- S, valuable. - Because I know Warner’s Safe l : Cure is a very valuable preparation, I 3 , commend it, As its power is manifested under my use, eo shall I add to the com- nletemm of my commendabdn. : “Have you ever analysed it, doctor? ” “We alwaya analyze before we try any S&S preperebdn of which we do not know the cooatitoenta. But analysis, you know, only gives the elements; it does not give • the all ifoportant proportions. The re- ' markable power of Warner’s Safe Cure un doubtedly oouaists in the proportions se rf eordiag to which its elementa are mixed.” Whde-there mar be a thousand remedies reads.of the same elements, unless they reo piit together in proper proportions, they are toortUereaa kidney and liver prepara tion*. “I hope some day to meet Mr. Warner penonally, and extend fuller cengratria- tiona to him on the excellence of his prep, rirationa. I have heard much of him as the (sunder of the Warner Observatory, aadaa a man of large benevolence. The repotodhlfh character of the man him«cl! . gave mmnaee to me m the firet plaoe that S. ■ ha would not put a remedy upon the mark et that was not trustworthy; and it was a aousea of a good deal of gratification to me :: to find oct by actual experiment that the f . reared^ itself sustained my impressions.’’ IhsconcKreoB reached by Dr. Foster is nrecmtty the same found by Dr. Dio Lewis, Dr. Hobart A. Gunn, Ex-Surgeon General GaUagher and others, and proves beyond a %'p dmM ' tha great efficacy of the remedy whisk haa awakened so much attention m ' . the land and reacoed ao many men, women and totkren from rtiaraae and death. “Tna,” said Miss Penn. “I rejected Mr. Hogg- Nice fellow, bat I couldn’t have the announcement of my.marmge appear in the papers under the head line Hogg-Pen.7 duoe—corn, hay, potatoes and the net —as well aa for riding. If a Shetlander has no cart he sliuga a couple of wioker baskets over hia pony’s bade, in which basket he places hia marketing, or- his load of peat, or clods of dried turf, which form so large a part of hie winter fuel. We call these little animals ponies, and rightly, but the Shetlander always speak of them aa horses, for the reason, 1 suppose, that they are almost the only horses they know. They are often great pete in the family. A writer on Shetland, a native of the island, in speaking of the ponies, says: “All sorts of pretty and uncommon names are chosen for them. Some of them develop a great fondness for sweet meats, for wnieh they will seek the hand that eatresses them. One of these animsls, when on a journey, will every quarter of an hour or so turn his head round to his rider, seeking the bit of biscuit which is always provided for him V Altogether the Shetlanders would od very badly without their sturdy, useful little horses, and when the ppnies are taken far south to KnftUno, or to oountries much farther away still, their value by no means dimini«W They find homes among the rich of the land, become the pets on many a home farm and country house, and boys and girls, whatever their condition or ciroum- sanets, think themselves fortunate in possessing a Sheatland pony. burns and scalds soon yield to it. At’ a reoent meeting of the Massachusetts Dental society in Salem, Dr. Waters, of Boston, gave a praotiirel-demonstra tion of this theory by • teat that re quired nonaldurable nerve, end mace faith in the efficacy of the treatment to put into operation. The doctor dipped a sponge into bailing water and aqueeaed it over hia wrist, the water flowing around the arm and' encircling it with a severe scald two indies wide. Not content with this he dipped the sponge e second time and pressed clos ely on the under'aide of hia wrist for a half minute, thus making a deep born. He then applied bi-carbonate at soda and laid over it a wet doth, end the intense pain was benaahed aa by T" Next day the scalds, with the exception of the pert purposely made ao severe, were practically healed, only a light discoloration of the skin show ing where the water had flowed; this, too, without a second applies ion The wind may roar among the trees, Yet great shipa sail the stormy seas. The balnh.ad man may rave and swear, Tat Garboline restores the hair. ant that ever sustain- MnCjMlicJ] ed a sinking system. Uti|-P|*NJ $1.50, at Druggists. H 1^1 ' JT ThsPu.a.a.aiCMHWPrCimrea^mrem\ MEDICAL CO- Sale M GUNUCKUL] post ora. «■ 1 —r* a-s n r Tor testimonials aad ctrenlara send sump. Chas. N. Crittenton, Agent, New York. (8) there are soils and ocoditions where oth er graneca would be more profitable, and in permanent pastures they would also increase the amount and quality, and prolong the graving season. The Iowa Agricultural College folks recommend the following as an exeel- lent paint for ont-ot-door work: To three parte crude pe roleum anil one part linseed oil add sufficient mineral paint to give the desired body, and ap- JOHN L. SULLIVAN. rilvar preparations havadtma. It