The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 04, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1-NO 40. TtlOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 4, !88!) •S Local Matters. The editor acknowledges some splendid peaches grown at Wynnton, the country home of Mr. Frank Wynn. They were—but are not. If the new road is not secured the fault will not lie nt the door of the We havf been to the very best of our ability, a faith* fulsentinel on the watch tower. County Commissioners Proceedings. Office Board County Commimoner*, 1 ThonumiUc da., Juhj 1st, 1889. j Board County Commissioners met in regular session. Present, Hon. A. P. Wright. Chairman. Minutes read and approved. E. J. Dickey, Road Commissioner Duncanville district resigned. Jesse Slater elected to fill vacancy. J. F. Lily, Road Commissioner Metcalfe district having resigned, D. F. Knapp was elected to fill vacancy. C. T. Stuart granted privilege to connect, temporarily, sewei of Stuart House with sewer of the jail. Petition of A. Way and W. A. pushing, J. P., to hold court at Mar tin school house, granted. To the Hon. Board of County Com- missioncrs- 'Ve, the undersigned, do petition your honorable body to grant us the privilege of holding our court at a school house known as the Martin school house, situated ■ about three hundred yards from the court ground anil to use said house for the purpose ol holding the justice court lor the 763d district. G. M., until a house can be provided for such purpose. As wc are compelled to hold our courts in the open air—some days it is raining, again very cold, and in the .summer it is very warm in the suit —therefore, wc ask that an order be granted to authorize us to hold our court at said place, which will work no inconvenience to any one. A. Way, N. P.&E.O.J. P. W. A. Rushin, J. P. March 16, 1889. Road petition signned hy Wm. Reynolds, J. M. Rushing and others ordered published. Georgia—Thomas County: To Board of County Commissioners, Thomas Co., Ga.— The petition of the undersigned citizens of said county, shews it will be of public utility to the citizens of said county to establish a new road, to commence at the S., F. & W. railroad, in ihe town of Metcalf, in said county, and sunning in an easterly direction and through the lands of J. F. Lilly and Ashton Thomas and by the resi dence of Dr, W. A. Monroe and in tersecting the Boston and Tallahassee road for about one half a mile. .Then along the land line between A. T. Wright and Wm. Reynolds and along J. M. Rushin, intersecting the Thom- as.ulle and Monticello road at the plantation of F. A. Monroe; whereupon your petitioners pray the granting of an order by your Honor, appointing three road commissioners residing as near where said road, is intended to pass as possible, to make a review of said contemplated road, and if they determine that such road will be of public utility to mark it out and make their report in accordance with law. Wm. Reynolds, T. J. Montford, Qias. W. Stegall, And others, Petitioners, l hereby approve of the above road, aud' recommend that you make it a public road. J. II. Davidson, Com’r For Metcalf Dist. J. F. Lilly, Comm’r on Roads. foot of the bill towards the one mile post from the house and coming out at the foot of the hill beyond the house towards the two mile post. This will not only shorten the distance, but will avoid a hill that is often impassa ble, forcing those using said road to take a turn out on petitioner’s land. The change will be made without cost to the county. Respectfully, . H. W. Hopkins, Agent S. R. Van Duzcr. July 1, 1889. Resolution submitted by Messrs. Triplett A Burr laid over to next meeting. Proposition of E. Franklin and others ordered published. Georgia—Thomas County: To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners— We, the undersigned, citizens of said county, grant the right of way for a new road free of charge, commencing at the corner of the fence on McLean plantation near the residence of E, Franklin and running from public road through lands ol K. T. McLean, E Franklin, J. I. Parker and land line of W H. Blalock and T. B. ^ardy, and through lands ol M. C. Clewis, inter sccltng Monticello and Boston road, north of J. C. Adams, on land lines between J. C. Adams and Mrs. S. P. Smith. E. Franklin, W. H. Blalock, T. B. Hardy, J. J. Parker, Jas. C. Adams, J. M. Clewis, County physician’s report ordered published. monthly report county physician. To the Board of County Comniissior. Petition to straighten the Bainbridgc road at point near the Jones house granted. To the Hon. Board of County Com missioners— The undersigned asks permission to straighten the Bainbridgc road, be tween the two and three mile posts, is front of the Jones house, by leaving said road at the low ground at the Gentlemen—I have been to and thrdugh the jail and poor house every week during the month of June, and everything in-each place is in a good sanitary condition. Respectfully submitted, I.. B. Boucheli.e. Board nl County Commsssioncrs, of Thomas County, To I,. B. Ilouchcllr, M. n. Dlt. To professional services rendered jail and poor house for June, 188P $10 no Hon. A. P. Wright was unani mously elected Ghm'ii. of this Board. County treasurer’s' statement ap proved. Statement of dins. Candy, County Treasur er, from May .’list to June 20th, 1880. To balance on hand ns per Inst report.? 