Newspaper Page Text
Tke Weekly Democrat.! PRESENTMENTS Purest Drugs!
BBS K. IU'DSKI.:<. E-m»; »n*l Prop'r
Blakely now
Tbe News did it.
receives a daily lnaiT
Under the treatment c* Bridge Smith
Macon is fast becoming sesthenlic. By
the way isn’t that Art Exp: iuon his
baby 1
Wonder if Bridges Smith and Neill
Willingham coaid not be prevailed up^
on to talc Oscar Wilde on a lecturing
tonr though Georgia and I’io.icla ?
Ten miles around Nashville Tennes
see is under water. An exchange says
the floods arc dealing destruction to new
wheat and to “mills on the floss.”
Guitcau was allowed to speak for
himself last Saturday. In the course of
his spocch his usual btclid indifference
gave way and ho broke completely down
in sobs.
Atlanta suffered from a $260,000 fire
last Saturday. Mr. James Wickha
of Virginia, who was stopping at the
Wilson House was burned to death
Frank E. Block’s large establishment
was destroyed.
•S s t> —
Simply because tlic Cartersvilic Free
Press nominates Gen. Gartrell, an In
dependent candidate for Governor dooes
not necessitate hi: being an tndepend
cnt. Neither is it proof positive that
he will accept t! i nomination, so hold
off for a whjia hoys.
Ben Hill is alwaye ticavily loaded and
ready for faction. Probably Parson
Felton Dover thought of this when he
applied the match. Anyway it is
doubtful since Hill’s hist discharge,
whether or no the coalition can identify
their man.
Mr. Francis I'antuin, of Macon, says
an exchange, “has tec- :;t!y made ad
vances of $100,000 to Georg’" '’■■rtners
on improved lands, and w’” irobably
increase the amount to $500, > during
the pros r.t } :tr. lie charges less than
legal interests and his enterprise prom
ises to be largely beneficial to our Geor
gia farmers.”
Tire Albany Fries and Advertiser
very pertinently erics out for a remedy
—a permanent cure for this increase of
crime. Hemp, brother, hemp. It is
tho only remedy we know of. Corrup
tion in high and low civilization is the
cause. Elevate the moral status of the
country, and at the same time clc7ate
those who outrage justice and a cure
will be effected.
The prejudices of the editor of the
Savannah /A:;, are costive and never
work off, lie ) vev lots an opportunity
to give Ben lliii a thrust slip without
availing himself of it, even though he
pats our great Statesman on the shoul
der and says: “Well done brave
boy,” while he makes ihe thrust. Mr.
Thompson is a brilliant and forcible
writer. But will lie ever Cut-live his
prejudices and become more magnani
— . . C» .
Joe brown at last locates himself.
In a letter to Mr. J. II. Estili, publish
ed in the Savannah X-u-s of Monday,
after going on t> deny certain rumors
afloat ill Georgia, to the effect that be
would support the Independent move
ment he" says: “I expect to vote for
tho Democratic nominee for Governor
of Georgia in 1S32 and for the Demo
cratic nominee for President and Vice-
President iu 1S34, if I live to see the
elect inns, and shall be glad to contribute
my hdaibio mite to the Deaiocoatic
party upon a liberal and just platform,
whirls*! have no doubt it will occupy,
and I trust the great body of our peo
ple will ibel it their duty to do the
^ ^_ %
—The campaign of the present
year promises to he a lively one iu every
respect. We are to have, an election
for Governor and Members the Legisla
ture in October; an election in Novem
ber lbr Members of Congress, tu be fol
lowed in Januaiy by a poll for the va
rious county offices. These three sep
arate elections are on the programme
for 18?2 to agitate the people, rejoice
cilice seekers, and paralyze the business
industries of the State. That elections
are too frequent in Georgia, every
man with a thimble full of honesty will
admit. That the framers of the new
Constitution failed to discharge their
duty to the people when they refused
to consolidate these, several elections
into one r.nd thus promote not only the
peace but the prosperity of the country,
none can now deny. Be this as it may
the preparations for t.he c gceuflict
of parties are already-: g made,'and
the question is .he:her Felton-Inde.
November Adjourned Term, 1881.
