The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 27, 1889, Image 3

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* Till UR Your attention is called to the elegant stock of Dress Goods suitable for commencement. We had an especial eye on the selection of our commence ment Dresses, and have the nicest and largest stock to sc lect from in this city. •We arc showing an elegant stock of White Dress Goods THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. THI'RSDAY JUNE 27, 1889. Local Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah Ar... 9 23 a m “ “ " “ Lv...12 40pin * “ from “ Ar... I 31 p m “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200pm Train for Albany Lv... 9 30am “ from •• Ar... 5 20pm “ '* “ for Savannah Lv... 6 50 pm Freight an<1 aecom. from Wayc..Ar... 3 45pm •• “ 44 for 44 Lt... 8 40 a m “ “ “ •* Chatt. Lv... 4 45 p m “ •* “ from Chatt. Ar... 715a in “ “ •' for Albany Lv... 4 25pm 14 “ •* from “ Ar. ..7 55am TIIOMASVILLK AND MONTICKLLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lv...8 45 a m “ “ from " .... Ar.. .6 20 p Fast mail for “ ....Lv...2 0t» p in “ 44 from 44 ...»Ar..l210 p m COMPRISING India ani Persian Lai: Dotted Swisses, Embroidered Flouncings All-over” ' Swiss Edgings and Inscrtings, China and India Silks, Fine Fine French Challies, With While Dress Goods and Trim mings to match. . WE HAVE ALSO — THE FEWEST STYLES IN Ribbons and Sash Ribbons, The prettiest Fans ever Shown in Thomasvillc, The Best Corsets,’ The daintiest Hdk’fs, The Latest in Gloves, The most Stylish Parasols, T.&A.S. Kaliski’s Fine Shoes Please come and see us before making your purchases, and we will save you money. |TIie Leaders of Styles#:, SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr’s-126 Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vounteor Observor Weather Bulletin tor the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock I*. M, June 215, 1881>. ;Tkmpkkatirk. 2 p. m 82 7 I>. m 75 Maximum for 24 hours 83 Minimum 44 44 44 62 Rainfall 03 Mr. Charley Coates is in the city. Jo Fags has n fine lot of melons for sale. Mr. J. 0. McDonald of Savannah is in the city. Dr. E. R. Young, of Metcalfe, was in town yesterday. The days arc growing slightly shorter. 5b. J. E. Ifallis of Martinsville j s registered nt the Whiddon. Mr. L. A. Wallace of the L. A N. is stopping at the Whiddon. Capt. Charley Hausoll spent the afternoon in Monticello yesterday. Alias Jennie Thrasher of Quitman i3 visiting friends in the city. Mr. Northan of the Queen & Crcs- ent Route was in the city yesterday. Thoinasville will take n breathing spell nfter the commencements are all over. The Boston Baud left last night for Tybce Island, where they will spend a couple of days. The citizens of Thomasville will, we are very sure, give Miss Laurie and her pupils n good audience tu-night. Judge B. B. Bower, passed through from .Savannah yesterday Afternoon, en route home to Bainbridgo. A “Trial by Jury’’ to-night at the South Georgia College chapel will prove one of the most interesting evenings of the series. Mr. J. E. Henderson, of the E. 51. R. Association arrived from Savannah yesterday to take charge of the excur sion that left last night. The drainage of the low lands be tween Fcarnside and the railroad ought to be pushed to completion at once. The Jackson street crossing, and the approaches thereto, arc in much better shape, sinec the recent work was done on them. The Annual Concert at South Georgia Collcgo. Yesterday afternoon when the dark clouds came up from the south bringing ruin, there were many dis appointed people in town. At night fall it was coming down with a stead iness that did not allay the fears of those that wished to attend the con cert last night, In spite ot the rain a good audience faced the black wall of darkness that rose up before the solitary gas lamp that stands nt the Fletcher street, crossing, and when the curtain rolled hack in the chapel, it showed those on the stage a pleased audience that was determined to enjoy the music in spite of the darkness and rain out side. The overture from Suppo’s “Poet and Priest,” by Misses Rosa Neel and Nettie .Smith was pleasantly ren dered. Aht’s “Grcctihgs” by the class made thj audience feel that they were welcome. Two little 5fisscs then rendered two of Beethoven’s airs with a pleasing effect. "The song that reached my heart,” by 5Iiss Nettie Smith, was