The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 19, 1889, Image 3

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SPECIAL BARGAINS! In order to reduce our tre mendously large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., we offer special inducements in the way of prices, in every de partment of our two large stores. A NEW DEPARTURE! A Bargain Colter. ? IK|J tlMi • The Lad^ wift lafept vantage of the good things to he found on our bargain counter. Dont fail to see our BARGAIN COUNTER, H.Wolff&Bro The attention of the gen tlemen is called to the splen did bargains we offer in Cloth- ' ing, Underwear, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. Reieier tiie Place. We are offering Goods cheap in order to reduce our immense stock. You are respectfully invited to call early and inspect. The Leaders of Styles, * ... ' vV THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1889 Looal Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah ..Ar... 9 25a m « “ « Lv...12 40p m from “ . Ar... 1 31 p m iruiu i w* v for Chattahoochee Lv... 200 p Train for Albany Lv... 9 30am “ from •• ..Ar... 5 20pm “ “ “forSavannah Lv... 0 50pm Freight and accoin. f»*otn Waye..Ar... 3 45 p in Lv... 8 40a “ •* “ « Chatt. Lv... 4 45p m • from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a in “ “ “ for Albany Lv... 4 25pm .* “ •• from “ Ar... 7 56am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lv... 8 45 a from ....Ar.. .6 20 p m ..Lv...2 00 p m ..Ar..1210p CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Church:—Rev. Geo. G. N. MacDonell, Pastor. Preaching by pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer and experience meeting 9:30 a. m. Exercises 3:30 p. in. Baptism of children 4:30 p. m. Baptist Church:—Rev. W. J. Williams, pastor. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni. by pastor. Episcopal Church:—Rev. C. I. LaRoche, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o’clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock Catholic Church:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at ^30 o’clock a. m. sermon at 11 a. m. Presbyterian Church.—Services in the lecture room—Pastor J. H Herberner—services at 11 a. m. and and at night. Prayer meeting Wed. nesdav night at 7:30. Sunday school 9.30 a. m. -t- Mr. James Walt, of Thomasville.and his interesting family, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. Inness. Jim has many friends in Bainbridwhom he has been meeting this week and talk ing over “fluid lang sine.”—Bainbridge •Democrat We were in error yes'terday in giv ing the date of the performance of the operetta “Princes Snowfinke” in Quincy. It occurs on Thursday, May 23rd, and some of the best locnl talent iu Quincy and Monticello will partic ipate and make the affair a success. Let as many of our people as can go over and help the cause. The fund goes to the Espiscopal church. Thomasville, Ga., May 18,1889. Editor Timer-Enterprise: .Complaint has been, made to the proper authorities of the very often, sive odor arising from the open sewer on the corner of Broad and Jackson streets, but no attention has been paid to it. If it is not promptly and prop erly attended to, 'serious sickness may be the result. Will you kindly bring the matter to the notice ol the health authorities? Many Citizens. The sewer complained pf was flushed Friday night. The authorities should see, however, that it is flushed at proper intervals. Jurora for June Term of Thomas County Court. M L Cook, Wm H Culpepper, Nat R Spengler, £ H Herring, Asbury Singletary, Byron Collins, W G Lewis, John B Thomas, J H Everett, VV L Hudson, I E Ballard, • Ed D Franklin. The court meets on 2d Wednesday. Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. St, Simon’s Encampment, Atlanta, May 15.—Adjt.-Gen Kell recently made a requisition on the War Department at Washington for the de tail of suitable army officers for the June encampment at St. Simon’s. Col. Kell received a dispatch this afternoon from Assistant Adjt.