Newspaper Page Text
Y and entered at
as seBoliddftass
f er,
__Official OuoAfl of Antes.
One Year.’. 11.00
Six Months 50
\DBL. QA-, PaiDAy, Jtfit. 4, 190L
Since our last isf*ue we have
passed into another year and cen¬
tury, The last year of the lfith
century witnessed a clash of na¬
tions and a general uphea val ap¬
palling in magnitude. Wftf, pes¬
tilence and famine stalked abroad
And the human f ace lias been vash
ly decimated. The dove of peace
lias been much disturbed but at
the dawning of thg 20 th century
the beclouded atmosphere is
clearing to some extent and we
trust that the close of the present
year will find all nations ttt peace
arid multitudinous evidences df a
season of great prosperity plenti=
fully bestowed fr«.m the great
store-houses of ti benign Creator.
When threatened by pneumonia
or any other lung trouble prompt
relief is necessary, as it is danger¬
ous to delay we would suggest
that One Minute Cough Cure be
taken as Soon fls indications of
having taken. cold afe noticed
It cures quickly and it’s
early use prevents consumption.
J. E. Peeples.
Mr. Bryan gave out the follow¬
ing interview this morning, Dec
“I hitve for several years had
in contemplation the establish¬
ment- of ft Weekly newspaper and
this seenis an opportune time for
Undertaking it.
“Intending to devote my life
to the Study and discussion of
public question. 1 have chosen
hiethod because it will best ac¬
complish the purpose which I
have in view, Through uucli a
paper I shft.ll be able to keep in
touch With social, economic and
political problems. The paper
will at the same time if success¬
ful an income sufficcnt for my
necessary needs and this kind of
Work will allow me more time
with my family than I have been
able to enjoy for eeverl yoars
1 eXpfect to lecture occasionally
especially in college t-owus where
1 can speak to students. But my
principal work will be done with
the pen, or perhaps I should say
With the pencil.
“The paper will be called The
Commoner aud Will defend the
principles Set forth in the Kansas
City platform The first issue will
appear in January I shall be ed¬
itor and publisher.
Bferrleii^s apportionment of the
school fund for this year is
$11,141.80, There is already a
neat balance on baud With Com¬
missioner Gary and otir public
school teachers will ht* able to get
good contracts for the coming sea¬
-yrdfbminlChmgo Woman Speaks
Prof. Rotea 'fyler, of Chittago’ Vice-
President Illinois Woinftn’te Alliand in
speaing of Cfianiberlaifl’li Gotigh Reme¬
dy says :“f siirfei’dd With a Severe cold
this Winter Which jftrefttefihd tS rim into
Fneuiiionitet 1 tried different remedies
hut I seenied to groW Worse and the me¬
dicine upset my stonlaChi A friend ad¬
vised ml to try Chamberlain’s OouSh
Remedy add I fotiiid it pleasant to take
find it relieved die fit ottCdi t am nrw en-
ti5ely recovered, saved a' doctor’s bill
time and suffering, aiid I will nevar be
Without this splendid medicine again.”
For sale by J. E. Peeple'd.
Every mail should take llis
County newspaper before any¬
thing else, aiid next to this he
should take a good general news¬
paper, such aS The Constitution.
His county paper gives him the
local home Row*) Which is not
Supplied by a newspaper furnish¬
ing |»arte the of general news from all
ti o tin try and from all
m %di .. ^lffiforu fill a tttfth
feel that
»o^ted Oh what
■5nte, When, UoV’ev-
pportUnity is offered to
est weekly newspaper
kriry with yout home
Biducement is such as
Btnpt response from
i^'^r'vnl'TbVam"* his
own color tonight nine nules
l S ” 1 C I”* 1 "’ W „v :> n H ng T : f e '*!
near Barney n «Mf eighteen miles ii from
nroArl here, Ins victim being a small ne-
S ^ ' Mr Pace ’ a bailiff at
ari.ey, cang i I i maii a ; ook ,
o Barney, intend hig to bring him
here on the tram but 11,e ne ; .roes
began to gather and he consider,!