We the Grand Jury empanneled and
sworn for the November adjourned term
].- a l, of the Superior Court beg leave to
make the following general presentments :
1 st. An examination of the books ofthe
County Commissioners, Cle'-’-, Sheriff. Or
dinary. Count-- Treasurer. and School
Commis'^^ners. show that they are neatly
aud correctly kept.
All books of J. Ps. and N. Ps. that
have been brought before ns we find cor
rect, except the books belonging to the J.
P.10-10 District. 1258 District and 1325
District. In which the costs have been too
ranch, according to the new fee bill. The
books of the following Districts of N. P.
and J. P. have not been presented to this
Jury : Nos. 621, 720. 1005. 694, 914,
1342, 553 and 635. Committee on tax
books after examination find the Assessor’s
book neatly, and so far as we were able to
judge, correctly kept. The Collector's
hooks we have not been able to see, but
recommend the Board of County Commis
sioners to look after them immediately.
The Committee on Public Buildings find
the Court House in need of some repairs.
The Jail and Poor-house are in a dilapi
dated condition. We recommend the prop
er authorities as soon as possible make
the necessary repairs.
We also earnestly ask tbe road commis
sioners throughout the county to see that
that their roads and bridges are put in
good condition immediately and if any of
them fail to do so we beg the citizens of
this county who are in favor of good roads
to report the said commissioners to the
Grand Jury at the coming May Term of
tho Superior Court and demand that—they
the eommissoners—be dealt with as the
law directs.
We further recommend that the Mayor
and City Council of the city of Bainbridge
see the Firemen ofthe different companies
of said city do their whole duty as firemen
or drop their names from their roles so that
they can be placed in the Jury Box.
Wo earnestly recommend that all mis
demeanor cases be transferred to the
County Court believing that they can be
tried at about one fifth their expense to the
county in that court compared to what it
would cost the county to try them in this
We find at the November term, 1874, a
True Bill was found against William E.
Griffin for an offense which we can not
lofinitGy ascertain by reason of the loss of
the Bill, but which we suppose to be em-
bezzelement. For some reason this case
has never been presented to trial and proba
bly never w r ill in consequence of the diffi
culty of a conviction after so long a lapse
of time and as there is doubt as to the
moral guilt of the defendant and his defal
cation to the county lias been fully paid and
in our opinion public justice does not de
mand a further prosecution of the case.
Wc for these reasons respectfully recom
mend that criminal suit be not pressed.
In conclusion we beg leave to say a word
in behalf of our deceased, Judge William
O. Fleming: Whereas it has pleased
Almighty God, in his most most inscruta
ble wisdom, to remove from this life our
most honored and respected Judge William
O. Fleming. Therefore be it resolved.
1st. That we recognize in this dispen
sation of Divine Providence a sad and
imparable loss, a void difficult to fill, his
unnasuming courtesy, and bearing to all,
his spotless official integrity, his brilliant
public and gentle private life make the
true sum of his earthly career.
2nd. That we tender our sincere sym
pathies to the family and relations of our
honored deceased Judge.
We recommend the following names to
be appointed N. Ps : E. E. Barber, 1342
District; W. J. Gray, 1258 District, and
W. W Pearce, 1324 District.
We further recommend that the pay for
the Grand and Petit Jurors be $1 50 per
day for the'year 1882. We also recom
mend that court house Bailiffs receive
-1 50 per day and riding Bailiffs $2 00
per day for the year 1882.
And further in conclusion we tender to
his Honor, Judge L P. D. Warren, and
Solicitor General Jesse W. Walters, our
thanks for the usual courtesies extended
to our body.
W. W. Russell, foreman.
William B. King, Mark W. Bates,
George W. Kendrick John B. Crawtord ,
Win. Powell
Isaiah Griffin,
A. J. Trulock
William C. Subers,
Bradford Rodgers
Wiliiam M. Dollar,
Chailes T. Mims,
Joel E Walker,
William G. Jones
It is hereby ordered by the Court that
the general presentments of the Grand
Jury for this term be published in The
Bainbridge Democrat.
L . P. D. Warren, '
A true extract from the minutes of,
Decatur Superior Court, November ad-'
journed term 1681, held January, 1882.
C. W. Wimberly,
_ Deputy Clerk.
