Newspaper Page Text
) he Functions Of This Bank
'• tv !u. a I and comprehensive.
Il leeeives deposits subject to check, pays interest on savings ac
I’mints tud certificates of deposit, sells exchange on all parts of the
woili makes collections in any part of the (oudry, loans moi .< y on
f security.
i lioness and peesonul checking accounts aic invited.
'• savings account answers both purpose
I is a reserve lor times of hardship, weakness, and want,
I I is a capital for use when a business proposition oilers.
Baldwin State Bank
We Are Prepared
To Serve
The Bank ofMaysville is equip*
ned in every way for up to date Bank
ing. Our depositors are protected by
an Insnrence Fund amounting Three
Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol
We mail a statement monthly to
all denositors so that they may know
iust how they stand.
All business of our customers is
treatod confidentially.
Wo have money at all times to
lend to our depositors.
We Solicit Your Business
.1. A. sahkak, President, 11. P. CAMP, V. I’.
M <\ -andkim, Cashier, I>R. U. C. Jackson, V.P
Maysvilie. Ca.
du Need a Tonic
re arc times in every woman’s life when she
■ i-' i tonic to help her over the hard places.
A lat time comes to you, you know what tonic
-Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com
. f purely vegetable ingredients, which act
et surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
s build them back to strength and health,
enefited thousands and thousands of weak,
omen in its past half century of wonderful
. and it will do the same for you.
i can’t make a mistake in taking
The Woman’s Tonic
s Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark.,
I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth,
nen. Before 1 began to take Cardui, I was
■k and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
ud a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
g as 1 ever did, and can eat most anything.”
king Cardui today. Sold by all dealers.
s Helped Thousands. ,
TT' .
l liink of the Company be
hind the car—and you'll
realize why Fords and Gov
ernment bends are bought
with equal assurance.
Strongest financially—
world-wide in scox>e —larg-
est in volume ot output.
We build our refutation in
io the car. Better a
Five hundred dollars is the pi ice of the
Krd runabout; the touring car is five fifty;
the town car seven fifty—f. o. b. Detroit,
ei mplete w ith equipment. Get catalog
mii.l particulars from Eoyston Hdw. Cos.,
LVvslon Ga.. —or AY. M. Thomas Com
un ice R. 50.
IAMHS CtfGtmr IOOKNAL. MOfthk.uA.,
The Methodist Minis
ters and Tobacco
Religious enthusiasm, goodness
and virtue may over reach the
mark, set a higher standard than
present conditions oi society justi
fy and utterly fail for no other
The Methodist General Con
ference has put the ban on to
bacco and now every man aspiring
to the ministry must refrain from
the use ol the weed.
When the pale face discovered
the red man smoking the weed, he
eagerly and promptly took up the
habit, although it was not essential
to his health or happiness, as had
been proven by the centuries up
to the discovery of America, and,
no doubt the world would be bet
ter off without tobacco, but aside
from the harm that comes lrom the
deadly cigarette there can be no
special injury or sin connected with
its use. ft is merely a heavy tax.
it is purely a luxury not a neces
The editor of The Empire State
does not use the tilthy weed in any
form. We detest the cigarette and
deplore the use of tobacco, but we
aie afraid of intolerance —we know
some very line Methodist ministers I
who smoke cigars.
The Methodist conference was
legislating for its own members and
entitled to a large freedom of ae
tion ou the point of their own re
strictions. —The Empire State.
In Memory of
Miss Ethel Cantrell
God in his wisdom docs main
things we don’t understand. He
enters the home and plucks from
the vases the choicest flowers and
selects for himself the brightest
.uid best.. So it seems in this ease.
Miss Ethel Cantrell, who was just
entering women hood and bid fair
to make a useful woman was t;i
ken away by the dreadful monster,
death, in spite of all a loving fath
er and mother and family
could do with the assistance of
tv.oid' the liest physicians that
could la" had, lb. C. A\ . Wilson
and Dr. Lockhart, the hand of
the grim monster could not tie
stayed. She seemed from the first
of lu i illness to realize that she
wool ! not recover from the mens
els. but while she suffered and was
scotched with fever, she never
com pi lim'd She never fal
tend or complained but was
alwas s i *ady to bear lur part and
In Ip io lighten the burdens of
some oe.e else.
As ,s child she was kind and
lovin ; to fattier and mother, as a
sisti i and as a friend she wore a
a biigtit smite and enjoyed making
thorn with i horn she came in con
tart I appy:
Tis sa 1 to part with those we love,
Yet (Ltd calls her away.