it dangerous to remain there, so
he took lbs pf,sorter through the
eonnwy, intending f« take the
train at Morven,
On the way be deeded to go a-
found Morven and and take the
train at Kennedy, a flag station
ten miles north of here, On near¬
ing the place he saw a number of
people gathered there and 1 hi lik¬
ing they were after his prisoner,
he went around the station and
daitie to ft. Wood rack, a mile this
side. When the traiti Carnfe in
sight he flagged it and when it
Stepped he Started to get oii when
a cfowd of neufdes poured out of
the train, took the prisoner from
Bailiff Pace and without any at¬
tempt at. concealment shot him to
death aud almost to peiCes, When
they quietly dispersed.
They had takeit the train ftt
Barney, expectng that the
whuld board the trail! at some
point this side of Barney The
Lynching occurred after dark and
so far no Steps have been taken
to apphrehend the lynchers.
Brooks county has many colored
citizes of the better class and
that they should rise to defend
their homes goes to show this.
The Motbirs Favorite
Chaniberfaiu’s Cough Remedy is the mo¬
thers fhroritft. It is pleasant aud safe for
children to take aud alwavB cures. It is
intended especially for coughs, colds,
croup, and whooping cough, and is the
best medicine made for there diseases.
There is not the least danger in giving it
to children for it contains no opium or
other injuries drttg ftild may be given
as confidently to a bate && an hdult. For
sale by J. E. Peeples.
We will be glad to receive club*
bing subscriptions wtth th© Adel
News and The Constitution, and
if there are any who are now sub¬
scribers to this paper, who wish to
take the Constitution also, we
will be glad to receive subscrip¬
tions to the latter and forward
them, having authority from that
paper 10 do So. We will Send
both papers one year for 41.50,
Beat out of an Increase of his Peusion’
A Mexican war veterrn and prominent
editor writes: “Seeing the advertise¬
ment of CkattiberlaiaB Colic, Choiera and
Diarrhoea Rbdy I ft Hi reminded that as a
coldier 111 Meteitio lit’ 47 alid 48,16outre -
ed Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy
has kept nle froui getting an increase in
my peiisioli for on every renewal a dose
of it restores me.” It is Unequalled as a
quick cure for diarrhoea aiid is pleasant
to take. For eftle by J. E. Peeples.
Tlrn mortality among; ’ the feline
tribe , m . Adel . , . is . unusually . heavy ,
just now.
_ Feyfcin . ^ prr rations ^ often , fail ..
to relieve indigestion because,
they they can digest only album¬
inous foods. There 18 one preper-
fttiOft tqat that digests all classes of
food, and is Kodal Dyspepsia
Cure. It cures the worst cases of
indSgOstion and gives instant re¬
lief) for it ‘digest? what you eat.
J, E. FeepleS.
fhe schools Of the county will
begin to open next week.
This season there is a large death
death rate among children faom
Croup and lung troubles. Prompt
fiction will save the little ones
from these terrible diseases. We
know of nothing so certain to give
instant relief as One Minute
Gotigh Cure. It can also be relied
Upou in grippe and other throat
and lung troubles of adults. Plea¬
sant to take. J. E. Peeples.
The Hoers are ulUlSually active
jttst now.
k Ptwder MUi Jteplefion
everything Insight;
do drastic mineral pills, but
are mighty dangerous Dnnt
dynamite the delicate machinery
of yOUr body with calomel orcro-
ton oil or aloes pills. When Dr.
Kings New Life Pills, which are
gfentle as a Summer breeze, do the
Work perfectly, Cures Headache
Constipation. Only 25o at J, E.
Peeples’ drug store.
‘t. Mf3‘
K-Lilly, a prominent
* *“ ,de,fu ! {r0 >"
f/,"' 8 ’ f t .11® „
phoid fever, that ran into
M ° 1,Ja ‘ My 1«1183 became
e j ffae so weak j couM „ ot e .