not a mis nomer. When Life is Brightest,” by 5Iisses Rosa Neel and Birdie Wood- son, plenscd so much that it received an encore. The trio, from Czerny, by Misses Chisholm, Collins and Dckte was good. Scharwenka’s Polonaise, as rendered by Miss Chisholm, was a pleasant sur prise, which was followed by two diffi cult pieces from Kullaknnd Beethoven, rendered by 51iss Stegall. The first number in part second, 5Iendclssolin’s “51idsummcr Night’s Dream,” by 5Iisses Jessie Chisholm and Rosa Neel, was one of the pleas antest features of the evening. “Where the pretty Daisies Grow,” as snug by 5Iiss Woodson was well received. The duet from 5Iasini by 5Ikscs Birdie Woodson and Nettie Smith, was well conceived and played. The medley, Scotch airs, which followed, was the brightest and best gem of the evening. It was played by Miss Smith and 5Iisscs Woodsons. Rosa Neel sang Schubert's “Impatience” so well that she iccciv- ed an encore, which was thoroughly deserved. The lust number on the programme “Chopin’s Polounisc,” by 5Iiss Stegall, was given with a proper concept ion of its harmony. Following the concert proper, came the “Rebellion of the Dtisics," with the following array of flowers: Sunflower King Eugene Smith. Sunflower Quern Daisy Scott. Daisy King Snui linker. Daisy Queen .Wayne Davis. Chiefof Police, witiinssistants..Joliii Pittman, Botanist David Keefer. Daisy General Emmett Mitchell. Aesthetics—Rosa Noel, Carrie Chisholm, Sarah Woodson, Florrie Pittman, Nettie Smith, Sam Cassels. It was not pleasant to see “the “ALL ABOARD FOR CORDELE.” smiles of God’s goodness nt war,hut the differences were all properly arranged and they will shccl their fragrance and beauties ns before. To night “Trial by Jury,” a pleas ing farce, and the delivery of the prize medal for declamation wilt close the pleasant commencement exercises for the year. You now have the opportunity have a railroad that will he built by Tliomnsvillc money, and ojicmted for the benefit of Thomasville. The long night of doubt and sus pense lias passed, the future and the near future at that, will give Thomas ville a railroad outlet North. Col. J, Cronin, of the Southern Express Company, Savannah, was in town yesterday. He was registered at the Stuart. 5Iiss India Hunter, who is the guest of her sister. 5Irs. Dive Wilder, at the Stuart House, has a superb voice, and it is the source of much pleasure the guests of that popular hotel. Sir. joe Grady, Collector of the I’ort at Apalachicola, 5Ir. Allen Fierce and Capt. George H. White- sides, local inspectors of the sumo port, were in the city yesterday. Dock Brown, of the firm of Brown Copeland, merchants of Sunny Hill, Fla., was in town day before yesterday. We arc pleased to learn that the young gentlemen are doing a good business. They arc pushing merchants. We regret to learn of the dcatli of 5Irs. S. R. Weston, of Albany. She was the wife of 5Ii. S. R. Weston, a prominent citizens of that city, and, for many years treasurer of the Geor gia I’ress Association. The press of the state will deeply srapathizc with Steve Weston in liis irreparable loss. Criminal Mischief. No one objects to boys having their fun. It is natural for a boy to have it. In fact a boy who does not have 4 little fun now and then, bids fair to be a misanthrope early in life. Bill when boys go to the extent of endan gering life and limb, in order to have some fun, they are going too far. And that is just what some hoys did on Tuesday night at tho South Geor gia College. The taps were removed from a number of buggies and carria ges. A number of wheels rolled off when the occupants—ladies and children — started home. Several narrow cseapos from run-a-way teams and serious injury were made. What if some lady or innocent little girl or boy had been killed? A hoy who has no better conception of having fun than this needs to be reformod good. There is something wrong in his make up. It is unfortunate that the perpetrators of this senseless and dangerous joke could not he spotted. They ought to be punished. Last year the same joke was played. A lady stepped Into a buggy and started home. A whcol slipped from the axle, the latter fell to the ground, the horse ran away, and the lady was so badly injured that she was confined to her room for weeks. Now tho boys who took the tap from that wheel thought tiicy were doing something very smart. But they were doing n very dangerous thing. We