The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 12, 1889, Image 2

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JOHN TRIPLETT, - • - Editor. S. B. M'RR, - Riidiness Manager ■flit Duly TiMKS-F,NTEiii'Risr i' |>iiMi*liM every morning (Monday rxrqited.Y The Weekly Kmerprise is published hkj Thursday morning. The Wfkki.y Timks i= |»n»»!cv.*ry : unliiv. I SrBscnirrio.N Kuips. Daily Timss-Bnterimmsi-, ... W{F.KLY Ewterphire. 1 Wekklt Timkp, 1 per square :<i Daily Auvkrth ^ |Transient Rates.—50 rt first insertion, and 4*> ret is i«m m n mhw quent insertion. <f)ne Square, one month. - $ j (*0 One Square, two months - - 3 00 ^ne Square, three month , - 1- 00 $r,.; Square, pix months, - 20 00 One Stqsnrr, twelve mon! v. - - - 2'* 00 Subject to change by special arraiq ••rnnnt. Si. B. Rt'RR, Riisluoio Malinger, ^ SPECIAL AOTK'E. ln order to insure pr» mpt inserts n, all advertisements, changes, locals, etc., should oe handed in hv noon b»* ore the day >( pub lication Iimi>r.SS A'OTK'K. Parties leaving Thomasville for the uier can have the Timks-F.ntkritio t - any address for 50 cent? per month dresics cam be changed as often as is desired FRIDAY.' JULY 12, 1R£:. Ad- To the notth: Keep yonr sluggers at home. Florida is guarding closely nganist ■yellow fevei. It will be some time, » e fear,before a circuc comtft along. Quay hasn't been caught in any political rascality for two or three days. A man from Kentucky surprised bis stomach the other day by taking a drink, of water. New Orleans made a pile, of money out of tl)c slugging match between Sullivan and Kfirain. Now and then we detect the > piaint flavor which characterizes the para graphs of Joel Chandler Harris, in the Constitution. '.Vananiaker is going to reduce the size of the postage stamp; and Tanner is reducing the surplus. These wor thies are whittling things down. The attention of Uncle Jerry Rusk is called to the fact that the red bug is doing much damage among—picniccrs. The red bug should be investigated. A good many deluded people are struggling back from Oklahoma. Most of them are counting cross tics, or "striking the grit” on country roads. McKinley, of Ohio, and Rccd, of Maine, are making a desperate fight for the speakership ol the next house. We wish Reed well—beaten. Mc Kinley is had enough. If the republicans do not let Cleve land alone, he is sure to be nominated in ’92. The democrats will do it just tor spite. And they’ll do it, anyhow. ciunset Cox is pulling the political wires in some of the new states. Cox may he tracked through these states, by the increased democratic vote this fall. He is sowing good democratic seed. lien Butler has been “thumping” Canada, to see it it is ripe, ready for pulling, as it were. Blaine should "plug” it; that would settle the ques tion, The summer heat from Washington and the malaria from the i’otomac flats, have visibly decreased the hun gry horde of office seekers about Washington. Foraker says lie docs not want to he United States senator. *fs'obody else wants him to be one. Foraker and Chandler would make a precious pair in that body. The administration is about to adjourn for the summer The country will he safe—when the politicians leave Wash toi\. It can hardly he said to be safe while they are there. Another man pointed an empty gun the other day at another tfcllow. Ol course the gun went off and killed the Other fellow These “empty” guns always do. We insist that the country should be informed whether Harrison and Wanamaker fish.on their Sunday ex cursions down Chesapeake hay. The solution of this question may have an imports nt bearing on the presidential election in '9*. Turn an the light, . A New Remjgiy. A Riissinii dnrlor has * 1 i-in, r:s! that hanging a mail will I'tii'' la rvoiis i I diseases, paralysis, etc.. * Well, yes, it j 1 cures most everythin;;, in this c ,iim- j I try. The" following exlraels taken!!, from the ex|so ieiie,■ ,,1 on, win, ha ; ; Ins'll “llllllg' ,-evernl times, m:iv 1" interesting: ! !’ “i’ray tell me lam they -I ring> “it ; up.” asked the reporter. j “This way," said the g> ntleniaii in- 1 . terviewed, producing a diagram ol I'm j , hanging apparatus by which the pa- j tients are suspended in midair for the ! t: purpose of si retelling their spinal cords, t >ne part of this rosis under . the chin, the. oilier under tlic ha,!. ui the head. The patient is then :el< ' ' off his feet and .allowed to ban: . ‘llow long do you hung?" j ' ‘At. first not more than one min ute. Afterward it i- possible, in. ; . practice, to extend tim period ■ ,f -n. pension to as much as three or a minutes. 