»«n „ «t «p bed. , * Nothing T . i
ed me. I expected to soon die
consumption, when I heard of Dr
Kiug) . New Dftc One
tle saVe great , slie f. t continued
touaei , nd nDK ato * el , and
str0)1& i canH say t00 mnch in its
jse _„ Thig marvelous ,„ e ai-
cineis the 8Urest and quickeat
cure in the world for all Throat
and Lullg trouble. Segular sire
60 cent, and 1.00. Trial bottles
free ftt J. E. Peeples Drug Store;
every bottle guaranteed.
Thi§ year will be free from
coullty, State and national elec¬
tions and the political spell-bind¬
ers as well as the people, will
have a much needed rest.
the Best Prescription for Mklaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
aud quinine iu a tasteless form. No
Chre—PO pay. Price 50 cents.
Gasoline for sale at Peeples
Drug Store.
Buy a bottle of Fain-I-Cure
if it does not cure you get your
money back, 25c.
vS P Williams.
Pain-I-Cure is sold No Cube
so PAY.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
tails to cure, E> W, GroVe *3 signature
is on each bo*. 25c.
A full line of Table Silver-
ware at J. E. Peeple.s
Sick Headache is the bane of rilaiiy
lives. Dr- M. A. feiffimons Liver
Medicine cures and prevents this an¬
noying complaint. Sold by J. E.
All accounts due Peeplefe Bros,
orj. K. Peeples must be paid
by January 1st, 1901, or they
will be placed in the hands of
an attourney for collection.
J. E. Peeples
Stogi the Cough and Works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quiuine tablets cure
a cold in oue day. No cure no pay
25 cents a box.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat*
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon-
structlng the exhausted digestive or-
gans. It is the latest discovered digest-
hnt and tonic. NO Other preparation
^ n approach lfe in efficiency; It in-
Btan tly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia* Flatulence) Indigestion, Sour HeartbufBi NaUstiij
Headache, Gastralgift, Stomach, and
Sick ail Cramps
other results of imperfect digest ion.
Price50c. and ft, all Large s!*e dyspepsia contains mailed 2H times
Small size. Book about tree
Prepared by E. ^feWlTY «lCO„ Ct)lca0O
Pain--1-Cure cures any pain.
fTT-d m
r A «
B s
was way fast to premature declining graves. In health, Mrs. whet) Mitchell Wine 9
1 '
of Cardui performed a “wondefful curb*’
in her case. She pufcered with the ago-
nies ot falling- of thd Iv&mb, lencormoea
and profuse menstruation. The weekly
appearance of the roensesfor two months
sapped lcal her vitality Until she was a phys-
yiBTi "ISy*- Then Hev nervous the trial kystem Wine gave ■3
Cktdul and came of of
the tiufo. Mf». Mitchell’s
experience ought to comm eh d Wine of
Cardui to suffering women in word* bf
burning eloqueiite.
WINE»fC 4 fiMI
is within the reach of all. Women who
not take a Substitute it tendered you.
•Win* Mr*. WIllioftfitpBeil. Sooth 0»*tr>niN.C.:
of Cardui and ThedfortTS Black.
i>raugbt have performed a hilrnculohS cdfe
in my case. I had bfeen a great sufferer
with ftllhrg of the womb and lenctuVhiea,
and tnr mensei came every wbek for t*o
months nnd were very painful. My hns-
bund induced me to try Wine of Cardui
and rhma Bl ick-In-aiight. and now the leucdf-
has disappeared, and 1 aih restored to svy
perfect health.”
Irt wise* fhahirlhg sfteriid
Monthly StfSsigii Jftii. J.lfk-i.