For Sale By
IV. C. Fairchilds,
Albert S. McBride
Emanuel Tonnage
Janies T. Lodge,
William Milton.
Ru fus A. Connell,
Wm. S. Robinson,
Henry J. Logue,
Wm. B. Freeman
Tliis is to notify my friends, j-::irons and i
the publi" generally, that I Lave removed j
my Harness Store next to F. L. babbit s on j
South Broad street, where I hope to receive
fa future, the congratulations and patron
age of my friends. Thanking the public for
past favors, and hoping a continuance of
the same. 1 am Yours Respectfully,
Jan. 5. 18S2.
The firm of Smith & Traub, heretofore
existing at Bainbridge, Ga., and Quincy,
Fla., is dissolved by mutual consent. A. F,.
Smith succeeding to ail the business of the
old firm at Bainbridge to whom alone col
lections there should be made, and H. Traub
succeeding to all the business of the old firm
at Quincy, to whom alone collections there
should be made. All parties indebted at
either place are requested to make immedi
ate payment, ' A. E. Smith,
H. Traub,
December 28th, 1S81,
Miller County Sheriff's Sale.
GEORGIA, Miller County:
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of Colquitt, Miller county Geor
gia, on the first Tuesday in February, 1882
between the legal hours of sale the follow
ing property to-wit :
West half of lot of land no 70 in the 20th
district of Miller county. Levied on as the
properly ot S M Brown, to satisfy two cost
n fas in favor of the officers ofthe court vs.
S M Brown. This January 2, 1882.
W. T. Sheffield, Sheriff.
Will run a lijrlilning schedule the presort
year, and will keep on hand lor llie benefit
of the public the deat aud most select as
sortment of
Patent Medicines,
Bitters, Perfumery,
Toilet Articles,
Tobacco. Dinars, Etc.
They keep constantly on hand a fresh
supply of the best
Administratoris Sale.
GEORGIA, Deeatuv County:
By virtue of an order ofthe Court of Or
dinary of Decatur County, Georgia, will be
sold before the court house door on the first
Tuesday in February next within the le
gal hours of sale, the following properly
to-wit; The plantation of Mrs. C- B. Don-
alson, late of said county, deceased, com.
sisting ofthe south half or lots of laud nos.
271,259, 247 and one fourth of fractional lot
no. 240 iu the 15th district of said county.
Also lot ofland no. 305 in the loth district,
also one house and lot in tlie city of Bain-
bridge, also two vacant lots in the city of
Bainbridge, Ga. Also one share of Eagle
and Plienix Factory Stpqji. Sold as the
property of ihe estate cf Caroline B. Dou-
alson, deceased, for the benefit of ihe heirs
and creditors. Terms cash
J. T. 'Wimberly,
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, Thomas County :
Under and by virtue of an order from
a certain cure for all diseases
requiring a complete tonic; espe
cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter*
mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite,
Iioss of Strength, Lock of Energy,
etc. Enriches the blood, strength
ens the muscles, and gives new
life to the nerves. Acts like a
Charm [on the digestive organs,
removing all dyspeptic symptoms,
such as tasting tho food. Belching,
Beat in the Stomach, Heartburn,
etc. Tho only Iron Preparation
that will not blacken the teeth or
give headache. Sold by all Drug
gists at $1.00 a bottle.
Baltimore, SIA
See that all Iron Bitter* are made Tit Bkown Comical
Co. and have crossed red lines and trade mark on N’T ipper*
Baker and Confectioner
No- 6 Sharon House Block.
Fresh breads, cakes, fruits, candies, nuts,
etc., always on hand. Also, best stock of
family groceries in town.
BSUUndersold bv no one. Give him a
Tho Macon Telegraph is as pretty
and sprightly in her old ago as a six-
pen iea»-M«ngreltsai, or the Democracy | teen year old maiden. Shefias an en-
of Georgia shall triumph?” Among j terprising and able corps of writers
true Georgians the question will harcK
!y be difficult to answer.
who know just hew to conduct a live
j ournal
the court Ordinary of Thomas county will
be sold before the court house door in the
town of Thomasvilie on the first Tuesday
iu February next at public outcry between
the legal hours of sale, the following prop
erty belonging to the estate cf W L Sel
lers, deceased, to-wit: 105 acres of land
off the South half of lot of land number
181 in the 18th district of Thomas county
and 200 acres cf lot of land number 200 in
the lOtlv district of Decatur county, it be
ing ali the ianil owned by 7 said estate in
said lot. Terras cash.
