The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 25, 1889, Image 4

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FOUR MILES A MINUTE. A Machine to Convey Packages and People at that Rate. A new scheme of transportation is to be introduced l>etwecu New York and Boston, whereby, it is said, large packages of mail aud even ears con taining passengers can be whitked from one place to another, a distance of 200 miles, in less than an hour. This would be equal to a speed of four ruiles per miuutc. Au experiment with the new machine was held yes terday in Boston in the presence of many scientists, including Professor A. E. Dolbear, of Tufts college, who announced Ahat he was thoroughly satisfied of the success of the system. The inventor, John G. Williams, is a resident of this city. His macnjnc consists of n magnetic car hanging from a single rail, where it follows a streak of electricity. With one horse power it is said that one ton can be thus transported at a distance of 1,440 miles a day at a cost of thirty cents. This, ii mail matter, would represent 2,880,000 letters aud by this system packages of mail could be sent off every five minutes thus preventing large accumulations. The single track is to be carried on tripods some dis tance above the ground, and the car will passthrough coils of insulated wire at intervals. In the experiments yesterday the carriage exhibited was mounted on a wooded track, on posts about three feet high, with an ascent of six inches in five feet, and it ran on one wheel at each end. The scientific principle involved is said to be that by which a hollow coil of insulated wire will draw a magnet into itself, and in the aerial railway the car passing trough a coil cuts off the current, which goes on to one ahead. What next? A Tennessee Story. Col. Robertson, of Habersham, was one of the speakers at the road congress. Among other things he said: I am very much like a Teuncssceau who came down, into Georgia. Our roads are about tbe only thing that did not feel the shock of the revolution of 1861. They arc just the same they were before the war. •This Tennesseean, who was used to those enterprise in his own state, crossed the line aud came down into North Georgia. After driving through mud holes and through ruts, and out of one rut across three, he came iuto dry ground and then lie struck a root out of dry ground, that had neither form nor comeliness. Then he came along a level stretch of road and lie peartened up, and the horse pearteued up, and he came up to a house and it looked like it was all right, whcn»snd- denly, strctchiug ns far as the eye could reach in front, appeared a pine pole corduroy. Turning around he whipped his horse back to tho good stretch of road aud then hack and forth agaiu till lie attracted the atten tion of the mnu who lived in the house, and the man carac out. Overcome by his curiosity, lie said: ‘‘My friend, what does this mean? Arc you druuk or crazy?” And the man from Tennessee re plied, ‘‘my friend I am from Tennessee, lam going down into Georgia on some business and this is the first trotting road I’ve found, aud dniiin me if I ain’t ngoiu’ to enjoy it.” It Does Seem tn Work. Unjuyuiv, I a., May 22—In an inter view yesterday. Internal Revenue Collector Webster, of this district, staled that the prohibitory law in creased the sale of liquor in Iowa. This year lie has issued 2.12 more li quor licenses Ilian last year. The number of wholesale dealers is slight ly less than before the prohibitory law.'but the sales are larger and the qualilv of the liquor so d is poorer. Not only have the sales increased, but since the decision of llie United States Supreme Court in the ca c of Bowman Brothers the Marshalltown brewer's importations by express of original packages of liquor lias been enormous. Wholesale liquor houses have sprung lip all along the borders of the slate and arc supported mainly by the Iowa trade. - There is a good deal of grim humor among Texans. In the southwestern part of the state, some time since, a bank president, after making way with all the funds, posted upon tbe door of the institution the simple legend, “hank suspended.” That night a half dozen of the depositors hung the thief to the limb of a tree, fastening upon his breast a placard bearing the terse inscription, “bank president suspended.” . The Woodrow evolution theory brings up the creation of Adam. The