The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 02, 1889, Image 3

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^ - V>--P ALL! MIDSUMMER Preparatory to go ing North for our Fall stock we will offer for the next 30 days BARGAINS Please notice the following as a sample: 3 cases fast qplors Muslin at 3 cts., for mer price 5 cts. 2 cases fast colors at 5 cts., former price 8 cents. 100 pieces fine Ginghams at 10 cts., former prices 12 1-2 and 15 cts. 20 pieces combina tion French ginghams at 15 c., former price 25 15 pieces Scotch Zephyr Ginghams at 20 cents, former price 30 to 45 cents. Special cut in W hite- Dress Goods (wash goods) a< prices which arc sure to make you buy. Everything in both stores at greatly reduced prices in order to make plenty room for our heavy fall purchases. CLOTHING About 1500 suits clothing that must and shall be sold re gardless of price or profit. If you want good, genuine bar gains call and see us. Leaders of Styles and low Prices. 109 & 111 BllOAD ST. THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPR S E ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. TUESDAY' JULY 2. 1880 Local Schedule. Fust mail for Savannah Ar... 9 25 a m “ “ “ “ J/r...12 40pm 1 “ from “ Ar... 131pm “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200 pm Train for Albany Lv... 9 30am “ from *• Ar... 5 20pm “ ** “ for Savannah Lv... 6 50pm Freight ami acoom. from Wayc..Ar... 3 45pm •• “ “ for “ Lv... 840am “ “ “ “ Chatt. Lv... 4 45 p m “ *• «• from Chatt.uAr... 7 15 a m •• “ '• for Albany Xv... 4 25pm “ « •• from “ Ar... 7 55am TIIOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accoro. for Monticello Lr...8 45am “ “ from “ .... Ar...620 p m Fast mail for “ ....Lr...2 06 p m “ “ from “ ....Ar..l210 p m SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr's-126 Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Wenttier Rullrtin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock I*. M July 1, 1889. TEMPERATURE. 7 a. m , 70 2 p. 84 7 p. m 79 Maximum for 24 hours 84 Minimum “ “ “ 70 Rainfall 00 Mr. A. B. Cone, of Boston, tvas th town yesterday. Mr. Abe Simons, of Monticello, was in town yesterday. Col. A. T. McIntyre is in Colquitt county on business. The Guards will Lave their mouthly meeting to-night. If yon ever expect to help the town now is the time. Strain a point and take a share in the new road. W. P. McCarty, of Americus, was at the Whiddon Sunday. Mr. E. J. Miller, of Americus, was at the Stuart yesterday. Mr. E. G. Ferrell, of Kissimee, Fla., was iu the city yesterday. Mr. Ben. McLendon, of the Mon ticello Tribune, was in town yesterday. Another road will bring hack the lost trade of the town. Miss Osborne, of Clarksburg, W. Va., was stopping at the Stuart yes terday. Mr. E. D. McRea and Hon. Dan. \V. Rountree, of Quitman, were in the city Sunday. , Mr, J. J. Paramorc, of Gainesville, Fla., is spending a few days in the city with friends. A party of gentlemen is being made up to go to the Florida coast next week. The collector was out yesterday and the usual number of excuses were cur rent. Mrs. Willis Moore will spend the next two months with relatives in Boston. Jim Dillon’s many friends arc glad to see him up again from an nttack of sickness. Dr. J. G. Hopkins left Sunday to join his family at Marietta, where they arc spending the summer. Miss Mamie Blood passed through the city yesterday, en route fiom Sneeds, Fla., to her home in Boston. The glorious fourth will soon he here. Beyond the promised parade of the Guards we hear of no move ment to celebrate the day. I)r. M. R. Mailette, of Boston, was in town yesterday, attending the meet ing of the Board of County Commis sioners. There is danger of the territory between here and Cordcle being occu pied. Prompt action will avert this danger. Mr. J. Monroe Lee left yesterday for Rome. ' From there he will go to New York and will he absent for about six weeks. Master George Stallings, a deaf mute, accompanied by his little brother and sister, also deaf mutes, were at the AVhiddon yesterday, en route from their home at Ca\4l Springs to Bain- bridge. One firm that subscribed $500 to Thomasville’s new railroad stands ready to double its subscription. This spirit wilt insure the building of the road, If doubts and misgivings could be utilized to the building of new enter prises, then Thomasville stands ready to furnish half a dozen men that can furnish enough of each to back every enterprise that will be begun fromnow till the end of time. County Commissioners Court, The Board of County Commission ers met in regular monthly session yes terday at their room in the Court' House. It was the first meeting of the new Board, though it is composed of the same members except Mr. James F. Lilly, who takes the place of Mr. II. B. Ainsworth. There were several petitions asking lor roads in different parts of the county. One order was passed for a road in ilic Chastain neighborhood. Judge Hopkins came before the Board aild asked permission to straight en the road near “Greenwood,’’ Mr. Van Duzer’s place, without expense to the county, which was granted. Coun ty Physician Bouchclle reported the jail and poor house in good condition, and Keeper