Sabah Scti.kus,
Dec. 23, ISSl. Administratrix,
GEORGIA, Decatur County:
Notice is hereby given to all persons
havingdemands against William O Fleming,
laic of said county, dr ceased, to present
tlicm tome, prcperly made cut, within the
time prescribed by law, so as to show their
character and amount. And ‘all parsons
indebted to said deceased are hereby re
quired to maka immediate payment to me,
B. J!. Tr.RUKLL,
Adm’r of W. O. Fleming.
.Tati. 2, 1883.
Ever seen in Bainbridge. Also,
Country produce bought at highest prices.
All I ask is a trial, after which 1 know
you will be pleased.
E A Pohlman,
A victim of youthful imprudence causing
Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Man
hood, etc., having tried iu vain every known
remedy,hari discovered i simple self cure, which
ho will send FREE to his fellow -sufferers, ad*
dress J. H. REEVES, Chatham St*. N. Y.
UEORGIA, Decatur County:
Whereas, R S Terrel', administrator of
the estate of Wm O Fleming, deceased, has
made application to ms for leave to sc’I ail
the lands belonging to said estate, for pay
ment of the indebtedness of said estate, and
for distribution amongst the heirs; this is
therefore, to cite all persons concerned t
show cause, if any they can, on the firs
Monday in February, 1882, why such leave
should not be granted as prayed for. Giv
en under my band and official signature,
this 2d day of January 1882.
M. O’Neal, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Decatur County ;
Martha A Lambert having applied to be
appointed guardian of the person and prop
erly of Missie aud Abiah II Brockett, minor
children of Hiram Brockett, under fourteen
years of age, resident of said county, this
is to cite all persons concerned to be and
appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held
next after the expiration of thirty days
from the first publication of this notice,
and show cause, if any they can, why said
Martini A Lambert should not be entrusted
with the guardianship of ihe person and
property of said children. Witness my
official signature. IIastox O’Neal,
Jan. 4.'1882. Ordinary.
GEORGIA.—Decatur County.
To all whom it may concern.: G. W.
Ragan as Guardian of J. R. Garland hav
ing applied to the Ccurt of Ordinary ofsaid
county for a iisc-harge from his guardian
ship of.I. U. Garland’s person and property.
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned
to show cause by filing objections in my
office on or before the first Monday in Feb
ruary, 1SS2. why the said G. W. Ragan
should not be dismissed from said guardian
ship and receive the usual letters of dis
mission. Given unoer my hand and official
signature. This, Dec. 2u, 1881.—20d.
M. O’Neal,
Ord’y D. C.
All persons indebted to ihe estate of Mrs.
O. B. Donalson, late of Decatur county, Ga.,
will make payment to the undersigned : I tation issue
and all persons having clain.3 aaainsi said
GEORGIA, Decatur County:
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that on the—day of -18S-
Joshua P Hodges late of saidfounty de
parted this life intestate leaving in said
state, real and personal estate worth the
sum of dollars that one W P Ilodges
and his wife was duly appointed adminis,
trators of said estate and the said W P
Hodges has since died intestate, and his
said wife has since married, leaving a part
of said estate of Joshua P Hodges unad-
AA'hW\X'X : --r"---rigtvv--*
Savannah, NOV. 5th, 1881, |
1881, Passenger Trains on this Road
wiil run as follows:
Leave Savannah daily at 11:10 p. xn
Leave Jesup daily at 1:25 p. jo
Leave Way cross daily at 2;47 p. m
Arrive at Gal] ah an d iiy at 4:45 p. m
Arrive at Jacksonville daily at. .5:30p. in
Leave Jacksonville daily at i'.OO a. m,
Leave Caliahan daily at 9:45 a. m.
Asrive at Way cross daily at 11:38 a in
Arrive at Jessup daily at 1:20 p in.
Arrive at Savannah daily at 3:10 p m
Drawing room coaches between Savannah
anil Jacksonville on this train.
Passengers leaving Macon at 7:30 a. m.
(daily)connect ai Jesup with this train for
Florida, also connect at Jesup with this train
for Savannah, Charleston, and the North.
