The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 16, 1889, Image 3

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• - - tfi j/MlT .7 AsnloM . • I- „• jpio’J AT SPECIAL BAR6MNS1 THE DAILY TiMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. THURSDAY, MAT 10, 1889 Local Schedule. Fast instil for Savannah ‘ “ from “ “ “ for Chattahoochee. Train for Albany ...Ar... 'J 25a m . I//...12 40 p in ...Ar... 1 31 p in ...Lv... 200 p in from Lv... 0 30am At... 5 20 p in for Savannah Lv... (5 50 p in Freight and aecoin. from \Vaye..Ar... 3 45 p m •• “ “ for “ Lv... 8 40am “ “ “ “ Cliatt. Lv... 4 45pm from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a in *• ** 44 for Albany Lv... 4 25 pin from “' Ar... 7 55 a m THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lv.. .8 45 a m “ “ from “ .... Ar.. .6 20 p m Fast mail for “ ....Lv...2 06 p m 44 “ from . 4 * .... Ar..l2 10 p m A New Charter. The TiMES-E.VTKnpiiiaK prints this morning a notice of n local bill to be introduced at the approaching session of the Georgia legislature, asking for a charter for the town of Cairo, giving the cor xiration authorities additional powers. A LOOK AT LOS ANGELES. Marked Degeneration of a Ones Prosper ous Plaoc. Los ANGEi.Be, May 2.—This is not the Los Angeles of two yearg or even one year ago. Then the town jvas in a tumult of prosperity. A boom from the east had swept over Southern Calilornia, and the storm center lit order to reduce our tre mendously large stock of Dry Goo 's, Clothing, etc , we otter special inducements in the way of prices, in every de partment of our two large stores. A NEW DEPARTURE! A Bar® Colter. The Ladies will take ad vantage of the good things to be found on our bargain counter. Dont fail to see out BARGAIN COUNTER, H. Wolff &Bro v The attention of the gen tlemen is called to the splen did bargains we offer in Cloth ing, ' Underwear, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. The Commi*ions are Here. Ordinnry Merrill told a Times Enterprise reporter ye3tordny that the commissions for the notaries pub lic, recommended by the last Grand Jury, were ready for the appointees Come forward, gentlemen, and get your commission and the hooks al lowed you by law ^to aid in the dis charge of your duty. A Big Land Trade. A gentleman, representing wealthy Land aud Lumber Company, of Baltimore, passed through here to day cn route to Baiubridge, where he goes to close a trade for one hundred and fifty-three thousand acres of pine land. This is the outcome of -the building of the Alabama Midland Railroad. New railroads are bringing the great bodies of pine forests of the South into demand. There is no better investment. A railroad from here to Cordele, would bring vast bodies of the finest timbered lauds in the South into demand. A Liberal Donation to the Li brary. A prominent ncrthem gentleman before leaving Thoraosvjllc this sea son, said to Miss Etta Itiod, the'li brarian : “If you will make out a list of fifty good hooks not in the li brary and scud the list to me, I will buy and send you the books ” This is a liberal proposition. This reminds us that the town has not been canvassed for a long time for books for the library. Several hundred could he collected. We mod estly suggest this thought to the di rectors, Tlfe library is one of ihe institutions of the place and it ought to be well sustained. ivi Wc are offering Goods cheap ill order to reduce our immense stock. • You ar.e respectfully invited •to call early and inspect. m The Leaders of Styles. “Unto the Least of Them.” Tuesday afternoon, Thomas Will- jams, a hoy of ten years, was going down Broad street. The little fellow has been a sufferer all his life from something like paralysis, which has drawn his feet out of slmpc, so that it is with difficulty that lie can walk. Just as ho passed a party ofgentlemen big foot tripped and he fell heavily. One of the gentlemen went to his as sistance and put him on his feet. As he rejoined the party he remarked that it was a pity that such a bright boy should be doomed to go through life the victim of such a misfortune. Dr. Taylor, who was of the party, re marked that he would gladly give all the time and attention necessary to efleet <1 cure, hut that something like $40 would bp required to pay for the appliances that would he needed. Mr. B. A. Bass at once undertook to raise the amount by subscription, aud he met with the success the cause merit ed. Nearly enough has been raised, but you cau help. The subscription list has been left at Reid aud Culpepper's. Drop in and give something. The Times-Exteuckise suggests to the ladies that Mrs. Williams, the mother of the hoy, would he glad to get plniu sewiug. 