The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 01, 1889, Image 4

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A BATCH OF FABLES, Sail! to be From the Persian, by Ambrose Pierce. “There now,” said a kitten, trium phantly, laying a passive mouse at the feet of her mother, “I flatter myself 1 am coming on with a very reasonable degree of rapidity. What will become of the minor quadrupeds when I have attained my full strength and ferocity, it is mournful to conjecture!” “Did he give you much trouble?' inquired the aged ornament of the hearth side with tender solicitude. “Trouble!” eclvjyd the kitten,“I nev er had such a fight in my life. He was a down right savage—in his day.” “My Falstaffin issue ” rejoined the Tabby, dropping her eyelids and com posing her head for a quiet sleep, "tin- above is a toy mouse." “What have you there on your back?” said a zebra, j&ringly, to a “ship of the desert,” in ballast. “Only a bale of eridirons,” was the meek reply. "And what, pray, may you design doing with them? ’ “What am I to do with gridirons?” repeated the camel, contemptuously. “Nice question fer you, who have evi dently just come off one.” People who throw stones should not live in glass houses, but there ought tc- be a few in the vicinity. A man was plucking a live goose. When his victim addressed him thus: .‘‘Suppose you were a goose; do you think you would relish this sort of thing 2 ” ••Well, suppose I were,” answered the man, ‘‘do you think you would likt to pluck me?” "Indeed, I would,” was the em phatic, natural, but rather injudicious reply. "Just so,” replied her tormenter. "that’s just the way I feel about tin matter myself.” A sheep, making a long journey, found the heat of his fleece very un comfortable, and, seeing a flock o' other sheep in a fold, evidently waitine for some one, leaped over and jomec them, in the hope of being shorn Perceiving the shepherd approaching and the other sheep huddling into a remote corner of the fold he should ered his way forward, and going up to the shephered said: “Did you ever see such a lot of fools? It’s lucky I came along to set them an example of docility. Seeing me oper ated upon, they’ll be glad to offei - themselves.” “Perhaps so,” replied the shepherd, laying hold of the animal’s horns. • bu- 1 never kill more than one sheep at a time. Mutton won’t keep inhotweath er.” An old fox and her two cubs wcr. pursued by dugs, when one of the cubs got a thorn in his foot and could in t go any further. Setting the other 10 watch for ihe pursuers, the mothei proceeded, with much tender solici tude, to extract the thorn. Just a she had done so the sentinel gave the alarm. “How near are they?” asked the. mother. “t lose by, in the next field,” was the answer. “The deuce tliev are,” was the re joinder. •However, I presume they will be content with a single fox.’ And shoving the thorn earnestly back into the wounded foot, this ex cellent parent took to her heels. l'his fable proves that humanity does not happen to enjoy a monopoly of parental affection. — — — A man’s occupation or condition has a good deal to do with making his facial expression. Intellectual pursuits, like the studies of the schol arly professions, when coupled with temperate and moral habits of life, brigh iten the face and give the person a superior look. Magnanimity of na ture, or love of study and art, will make a bright, glad face; but con trary to this a man may have a facej a that does not please any body, because ; of a love of self to the exclusion &' all others, notwithstanding his learn-"** ing and wordly shrewdness. Soldiers get a hard, severe look; overworked laborers constantly look tired; report ers look inquisitive; mathematicians look studious; judges become grave, even when ofl the bench; the man who has had domestic trouble looks all broken up. ' An example of the ludicrous side of this subject is to see a third class law yer stalking around a police court looking os wise as an owl. The busi ness makes the face, I say. There’s the butcher’s face, the ministerial ,5 face, the lawyer’s face, the doctor’s face, the hoodlum’s face, all so dis tinct each from the other and singly that I seldom fail to recognize those callings showing through the faces. And what city boy can not recognize a genuine farmer the moment he sees him on the street.—Herald of Health NEW ARRIVALS. Golden Russet apples, large Messina Lem- Frcsh Oatflakes In Unlk, at A.C. Buows's Tbe Jackson St. Grocer. Poor, unfortunate Uatrachlim! Tn wlmt a sad plight he must have been. And yet his misfortune was one that often Iwl'alla singers. Many a once tuneful voice among’ those who belong to the “genus homo " is utterly spoiled by “ cold in the head,” or on the lungs, or both combined. For the above mentioned “ croak er” we are not aware that any remedy was ever devised; but wo rejoice to know that all human singers may keen their heads clear and throats in tune by the timely use of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy and Dr. Fierce’s Cl olden Med ical Discovery, both of which arc sold by druggists. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy euros the worst cases of Catarrh in the Head, no matter of how long standing, while for all laryngeal, bronchial, throat and lung affections. Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is posi tively unequaled. It cures the worst linger ing coughs and builds up the ilesh and strength of those who have been reduced by wasting diseases. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all diseases for vflKuh it is recommended, if taken in time and given a fair trial, or money paid for ifej-efunded. Copyright, 1888, by Wc ; Dis. Mkd. Ass’n. Or. PIERCE’S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable anti per fectly harmless. One a Dose. Sold by druggists. 25 cents a vial. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine Syntem of Memory Training, Four B«ok» Learned in one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly beneflttea* w Great induconmnts to Correspondonco Classes. Prospectus, with opinion* of |)r. Wm. A. Ham* mono* the world-fainod Speciali*tTn Mind Dfiaws, Daniel ttr#©n!caf Thompson, theKrcat Psychol- Ofist, J.M. Buckley, !).!).* ed.torof the Chruttan Prof^ClLOIsijTTE* 1 2ll7 FifthAve., N. Y. FOn BALK BY AM, DRUGGISTS. lirraAN BROS.. -WMesalo DniMiata, Bole Props., Lippman IlloczC, fcavannan, Ga. CURES SYPHILIS Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Syphilis, Sypb* ilitic Eruptions, Scrofula and Scrofulous ErujM tions, Ulcers and Old Sores. Rheumatism and all diseases of the blood ; nil those that have resisted other treatment yield steadily and surely to the wonderful power of 1*. P. P., the great Blood Purifier. SCROFULA Is an impurity in the blood, producing Lumps or Swelling, causing Running Sores on the Arms, Legs, or Feet, for the cure of which use P. the greatest blood medicine on earth. All theao diseases yield readily to the power of P. P. P.» giving new life and new strength. BLOOD POISON Cured in its worst form ; sometimes In cases with Erysipelas, where tho patient y. jxs in Eternal Pain sna given up by the physicians. In eoms cases Scrofulous Ulcers broke out till the party was jj ruaaa of corruption; a bottle of P. P. P. was procured* and tnc diseaso yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And in all Affections of the Blood, P. P.P. stands Alone and unrivaled, and some of its cures are really wonderful. „ . „ If you suffer from anything liko Bypbihs, Scro fula, Blood Poison, Ulcers, OW riores, Rlieums^ tism, or any disease of the blood, be sure and give P. P. I*, a trial. P. P. r. (Prickly Ash, Poke Boot, and Potos- Mom)i* no secret patent medicine like the many tiw market. Its foonula is on every bottle, ibus giylag a guarantee of its purity and whole* •omencss that uq other blood purifier does glv \ LIPMANn bIPBtHEKS, wiilcw'e druggists, sole manufacturers a mi proprietors, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga. MCRAE & MARDRE. iVnalesalo and Retail \\) wall fapee. Have just rrct“'el a large lot of wall pa ior, alt gr. tie -. Coiling decor, t urns etc. GE). W. Foiiiies, Masury Building, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. «jg I’. II .MVKIXS, .11?. Attorney ;tml (.'otineellor ut Law. , THOAiASVILLE, - - GA Office with .McIntyre A McIntyre dec) My J II. CO VLB, \). I). S., Resident Dentist, Thomasvllio. • Georgia Offers his Hcrviocstn tn citizens of Thom asville Mild vicinity. «ifflee hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. ni., and from2 to 6 p. in. Office—On Jackson street. Mitciiill. . G. MircHKi.l. ‘j^jjlTOHKI.l. & MITCHELL, Attonieys-at-Law, Thomasvllle, • • • Georgia, WANSKLL & MICRRILr* Attorneys-at-Law and Insur auce Agents. rhomasvllle, ... Georgia Office—Over Watt’s store. jgl (i. McLENDON, Attorney-at-Law, Thomasvillo, • • • Georgia Prorap*atl >1 glvou to al trusted to him. • Office—Over Watt’s store, corner Jackson stroots. , W. IJRUCE, M. D., Office, up-stairs. Coiner of Broad and Fletcher streets, laug 15-’85-3y] THE BEST AM) MOST—— Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE*. SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace BuffetSleeplug Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cin- clnuattl and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con* nectlons aro made for St. Paul, Fargo, Bismark, Pol- laud, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dallyoxcopt Sunday, at 7 -30 a. ni. Cincinnati, Daily, oxcept 8unday at 7 :45. Arriving at Chicago at 0:55. The most rapid service ever attempted be tween tho Groat Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago. gy 7 hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among tho points that have made the MORTON ROUTS Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.C.YRiON, Vice-pros’t and Gon’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Gon’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 138 Broad St.. Thomasvllle Ga. W. D. SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * T. s. DEKLE, M. D.,§ . Office in flayes Building. Residence—Corner Colloge avonuo and Mag nolla street. Telephono communication, No. 25 for night calls. rp M.eINri-I, Physician & Surgeon, Thomasville,JGeorgia. Cy OFFICE over Stark’s, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. ALTER O. SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTOR OF CLAIM I. OFFICE: ISC liroail Street, THOM ASVILLE, GEORGIA. JOEL B. COYLE DENTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St., over 1’lckett’s. 1 ho Best and Most Pleasant Route FROM THOMASVILLE TO THE NORTH GEORGIA * Plumbing Works. I