Passengers from Savannah for Macon take
this train, arriving at Macon 7:30 p. m.,
connecting Central Railroad for Atlan
ta and the West.
PassengersJrom Savannah for Brunswick
fake this train, arriving at Brunswick 3.50
p. m.
Passengers leave Brunswick lC;30a. m.,
arrive at Savannah 8:40p. m.
Passengers from Florida by this [rain con
nect at Jesup with train arriving in Macon
at 7;50 p. m, daily
Leave Savannah daily at 11:00 p m
Leave Jessup daily at 2:45 p n:
Leave 75’aycross daily at 4:45 a m
Arrive at Callahan daily at 7 AO a ra
Arrive at Jacksonville at 8,00 a in
Arrive at Live Oak'daily (except
Sunday)at 11:30 am
Leave Live Oak daily at 2.30 p. m.
Leave Jacksonville daily at 6:00 p m
Leave Callahan daiiy at 7;10 p m
Leave at Way cross' dai’y at 9;58 p m
Arrive at Jesup daily at 11:40 p m
Arrive at Savannah daily at 2:37 a m
Palace Sleeping Cars on this train dtlly
bet ween Savannah and Jacksonville, Wash
ington and Jacksonville, Cincinnati and
Jacksonville, aud Louisville and Jackson
’ Passengers leaving Macon 7:50 p m con
nect at Jesup with this train tor Florida
Passengers from Florida by this train con
nect at Jesup with.train arriving at Macon
7am daily.
Passengers for Darien take this train.
Passengers from Savannah fur Brunswick
take this train arrive at Brunswick 5 : 30 a.m.
Passengers leaving Brunswick 9:00 p m
arrive in Savannah at 2:35 a in.
Passengers from Savannah for Gainesvill,
Cedar Keys and Florida Transit Road take
phis train.
Passengers from -Savannah for Monticello,
Madison, Tallahassee and Quincy take this
Passengers from Quincy, Tallahassee,
Monticello and Madison take this train,
meeting sleeping cars at Waycros3 at 9:38
p m.
Leave at Savannah at 4:35 p. m.
Leave Jesup daily at 7:30 a. in.
Leave Waycross daily at 10:10 p m
Leave Dupont at 1.-15 a. m.
Arrive at Thomasville dailyat... .6:45 a. m
Arrive at Bainbridge daily at. 9:30 a. m
Arrive at Albany daily at 71:00 a. m
Leave Albany daily at 4:40 p. mf
Leave Bainbridge daily at 4 : 30 p. m*.
Leave Thomasville daily at 8:30 p. in.
Arrive at Dupont at 1 ; 15 a. m.
Arrive at Waycross daily. 4:00 a m
Arrive Jesup at 6:15 a.m.
Arrive at Savannah daily at 9:05 a. nr
Connect at Albany daily with passenger
trains both ways on Southwestern Railroad,
to and from Macon, Eofaula, Montgomery,
Mobile, New Orleans, etc.
Mail steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apa
lachicola every Tuesday and Saturday oven-
| ing; for Columbus every Tuesday and Sat
urday afternoon.
Close connection at Jacksonville daily
(Sundays excepted) for St. Augustine, Pa
estate will present them to the undersigned
duly authenticated as the law directs. =
Dec. 22,1881.
J. T. Wixbekly,
The Democrat,
Your County Paper $2 a Year.
ministered. It is hereby ordered that ci- latka Enterprise, Green Cove Springs’ and
tation issue :n terms of the law requiring j all landings on St. John’s river S
10 Sh - 0W e , aU fi 5f an - V ?™ins on B. & A. R. R. leave's junctions
-hey Can way administration de IAn is non ! a- ofe;. w< - -
, ,, ... , — - ; going west, at 13:20 p. m., and for Brnns-
^frrr d ;nr°rnnJ ei f 0d •? " U clerk of the «-ick at 3:43 daily, Sunday excepted.
X; P fcr ‘°, r Court of ®? ld county, or some Through rickets sold and sleeping car
Other fit person- Given under inv hand » i , • “ P 1D 6 ca r
' — - - lre t!lis n“ S joa, b - h ni “ raw,n S rooDl car accommoda
te ims uec. 26th 1881. lions secured „t TtRFV’S T.Vl-ef -v-
and official signature
Mastox O'Neal,
js*lw.7a Hi pjoayti S J$P'.o3
* c D ,ui a
tions secured at BREN’S Ticket Office, No.