12 “ bill pay to Mi-lints Nat. Bank...... Out 0;: “ cash received from IV. 1). Jlitelicit a t 00 I'll. By cash paid on insurance “ “ 11 11 chain gang “ “ “ “ pauper account... “ “ '• contingent nect„„ “ “ “ jail “ “ “ “ Superior Court... “ 11 “ 11 roads and bridges “ “ “ “jury “ “ “ “ court house “ balance on hand $1001 1' A Good Example. Morgan county, Georgia, has chal lenged the neighboring counties of Jasper, Putman,Oconee, Newton, Wal ton, Green and Hancock to compete with her for a prize ol $500 for the best home-raised colt, at the live stock show to be held at Madison Aug, 31, and it is probable that the challenge will be accepted by all the counties named. This action on the part ol the farmers of Morgan is to be com mended. It will create renewed inter est among the people of that section in live stock matters and a general rivalry in the raising of colts, partic ularly, and probably will result in the raising of better and more horses—an occupation that should be engaged in much more extensively in Georgia than it is. No doubt some fine colts will be entered for the $500 prize, because in most of the counties considerable attention is paid to the raising of live stock. An agricultural fair is held in Putman each year, at which the exhibit of horses, mules and colts is one of the best features, and in each of the coun ties of Morgan, Green and- Hancock an annual live stock show is held. Newlon used to hold such fairs, but has not done so lor several years, and Oconee generally makes exhibits of live stock at the Northeast Georgia Fair in Athens. The farmers in those counties in which special attention is given to live stock and to other things besides cot ton, corn and grain arc the most pros perous ones in the state. Some of them not only raise horses and mules lor their own use, but they have them for sale. Olliers make money in the dairy business, and still others supply the tables ol town people with various articles of iood. It the cotton crop is -a-failure,they have something to fall back upon. They save expenses by raising what other farmers buy. Their example should be followed generally by the Georgra farmers. Such a course would keep in the stale thousands of dollars that annually go out of it.—Ex. $1,001 15 Letting contract for buiUJiqg new jail deferred for two weeks. Chm’n. R. and B. authorized to give Road Commissioners notice to have roads in thorough conditiou by August 10th, 1889. The following accounts ordered paid: Judge W. D. Mitchell, 888.3.'!; L. B. Bouchellc, 810.00; W. Hawthorn, 810.00; R. Smith, 86.25; C'has. Gandy, 846.75; Jno. Spair, 864.46; J. A. Hurst, 8112.15; C. L. Ward, 825.50;, Robt. Dekle, 8277.85; Mitchell A Mc Intyre; • 859.69; R. B. Bland, 82.00; Griffin A Sturdivant, 81.25; .J, G. Groover, ,70c; F. B. McRae, 89.55; B. C. Johnson, 23.00; W. W. Dukes, 858.20; Beverly A McCollum, 83.25; Beverly & McCollum, 88.90; J. A. Pierce; 87.25; J. Watt A Bro., 833.59. Board adjourned to meet July 15, lij89. A. P. Wright, Chm’n. Redden Smith, Clerk. The young men of Thomasville, the coming merchants, the men in whose keeping rests tho future of the place, should be foremost iu the work of pushing the new railroad. Their future, their all, is at stake. The Race Question. The Memphis Avalanche takes the Times-Union, Jacksonville, to task for asserting that “there is no race prob lem.” The T. U. thus comes back at its Tennessee critic: The white majority in Florida is 50,- 000; the voting majority about 10,000, Wc see nothing that needs a “solu tion.’’ The Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia and Missis sippi elections last November revealed no serious race antagonisms. In Louisiana and Arkansas local disturb ances have since occurred, but not so many as marked the bloody years of Knownothingism. No two nationalities (to say nothing of two distinct races) have ever gotten along so well together and with fewer collisions.- The republican president, Mr. 1 lar- rison, recently declared to a southern delegation that he would not himself tolerate a negro mayor for Indian apolis, a negro postmaster, nor practice before a negro judge, and that what he would not accept for himself lie would not visit upon the south. When*, then, is the bugbear with 50,- 000,000 ol white people, of all parties and sections, a unit for the integrity of the race, against 7,ooo,pqo of a race which the'Avalanche denominates too trfliing to work and too stupid to be taught? Immigration south is all white. $5.00 PEE G'ATAItBlI CURED, health and sweet breath sccuhmI, by Sliilol’sCatarrh Remedy, Price 50 centd. Nasal Injector free JKRSEY MILK. Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied, in any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10,1880. Curos Prickly Heat, and Chafing, is highly perfumed and Boraclno is a superior toilet and nursery powder, ltocommondcd Uy orery moth- McRae & Mardre, Tliomaavillc; A: Bra'll ord, Columbus; Alexander Drag and Seed Co., Au- usia; F. Von Ovca, Charleston, Agents. Fresh peaches every morning o,t Sampson*s Jackson 4 st. Fruit Store FOR RENT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Avc- Possession given at once. Apply to ~ 5V. C. I. LaRociik, Flctchcrvillc. Shoes, Hals, Leather and such goods sold cheap at Pickett’s to make room for cheap groceries. Table linen and toweling below New York cost at • Pickett’s, Look in at Pickett’s and seo the greatest bargains ever oflfcrcd Thomasville. Woman’s kid button shoe for $1.00. Men's band sewed shoes for $ LOO. Pickett’s Furniture, Carpets, Redding, Children 8 Carriages, Wall Paper and Window Shade 8 ' Straw mattings, Rugs, etc. The best style 9 and lowest prices in the city. GEO. W. FORBES, G-l 1-wJt dtf Masury Building- The secret of the. universal success of Browns Iron Ritters is owing to the fact that it is the very best iron preparation made. By a thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood it reaches every part of the body, giv ing health, strength and endurance to every portion. Thus beginning at the foundation it builds up aud restores lost health. It does not contain whiskey or alcohol. It will not blacken the teeth. It does not constipate or cau-^e headache. It will cure dyspepsia, in digestion, heartburn, sleeplessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, etc. ; Illicit leu’m Arnica .Salve. The Rest Salve in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappell Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Fruptious, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cossets, Drug Store. YOU KNOW NOT YOUR FATE. If you coiitir.iio to suffer with iudigott- Iion you will inner know what your foto may bo, unci it musLoomo sooner or later. Dyspepsia after a time will woar your system ami digestive organs away, and you will be worthless to yourself and ob noxious to olhors, Begin Immediately to remedy the evil by taking Westmoreland’s Cali say a Tonic, tho greatest roinody known for a torpid liver and diseased blood. It will set the liver to work, puri fy lho blood ami give tone to tho wholo system. Buy it of your druggist for 50 uts and $1 a bottio. Reid & Culpcpoer kooplng up with the procession, they have secured the ageucy of the famous Star Mineral Water, tho finest reparation known for dyspepsia. It is uarnntced to cure* c tf Wagon Briehin, Flow Bridlos, Wagon Lines, Maine Strings, Flow Lines, Ilnggy Backs anil tho like sold at a sacrifice at L’ickctt's Cash Store. Old ladies half cloth shoes, custom made, worth $2.00, sold at Pickett’s for $1,000, 1.25, $1.50. Lorillartl’s Proposed Trust. St. Louis, Mo., June 27.—Pierre Lorillard has been in St, Louis for four days, trying to affect a plug to bacco combine, aud lie lias failed. His scheme, as submitted to Liggct A Myers, and the Drummond Tobacco Company, of this city, was to consoli date with Lorillard aud the Sorgs Company, of Middletown, O., iuto one big company that would be run on the trust basis. The Drummoud com pany refused to cuter, but negotiations iiavc not been given up. Mr. Loril- lard returned to New York last night. Chewers of the weed will take no tice. If the combine is made it would be ait opportune time to es-chew to- liaeeo. Ahem! Whitehall st,, Atlanta, was the scene of a shirt war, this week. Linen shirts were sold by rival stores at 4 cents each. Peace now' reigns, on Whitehall, and shirts havo “riz.” TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sol.i to all summer resorts throughout the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, goo.I to return on or before October 31st. East train service with Pullman cars, R. W. WRENS, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agt LEVY’S Has Made a BIG GUT IN ALL LINES OP To continue closed out. until Our remnant table is ful of choice BAR- gains, and will be all Summer. EgCg^Still left, a few of our 6 3-4 cts. Ging hams, worth 10 cts. Levys lliglinc of men's shucs at $1.00 at Pickett’s. Few more pairs Old Ladies Bus' kms and shoes to be sacrificed a 1 l’ickctt's. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, has sc oured the agency for all tho lirst-elass Pianos and Organs, which ho is soiling ut the lowest prices for cash Of on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do welt to leant his prices and terms. FOR RENT. The Fudge house, below tiie Masury Ho. tel, is lor rent. Apply to d-ia K. M. MALI,KITE, New York dailies, Times, World, Tribune aud Herald, Macon Telegraph amt Atlanta and Savannah dailies,cverv .lav. Miss addie McClelland, Jackson Street. A Sate luTcMuiciit- is one which is guaranteed to bring yon satislactory results, or iu case of failure « return ol purchase price. On this plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bot tle of Dr, King's New Discovery for Con sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every ease, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consump tion, Inhumation of Luugs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. It is pleasant aud agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always he depended upon. Trial bottles free at S. J. Cassku’ Drug store. MidsHotisg