-Gen. Kelton notifying him that a field officer and Lieut. Satterlee would be detailed for the encampment. Lieut. Satterlee is a splendid officer, and has been in great demand for the military contests throughout the country. Now, if the Tliomasvillc Guards were uniformed they could join in the encampment on Cumberland Island. Grand Council Royal Arcanum. This body inet in Augusta this week. The following officers were elected; R. J. Rowell, Grand Regent, G, S. Prior, Vice Grand Regent. A. T. Sessions, • Grand Orator. S. P. Wcisiger “ Guide. C. B, LaHattc, “ Chaplain. J. W, Dillon, “ Warden. Sentry, A. C, Harman, Past Grand Regent, Chus, P. Hauaoll, Representative to lupremc Council. Bascum Myrick, Alternate. Captain Hausell was the represen tative of the State oiganizatiou at the last general council, held last y|gr in Canada. The order is in n flourishing condition. Items from the Camilla Clarion. ThtJniasville just keeps growing the time. New houses in various directions. all Thomasville must have a railroad outlet t» the northeast, and in a few years we hope to see it realized. The Gulf House must be rebuilt, A hotel right there is greatly needed, and the traveling public sadly miss Mr. Philnot and Mr. Fields. Mr. Fred Bibb, of Thomas county, was among his Mitchell friends this week. He was severely wounded some time ago, but among Ihc sweet girls he steps around as nimbly as if he had never been hurt. We attended worship on Sunday morning at the Thomasville Baptist church and heard a most excellent gospel sermon by the promising young pastor, Rev. Mr. Williams. If liber ally sustained he bids fair with God’s blessings to do a great work in his delightful field. Mr. R. W.*Gladiug, of Thomas ville, was among the honored guests of the farmers’ picnic on Wednesday. He represents the Monon Route among the railroad systems which has shown such a willingness to favor the melon growers. Mr. Glading and the roads he represents, will not cease their efforts until the same reduction has been made in freights on melons on roads north of the Ohio as has been made by the southern roads. He is a worthy gentleman and our melon men appreciate his attentions, The Clarion man advertised for cashaw seed and in a few days they were sent in abundance. When will business men learn that if a man has anything to sell or buy "his cheapest plan is to ad vertise iu the local papers ? Advertisements save time and ex pense. They remind the people of your establishment and of your goods. They arc just as sure to pay good returns as anything else the merchant does. The people have long ago found out that it is best to buy goods from a man who is in a hurry to make quick sates and small profits on many goods. They are tired of slow sales and big per cent. A visit, to the home of Mr. H. II. Sanford and his Dixie Nurseries was very much enjoyed. He lias fruits and flowers of all kinds and in his green houses and ample gardeus may be seen the most rare shrubbery and trees of Europe and Japan. Honor to home is a blessing to humanity, and Mr. Sanford is a benefactor in bringing fruits and flowers which make home so sweet, within the pencil of the, people of South Georgia. However, the sweetest flowers about the Dixie Nurseries ore in the tender hands of Mrs. Sanford, who devotes a grandmother's lifo and Jove to the two bright motherless little children and another one who is afflicted for life. THE GEORGIA SOUTHERN. $35,000 Turned Loose Yesterday in and Near Macon. Yesterday was pay day on the Geor gia Southern and Florida road, and Treasurer Jewett paid out $35,000 of the company’s good rmney. Of this amount about $17,000 was toconirac tors on the extension, and $ of it was for freight on steel rails, and the remainder was tn part payment of the regular pay roll. Besides this Mr. Jewett paid out iKe day before $85,000 on check for steel rails for tfie new extension. Work on the extension is being rapidly pushed. -Track layjng is proceeding favorably and Mr. Jewett says that there are men at work on e.very mile of the sixty miles from Val dosta to Lake City. Thus it will be seen that Macon, by her own enterprise, will soon be con nected directly with the heart of the great land of flowers.—Telegraph. This is'a pointer to Thoqiasville. The inauguration and construction of a new line of railroad from here,would turn loose thousands of dollars m Thomasville. Merchants and business mpn should befit this ip mind, See the application for charter ot railroad.from Columbus to Bainbridge in this issue. G. Gunby Jordan, the man who built the Georgia Midland, is at the head of the enterprise. 'fhis road means, if it means anything, a connection with the l\ R. & N. at Tallahassee or Quincy. With the Al abama Midland, the 8. F. iv W., the B. C. Sr C . and the Columbus & Bain bridge. this tuwn ought to bqom, if there is any. virtue in railroads.—Rain- bridge Democifit, New railroads arc rumbling all around us. Thomasville must be up and doing—or get left. Hon. K. T. MacLeau, of Thomas ville, was in town last Friday. There are few better hoys iu the world than Kenneth, and v.’P are always glad to teem him iu Bainbridge.