will, light er reded hair in a tow days to a ha atomy brown. Ask your druggist tor II bottle is warranted. Burrs, kuni Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, P C. N. Cni-mnmur. Naw York. There are innumerable instances where cures hare been effected by Scovill’s Sarsa parilla, or Blood and Liver Syrup, lor all diiiessss at the blood, when the patient had been pvaa up by physicians. It is one of the best remedies ever offered to the public; ply with a brush. For better buildings white lead may be added in the propor tion of one pound of lead to five of min eral paint: Crude petroleum costs only from six to eight cento pear gallon by —Florida has raised a water-melon weighing seventy-five pounds, and fit-, teen people could’nt eat it the barrel, and can be easily obtained through any druggist or dealer in oil in any town or village. A-barrel would be handy to have in the house of any far mer, who oould then do a world of written and carelessly prepared prescrip tions. Take Scovill’s Blood and Liver Sy rup tor all disorders arising from impure blood. It is indorsed by all leading profes sional men On receipt of one dollar we win send you a gallon or uur celuBrated Iadtaw Tea. *« to restore m healthy condition of tha Liver, M and Bowela. A cure cure for Dy^p^pBMASUU blood ilimira COMA&CHEM»DlUlNfc< t»4» Bruffidwmy, Met . who oould then do a world of painting at odd spells. Not only onght barns, fences, hog-pens and stables ts be painted, but the roofs and floors of these brildinga as well. ~ It is safe to say that the market gar dener* near our large cities realize grea ter profits from lettuoe titan from any other vegetable. It is a vary hardy plant, and when well under way with stands net only quite a low degree of cold, but also the heat. If the plants are paitially protected by being set out on the sunny aide of ridges, tney pro gress much more rapidly in growth tnan iruit. - Tho. an regarded as resentful in na ture, bees are not aggressive, and they can be cared for easily by ladies and the younger members of the family,for, like animals, they are conquered by kindness. Many families in the city rarely see honey, and are ready to pur chase it whenever it oomes to market; bat the supply does not equal the de mand. Considering the ease of produc tion, eo far as the farmer is concerned, it ia profitable at any price. The profit is greatly increased on farms where clover, peas, fruit and buckwheat are cultivated. 1.200 ACRES FOR SALE —Michigan has anotner “sweet sing er”—this time a strapping big man, whom neighboring paragraphers would do well to speak respectfully of. Long AXsctrare, also a poUUTssnd radical cue lor Nemos Debility and aU Nervous Complaints, after aartnc tested its wonderful curative powers In taonsands of cases, has felt It his duty to ma a tt mown to hia aafferinr fellowa. Actuated by tkla motive and a dealre to relieve knmaa goffering. I will send free of eaarge, to ell who dealre it, thia recipe, in German, French or knrllah, with fall directiou for prerettnf aaduoUw. Sent by mall by addneainr with stamp, aamtnt this paper, W. A. Novas 140 Pouxr*» luock Bochuter if. r. KgWILSON’j LIGHTNING SEWER Djip«|wia Murders Sleep, Dffistrojs appetite, renders life miserable.' Well ferns it been depicted as a (lend winch easelessly toiments its vn tun. Though il cannot be driven from its stronghold, the stomach, bj ordinary menus, it uisy be sun ill listed with Hostetler’s Stoinach Bitters. Weakness of the digestive or gans lies st the r ot of dyspepsia. 1 he natural chemical kolveut oi the food is insuffl tientlj se creted oj t .e nrg n whem e.it takes 11s source,and the raw uisier.si up »n which it should act lies like a lamp of lead in the stomach, ftnneuting and causing heartunrn, and the manifold tortures All this trouble is As we wander through the houses of Pompeii—where tho paintings are jet bright on the wails, and we maj walk around the gardens and see the dried- up fountains—one seems to hear all the book of Revelation sounding in one’s ears, and a voice saying: “Behold I make all things new! v In the denoted streets life suddenly stopped 1,890 years ago. It is true that the destruction was not instan taneous, and a great many of the in- Dr. B. A. Davis, 200 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, says: “Physicians generally know no cure for rheumatism and Bright's kidney disease. Dr. Elmoie is the first to discover one. His Bheumadne-Goufialine from which dyspeptics suffer, removed by the Hitters, which promote a some- lent secretion of the gastric juice by stimnlating Nothing good is ever effected without perseverance. sndsirenKtiu nuurthe cellular tissue of the stomach Debility, b.liou>ness, fever and itgue, ailments of the urinary organs anil rheumatism, are also reme diable by the Ditiera. THEPUKiaST AND BEST habitants saved their lives, and even took away a good deal of til it treasure. But enough