The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 22, 1889, Image 3

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SPECIAL BARGAINS I In order to reduce our tre mendously large stock of Dry malice. Goods, Clothing, etc., we offer special inducements in the wav of prices, in every de partment of our two large stores. A NEW DEPARTURE: Bargain Coulter. The Ladies will take ad vantage of the good things to he found on our bargain counter. > Dont fail to see our BARGAIN COUNTER. H.Wolff&Bro The attention of the gen tlemen is called to the splen did bargains we offer in Clotli- THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER. City Editor. VKDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1889 Local Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah Ar... 9 25 a m «• •• “ I,v...i2 40pm •* “from “ Ar... 131pm “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200pm Train for Albany Lv... 9 30am “ from *• Ar... 520pm “ “ “ for Savannah Lv...C50pra Freieht*an<i aocom. fipm Wayc..Ar... 3 45pm « “ •• for “ Lv... 8 40am •• •» “ “ Chatt. Lv... 4 45 pm •• *• •• from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a m •• “ •• for Albany Lv... 4 26 pro “ “ •» from “ Ar... 7 55am THOMAS VILLE AND MONTICELLO. Froieht accoro. for tfouticello Lv...845 a in “ “ front •• ...,Ar...tt20 p m Fastmaflfor “ ....Lv...2 06 p m “ “ from “ ....Ar.. 1210pm The Reporter. The Augusta Chronicle thus sums up the ubiquitous, hard-worked news paper reporter: The most interesting, most niisun derstood, most abused, and most court ed character in public life to-day is the newspaper reporter. Afany people do not discriminate be- tweeirNhe duty of the repotter and that of the cdiior. They think it is the duly of the reporter to praise or condemn, and that the report of any public occurrence is an evidence ofthe sentiment of the paper in reference thereto. The province of the reporter is simply to report what transpires. The voice ofthe paper is heard through its editorial columns. The reporter usua ly tries to present things in their best light, and writes down naught in Your secrets are safe with the report er. ' Though the average man doesn’t believe it, the reporter has his share of discretion, and while he will hear all you have to say to him, he does not talk a great deal himself. He is not half so bad a tellow as some folks would make you believe, and the av erage town has a great many worse citizens than its newspaper reporters. The reporter is thoroughly good-na tured. He never harbors malice, and will listen good-naturedly to a little ward politician who declares he is al ways misrepresented in the paper, and will smile complacently at the state ment that a reporter couldn’t tell (he truth’with a rest. The fact is the reporter does not lie. He simply allows his goodness of heart on some occasions to hold back the whole truth. When he reports the Rev. Mr ——’s sermon, and passes bv (he fact that it was a long, tiresome and narrow minded disquisition on a threadbare subject and omits the statement that (lie audience were turn ing uneasily in their seats and stealing sly pet ps at their watches for ten min utes btlore the speaker gave out—and confines his report to a tew of the best parts of the sermon, and states that the speaker is an earnest, zealous work er in the vineyard of the Master, that is not mendacity, but charity. He interviews the prisoner in hisccjl, the prosecuting attorney at his desk, the judge on the hench; he hears the murderer’s story from his own lips,and writes down the dying statement of his victim; he details the drunken affray in the brothel and reports the church conference; he writes up the proceed ings in the divorce court, and hurries to the marriage altar to congratulate the bride and groom; he depicts the scene of destitution in the beggar’s hov el! and hurries into his dress suit to report the leading society event of the season; he chronicles the arrival of his friend’s first born, and writes the obit uary of the oldest inhabitant. “With malice towards none and 0 charity for all,” he pokes his pencil ing Underwear, Shoes and into every public assemblage and pri- T?,Tiniahin<r Goods. vale gathering; he is on hand at the race course, and first in his pew to hear j the preacher denounce the profligacy ; of the age and the sin of betting and 1 horse-racing; he i„ early at the political : gathering, and punctual at the school ; commencement; he is on the ground in a riot, and occupies a conspicuous j place in the peace congress; he