1 have never been able to hang more than two minutes at a ! ''■ time. Four minutes is tlm out-ide i .-• no one has been known to hung longer , than that, and I do no' .advise anyone I , to fry the experiment. < hie u rrlcii j who made an involuntary trial liangr-' j •' himself in grim earnest. Ho was nlotv , and found lie could not lower hiie-eli : at the right time. He remained j ' hanging until the spinal cord snapped j t and lie was found dead." * , ; U it, then, so dangerous? ‘Very dangerous, if you “spend | your.-clf without another jiorM.n in the j I’’ room. Not at all dangerous if s'! 1 ;irc accompanied i,y ,a iudieuais ami | trustworthy frictui. I am A liaiiged in the jive-c-tie, of i iv m i -v. ; t • who takes rare to Iowa I as s, n a , . the susjicnsion lias lasted i »>■ t dil utes.’' “Wlmt is the sensatio Tlie sensation is nut difiicull (o mi- iginc. If any one lakes ym; k.y tin- ciiin and hack cf tlie lieek and trie. : pull your Head oil, you can iorr.i conception of what, your feelings a. - when the Weight of your bod; hanging upon the spinal caiimm l the end of a liiiniilo you , ap, r;. e ■ . feeling of intense wearines-. and wlfeii yoil are cut down, or lower, d rather, to your feet, you fee! a- i! yoi: had walked to flic top •*! Killei Tow without resting. Von are ulliaiy , :.- hausted, hut that soon passes oifai.d you experience an almost imm, dial, relief. When I went to the ;-a!p, trierc I went with a young Ann i ie m who had been for three year,-, in-!|d*-. ly paralizcd. He was diiven !<• 'da- door and carried in a chair upm- steps and intd the operating room, lie was duly hanged, and betorc i left Paris lie was able to walk the whole way from his hotel in Dr. Charcot’s. Ii was a remarkable cure, and there are many'like il." March up invalids and he hum Now, that the Sullivan Kiiraii. :x- citcmcnt is over, what's next' Perhaps some cousin of tlie adniinislrntioi will he found who has not liccn provided, with an office. This would again mi vuisc the country. Ciose observers say from appear ances tlie man in tlie moon do, , not appear to he in accord with the pies- ent administration of aiiairs m Masii- ington. lie still continues to‘take a firm grip on his nose when pa dug over tire pension department The legislature appears to be;;', .d; ling down to business. The difticulty with tire Georgia legislature, aivi w : ’n almost all other legislative hodt-'s ol the day, is they fritter away mu h valuable time in the early part ■>; a session and then rush important n,en ures through at the wind m-. fT;,s order should be tcveiseu: attmai to the weightier matters at tilt bcgirmmg and taper on' on minor matte; Ti ere suggestions are gratis. Tlie correspondence between - or Gordon, and Gov. Taylor, of Tennes see, has been published. Gov Taylor docs not show up to much advattUpc in it. lie still ret uses to giv- up the escaped criminals, though Gove: :;;,: Gordon shows death that they ome within the extradition Hu - oi country. It i„ di.iieint to .,.vc what prompts lire J'cr,nc-see : i.n.. to disregard a legal rCMwmrr.i f'on- a neighboring slate. Till.' is about the a on wi. n thrifty proprietor of sotm <•> l*-l>r.-:: h Spring, “atiity up toe countiy, i., , v..- in Borne additional scraps ,u iron. Atm lie will tell you that ''iron is good fu tile blood,” ami doit with a co'.m.c nance child like and bland, with a face void of guile. And you "id r iv, him a certificate, upon leaving, cot ti dying, in the strongest term-, t > lh. efficacy of the water. And lie will print >L in his next year’s pamphlet, referring to you personally, periuip;, as a victim snatched from tlie grave. viii! Fitjjiaml. I’rih-i, mini — ii loaf;,' foniml mi t in;; ■ mu -unite. This attention he might ;l>'11,ill oil d ii spur- ■ point is Me 1ms! siiggi'Slioii d !rieini!v is. tin "ill - i -v,.. Mr. '• u, ; ive s\ nijia- i; i 11 1, i s m go- lie no ha,-I; ti'C l 'n i led ■ i on liie set i w. It is I.U, hue specific : eh is involved. im l.oeicwood, candidate for idled Stales, is France. Wc i Unite “llelva,’ i - :>' li republic. ale has ,,Ulimed e i", and is en- gone to the ill themselves 1 mother k man who went girl lit. should the - the ■ nght ic to 11,! 