The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 02, 1889, Image 4

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“Now I Uy Mo Down to Sleep." The Wichita Eagle says that the following poem was left at that office by an unknown man who came to ask for work: N>*r the camp-tlrc's flickering light, lo my blanket heil I lie, Guing through the shades of night At tte twinkling stars on high. O'er me spirits in the air Silent vigils seem to keep. Aa l breathe my childhood's prayer— “Now I lay me down to sleep." Sadly sings the whippoorwill In'the boughs of yonder tree, Laughingly the dancing rill Swells the niidnigt t ipelndy.' Foeraen may lie lurking near. In the canyon dark and deep; I,ow I breathe in Jesus' ear— “I pray the Lord my soul to keep." 'Mid the stars one fare I see, One the Saviour called away; Mother, who in infancy Taught my bahv lips to pray. Her sweet spirit hovers near In this lonely mountain brake; Take me to her, Savior, dear, "If I should die before I wake." Fainter grows tbe flickering light, As each ember slowly dies; Plaintively the birds of night. Fill the air with saddening cries, fiver me they seem to cry: “Yon may never more awake." Vow I lisp, "If I should die, "I pray the Lord my soul to take." "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the laird my soul to keep; If I should die before 1 wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." From the Arizona Kicker. We Can’t Sef. It.—Our contenipc. ray down the street is tickled almost to death becaue Maj. Hilden lias been appointed postmaster in this town, and because, as it affirms, the editor of the Kicker got left. Wc can’t see anything to laugh at. We were the man by all odds among the twenty ap plicants, and if Wanamakcr couldn’t see it the fault was not ours. Wc expect ed to get the appointment and ought to have had it. The man that did get it doesn’t know how to run a pea nut stand, and if the Kicker doesn’t make his life miserable for the next year then we don’t want a cent. As for our old knock-kneed, bald headed, squint-eyed contemporary who wears a grin on his phiz, we will see him later. We are fishing to get hold of the chattel mortgagejjiven on his office three months ago, and if we suc ceed he will hear something drop. We Stand Neutral.—The editor of the Kicker has been asked to express his opinion on the conduct of Pres ident Harrison in furnishing fat places to so many of his relatives. We stand neutral on that question, having an application on file in Washington to be appointed Indian Commissioner for this reservation. Ifwe don’t get the appointment we shall have a very decided opinion on Mr. Harrison's nepotism. If we do get it wc shan’t bite the hand which feeds us. I-ONOFEM.OW’S MAIDEN, who it~ “Standing, with reluctant feet. Where the brook and river meet. Womanhood nnd childhood fleet I” is a type of thousands of young ffirls aro emerging from the chrysalis stage of their existence, os they enter upon their “teens.’ Nervous, excitable, irritable, stirred by strange, unknowable forces within them, each a mystery unto herself, our girls need tho ten derest can*, I lie most loving, patient oversight, nnd the aid of hr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, to safely carry them through this critical |>oriod, during which, in too many lives, alas, are sown the seeds of dis tressing forms of diseases peculiar to the female sex. Hut. tins boon to womntikind will prevent, nil such discuses, or <mn* them if they lmve already seized a vietim^Wonnui owes it to herself, to In r family, and to her soeinl station, to be well ami strong. IaL H..r then not neglect the sure means of run*. ■* is a legitimate incdi- l« d by an experienced • I adapted to woman's “Favorite Pi and skillful physician delicate organization in its composition in its effects in any Hold by druggists; ff».00. Copyright. is°- s . ely vegetable id perfectly harmless edition of the system. .00, or six bottles for Wc Dr, PIERCE’S PELLETS ..