old negro who said Adam was made out of mud and stood up against a fence to dry, evidently pinned his faith to the creation from the dust theory, though lie was a little off about that feucc. However this may be, his faith was sublime. Moral: Let these nou-esseutials alone and gire your time aud atten tion to the vital questions of rhristi- unity. ASLEEP ON THE TRACK. A little child, fin'd of play, had pillowed his head on a milroad track and fallen asleep. The train was nlmoM upon him when a passing stranger rushed forward anti saved him from a horriblo death. Perhaps you are asleep on tho track, too. You art*, it you are noglecting tho hacking cough, the* hectic flush, tho loss of appetite*, growing weakness and lassitude, which have unconsciously crept upon you. Wake up. or tho train will bo upon you! Consumption, which thus insiduously fastens its hold upon its victims while they ore un conscious of its approach, must ho taken in time, if it is to be overcome. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has cured thou sands of cases of this most fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and given n fair friaJ. It la guaranteed to benefit or cure In evory ease of Consumption, or money paid fur it will bo promptly refunded. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Bronchitis. Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an effi cient remedy. Copyright, 18S8, by World's dis. Med. Ass’n. REWARD offered for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head, by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ucniedy. Only GO cents. Sold by druggists everywhere. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only fJcnnlne ST.tem of Memory Training. Four Hook. Learned In one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child and ndult erently benefltted. • Great indacomouts to Correspondence Classes. Prospectus, with opinion* of IJr* \Vnt. A. Jlnin* B ond, the world-tarn >ft E;*ecialist1n Mind Diseases. anirl < J recnlc A f Thompson, thejrreat P»choI. offist .i. itf. llticklrv, |).|L,Biiitorofllie CAmfiitii TdvocafaV V. Uiclinrd Prortor* tho ¥ ^®h p* Hons. W. \V. A**tor,.lodge (Hfonn, Judah P. Fmh'Avc.,K Y. FOIL SALE UY AM. IlIUGIilSTS. P.P.P. P.P.P. (Prickly Aeb, Poko Itoot, and rotanslum.) CURES • SYPHILIS Primary. Secondary, and Tertiary ByphiUa, Syph ilitic Eruptions, Scrofula and Scrofulous Erup tions, Ulcers and Old Sores, RhcumaUsm and all diseases of tho blood ; nil thoee that have resisted other treatment yield steadily and snrely to the wonderful power of P. P. P., the great Blood Pnriicr. SCROFULA la an impurity In tho blood, producing Lumps or Swelling causing Running Bores on the Arms, Legs, ortcet, for the cure of which two P. F.F., the greatest blood medicine on earth. All thrao diseases yield readily to the power of P. P. P., giving new life and new Btrength. BLOOD POISON Cured In Its worst form ; sometimes In eases with Erysipelas, where the patient was in Eternal Palo and given ap by tho physicians. In eoine case* Scrofulous Ulcers broke out till the party waa a ynuM of corruption; a bottle of P. P. T. waa procured, and the disease yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And In all Aifcctlona of tho Blood, P. P. P. stands alone and unrivaled, and some ot its cures ora really wonderful. .. _ .... „ If you suffer from anything liko Syphilis, Scro fula, Blood Poison, Ulcers, Did. Sores, Rheumy tlam, or any diseoso of the blood, bo sure and • give P.P.P. a trial. P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Boot, and Potas- fftiun) is no secret patent medicine like the many on tne market. Its fonnula Is on every bottle, thus giving a guarantee of its purity and whole- aoniencea that no other blood purifier docs gire. LiAaNn BROTHERS, whlenale druggists, sole manufacturers and proprietors, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga. MCRAE & MARDRE. Wholesale and Retail Aoe HtOKESStONAl, CARDS, g I’. HAWKINS, jib Attorney and Coitncellor at ' Law, TIIOMASVil.LK. - - CA Oiliuu w il!i Mclulyrc A Mclnlyre deciil-H J II. COYLE, I). I). Resklont Dentist, Thomas vlllu, (Jeorgia. .