Newspaper Page Text
Qopjrrtiht 1901 by Hart Rrbaffnar A M*/I
An announcement of much Inter
est to the Acworth social set is that
of the approaching marriage of Miss
Helen Lois Good, of Cedartown, to
Mr. Paul Jones Slaton, the wedding to
take place Thursday evening the four
teenth of November.—Acworth Post.
Nov. 7th, 1907.
Dear Friend:
All flour Is made
out of wheat, but some
wheat Is better than
others; therefore some
flour is better than
other kinds. Wheat is
very high now but may
go higher.
When you get real
good flour it raises
nicely and makes good
bread. I love good
bread. We have good
bread at our house.
We make it out of Pos-
tell's Elegant Flour,
which makes the finest
cakes and pastry ever
ate. Your friend,
P. S. The best flour
there is in this town
is Postell's Elegant
flour. It costs $1 a
sack, although you can'
get a good sack for
75, 80 or gO cents at
Phones 43 and 74.
Get Into our good clothes
game at once; we’re on the
winning side, and you’ll
look the part as soon as we
get you Inside one of our
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
Suits, and top it with a fine
Overcoat of the same su
perb mak; $18 to $15.
We’ve got the other things
you want to wear, too; hats,
shirts, hosiery, neckwear;
we get these things to match
our Hart Schaffner & Marx
quality; as near as we can.
There’s no better standard
for us or for you.
Col. W. K. Fielder Bpent Monday
in Dallas.
Mr. J. E. Houseal spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. R. Ilarber spent yesterday
in Atlanta.
Col. L. R. Waddey, of Atlanta.spent
Sunday here.
Mr. E. L. Ledbetter was here Sun
day from Rome.
Mrs. F. L. Rountree was in At
lanta yesterday.
Mr. R. J. Swain was in Rome Sat
urday afternoon.
Paints for all purposes at brad-
ford’s Drug Store.
Prof. E. E. King was here from At
lanta over Sunday.
Rev, G. E. Benedict and family
spent Sunday in Atlanta.
Grand Cloak Sale Tomorrow.
Mrs. J. W. Dodds and Miss Pauline
Bailey were in Rome Saturday after
Mr. R. B. Parks returned last week
from an extended trip through the
Mrs. M. D. Russell has been spend
ing the wefek in Atlanta and Talla
Mr. John A. Webb, of Clam, was
the guest last, week of his sister.Mrs.
J. R. Styles.
Miss Mae Langford left Thursday
for a visit to her uncle, Mr. Z. B. Mil-
llcan at Macon.
MIds Maude Sellers, of Emerson, Is
the attractive guest of her sister,
Mrs. J. C. Doullneau.
Mr. M. N. Elliott spent the first
of the week In Norcross attending the
marriage of a relative.
A good room for rent, with board,
for two young men or a couple with
out children. Phone 177.
Mrs. J. H. Conley, who has been vis
iting friends in the city, returned
yesterday to Birmingham.
A few more copies of “The Country
man,” by C. K. Henderson, only $l.
Mr. Buell Stark, of Rockmart.,was
here yesterday, attending a meeting
of the County School Board.
Miss Kate Hammond.who was an at
tendant at the Smith-Leary wedding,
returned home to Cartersville.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dunn were call
ed Friday to Madison to attend the
funeral of the latter’s uncle.
Mrs. J. w. Akers, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. K.
Holmes, returned home Friday to At
Mr. L. O. Benton, of Montticello,
was here Monday to attend the annual
tpeetlng of the stockholders of the
Bank of Cedartown.
Just received a large and pretty
selection of Hawkes’ Cut Glass, some
new designs. To see is to admire.
W. W. TURNER, Jeweler.
Mr. J. G. Cantrell, general western
agent of the Seaboard Air Line in
St. Louis, spent yesterday in the city
with his brother, Mr. H. W. Cantrell.
All parties indebted to me will
please settle either by note or cash
beforci Nov. 20th. After that date
all accounts will be placed in hands
of collector. B. F. SIMS.