-•r, stomneh and vegetable ami per- Dose. Sold by regulate and < Itowols. They foctly hnrinle: druggists. £*» Florida Central ‘—AN 11— Peninsula Hail road. Formerly tlir F. R. A Hf. <’». StandardTimeUsed— June 2,1809- | 7 | SOl'JHKUN PI VISI« 1 6 30p 1127 a Lv 8 30 p 12 42 p Lv JMinr 0 25 p 1 27 ]» Ar Lawt 2 55 pi 142 p Ar fttarl 10 30 p 227 p Ar Wuh 1120 a 302 pAr Hawili 4 20 1— 3 50 a 542 p Ar 5 10 a; C 10 p Ar 0 01 a 0 40 p Ar 9 42 a 8 22 p Ar Ocala Wildwood Leesburg Ar l2 42p 5 00 a Al; 115Ha 3 55a Aril 28a 3 30a Ar| 10 52 a 2 50 a Ar 10 23 a 2 (to a Ar 0 07 p 12 01 p • 0a 0 20 p Ar, 7 35 7 10 r 7 (tup 31 | 7 00 l f.OOfl 6 40li 7 20 c 8 25 fl 9 30 n 10 25 c 12 05 i Lvi 515 a 4 00 p TAMPA DIVISION. | | 30 50 p Lv Jacksonville Ar Lv Wildwood Ar ,.\r PnnasolTkeo Ar Ar Sumtorvillo Ar ArSt. Catherine Ar Ar Lacoochoo Ar .-r Dado City Ar Ar riant City Lv 5 10p loop JOOp 2 1> P 1 10 p ,11 45 p 100 p I 13 l CEDAtt KEY 1>1 V. | 14 | 21 700"p 1143 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 150p CIO a 6 00 i 5 10 ■ 10 45 ’ 7 «> p 3 05 p 10 40 p 1158 p 1 01 a 4 10 a C 10 a 100 a 9 20 a Communing with Nature. Close by the sparkling brook whose silvery waters danced in the sunlight and rippled joyously over the golden sands they sat in silence—George and Laura—drinking in the glorious beauty of the rustic scene and com rouning with nature in one of her chosen shrines. Afar iq the west the sun seemed to linger at the horizon’s brim as if unwilling to shut out from his gaze the lovely landscape that glowed with a softened and even mel ancholy radiance in his departing beams. A thrilling ciy burst from the lips of the beautiful girl. “George! George?” she almost shrieked. “What is it, darling?" he asked, placing his arms tenderly around her waist. “Has the romantic, yet op pressive, loveliness of the scenery sad dened your spirits ” “No, George!” she screamed, wav ing her hand wildly and making a frantiejab at the small of her back. “I think it’s some kind of a bug!”—Chi cago Tribune. The Sunday school teacher had been telling the class how honesty was better than royal birth, and to test the force" of her remarks inquired: “Now, Johnny, what is better than to he a King?” Johnny was silent. “I know,” said the new pupil. “Well, you may tell.” “The right bowci.” Somebody asks: “Why don't our V young men come to the front?” He cause the bald-liesded men get the Mats first In a sixteen page love letter exhib ited in a, court in Providence the oth er day the word “darliag” occurred thirty-seven times, and yet the girl in the case said it was a “cold, unfeeling epistle.” 4 it) p Lv Waldo "" Ar 111 as ji a40p 4 5U p Ar Oalnoavlll.i Ar, 0 40 a ISOp 5 42 p Ar Archer Lv: 8 a 121.» p C 12 p Ar Brunson Ar 7 4Su 8 |Ar Oilar Key Lvi 5 30 a 1 r j W12STEUN DIVISION 1 2 | 1" 8 001 Lv Jacksonville Ar 320 p 2 15 p Ar Baldwin Ar, 2 35 p 140p j A r Lake City A r 1 08 p 11 22 a LIvo Oak Ar 12 23 r , w Madison Aril 13 12 52p|.\r Moutlcollo Lv lo30 2 02 p Ar Tallahassee Lv] 9 50 3 03 p Ar Quincy Lv 8 57 4 00 p A r River J unc. Lv “ 7 0-it 1,2, 7, 8, 9,10,13, 11 Daily. 62, and 63 Daily. 3,4, 23, 24, Dally,except Sunday. 30 Dally except .Sunday, 31 Dai Monday. 1EKNAND1N.V AND | C | JACKSONVILLE BUANCll | 5 | 1-6 DO p l-l 30 p iltd 61 FSTA(SLIMHKD tS’.lS. E. «. WOODWARD, GENEIIAL Commission Merchant, Melons :iml Pears Specialties. 17-1, GHAMUERS WT., MAV VO It 14. WALTER S. HILL, Produce Commission Merchant, — FOB THE SALE OF— Southern Fruits S VEGETABLES, LeContc Pears and Melons a Specially. •JOf. DUANE NT,. NEW VOKB. i;, I.Ti-nri-f: Irving Xatiimal Hank, S'. Y.; Fruit f»rowers’ National Hank, Smyrna, Del. |{eprese*ite<l in Tlnunasvillc by A. Brown. PUOFKSSIONAL CARDS. WANTED, 500 Gars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits, l or wliirli I will pay highest market-price in i-a.ih, or sell mi i iiininission, amt I will pay a reward "f to the person .shipping me the car of the largest melons tliis|senson. This reward is over and nhovc the market price of said ear when received.; A. !’