11' ■ ikufiv m wild of the i' i and i;; on any ■don of the ihcjr little t mir desks, in the old d. mocratic. d mem- -. no.v and olud pi oi bed.!" .Old mil „o,.in lie ; line of rail- ■■ ■ nil (ieor- w line to ‘■’Hear he vitcd to the , this tliusly? '. quite so had ingress to tlie .■ nation. . Indents were ie institution, n in the mon- ms ti; ped the poptt- -.tthing over a mil- ceptihle increase oi at co.-nmpolitan ol iit. Louis.A Chi ". ah to a native mi '.he Chicago .. in. k b> and turn mg ■; woman , ;b. Mishissippi. Ulcrll Win*. \\ t' desire to Fay to our citizen.-, that for ye.irs vc luive lieen .selling l)r. Kind's New hihrov(*ry tor Consumption, Dr. King's New Idle Pills, I’.iieklonV Arnim Sal vennd Klcc- trie Ditti-iv, nnd have nevrr handled reme dies that .-( II as well, or that have given such satisfaction. Wc do not liesi- tute to giiiiianlee them everytime and wc stand ready io refund the piireiiasc price, if salisfaelory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popu larity purely on their merits. S. J. (’assi-i-s' Drug store. NOTICE. Try timviiiM;; .it t. Vntil btoiv. uale persons in the eity of Thomas- etween the ages of Pi and 50, except xempt by law, arc subject to street They have the option of pnying £.‘5 el tax, uml in default thereof, must 'lays on the street. Those not ex- nd who do not pay the tax are order- icet at city hall Monday, July 22d, at •h, a. m.. ready for work. Ii. 15. IV HID DON, if (.'h. Street Com Headquarters lor Drugs! REID & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga : School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. I’ianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. A BEAR IN MIND k- -THAT THEY HAVE THE- l stlde. rural music by Mrs. \V* F id n.vdaway streets. Term.- 7-y-0id TAILORING. Thorn i s an end to nil things, so the people say, hut there is no end to tho splendid fitting clothing made at 81 Jhoad street. Cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner. Givo mo a call John Kenny, id IIiirda pal im FRESH FALL*,SEEDS! ' Cabbage, Turnips, fleets, Lettuce, Arc. S. J. CASSELS, 11H Ilroad St, New York dailies, Times, World. Tribune and Herald, Macon Telegraph and Atlanta and Savannah dailies, every (lav. Mi Sr* A DIME McCLfcLLAXD, Jackson Street. 'Stn'iigth to vigorously push a busi ness, strength to study for a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day’s labor without physical pain.. Do you desire strength? II you are broken down, have no energy, feel as if life was hardly worth living, you can be relieved and restored to ro bust health and strength by taking Rrown’s Iron Ritters, a sure cure for dyspepsia, malaria weakness and all dis cuses requiring a true, reliable tonic. It acts on the blood, nerves and muscles, and regulates every part of the system. A Safe In vest in cut. i.~ one which is guaranteed to bring you .-ui isl.ictory results, or in cn«*c of failure a return ol purchase price. On this plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bot- HcofDr. King's New Discovery tor Con- Himption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat* Lungs or Chest, such as Consump tion. Iuflainatioii of Lungs, bronchitis, \stlima, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. It i i pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly iit'-, and can always be depended upon. bottles free at S. J.’ Drugstore. Til I: (JURAT POLITICAL PUZZLE. Just after Lie Jsist Presidential .elec tion was the Southern question and the Cabinet that would be chosen. The same thing conics invariably after every political light. There arc be made and the party in power and the party that is not arc at daggers’points, each lighting for its own convictions. Now, if I lie cure os malarial fever is the question there is no need of a congressional tight or aiiy Jong debate. The simple method to lie adopted is the taking of Cali say a Tonic,which quickly removes all sign of malarial poison. Sold by all drug gists at f>0 cents and 1 a bottle. Sutler Unit Hates THOMASVILLE. Passkncer Rp’t S. F. k W. Hv„ [ Tiiomasvim.f., Ga., Is; June, 1880, i Alexander, X, 0 $22 70 All Healing Springs N. C 2.1 10 Asheville, X. C 22 70 Anniston, Ala 17 40 Rlack Mountain, X.C 23 00 Big Tunnel, Vn 30 00 Blue Ridge, Vn 30 00 Cumberland Falls, Ky 23 G5 Flat Rock. X. C 22 50 French Lick Springs, Ind., via Mont gomery 30 75 Gainesville, Ga 14 95 Hendersonville, X, C 22 70 Hickory, X. C 23 50 Hot Springs, Va 40 50 Lola, Ga... 15 00 Luray Caverns 35 85 Marietta, Ga 13 30 Marion, X.C 24 95 Mount Airy, Ga 10 30 Xewport Xews, Va 37 30 Niagara Falls, X. V. via Cincinnati... 