—Bainbridge Democrat. Koval Crown Baking Powders iu glass, at T. J. BALI, ii BRO.’S., Groff-rs; SEASON’ GOODS. Go to ltecae and Eason's for Fruit Jars, Jcllle Glasses, ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers and Refrigerators. Best goods and lowest prices is our motto. tuc-tbur-sa-3{ NO A Pi,VI PLE0NHINN0W. find with Exz«mn. Unit* nil Clone. NcnEp covered tvlth ernptionr.Thoufflil hie hnir would uuVcr g ow. .Jared by rciucdic*. Hair splendid nud not n pimple on him. cannot say enough in praise of the G'uticura Remedies. Sly hoy, who when one year of age, was so baa with eczema that he lost all his hair. Hiss'ialp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors said was scald head, and that hie hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I began the use of Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the most perfect success. His hair is now splendid and there is not a pimple on him. I recommend the Cuticura Remedies as the most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that ev ery mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for so doing. , Nr*. M. E. WOOD8UM, Norway, Me A Fever Sore Eight Year* Cnred. I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customers, who has been cured by using Cuticu ra Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight yoars ago. He was so bad he was fcarfnl he would have to have his leg amputated, but is happy to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which is H. H. Cason, merchant of tliis-place. .JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, Qainsboro, Tenn. Severe Scale Disease Cured, A few*weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous diseased the scalp, and re ceived no relief from the various remedios she used until she tried Cuticura. The disease dromptly yielded to this treatment, and in a short while she was entire.y well. There has been no return of the disease and Cuticura ranks «jo. 1 in our estimation for diseases of tho skin. Rev. J. l’RESSLEY BARRETT, D. I). Raleigh, N.C. Cuticura Remedies. Are a positive cure for every fonn of skin,,If t pimple sis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 5oc.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, §1. Prepared by tho Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass 53T*Send for “IIow to Cure Skin Diseases,” 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. DI DV’Q Skin and scalp preserved and beauti- DiiDl 0 tlen by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. EYEltY MUSCLE ACHED. Shari) aches, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- u ute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas ter. "Tho drat and only instantaneous paiu-kill- ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. Pimples, Sores, Aches and Pains. When a hundred bottles of sarsaparilla or other pretentious specifics to eradicate in-born scrofulu or contagious blood poison, remember that 11. B.B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has gained many thousand victories, in as many seemingly incurable instances. Send to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta lift., for “ Book of Wonders,” and be convinced. It is the only trie blood purifier. G. AV. Messer, Howell’s X Hoads, Git., writes: ‘‘1 was afflicted nine yeers with sores. All the medicine I could take did me no good. I then tried B. B. B.,and 8 bottles cured me sound.” Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Uoiind Mountain, Texas, writes: “A lady friond of mine was troubled with bumps uud pimples on her face and neck. She took three bottles of B. B. B.,and her skin got soft and smooth, pimples disap peared, and her health improved greatly.” i Jrts. L. ITosworth, Atlanta,. Ga., writes: “Some years ago I contracted blood poison. I had jio appetite, my digestion was ruined, rheumatism drew up my limbs so I could hardly walk, throat was cauterized five times. Hot Springs gave me no benefit, and my life was one torture until I gave B, B. B, a trial, and, suprising as it may seem, the usoof five bottles cured me.” y -Vf.r * may 10, lm Id order to make ro^ra for cash groceries, we find that we must offer some rare bargains in shoes. \Ve mean business when we say bargains and if you fieed shoes don’t fail to call on M. P. PlCKJTT. Insure Your Life in the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, of Xcw York. Get a policy with no restrictions upon travel, residence or occupation, ip the largest nat ural premium company in the world. Plain, simple insurance with banking at such reas onable price that all can carry a policy. Represented by L II. Wood. 5-15-tl LEMON ELIXIfi. A Pleasant Lemon Drink, For biPouscesa and constipation, take tup on Elixir. For indigestion and foul stoinaohe,take (.cm- on El|x C, « For sick