Newspaper Page Text
üblUhed Every Friday By
|-iurnal Publishing Cos.
Second Clou matter April 10.
i > .) th* foiloflko at Homer, Ga.. under
, r ft el Control! of March 3, 1*79
>l' ... Iption SI.OO a Year in Advance
A Sensible View
To TaKe of it
Mr. Pitts, of Tallulah Falls,
called in Wednesday and after
paying up and renewing bin
Subscription to the Journal, said:
“You must live, and il you get all
that is due you there is only a liv
log in it.” lie spoke the truth.
How we wish that all our sub
scrilters who are in arrears would
send in a dollar each. Take a sen
sible view of it as our friend Pitts
Gone But Not Forgotten
On Sept. 20th the death angel
-came and carried back to the God
who gave it our dear Grandma
Maulding, aged hh years. She
was a kind and good woman and
loved by many. She leaves a host
of children and grandchildren who
will miss her here, but knowing
her life as we did, we can truth
fully say she is with God. She
died a happy, easy death. Grand
ma was a member of the Method -
Ist church and wanted the I Ith
chapter ol John read at her funer
al. Rev. Mr. Fakes of Commerce,
conducted the services, I'ho in
torment was at Wilson cemetery.
Mam ik.
A little girl’s lurr coat, color
black, on a road east or south east
of Homer, on October 20th. Find
or will please return to Sain I L.
Hagan, Homer, Uft. and get re
• ■ *
All Day Singing At Lula.
There will be an all day singing
at the baptist church in Lula on
Sunday, Oct. 25th. You and
your friends are cordially invited
to coate and spend the day with
us. A good time and good sing
ing promised.
by local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portion ol
the ear. There is only one way to
cure dealness, and that is by con
stitutional remedies. Deafness is
erased by on inflamed condition ot
the mucous lining of the Eustachian
Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or ini
perfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed. Deafness is the
result and unless the inflammation
can lx- taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever:
nine cases out of ten arc caused by
Catarrh w hich is nothing but an
inhumed condition ot the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dol
lars for any ease of Deafness (caused
by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
Addicss: F. and. I'MENE\ \ CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Fills for eon
Card of ThnnKs
Mr. and Mrs. 11. .1. MoKlroy,
Ixiuise, ami Howard MoKlroy,
wish to express to their friends
their sincere thanks for assistance,
kind words of condolence, and
lloral offerings, during the illness
and death of their'son. and brother.
May heaven's richest blessings
be> theirs.
Offers his professional services to I
the people of Commerce and sur
rounding territory. Work done
liay or night.
Thoue 12(>.
And now they say: “Buy a
Iwrrels of apples.”
Mr. Milton Wilbanks spent a
few hours with friends in Homer
Two of Mr. S. S. Chambers lit
tie children have been very ill the
past week.
The lumber for building the
Quillian bridge is now on the
ground and Mr. Will Thomas will
begin the work of erecting it at
once, it is to be finished by Dec.
Col. (Jordan Logan went down to
Atlanta Monday and secured the
charter for the new railroad.
The boys are thinning out the
’possums around town, (late
Mason seems to have the best dog
niong the bunch. He caught six
last .Saturday night, one weighing
about ten pounds.
A negro fed Dr. J. H. Chambers
horse a ipianity of sprouted oats
1 ist Tuesday and he came near pass
ing over the river.
Mr. Harve Andersou lias one
i eye covered up with a cloth.
Neuralgia is working on him.
The examination for rural car
riers will be held in Homer Sat
urday, Oct. 24 th. This is a choice
job and many have made appli
cation. Narrow is the way and
few there lie that enter.
Visit the Four County Fair next
Wednesday, Banks County Day.
This will be the Pig day.
We have received a sample copy
of the ticket to be voted at tie
State election Nov. 3. It lias 59
names of candidates anil 10 oonsti
tutional amendments. As it
stands it is 35 1-2 inches long.
Hill A brown bought some cot
ton at 7 cents and sold it the next
day at a loss. Jimmie says that is
no business.
banks county w ill lie well rep
resented at Commerce on next
Mr. Joe Jolly will move to Ho
mer about Jan. Ist. Joe is one ol
Banks county’s best citizens and
we are glad to learn tha he is to
join us just on the eve of the en
trance of the railroad.
The Democratic Ex. Com. of
Georgia is calling on all democrats
to go to the polls on Nov. Hrd*
If they remain at home the can
didates for whom they voted in the
primal y will be defeated by the
When a man bolts he should nev
or be allowed to vote in a- primary
again. That is the nile in some
counties and should lie here. A
bolter reminds me of a boy, who
when beaten playing marbles,
grabs up his taw. hangs his lip and
says, “I’m not gona play.”
They are only ottering #250 a
pair for #SOO mules in Atlanta,
but as the European countries are
buying thousands of these long
earned animals for war purposes,
It is natural to suppose that the
price will be high a year from
If you are blue over the low
price of cotton go to the 1 County
Fair at Commerce next Tuesday
and forget your troubles. You will
see the (lying machine, siinilat to
the intruments from which the
Germans are dropping bombs on
innocent women and child', n in
Belgium. Hard times liav 1 stni-1,
us but we are far better oil than
the Kuropeans who ae beii g
struck by bullets. Thi.i t about —
it will do you good.