Hut in the home of bliss above;
We hope to meet some day:
Oh, deal fiieuds lets always be
To otters kind and true;
fill we shad meet beyond life sea,
and ill then, a lieu, adieu.
E. (>. I*.
by local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portion of
the ear. There is only one way to
cure deafness, and that is by con
sliiulional remedies Deafness is
erased by on intiamed condition ot
the mucous lining of the Eustachian
Tu e. W hen this tube is it.darned
you hrve a nun ding sound or im
perfect heating, and when it is
entirely closed. Deafness is* the
result and unless the inthumnr.tiou
can be luk n out and this tube re
stoml to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever:
nine cases out of ton are caused by
Catarrh which is nothing but an
inflamed condition ot the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dol
lars for any case of Deafness (caused
by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O. v
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Chigger Ridge
Mr. Robert Boling and family
spent Sunday with Mr. Mason
Miss Vera ( Tx hraii accompanied
by Mr. Arthur Bell attended
preaching at Prospect Sunday .
Messrs. Lonnie < 'offee and Jim
Westbrooks passed thru our burg
Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller spent
Sunday with the former’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Miller.
Miss Vancie Cochran dined with
the Misses Kesier Sunday.
Mr. Wiiinot Wylie was seen go
ing south Sunday wonder where he
was going.
We are glad to say Mr. Mack
Murray is again candidate for mat
rimony. Some girls and women
are almost crazy about voting.
Now is your time to vote.
Mr. Grady Hopper dined with
Mr. Howell Kesier recently.
Mr. Charlie Miller and family
spent Sunday with Mr. Richard
East Indian Thinker Ranks Its Pos
sessor Among the Earth's
Mania never literal in the expres- j
lion of his ideas, except in matters
most trivial. Very often man’s
words are not a language at all, but
merely a vocal gesture of the dumb.
They may indicate, but do not ex
press his thoughts. The more vital
liis thoughts the more have his words
to be explained by the context of his
life. Those who seek to know his
meaning by the aid of the dictionary
only technically reach the house for
they are stopped, by the outside wall
and find no entrance to the halL
This is the reason why the teachings
of our greatest prophets give rise to
endless disputations when we try to
understand them by following their
words and not by realizing them in
our own lives. The men who are
enrsed with the gift of the literal
mind are the unfortunate ones who
are always busy with their nets and
neglect the fishing. From “Sadha
no- The Realization of Life,” by
Rabindranath Tagore.
“Some policemen’s idea of their
duty is very weird,” said a New York
nutoinobilist the other day, “and to
prove it all I have to do is to reeito
an incident that happened to me last
“I was down at Far Bockawav
with my machine and wanted to get
to Belle Harbor, but 1 didn’t know
the road. I saw a policeman in uni
form and pulled up beside him.
“‘Will you please direct me how
to get the Belle Harbor?’ I said.
“ ‘No, because I’m off duty. You’ll
have to ask the man on post,’ was the
surprising answer.”
Many Such.
In addition to his enemies and his
friends, the v. s,- man has a list that
he lab. is nu call/: "Impossible to
(a £3 cents
That’s all it costs you
per day to buy a high
grade South Bend
Watch on our club
Rock Bottom Prices
You huv the watch at
the lowest cash price at
which it can he sold.
Our club plan makes
this possible.
Wear the Watch
while you pay
You get the watch upon
making your tirst pay
This offer is for a few
days only—
Take advantage of this
opportunity let us
give you the full par
ticulars in regard to
this remarkable offer.
H. W Meaders
Maysville, Ga.
It is useless for you to go to a
city, pay your expenses, and a
higher price, when you can pur
chase what you want in the follow
ing line right here in Maysvilie.
FrirbanKs-Morse Engines
! Use Either Gasolene or lven sine
Electric Light Plants
; For Town or residences —any ra
Water Systems of All kinds
Resevoiis of any capacity
Cypress and Metal Tanks
Feed and Grinding Mills
Wood saws or any machinery that
would be needed to use with
an engine.
Maysvilie Oarage
300 acres Unimproved Timber
Land at £3 per acre, located in
Habersham, Stephens and Banks
counties. Also fodder, corn, cows,
hogs, etc.
T. 3. WALLS,
2 t Baldwin, Ga.
t < 'Mmehi'K, - - . Georgia.
! >ffers bis professional services to
the people of Commerce and sur
rounding territory. Work done
lay or night.