was left to show us every detail of Roman life. The old world is set before ns, with all its and ita evils, its glories and its aoamee. We know what manner of men and women they must have been, and what their drily lives were like, almost aa well as if we had. actually dwelt among them. Those old Pompeiians were very modern. There is nothing new under the sun. They had folding-doom and hot water urns; they put gratings to their windows and made rookeries in their gardens; their steel-yards are ex actly like those year cheesemonger uses ’•WhowitnU liealtli, want* tfvrr.vthing,” says an old adage. loug us meu will ou-ra^e Ike laws of health, so long they w.ll need medi cines to counteract the results of vice or ignor ance. The o.d monks whose business was to save men, soul and body,did a humane tfe ng when they ransacked the vegetable kingdom for a Mood purifier. They began at the fountain head to pre vent disease rather than to cuie.and Su BenmnTa Vegetable Pills have immortalised them in the —Canadian post-office savings bank returns for the past month show a bal- ance’of over, $12,000,000 to the credit of depositors, principally laborers. Don’t die without an effort. Heart Dis ease cured bv Dr. Graves’ Heart Regula tor. Price $1. 6 for $5. CftJDI fltfkl!£UY VOL.Ml MklN WHO Elfii LUI ir)£n I OmnUATB.itCOLKXAB BlJHINKbS COLLKI.K. Nkw akS, N. i. Tuna* only *40. Write f«»r Circular*. butter, Mix to a cream, poor boiling water over this, and stir until there are no lumps; then pot it on the stove, The oldest, be/it, most renowned and valuable medicine in the world, and in addition it obatalne nil the best and most effective curative properties of mil other remedies, being the greatest liver regulator, Mood portlier, and life and health re> storing agent on earth. It gives new life and vigor to the aged and Infirm. To clergymen, lawyers, literary men, ladies, and all in whom sedentary employments cause irregu larities of the Blood, Stomach, Bowels, or Kidneys, or who require an appetizer, tonic, and mild stimu lant, it is invaluable, being highly curative, tools anti atlmnlntiW| WlthOQt M w f biinvlctlny No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, or what the disease or ailment ia, one Hop Bittern Don't wait until yon are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable nse the bitters at once. It mny save your life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing, at n moderate cost. Ask your druggist, or physician. Do not suffer yourself or let your and keep it there until it u ecoked, ■ay lor ten or even fifteen minutes. -Brooklyn's champion mean man * Heisincus- A writes says: “If the egriculturri ootiegee and experiment stations would make disinterested trivia of the new traits and give the public unbiased opinions oi me character and merits of each fruit, it might prove of as mueh has come to the surface, tody for robbing schoolchildren of their books and playthings. A DxmciouB hot aanoe fur podding! is made of six Ublespoonfols of sugar, two of batter, and one egg; bent the bqtter, sugar aai the yelk of the egg together, than add the white beaten to a troth : lastly stir in a teaeupfni of boiling water and a teaspoonfoi of va- ‘Coiiph*, Hoarseness, Hore Throat, etc., quickly relieved by Hkow.Vs IIkonchial. Tmochks. A simple and etfectual remedy, superior to all other articles for the same purpose: Sold only in boxes. vame in their bulletins aa tome of the lengthy accounts about the albuminoids * ’ ’ ’ -AT— clr _ to weigh hie Cheddars and Gloaters. Their children had toys like ours— bears, lions, pigs, oats, doga, made of clay, and sometimes serving as juga also. Poor children! Poor mothers! How did they tore in those days of and carbohydrates. Nurserymen’ culars are generally made to puff those plants in wnieh their pecuniary interest predominates. Sons one v \o haa made the estimate claims that the value at poultry annu- AakferWCUs’“Bough ao Cares” lie. quick relief: complete cure. Corea, vena, tmufema We are never so good as when we possess a joyful heart If a cough disturbs your sleep, take Piso’s Cure for Consumption and rest well. It won’t do for a married man to say to his w fe, * Never mind.” She ia apt Thx New Jersey man wbo got his toot eaoght in a railroad frog and shaved off part cf his heel with bin jack- ally consumed in this country amounts to the large sum of $800,000,000, or about $5 for each person. The con sumption of eggs amounts to $240,000,- 000, and the number of eggs consumed 9,000,000,000, or lSO toeam Inhabitant Oar poultry product*, therefore,amount to over half a billion of dollar*, and yet we have imported eggs in order to snp- yelks stored into the batter, the white* whipped light and added the lari thing. Bake in heated gem irons in a quick oven. Use no baking powder at soda. Jf the family ia very small, and large loaves at bread are likely to become stale before they can be eeteti, it ia a