(ua Offers his Mortices to tn citizens of Thom asvillo aud vicinity. «»Dice hour**—From u n. m. to I p. m., and- from2 to 6 p. in* Offlco—On Jackson street. MllCHLLL. . O. MITCHELL JITCIIELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Thomasvllle, Georgia. JJANSELL & MERRILL, Attorneys-at-Law and Insur aiiee Agents. rhoiuaavlile, ... Georgia Office—Over Walt’s store. g <). mclendon, Attorney-at-Lnw, Thomasvllle, • . • Georgia. Protnp w. min glvouto. al trusted to him Offlco—Over Watt’s store, corner Jackson streets. ^«P~v7buuue, m. d., Office, up-stairs. ^ S. DEKLE, M. D„ Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Corner College avenue and Mug uolia street. Telephone communication, No. 25 for night calls. IJI M. MeINTOSH, Physician «&JSurgeoi», Thomasville,'Georgia. 55P*0FFICE over Stark's, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. ALTER C. SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTOR OF CLAIM I. OFFICE: r.ti Broad Street, THOMASVIIiLE, GEORGIA. WALL faper. Have just rccinvcd a law lot of wall paper, nil grades. Oiling decorations otc. n»i. W. Kobbes, Masnry Building, JOEL B. COYLE SfrENTlST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St., over Pickett's. His Best and Most Pleasant Route FROM THOMASVILLE NORTH GKOHGIA •AND ALL POINTS North & Northwest —is vi \ Tin;- 'rillcol s< hkdulks to Augusta, Atlanta, (Jainesvillc,Ga AND TO ASHEVILLE, THE “LAND OF THE SKY." THESAVaNNaU AND AUGUSTA ROUTE. Passengers from Thomasvllle to Ashevlllo have a choice of two routes, over the Central, either via Albany, or via Savannah and Au gusta. Solid trains Thomasvllle to 8uvannah at 12 50 mid day, connect with through Sleeping Cars via Central, for Augusta aud Spartanburg, and gives passengers a da • light rid between Augusta and Ashovllle.the prettiest country in the land, arriving Ashe ville at 7 p m—In time sor supper. ALBANY k ATLANTA ROUTE. Passengers from TPoumsvtlle to Attautu, Gainesville an Asheville via Albany should take tho 9 30 a m train, which a rives Atlanta same evening: C alnesvllle 9 01 a ra and Ashe ville, N. C , at 7 p ••• next day. Direct con • nectlou Is made with tho W. k A In U lou Depot In Atlanta, and passengers for Mariet ta, Ga., leaving Thomasvllle at 9 3o am, ar rive at Marietta the same night. For further Information relative to tickets, rates, schedules, etc., apply to F. M. Vandyke, Tit ket Agt., Thomasvllle. Clyde Bostick, irav Pass. Agent, 8 vannah. E.T. CHARLTON, Gen. Pass. Agt. Savannah, Ga. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Thomasvllle, Georgia. I will bo glad to make contracts fot the construction of all clusses of buildings, pub lic and private, in either brick or wood. I will guarantee in every’ lnsiauco to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn ami careful estimates made. My Motto—Good, honeafc work at fair prices. If you want any bulmlng dona call on me. I will submit estimates whether contract Is ^warded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me in Thomasvllle and elsewhere, and all parties for whom l have workod* THE BEST AND MOST Direct Route? FROM ALE PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE*. SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express tralua dally, with Pullj man Palace Buffet Bleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, botweon «ln- clnuattl ami Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con* luectioua are made for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, 8nn Francisco and points intermediate— STew Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dolly except Sunday, At 7 -30 a. m. Cluciuuaitl, Dally, except Sunday at 7:15. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. The most rapid sorvlco over attempted oe- tween tho' Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River aud Chicago. fg-l hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among the points that have made the MOItfOflT ROUTS Universally and deservedly popular. OHNB. JAtiiJN Ylce-pres’t and Gen’l Mgr W. II. McDOEL, Gen'l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent r. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvllle Go. W. D. SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * * Plumbing Works. I have experienced workmen In my employ and am prepared to do all kinds of sheet metal aud plumbing work In tho best possi ble manner. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, Archltoctur- al aud Ornamental Wont in Iron. Zinc or Copper. 