’Phone 12b.
Automobile Trips to
and From Lula
Leave Lula 7:30 a. m.
Ar. Homer 8:30
Leave Homer 11a. m.
Ar. Lula 12: in.
*•♦•* -
L )g:tl p dvertisemeiiU
From this date all legal ads
must 1h“ paid for in advance.
This means one and all, wheth
er you are worth a million dol
lars or live cents. If the ad
appears in one issue,and is not
paid for before the next issue,
it will be removed.
G eorgi a 1 tanks County.
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. J. B. Hill having applied
to me for permanent let
ters ou the estate of J B. Hiil,
late of said county, deceased,
this is to cite all and sin
gular the creditors and next of kin \
of J. B. Hill to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed
try law and show cause, if any they
have, why permanent administra
tion should not te granted to Mrs.
J. B. Hill on J. B. Hill's estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature. This 26 day of May, !
T. F. Hill,
Georgia—Hanks county.
To all whom it may concern;
J. M. Nunn, of said state, having
applied to me lor letters of ad
I ministration de bonis non on the
! estate of W. Z. Vaughn, of said
county, this is to cite alt and sin
jgular the heirs and creditors of
the said W. Z. Vaughn, to be and
appear at the J uly term, 1914, of
Hanks County Court of Ordinary,
and show cause, if any they can,
why letters of administration de
bonis nou, should not lie granted
on the estate of AY. Z. A'aughn, de
AYitiiess my official signature,
This June Ist, 1914.
T. F. Hill,
Georgia —Banks County
To all whom it may concern:
J. M. Nunn, of said state, hav
ing applied to me for letters of ad
ministration de bonis non on the
estate of Miss Louisa S. A'aughn,
late of said County, this is to cite
all and singular the heirs and
creditors of the said Miss Louisa
S. A'aughn, to be and appear at
the July term, 1914, of Banks
County Court of Ordinary, and
show cause if any they can, why
letters of admin: tration should;
not be granted on tie estate of Miss |
Louisa S. A'aughn, deceased.
AVitness my official signature,
this June Ist, 1914.
T. F. Hill,
LooK! Read!
$1.50 buys the best
CHINE on earth.
Will wash full tub of
clothes in 8 minutes.
A Two cent stamp will
place one in any home
on ten day’s free trial.
Write to-day. Van’s
Distributing Agency,
Lula, Ga.
Dr. I). M. Snelson, of Toeooa,
will be at Baldwin the first week
of each month prepared todo den
tal work in all its branches —office
over the Bank.
For The Legislature
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate for re-election to the
lower house of the Georgia Legisla
ture subject to the Democratic pri
mary, the date to be named later.
If elected, it will lie my one pur
pose to serve all my people to the
best of my ability.
Tom E. Anderson.
For State Treasurer.
To the People of Georgia:
I am a candidate to succeed
myself as Treasurer, subject to the
action of the Democratic primary.
My candidacy is based strictly
upon my record and experience
in this office, which are well known
to the people of Georgia, and
which I trust has been satisfactory
If, in your opinion, the manage
ment of the State’s finances uuder
my administration for the past
several years has been faithful and
efficient, I would grateful ap
preciate your endorsement at the
polls in the coming primary.
Thanking you for the support
and confidence extended me here
toforc, I earnestly solicit your fur
ther kind consideration of my can
didacy m the present campaign.
W. I. Speer.
Tobacco Salesmen wanted.
Earn #IOO monthly. Expenses.
Experience unnecessary. Adver
tise and take orders from mer
chants for Siuokiug and Chewing
I tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars, etc.
Send a 2c stamp tor full par
Hemet Tobacco Cos.
New York, N. Y.
Stop In Atlanta
At Hotel Empire
Opposite luion Depot on Pryor
St. Renovated and refurnished
throughout. Reservations made
on application. Hot and cold
water,private baths, electric lights
and elevator.
First class accommodations at
extremely moderate rates. Euro
pean plan 75 cents up.
JohnL. Edmondson,
Empire Laundry.
We are agents for the Empire
Laundry of Athens. Our basket
leaves every week. Leave your
laundry at our store.
Sheriff Safe.
Office at Residence
Five Miles North-east of Homer.
Calls Answered Promptly.
Telephone Connection.
Homer, Ga.
Will answer calls Day or Xight.
Residence call at Hill Hotel.
Office Fast side Public Square.
flotner, Ga.
Office in Court House
J. S. Chambers, m. and.
Office in oed Postoffice Build