The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 26, 1889, Image 4

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The President's Friend. Washington, May 17.—The ap pointment to-day ot Charles,Swayne, of Florida, to be United States dis trict judge for the northern district of that State, has created no end ol sur prise and indignation nmopg the southern republicans. Quay’s man, Gilkcrson, of Philadelphia, was knocked out for the President’s per sonal friend Swayne. Swayne has not lived in the State for two years. He went there from Indiana, and bus been living there in winter only. He was a personal friend of Harrison iu Indiana, though while there he was not known as much of a lawyer. He owns an orange grove on the St. John’s river, and has never practiced law in the State. He was not recom mended by any of the Florida repub licans, and no one other than the President and attorney-general ever heard ot him in connection with the office. The few Florida republicans here are a lything but pleased, and the air is full of profanity at Swayne’s appointment, from the southern re publicans in general. He is looked upon as a carpet-bagger of the first quality, never having been identified with the State in any particular. It is said he voted in Indiana at the last election. The days of the carpet-bagger are not over. They live and thrive under a republican administration. , lemonTlixir. A Pleasant Lemon Drink, For bil oust css and constipation, take cm on Elixir. For indigestion and foul stoinaflie, take Lem on EUx e. , w For sick and nervous headache, take Lemon Elixir. , For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lem on Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lem on Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. „ . Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of wbi h arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stornac h, kidneys, bowtls or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Moaeley, Atlanta, Ga 60c, and $1,00 i»er bottle. Sold by druggists. % A Prominent M 'Ulster Waste*. After ten years of great suffering from indi gestion, vritn great nervous prostration, bili ousness, disoraere I ki neys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozeley’s Lemon Elixir, and > m now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, El i. M. E. Church South No. 28, Tatnall, St. Atlanta, Oa. May 14, d3m. Local Bill. • Notice is hereby given tnat application will be made to the Legfsla ure of this State during the session whl*'h re-convenes on tbo 3d day of July, 1889, for the passage of the following lo cal uill, to-wit; A BILL To be entitled “An Act to re-incc»n»orate the town ot TLomasvilln as the city of Thomasville to confer additional powers on sale corpora tion, and to codify, amend and superce* e all previous acts Incorporating the town of Tboraas- vills, and grant a new charter to said town un der the name of the ‘city of Thomasville, and for other purposes." By order of the Council. H. W. HOPKINS, Mayor. Local Bill. Notice ii hereby given that I will apply to the adjourned Bcssion of the General Assembly of Georgia to contone in July next, for the passafjb of AN ACT to be entitled an act to amend the act iucor- pirating the Thomasville Street Railway Company, approved December 26th. 1888. mny20-4tw II. W. IIOPKINS. Local bill. Notice is hereby given that at the July lessiog of the Legislature of Georgia, a Bill will be introduced to amend an Vet approved October 28th, 1870, entitled an “Act to in- corporate the town of Cairo, in the county of Thomas, said State, and for other pur poses,” so ns to confer the power and author ity to elect the Marshal ot said .town, upon the Mayor and councilmcn, to dismiss from office said marshul for failure or neglect to perform the duties of his office; to substitute for the words "Atlantic k Gulf Railroad,” the words, “Savannah, Florida k Western Railroad.” To make three months residence in said town—instead of ten days as hereto fore—necessary to qualify n voter to vote in the town elections; to fix the place of hold ing the town elections at the town hall, in stead of the “place of holding Justice court." as heretofore, and to require bond of the Marshal before be shall be allowed to enter upon the discharge of his duties. 30d ASLEEP ON THE TRACK. A little child, tired of play, had pillowed his head on n rnilroad track nnd fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a passing stronger rushed forward nnd saved him from a horrible death. Perhaps you arc asleep on the track, too. You an*, if you are neglecting the hacking cough, tho hectic llush, tbo loss of appetite, growing weakness nnd lassitude, which have unconsciously crept Upon you. Wake up, or tho train will be upon you! Consumption, which thus inslduously fastens its hold upon its victims while they nro un conscious of its approach, must be taken in time, if it is to lx* overcome. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has cured thou sands of cases of this most fntal of maladies. If taken in time, and given a fair trial. It is sixarauteed to benefit or cure In every enso of Consumption, or money paid for it will be WWC fH.Utl.ur Of mood, Short- ness of Breath, Bronchitis. Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an effi cient remedy. Copyright, 1883, by WOliLD’S Dis. Mbd. Ass’N. offered for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head, by the proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Only 60 cents. Sold by druggists everywhere. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine 'System of Memory Training. Four Book* Learned in one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child and ndnlt greatly benefltted. a Great indacemepts to Correspondence Classes, “ nootns. with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Ham* tho world-filmed Specialist In Mind ions. H, n • Aiior, unitf* icnjntnin, nnd oth-rn, wotratfreoby Prof. A. LOISLTTL, 237 Fifth J Ave.j N. Y. UPPMAN'S PYPJGE! /\SUHEOJf\EF0n | CHILLS & FEVER j] DUMB AGUE J\ND FOU BALE DY ALL DRUGGISTS. (Prlcldy Ash, Tokc Root, and Potassium.) CURES SYPHILIS primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Srohllls, Syph ilitic Eruptions, Scrofula and Scrofulous Erup tions, Ulcers and Old Sores, Rheumatism and 2? iscsics of tho blood : »U those that bav* resisted other treatment yield steadUy and tnrely to tho wonderful power of P. P. P-» tho great Blood Purifier. SCROFULA Local Bills. Notice is hereby given that 1 will introduce at the next July seestuu of the Legislature, the folio IngAcis: An Act to amend an Act approved February 90, 1879, creating a Board ot County Com mis slonere for Thomas county, so as to kavo said Commissioners elected by the Grand Jury, to regulate the pay of the clerk ot said b- dy, and for other purposes Also an Act tedispose of the fines and forfeit ures and costs ot the County Court of Thomas county, and for other purposes Also to fix the pay ot the Tax Receiver of Thomas county, and for other purpoeos Alee to prevent fishing or seining In Llnlon Lake or Sheldon pond without the written consent of the owner or owners, A. T. MACINTYRE. JB. Executor’s Sale. Will be sold»undor authority vested in me by the will of the late Robert Ponder, on the firat Tuesday in July next, the follow ing property, to wit, being the property ol the estate ot the late Robert Ponder, ot said county: One half of lot No. 26 (subdivided into lots of 50x105 and O'JJrlOS, ns will ap pear by plat), being in block ( I) four in tliv town of Thomasville, bounded on the east by Madison street, on .the south by Wolcott street, on the west by property of Major Got) and Ben Small, and on the north by Street. Sold for the purpose of paying the debts ot the estate of Robert Ponder, de ceased, SVm. IV. HENDERSON, May 23, 1883. Executor. Is an Imparity In the blood, — SwellingVcauBlng Running Bores on the Arms, Legs, or frect, for the rare of which use P-P-Pm the greatest blood medicine on earth. All theeo diseases yield resdlly to the power of P. P. P.» giving new Ufo and new strength. BLOOD POISON Cared In its worst form; sometimes In cases with Erysipelas, where the patient was in Eternal Pain ana given ap by the physicians. In eorno cases Scrofulous Ulcers broke out till the party was a mss of corruption; a bottle of P. P. P. was procured, and the disease yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And In all Affections of the Blood, P. P.P. stands alone and unrivaled, and some ot Its cures are. really wonderful. If you suffer from anything like Syphilis, Scro fula, Blood Poison, Ulcers, Old Sores, Rheuma tism, or any disease of the blood, be sure and give P. P.P. a trial. P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, and Potas- tiam) la no secret patent medicine like tho many on tno market Its fosmnla is on every bottle, thus givings guarantee of its purity and whole* somcncss that no other blood purifier does give. it I PM ANN BROTHERS, whlesalo druggists, sole manufacturers and proprietors, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga. MCRAE & MARDRE. Wholesale and Retail Age LEGAL NOTICE. OEOB'ifA—Thomas County. Hoilc, t, hereby ,1 on to all panic, concern eh that tbe legal advertisement, emanating terprtee, will hereallel bo publubed In tbe .Ton-KnnmiL Jon. 8. UEaniLL, Ordinary. Kay 18,118). BbarlCr, advertisements, wblcb bav. ' ea published In tbe Thomasvllln hereafter, be published In tbe J. A. HCB8T, Sheriff, Vy4 NI1F Ric I Was ' vMMean* and Preserves