By Invitation th. tOdncil met
?, ga '" m Co! ‘ a A
Present Mayo* Parish; Cotin-
oilman Clemente. Wilkes Pati*h
and W(>edald . Absent Colmcil .
man Julian, T ,
Minutes of tne last regular
meeting were read Mid approved,
The following lice,, es were
granted ' for one year,
A. Green, dray license.
O. L. Folsom ,,
Shaw & Clements, livery ■> i
J. B . Hewitt, pool table „
On motion, duly carried the li¬
cense tax on billiard and pool ta¬
bles was allowed to stand at $10
per annum.
Reports of Committees.
Finance committee—no reubrt.
Sanitary committee—no report
Ordinance committee-no report-.
Street committee—some work
being done, largely on the west-
side of the railroad. A good deal
of street tax due not collected.
Marshal Shaw was instructed to
push these collections at once.
City property-—Contract made
with McConnell and Green <fc Mor¬
rison for rent of market stalls at
$H.OO per month, payable in ad¬
vance- Committee instructed to
have needed repairs made on mar¬
ket building, A fsport was also
made that the use mid control of
the Institute building had been
tendered a duly elected Board of
School Trustees.
The body entered info ft full
discussion of the School question
and on motion, duly seconded the
council voted to appropriate4100,
or so much thereof as might be
needed for School purposes, to be
paid out upon the reccomenda-
tion of chairman Woodard,
city property committee,
fourth of any of this amount ex-
pended to be applied for the
efit of the colored School,
the proper preliminary steps
ing taken by the trustees of
The question of opening up a
street in southwest Adel was dis=
cussed and referred to the street
committee for action.
The following accounts were
approved for payment:
Parish Bros, chapter expenses $1.35
Adel News, sundries l.Go
It. A. Knight lumber, * 23,45
M. M, Nagle, copying charter, 8.oo
J. M. Shaw, salary, etc. 25.1o
T. L. Daughjry, police serv. (Loo
J. P. Henderson, sundries, 3.C3
J. E. Wilkrs, election, l.oo
A. A. Webb st. work, 3.oo
Treasurer’s statement.
General Fund.
To bal. Dec. 5. $19.3o
,, market rent Nov. 6.oo
„ license takes, 2o.oo
m fines, 7o.oo
„ Adv. taxes §14.79
Total. $64o.o!)
By pd ap. adfcts lC§.2o
Eal. $474.89
Street Tax Fund
To balance Uu hand Dec. 3. * $ 1.00
>, st, tax collected’ byC. M. 3].§o
By paid app. aCCte, 15,oil
j ou $17.45
Meeting adjourned in order.
A. A. Parish* Mayor
A. A. Webb, Clerk & Treasurer.
Thfice-A- Week Edition'
AdfftoSt a Daily at the
Price of a Weekly
The presidential campaign is
over but the world goes on just
the same and it is full of news.
To learn this news, just as it is
promptly and impartially—all
that you have to do is to look in
the columns of the Thrice-a
Week Edition of the New York
World-which conies to the sub¬
scriber 15G times a year.
The Thrice-m- Week World’s
diligence as a publisher of first,
news has given it circulation
wherever the English language
is epoken-and yon want it.
The Thfiee-^a-Week World’s
regular subscription price is on¬
ly $ 1.00 pei* year. We offer this
unequaled newspaper and the
Adel News together Olie year
for $1.60.
The regular subscription price
of the two papers is $ 2,00
mm d!k m
mmnmm I mmm
uw» km r«* 4* tm/ap
llCu yon takte Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the fortfvftia is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is Iron atul Quinine in a tasteless form.
No Cfcre, no pay. 50c.
Dr. J. 0. Collar,
Office: Miley Building.
Crown aud Bridge Work a Specialty
Special attention given to chit
•tren's teeth entrusted^) nig cclre.
Sparks, Georgia
J. Z. Jackson,
Lawyer, Adel, Georgia,
Office iu Julian Building.
General Practitioner in State
and United States Courts.
L. E. Las tinger f
Attorney-at— Law,
Commercial House.
Adel, Ba.
Chas. A. DeVout,
and counselor at law.
