The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 12, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - r. &. B. BURR, - Business Manager. fhe Daily Times-Enyerprise i" publish'd ewy morning (Monday exempted.) The Weekly Enterprise is published every Thursday morning. The Weekly Times is published every Sat urday. Subscription Rates. Daily Thies-F.nterprise, Wisely Enterprise, . Weekly Times, . . . $b 00 t 1 00 1 00 Daily AnvERTis no Hates. Transient Rates.—OOcb. per square tor the first insertion, and 40 cci ts for ea h subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • $ 00 One Square, two month? - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month i, - - - 12 00 Olio Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 One Square, twelve mont is, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by s arrang ement. N. B. Bruit. Business JInnnsrr. NI'IK'IAI. >IITHT. In order to insure pn mpt insertii n, all advertisements, changes, locals, etc., should tie handed in by noon be ore the day >1 pub lication BI SIMNS NOTICE. Parties leaving Thomnsville for the sum mer enn hare the Times-Entehprise sent to any address for 50 cents per month. Ad dresses can be changed as otten as is desired. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, HI8i. Work for Wanamaker. From the Boston Herald. Postmaster-General AVauamaker would accomplish a beneficent reform if he would overhaul the list of the 58,000 postoffices of this country and compel a change in some of the ridic ulous appellations that now belong to some of them. There is no particular objection to Aquashicola, Wapwallo- pen, Pa?sadnmkeag, I’unxsutawucy, Wytopitlock, Dagnscahonda, Natta wumkeag, Kishacoquillas, anejia- shement, Quljoto, Skaneatclcs, Quon- ochontaug, Agua Caliente, orTajiquc, providing they mean anything in this particular, and there may he some excuse for Blue lives, Plow Drop, Baby Head, Early Dawn, Sweet Lips, Bridal Veil, Rose Bud, Daisy Dell, Sweet Home. Dell Delight, Keep Tryst, Prairie Queen, and so on, hut when it comes to calling a postoffice Big Shanty, Burnt Cork, Dry Bones, Happy Jack, Hanging Dog, Hat Off, Horse Gall, Hump Back, Little Chucky, Mouse Tail, Negro Foot. Parch Corn, Pay l p. Pink Bed, Quid Nunc, Rabbit Hash, Rough and Ready, Rye Patch, Sal Soda, Scalp Level, Shoo Fly and Short, there seems to be room for reform. June is the month of marriages as well as of roses. They seem to go together. It is thought by parties in Perry that the jury will not agree iu the famous Wool folk case now being tried. The annual convention of the Sec ond Adventists of Southern Georgia will meet at Brunswick during the month of Octobor. John Temple Gravss is making the Tribune of Rome one of the best papers in the state. He is doing splendid work for his adopted home. It is now thought that the question ns to .who was elected governor of West Virginia at the last election, will be settled some time during the pres ent century. The talk about annexing all that portion of Florida west of the Apalach icola river to Alabama, will end in smoke. Florida is not ready to he dismembered. Just on the heels of the disastrous oss of life in Pennsylvania comes the aews that William E. Chandler will probably be re-elected Senator from New Hampshire. Misfortunes never some singly. It’s Homely, But IPs Getting There. There is an astounding statement printed elsewheie to the effect that— The hull■- (if Ihe cotton seed of the cot ton states iclll produce more beef, butter, milk and cheese, more wool and mutton than all the clover and blue ijrass of Ten nessee, Kentucky and Ohio.” And yet it appears to be true. An Atlanta firm fattened 5,300 beeves last \ear on cotton seed hulls at a profit of $20,000. Two train loads of these beeves were shipped from Atlanta to Philadelphia and sold there in compc tition with Chicago beef. This same firm will tatten 10,000 steers next win ter. Mr. Joel Chandler Harris; an au thority on fox hounds, bees and Jerseys, is feeding his herd on cotton seed hulls, and says the result in milk, butter and beef is amazing. In the Southern Farm Mr. W. M. Towers, of Rome, writes ot a test between corn, cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls, in which the latter produced vastly better results. And yet until a year ago cotton seed hulls were used as fuel for engines or cast away as worthless. Of all the plants that grow cotton is the miracle, and its wonders are not yet tried. Its little black wrinkled seed is as lull of meaning as an old Hebrew verb.