Newspaper Page Text
Much Has Been Done, Yet Fountain
of Youth, Long Sought for, Is
We are fortunate in that we live
in an age when the incurable is be
ing made curable and the fatal made
harmless, the Philadelphia Press ob
serves. Diseases that by our fore
fathers would have been held infal
lible tickets for the long journey are
now invested with no such terrors.
We prevent yellow fever and mala
ria by exterminating two 'kinds of
mosquitoes. We vaccinate for small
poi, long a terror to the nations, and
see the death rate fall steadily. Ap
pendicitis we operate for with calm
assurance of recovery. Tumors are
excised, and radium cures cancer.
The wonders of surgery follow one
another fast. Nowadays a surgeon
will carve you a patient at any point
of anatomy, take out a vital organ,
look at it, clean it, and put it back,
ticking away as merrily as ever. The
last wonder is of course that per
formed before the biologists here
when every drop of blood was taken
from a living body and purified,
while the veins were filled with a
salt solution, and then returned,
clarified. This was “tried on the
dog;” doubtless it will soon be on
humans. But the world still waits
for something even indefatigable
science has not solved. Todav, as of
old, the fountain of youth is eagerly
sought. Not a year has been added
to the span of human life. With the
aid of surgery and medicine we may
live out the allotted time, yet no way
has been devised of adding anything
to that mortal span.
Popularity—The afterbirth of a plat*
tude —Smart Set.
Banks County Bank
Pays Interest on Time Deposits
Extends to its depositing and bor
rowing customers all the banking ac
commodations and facilities that
any well regulated banking institu
tion affords.
Call upon us when you need to
borrow and remember us w T hen you
have surplus money.
Banks County Bank
L. N. TURK, Pres. R. T. THOMPSON, V. P.
O. WALTON, Cashier.
Acknowledge receipt of all deposits sent by mail, piomptly
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and 'lime Deposits
Have You Poultry Troubles ?
*, rii^isF
Thousands of poultry raisers who use it j an year j sa splendid cure for liver
round to keep their flocks in good health, h.ghly trouble, rouped chicken
recommend with the feed, in small
__ doses, it also make* an
£}CC l/CC MEDICINE Purcell. Okla.
It’s a Liver Medicine. 25c, soc and sl. per can.
Also a Tonic. At your dealer’s. p p
Our Evidence
There is a principle in law, that a man is innocent until he is
Droven Guilty. . , ,
There is a principle in business that a sales claim is false or ex
aggeiated until it is proven conservative and true.
In either event, it is difficult to prove the case.
The guilt or innocence of a man is proven by the testimony of
creditable witnesses.
The same is true of OUR Business,
The merits of our business is proven by Creditable Witnesses.
Our complete stock of Drugs, Toilet Articles, Prints, Rubber
Goods, and Sundries are sufficient evidence.
“Phone 18 and be convinced’
eabtmah kodaks devoei>aixt3
W. WALLACE WHETSELL, Licensed Pharmacist, Mgr.
“Postage Paid on Parcel Post Packages.”
Thos. W. HardwicK To
Fill Engagement Here
Thos. W. Hardwick, candidate
tor United States Senator, will ad
dress the voters of Banks county
at Homer on Saturday afternoon
of this week at 2:30 p. m.
Mr. Hardwick is a strnp speaker
offline. He discusses issues in a
forceful and unreserved manner.
His politicol addresses arc note for
their snap and ginger and wherever
engagements are filled,a large crowd
greets him.
Splendid values in
the latest style in
Ladies, Skirts, Mid
dies, Aprons and
Miss Julia Littlefield
Cornelia. Ga
Oabe—You can always toll a self
made man before he opens his
Steve—How ?
(iabe—Bv the size of his head.
“I understand that actor, who ap
pears so reserved, is never observed
to be familiar with anybody.”
“That’s so —not even with hi#
+ —
Idleness Again in Good Odor.
It Is now declared Ihat the idle ar
not necessarily lazy, and that hustling
conversation does not necessarily
prove one Is making good among the
busy bees.
Maysvilie Locals
(From Our Regular Correspondent.,)
Mr. Matter Williams, the pop
ular nssi.-dant cashier of the Bank
of Maysvilie, spent Sunday with
hi-; pait'nts at Commerce.
Mrs. I’M S. Comer is visiting rel
atives in (iaincsvillc this week.
Miss Lillie O'Kelly, one of
Grove Level's most beautiful young
la iies. is spending the week here
as the guest of. Miss LI lie Co\ and
Mrs. W. Hill.
Mrs. Rucker Mason and chil
dren, of Commerce, are spending
some time here with relatives
Mr. .lames N eargin, of Deland,
Fla., was the guest of his brother,
31r. W. M. Yeargin and family
hist w eek.
M iss Mamie Barber spent the
week end with friends at Com
We are glad to know 31 rs. Ben
Wood, w ho has been quite sick for
a few days is very much better.
Miss Grace Samlets has returned
from a two weeks v isit to her am.t,
Mrs. 31 L. Dunson near Com
l>r. L. G. Sharp and daughter,
31iss Kathleen, of Commerce, were
guests of Dr. and 31rs. NV. G.
Sharp Sunday afternoon.
MissJantiic Jones, of Gaines
ville, is being delightfully enter
tained as the guest of .Miss Lillian
Little Miss Jeanette Meadors is
spending the week with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mead
era, at Gillsvilie.
Mrs. Claude Wood and Miss
Nettie llenton, of Commerce, spent
a short while Sunday afternoon in
our little town.