good plan to make two tittle loaves for one tin. They will keep their shape ail right, and will not ran together or adhere any more than tolls or bis cuits do. srlta pus, ami whisk will turn red by ■caniHnr; a voracious appetite and unquenchable thlnt; harsh and dry skin; dsmmytoosne, often darkly fmred, swollen nnd inflamed sums; dropsical iwelllnr of the limbs; frequent attacks of kiommsh; Inability In void Lie arise, and ureal fstigne m —«—r^'t tt—yon are suUerinc from soma form of Kidney or Urinary Complaint, each as Baser'* Deuu of the kidneys, etooe or mflammauou of the Mad der, gravel nnd renal calculi, diabetes, wrengneiy atrfctnre and retention of the arias, aad Hop Bit ten Is the only remedy feat wm permanently care '•You’** grided too much by others' ,STOPPED FREE opinions,” said Mrs. Fogg to bur lord ; “for my part, 1 believe in having a lit tle mind of my own.” “And you’ve got it.” waa the brutal remark of Fogg, Hkbbs for winter nee should be gath ered when the plant* are in flower. Just as the flowers begin to fade ia considered to be the beet time to harvest them. The herb garden waa formerly of great er domes tic importance than in these days of patent medicines, but whether this change is an advantage to health may well be questioned. To dry herbs it is best to tie them in small bundles and hang them up in an airy shed. era. Tney clapped theu offenders into the stock*—two gladiators kept there for 1,800 year*. When tne crockery broke they rivited it. At Herculaneum there is a huge wine-jar honied in the earth. It haa been badly broken, bnt is eo neatly rivited, with many rivitB, that it no donbt arid the wine as well as ever; those rivite have lasted 1,800 years! It is a strange thing to think abort. What The French gnn factory at Fives Irile has just finished a cannon which prtemita some peenliaritiea of propor- ?.. Ita and shape; bnt whose chief novelty 1* a compact wrapping of . fine wire ar ranged around it as tightly as possible r Ire a manhinn constructed expressly for . - tie. purpose. The gnn ia evidently r : Wit after the Iiongndge type, and at - Various times descriptions have been \ given of it. The preliminary tests have ~ skua a that, the resisting strength of . toe guk metal ia more largely increased Jty ™ device than it would be by an ^ topattwright-of similar metal east with rislfce tube itself. : Zb Waterproof Rrtck Walls.—Few waterproofing trick walls the following haa been given: Dissolve soft paraffine waxin bensotine spirit in the propor- ' • : tton at about one part of the former to S/s -'fuar or fifre parts of the latter by wiight htta a tin or metallic keg plaoe one ;> gallon of benx.iiine spirit, then mix one amd a half pounds or two pounds of tax, and whenqrite bot, poor into the ffri* 8 ***- Apply the solution whilst warm to tba- walls with a whitewash brash, To prevent the rotation from chilling, it is Mat ta plaoe the tin in a pail of warm : water; but an no account should the -. apiitt bn brought into the house or near y. to a tight, or s sericas accident might I would recxnmend Ely's Cream Balm to any one having Catarrh or Catarrhal Asthma. I have suffered for five yean as 1 could at* lie down tar Week* at a lime. Sinee I have been using the Balm I can Be down and reek I thank God that you ever invented such a medicine.—Faasx P. Bcbumb, Farmington, N. B. - would the boose wife have arid if some one had told her that her cracked pot would ont last the Raman Empire? Rheumatic thin joists and rafters and tight stain and Lrinsters is avoided, and if eare is taken that the floor-boards shall be of hard wood, of good thickness and tongued. With reepect to large build ings, of course a good deal more is ne cessary than thia. The walls ought to be made much stronger than the re- quirements of business toml both here and in the staircases and landings concrete may with advantage be used. forty-two years old, and aha is still able bodied, bring capable of doing as much hauling as the mjetity. of homes The Greatest Blood Purifier Known! 80K0FULA CURED. NEURALGIA CUBED. RHEUMATISM CURED. Rocaiaima, N. I, Aft. aa, VS. Bhewmattc Syrup Coo Gams—1 kare been a creak aaf- •Brer tram nkan—tWia tor Mx yearn, aad keulac of tan annenni j~ A foreign contemporary describes an i- antt iwmrioa paint for iron. It states ttas if Hi par oent. of burned magnesia, '".or even of baryta or stroutia, is mixed eold with ordinary linseed-oil paint, and . ttan enongh of mineral oil to develop the alkaline'eartn, the free acid of the yafttt will be neutralised, while the iron " varfll be protected by the permanent ri- haJtne auhtm «f the paint. Iron to he ifi-ta earth may be painted with a mixture of lllO porta of resin, 26 puts at gwtta pereha,and60 parts of paraffine to whiehaO parts ot magnesia and some .&Htand oil have been added. It will pay to aprod a half day going through the fields to aau how many vn- SELLERS COUO -.AT- - ; -x ,- i]