Mrs. W. S. Coleman returned home
Saturday from a visit in Atlanta and
from Augusta where she attended
last week the state convention of the
daughters cf Confederacy. !
Read our “Sanltol” ad in this pa
per. Send on the dollar; when you
get the goods, if you are not satis
fied, we will give you $1.25 for
Miss Forrest Pitts was the charm
ing hostess nt an elegant bridal re
ception Saturday afternoon ^iven * n
honor of Miss Helen Good, whose ap
proaching wedding Is Of much inter
est to her many friends. The hours
were from 3 to 5 o’clock and about one
hundred and twenty-five guests were
present. The color scheme of green
and white was beautifully carried out
In every detail. The hostess was as
sisted by the honoree and‘Mesdatnes
F. M. Binford and W. E. Good and
Misses Lucy Houseal, Evelyn Fite
and Bessie Dean Wood. The guests
were received at the door by little
Misses Amy Stewart and Annie Roon
ey Pittman, and they were invited In
to the dining room by Mesdames M.
C. Bobo and J. H, Stewart, where
dainty refreshments were served.
Misses Lucile Fielder and Helen Crabb
presided at the punch bowl, and cof
fee was served by Mrs. S. H. Smith.
Mr. S. H.Smith wa3 In Dallas Mon
Dr. Wm. Bradford spent Monday in
Mrs. E. C. Benton was In Atlanta
Col. W. W. Mundy spent Monday
in Dallas.
Col. J. M. Hunt was in Buchanan
Mrs. E. A. Mann spent Friday In
Rock mart.
Mr. Rolt. Campbell spent Sunday
in Atlanta.
Mrs. R. M. Boldrldge spent Tuesday
ip Atlanta.
Mr. M. O. Berry was In Columbus
over Sunday
Mrs. Craton Vincent Is visiting rel
atives at Aragon.
Mrs.Suaie Jobes spetot Saturday af
ternoon in Rome.
Mr. D. L. Maret, of Youngs, was
In the city Monday.
Squire M. M. Jobes, of Rockniart,
spent Saturday here.
Mrs. A. C.Brewster spent the first
of the week In Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cone wort? iu
Rome Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Robt. Riggers is spending the
week with relatives at Fish.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Griggs leftl.Mon
day for a ten days trip to New York.
Miss Annie Kerr, of Piedmont. A la.,'
was the guest lost week of Mrs. A. B. I
Mrs. J. W. Murray has been spend
ing the past week In Atlanta' with her
Mr. P. A. Hunt spent Tuesday in
Aragon and Rockniart Inspecting the 1
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stubbs, return
ed Saturday night from a visit to rel
atives in Scotsboro, Ain.
For Fall M Winter, 1907.
The CLOAK event of the Season.
Grand * Opening : Sale
Of Surpassing Attractiveness.
This “Jayessco” Opening Sale will
take place at
Big Department Store,
Don’t Forget the Date Nov. 8, 1907.
PLEASE NOTE WELL— In uriW to make lIns grpml ex
hibition of FASHIONS a groat, attraction to our customers, the
prices on these HIGH CLASS CLOAKS will be made (for this
occasion) so temdtingl.v l"\v that they will appeal to the most
critical and careful purchasers.
Miss Nell Watts spent Tuesday In
Mr. W. T.Lee, of Youngs, was here
We offer—-until they are gone- 5
rooms Wall Paper at. $2.50 per room.
Miss Clyde Webb, who has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. R. Styles,
returned home Friday to Clem.
Mr. Clias. Dunwcoc’y, of At’anta,
was up to spend the week-end with
his mother, Mrs. Mamie Dunwoody.
Miss Edith Wood, who has been
the charming guest of Miss Arabella
Dunwoody, returned Monday to Ros
Mrs. W. D. Ivey, who has been the
guest of her parents, Col. aid Mrs.