hope in the future policemen will be put on the outside as well ns on the insids, in order that parties may not have their lives endangered by a set of very thoughtless boys. Tho Ball Set In Motion. The New Out let will be Built. The Timks-Enterpmse never published a news item with more pleasure than the One contained in the notice given below. Thomasvillc, if her people do what they ought and what they will do, will have, within the twelve months, outlet to Cordcle, and the net work of roads that is seeking that thrifty young “giant among the pines.” It will he seen that Col. MacIntyre, Col. Wright and 51r. T. C. 51itchell have subscribed 815,000 each, a total of 845,000, which is 85,000 less than half of the amount necessary to insure the building of the road. If 8100,000 is subscribed, nnd that amount ought to be raised in three days, the road will bo a certainty. Each stockholder will stand on ex actly the same footing, whether he owns one or one hundred and fifty shares. There can he no injustice done to the smallest holder of stock that would not affect the Inrgcst’stock- holder in proportion to his holdings. The gentlemen whose names head this list, would not put money in this undertaking, if they were not assured that it-would pay them, directly mid indirectly. ’ Every citizen of Thomasvillc and Thomas county is interested in this road, in proportion as they will lie benefitted. The merchant will be benefitted; the farmer will receive a handsome dividend in the way of re duced freights on farm products that he ships and receives. The fruit grow er, the lumberman, the contractor and the builder will receive benefits that will be felt at once. The real estate dealer will rise on the crest of a new boom, and the property holder will come in for a large share ol the inci dental profits. Thus, as a’l are interested, atl ought to help, and this opportunity will for ever step complaint of discrimination and lack of competitive rates. To enumerate ail the advantages would be .to write a volume, and one that is already known and read of all men. The time for action has come; the time for croaking has passed. Read the list, walk up and subscribe. It can be found at ihe Bank of Thomasville. Georgia- -Thomas County: With the view of connecting Thom ville with the system of roads at being built to, Cordele, under an isting charter, or one to be obtained in the future from the legislature of Georgia, the undersigned subscribe the number of shares opposite their names—the par value of each share being one hundred dollars ($ioo) and agree to pay the amounts represented thereby, to be in installments as called lor, for the purpose of constructing railroad from Thomasvillc, Thomas county, Georgia, to Cordele, in the county of Dooly, state of Georgia. This agreement and subscription covers any future extensions the com- pany may hereafter determine upon. So. Slum A, T. McIntyre 150 T. C. Mitchell |.*,o A. I*. Wright ljo S. L. I laves, Jr 5o A. T. McIntyre Jr 50 Mitchell it McIntyre 50 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Room, June 2G, 1«8!1, Called meeting of council, Mayor II. W. Hopkins presiding. Aldermen Ilaycs, Wright, Merrill, Whiddon, Jergor and 51itoliell pres ent. Motion by nldcrrunn Ilaycs that amendment of charter be referred to ordinance committee and the mayor and city attorney and our couuty leg islative representatives. Carried. 5fotion by alderman Hayes that the question of sewer on Dr. Bruce’s corner be referred to street committee with power to act. Carried. 5Iotion by alderman Wright that health committee be authorized to make Jackson street sewer us deep as the grade would allow. Carried. 5Iotiou by alderman Wright that chairman of fire committee lie author ized to fill engineer Thompson's place as engineer of 5Iitchell fire company during his absence. Carried. J.vs. F. Evans, Acting Clerk. A “Trial by Jury” nt the South Georgia College chapel to-night. 5Iiss Mary Laurie, the faithful aucl pains taking music teacher, deserves a good house. “Trial By Jury.” The laughable farce, “Trial By Jury,” will ho performed nt South Georgia College chapel this evening. The’easi which we give below, is a good one ami a pleasant evening may he anticipated. A small admission, 25 cents, will lie charged, which is to pay the,'expense of {fitting Jup the stage and costumes, and the residue to 5Iiss Mary Laurie. 