— Constitution. Rev. Joseph McAdeD, who died ro. rently in Brunswick county, Virginia, was the oldest Methodist minister in ;hc South. He was ninety five years jld, and had been in the ministry, leventy-five years. The great Stuart will case iu New York has been compromised and the lawyers are unhappy. Millions were involved. The lawyers would have gobbled up the most of the estate They generally do. Ex-Senator Sabin, of Minnesota las brought suit against his wife for a iivorce. She is charged by her hus- >and with habitual drunkenness. The ady was a conspicuous character in Washington a few years ago. The itory is a sad one. Healthfulness of the South. The Columbus, Ga., Enquirer Sun has lately been doing service in show ing the heallhfulness of the Southern States claiming that the south is really the part ol the Union The death rate in the Northern States is as fol lows: Oregon 1067, Minnessota 11.58. Nevada 11.73, Iowa 1192, Michigan 12.06. Wisconsin 12.14. Col orado, 13 11, Nebraska 13.12, Ohio 13 30, California 13 33, Illinois 14.62, Maine 14 66, Con ecucut 14 74, Penn sylvania 14 90. Delaware 15.09, Ver mont, 15.12, Kansas 15.22, Indiana 15 78, New Hampshire 1609, -New Jersey 16.34, Rhode Island 17.01,New York 17 40 and Massachusetts 18 60. Compared with this, Georgia’s death rate among the whites is 11.09 P er thousand and Alabama’s 11.47 per thousand. It has leaked out that the average irice paid by the republicans for votes u Rhode Island, at the late presiden- ial election, was 850. The average Ihode Islander appears to be a very hrifty sort of person. Mrs. Grover Cleveland arrived at larion, Mass., Tuesday morning and Dok possession of the cottage of Rev. )r. Browne, which she, with her tUBband, will occupy during the sum- aer. Mr. Cleveland is expected to lass the month of July at Marion. Who will be the next Pope? gitating the Catholic world. Car inal Gibbons, of Baltimore, is favor bly mentioned. It would be some- bing of a novelty to see an American be successor of Leo XIII. Italy lias iad a monopoly of the Popes for cen- uries. “Any man who accumulates over 10,000 should be made to divide,” Charles 8pachs, a Milwaukee icialist, a few weeks ago. The other ay he got a legacy of 810,000 from ielgiuni, and we trust that the strong rm of the law will step in and take 5,000 ot it and divide it among the Care of the Dead. As the country become more crowded with population the problem of how to dispose of the bodies of the dead will demand increasing consider ation. A few years ago it was pre dicted that cremation would become popular in the United States and large sums of niouey were invested iu various localities to establish crema tories. Without exception these enterprises have moved financial failures and most of them have been abandoned or converted to other uses. A deep seated prejudice against cremation prevails among the masses and the efforts to overthrow it appear to have had little effect. Besides, cremation is too expensive to become popular. In New York they are now discus sing a novel proposition in relation to the dead which is advocated by some of the most eminent and influential men in the city, including a number of leading ministers of the gospel. It is proposed to erect a huge mausoleum 'in that city. Plans have been drawn for a building with .