22 Bull street, and at the company’s depot
foot of Liberty street
J. S. Tyson. Jas. L, Taylor,
Master Trans Gen. Pass, Agent
R. G. Fuehin'g, Supt.
M. Kwileeki bn* removed from the BLUE
STORE on Water Street, to the old Warfield
Stand on South Broad, next to .7. Loeb s,
where lie invites all of his old friends and
patrons to call and see Iiim. Remember
the place—the old
Warfield Store*
It is ordered by the Court that J. W.
LOVING bo, and he is heredy appointed
Clerk of the County Court of Miller county.
J. C. C. M
A true extract from the minutes.
Colquitt, Ga., Dec. 1st. 1881.
Julius Salomon.
And 425 and 427 Broom St. N. Y.
Yet Alive!
I desire to say lo my old patrons and ih
public generally that I am still in the Ian.l
of t-he living, 1 ut running my imsinesj e&!
tirely on tbe cash basis. In times past!
have stuck to tne 7’oor Man, and now 1 ia
that the poor man, everybody else, or am
other man stick to me. “Fair dealing” J
my motto while 1 act on the principle^
“live and let live.’’ All goods sold at
Bottom Prices for the money. Everythin,
on hand the pho.ple want. " •
Attapulsrus. Ga.. Jan. 12 1882.
By Ills Excellency!
Know all men by these presents, that the (
undersigned docs keep a First-Glass Bar and j
t * | XU" 2^ 3 cj
And has on hand a large and choice stock
of Fine Liquors, Cigars, etc., the best in the
market. Hcadquarteis for the
Call at tlic
4T* X 1ST
A x k
Gala on, often and early, and the people’
Will preside at the Bar.
A. E £3CSr,
■-J.-eacrvn TT’nmkgn
hz PMm
- —- rf "'O 2 ^3 • L/5
A* rf.- 23 -3> - Z-
“ .z ~
_ H'i.iitt-esc
l ** saa r20Sb'2y
■S S uji-g
Latest from Africa! Bomb.-.rdmf.nt of T'mLucto !
If fill
Blood flows like water ! Startling rumors ! Notorious facts and a
Since the arrival of the above important intelligence by the Oxtrain Express
has reduced himself to Lis fighring weight,
dly Enters The Field
as the cheapest merchant in Southwest Georgia. Determined to live and Jet lire, he
V. :.S Uc fir-1 to rei.uce the j‘.xhorbHar.t r- i , ! ‘ ; id by the people. Relyin" up
on a continuance ot the generous patroi-ago received heretofore from a diffcrimioatr
ing publie, lie
and imitators; and while all competitors arc Nff -.ptin wonder and astonishmenf.
contemplating the tremendous bargains her,rg . : : to the public, the crowds gather
aai«^ from near and from far. i lie cry in - 'll ihey come and still they buy
Boys Shoes, Giri Shoes, Men Shoes Women Shoes Shoes for All I
Cheaper than Ever Before. FIVE HUNDRED PAIR
Ladies Cloth Shoes worth $1.50 for $1.25 a pair ! 11, - doth shoes worth $1.25 for SI
f e - B n, S "t^h 91.2oforSl, lji) pair fell stuck brogans worth $125
fur *1, 300 pair lull slock brogans worth $1 10 for $ 1.10. A full line of Kentucky Jesus
on hand and low down for cash—from 84 to 60ets a yard and
Reduced To Bottom Figures!
Special Attentention Called to a fell line and Lo.v prices on Family Groceries. 81b»
first rate coffee at $1, lOlbs good coffee $1, lolbs gianulatcd sugar $1. Clothing, hats,
OYereoats, umbrellas at "verj cios6 prices.
r jno
}, " f n ’N expenses are light and lean]
ask alUo !ilr^ . S lp ™, the ? hea P^t- and I guarantee to do so. I respectfully
B 1 an early ca.l and examine my siock aa-J get good, new and fresh I
goods at lowest cash prices. I
W. A. DAVIS, WMofoamy da,