8he cau lie. found nt Mr. John Dohly’s, opposite the ar tesian well. He who speaks ns never nmu spake, ill picturing the great day of final as signs, said; “If yc did it to the least of them, you did it unto me." The world is with ija top much, early and late,aud the duty of gett'ng and spending takes up too much of our thoughts. * Listen to the voice of Charity, for it if the greatest of all Christian grace*. this City of the Augels. Eastern capi tal joined in here and eastern men flocked to this section by the thous ands. Real estate jumped to points far beyond its intrinsic value, and buyers were both reckless and numer ous. The spirit of speculation was abroad, and land was the one market able commodity. It seemed that peo ple couldn’t get enough of >f Like Col. Sellers’ eye water, the more they had the more they wanted. 'The re sult was that out near the foothills, miles away from town, farm lands were cut up into city lots and freely sold. The transactions in real estate were something enormous. Shrewd nleu made lots of money bv quick turns; they spent it freely, and for a time no city in the wide world throve ns did Los Angeles. Business of all kinds participated in the fictitious glory ot the land. Not a store or dwelling was vacant in the entire town, and the supply by no means equaled the demand. Buildings flew up to accommodate the incoming crowds in search of the golden fleece, and great was the joy of the residents. But the reaction came with start ling suddenness. Quickly us the boom appeared, just so quickly did it vanish. The bottom fell out of the bucket in a month, and tiie hectic, uinmturul flush of yesterday turned iuto a severe and settled s .ate of the blues. 11 need not he said, however, that Los Angeles is now dead or even sleeping. The boom, while it lasted, helped not a little: It gave such an impetus to building, and so urged the march of improvement, that this vi cinity is much larger and finer and richer than it was three years ago. People from the. east have erected elaborate homes here. BtioineseT men have iuvested largely in lasting im provements, nmP’ there is a certain stir and go to the community thkt nr- gttrs well for the future. But the struggle is goiug to he a mighty- hard one. A walk through the streets of Los Augeles reveals an alarming ar ray of “To Lets,” aud the real estate offices not ever closed, arc alluring in their proffers of splendid lots and fine lauds 'for astonishingly small sums of money. Sellers however, are many, and buyers few. For my part I cannot see, how Los Augelea can ever hopa-to be really great, in a manufacturing or even commercial sense, nor can the many men, in all conditions of li!c, with whom I have talked, give nuy reason able hope for that wished for consum mation. They have here neither wood nor coal, uni! there, is no raw nmterinl to be developed by the shilled artisan. A beautiful appearing farming coun try in winter, yes, and a climate as lovely as u poet’s dream, but water is fearfully scarce, transportation is in convenient and costly, common labor high, and the vicissitudes of the farmer many. Nothing can be grown except by irrigation. Oranges will not produce until they lmvc had five years’ growth. Wheat is an unknown quantity except in certain valleys, and the dreamer who thought Cali- J'ornia a land of milk and honey, where the fig and the palm, the olive and tho date, merely ' awaited his plucking, finds this to he a weary, work-a-day world, after all.—Ex. It would appear from the above that the craze over California is wan ing. Now is the time for Florida and South Georgia to forge to the front. We mean further to the front; they have beet: at the front ail the time. But it is going to require steady, svs- tematie»work to hold our own. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. Bud with Kxzffiun. Hair all idotte. Ncnlp covered will* eruptions,Though! Ilia hair would utiVrr c-ow. •lumfby remedies. Hair splendid and not piinplo on him. ' I cannot say enough in praise of the Cuticura Remedies. My boy, who when ono year of baa with eczema that ho lost all bis hair. Hiss’.alp was co/ered .with eruptions, age, was hair, Hiss’.alp was co/ered .with erupt which tho doctors said was scald head, and that his hair would nevergrow again. • Despair- ’ ‘ * ' ’ began the use a r ay ' sicinns I am hfti with the most perfect success. His hair is no w splendid and tnere is not a pimple on liiim . recommend tlieCuticur • Remedies i*s the most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that ev ery mother who has an afflicted- child will thank me for so doinp. Nrs. M. K. WOODSUM, Norway. Me A Fever More Fight Ycnrs Cured. 