‘550 feet front, a depth ot 100 feet, five stories above ground and.two stories below. This enormous structure would be arranged to receive 40,000 caskets. It would contain that number of sepulchers, arranged in tiers of six on each floor, or iu family compartments. Every sephuleher would be provid ed with an inlet and outlet for the passage of air. When the body is deposited an inner door of glass is closed and sealed. A current of dry air is forced through the sepulcher nud then to the furnace where it is purified before it is discharged into the outside atmosphere. It is be lieved -that by this process the moisture in the human body could bo absorbed aud decomposition thus preveuted. Dr. A. U. Bell, editor of the Sanitarium, says that such a step would stop decay at ouce and in a few months would carry away in form of vapor all the gases and fluids of the body, and would dessccate the solid parts so that they would become iunocnous to sight or smell. This could be accomplished without mater ial discoloration of the skin or shrink ing the features. A body thus treat ed, it is said, would be recognizable for an indefinite length of time. The mausoleum as nrojccted in New York is to he a massive structure, but also a beautiful one. The arrangements for the interior provide for ample light and air in_thc open courts aud the spaces between the tiers of sepul chers, and for rich ornamentation. It is designed to effect a striking con trast between this new house of the dead aud the traditional gloom of the grave.—Macon Telegraph. Dr. B T. Coppcdge, ot Verona.Mo , says he has -sold a large quantity of Swiff’s Specifi:, and tc a great manf customers, and knows it to be most uccessfully used for maladies of the blood. Mr. D. M. Grayson, of Cronville, Franklin parish. La., says: I think Swiff’s Specific is the best blood reme dy in the world. I have known it to make wonderful cures of persons with blood diseases, some cases which had been as incurable. Two, No. , tim’d Horses for sale by U. A. liASS. r 110]in Hants Jiff; at I’k kktt's Cash Grocery. PIANOS ORGANS. W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, lias se cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which he is selling at tho lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchaso will do well to learn his prices and terms. Ileid A Culpepper are keeping up with Hie i-.m-cssimi, they have secured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, the tir.est preparation known lor dyspepsia. It is guaranteed to cure. 4 ( > tf Tones, World. Tribune Telegraph and Atlanta New York dailie: and Herald, Macoi anil Savannah dail.ia., ....... MiSS ADDIE .MefT.EhI.ANI), Jackson Three MUSQUITO BARS. Of all kinds. A good bar complete for SI.75. Patent beadstcad attachments. Agent for Armstrong's patent canopies, made ill walnut, clien v and antique oak. Geo. W.Fobbes, May 17 if. Masur.y Building. Elegant fresh Magnolia hams at 12 -outsat Picketts. Picket sells the most clcgant_ Hour manufactured in America for .$5.75'. Elegant coffee at T’ickett’f pound under the market. 5c per JERSEY MILK. Parlies desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied, in any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, 1880. AN ADMISSION OF ITS GOOD QUALITIES. An old line physician never recom mends a proprietory medicine till he knows of its good qualities and has proved them. A well known conser- vntoi of the health writes: “Allow me to offer you my experi ence with Calisaya Tonic. I have prescribed it in many cases of general debility with marked success. In fact, I treated a case of typhoid mala rial lever with no other anti-periodic tonic or stimulant. It has proved all you claim for it in my handstand has been perfectly satisfactory. Calisaya Tonic is sold by all drug gists at fifty cents and a dollar a bot tle. Lot of table linen al Pickett’s and it will 1)0 sold at from 15c to 50c per yard, about half what it cosl in New York. TAKE A BEST. Excursion tii-ki-is at low