The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 18, 1889, Image 4

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Wilkesbarre Sinking. WiiJCEsnARRn, Pa., Juno 16.—Tlic a most disastrous cnvc-in that ever oc curred in the ci al regions took place here late this afternoon. The Ilol B leuback & Heilman vein mines aie situated under a thickly settled por tion of the city. They are 1,000 led deep, and for years past no coal was supposed to be mined in that portion of it underlying the city for (ear the earth would sink. To day at 4 o’clock the crash came. Madison street, one of the principal thoroughfares ot the city, is filled with large crevices,from which the gas escapes in huge volumes. Owners of houses are greatly alarm ed. The men in the mines had all they could do to escape with their lives. Some of the mules were caught in the workings and killed. Eight hundred men and hoys are thrown out of work. The loss to the mine owners will he over 8100,000, and the loss to property owners on the sitr face will he double that amount. Joiisstown, Pa., June 10.—Sun day quiet reigned here to-day and in stead of booming dynamite the sound of sacred hymns was heard. In the few churches remaining services were held, but the largest meetings of the day took place in the open air. Kansas City, Mo., June 10—Mea ger details of a flood, and cyclone in Kansas, have been received, Union- town is reported swept away. The globe in the Paris Exposition represents the earth on the scale of one-millionth, and is nearly one hun dred feet in diameter. -Paris occupies about one-third of an inch. All the great lines of communication by land and sea are shown in detail. The earth’s daily rotation will be precisely imitated by clock-work; a point on the globes equator moving an eighteenth of an inch per second. Family Records.—“Lige,” said the President, meditatively, "I understand there was great difficulty experienced in finding Washington descendants lor the recent centennial.” “Yes, sire,’ responded Lige; “it was, I of the hardest jobs the committee had on their hands.” “Well, Lige, I think Washington should have had sufficient forethought to have prevented all that mystification, don’t you?” “Yes. sire, and it would have been easy enough to have kept his relations before the public if he had wanted to,’’ observed Lige quietly, as he addressed and seal ed an appointment ol the President’s fourth consin to a $4,000 salary.— Puck. Or anything you may have, to us. We have a very large trade in the above articles, and can place your shipments loas good ndvant- ag i as any house on the market. We invite correspondence from nil parties having any thing in our line to ship. SUMMERS, MORRISON k CO., Commission Merchants, 174 South Water Street, Chicago. Illinois. Reference: Metropolitan Nat. Rank, daw GEORGIA—Thomas Coi ntv: To the Superior Court of said county: The petition of John Triplett, 8. n. lturr, Albert Winter, A. 1’. Wright, S. I., llayes. Jae.Watt, A. T.Mclntyre,Mitch IIS McIntyre.ll.W. Hopkins, Dr. T. M. McIntosh I. I-evy, J. Hansell Murrell, S.G.McLendon, II. I’. Hawkins, A. l’.Taylor.Jno. p. Parker, Moore & Williams, Win. Miller, 8.11. Burr, Jr, A. D, Rike, T. E. lllackslicar, and snch others as they may assoclato with them selves, desire to lie incorporated under tlio name and style of the Timks-EntebI’IUsb I’m- lishixu Co., - , , . , Your petitioners show that they uesire to do a general printing and publishing business. dera caplti der a capital stook of SINOOO, with the privilege of Increasing it to «25,oon. That a majority of said stock has been paid in; they desire to is sue stock in said sum in shares of glOGoach.said company to hare its office in Thoraasvillc, in said state and county, ami to continue for a pe riod of 20 years, wi ll privilege of renewal at ex piration of that time. And the more effectually to carry out the pur poses of their association, Petitioners pray that they be authorized to have and common leaf, to lease and purchase real property, to sue and make contracts in their corporate name, to erect and maintain in said town of Thomasville, building or buildings, as may l»c necessary for the proper and successful prosecution ol the business of said company. Said company to l»e business of said company. Saul company to he governed and controlled by such constitution and by-laws as they may, in .heir corporate capacity, adopt. The business affairs of the company to be under the direct management of a board of directors, composed of seven stock holders, of whom one shall he President and one a Business Manager. JOHN TRIPLETT, S. B. Ill UR, ALBfcRT WINTER, And others. GEORGIA Thom AH County : Clerk's Office, Thomasyllle, On,. June It, 18*9 —I heroby cortlfy that the'above and tjrogoing petition Is an exact copy of petl tlon Died In office this day, as will appear from my minutes. J. W. GROOVER. Cl’k. K. C. T. C. the New Discovery. You have heard your friends and neigh bor* talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal ex perience just how good it is. If you have ever tried it you are one of its staunch friend*, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr, King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, I.ung or Chest trouble, se cure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial It is guaranteed every t'me, or money re funded. Trial bottles free at S. J. Cassel's Drugstore, ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. W, A, ELDER, Proprietor, SEASON OF 1889. J For rates, analysis of water and infor mation, address 6 16 tf K. A. Elder, Manger. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. rued In one reading. Mind wandering cored, child and adult areally benefltted- ' “ sstfacrS .tk-h •B, J> Ave-iK. Y. /'.'ll j|d ^rrr'il \A/ i IhiflPlEI GUARANTEED. The only medicines Md by druggists. under a positive guarantee from their manufact urers. that they will do just what is claimed the money paid for them will be promptly refunded—are Dr. Pierce's world-famed spo- eifles, manufactured bv World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce’s <«olden Medical Discovery cures all diseases arising from a torpid or deranged liver, or from impure blood, as Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Pimples. Blotches, Eruptions, Salt-rlieum, Tetter, Erysipelas, and Scrofu lous Sores and Swellings. Consumption, or Lung-scrofula, in also cured by this won derful remedy, 1f taken in time. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is tho world-famed remedy' for all those chronic weaknesses and distressing derangements so common to American.women. It is a most potent, invigorating, restorative tonic, or strength giver, imparting tone and vigor to tho whole system. As a soothing nervine it is uncqualed. Sev guarantee printed bottle - wrapper add faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright, l?SS, by World's Dis. Mkd. Ass’x. $ for an incurable ease of Ca» * tnrrli in the Head by the of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. By proprietors its mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter of how long Standing. By druggists, 50 cents. By shipping ycur Green and*Dried FRUITS,MELONS VEGETABLES, W. S. Mi & Co., COMMISSION RECEIVERS, OF ALL KINDS. Special alicnlion In Melons, Strawberries, Pears, Oranges, Etc. Prompt sales accompanied by New York •Xi’hniigc remittance. .’120 NORTH WATER NT., Philadelphia, ■ Pa. Mess. Baum & Bozeman, of Quitman, arc agents for us in Quitman. Boston. Ousley, Dixie, Thomasyille and Monticcllo, and will take pleasure in answering any correspond ence. Refeience: Union Loan an l Trust Co., 88b, 8th Avenue, New York. Jacob T. Bennett. Jietpli W. Thorn. BENNETT & THORN, PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 302 North Front St., Philadelphia, - Pa. (l-l l-2m WANTED, 500 Gars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits, For which I "ill pny highest market price in cosh, or sell on commission, unit I will pay n reward of $25 to the person shipping me the car ol the larpest melons this season. This reward is over and above the market price of said ear when received. A. 1*. KICK i:ts Wholesale Fruit and Produee Dialer, Chattanooga, Tenu. Kcfcrciiec: I’koplc s Bank and other banks here; also It. (7. Dun k Co., and tile wholesale merchants of this city generally. Notice. An application will tic made at tlie July session ol the legislature of Georgia, for a charter to construct a railroad from Thomas- villc to some point or [mints on the Florida line between the Chattahoochee and Willl- lacoochec rivers, anil from Tliomaavills tlnougb Colquitt and Worth counties n»d n port of Dooly couniy, to Cordfle, nnr! Irom Cordele to Augusta, Georgia. A. T. JlciNTYRE, Jb. Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave ft Davis,| Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers Uo 11 (i TI Ac, I >R ESSED LUMBER. LATH US. PICKETS, SIII.NGLKK, MOULDINGS, illl.U'K FTS, .SCROLL V.ORK.B MANTLES, BALUSTERS,; STAIR-RA ILS Newel Posts/. OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS, \Yiiv Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds TO OUT) Eli. STAIR BUILDING, and inside hardwood finish a SPECIALTY. 8@-CORRESPUNDF.NCB SOLICITED. MILLINERY. Long advertisements of “ini- jiense stocks below cost,” at tract attention, but it is the quiet work that tells. We haven’t as big lists in the pa per as some people, but what we say in the paper we confirm in the store. Let us attract your attention by bargains in Hats, llibbons, Flowers, Plumes and all fash ionable head-wear. „ You can buy two hats from us for the price asked for one elsewhere. Is it not to your interest to save your money rather than waste it on high prices and big profits. Pic nic hats a specialty this week.