8LATE and TIN ROOFING, Sheot Brass and Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I keep on band a full stock of Bright and Rooting Tlu, Galvanized, Russia, Smoko- r tack and Plain Iron. Sheet Brass, Planished, tinned and Plain Coppers; Zinc, Solder, Spelter and Wire. My prices are reasonable and those who contomplato having work done or purchasing anything In my lino will find It to their in terest to confer with mo before placing their orders Offlco and shop over Watt k Bro. s, Broad St.. Thomasvllle Ga. SBiliU i™.‘ Mr. Joseph M. llroyer offers liis services to the public as a stenographer aud type writer. All work promptly Uono aud satis faction rnarautecd. Apply to or address, JOSEPH M. UBEYER, at Me u*,yre A McIntyre’s office, Broad st Whiddon House (Opposlto Plnoy Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - UA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. Tills house, located in the most desir able aud central part of the city. Is now and complctQ ill every particular. Fur nished hi tho most elegant' manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels The menu Is perfect, and the service rondored by truiued and po ll to sorvunls. Terras reasonable, and juices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tho house meet all trains. declO-ly THOMASVILLE AIJSTKACT L’O. ABSTRACTS^)F CONVEYANCES To City ami Country Property, in Thomas county, furnished at short notice. Special Slice a lu lital Estate Dcitcrt! OFFICE:—With Arthur Pullen, Attorn.-) at Law, Masonic Building, 107 BhoauSt.. - - Tiiomasvills, t A lirlea&Mcl Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will bo glad to inako contracts for, or superintend, all classos of buildings, public or private, lu either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans aud spoclflca Ions If required. If you want any building done call on us. and wo will submit estimates whether contract Is awardod us or uot. We will guarantoo satis faction In all our work. We refer to the many buildings erected by us in Thoiuasvllle, and to all partlo for whom wo have worked. Shop oh Fletcher st, 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvllle, Ga., April 3,1889. Lands For Sale The 240 acres of land lu Thomas county, being parts of lots Cl and 78 In tho 14th Dlst., and known ns tho Oco. W. Whitehurst place. Will sell for $1,000,—ono fourth, one third, or one halt cash, and the balance in from one to six years,—to suit purchaser, with Interest at rato of eight per cont. per annum on deferred paymonts, payablo annually. For further particulars ad' dress Wm. E Simmons, jnul-tf Atlanta. Ga. RESTAURANT AND Oyster Saloon. Go to Heppic 8, on llroad »t., opposite Mitchell House, for a meal or Oysters ip apy shupe. Rooms to let, also, and hoard rctaonaulc by tho day, week or month, tf READ THIS COLUMN. NEW OFFERINGS IN REAL ESTATE. BY E. M. MALLETTK. $10,000, Another old* southern home. 1,500 acres* five miles from city, good road, splendid pear orchard, netted last year, $445. Houses in good repair. d This is a great bar gain. 5:j.800. 100 acres two miles Irom town, run ning from one public road to another and divided by the Boulevard. A very valua ble tract, well located for sub-dividing, and will makoa’good profit as a speculation. 20,000 acres ol timber lands iu .Thomas aud Colquitt counties at $1 per acre. These lands are good farming lands and arc intrin- cically worth $5 per acre. £ $2,500. Unmistakably the haudeoraest residence lot in the city, 200x200 feet on corndr Hanscll street and Colton tiTenuc, fronting the park. There is absolutely no possible objection to this property. The only v isiuoss lots 041 Broad street at $00.00 per per front foot. $1,500. New place, lot IOoxJOi on three streets iu'suburbs At $1,500. The improve ments cost $2,100. Owner must realizo on property immediately and offers at this groat sacritict I have every description of properly for sale. Residence lots at $200 to $500 on good streets. First-class residence property in most popular localities will cost more money, but 1 have it too. I offer two splendid little farms with gems of pear orchards on them. I offer plantations of all kinds, sizes and prices. Any one haring any idea of buying will act very unwisely to do so without seeing me. |E. M. |MALLETTE, REAL EJTA'fE 11R0KBR, Thon>asvUlo. <i-eqr" ia Established 1879. i Special Bargains in Improved and Unimproved Property The Anderson Cot tage, Crawford St., next to Whiddon House and nearPi- ney Woods Hotel. One fourth cash, balance in five years. HOPKINS Real Estate Aomv, BOX 22- CITY- Thomasville, Ga ;