rates will bo sold to nil summer resorts throughout the coun try by the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, ecmmencing June -1st, good to return on nr Indore Oetober 31st. Fast train service with Pullman cars. It. W. WREXN, Geu. l’ass. and Ticket Agt. Few more pairs Old Ladies Bus kins and shoes to ho sacrificed at Pickett's. Florida Central —AND- - Peninsula Railroad. Formerly the F. R. A: IV, Co. When you are con templating a pur chase of anything in our line, no matter how small may be the amount involved Standard Time Used—June 2,1889. a | 7 | southern division] 5 00 p 1005 a Lv Fernandlnn Ar 7 00 1* 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar A 30 p 11 27 a Lv Callahan Ar 8 30 p 12 42 p Lv Baldwin Ar y 23 p| 127 p Ar Lawtey Ar y 05 p 142 p Ar Starke Ar 10 30 p 2 27 p Ar Waldo Ar 11 20 a 302 p Ar Hawlhorne Ar P10 a 4 201* Ar Ocala Ar 3 50 a 542 p Ar Wildwood Ar, . ^ 5 10 a G10 p Ar Leesburg Ar! 7 35 a| 7 65 p G 00 a G 40 p Ar Tavares Lvj 710 a 7 00 p 0 42 a H 22 p Ar Orlando Lvj 5 45 a! 4 00 p 305p’ 8 30a 1 50p G loa 1 63 p G 40 a 1242p 5 00a 1158 a 3 55 a 11 28 n 3 30a 10 52a 2 50a 10 23 aj 2 00 a 9 07 p 12 01 p 8 UOai 9 20 p iCT WISELY 31 | TAMPA DIVISION. | | 30 7 00 a G 00 a 6 40 a 7 20 a 8 23tt: 0 30 a 10 25 a I 12 05 p Lv Jacksonville Ar Lv Wildwood Ar Ar Panasoffkeo Ar Ar Sumtervlllo Ar Ar St, Catherine Ar jAr Lacoochco Ar >r Dade City Ar Ar Plant City Lv 5 50 p 5 10 p 4 30 p 1 300 p 2 15 p 110 p ,1145 p 4 00 p By coming to look over our large and 23 — | 13 l CEDAR KEY DlV. | 14 I 24 7 00 t) 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 150p GlOa 4 10 p Lv Waldo Ar.10 33 p, 3 40 p 4 53 pAr Gainesville Ari 9 40 a 2 30p & 42 p Ar Archer Lv 8 25 a 1215 p G 12 p Ar Bronson Ar 7 48 a 3. p|Ar Cedar Key Lvlj5 30j*U,. I WESTERN DIVISION 1 7 00 p 8 05 p 10 40 p 11 58 p 9 201 7 13 a Lv Jacksonville Ar'320 p | 2 45p 8 00a 9 3G a 10 27 a 11 28 a 12 52 p 2 02 p Ar Baldwin Arl 235p|l4Gp Ar Lako City Arl08p 1122a Ar Li vo Oak Ar:l2 23 p| 9 65 a Ar Madison Aril 15 ai 815 a Ar Montleello Lv;lo30a; 5 25 a Ar Tallaliussee Lv 0 50 a; 3 20 a Ar Quincy Lv, 8 57 a 1 50 a Ar River June. Lv 800 a 12 05 a 705 a, 1,2, 7, 8, 9, 10,13, 14 Dally. 62, and G3 Dally. 3,4, 23, 21, Dally, except Sunday. 30 Dally oxcopt Sunday. 31 Dally except Monday, FERNANDINA and GO I G I JACKSONVILLE BRANCH | I Cl 845p*430o Lv Jacksonville Ar850a-600 p 1005 p-600 a Ar Fernaudlna Lv 7 15 a-4 30 p 5 and G dally, except Sunday. CO and 61 Sundays only. . 7 15 a. m., Now Orloana Expross. Shortest and quickest lino to all Mlddl® and Weet Florida points, " * Tr ‘ > ' ,,n fcrwl Now A “freak” in Philadelphia offers to wager 81,000 that lie can cat fifty eggs, including shells, in fifty seconds. We’ll bet 82,000 lie can’t, if lie will permit us to select the eggs. A Cincinnati father fixed tho big rocking chair iu the parlor to upset il a greater weight than 140 pounds rested in it. On the very first uiglit afterwards his daghter got a broken shoulder and her youug mau got his nose skinned. TAILORING. Thei o is an end to all tilings, so the people say, but there is no enu to tho splendid fitting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cloanliig and repairing done in the neatest manner. Givo me call. John Kenny. And now the manufacturers white lead have made a combine, will cost something to paint a house next year. A Far-siflht Machine. Mr. Edison is reported, in a con versation with a reporter who solicited his ideas on the subject of the pro jected world’s fair in New York City, as saying that he would take an acre of space in such a fair and completely cover it with his inventions, of which he has no less than 70 now under way. “One of the most peculiar, and now promising good results,” said Mr. Edi son, “is what I may call a far-sight machine.” By means of this extraor dinary invention, the Electrical Re view says, he hopes to be able to in crease the range ot vision by huudreds of miles, so