1 must extend to you the tliank& of ono of my customers, who lias beoujmred bv using Cuticu- -a Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of siekness.or fever eight yoare ago. He was so bad he was fearfnl he would have to have his leg amputated, but is liappy to say lie is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which Is H. H Cason, merchant of this place JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, ‘boro, Ten! Oninsboro, 1 Severe Scale l>i*o««se Cured, \ lew weeks ago my wife suffered very much mi a cutaneous disease of the scalp, and re ceived no relief Irom the various remedios she used until’she tried Cuticura.-' The disease dromptiy yielded to this treatmont, and in a short while she was entire y well. . There has been no return of the disense and Cuticura ranks vo. 1 in our estimation for diseases of the skin. Rev. .1. PRESSLEY RAKRKTT, I). I) Raleigh, N. C. Culicurn lIcmrdlCM. Are a positive cure for every form of skin, scalp, and blood diseases, with loss of liair, from pimple^ to serofulnr, except possibly itehtbyo- Sold everywhere. Price, Cut ieura. 5oe.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by JUo Potter Drug anil Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. tSr*Scnd for “How to Curo Skin Diseases, 1 itfaf * 64 pages, 50 Illustrations, and too testimonials. D IDV’Q !*kin and scalp preserved and lieauti- DAD1 0 tien l»y Cuticura Snap. Absolutely pure. EVERY MUSCLE ACHED. Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- — —.. ute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas ter. The first and only instantaneous pain-kill ing, strengthening plaster, 25 cents. Pimples, Sores, Aches and Pains. When a hundred bottles of sarsapurilla or other pretentious specifics fail to eradicate in-born scrofula or contagious blood poison, remember that 1J. B.B. i Botanic Blood Balm) lias gained many thousand victories, in as many seemingly incurable instances. .Send to the Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta (in., for “ Book of Wondcfs,” and be convinced It is the only tui:b blood mrniKit. 0. W'- Messer, Howell’s X Roads, (in., writes: “I was afflicted nine yeers with sores. All Hie medicine 1 could take did me no good. I then tried B. B, II., and H bottles cured me sound.” Mrs. 8, M. Wilson, Round .Mountain, Texas, writes: “A la *y friend of in i lie was troubled with bumps aud pimples on her face and neck. She took three bottles of B. B. B.,and her skin got soft and smooth, pimples disap peared, and her health improved greatly.” Jus. L. Boswortli. Atlanta, (»u., writes: Some years ugo I contracted blood poison, I lind no appetite, my .digestion was ruined, rbeumutism drew up my limbs so I could hardly walk, throat was cauterized five times. Hot Springs gavo me no benefit, and my life wn* one torture until I gave B. B. B. a trial, and, suprising as it may «ccm r the use of five bottles cured me,’’- may 10, lm The Elmwoood. We take pleasure in calling our eaddrs attention to the advertisement of this liotol, located at Marietta. It is a gem of a hotel, and its genial pro prietor. Mr. M. G. Whitlock, will make iiig guests at home, and supplys for cash groceries, wo fiucLthat we must offer some rare bargains in shoes. Wc mean business wl en wc say bargains aud if you need shoes don’t fail to call M. P. Pickett. Insiue You it Life in the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, of New York. (Jet u policy with no restrictions upon travel, residence or occupation, in the largest nat urul premium company in the world. Plain, simple insurance with banking at such reas onable price that all can carry n policy Represented by L H. Wood. iVlii-tf r he S. I- 1 . 