The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 13, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALL! iVllDSUIVliVlER ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. SATURDAT, JULY 13.1889. Local Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah Ar... 9 25 a m “ “ Lr...12 40 p m from “ Ar... 1 31 p m for Chattahoochee Lr... 200 pro Train for Albany Lv... 9 30am from '• Ar... 5 20pm * for Savannah Lv... 650pm Freight and ac . from Wayc..Ar for Lr.. Chatt. Lr rrom Chatt. Ar. for Albany Lr 3 45 p m 8 40am 4 45 p m 715am 4 25 p m Ar... 7 55am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICBLLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lt. . .8 45 a m “ “ from “ ....Ar...G20 p m Fast mail for “ ....Lr...20C p m from “ ....Ar..!2 lOp m SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU —it— R. Thomas Jr's - 126 Broad Street. C. S. Bondurant Vounteor Observer Preparatory to go ing North for our Fall stock we will offer for the next 30 days BAK&AINS Please notice the following as a sample: 3 cases fast colors Muslin at 3 cts., for mer price 5 cts. 2 coses fast colors at 5 ets., former price 8 cents. 100 pieces line Ginghams at 10 cts., former prices 12 1-2 and 15 cts. 20 pieces combina tion French ginghams at 15 c., former price 25. Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock P. MJ July 12, 1880. Temper ate rk. 7 a. in 70 2 p. m 92 7 p. m 82 Maximum for 24 hours 92 Minimum “ “ “ 72 Rainfall 00 Mr. J. L. McCray, of Macon, is at the Whiddon. Mr. W. V. Gill, of Allendale, S. C., was at the Stuart yesjerdey. M. J. L. Griffin, ot Quitman, was at the Stuart yesterday. Rev. Dr. Hinton went down to Cairo yesterday afternoon. Mr. \V. H. Atkins, of Florida, was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. E. Heller, of New York, was in the city yesterday. Capt. T. S. Paine has rctarned from a visit to Baltimore. Messrs. Fred Justice, and Artist McDougald have returned from a camp out on the Ochlockonec. A party of ladies and gentlemen went out to the river last night on a moonlight picnic. Cards are out for a party at Mr. S. J. C'assels, next Tuesday evening, ltith inst. Mr. W. T. Brown, o( Concord, N.H. is among ihc strangers from a distance at ihc Stuart. A bank is lo be established at Mon- ticetlo on the 15th instant. It will be called the Bank of Monticcllo. Sheriff J. A. Hurst has returned front the convention of Sheriffs, held in Atlanta, Wednesday, 10th. Hon. Tom MacIntyre came down from Atlanta yesterday afternoon to spend a couple of dnvs with his fami ly- Police Court. The regular old offenders, with one or two exceptions, appeared in the police court yesterday morning to an swer charges of disorderly conduct. Hattie Williams was up for disor derly conduct and let off with the cost. Lizzie Mitchell pleaded guilty to the same charge. She was fined $5 and cost with a reprimand. The cases of Florida and Ida Gib son were continued until next Mon day on account of the absence of wit nesses. Ida Dixon was charged with disor derly behavior, but|she was too young to be fined. The mayor made her prom ise not to give occasion to he before him again. D. T. Tramel, a white man, was charged-with soliciting patronage for illustrated matter without licence. He did nottempt to deny the charge, but tried to excuse himself on the ground that he was selling religious pictures. The mayor thought it would take too wide a stretch of the imagination lo sec it in that light, and fined him 820 and cost. Wc think it proper to call the at tention of parents to to fact that they ought to keep their boys away from the police' court. Boys of ten and twelve years of age delight to go there and listen to the evidence given, much of which is not the kind that they should hear. Keep your boys away, it will do them harm to listen to the details of crimes that ought to be unknown to their tender years. An Open Question. The open sewer trap at Levy’s cor ner ought to have immediate atten tion. It gives out an odor that is un wholesome to flic last degree. W c understand that Inspector Pinson has reported this nuisance, but without effect. Will not the Health authori ties attend to this matter at once? Off for the Summer. Thomasville, Ga., July 10.—The people of Thomasville havo got the mania of going off for the summer, that is so fashionable at present. Every day some are leaving for points further north. North Georgia and Virginia resorts are most (popular. Quite a number of persons have come up from Florida and are summering here, and so it goes. The health of our people in both town and country is exceptionally good, and there is little need for them to go away, hut such is the fashion.