that, for instance, “a mau in New York coaid see the features oi his friend iu Boston with as much Yale Sentiment. Statistics of the senior class at Yale show that fifty-five favor free trade, forty three arc protectionists, while eighteen desire n reform in tho pres ent tariff. The importance of these figures may not seem so great to some people as the fact that three of the seniors object to dancing. One of them says that he does “not see why hugging set to music differs from fa squeezing.” Whatever may he the value of the seniors’ opinions on polit ical economy, there is no doubt that the above remark on dancing is ex pert testimony.—New York World We are reliably informed that the work of grading on the Augusta, Tal lahassee & Gull railroad will commence at this place in about two weeks. It will be pushed through as fast as pos sible toward Carrabelle.—Tallahassee- an. A fine lot of peaches ami bananas iust re ceived at A. C. BROWN’S, 0-12 2t The Jackson St. Oroccr. ease as he could see a performance on the cose. That,” he added, “would be an inveutiou worthy a prominent place in the world’s fair, and I hope to have it perfected long before 1892.’ —Scientific American. Cull mill get the FINEST chipped beef, to order, at A. ti. BROWN S, .12 2t Tile Jackson st. Grocer Libel for Divorco. Iniiicr Green ) g U p ctlor Court, April term, ,,, ,' s ;, f 1880. Libel for Divorce. Charles Green. ) It appearing to the court that the defend ant, Charles Greeu, is not to he found in tho county, and it further appearing that -aid defendant resides out of this State, it is therefore ordered that service of this writ he made hv publication, ns required by law. Al O. H. lIANSEI.h, Judge S. C. S. C. I certify that the above is a true abstract from the minutes of said court. This April S, 188ft. J.'W. GlloOVER, Clerk Superior Court, Imlortm cusacbla, Mobile and Now Orloans " 7 :15 a. in. an J 7:30 p. m. trains con- noct through to Thomasvlllo, Montgomery, Nashvlllo, St. Louts. Cincinnati. Chlcugo, an t all points North amt West. Arrlvo at2:43p. ni. and 3.45 p. m. . 1105 p. m. Mall and Expross tor all points South. G&lnesrlllo, Ocala. Loosburg, Tavoroa, Apopka. Orlando, Panasoffkoo tSt. Catharine) Dade City, i taut City. Arrives at 1 iSU p. m. 7 -OO p. in. Local, connects through tor all points South, Ocala, O.luosvllle, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarp n Springs, Souther land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives ot C:iua. m, 11:45 a. m. CumborUud Routo Expross, con nects ut Fernaudlna with stoamer City ot KILL FLIES. Insect Powder Fly Paper. Cassei-s’ Pharmacy, 118 Broad street. More mattings received this week. New patterns In seamless—fancy. Geo. W. Forres Fresh Magnolia liains al 12}., cents per pound, lor sale by (17 (it. T. J. Bali. & Ilito. Grocers. nOCIS Ub cuiuauuiu*- ...... . Brunswick, dally, tor Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Loulsvlllo, Cincinnati St. Louis and Chicago. Arrlvos 1:») p. m. 4:8) p. in. Fornandiua Mall and Expross, Uallv, connecting Tuesday and Friday with Str. St. Nlchola. tor Savannah and way land ings. Thursday with Mallory Steamers tot Now York. Arrlvos 8:50 a. m. Sunday trolr. loaves Jacksonville 8:13 a. m. This now sorvlco glvos ported connections at Baldwin lor all polntsNorth and West. Via Callahan to nil points North. East and wost. Via Fernaudlna, connecting with Str. City ot Brunswick, tor Brunswick. Macon, Atlanta, and all points North and Wost. D. E. MAXWELL, A. O MACDONELL, Gen. Manager. ■ G. P. fc T. A. J. W BEID. Agont at Thomasvlllo. Gn. More, of those shoes still left at Pickett’s and wo need the money and will knock the bottom out of prices. A great many people feel themselves gradually failing. They don't know just what is tho matter, but they suffer from il combination of Indescribable aches and pains, which each month seem to grow w orse. 