deals : kindly with the "drunk and disorderly,” I and reports fully at the temperance ! convention; he reports a prize fight, j and hurries to the meeting of the Y. . M. C. A.; he may be said to be “first in war, and first in peace,” but not in the hearts of his countrymen. Wc arc offering Goods — cheap in order to reduce our ^t,t not loved, the reporter is ,r courted. He comes high, but we must immense stock, * _ h^.ve him. It matters not what the You are respecttully invited entertainment may be, the rqiorter is to call early and inspect. a necessary adjunct to its success. * I Because, how arc your friends to know - ' it was “the most elegant affair of the season,” if the reporter does not let , them know through the columns of the . morning paper? How are ths people to know that the acting of Miss Smith ! as l’arihenia, in the private theatricals at the palatial residence of her wealthy ' parents, was equal to that of Mary An derson, and in the role of Ingomar people respond. As a public meeting the thing is a flat failure, but the few assembled go ahead and pass the res olutions. Then and there the thing would end in a hopeless farce did not the reporter come in with the invigo rating pencil, and leaving out of the report those who did not attend, refer in enthusiastic language to those who were there, and tell what a solid foun dation the movement is on, what earn estness was manifested by Mr Blank and Mr. Brown, and tne great unani mity with which the resolutions were passed. He ha not misrepresented anything He has simply omitted to state that people who were deeply in- terested in the movement did not even lend their presence to the success of the meeting, and has written instead all the good things lie could, and has placed the matter before the people in such a light that they regret they were not there, and the work of the canvas sing committee is reduced to the mini mum. This is not lying, nor is it misrepre sentation. It is simply spreading, the energy, enthusiasm and public spirit of a tew men over the rest of the com munity in a way they cannot have the opportunity to do by personal contact, and it is putting forward the best side instead of the worst. Many enterpris es which else would have been still born, have been called by the reporter into vigorous life, and grown into great public benefactions. Few new enter prises or public undertakings can be shown, to which the work of some faithful reporter has pot largely con tributed. And yet it is almost as thankless as that ot the umpire, who, if he decides right, gets no praisrf* for doing simply what he ought to have done, and if lie decides wrong, is uni versally cussed out. The reporter can do good work for a month and nobody will ever say a word to him; Jie will make some little man a hero for the day, and the little fellow will take it simply as a matter of course, and nev er feel called on to say s “I appreciate jour kindness;” but it the reporter ac cidentally gets his initials wrong, or makes some trivial mistake or unim poriant omission, that same little fs! low will swear that he never saw a re porter get anything right. Moral: Treat the reporter well. He is at work for the common good of all- No class of men do more for others, and none receive less thanks, to his tqost intimate friends, who were wholly unaware of the latent genius within him, unless the reporter, with h'.; cnciianted pencil, furnishes the ! open sesame to the unpopular car. A public meeting is called to act ppop some important matter. A halfdojen Council Proceedings. _ CovncilJRooms, May 20,1880. Council met in regular session, Mayor Hopkins presiding. Aider- men Wright, Whiddon, Merrill, Mitchell and Hayes present. Minutes of Inst meeting rend - nnrt confirmed. Alderman Merrill offered the fol lowing resolution, which was adopted: Resolved. That on the 26th day ot June, 1889, the election be held to decide whether or not the town shall issue bonds for purchasing a park, and for other things, as provided bv act of Sept. 21st, 1887, aud that no tice thereof be given as required by law. Alderman Merrill offered following ordinance, which was .passed on first and second readings: Bp it ordained by the Maypr qud Board of Aldermen of the oity of rhomasville, assembled— Sec. 1. That a committee of three members of the board be appointed, as other committees are now appointed, to be known as the auditing commit tee. Sec. 2. That no bill or claim against the cltv shall be paid by the treasurer until the same lias been first referred to said committee at a regu lar meeting of council, and reported favorably by said committee at the next succeeding regular meeting thereafter. Alderman Wright reported that Council would need money, and he was, on motion, authorised to borrow from J. W. Mnsury the sum of 83,000. Alderman Mitchell reported all the apnratus for laying water mains to bo ou hand, and asked for ohain-gang to put at work on same next Thursday. Granted.’ Following accounts passed for pay ment: A. McDougall 828,06; Gordon Steam Pump Co. 816.45. Claim of Itev. J. M Austin was re ferred to cemetery committee, with power to act. Mayor was authorized to buy a mule for the city. The clerk aud superintendent cf water works was granted further time to make full report. Council adjourned. W, H. Mitch ill, Clerk pro tern, Cancer is a form of blood poison which is not understood by the medical profession as to its real nature and character, but it is evidently hereditary in its nature. It may accidentally develop itself with out any predisposition or evidence of existing poison. The knife or caustic salves have heretofore been the so- called remedies for it, but all. honest practitioners will tell you iha' this irealmem fails to cure, and only has tens fatal results. Thousands ofcas<-s of epithelioma (skin) cancers, have been en'irely cured by the use of Swift's Specfic It forces ihe 'poison out through the cancer itself, and the pores of the skin. My father had cancer ; my husband also had cancer, in fact died with it. In 1875 a lump came on my nose, which steadily increased in size, and alarmed me. I used various remedies —salves and other applications, and finally tried to burn it out, but the sore returned worse than ever, growing larger and more angry, until 1 deter mined to try Swift’s Specific. I took the medicine, and it soon made a com plete cure. I know that S.S.S. cured me, because l discarded all other rem edies. This was several years ago, and I have had no sign of the return of the cancer. Mrs. M. T. Maben, April 5U1, 1889. Woodbury, Tex. Treatise ou Blood and SkiD Diseases mailed free. TnE Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. NOT A PIMPLE 0NHIN NOW. Bad trill* Kxsc*nm. Hair nil Clone. Ncnlp covered with ernplionH«Thouffht hie hair would auVcr ffiow. .Jared by remedied. Hair splendid and not a . pimple on him. I cannot say enough in praise of the Cuticura Remedies. My boy, who when one year of age, was so baa with eczema that he lost all his hair. His scalp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors said was scald head, and that bis hair would nevercrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I began the uso of Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the most perfect success. His hair is now splendid and there is not a pimple on him. I recommend the Cuticur i Remedies a* the most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis eases of infants aud children, and feel that ev ery. mother who has an afflicted child will thank mo for so doinp. Nrs. M.K. WOODSUM, Norway. Mo A Fever More Eight Years Cured. 1 must extend to you tho thanks of one of my customers, who lias been cured bv using Cuticu- -a Remedies, of an old so re. caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight years ago. He was so bad he was fcarfnl he would have to have his leg amputated, but is happv to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar, lie requests me to use flis qam<\ which Is II. H, Cason, merchant of this nlaoe Severe Scale Disease Cared, A few weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of tho scalp, and re ceived no relief irom the various reinedios she Uhcd until she triid Cuticura. The disease drompt v yielded to this treatment, and In a short while she was entire y well. Tbere has been no n't' rn o. the disease and Cuticura ranks vo. 1 in our estimation for disease* o» the skin. Itev. J. •* ,v mnnrrr r» n Catlcura ltcmcdles. Are a positive euro for cverv form of skin, scalp, and bleocl diseases, witn loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly ltchtbjo- sis. Sold everywhere. Price. Cuticura. 5oc.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, JJl. Prepared by tho Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, .Mass IGp-Send for “How to Cure Skin piscases," 04 pages, SO illustrations, and too testimonials. RiRV’Q NMn and scalp preserved and beauti- DflD I 0 flen by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely EVERT MUSCLE ACHED. Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min ute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas* ter. "Thefirst and only instantaneous pain-kill- ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. FOR RENT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McI.can Ave nue/ Possession given at once. Apply to Rev. C. I. LaRoche, tf. Fletcherville. In order to make room for cash groceries, tye find that wc must offer some rare bargains m shoes. We mean business 'when we say bargains and if you need shoes don’t fail to call ' . M. P. PlCKKTT. Roval Crown Baking Powders in glass, at “ * T. J. HALL k BRO.’S., Grocers. Mi 8. Chilsloy: “I sec statistics show that seventy-five per cent, of the male criminals are unmarried.” Mr. Chils loy: “Which shows how tiiaqy qieq prpfer the peujtentjary to matrimony.” 4-ud the ensuing silence was so deep young Mr. Jones was a revelation even Mp. Chilsley could hear herself reflect, MCSQU1TO BARS. Of all kinds. A good bar complete (or $1.75. Patent bcudstcad a»(nc;hin«nta. Agent for Anqstrftpg-e patent canopies. mado In waTnu(, cherry- arid antique oak'. ' Geo. W.Forbes. May 17 tf, Mosury Building. LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink, For bil'ousr.esa and constipation, take cm on Elixir. For iudigextion ami foul stomackc, take Lem on Kltx c. For sick and nervous headache, tuke Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lem on Elixir. For loss of nppotite and debility, take Lem on Elixir. For fevers,« hills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the Above diseases, all of width arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowtls or blood. Prepared only bv Dr. H. Mozeley. Atlanta, t»a 50c, and 81,00 |>er bottle. Spjd Uy druggists. A Prominent Mmister Waites. After ten years of great suffering from Indi gestion, with great nervous prostration, bili ousness, dlsoruero I ki neys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozeley’s |.emou Elixir, and n> now a well map. llcy. C, C, Davis, Ebi. 51. K. Church South .May 14, d3m. No. 28, Tatnall, St. Atlanta, Ga, Old ladies fine low cut Buskiu baud made, luw heel, soft noiseless bottoms, easy to the tired feet. Cost you 82 anywhere else. Can get them at Pickett’s for $1.25. Got to make room for cash groceries, ip! J-tf. hcifi A C\ilpcpncv are keeping up with the procession, (hey have secured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, *(\i< fipwt preparation known lor dyspepsia, It is gliarnntef.i to out*. ’ -I G If MAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rules will be so\d to all summer resorts throughout the coun try bv the Tennessee, Virginia and luring la Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October 3lst. * East train service with Pullman car*. i\.\y. wfiK.vy, ten. Pass, (,nd Ticket Agt. -.A-T- L. STEYERMAN & BRO.’S T-wo Cases o Latino, At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard. * R.E3VEE1M: dER THE PL A.033: L. Steyerman & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 l-2c. CLOTHING-! CLOTHING! Our Bargains the talk of the town. Com petition completely baffled. and be convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., I2» HROAD STREET. THOM AS VILLE. ONE WIIO KNOWS. The following testimonial is from a gentle man who knows our formula and is thor oughly acquainted with the curative prop erties of our Tonic. The way to know the merits is to try the article. Any physician who desires the formula of Cali say a Tonic may obtain it from the Westmoreland Cali- saya Tonic Company, Greenville, 8. C. This letter U from a malarial section: West Point, Mist Having shown me the formula for making your Tonic while in your city the past sum mer, I take great pleasure in recommending it. 1 am delighted with it, having given it in my practice shcccssfully; and to members of my own family suffering from u malarial texmnia. Very truly, B. S. Duncan, The complicated diseases brought ou by intense study, thought, care, anxiety, etc., arc often of the most serious nature* Heed such symptoms as loss of memory, universal lassitude, heart disease, kidney complaints, liver troubles and a general breaking down of health and strength. When thus afflicted, when the least exertion causes great fatigue, when life seems a burdcu. use the reliable strengthening tonic, Brown’s Iron .Bitters. It will afford you sure relief. THE~WOMEN PRAISE Vb. B. The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is B. B B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, <ia., f or proofs. H. L. Cassidy, Kcnncsaw, Ga., writes: “Three bottles’of B. B. B. cured my wife of scrofula." Mrs K. M. Laws, Zalabr, Fla. writes: "I haqe never used anything to equal B.B.B." Mrs. 4*. H. Gav, Rocky Mount, N. C., writes: "Not r dav fo 45 years was I free from headache. B. ft. B. entirely relieved me. I feel like mother person." .fas. VV. Lancaster, Ilawkinsvillo, Ga , writes: ** by wife was in bad health for eight vears. Five doctors and many patent medicines bad done her no good. Six bottles of B. II. 11. cured her." Miss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga., says: "For years ! suffered with rheumatism, caused by kidney trouble aud indigestion, 1 was also Ye« ble and nervous. B. 11. B. re lieved me at once, although several other mediciues hud tailed." “Rev. J M. Richardsou, Clarkston. Ark., writes* "My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A la y member of my church had been cured bv !L B. B.» She persuaded mi wife to trv it, who now guys there is nothing liko B. II. B., as it quickly guve her relief.*' WHOLESALE AND 4 RETAIL -./V.ALEKS iv— Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Goods Delivered Prnnivtly. Prices as Low as the Lowest! Give us ti call and we promise to please you, B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER in HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, LAUNDRY. Send us your laundry. Collars, .02}^ each, cuffs, .05 per pair, shirts, .10 each. Wc guarantee all work to be neat and clean. Send before 8 o’clock a. in. Wednesdays. C. II. Yocxo Co. KILLFLIES. Insect I’owdor Fly Paper. CasSF.I.s' PlI.VitM.VCY, 118 Broad street. * JERSEY MILK. Fatties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will bo supplicd,‘in any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, 1889. TAILORING. Thou; is un end to all tilings, so the people say, but tlioro Is no ond to tho splendid fitting clothing made at 81 Droad street. Cleaning and repairing doncxin the neatest manner. Givo me a call. Jons- Kekn’y. PIANOS ANl) ORGANS. W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, lius se cured the agency for nil the lirst-oloss Pianos and Organs, wliioh ho is soiling at the lowest prices (or cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn Ins priccsnnd terms. Miuiia, Gi. I have hud w eak bungs nearly all my life, have taken <piiu: a number of Kxpectorunts Without any npnrent benefit. I am now us ing lltcwer's Lung Restorer and I ean safely aflirnr it is the only remedy from which i have ever derived any benefit. W. 1.. Marti.v CATARRH Cl’REI), health and sweet breath secured, by Sltilol Catarrh Remedy Prieo 50 cents. Nasal Injector free F.adios line kid button shoe, box toe and worked hole, worth 82, sold at Pickctt’B for 81,10. Takes lots of room for oheap cash groceries. Men’s hand sewed, best American calf, Congress and Balmorals. Sold everywhere for 85.50 to 86. Sold at Pickett’- for 84. More room for oheap. groceries. INVALID'S CHAHt. An invalid lady wishes an adjustable invalid s chair. Any ono having such att | article (or sale or hire, will bo placed in communication with her on application at this ofilco. it I Tin and Hollow Ware, Guns if Sutii Goofs of all kinds, and agent for’ King’s Powder Cg. .ptu-ltm MILLIItfERY, MISS c: F. COLLINS. * ITOHELL HOUSE’ BLOCK, Takes occasion to notify the citizens of Thomssritle and surrounding country that she lias just received her usual elegant as sortment of Spring mid Summer Milliucry, lino of iibracing ;i large and beautiful Hats, Bonnots, ST. AUGUSTINE PALMETTO GOODS, GLOVES. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, Aud all articles usually Millinery Stove. A Urge assortment kept in a tirst-class a targe assortment ot Embroidering lineu. Real Scotch Linen Floss, in all colors. The Bargarran Art Thread: Rope Floss, German Cord; Real Scotch Linen Crochet Thread, cream and white* Embroid ering and knitliug silk in all colors. Stamping’ ^ Pinking Of all kinds promptly executed. Dress-Making In all its branches douc iu Hie best stylo and at reasonable rates. An inspection of goods aud prices respectfully solicited. The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. Tliis new uml beautiful hotel, elegantly fursiihed, ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First elos, iu all of its appointments, bos been leased by M. G. Whitlock, former own er uml proprietor of tho Ute "WHITLOCK HOUSE.” Ilia table and service will satisfy the mow fastidious. Ilia licda are delightful. Tcreaa reasonable. Address, M. G. WHITLOCK, Mariettas Ga.