A drainage meeting was held in
llomer last Friday. Mr. l'hillips,
the goyerment engineer, spoke for
about two hours and gave much
information on drainage. The
Perkins and Ander on survey am'
the Goverment survey were ills
cussed and compared and the bus
iness pertaining to the ditch was
Mr. .1. F. Ward, who lives on
Route 1, brought iu a vegetable
yesterday morning which was new
to us. He called it a “Kershaw.
Howe er, we will cook it—and if
we like it,eat it. He also sent oue
to the 4-County Fair.
More About the Railroad
Civil Engineer D. G. Zciglcr has
about completed his work of sur
veying and getting data of the
shipping that can lie expected by
the Homer and Lula Railroad.
He is an expert in his line, having
twenty years experience, and is
connected with some of the big in
terests of the country. He lias a
wide acquaintance among people
who finance railroads and othei
enterprises. Mr. Zeigier does not
say this him self but the letters he
has received from parties who
want to construct this railroad
proves to us that they have con
lidence in his estimates. 'I he road
will de able to declare a divadend
of over 30 percent, if the amount
of shipping is as great in tie fu
ture as it has been during 1912-
1.3, and it is reasonable to sup
pose that it will be greater. As it
now appears no diflieulty will Is
encountered in having the mad fi
Railroad Meeting.
All persons interested in the
Lula & Homer Railroad are urgent
ly requested to meet at Lula on
Monday, Oct. 2iith, at one o’clock.
T. F. Iliil, Chairman.
I will beat the following named
plares below for the purpose of col
lecting your state and county taxes
for the year 101 1 to wit.
< >ct. 19, Davids 0 to 10 a. in.
“ “ Biishville 2 “ 2p. m.
“ 20 Maysvillc 9 “ I<> a. in.
•“ “ Uillsville 2 “ sp. in.
“ 21 Fopler Sprgs. 9“ 10 a. in.
“ “Golden Hill 2“ 2 p.m.
“ 22 Hollingsworth 0 “ 10 a. ni.
“ “ Columbia 2 “ •'! p. in.
“ 22 Washington 0 “ 10a. m.
“ “ Wiluiot 2 “ 2p. in
24 Berlin 9“ 10 a.m..
“ “ Homer 2 ,! 2 p. in.
N. Z. CHANDLER, T. C. b. C.
Stop In Atlanta
At Hotel Empire
Opposite Union Depot on Pryor
St. Renovated and refurnished
throughout. Reservations made
on application. Hot and cold
water,private baths, electric lights
and elevator.
First class accommodations at
extremely moderate rates. Euro
pean plan 75 cents tip.
John L. Edmondson,
'o\v To Give Quinine To Children
KBRTLlNKlsthetraite-mnrk name given to ail
a proved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas
tt to take ami does not distutb the M-nnach.
hildren take it and never kt wit in Quinine.
Also especially adapted to adults who cannot
l ike ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor
ause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try
it the next time you need Quitiiuc for any pur
pose. Ask for 2*ounce original package. The
name FIiBRILINK is blown in bottle. 25 cents.
•top your bad breath arth JJr Mile**
Uatha Tabiof
Easy to make at Home when Developed by the Use of
Pictorial Review Patterns
The New Russian Tunic Dress,
gw No. 5811, will cost you *11.28 W -,*T
1 if developed as follows: Siae ) .
.1 36 require* / n : JK
Jfj * l- 2 Tarda IHsck satin, for ...-'V JTV
C ‘ 1 n -li material st 0-s*’ fa. 75 4 lr
'JDf j / 'j \ S rvil* Koia Snipe MU*. ! f
V(. 'j . Jgl V. i jios nuiiurS*lnchee jdu j
Will . fAk T-sVanl wtbMw. for stay. Hf
! v\ c 4 I ' In. hes'M.l. . Si-’(V yaril .
V. /' 5-8 yard All-over L®cc; \* | * J
jfcESsWi / inched ' .. i
.4 \ and collar at 75c yard .47
/ \ V-v s' IS Jet Buttons: lon*. i j 1 il
J mood-cut shape; at 39c
j J V 7-8 yard Snap Tape; at 25c {
i \ 1 Sfnx*l Sowing Silk 69
H 1 Pictorial Review Pattern InfVTvT^KA
No. 5811; sire 3o I |M *
TotAlX'Oßt sll-J8 II jf mj! J
5990 —Ladies Redingotc Dress j S ]| \
if made as Illustrated: Size t jE \
36 reouirec — jl IJt || \
\ 3 1-4 yards Blue Broadcloth. / J IB 1 ‘ 11 I\\
4 1 \ for Redtngote: 58-lnrh / 2 S- k \ £ \\
! A material: at $2 tX) yard 5* 50 /a. 'j * '.\
o \ 2 1-4 yards Black Satin, for / i S' ;V* 1 ! \\
i sleeves and lower part of r . -I t \ \
\ \\ \\ skirt: 36 inches wkie; at / li ■ it
• *1.25 yam 2.SJ U ■ it t .
i \ii \ 13-Byards Lining, for upper j c ' ■ Ift > |i -
A t*4 -'1 \\\ part of foundation gores: L J (■ ‘ !