—Constitution. The Times-ExturpAse has licrcto- lote spoken of the advantage Thomas ville offered as a summer resort to people from Florida. Those spending the summer here from the Land of Flowers are much pleased. Tanner’s Tantrums. Washington', July 10.—Commis sioner Tanner’s vagaries, and espec ially his interviewing propensity, have annoyed the President and members of his cabinet so much that they have repeatedly been the subject of cabinet consideration. To-day, at the first of the summer cabinet meetings, Secre tary Noble was able to report that since Commissioner Tanner’s return he had so cautioned him that he thought Corporal Tanner would not offend seriously again, either in the conduct ot his office or in his public talk about it. Neither the President nor Secretary Noble has thought of asking Corporal Tanner’s resignation. The same influences that put this incompetent corporal where lie is will keep him there throughout this ad ministration. Tanner bids fair to bloom into a national issue. If lie doesn’t swamp the administration it will not bo his fault. Were it not for the fact that he is depleting the treasury at such a fearful rate, wc should wish that Har rison would carry him still. He is a load, and a big one. “Cautioning” Tanner is ahout all that will be done. Earthquake at Charleston. Charleston, S. C., July 11.—A slight earthquake shock was felt here at !):47 o’clock to night. The dura tion of the shock was ahout three seconds. The movement was north to south, and the motion was vibratory, accompanied by a slight noise. President Harrison—“Elijah, I notice that the papers have a good deal to say about our foreign rela tions.’’ Mr. Halford—“Yes, your excel lency.” “They say that the administration should pay especial attention to them.” "Yes, your excellency.” •‘Well, just make a note of it. When we get all our home relations provided for, we’ll sec what can he done for our foreign connections.” WANTED, Agents to roprtsrnt the New England Mutual Accident Association of Boston Mass, Liberal pay given. Address with references, .So. Derr. New Esc. Mot. Am»T Ass's., gt. lios 342, Atlanta, Ga. FOR RENT- Five Room Cottage on Love street, i Warren street, at $ per month until Nov. i, 1SSP. Apply to E. it. Jfai.i.Kiji FOR RENT, Tiie Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Ekv. C. I. LaRocue, Flctcherville. tr. Keeps tiie skin soft and smooth, and pre vents and cures chafing: Boraeinc Toilet and Nursery Powder, 2a c. package. Sold by nil druggists. McRae lt Mardre, Thoinaavtlie; A; ltradlord Columbus; Alexander Krug and Seed Co., An gusto; F. VonJOve'.t,Charleston, Agents. AN ARKANSAS SHAKER. “Wall, old feller, what’s the mat ter?’* “Only a little agm\ Granger, but I thought 1 would shake myself out cr my hide.” ”I’vc lia«l ’em myself, friend; I luk 'Westmoreland’s Calisaya Tonic and I never have a shake.” Good advice to the friend who was shaking is implied ill the friend’s re ply. No ease of malaria has ever been found which hallledits curative pow ers, and one physician has success fully used it in the treatment of ty phoid fever. It costs $100 a bottle and one or two bottles will stop the fever, lluy it of yourdruggis . a Safe Investment. Is 0110 which is guaranteed to bring you atisfactory results, or in case of failure a return ot purchase price. On this plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bot tle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief n every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consump tion, Inflamntion of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to ta3te, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at »S. J. C'assels’ Drug store. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. Bad will* Kx/niia. Hair all! Gone. Ncnlp covered with eruption*,Thought JiiN hair would u^Ver «row. Cured by rckucdiCN. Hair Nplcndid pind not a piuiple Oil hint. I cannot say enough in praise of the Cuticura Remedies. My boy, who when one year of as so bad with eczema that ho lost all his ills scalp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors said was scald head, and that Ills hair would nevcrgi ing of a cure from physician: of Cuticura Remedies, and, ; with the most perfect success plcndid and there is not a p Despair- I began tho uso tin happy to say, His hair is now iinple on him. 1 eases of iufai£ts and children, and feel that ev ery mother who has an atllicted child will thank me for so doing. Nrs. M K. WOODS CM, Norway. Mo A I’cvcr More Eight Years Cured. I must