Ward, of the poor house, reports ten inmates, eight whites and two colored. Bills aggregating about $300 were ordered paid. Col. A. P. Wright was unanimously re elected chairmart of the Board. Mrr Will L. Landrum representing the Pauly Jail Company of St. Louis, and Mr. Frank Ledrole, representing the Champion Iron Company, Kenton Ohio, submitted bids for the building of the new jail. The Board adjourned till the 15th and in the meantime will investigate the matter thoroughly. . Chairman Bulloch of the committee on roads and bridges was ordered to issue a notice in its name, to the road commissioners in the various districts in the county, requiring them to put all the roads in thorough order by August 10th, and also to place mils posts and sign hoards in position on all roads. Contractors and builders arc inter ested in cheap lumber. The new road will open up a fine timber sec tion which will mean cheap lumber aud good lumber. It goes without flaying, therefore, that contractors aud builders ought to take stock in the new road. Police Court. Only three cases were up before the mayor yesterday morning. Liza Mitchell aud Mary Jane Lewis appeared with scratched faces tj an swer tbo charge of fighting. Liza pleaded guilty and was fined five and cost, and ail uddititinal fine of five dollars for contempt of court. Mary Jane pleaded not guilty hut alter going through a trial was convicted and fiopd a like amount, Arthur Owens paid the cost, one dollar, for emptying n barrel of dirty water in the street. Every one now has an opportunity to get in on the ground floor, in flic new road. If a few men have to put up the money—and make a pile out of it, which would ho tiie case—then do not say that a half dozen men gobbled up the enterprise. Goes to New York. Mr. John W. Mitchell leaves for New York tc-day, where he goes to take a place with Joseph Pike’s Son, in the commission business. Mr. Pike has had fine success in handling (lie Le- Conte pear, and Mr. Mitchell will give his personal attention to shipments made to the house. Haifa dozen other towus, some of them much less strong financially, than Tliomnsvillc, will soon have new and competing lines of railroads. Shall we lag behind? Have the business men calculated the great advantage it would give if this was mndn a completive point? Mr. A. C. Knapp, traffic manager of the Georgia Southern & Florida R. R., was in the city yesterday. Mr. Knapp says his line has. carried 15 per cent of the melon crop this season. This is a wonderfully fine showing foe a new road. , The new road will inaugurate an other builing boom. Hundreds of mechanics would find emyloyment at good wages, Aud thus money would be spent among the merchants, Mrs. Lucy Wimberly and daugh ter, of Cario, who have been visiting the family of Mr. D. B. Ainsworth, returned home yesterday. Mr. Signor Lobe, who lias charge of H. Wise’s branch store at Monticello, was in the city yesterday shaking hands with Iricnds. “He thiuketh no evil”—is flip in scription on Henry Ward Beecher’s monument. Not now, at any rate.— Ex. Three New Stores. Mr. Hansell Merrill, agent for the Pittman estate, has given out the con tract for three new brick stores on Jackson street, between the one now occupied by Mr. Schmidt. And Mr. Calvin Carroll. * The stores will he one story in height and will he quite an addition to Jackson street. Architect Gunn, who has the en vision of the"buil<liiig,s will begin this morning the work of demolishing the wooden buildings whose place the new stores will take. The wooden buildings are now occupied by Clem Sinclair as a restaurant, one lias been used as a fish market and another by Frank Paine ns a shoe shop. Give us our Due. The Savannah News of yesterday, in speaking of the railroad meeting of Friday night, says Thomasville raised $13,000. This amount was raised that night, and with the $60,000 previously sub scribed, made a total of $73,000 raised up to Friday night. Since then some thing like $.’,,000 has been subscribed which passes the three quarter post. A Negro Boy Shot. Walter Count, a colored hoy, was shot on the Monticello road, two miles from town, yesterday morning, about II o’clock, by Clarence Williams, also colored. The shooting, which was ac cidental, was done with a shot-gun, a load of bird-shot taking effect iu his face and probably damaging one eve. The hoy lives in town, hut was not brought, in until late in the afternoon. Dr. A. P. Taylor went out and ren dered the necessary attention. Ilis wounds, while painful, are. not dan gerous. Interfering With an Officer. Henry Smith a negro man, came to grief yesterday for interlering witli an officer. Sam Dixon, a colored deputy, hail arrested Jim Smith, the old man’s son, and was taking him to jail as ordered, It seems that Henry did not recog nize Sam’s authority, and was object ing very forcibly against his sons being taken to jail. At this stage of proceed ings Sheriff Gus Hurst arrived and in a second settled things by using a persuader. The boy was marched 10 jail. And Still they Come. Judge Hopkins raised $2,000 in stock to the railroad yesterday after noon in half an hour. J. I,. Linton, Esq., headed the list with ten shares. Look up one of