• 1 1U at 20c a yard .28 || \ft * J
V.L f — 3-8 yard White Satin,for col
—wm- la’ and ccffs: 27 inches
\ \ 1 wide: at $1 25 yard .42 TaPihcl..
\ v\ 1 i doi Jet Buttons $•
'V \ 10 yants Silk Braid at lOc
, \ 7- s Snap Tap*- 15 \ \
■ i,j 1 Sjiool Sewing Silk W B~?w+ \-j
\ 1 l*i to rial Review Patt -m. nnA W
I N 5990: Slae 36 15 ▼
Ruuan Vutuc Costume 5811—l>c Total cost.. $11.12 CoUumc 5 < W)—IV
Mrs. J. T. Smith,
Maysville, G-eorgia.
Fall Millinery
At Cotton Prices
This beautiful Line of Millinery eclipses
anything’ ever before brought to IVxays
ville. Can please you in style and price
We have a big line of Women and Childrens Suits and Cloaks.
Never take a railroad trip to another market until you have in
spected this stock.
You'll find in our stock many exclusive novelties both in style
and patterns found in no other shop—it will pay you to bring your
friends here where the selection is so large that there is no possibil
ity of a mistake in choice and where absolute satisfaction is posi
tively guaranteed.
You’ll get the best values for the least money if
you buy your Fall Goods here.
Mrs. J. V. Smith,
I V 'V\ IIjI jE - _ Ci^ IRG 1
1 have 'i large quantity of as line |
syrup as was ever made. Put up
in tO lb. buckets. Price 50c per |
bucket. Amounts ot 50 buckets
or over will lie delivered.
J. .1. Cavdki.i.,
0 21 Ht Homer, Ga.
Whenever You Need a General Tonic
Tuke Grove’s
The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a j
General Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic propertiesofQUlNlNE
and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives
out Malaria, Enriches the Blood add
Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents.
Road Summons 25c pci hun
dred. 70 for 2nc 25 fur to. l’as
tage paid. Journal Office.
J - j
Hon. C. W. McClure. Opposing
Hoke Smith.
I am making this race as a busi
ness man on a business platform.
I would not have come out at all
had not Senator Smith guaranteed
that if you would nominate him, he
would stay in Washington, and get
you 12 cents for cotton, well know,
ing the primary would be over be
fore you would have time to know
whether he was telling the truth or
not. Congress could loan 8 cents a
pound on cotton at 3 per cent inter
est —that is as much as they get
if you elect McClure and Hutchens,
the whole Democratic party, includ
ing the Administration will decide
it is time to do something to relieve
cotton and take care of the South in
the manner they take care of the
West aud Wall street w hen they are
in distress.
Up to now it has been proper for
you to blame Congress and Hoke
for not doing anything, but if you
vote to re-elect him now. the blame
rests on yourself, it is up to you to
protect your own interests.
Now it is your time to get even.
Don't be fooled by more promises!
1. We favor a measure along the lines of the bill presented in Congress
by Representative Henry. .
' ■>. We stand on the Constitution of the United States as to tha wisdom
of the separation of the affairs of Church and State.
3. We l'eel that it would be a shame lor any Prohibition sta.e to be rep
resented in the United States Senate by a tool of the whisky ring, and
we favor tiie submission of a Constitutional Amendment on the prohibition
of the liquor traffic. ~
4. We condemn the failure of the present administration to provide an
efficient system of rural credits, which, if now law, would be of untold ben
efit to the farmers in their present extremity.
5. We favor the State furnishing school books free to all children in the
public schools.
6. We protest against our inadequate and inefficient election laws. In
primary election we favor a common primary for all parties, held on the
same day, under the supervision and at the expense of the state. In gen
eral elections, we stand for the Australian ballot.
7. We believe the time has arrived when the best interests of Georgia
and of the South demand a strong second white political party bas*d
upon sound governmental principles.
We expect thousands of men to vote our ticket this time who may nev
vote it again, and they are at perfect liberty to return to their ow n parti
next election. We are asking them to vote with us and rebuke the md
ference shown our section. If you want to help in any way write ca
fidentialiy to J. L. SIBI.EV, Campaign Manager, Atlanta, Ga.
Judge G. R. Hutchens, Opposing
Tom Hardwick.
Who destroyed the Democratic par
ty in Georgia? Hoke Smith and T. W.
Hardwick nominated against the will
of the people by rank fraud binds no
bed; to support him.
The Smith Hardwick combination
turned out of the Macon convention 39
legally accredited delegates and put
in men they could control in order to
defeat the will of the people. They
did so. I come now and appeal to the
people themselves.
Where are the rights of the people?
Conditions in Georgia demand two
white political parties —NOW.
Don't be timid. If you favor decent
politics vote for McClure and Hutchens
on November 3d.
There’s no Democratic party in
Georgia now. It is a "Hoax Myth ' par
ty or nothing.