The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 14, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TINIES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. A I A j! SUNDAY, JULY 14,1889 Looal Schedule. Fiiat mail for Savannah Ar... 9 25 a m “ “ “ Lv...l2 40pm “ from “ Ar... 1 31 p m “ for Chattahoochee Lt... 200pm Train for Albany Lt... 9 30ani from “ Ar... 5 20pm “ “ for Savannah Lv... 850pm Freight ami acoora. from Wavc..Ar... 3 45pm • “ “ for “ Lt... 8 40 a m • “ “ “ Cliatt. Lt.. . 4 45 p m ‘ *• •• from Chatt. Ar... 715am • “ “ for Albany Lv... 4 25pm ‘ « •• from “ Ar... 7 55am THOMASV1LLK AND MONTICKLLO. Freight aecom. for Monticello Lv... 8 45 a m “ “ from “ ....Ar...8 20 p m mail tor “ ....Lr...2 08 p m “ from “ .... Ar..l210 p m Preparatory to go ing North for our Fall stock we will offer for the next 30 days bargains ixtraorainary! please notice the f llowing as a sample: 3 cases fast colors Muslin at 3 cts., for mer price 5 cts. 2 cases fast colors at 5 cts., former price 8 ? ° euts -., iiii 100 pieces fine Ginghams at 10 cts., , former prices, 12 1-2 -and 15 cts. 20 pieces combina tion French ginghams at. 15 c., former price 25. 15 pieces Scotch Zephyr Ginghams at 20 cents, former price 30 to 45 cents. Special cut in White Dress Goods (wash goods) al prices which arc sure to make you buy. Everything in both stores at greatly reduced prices in order to make plenty room for our heavy fall purchases. CLOTHING About 1500 suits clothing that must and shall be sold re gardless of price or profit. If you want good, genuine bar gains call and sec us. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices, 109 & 111 BROAD ST SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R, Thomas Jr’s-126 droll Street. C. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hour* ending at 7 o’clock I’. M. July 13, 1889.J| .. ■? Temperatmik. 80 91 2 p. m 7 p. m 84 Maximum for 24 hours 91 Minimum “ “ “ 72 Rainfall 00 Another Evaporating Establishment. A Colquitt county correspondent of the Quitman Free Press says there is talk of a fruit evaporating establish ment at Hempstead, in that county, of large capacity. There arc no end ol pointers to the line of policy that Thomasville ought to adopt in this matter of providing means for dispos ing of the surplus fruit crop. Died. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James It. Burch, aged one year, died at the residence of Mr, Willis J. Parnell, in this city, yesterday -Hom ing- ,, The funeral took place yesterday, and the little fellow was laid to rest in Laurel Hill. Pear Shipments. The pear growers will hold ofl in their shipments for the first few days for the present week. This will be done to let the markets clear up and at the same time allow the fruit to mature. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Church:—Rev. Geo. G. N. MacDoncll, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p, m., by Pastor. Prayer meeting 9:30. Sunday-School 3:30 p. m. Presbyterian Church.—Services in the lecture room—Pastor J. H. Herberncr—services at 11 a. m. and* and at night. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Sunday school 0.30 a. m. Baptist Church:—Rev. W. J. Williams, pastor. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 3 p. m. by pastor. EriscorAL Church:—Rev. C. I. LaRochc, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o’clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock. Catholic Church:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at 8:30 o’clock a. m.; sermon at 11 a. in. Mr. M. Neal, of Covington, is in the city. Mr. E. F. Morgan, of Atlanta, was in the city yesterday. S. Sampson is having his' fruit store on Jackson street painted. Mr. S. T. Philpot has returned to Capt. E. M. Smith is well enough to be at his post at tiie Bank of Thomasville. Miss I’attic Mash lias gone to Ma con to visit friends. She will be away one or two months. Mr. Robert Raines, one of the sub stantial farmers of the Duncanville district, was in town yesterday. The water mains have been laid on Ilnuscll street, and the force is now at work on Remington Avenue. Miss Richby Stone and Katie Corn- tort, of Boston, arc visiting Mrs. J. W. Dillon, on Dawson street. Mr. Joe Sturdevant left yesterday for Mariana, Fla., to join his wife, who is»visiting there. Mr. H. Graham, of Tallahassee, was among the Floridians in the city yes lerday. Capt. Charlie Whitlock is running the Monticello passenger to-day. Capt Tom Lake is spending Sunday with his family at Camilla. Mr. Burney says he will have his Thomasville subscribers supplied with the Atlanta Journal next Wednes day- Miss Cora Watkins, one of Thom- asvillc’s brightest young ladies, is vis iting Miss Viola Morrow, of this county.—Quitman Free Press. Mr. Richard Bradley, of Florida, is in the city. Mr. Bradley was with Mr. M. Isaac for a long time, and has a host of friends here. Services in all the churches to day. Be sure you attend, 'twill lie a fitting conclusion to the week that is gone, and a suitable prelude to the one that is before you. Thomasville has been tho architect of her own fortune, so far, and must continue to be. She must build the road to Cordclc, own and control it for her own interest. A Ti.MEs-ENTERrnisE repot ter saw, yesterday-, a check for a car load of melons, for the munificent sum of 81.60. The melons were poor, and the market poorer. It is never out of order to say that Thomasville must be kept clean, if she would he healthy. The season is now on us, when attention to sanitary mat ters brings a heavy dividend, The Cotton Crop. The cotton exchanges in the prin cipal cities in the state have been sending out inquiries as to the condi tion of the cotton crop. Tit! answers make the crop from eight days to two weeks late. The condition and prom ise are fully up to the average. The prospect for an abundant corn crop is very flattering. No Fence. We publish a notice this morning from Mr. J. M. Blacksher that he will apply to the present Legislature to pass au act abolishing the fence law in that part of. Thomas county, as follows: All that part o( the county south of the Savannah, Florida and Western By., bounded on the east by Brooks county, west by the Ochlock- onee river, and south by the Florid line. Thomasville is being circumscribed in her trade limits, and now Quitman, on one side, has a canuing establish ment, and Coho, on the other side, is prepared to evaporate fruit,. How long will it lie before the people of our city wake up to the needs of ilio hour? ' :.