ami nervous headache, take I.emon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lem on Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lein- on Elixir. For fevers, chills anti malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fall you in any of the ubuve diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared onlv by Dr. H. Mozeley, Atlanta, Ga 50c, and §1,00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minister Wntesi. After^en yearn of great suffering from indi gestion, with great nervous prostration, bili ousness, disoruere < kicnoys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozelcy’s Lemon Elixir, and mn now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South No. 28, Tatnall, St. Atlanta, Ga, May 14, U3m. 01(1 ladies flue low cut Buskin iiuud Utadc, low heol, soft uoiseless bottoms, easy to the tired feet. Cost you 82 anywhere else. Cau get them at Pickett’s for 81.25. Got to make room for cash groceries. 5-11-tf. Men’s hand sewed, best American calf, Congress and Balmorals. Hold everywhere for 8fi. 50 to 80. Sold at I’iokejt’s for 84. More room for elieaji groceries. Duties fine kid button shoe, box lop and worked hole, worth 82, sold at Pickett’s for 81.10. Takes lots of room for cheap cash groceries, Young gcntlcptcu will find our stock of aavcities In ties and scarfs, simply immense. 1 the styles simply superb. Come to headquarters. 0. II. Youxo, A Co., The Popular Clothier.. ((other, to euro ehnflug, relievo g baby, use Iluraclne Toilet aod Nursery Powder. It costs pu imre, is super or aud highly perfumed. Mclt.e & Mardrc, Th inasvtilc; A. lira .lord, olumbus; Alexander Dreg and Seed Uo., Au- gu, a; F. Von Ove:, Chariest.m, Agents. E P Q, Don’t Uui* and money aud undergo nec-diess torture with the knife when Ethio pian Pile Ointment will afford iusiant re lief and certain cure in every case of blind, bleeding, itching, internal and oxtern/,*’ piles. Rangura Root Medicipe Uawpaay, Nashville, Tenn, eppts and $1 per bottle. SqW by McUfds k Merure and S, J. Cosset*. he 8. F. k W. R. R. will give low excursion rates from ail pointaon its line of road w ithin the state of Georgia to Savannah during the May festivities. Also proposes to give the same opportunity to parties buying goods from now. so not less than 10 per cent discount on ail goods in their line.* We also call your attention to their clothing stock which they can boast of the styles and fits. Fact* and convince all that wc offer the opportunity of the season in genteel clotbhfg for men, boy and children, . , , . v .. ^ OALIi OUST US i * Take a look through our Immense Tailoring Department, where our Mr. C. Helms, will pay his special attention to all who will call, and see thatevery Lady and Gentleman is satisfied with the style and fit of every garment tba goes out. . • -i® Our Underwear, Shirts and Neckwear Is the admiration of all who have seen them. TO THE LADIES. * ■<- We wish to call your attention to the lino of Dress Goods wc are receiving daily, consisting of Summer Silks, Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths,* Satines, Challies, Edging, Lacs And everything the ladies desire. We arc selling lower than any house* in the city. Very respectfully, L. STEYERMAN & BRO. ONE WHO KNOWS. The following testimonial is from a gentle man who knows our formula and is thor oughly acquainted with the curative prop erties of our Tonic. The way to know the merits is to try the article Any physician who desires the formula of Calisaya Tonic may obtain it from the Westmoreland Cnli- saya Tonic Company, Greenville, S. C. This* letter is from a malarial section: West Point, Miss* Having shown me the formula for making your Tonic while in your city the post sum mer, I take great pleasure in recommending it. 1 am delighted with it, having given it in my practice shccessfully; and to members of my own family suffering from u malarial texainiu. Very truly, m B. S. Duncan, The complicated diseases brought on by intense study, thought, car^ anxiety, etc., are often of the most serious nature* Heed such symptoms as los3 of memory, universal lassitude, heart disease, kidney complaints, liver troubles and a general breaking down A)f health and strength. When thus afflicted, when the least cxertiou causes great fatigue, when life seems a burden, use the reliable strengthening tonic, Brown’s Iron Bitters, It will afford you sure relief. THE WOMEN PRAISE B. B. B. Tho suffering of women certainly awakens tlio sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is B. B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm). Rend to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for