the committee and make your subscription. Do not wait to he called on. The Vigilants were out lor drill yesterday afternoon. This company has always done good service in the past and will do equally as well in the future. Prof. F. M. Wright, of the .South Georgia College,will leave this morn ing for his summer’s outing. lie will visit Atlanta and other points in North Georgia. Professor Wight,dur ing his stay in Thomasville, lias not only won the confidence and esteem of the pupils of the college, but lie lias, also, established himself in the confi dence of the citizens of the town. The TiMKS-ExTEitrnrsK wishes the Professor a peasant sojourn among the mountains. Even if the investments barely paid out, Thomasville business men, and others, ought not to hesitate about subscribing to the new road. But that the subscribers to the original stock will make a good thing out of it, no one doubts. The character, busi ness capacity and shrewdness of the men putting their thousands into the road, is a sufficient guarantee that there is money in it. Miss Amy Underwood, of Camilla, Gn., passed a successful examination before the School Board last week, aud will he cmjduycd as a teacher in the Wayeross Tligli School next ses sion.- - Waycross Reporter. Miss Underwood is a daughter of Rev. J. C. Underwood, of the Clarion, and Inis many friends iu this city that will rejoice to hear of her success. Mr. Win. L. Landrum, of the Pauly Iron Company, St. Louis, left for home yesterday afternoon, lie will return in two weeks and will he pres ent at the adjourned meeting of the Board ot fjpupty Commissioners. It is a groiiwl hog case: Thomas ville must have another outlet. And she’ll have it, REID Ss CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga" ;School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <1 BEAR IN MIND > -THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I2ST GEORGIA-’ Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hoars, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb’s preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. ~ BE1U «V tTLFEFPER, 120-133 JBroatljpit. T L.' STEYEHMAN & BRO.’S. T-wo Cases o X-iSl-wshl, At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard. IFtEMIEIVU BER THE PLACE: L. Steyermari & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 1-Sc. CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING! Oup Bargains the talk ot the town. Com petition completely baffled. 'nil ;unl In: convinced. L. STEYERIV1AN & BRO., UUjimoAD -STREET. THOMASVILLE. IH0MASVILLE Bottling Works, L. SCHMIDT, Proprielor. Headquarters lur pure ■arbonated bever ages, at wholesale and retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. ice Cream Parlors Specially fitted up for the accommodation of the Ladies. On draught also, the new Mexican “ERUI MIS.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NERVE TONIC. This delightful bever age is nut only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but is ns well a perfect tonic and eystem vitnlizcr. It improves tho appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tion*. Its Properties^ Prepared fromjg the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found in lotfer Mexico, of which the medieiuul prop erties are invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot He Used to Excess. Not a foaming gas drink, causing belching of wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No etheral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out often persons are cii'lmsias- tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. Tlioinasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis,?JProp'ri Manufacturers andlOealers ROUGH & iDRESSEI LUMBER, I.ATII ES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, mouldings, llltAUKKTS.|| SCHOLL WOIIKJ mantles, BALUSTERS* STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHUllCII <0 STORI Furniture. -STOKE FRONTS, fcWiiv Screen Doors and Windows, Sasl Doors and Blinds TO’ 011 BE R. - 0 —sa STAIR BUILDING,! AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH j SPECIALTY. ttoTCOHItESI’iINDENCK SOLICITED,! FItUI Ml/.,’ tli wurl I. M-SIMyWSKD BY B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER in HARDWARE Stoves, Ivon, Is. SCIDIIUT, , Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only (JpmiijiH fivinm of Memory TraIol8|i Four ifook* Learned in ono reading* Mind wandering cured* P.vrry child and adult greatly benoflttcd* m Groat iuducemcuU to CorrespondenceCUaaet, Fmenectas, with opinion, o/ Hr. Wm. A. llitiu- tnontit the wnrM-fam -d Kp^cialistjn >Iiud Diseases. Daniel itreenle.-tf Tl:uniriun, ib«(treat Purchof. ocist, J. 31. Duck ley, I>.l>..«ditorof the Chrutian A'lrorati , tCichard Proctor* the Scientist, IIqiih. \t\ \V. A*tor» Judgo Gitoon, Judah P. Vufntnin* and -ali-rs. Bout free by frof. A. LOiaLTTK, 237 Fifth At©., N* Y* Tin and Hollow Ware, Gm aim Smuts Ms el - ail kinds, anti agent for King’s Powder Co. GEORGE FEARN, KEAl ISTAT8 At! AT. OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Cilj and Coi itrj Pwpcrl) for Salt, HOUSES RENTED Autl Taxes Vt Id. SLOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a descriotion ni vnnr irtnluw*