J. O. Waddell, returned yesterday to
Miss Mary Jones went Tuesday to
Wellington, Ala., where she will be
temporary operator lor the Seaboard
Mrs. M. R, Davidson, who has been
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. M.
Jolley, returned Monday to her home
in Rockniart.
Mlrs Florine Richardson, who has
been tae attractive guest of her aunt.
Mrs. Est.lle Hardwick. returned Mon
day to Atlanta.
Mis. J. A. Tiirner arrived Thurs
day from Bi.mingham on a visit to
her children. Mfrs. W. O. Cornelius
and Mr. C. J. Turner.
Miss Delia Neal, one of the popular
Public School teachers, left Monday
for a few days stay at Commerce on
account of her health.
Found—A bunch of keys at the
Fair grounds. v Owner can recover
them by Identifying the same and pay
ing for this advertisement.
Mrs. A. O. Herrington, of Atlanta,
attended the Brewer-Oampbell wed
ding Tuesday ferening, and Is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Brewer.
Moorish and Nubian Figures, Bushs,
Vases, etc., a good assortment, new.
pretty and cheap: Call early and get
first choice. W. TURNER, Jew
eler. # i
Mrs. E. T. Killer, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. S.
Evans, returned) Monday to Media. Pa.,
accompanied bp her little grind
daughter, Dorotjhy Evans.
The Rev. C, K. Hen
derson, for only 25c, provided you sub
scribe for the Ladies’ Home Journal
and Saturday Evening Post for one
year at $3 before Dec. 1st.
Mr. G. P. Northeutt was In Rome
Mr. J. R. Styles spent yesterday In
Miss Myrta Dodds spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Miss Mamie Jones was in Rome
over Sunday.
Mr. Thornley West was up Sunday
from Atlanta.
Mr. B. H. Leonard spent Monday at
Piedmont, Ala.
Dr. C. W. Peek, of Antioch, was in
the city Monday.
Mr. W. P. Tims, of Esom Hill,
was here Friday.
Mr. Aleck T. Hamilton, of Glenwood.
was here yesterday.
Miss Levia Reeves spent Saturday
afternoon In Rome.
Col. W. W. Mundy was in Rock
niart over Sunday.
Mr. G. M. Pettltt spent Saturday
afternoon In Rome.
Mrs. Emma Watson is visiting rel
atives in Cave Spring.
Mr. W. E. Bridges is building a
new residence on Line street.
If you have a cloak sell it, and buy
one of the latest on sale tomorrow at
Phillips Dry Goods Co.
Squire L. Sutherlin, of the 17th, was
shaking hands with his many friends
on our streets last Saturday.
Fall cleaning—Use Devoe Polishing
Oil on your furni.ure and wood work.
Miss Lily Mae Cook, who has been
the guest of Mrs. Susie Jones, return
ed Saturday to Greenville, S. C.
Mrs. D. C. Wright, who has been
visiting her sistre, Mrs. J. D. Moore,
returned home Friday lo Powder
Misses Buddie Mae York. Dixie
Browning and Maybelle Campbell, of
Rockniart, attended the Brewer-Camp-
bell wedding Tuesday evening.
Miss Mosher, a successful orgauizer
of the "NY. C. T. U., gave ail interest
ing address at the Baptist church Sun
day evening and talked to a large
gathering of ladies Monday afternoon.
stole my Eagle bicycle Saturday even
ing from the residence of Mr. W. L.
Jones on Stubbs street. Liberal re
ward will be paid for its’return.
A Good Move!
We are now nicely settled in our
new home in the Hardwick-1 elford Build
ing, and leel that we have made a good
You will now make a
coming to us to have
Ol course, we Carry a lull
Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils
Articles, Etc.
~~ 1 i, —
General Hardware.
^ We wish our friends and the public
generally to be apprised of the fact that we
have gathered into our new and ppmmodi-
ous quarters a complete and desirable line of
the best goods to be bought. These we of
fer at prices ern irely reasonable, as always.
We offer fair treatment. Drop in and be