'Die only sure remedy known that will counteract this feeling wind re store perfect health is Brown’s Iron Bit ters. By rapid assimilation it purifies tho blood, drives out disease, gives health and strength to every portion reached by circulatory system,renews wasted tissues und restores robust health and strength. Prickly heat and challing are cured by free- Iv using Roracinc Toilet Nursery l’owder. 'fry it; you will be delighted. McRae & Mardrc, Th uiasvllic; A: Bradford, Columbus; Alexander Drug and Seed Co., Au- a; F. Von Oven, Charleston, Agents. WALL FAPEB. Have just rocioved a largo lot of wall paper, all grades. Ceiling decorations itc, Geo. W. Forbes, Masury Building THE INVALID’S HOPE. Many seemingly incurable cases of blood poison, catarrh, scrofula and rhcunia tism have been cured by B. lb 13. (liotanic ltlood Balm),made by the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ha. Write to them for book filled with convincing proof. O. W. B. Haider, living acveu miles from Athens,Ga.. writes: “tor several years I Athens,Ga.. writes: “tor several years l suffered with running ulcers, which doctors treated and pronounced incurable. A single bottle of 1). B. H. did me more good than all the doctors. I kept oil using it and every ulcer healed.” ]). C. Kinard A hon, Towaliga, Ob., writes. “YVc induced a neighbor to try ll. B. d. for catarrh, which he thought incurable, ns it had resisted all treatment. It delighted him. and continuing its use, he was cured sound and well.' ...... It. M. Lawson, East Point, Ga., writes: “My wife had scrofula 15 years. She kept crowing worse. She lost her hair aud her skin broke out fearfully. Debility, emacia tion and no appetite followed. Alter physi cians and numerous advertised medicines failed, I tried B. B. B., and her recovery was rapid and complete.” Oliver Secor, Baltimore, Md„ writes: “I suffered from weak back and rheumatism 9UULTCU IIUIU .7 - B. B. B. has proven to be the only medicine that gave me relief.” MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY, The “Colorado Short Line,” runs solid through trains, equipped with Pullman Buf- S*lnn.\i si rr f’firtl from Sf. Loilis Qnd K&I1- well selected stock of Clothing, Gents’ Fur nishing Goods, Hats, etc., that is new and seasonable. Me Quickly To buy of us. After seeing the prices and examining the qual ity of our goods you can’t resist them. It is impossible to do as well elsewhere. NO fet Sleeping Cars trom St. Louis and Kan sas City without change, to Pueblo, Colo rado Springs and Denver, where direct con nection is made for all ltocky Mountain Re sorts Solid trains from Memphis to St. ^£10“ get the choice of the coupon ticket offices in the United States, y 3 _ _ x , j., For further information, illustrated resort tiook ot 14ft pages, tree, time tables, etc., call a be found. We on or address 11. £. Towssesp, Gen. P. k T. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. GEORGE FEARN, HEAL ESTATE AG1 XT. OFFICE IK MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. City and Couirj Property for Sale, HOUSES RENTED Ami Taxes n Id. "LOANS NEGOTIATED. Brins me a description oi your property MC0 Y tifeic m 0UTH Local Legislation. Xolico is hereby given that at the ap proaching.acSMum of the legislature I will in troduce a bill “To incorporate the town of Metcalfe, in Thomas county, define its limits and provide a government for the same.” A. T. MACINTYRE, Jr. Administrators’ Notice. aEOlUiU—THOMAS COtJNTYi All persons having claims Against tho oatato .— aix persons iihyiub uanua vn-" ,, . tno’ of *heldon Swift will present them to tho un- J?rcsh peaches c\cr> nioimng *. j erfl g net i within tho next thirty days. Sampson 0 Jackson st. * ruit Store. I May 23, isw. it. b. mabdbe, Adm’r. best goods on the market, andbuy and sell them at DOW. You can Depend Upon It That our prices are the lowest, our as sortment tho most complete, and our quality the highest. Dont fail to call on ns. G. H. YOUNG & CO Clothiers and Furnishers, 106 Broad St.