proofs. . II. L. Cassidy, Kenncsaw, Ga., writes: “Three bottle* of B. B. B. cured my wife of scrofula/* Mrs. R. 31. Laws, Zalabr, Fla. writes: “I haqe uever used anything to equal B.B.B.” Mrs. C. H. Gar, Rocky 3Iount, N. C., writes: “Not r day fo 15 years was I freo from headache. B. B. B. entirely relieved me. I feel like mother person/* Jos. W. Lancaster, HawkinavUlo, Ga , writes: “My wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and many patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of 11. B. B. cured her/* Miss S, Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga., says: “For years I suffered with rheumatism, caused by kidney trouble and indigestion, 1 was also feeble and nervous. B. If. B. re lieved me at once, although several other iiuvcu uiu ui ijiivv, an medicines had failed. “ltev. J. M. Itichardsnn, Ctnrkston. Ark., writes: “My wife suttcred twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of my church had been onred by It. II. II. She persuaded our wlfo to try it, who now says thero is nothing like II. II. II., ns it ipiickly gave her relief." LAUNDRY. Semi us yrfltr laundry. Collars, .02each, eiifis, .05 per pair, shirts, .10 each. Wc auh*'8>Rco all work to be neat and clean. Send before 8 o’clock a. in. Wednesdays. C. II. Young Co, KILL FL1KS. Insect Powdor Fly Paper. Casskls’ I’ii.uimacv, a 118 Broad street. WHOLESALE AND.RETAIL -.ft-ALEUS iv— Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Goods Delivered Promvtlj. Prices as Low as the Lowest! Give us tvcall aud we promise to please you. B. Dl FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Gis aid Sjortii Goods of all kinds, and agent for # King’s Powder Co. MliLLUVrERY. C. F. COLLINS, JERSEY MILK, Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will he aupplied/ln any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addr«ssiug JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, 1889. TAILORING. Thera is an cud to alt tilings, so tho people any, hut there ts no end to tho splendid llttlng clothing mado at 81 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in thu neatest manner. Give mo a call. John Kenny. PIANOS AND OUGANS. W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all tlio lirst-cluss Pianos uud Organs, which lie is selling at tlio lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase wilt do well to learn lus prices aud terms. West's (Via Ktug—it e houeshold remedy. Always useful. Never ft ils to cure cholera vorbus, (mins iu stomac a or bowels, cramp, . olic, chills or summer complaint, 'due. Sold 11, Da. McHae’s Mitehi U (louse Pharmacy; '•'homasville.Ga, 4 3 ly. West's World’s wonder or Family Lini ment, a superior remedy fur neuralgia, lame back, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or wounds. Cheaper, goes further, and last iongcr. Sold at Da. McRae's Mitchell House Pharmacy, Thomasville, Ga. • 4 3 ly. . MiL.VEit, Ga. | have had weak l.uugs nearly alt my life, have taken quite a number of Expectorants without any aparcut benefit. I ant now us ing llicwcr’s Lung Restorer and I cun safely affirm it is the ouly remedy from which "l have ever derived any benefit. . W. L. Jltuiix. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilol'sCatarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free J ITCH ELL HOUSE; BLOCK, Takes occasion to notify the citizens of* Thonmsville and surrounding country that she has just received her usual elegant as sortment of Spring; and Summer 3/illinory, lino of ubracing a large and beautiful Hats, Bonnets, ST. AUGUSTINE PALMETTO GOODS, GLOVES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, And a ? l articles usually kept in a first-class Millinery Store. , A large assortment of Embroidering linen. Real Scotch Linen Floss, in *11 colors. The Bargarrau Art Thread; Rope Floss. German Cord; Real Scotch Linen Crochet Thread, cream and while Embroid ering aud kuitting silk in all i-ofors. Stamping- § Pinking* Of all kinds promptly executed. Dress Making Iu all its branches douo in the best style and at reasonable rates. An inspection of goods aud prices respectfully solicited. N. S. Eaires, - CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Thomasville, Georgia* m l will be glad to make contracts fo* »th* oonatrnction ot all classes of buildings, pub- 1I.< > n .l nvlvala . ... ^ * *. I wilt guarantee lu every Instance to give Mtlafactton. Designs and plans drawn and careful call mates made. Mv Mono—Oood, honest work nt fair price*. It yon wont a contract Is awarded me or not. I ref.r to the many public buildings erected by me In Thomnavlfle and elsewhere, and no parties tor wham I have worked