the Teeth & WALL PAPER. Have Ju«t reclevetl a large lot of wall paper, all grades. Celling decorations etc. Geo. W: Fobdes, Mosury Building, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. •g F. IIAWKINS, JR. Attorney mid Couiiccllor at Law. THOMASVILLE, - - GA Office with.McIntyre A McIntyre dec31-ly J II. COYLE, I). D. S., Resident Dentist, Thofiiauvlllu, Georgia, ih:; Offors his MorvlocH t«» Hi citizens of Tbom asvllle and rlclulty. office hours—From a. in. to 1 p. in., uud from 2 to 6 p. m. Office—On Jackson stroot. M 1 Mitchell. . G. Mitchell TOIIKI.L & MITC IIKU., Attorneys-at-Law, Thomasville, S ANSKI.L Si MKIfRIM . Attorneys-at-Law and Insur a nee Agents. Fhomaavllle, • Office—Over Watt’s 8to. g <;. McLendon, Attorney-at-Law, Promp* v.t mtl i t given to’ ul trusted to him Offlco—Over Watt's store, corner Jackson streets. w. W. BRUCE, M. O., Office, up-stairs. Cotuor of Broad nnd Fletcher streots.J [nug 15-’85-3yl ip S. DEKLE, M. D. f Oflice in liayes Building. Residence—Corner College avenue and Mag uolia street. Telephone couuuun(cation, No. 25 for night calls. IJI M. Mol SfTOSH, Physician «& Surgeon, Thomasville,'Georgia. ftf-OFFICE [over Stark's, corner llroud aud Fletelier Streets. ALTER C. SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW A.\D COLLECTOR Ot CLAIM OFFICE: 128 Jlroail Street, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. JOEL B. COYLE DENTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St., over Pickett's. Thu Best and Most Pleasant Boute FROM THOMASVILLE TO TI1B NORTH GEORGIA •AVI) ALL POINTS Norih & Northwest —IS VIA TI1K— Railroad Of Georgia. THROUGH 8CIIBill*I.B? Augusta, Atlanta, (iainesvilIe,Ga AND TO ASHEVILLE,' THE “LAND OF TUE SKY.” THE SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA ROUTE. Passengers from Thomasville to Ashoville have a choice of two routes, over tho Central, either via Albany, or via Savannah and Au gusta. Solid trains Tbomnavllle to Savannah at 12 60 mid day, connect with through Sleeping Cars via Central, for Augusta and Spartanburg, and gives passengers a da - light rid between Augusta and Asheville,the prettiest country in tho laud, arriving Asho ville At 7 p m-ln time sor supper. ALBANY k ATLANTA ROUTE, passengers from Tl'otnasvllle to Attanta, Gainesville an Ashoville via Albany should tako the 9 30 a m train, which a rives Atlanta same ovoulng: C alnesville 9 04 a m and Asho ville, N. C.,at 7 p*i. next day. Direct con nection Is mado with tho W. A a In U ion Depot in Atlanta, and passengers for Mariet ta, Ga., leaving Thomasville at 9 3o a m, ar rive at Mariotta tho same night. For further Information relative lo tickets, rates, schedules, etc., apply to F. M. Vandyke, Ticket Agt., Tbomasvillo. Clyde Bostick, Trar. Pass. Agent, 8 vauuah. K. T.CllAULTON,Geu. Pass. Agt. Savannah, Ga. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, • Thomasville, Georgia* 1 will be glad to make contracts foi iho construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, in either brick or wood. I will guarantee In every instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. MY Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building done call on me. 1 will submit estimates whether contract 1* awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me In Thomasville and elsewhere, and all parties for whom I have worked 4 THE BEST - AND MOST— Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS Itf THEESOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. •wo through express trains dally, with Pull? man Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, betwoen Cin cinnati! aud Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be twoen Louisville and Chicago, where close eon- Junctions are made for 8t. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pul- laud,’Omaha, Kaneas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— New- Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Daily except 8unday, at 7 *30 a. m. Clnclnnatti, Daily, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6 ;55. The most rapid sorvlce ever attempted bo- tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago. hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, andjrour safety and com fort provided for, are among the points that have made the MOBTOlff ROUTES Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B. CARSON Vlco-pros’t and Gon’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Gen’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gon.l Passenger Agent r. W. GLADING. Passenger and Froight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasville Ga. W. D. SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * * Plumbing Works. I have oxporlonced workmen iu my employ and am prepared to do all kinds of sheet motal aud plumbing work iu tho best possi ble manner. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, Architectur al and Ornamental Worn In Iron, Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TIN ROOFINO, Sheet Brass and Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I keep on hand a full stock of Bright and Roofing Tin, Galvanized, Russia, Smoko- tack and Plain lron,8heot Brass, Planished, ilnned and Plain Coppers; Zinc, Boldor, Spelter aud Wire. My prices nro ronsonablo and those who contemplate having work done or purchasing anything In my lino will find It to their in- torosttoconfor with mo boforo placing their orders . Office and shop over Watt & Uro. s, Broad St..Thomasvlllo Ga. Mr. Joseph M. Droyer offors his services to the public as a stenographer atnl type writer. All work promptly done and satis faction guaranteed. Apply to or address, JOSEPH 51. DREYER, at McjHyre A McIntyre's office, Broad at Whiddon House • (Opposite Plnoy Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. Tills house, located In the most desir able ttnd central part of the city. Is new and compluto In every particular. Fur nished In tho most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels Tho menu Is ported, nnd tho servleo rondorod by trained nnd po- Uto servunts. Torms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tho house moot all trains. declO-ly THOMASVILLE ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS OF CONVEYANCES To City ami Country Properly, In Tliomns county, ftirnUlictl nt slnrl notice. Special Prices >u Neal Estate Debtors! OFFICE:—With Arthur raltcu, Attorn.'} at Law, Masonic building, 167 IIiioadSt.. - - TnoMASVILLK, C K GiiM&Levi, Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will be kind to mako contracts tor, or superintend, all clasaos ol buildings, public or prlrato, la cither brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and spoclflca lens If required- If you want any building done call on us, aud wo will submit osUmntea whether contract la awnrdod us or not. Wo will guarantee satis faction In all our work. Wo rotor to the many buildings erected by us In Thoiuosvllle, and to all nartlO' for whom wo have workod. Shop ob Fletcher st„ 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvillo, On., April 3, 1889. Lands For Sale m TMit The 240 acres cf laud in Thomas county, being parts of lots Cl and 78 In the 14th Dlst., and known as tho Geo. W. Whitehurst place. Will sell for $4,000,—one fourth, one third, or orp halt cash, uud the balance In fi’QtU onp to six years,—to suit purchaser, with interest at rato of olght per cent, per annum on deferred payments, payablo annually. For further particulars ad dress Wm. E Simmons, ianl-tf Atlanta, G«, RESTAURANT AND Oyster Saloon. Go lo Ueppie's, eu Broad at,, opposite Mitchell House, for a meal or Oysters in any shape. Rooms to let, also, and board reasonable bj tbe day, week or month. t( Wise Feilt i READ THIS COLUMN. NEW OFFERINGS IN REAL ESTATE. BY E. M. MALLETTE. $10,000, Another old southern home. 1,500 acres hvc miles from city, good road, splendid pear orchard, netted last year, $445. Houses in good repiiir.J.This is a great bar gain. “3.800. 100 acres two miles troui town, run ning from one public road to another and divtdid by the boulevard. A very valua ble tract, well located for sub-dividing, and will makca good profit as a speculation. 20,000 acres of timber lands in Thomas and Colquitt counties at $1 per acre. These landshre good farming lands and are intrin- cically worth $5 per acre. | $2,500. Unmistakably the handsomest residence lot in the city, 200x200 feet on corner Hnnsell street and Colton avenue, fronting the park. There is absolutely no possible objection to this property. The only '"islness lots on Iiroad street at $00,00 per per front foot. $1,500. New place, lot 100x307 on three streets in-suburbs at $1,500. The improve ments cost $2,100. Owner must realize on property immediately and offers at this great sacrifice I have every description of property for sale. Hcsidence lots at $200 to $500 on good streets. First-class residence property in most popular localities will cost more money, but I have it too. I offer two splendid little farms with gems of pear orchards on thorn, I oiler plantations of all kinds, sizes and prices. Any one having any idea of buying will act very unwisely to do so without seeing me. E. M. IMALLETTE, HEAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville.! • G-eorn'ia Established 1879. Special Bargains in Improved and Unimproved Property The Anderson Cot tage, Crawford St * next to "Whiddon House and nearPi- ney Woods Hotel.. One fourth cash., balance in five years. HOPKINS Real Estate Airencv,. BOX 22 CITY. ThomasviUe, Ga-