* Mrs. Jennie Uarroll, Low Price Milliner, Lower Broad St. Notice to Contractor*. Sealed bids for tlie erection of a jail to be built in Thomasville, Georgia, will be received till July 1st, 18#‘J. Plan* and full spicittcations OUTLINE ( will Ik; furnished if desired, or they can lie seen at my office, where they will ho kept on file till the date named. I FIXATIONS— KXC A V AT IONS A ND FILLING. Trenches for the reception of footing courses of foundation walls to be dug as required by plans. Bottom of all trenches to be level, and 'tepped off If necessary to conform to required grade. Sewer trenches to be dug with proper lope to terminus. Alter foundation walls arc up aud mortar dry, lllled in with Jartii and rammed down tight. All surplus nrth to be removed. MATERIAL. The foundation walls must be of hard brick, height shown in full speculations. They must have footing couiscs 8 inches thick and 12 inches wider than walls. Brick must be laid In freshly burnt lime and sharp sand mortar, and carried up plumb. SIZE Of BUILDING. .Main building to be 41x15 1-2 feet and two stories high. Front part to bo used deuce; two rooms aho*\e and same Inflow, hallway below, and stairway leading from said hall to upper story, Prison part of said jail to be in rear of resi dence portion, two stories high, with office, din ing room and four cells on lower tloor. Four steel or iron cells on unper floor, to l»c construct ed of best saw and lilc proof steel, with proper ventilation, in way of windows, lattice work. etc. All floors to Ik; of concrete, and 5 inches thick on lower floor and 3 inches thick on second floor. Concrete to he 3 parts small broken stone and 1 part cement. Walls above foundation to be built of well burned brick laid in freshly burned lime ami sand mortar. INTERIOR WORK. All interior work to be of iron as far as shown by full specifications. Roof to be of iron or tin Contractors making bills will also make esti mates of cost of heating residence and prison parts of said jail, both by hot air and steam, with the names of the system or systems pro posed to be used. Contractor will be required to remove all rub bish from premises and to deliver said jail in a clean and tcnantable condition to tho Board ot County Commissioners of Thomas county, Geor gia. The right to reject any *.« 4MV ...» - all bids is re served. A bond for the faithful carrying out of ids contract, will be required from party secur ing the work. , ... Full plans and specifications furnished on ap plication. Address A. 1\ WRIG HT, Chairman Board of County Coins. Thomas County, Thomasville, Ga. Saw Mill for Sale A good ;|0-horse power Engine, ami saw mill complete, with a new Sweep-stakes Planer, 4 mules, log carts, wagons, etc., and 125 uercs of fresh timber. Mill just put down, and within 6 miles of Thomasville, is oflered at a bargain because the owner has othsr husiuoss requiring his attention. Fur ther particulars oa application at the Tiuii- Kvteupkisb office, or to EVANS it HcLEAS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. SNODGRASS, B. F. HAWKINS IXODCRASS HAWKINS,II Attorueys-at-Law. Formerly occupied by Enterprise of- IJI M. Mol STTOSH, Physician «& Sturgeon, Thomasville, Georgia. ^•‘OFFICE over Stark’*, corner Broad and lletcher Street*. •QR. JOEL B. COYLE. DENTIST" THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE. Broad St.. orer;Pickett's. J II. COYLIC, D. D. S„ Evident Dentist,F Office hour*—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from2to5p. ra — Office—On Jackson street. M Witch i.l l. i. Mitchell ITCIIELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, JJANSELL & MEKRILT. Attorneys-at-Law and InsurJ ance Agents. Thomasville, • • • Qvorgla'fKT* Office—Over Watt’s store. g g. McLendon, Attorney-at-Law,' Promptatt-mtloa given to^al trustod to him. Office—Over Watt’s store, corner Jackson stroet*. ■yj* iv. * RUCK a- d., Office, up-stairs. £ fltCoiner of Broad aud Fletcher strocts/f[aug 15-’85-3y] S. DEKLE, M. I)., ; 'Office in Hayes Building. . Residence—Corner College avenue and Mag uolla stroet. Telephone communication, No. 25 for night call*. Tfib Best and Most-Pleasant Route FROM THOMASVILLE NORTH GEORGIA -AND ALL POINTS- North & Northwest —is via the— Til HOUGH SCHEDULES TO Augusta, Attauta,GainesvHle,Ga AXD TO ASHEVILLE HTUK “LAND OF THE SKY." THE SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA ROUTE. Pasaongors from Thomasvlllo to Asheville have a choice ot two routes, over the Central, either via Albany, or via Savannah and Au gusta. Solid trains Thomasville to Savannah at 12 60 mid-day, connect with through Hleoplng Cars via Central, for Augusta and Spartanburg, and gives passengers a da> light ride between Augusta and Asheville,the prettiest country In the land, arriving Ashe ville at 7 p m—in time sor supper. ALBANY k ATLANTA ROUTE. Passengers from Thomasvlllo to Attanta, Gainesville and Asheville via Albany should tuke the 9 30 a m train, which a rives Atlanta same evening; G alnesvlllo 0 04 a m and ‘ vllle, N. O., at 7 p m next day. Direct nectlon is made with the W. k a. In Ui Depot In Atlanta, and passengers for Mariet ta, Ga., leaving Thomasville at 2 '4q a m, ar rive at Marietta the same night. ! A c«: Union For further Information relatlvo to tickets, rates, schedules, etc., apply to F. M. Vandyke, Ticket Agt., Thomasvlllo. Clyde Bostick, Trav. Pass. Agent, Savannah. E. T. CHARLTON, Gen. Pas*. Agt. Savannah, Ga. N. S.