extend to you tho thanks of one of my customers, who has been cured by using (,‘uticu- Uemcdles, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight yoars ago. He was so bad ho was fearful he would have to have his leg amputated, but is happy to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to uso Ids name, which Is H. 11. >n, merchant of tills place. .JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, Gainsboro, Tenn. Sci rre Seale Disease Cured, rks ago my wiTc suffered very much of the 1 1 -- A fe.. ....... . , from a cutaneous disease of the scalp, ami re- eeivod no relief Irani tlio various romedios she used until she tried Cuticura. The disease dromptly yielded to this treatment, and in short while she was entirely well. There lias been no return 01 the disease and Cuticura ranks 1 in our estimation for diseases of the skii pimple: .Sold i "Re n^llciiicdiCN. for every form of skin, isos, with loss of hair, from except possibly itclithyo- Hri’iK anil Chi-in’ir.-il Co., boston, .Mass gr^'Scnd for "How to Cure Skin Disease? 61 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials, dTdv’Q Hi in and sea'p preserved and beauti- DRDI 0 hen by. Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure, _____ .Two, No. 1, flood Horses for sale by B. A. lUS.S, EVERY MUSCLE ACHED? Sharp aches, Dull rains, Strains , and weaknesses relieved in one mln- , ^ ute by the Cuticura Anti-rain l’las- Tiib drst and only instantaneous pain-kill- , strengthening plaster. 25 cents. LOWER BROAD MILLINERY. When you are con templating a pur chase of anything in our line, no matter how small may be the amount involved By coming to. look over our large and well selected stock of Clothing, Gents’ Fur nishing Goods, Hats, etc., tliat is new and seasonable. -Decide Quickly To buy of us. After seeing the prices and examining the qual ity of our goods you can’t resist them. It is impqssible to do as well elsewhere. JNTO 15 pieces Scotch Zephyr Ginghams at 20 cents, former price 30 to 45 cents. Spill, V! Special cut in White Dress Goods (wash goods) al prices which arc sure to make you buy. Everything in both stores at greatly reduced prices in order to make plenty room for our heavy fall purchases. CLOTHING About 1500 suits clothing that must and shall be sold re gardless of price or profit. If you want good, genuine bar gains call and see us. Leaders of Styles ami Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST Marshal Spnir had the road ma chine at wotk yesterday morning fill ing in the water main trench along Smith Avenue. Miss Ircue Wiggins, of Fort Valley, who has been visiting friends in this city, left for home yesterday morning. Sheriff Hurst went down to Bain- bridge yesterday to bring back Antliony McCray, colored, arrested for larceny. He had skipped from here. I.ittic Helen, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore, East End, died Thursday night at eight o’clock, alter a lingering illness. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. A watermelon weighing sixty-five pounds, raised by Messrs J. J. and W. Twitty, of Pelham, passed through last night en route, as a pres ent to the Savannah Times from a friend. The Mitchell Fire Company's engine house is being enlarged. It now conies out to # the street and is an im provement. Melons arc about, done. The ship ments so far are over 1,400 cars be hind last year, or less than half. Something like 1,500 cars will be shipped from the line of the S. F. & W. Ry. .Mr. M. N. Haynes has shown us speei mens of Indian corn-seed brought from New England—which is fully matured, iu fact quite hard. And it was planted just eight weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Carter left yesterday for Charleston, where they will in future reside. Mr. Carter has been running a truck farm two miles north of town, and he was so well pleased with the results that he would not have left, but that his father bad made heavy investments near Char leston. Success attend .him in his home. Death. Mr. J. M. Lilly died yesterday morning at 10:50, at the residence of Mr. W. A. Davis, on upper Broad street, after a long and painful illness. Mr. Lilly was his 49th year and had been a citizen of Thomnsvillc for sev-' cral years. The remains will he laid away this morning at !) o’clock in Laurel Hill cemetery. Friends and acquaintances arc requested to attend. It is exceedingly doubtful whether the turning up of frosh clay during summer on our streets is expedient. Whether it be or not it would be an excellent idea to use lime on the dirt thrown out of sewer and water main trenches. Thomasville