51iss Laurie very kindly tendered the concert last night without cost to the patrons and friends of the college. ( AST of characters: W. W. Linn fudge 5Iiss Rosa Neel Plaintiff fj. Alex Smith Defendant John .Stark Plantiff’s Counsel P. II. Bone Jr.,.... Foreman of Jury S. J. C'asscls Jr., Usher Bridesmaids and spectators. The Tybce Excursion. The excursion train to Tybce Is land under the auspices of tho Em ployers 5Iutual Relief Association, left last night at 7.45. Conductor Henderson of Savannah and Engi neer Joe Crovat of this place were in charge. Messrs.|C. H. Young & Co., arc to be congratulated on the procurement of the new uniforms of the Guards. They are not only very handsome, but, without exception, fit to a nicety. The eloquent address of Dr. Boggs on the subject of higher education, at the Library, on Tuesday afternoon, is tho subject of general comment. It was a masterly presentation of the claims of higher education; and it will bear fruit. I)r. Boggs is moving the waters. Ilis every stroke is a tolling one. The Doctor has infused new life into Georgia’s old University. The attention of tiie colored people of the South will he attracted by the views of president I larrison—published elsewhere—oil the race question. Har rison, it scions, lias concluded that he does not want to come in personal contact with the negro. This removes the miserable sham and mask in which Mr. Harrison and his republican allies have been masquerading. 51 r. L. A. Drcyer lias returned from a several days trip to Brunswick and the encampment on St. Simons. He also visited Cumberland Island. 5fiss 5L L. 5Ioss, wiio has been visiting her sister Mrs. Townsend, left yesterday ior Griffin. Jo Fnss is carrying a line lot of fresh family groceries. L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. g Headquarters for pure ‘'arbonnted bever- ages, nt wholesale nnd retail. Best sod* water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors Si* hilly lilted up for the accommodation of the Ladies. On draught also, the new Mexican beverage, “FRUI MIZ.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NERVE TONIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but is as well a perfect tonic nnd eystera vitalizes It improves the appetite*, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared from the nutritions properties ol pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found In lower Mexico, of which the medicinal prop erties are invaluable, and it3 favor delicious. It Cannot He Used to Excess. Not n funminggns drink,causing belching of wind nnd unplcnsunt effects after drink ing. So ctlieral extracts or li>|Uora, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; nil extremely pleasant nnd efficient tonic, over which nine out often ptrsonsnrc enthusias tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wanls It, Everybody Drinks It. “FRIJI MIZ,” the finest beverage in the worlJ. DISPENSED BV L SCHMIDT, Thoinasville Ilottling Works MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Trailing* Four Books learned in one ret *‘~ Allnd wandering cared. Every child and adult greatly 1 ** Groat lndnccineatA to Corrospondom ProoDOotus, with opinions of Dr. Wi S onify the world-furn'll r.pecialiatfn JL. anirll.rcenlrnfThompson* they (Wit, J. M. Buckley, II.II.. editor Of IL Advocate, N. » ., Richard Proctor# tb florin. \v. \V. A»tor, Julian Citann* Ja llriijuiiiiii, and nth-r*. Mat uait froo by . _ l»rol*. A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth At©., N. Y. Headquarters lor Drugs! REID 8s CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St,, - Thomasville, Ga 1 :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. BEAR IN MIND > -THAT THEY HAVE THE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IN GEORGIA, \\ here you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours, l;iy or night, by competent Pharmucists. They use only S'piibb’s preparations in the riptiou department and guarantee goods and prices. ' ItElW A CULPEPPER, 120-133 Broad Nt. -A.T- L. STEYERMAN & BRO.’S. T-wo Ceases o HZ-ist-win., At 31-2 Cents per Yard. REMEMBER THE PLAGE: Xj. ©teyernmn. & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 1-Sc. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Our Bargains the talk ol the town, petition completely baffled. UCs^Call aiul be convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., •A lac QUOAD STIUiJET. THOilASYILLE.