Miss Sarah Moore is home from
Milledgeville where she was a
teacher at G. N. I. College this
year. Miss Fannie Lowe, of Carl,
is the admired guest of her sister
Mrs. E. I*. Garrison.
Mr. T. A. Henry and charming
daughter, .Miss Claudiiic, left Sat
urday for Koine, Ga. where they
go to lea and the music at a revival
meeting being conducted by I>. G.
Smith, State Evangelist.
Mr. \V. P. Oooley and family
and Paul Hancock were visitors
near Clermont Sunday.
Mr. Enoch Anderson, of Com
merce, was with relatives here
liev. MePhail, of Athens,
preached an interesting sermon at
the Presybterian church Sunday
a in. Itev. MePhail and C. W.
McCurdy attended the burial of
Mis. Mattie Eva s, at. Comer Mon
iin Thursday afternoon of last
week the members of the matrons
club gave a pic lie supper at Ba
con’s pasture in honor of Mas.
Walter C. Lockhart who mo\</d
from fi -re to Atlanta Mon lay.
Mr. A. G. Boyd, of Gainesville,
spent Monday night here as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Jack
Miss Claude Reynolds, one of
Gainesville’s most popular sales
ladies, is taking a vacation with
relatives here.
Thirza David Chapter U. D. C.
met at the lovely home of Miss
Sallie Miller on Friday afterin on.
After the business part of the
meeting a pleasant social half hour
was spent, and delightful refresh
ments served.
Mrs, 8. R. Phillips, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Williams, returned to
her home in Atlanta Monday.
Mr. Roger Meeks has goue to
Bremen, Ga. where he has accepted
a splendid position. Several of
our charming young ladies are
hoping he will soon become dis
satisfied and return.
Mr. Lester Meeks spent Sunday
in Homer.
Moran indifference.
It ignorance and passion are the
foes of popular morality, it must be
confessed that moral indifference la
the malady of the cultivated classes.
The modem sepal ation of enlighb
tnment and virtue, of thought and
conscience, of the intellectual aris
tocracy from the honesl and vulgar
crowd, is the greatest danger that can
threaten liberty. -- Henri Fruderlo
Wheelers School Houoe
We have been blessed with a
good rain which was badly needed.
A nice crowd gathered at the
home of 3lr. and Mrs. J. H. Young
blood Saturday night and feasted
on all the ice cream they could
cat, played the organ and grapho
phone and enjoyed the evening
line. Some went back on Sunday
.nd had more cream.
Messrs. Willard Prickett and
Otis Patterson passed thru town
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chandler
from near Ridgeway, spent Sunday
with Mr. and 3lrs. James D.
W heeler.
Hurrah for the Lula lady. Her
letter is to the spot. We sa vv a
leopard cap and cigarette smoker
Mr. Hubert Gober and a friend
passed through town Sunday, stop
umMßsmmammmmmKm ■■■
When you buy Shoes here you are sure of
the service you will receive because we guarantee abso
lute satisiaction in the wear.
You are assured the newest styles in the
most fashionable leather and whether you want button
or lace you may be sure that you will find yonr size.
Yon will find just the Shoe you want
here at just the price yon want to pay. A splendid as
sortment of sizes and styles in a wide range of prices.
There is a combination of good sound reasons why it
will be to your best interests to come to this store and
inspect our offerings before yon make any purchases of
things to wear.
Style, Quality, Beauty and Value are all in evidence
throughout our stock now more than ever before.
No matter what you want in the Dry Goods Line we can
predict that you will find just what you want here, and
our prices will surprise you this season, they are so low.
Make up your mind right now that you are going into
BLACKWELL BROS. STORE the very first time you
are in Maysvilie and see the new goods and learn of the
valuable advantages offered you here.
Put Your Eyes at Rest
means “hidden eye.” \
The “near” lens is
actually hidden ift the “dis
tance” lens, making a solid
piece of glass.
No “lines;” no cement —•
| and perfect sight with the
discomfort and unsightliness
left out
If your eyes are eriving you trouble don’t take any
chances, see an expert who knows how to relieve all the
strain. I fit all eyes correctly, relieving headaches and
ali otner trouble caused from refractive errors. My new
office next to Mrs. Sailors store is cool and clean.
J. P. PARKS, Optometrist.
next time Ilube, there are a few
girls in town.
Roy Jones spent Saturday night
among old friends here.
We need a dentist in our town
as toothache is all the complaint.
J. ('. Wheeler lias resigned and no
one will take his place.
Prank Whisnaught was back
down hero Sunday. There is sure
ly a widow or an old maid in
31iss Lillian Dill spent Saturday
with Mrs. J. C. Mooney.
Among the finest oats in this
section T. W. Wheeler and Joe
Miller raised them, so says Tom,
Imt his brother had some very line
3ir. Dock Carr made a short
cull on J. C. Wheeler Saturday.
You said in your paper recently
not to write who attended church,
well we wont, but Tom Wheeler
and family went to Harmony Sun
Ed Reynolds and family spent
Saturday night with J. M. Rey
Once there was a man and he
was not any fool but he got his
buggy wheel broke by trying to
hold and whip a mule.
1 can’t decide which is the sor
riest lioy the one guilty of smoking
cigarettes, drinking liquor, totting
a little 32 Iver Johnson or using
profane language. 1 believe if you
are guilty of one you might as well
do all. Perhaps those habits was
the cause of the hobble and split
skirts. In a certain town a young
man insulten a young lady, she
had him arrested and at the trial
the young fellow was asked why
he had the talk, and his reply was,
after being told she was a nice
gii-1, that he didn’t know, as she
had on a hobble. Don’t you sei
vvliat the ideas are.