cannot afford to take any chances in the matter of health. A citizen living near town wants to ship 150 bushels of fruit somewhoro to have it canned. He can get his canning done in Quitman. Ought not this to bring a blush to Thomas ville? Mrs. C. M. Philpot, accompanied by her son, Mr. S. T. Philpot, left yesterday morning at 9:50 forTcnnes- scc, where she will spend the summer with relatives. Mr. Philpot will go as far as Atlanta, and then return. Sheriff L. F. Patterson,of Bainbridge, and Sheriff Hurst returned homeyester- day from the Sheriffs’ convention at Atlanta. They report a pleasant trip. Carried Homo for Trial. While in Atlanta Sheriff Patterson, ot Decatur, ran up on Fiank Crawford, a bright mulatto, for whom he had a warrant, charging him with assault with intent to murder. He arrested him and carried him back to Bain- bridge for trial. He was working in the Kimball house when found. Be sides the above charge there are other warrants out for him. Fresh peaches every morning at, Sampson's Jackson st. Fruit Store. Shoes, Hats, Leather and such goods sold cheap nt Pickett’s to make room for cheap groceries. Table linen and toweling below New York cost at 1’n ni'.rr's. Look in at Pickett’s ami sec; tiie greatest bargains ever offered in Thomasville. Woman's kid button shoe for *1.00. Men's band sewed shoos for *1.00. Pickett's. Furniture, Carpets, Redding, ChiMreu ■' Carriages, Wall Paper amt Window Shade.-. Straw mattings, Rugs, etc. The best -ivle and lowest prices in the city. CEO. W. FolUJF.S, 0-1 !-w2t dtl Masury Building- Reid k Culpepper are keeping up with the I procession, they have secured the agency of j the famous Star Mineral Water, the fittest | reparation known lor dyspepsia. it is | iiaranteed to cure. : d if Wagon Bricbin, Plow Bridles, Wagon Lines, Manic Strings, Plow Lilies, Buggy Backs and Die like sold at a sacrifice at Pickett's Cash Store. Old ladies half «!oth shoes, cnslfnn made, worth *2,00, sold at Pickett's for *1,000, 1.25, *1.50. TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rate, will he sold to till summer tesorls throughout the country l.v tiie Fust Tennessee, Virginia and (icorgia Railway, commencing June 1st. good to return on or before October 31st. Fast train service with Pullman cars. ' II. W. WRI’.NN, lien. Pass, an.l Ticket Ag Bigline ol men's shoes at *1.00 al I‘n tv h it's. Few more pairs Old Ladies Bits' kins and shoes to he sacrificed a 1 Pickett's. • PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, tho Jmveter, lias se cured the agency for all tho first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is soiling I at tho lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will I do well to learn Ills prices and terms. FOR RENT. i Tiie Fudge Iiqupc, below ihc .Masury llo- ! (c|, is far rent, Apply to •tt-l'J K. M. MALLKTTE. 1 For the next 00 days I will sell any article in my stock at the lowest prices ever known in tho millinery business of Thomasville, Here are samples: Straw Hats, all shapes and colors, selling at from 50 cents to §1, your choice at 20c. Ribbons, sold everywhere at 50c. 75c. and $1, your choice at 25c, .‘35c. and 50c. 1*1 tunes and feathers, milliners’ prices §1, £2 and §3, you may have at 5Dc., §1 and £1.50. Hunch flowers and sprays, price else, where 75c., £1.25 aud £2; your choice for 40c., 05c. anil £1. Black hose, fast colors, 25c. per pair. Towels 2c. each. Hand kerchiefs 5c. to 10c., worth 20c. My styles arc latest, stock fresh, . prices incomparable. Ladies from the country will find it particularly to their in to rest to call. Leave your wraps and packages at my store; will take good care of them, and be glad to see you whether you purchase from me or not. Mr*. «fciiiiirj£('ari*oll, Lower Broad Milliner. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Tho ville, Georgia. HI will ho glad to mako ecfttfaCtil tO! construction of all classes ot imnmnga, lie ami private, in either brick or wood. i will guarantee In every lnntanc give satisfaction. Designs and Hiatts d ami careful estimates made. Mv Motto—Gotwl, honest work at. prices. If you want any building ilono on mo. I will submit estimates wh contract Is Awarded mo or not. I ref Hie many public buildings erected by x: Thomasvlllo and elsewhere,aud aline for whom I have worked’ can 1)0 found. We get the choice of the best goods on the market, andbuy and sell them at LOW. h can depend Upon lt That our prices are the lowest, our as sortment the most complete, aud our quality the highest. Dont fail to call* on us. G. H. YOUNG & GO Clotliicrs and Furnishers. lOti^Broad St. * ;