have experienced workmen In my employ and am prepared to do all kinds of shoet metal and plumbing work in the best possi ble mnnner. GALVANIZED IRON CoRNICE, Architectur al and Ornamoutal Work In Irou, Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TlN ROOFING, Sheet Brass and Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I koop on hand a full stock of Bright and Roofing Tin, Galvanized, Russia, Smoke- -tack and Plain Iron, Sheet Brass, Planished, llnned and Plain Coppors; Zinc, Solder, Spelter and Wire. My prices are reasonable and those who contemplate having work done or purchasing anything in my lino will find It to their In terest to confer with me boforo placing their orders. Office and shop over Watt k Bro.’s, Broad 8t.. Thomasvillo Ga. s® mi mi®. Mr. Joseph M. Dreyer offers his serrices to the public as a stenographer and typs- writer. All work promptly done and satis faction i-unrantcod. Apply to or address, JOSEl’li M. DREYER, at Me ntyre A McIntyre’s office, Broad at Whiddon House (Opposite Piney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E.B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, located In the most desir able and central part of the city, is now and completo in every particular. Fur nished in tho most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels Tho menu is perfect, and tho sorvico rendered by trained and po- lito servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tbe house meet all trains. declO-ly THOMASVILLE ABSTRACT CO. North & Northwest —IS VIA TIIK— Central EiilruS Of Georgia,. THROnDI SCHEDULES TO Augusta, Atlanta, Gainesville,Ga AND TO ASHEVILLE, THE “LAND OF THE SKY.” THE SAVANN4U AND AUGUSTA ROUTE. -Passengers from Thoipasvllle to Ashoville have a choice of two routes, oyer the Central, cither via Albany, or via Savannah and Au gusta. Solid trains Thomasvllle to Savannah at 12 30 midday, connect with through Sleeping CarB via Central, for Augusta and Spartanburg, aud gives passengers ft day light ride between Augusta and Ashevlllo.the prettiest country in the land, arriving Ashe ville at 7 p m—In time sor supper. ALBANY k ATLANTA ROUTE. Pussongers from Thomasvillo to Attauta, /JaluogyJUe auo Asheville via Albany should take tho 0 30 m train, which a rives Atlanta same evening: Galnes/Hlp 9 04 a m aud Ashe ville, N. 0., at 7 p m ne« day. hliofit Con nection is made with tho W. k A. In Union Depot in Atlanta, and passengers for Mariet ta, tia., leaving Thomasvillo at 9 3q a m, ar rive at Marietta tho samo night. For further information rolatlvo to tickets, rates, schedules, etc., apply to F. M. VanDyjce, Ticket Aftt.', Thomasvllle. Clyde Bostick, Tray Pass. Agoht, H tvannah. E. T. CHARLTON, Gen* F»ss. Agt. Savannah, Ga. N. S. Eaires, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Thomasvillo, Georgia. i will be guui k? make contracts foi the construction of aji clajwia wj buildings, pub lic and private, ip either brtc|c wood. I will guarantee in erayy to give satisfaction. P.osigps and pla#* dr^n and careful estimates made. My motto—Good, honest woric at fair prices. If you want any building done call cn me. I will submit estimates whether contract la awarded me or not. I refer to the many P.Uhllc buildings erectod by me In Thomasvllle 4Ad ejaephere, and all parties for whom I have worked* ABSTRACTS OF CONVEYANCES To City and Counlrv Property, in Thomas county, furnished at slnri notice. Special reices to Real Estate Destcrst OFFICE:—With Arthur I’*ttcn, Attorn.) at Law, Masonic Building, 1C7BhoadSt.. - - Thom asville, l A Grlen&Lemi, Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, Cj A. Wo will be glad to make contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, public or privato, in either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and spoclflea'ions if required. If you want any building done call on us, and wo will submit estimates whothor contract Is awarded us or not* We will guarantoo satis-i faction in all our work* Wo refer to the many buildings erocted by us in Thomasvllle, and to all parties for whom wo bavo worked. Shop on Fletcher at., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvllle, Ga., April 3, 1889. Lands For Sale <p LQ>m TDRtIG Tito 210 ucre§ al land jq Thoufas county, being parts of lots Cl and 78 in tho 14th Dist., and known as tho Goo. W. Whitehurst place. Will sell for $1,000,—ono fourth, ono third, or ono half cgsb, and th” balance In from ono to six years,—to suit purchaser, with interest at rato of eight pbr cont. per annum on deferred payments, payablo annually. For further particulars ad dress Wst. E Biumons, janl-tf Atlanta. Ga. RESTAURANT «!) Oyster Saloon. Go to lfeppte's, on Broad st., opposite Mitchell House, for a meat or Oyeteri in any shape. Rooms to let, also, and board mtionable by tbe day, week or month, tf HOME! HOME, SWEET HOME, fce is No Place Like Home. I will sell a lot 70 by 196 feet between Hayes and Calhoun St. for $250 to right party—$50 down and furnish capital to build the house and TAKE FAT OFFER OPEN FOR ONE WEEK. E, M. MALLETTE, REM, ESTATE BROKER, Thoma8vilrle. ! * G-eor^ia Established 1879. - in Improved and Unimproved Property The Anderson Cot tage, Crawford St., next to Whiddon House and near Pi ney Woods Hotel. One fourth cash, balance in five years. HOPKINS egx 22 city, Thomasville, Ga