4 0. It. will give low excursion rates from all points 44'ft* li within the state of Georgia to .Savannah during the May line of road iteyevntii # Mm Also proposes to give the same Opportunity to parties buying glid'd'. '-fHm' now so not less than 10 per cent discount on all goods in their line. Wc nbo-cnll ytf«l! attention to their clothing stock which they can boast of the styles and fits. Fact*-and ' convince all that wc offer the opportunity of the season in genteel 'clothing for men bor and children, , ’ 1 C ALaLa O KT 5* Take a look through our Immense Tailoring Department, wheroour Mr. C. Helms, will pay his special attention to all who will call,(tndsqe-tlietevery Lady and Gentleman is satisfied with the style and fit of every garment tha goes out. v - ; Our Underwear, Shirts and Neckwear Is the admiration of all who have seen them. : rdt TO THE LADIES. t 2*01 We wish to call your attention to the line of Dress Goods’we are receiving daily, consisting of 6 Summer Silks, Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths, Satines, Challies, Edging, Lacs And everything the ladies des'ire. We are selling lower than any house in the city. Very respectfully, L. STEYERMAN & BRO. “I had ’em all." said a rubicund, happy-faced gentleman. “All what ?” asked his I'l-ieml. “Why, all Ihe Hvmploms of malaria, viz! lame back, aching joints, sleeplessness, in tligcs-ion, dizzy tits, cold extremi ties, rush of blood to the head, eon- slant fatigue, no appetite, pains in ilic breast after eating, night sweats, alternate chills and fevers, etc., but Brown's Iron Bitters cured me, ami I l-ccomincnd it as being the best tonic made.” A FRIENDLY MEETING. ■•How uio yon feeling, old follow?" "Oil, I don't feel well; can't cat. I um languid, t nd feel generally good-for- nothing." "Well, my friend, there is no use for you to feeling that way, You need something to do away with tliat torpid ity of tho liver, and uny impurity of the blood." .Such a remedial agent is in reach of you every day, and you pass by your drug slurp three or tour times a day and never tldnk to ask your druggist wlint will bcnellt yon. If you did, lie would unswer ut onco: "Westmore land's Cnllsaya Tonic is tho vory thing you need. It Is on sale at ovory drug storo In the country, and‘the bnttlos cost only 50c or SI.00. THE WOMEN PRAISE B. B. 11. LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink, For l>il onstess s-ml constipation. take on Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach'*, take I. on EHx e. For sick ami nervous headache, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take l«eni i Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take l.em- i Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria,-take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver,->toma?h, kidneys, nr blood. Prepared only by Dr, II. Moseley, Atlanta, tin fiOe, and 81,00 per bottle. Sold by druggist*. A PromiuciiI .11 uinter WiateN. Al ter ten years of great suffering from Indi gestion, with great nervous prostration, hill- oufiicss, disordere I kidneys and constipation, v , t » .... Mozeley’s Lemon I have been cured bv , May 14, d3m. No. 28, Tatnnll, St. Atlanta, them with the best tho market affords, It will be remembered that the Whit lock House was recently burned, aud Mr. Whitlock is running the “Elm- U'umJ” until such time as he rebuilds much larger aud more plegant hotel than • Marietta bus yet boasted, It id unnecessary for us to say more than that Mniictta is one ol the most de lightful of sumiue;- resorts. Old ladies fine low cut Buskin hand made, low heel, soft uoiSelcss bottoms, easy to the tired feet. Cost you $2 anywhere else. Cau get them ut Pickett’s for $1.25.' Got to make | room for cash groceries. 5-11-tf. Men's baud sewed, best American Calf, Congress aud Balmorals. Sold everywhere for $5.50 to $0. Sold at Pickett’s for $4. More room for cheap groceries. 1 I .allies lino kid button shoe, box too mid worked hole, worth $2, sold al Pickett’s for $1.10. Takes lots of room for cheap cash groceries. The suffering of women certainty awakens the sympathy of every true philanthropist Their best friend, however, is It. B. II. (]!<>. tunic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ou., for proofs. ^ , 11. b. Cassidy, Konncsaw, Ga!, writes: •‘Three bottled of B. II. 01 cored my wife of scrofula." Mrs. It. M. Lows, Zaiabr, Fla., writes; “I haqo never used anything to equal B.B.B.” Mrs. C. n. Gay, Rocky Mount, N. C., writes; “Not r any fo 15 years was I free from headache. B. II. B, entirely relieved o. I feel like mother person.” Jas. W. Lancaster, llawkinsville, On., writes: “My wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors und many patent medicines bad done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. 11. cured her.” Miss H. Tomlinson, Atlanta, (la,, says: “For years I suffered with rheumatism, caused by kidney trouble and indigestion, I was also feeble and nervous. 11, U. 11. re lieved mo nt once, although several other medicinca hod failed.” "Iter. J. M. Richardson, Clarkxton. Ark., writes: “My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A ta ty member nf my church had been cured bv II. R. B. Stic persuaded my wife to trv ing like II. 11. WPOLKSALK AND RETAIL -./r.AMats is;— Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Goods Delivered Di'oiiiully. ■ «’•*!