-Eatres, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER YThomasvlUe, Georgia. £1 will be glad to make contracts foi tho construction of all classes ot buildings, pub lic and private, In either brick or wood. I will guarantee In every instance to give satisfaction. Designs a ud plans drawn and careful estimates made. My Motto—Good, honest work at fair price*. If you want any building done caU on me. .1 will submit estimate* whether contract Is awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me In Tfcpm&svllle and elsewhere, and all parties lor trboni l hftye wM' llA ftnr Albany A Quesgo Ry. Co. TH E BE8T Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEfSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. Wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Pnlaco Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cln« clunattl and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con- noctfons aro mado for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Fid- land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Loulsvlllo, Daily oxcept Sunday, at 7*30 a. m. Clnclnnaltl, Dally, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. Tho most rapid sorvico over attempted be tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio Klvor and ChlcAgo. 83*1 hrough Coupon Tlckots, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, aro among tho points that have made the MOltfOriX ROUTE! Universally and desorvedly popular. OHN B.CARSON. Vlco-pros’t and Gen’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Gon’l Traffic Managor, E. O. McCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent- R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasville Ga. W. D. SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * Plumbing Works. I have experienced workmen In my employ and-am prepared to do all kinds of shoot metal ai^ plumbing work In tho best possi ble manner. GALVANIZED IRON CoRNlCE, Architectur al and Ornamentul Work In Iron, Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TIN ROOFING, Shoot Brass and Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I koep on hand a full stock of Bright and Roofing Tin, Galvanlzod, Russia, Smoke stack and Plain Iron, Sheet Brass, Planlshod, Tinned and Plain Coppors; Zinc, Soldo?, Spelter and Wire. My prices are reasonable and those who contemplate having work done or purchasing anything in my line will find it to their in terest to confer with me beforo placing their Mr. Joacnh M. Drcycr ofl'ers his services to the public us a stenographer and type writer. All work promptly done and satis faction guaranteed. Apply to or address, JOSEPH M. DREYER, at Me utyre & McIntyre’s office, Broad st Whiddon House (Opposito Plney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, located In tho most desir able und central part of the city, Is new and complete in every particular. Fur nished In tho most elegant manner and provided with ull convcnioncos of mod ern hotels. Tho monu is porfcct, and tho servlco rendered by trained and po lite sotrunts. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tho house meet nil trains. deolO-ly Men & Lfflcl Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will bo glad to make contracts for, or superintend, all classes ot buildings, public or private, lu olther brick or wood. Will fur nish pianB and speclflca»lous If requlrod. If you want any building dono call on us, and „j will submit estimates whothor contract Is awarded us or not. Wo will guaranteo satis faction In all our work. Wo refer to tho many buildings erected by us In Thoiuasrllle, and to all partlos for whom wo kavo worked. Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad, Thomasvlllo, Ga., April 3, 1889. Lands For Sale @N) L@N)<I TIMEE The 210 acres of land In Thomas county, being parts of lots 61 and 78 in he 14th Dist., and known as the Geo. W.. Whitehurst pluco. Will sell for $1,0 00,—o no fourth, ono third, or one halt cash, uud tho balance In from one to six years,—to suit purchaser, with interest at rato of eight per cent, per annum on deferred payments, payable annu ally .Ii|For| further particulars ad dress Wm. E Simmons, [ail l-t f Atlanta. Ga. The Elmwood’ Marietta, Ga. This new and beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, ELECTRIC HELLS, US, First class in all of its appointments, lias been leased by M. (J. Whitlock, former own er and proprietor of the late “WHITLOCK HOUSE.” His table and service will satisfy the most fastidious. His beds ore delightful. Term* reasonable. Address, M. G. WHITLOCK, Marietta, Gt,~ HOME! HOME, SWEET HOME, Tilers is 1 Place LiKe Home. I will sell a lot 70 by 196 feet between Hayes and St. for $250 to right party—$50 down and furnish capital to build the house and TAKE PAY OFFER OPEN FOR ONE WEEK. E. M. |MALLETTE, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. Gteor"ia