45 55 Xorfolk, Va 37 30 Old Point Comfort, Va. via A. C. L.... 39 30 Powder Springs, Ga. 13 45 Roanoke, Va 30 90 Spartanburg, S. C 20 70 Tate Springs (Morristown) U oo Tallulah Falls, Ga 17 25 Toceoa, Ga 10 95 Try on, X. C 21 55 Walhalla, S. C. 18 80 Warm Springs, Ga 12 <0 West Baden Springs, Ind., via Mont- goiaeiy 30 75 White Sulphur Springs, Ga 15 25 While Sulphur Springs, West Va 34 50 "Tickets on sale June 1st to September 30th, ISSo. Good to return not later than Octo ber.:; 1st. 1889. The above named points are only a lew of the Summer resorts to which tickets arc itviied. Shtfuld parties desire information in re gard to places not *mmed in the above list, I will cheerfully give it to them. V. M. Van DYKE, Passenger ft Ticket Agent, Thomasville, Ga. \V. P. HARDEE, . Gen. Passenger Agent, Bo vannaii, Ga. Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I3ST GEORGIA; Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squfbb's preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. A C1ILFEPPER, 130-123 ICrosul «t. --A. T- L. STEYERMAN & BRO.’S. □T-wo Cases o La-wn,, At 31-2 Cents per Yard. PLEAdlEIvl BER THE PLACE: JLi. Steyerman & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 l-&e. CLOTHE; 9-! CLOTHING-! Our Bargains the talk of the town. Com petition completely baffled. and be convinced. ' L. STEYERMAN & BRO., 129;iinoAD STitEK/I. THOMASVILLE* THOMASVILLE t. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Headquarters for pure carbonated bever ages, at. wholesale ami retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors Specially fitted up for the accommodation of the Ladies. On draught also, the # new Mexican beverage, “FRXTI MIZ ” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A XEItVE TOXIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but is as well a perfect tonic and system vitalizes It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains tlie normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared from the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex* tract trom a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, ot which the medicinal prop erties arc invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot Be Used to Excess. Not a foaming gas drink, causing belching ol wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No cthcral extracts or liquors, hut a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink: an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine oqt often persons are enthusias tic With praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. “1'IU’t Ml/,'' tho liiiosf beverage Jin tlie world. DISPKSSKD ItV 1.. SCHMIDT, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, GEORGE FEARN REAL 5STATE ACIVT. OFFICE IN MITCHELL BOUSE BLOCK. City ami Conitry Property for Saif. tHOTTSES RENTED Au<l Tuxph i't l<l. .EOANSJ NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your protyper Thoimisville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BUACKKTS, SCItOf.E WOltK.g MANTLES, I!A LUSTERS* STAIH-ItAIES Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH A STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Wira Screen Doors and Windows." .Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE IIAItDWOOD FINISH A SPEC1ALTV.* I6TC OR It ES PO NI) E NC E SOLICITED. Fife .& Beverly MEIGS, GEOliGIA. —DEALER8 IN General Merchandise AND ALL KINDS OF Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. Wo aro prepared to furnlab mtytMn? trrrr ed In tho Lumklu Link, W*e make a spec lull Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work. Tho mostofotoornto designs will bo faithful y and correctly executod. Wo operate tlm host equipped mills, and carry tho lnrcesl stock of so isonod lumber In Southern Ucor Rla. Parti wanting lumber willsavo money by consulting us before placing their orders. FIFE k BEVERLY MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only CSenulne System of Memory Training! Four Hooka Learned In one reading* Mind wandering cured* Rvery child and adult greatly beneflttcd* Great inducement* to C’-»m>spondcnco Claisci. Pm-nerto*, with opinion* of Dr. Wm. A. IInm* inoiiil, the world-fnintd MjweialintTn Mind Diseamn, Daniel Urroulivil Tlioiiin^on, the great Pf/choi. '«<»». j; M. IlfeUrx. l>.j>;.»litorolth. CMtHan Ailtumlt. A. I.. Itli linr.l I'rnrror, tbo Bclentt.t,