« it, who now says there is nothing lik it., as it quickly gave her relief." LAUNDRY. .Send us your laundry. Collars, .02'j each, cull's, .05 per pair, shirts, .10 each. Wc guarantee all work to be neat and cloan. Send licforo S o’clock a, in. Wednesdays. • (’. II. Yoi'nh Co. OO-.jlJ , ,, id.WllOft? S?f Give ua a call aud we promise to please you, . , i* B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, OA...&*, DEALER IX >«*1: HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Gobs aM Sporting Goods of all kinds, and agent for t King’s Powder Cp. MI CrLIItfERY. SS C. Fr ' KILL FLIES. Insect Powder Fly Paper. C.tSSKf.s’ Pll.UtJI.U Y,' 1 IS Broad street. JERSEY MILK. I'arties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied,"in any quuntity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April IU, lg&). TAILORING. There !- an end to all tilings, so the people suy, but there is no end to tho splendid llttiug clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in t lie neatest manner. Give mo a eall. Joux Kenny. Col. J. H. Guerry. of Dawson, passed through this monii.g cn route home. He had bceu attending Brooks superior court, as counsel for the de fense in the famous Arriugton-Lauc ease. Col. Guerry is oncot the bright est youugjlawyers iu Georgia, and one of the coining young men in the state. Everybody likes Jim Guerry. It will be remembered that lie mwlffn cred itable race for the congressional nom ination from this district before the last nominating convention. Young gentlemen will find our stock of novelties in tics aud siarls, simply immense, and flic styles simply superb. Come to headquarters. li. Yocsci. .Is t'o., Tiie Popular Clothiers. b'tiiiT, to euro ehalplg. relievii g Paby, use lloracinc Tutiet and Nursery Powder. It cost* in> uoro. Is super or and highly perfumed. Melt.« »•: Mardrc.Th inasvtllc; A. lira .lord, t'o umhus; Alexander Drug and Seed Co., An go- a; F. Von Over ,Charleston, Agents. SEASON GOOI»S. Go to Reese and Eason's for Fruit Jars, Jellic Glosses, lee (.'ream Freezers, Water Coolers and RelrigcratiYs. Best goods am] ll>u tst prices is our tun]to. tUe-thur-sa.Jt CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Bhilai's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cent*. Nasal Injector frae ffio, iis A. PIANOS AND OKGANS. W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, lias se- euivd the agency for all the tlrst-duss Planus and Organs, which lie is selling at tho lowest prices for cuah or on long time. Those desiring to pun-huso will do well to learn Ins prices aud terms. West's I’ain King—tt ; houeshold remedy. Always useful. Never ft its to cure cholera lorbus, pains iu stumai i or bowels, crump, • olic, chills or summer '.otiiplaint, J.V. Sold Pr. Mr Riga Mltrhi U I louse Pharmacy 1 'UouuuvlUc.Uu. West’s World's wonder or Family Liui- ment, a superior remedy lor ueu.ulgia, lame hack, sprains, bruises,.ruts, hurra or wounds. Cheaper, goes further, and last longer. Sold at Du. Mclt.u's Mitchell ifctuse Pharmacy Thumusvillr, Ga. -t 3 ly. „ Miiaxr.Ga. I have hud weak Lungs ucarly a)! my life, have taken quite n number of Expectorants without nny aparvnt benefit. 1 am now us ing Utewcr's Lung Restorer and lean safely affirm it is the only remedy from which I have era derived nay benefit. V. I. Ihnu. ITCH ELL HUl’SE; BLOCK. Takes occasion to notifv the citizens of Tliomasydlc and surrounding country thxt she lias just received her usual elegant as sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery, embracing a large and beautiful" line ol Hats, Bonnets, :2 ST. Al'GCSTIXE PALMETTO HOOPS, * GLOVES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, , A vc And u'l articles usually kept in a first-class Millinery Store. ,. A tow assortment of Embroidering'! linen. Real Scotch Linen FJoss, in alt colors. The llar^arran Art Thread; Ropa Horn*, Herman Cord; Real M.L. Crochet Thread, ertng and kuittmg silk in all colors. Unfit Stamping g Pinking; Of all kiuds promptly executed. . Dress Making •i. '.it r • , ol< III I >Sl rto In all its branches done in Um best stylo >* * and at reasonable rales. An inspection of goods and prices respecirufly sohSuedP 1 1 * —-—-j—i—**■■_.' i. ■ r. : niim N. S. Eaires, r. •• ■ i hum - CONWAa#«and.BWEI,A l ain lie glad to make contracts foi Ihe ■ and careful estimates *g3^h Mx Motto—Good, feoneat work prices. It you want any r submit