. RICKETS Wholesale, fruit and ProdpfeJDealer, Chattanooga, Twin. |l!cfcrcncc: I’eople's Hank and other hanks here; also K. C. Dun A Co„ and the wholesale merchants of this city generally. -Hy shipping ycur- Grccn and Dried Fruits, Melons VEGETABLES, Or Anything you limy have, to us." We have a very large trade in the above articles, ami can place your shipments tons good ndvnnt- ag * as any house on the market. We invite correspondence from all parties having any thing in our line to ship. |SEM.MEUS, MO ft II (SOX & CO., Commission Merchants, 174 South Water Street, Chicago, Illinois. Metropolitan Nat. Hank, daw llele 845p-4 30 n Lv Jacksonville A 1005p-000» Ar Fcrnamllna L\ | 5 and 6 dally, except Sunday. lUndnys only, 7 :13 a. in., New Orleans Express. Shortest and quickest lino to all Middle and West Florida points, Pensacola, Mubllo and New Orleans. 7 :15 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. trainsc«»u- noct Qirough to Thomaavlllu, Montgomery, Nashville, St. Louis. Clnclnuall. Chicago. and all points North and West. Arrive at 2:45 p. i. and 3.45 p. m. 11:45 p. m. Mall nnd Express for all points South, Gainesville, Ocala, Leesburg, Taveres, Apopka, Orlando, PanasolTkoe (.St. Catharine) Dade City, Plant City. Arrives at l :50p. m, 7:00 p. m. Local, connects through for all points South, Ocala, Gainesville. I^usburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpon Springs, Souther land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa, knives at 6:10 a.m. 11:43 a. m. Cumberland Route Express, con nects at Fernaudlna with steamer City Brunswick, dally, for Brunswkk, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati Wt. Louis and Chicago. Arrives 1:50 p. in, 4:30p. ni. Fernaudlna Mall and Express, dallv, connecting Tuesday and Friday with Str. St. Nicholas I«»r Savannah and way land ings. Thursday with Mallory .Steamers bn Now York. Arrives 8:50a. in. Sunday train loaves Jacksonville 8:43 a. m. This new service gives perfect connections At Baldwin for all points North mid West, Via Callahan to all points North, Fast ami West. Via Fernaudlna, connecting with Str. City of Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta ami all points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A.O MAi’DONELL, Ueu. Manager. G. P. k T. A. J. NV REID. Agent at Tliomasvllle. (la. I "^^^VvV^Mouth X.\ \\ /clem. aid Prearvei / \ / and Curt| Dlmtctf I THU ObON.TICA FRESH MEATS. Wc will open, Monday, April let, at tIn- place lately occupied Hy Mr. I\ H. Hone ullno stock of frcalt locate. H Mutton and Pork. Our nicate arc from our own form-, tat, juicy and sweet. We .will He ghul to receive your patronage aod will serve you with the cst meats at the lowest possible prices. F. I*. Iloitv k lino ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. W, A. ELDER Proprietor.~ SEASON OF 1889. For rates, analysis ol water and infor mation, address 610 U E. A. Eldel* Manger. William Halley k Co., I’HODUCE COMMISSION - MERCHANTS. Melons a Specialty. 197 WEST STREET, NEW YORK. Kefercme; New York County National Ilailk. <l*w2m Jacob T. lieniipII. Jo»rph W. Thom. BENNETT k THORN, PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 302 North Front St., Philadelphia, - Pa. (i-l I-2m Heimet t & Hall, (O.H.M ISM ION I1E1U1IANIS, Fruits and Produce. Melons and Pears SPECIALTIES. No. I t j 1 WEST STIIEET, NEW YORK. Hunt & Voorhees, 179 READE ST., N. Y„ CoiiitiiihNioii. Dealers Southern Fruit and“Produce- Particular attention paid to*,the sale of peaches, [tears and melons. Wales reported daily and returns promptly made. JOSEPH PIKE’S SON, " Commission