Will practice in all the courts,
State and Federal.
OFFICE in Julian Building.
Adeh Ga,
R, C. Woodard, M. D,
OffICS: Cp Stairs, Front Room,
Julian Building.
Residence : Maiiie Jones House, South
End of Town.
all calls promptly Answered.
Adel, Ga.
Dr. E. F> Bourquin,
Chronic Diseases A Specialty.
Office HourS: 10a. m. to ft p. m.
Adel, Ga.
Shaw & Clements,
Livery Stables,
Nice Turnouts, Polite Drivers.
Adel, Ga.
James M. Sutton,
Notary Public,
Will be found at post office
where lie will furnish all kind
of Legal Blanks on short- no¬
tice. Deeds, Bonds, Etc,,
Signed officially.
Adel, Ga.
I have a nicely furnished
Old JltUik Blbbling.
The UD~T0~Dajte Druggist-
Adel, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Georgia. ‘
Bd veAks*
Traoc Marks
V OfePYRlGHTS Designs
Ad a, 4c.
^^Ur|OToS^ST^«dbbokoa“5^1: tv r fr«er£eth n er n *n
Fatqnts.taken t^roueh°Munn r
^ VVIvllllBIV * C JWimCaiL TT»*>“-^1 j.
Braneh Office, & 36,Br F Bt* °* Washington, dw »’ New York
•‘We may live without jk*etry, mtfstc rikI nr**
We may live without etftiscieticp 5 mid live whiv. .*
We may live without friend#, we frrny Jive withouUH
But civilized man cannot live without cooks■ #Pfi
What To Cook Is The Next Otiesv
C, E, Webb’s Grocery Store
Will help you to solve the problem. My stock V
GROCERIES is up-to-date and the eating pub) iP
have a special invitation to call on me daring the
/ have Toys for the Boys and Dolls for the Girls and a lot things
that will please grown-up people.
A fine assortment of Fireworks.
A superior line of Fancy and Stick Candies.
A great variety of Fruits and Nuts.
And countless other things that you will need to render hap.
pines#complete during the festive holidays.
1 have moved Into the new brick store, next door to where 1
was formally located, where 1 have more commodious quarters,
and am better prepared than ever to serve you.
I will have an extra force of
clerks during the holidays and
will sell you goods at astonish¬
ingly low prices.
ifar Don’t fail to call and see me.
C. E. Webb.
To Horse Owners and StockDealers
If you own mules or horses you should by all meaus keep at ready
command J
^ulker’s Dead Shot Colic Cure
for Mules and Horses
It is guaranteed to relieve anv case of Colic in mules or hordes in ten
minutes. It is the WORLD’S GREAT SPECIFIC for COLIC. It can be
administered by any one who has intelligence enough to drench tt horse.
It is liianufactured purely from the extract of roots and the distillation
of herbs, aud is therfore HARMLESS. It is also a valuable LINIMENT.
bought QUICKER THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY, or the oue from whom you
it is authorized by us to refund your money. If your
medicine dealer does not keep it, ask him to order it for yon; or upon re*
oeipt of price $1.00 per bottle, we will send it to yon by express, prepaid to
your express office.
-Manufactured by
The ^yMker q w>>
Sttvanah Gu
For sale by S. P. Williams ; 6M|n
Fill -1 C 91 I
A Wonderful household medicine
Cures Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Neivous or Spasmodic Paius, Toothache
Headache, Bachaelie, Bruises, Sprains, Lameness, Cramp Colic, Diarrheoa
Dysentery, Throat, Stings of Insects, Swellings aud ail Kinds, Stiff Neck, Sorenos
Sore Sick Stomach or Sea-Sickness In cases of Bad Coughs, Cold
or Pneumonia, it affords
Manufactured by
For Savannah, Ga.
sale bv S. P. Williams, Adel, Ga.
Georgia Southern & Florida Rv Co
OCTOBER 1 ) 1900. Subject to Change Without Notice.