Merchant, —toil Dealer lo — Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Florida k Georgia Fruits Vcg eta bles A SPECIALTY. OS I*A UK REAVE# NEW YORK. Melons and LeConte Pears Solicited. Represented in Thoraasrillc by A. C. Brown nnd John \V. Mitchell W. C. 8NODORAS i. h. F. HAWKIX8 gNOIM.'IMSS & HAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. J|Offl».o. Formerly occupied by Enterprise .of- rp M Me I NT< )TSH, Piiyflician ti Surgeon, Thomasvlllo, Georgia. j -OFFICE over ..Stack’s,’corner^ Broad ami Fletcher .Streets. JOEL R. COYLE. DENTIST THOM AS VI LLE,r;GEORGI4. OFFICE. Broad St.. overiPiekctt’s. J II. OOYLK, I). I). S M Resident Dentist, Oflico livurs—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 2 to li p. in. Office—On Jackson stroot. MuniKi.i . < ITCHEl-L & MITCH ELI, M S Attorneys-at-Law, Thoinnsvllle, • • Georgia. ANSKMj & MKKKILI , Attorneys-at-Law iintl InsurJ nnee Agents. rhomasvllle, • • • Ooorgla Oflico- Over Watt’s store. g r;. mclendon/ Attorney-at-Law, Prompt itcmU.m «lvon trustod to him. Offlco— Over Watt’s store, come Jackson streets. AV. ItUCCE, M. D. Office, up-stairs. £ Co, tier ot Broad and Fletcher strode, [aug 15.'B5-ay| ^ S. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building. Rosldonco—Corner Colloge avenuo and Mag nollastroot. Tolepliono communication, No. 25 for night calj|. Fife & Beverly MEIGS, GEORGIA. —DKALKKS IN- General Merchandise -AND ALL KINDS OF- Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. •o prepared to furnish nnytlil o Li mueu Link, Wo make a t Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work. The m<•steleborato designs will bo faithful lyand correctly oxocutod. Wo operate tho best equipped mills, and carry tho largest stock of so asoned lumber 1h Southern Geor gla. Parti is wanting lumber wlllsavo money by consulting us before placing their ordors. FIFE & BEVERLY RY FAR THE ROUTE —TO— NEW YORK 01 BOSTON —IS VIA— SAVANNAH 9 —AND TI1K— OCEANSTEAMSHIPLINE —OF THE— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at minced rales, C.ooil to return until October :11st, 1H8P. Magnilieent Hteautcrs and elegant ser vice, free trom the heat and dust incident to ail-rail routes. If you nrc siek the trip will invigorate and build you up. Go east bv sen and you'll never regret it, " Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well io inquire first of the merits of the ltoutc via Hnvnnnah, Further information may lat had by apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to M. g.BELKNAP, W. F,SHHLLMAN’, General Manager. Traflie Manager, - K. T. CHARLTON’, CLYDE BOSTICK, “ Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass, Agt., Savannah, Ga. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MACON, GA. Fifty-second annual session begins Octo ber 2d, 1889. Unsurpassed for health, safety, comfort, and advantages in Literature, Music and Art. Special rates to clubs. Address juu25-9mw W. C. BASS, I’rts. Barilla Bur ilbftflT 4 Cfcialt. Rr. Co. A®- c———» ^p>w" * THE BES r r AND MOST Direct Route! FROM AL?l’Hl NCIPAL TOINTS IN TIIEfSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. Wo through express trains dally, with Pul? man Palace BuffetSleoplng Cara by night, ami Chair Cars by day, between Cln* clnnattl nnd Chicago, Indlanapo- 11s and Chicago, and also be twoon Loulsvlllo and Chicago, where close con* nectlons aro made for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmnrk, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, Han Francisco and points intermediate-- Hew Fast Mail, 1/oavlng Lmilnvlllo, Dallycxcept Sunday, at 7-?*0 a. m. Clm;lnnattl, Dally, except Sunday at 7:15. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. Tho most rapid aorvloo ever attempted be tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago, **-■> lirough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, nnd your safety and com fort provided for, are among the points that have made tho IKEOIUORT ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OliN B.CARSON, Vico-pros't and Gon‘1 Mgr W. If. McDOEL, Gen’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gon.l Passonger Agent R. Ws GLARING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvlllo Ga. W. D. SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * * Plumbing Works. I have experienced workmen In my employ and am prepared lo do all kinds of sheet metal ami plumbing work In tho best possl- blo manner. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, Architectur al and Ornamental Work in Iron, Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TIN ROOFING, Sheet Brass and Copper Work, Tlumblng, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I keep on hand a full stock of Bright and Rooting Tin, Galvanized, Russia, Smoke stack and Plain Iron, Shoot Brass, Planished, Tinned nnd Plain Coppers; Zinc, Solder, Bpeltor and Wire. My prlcoo aro reasonable and those who contomplato having work done or purchasing anything In my lino will find It to their In terest to confor with mo beforo placing their ordors. Oflico ana shop ovor Watt & Bro.’s, Broad St.. Thomasvlllo Ga. mt un mint. Mr. Joseph M. Dreycr offers his services to the public as a stenographer and type writer. All work promptly doiio and satis faction ruarnntccd. Apply to or address, v JOSEPH M. DftEYER, at Me n.fcyre k McIntyre’s office, Broad it Wh iddon House (Opposite Plnoy Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E. II. Whiddon, Prop. This houso, locatcd.ln tho most dosir- nblo tutd central part of tho city, is now and oomploto in every particular. Fur nished iu tho most elegant manner and provided with all convonioncos of mod ern hotels. Tho menu is perfect, nnd the servleo rendered by trained and po lite servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tho house meet all trains. declO-ly Grito&Lemi Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will ho glad to make contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, public or private, in either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and specifications If required. If you want any building done call on ub, aud wo will submit estimates whether contract is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantoo satis faction in all our work. Wo refer to tho many buildings erected by us In Tlioioasvlllo, and to nil parties for whom wo hava worked. Shop on Flotcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvlllo, Ga., April 3, 1889. The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. This new and beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, ELECTRIC BELLS, CIS, First class in all of ils appointments,- has been leased by M. G. Whitlock, former own er and proprietor of the lute “WHITLOCK HOUSE.” His table nnd service will satisfy the most fastidious. Ilis beds are delightful. Terms reasonable. Address, . M. a.'.WHITLOCK, A " Marietta, Ga. N. S. Eaires, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER .Thomasvlllo, Georgia. ■I will bo glad to mako contracts foi the construction of all claaBes of buildings, pub lic and private, In either brick or wood. I will guarantee Ip every. Instance to givo satisfaction. Dosigns and plans drawn and careful estimates made. My MOTTO—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building done call on me. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me In Thomasvlllo and elsewhere, and all portlet tor whom I have worked' TO SELL Easy Terns, The Old Bill Bryant place on Jackson St., in Fletcherville. LARGE LOT, Healthy Location. Good neighbors, and convenient to South Georgia College and Depot. Terms so easy that anybody having the will, can have a good home. Apply imme diately to REAL ESTATE BROKER, Tliomasvillo. GLooi-via