5 1 'STATIONS. 2 4 C
Shod Dixie Quick Quick (Dixie Shoo
Fly. Flyer Step Step, j Fi ver. Fly.
ii s _
m a hi'Lvmacou Depot Ar’ 4 15 pm 4 10a m ^ m
I 12 12 55 17 pmj;.........Kathleen.......... j..........Unadilla.......... 3 23 „ !.................. O »»
i20„ ,, :............Vienna............ 2 48 „ 2 52 „ tc
i 1 40 jAr......Cordele......Lv 2 25 „ ’ 2 31 „ Ol *•
,, iLv......Cordele......Ar 2 08 i 2 15 „ OD ft
2 it ,, 2 08 „ 2 15 „ oc ft
ti ...........Wenona..,........ 1 58 „ 2 05 , *1
it : h ............-lArabi....,-......... j 1 50 „ ......... r»
L .........I,. D&kOta .Sibley 1 44 „ .......=, --I
a ms ■■ : 1 ! . ...... Worth... l *0 „ L,........... j...... •*$
2 a liutlliu,. 1 86
2 : Ashburn........... 30 „ i
>> mi....-.i 1 „ l 35 r
3 s;si Ar..,. -1. ,. Sycamore,„... 1 2S „ ............... i »»
3 ...Tifton-.,i„._Ar Tifton;...:...Lv 12 55 „ ! 1 00 ff
a Lv.,.,, 12 35 12 55
.Lenox,...;......,, 12 14 „ tt
ii .mi, tt
W it Sparks 12 08 „ 12 .............
W >> ii.-iii-i;.: Adel.............. ..i-...„..„ pm 22 „ 99
** . 11 57 am 12 17 „
M .....Heartpine.......... 11 51 12 11
4*,iii.Hahtrai.n........ !i.„,ii=,.i...CedL.,„i........ 11 45 „ , 12 06 a „ m it »»
£ tt 11 38 „ ............... ft
o,&S2SS&32$2S;.£S:§§i: ........Mineola.m...... , 11 27 „ .............. »i
m Ar...m Valdosta. Lv 11 10 11 35 pm
Lv Valdosta .Ar 10 „
Dasher 11 „ 111 35 pm
” tt 99 tt I 16 *9 „ a 99 it tt U it tt ..........Gran ......Sampsoh .........Hampton. ........Flora Ar Lv. ....... in...... .iu,..Sim .......Lake .White LakeBhtier,:,..... Lake Lake Jennings Jasper Springs., home...,,.. Bark......... City.,..Lv din.......... City,...Ar City.,, ............ „..... 55flJ«»K»KlQ0(|r«D©OOOO $» 99 tt 99 99 ii tt 19 tt II I J^OOCO 00 N ■■SO N 1135 99 99 ») 9) M it M it it m
Jacksonville Florida
4 45 a m 5 05 p m Lv..... ..Valdosta... 00 a m il 30 p in
8 00 a m 8 45 j? m j Ar..... Jacksonville. LV LT15am 8 00 pm
Lv Macon 1155 pm 1 / 20 am 1 j Lv Gainesville 7 60 pm 645a Hi
’’sampson city 8 00 am 8 35 p m • Gainesville Fla. Arsata’sofcGty 7 65 ’* 740anl
Ar Gainesville 8 55 ” 9 30 p m ' Ar Macon 4 10 a In 4 tS p ttt
Trains No. 3 and 4, the ‘‘Dixie F !yer” have through Bleeper between St. Ltifi*
is, Mo., and JacksonviUe, Fla., via Valdosta, and.through Phflor Sleeping Car
find Goftbh betweert Macoli and Palatka, open for the reCepHotl of passengers i*t
Unio.i Depot, Macon, at 9.30 P. M., and remains In MfiCotl tjiiioli Depot oil rtw
turn uutil 7.30 A. M. and. can be occupied tmtil that time.
vice-Prce, Macon, Ga. G«n’l Pass. Ag !|