£im Mr. H. M. Colbert, formerly express agent here, but now holding that po silion in Waycross, passed througli the city yesterday cn route to Bainbridgc to visit home folks. * The express office was crowds d yes terday with pear shipments that were left over from the noon train yesterday. These shipments were destined for New York, but failing to get off yes terday they missed Monday’s steamer, and so must wait till Wednesday. Mr. James M. Itlackshear, the irre pressible, was in town yesterday, He does not appear to be the worse for the picnic dinner, and indeed he is equal to most things. Even the ills of life do not dim his humor. The new charter far the city was up before the council for considera tion and amendment, Friday evening at a called meeting of tho city Fa thers. Tho instrument is now in shape to he presented to the General Assembly, to be made a law. The new Gulf begins to take on the lint dsomc outlines that will mark its finished condition. It is proposed to open it by October 1st. It will be ns hundsoipcly furpishptl as any house in the city, When the new jail is ready the nui sance that 1ms worried the guests of the Htuart House for tho past tew days will be a thing of the past. ' Mr. John E. Hanna, for a long time au attache of the Enterprise office and later of the Times Enter prise office, but who has a position in Valdosta, is in tho city spending the day with friends. Another shower yesterday after noon. WANTED, Agents to represent the New England Mutual Accident Association of Boston, Mass. Liberal pay given. Address with references, So, Dept. New Kxg. M' t. Acvii’t Ass’s., 2t Box 312, Atlanta, (5a. FOR RENT* Five Room Cottago on Love street, near Warren street, at $12.50 per month until Not. 1, 1889. Apply to . E. M. Mallettk. New York dailies, Times, World. Tribune and Herald, Macon Tclcgranh and Atlanta and Savannah dailies, every day. Miss addie McClelland, Jackson Street. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, . Council Room, July 8th, 1889. Council met at 10 a. in., pursuant to ad journment. Mayor Hopkins presiding. Aldermen Wright, Hayes, Merrill, Whiddon, Jerger present. Chairman of Street Committee was authorized to purchase 2,500 feet of lumber for bridges. Chairman of street committee recommend ed the payment of claim for street sewer. Moved by Alderman Wright that same be paid Jan. 1, 1890. Carried. Petition of A. C. Brown referred to fire committee. Moved that matter of revision of charter and ordinance be postponed to 7 o'clock, Friday, July 12th. Carried. Moved by Alderman Hayes that chairman of street committee summons all parties subject to street duty to perform said duty, in lien thereof to pay a tax of three dol lars. Carried. Council adjourned to seven o’clock P. M. Friday, July 12th, 1889. Jas. F. Evans, Acting Cl k. Council Room, July 7th, 1889. Council met in regular session, Mayor Hopkins presiding. Aldermen Wright anti Jerger present. No qnorutn being present, notion of Alderman Wriglit council nd- •md to July 8th, at Ufa Jaj . F. K\ Actin ; Clerk. 11c—I wonder why women always kiss one another when they meet? She—I wonder why men always ask one another to take a drink when they meet? Local Bill. ice is hereby given that 1 1 ill apply to tho _ Act to have a no fence law In the follow ing parts of Thomas county, to-wit: All that part bounded on the north by the Savannah, Florida and Western Railroad, on east by Brooks county, on south by Florida, and on west bv the Oehlockonce river. July *13, 1889. J. M. 11 LACK SI I EAR. Don’t fail to try a can of Pickett's Royal Baking Powders; guaranteed second to none in quality. 1 ll> cans Grits are just as cheap a- ever at Pickett's. Pickett liasjusl received a nice lot of Ml*. Vernon Policies* Paeon and Shoulders. Call and see them. Conic and get a can of Pickett's Royal Paking Powder,and if it doesn’t give you satisfaction your money will lie refunded. Do you want a barrel of flour? if so, collie nj) town soon in the morn ing. .Call on everybody who handles the article, get their lowest cash prices, .lew them, make them cut at eaeli other, and then come to Pickett' and buy it 50 cents cheaper than their lowest, prices. TAILORING. There la tin end to all things, so the people say, hut there Is no end to the splendid fitting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner. Givo ino a call. John Kenny, FRESH FALL'S 1C EDS! Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, Lettuce, Ac. S. J. CASSELS. 118 Broad St. CATARRH CURED, health and breath secured, by Shilol’s Catarrh Re Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free JERSEY MILK. Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will bo supplied, in any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, 1889, Instead of feeling tired and worn out, in stead ot aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel strong? If you continue feeling miser able and good-for-nothing you have only yourself to blame, for Brown’s Iron Bitters will surely cure you. It is a certain cure for dyspepsia, indigestion, malaria, weak ness, kidney, lung and heart affections. Try it it' on desi e to he healthv. n Im?t and stron g, and e pericncc its mnurl able curative ualities Keeps the skin soft and smooth, and p.... vents and cures tinting: Bo ratine '1 diet and Nur erv I’m dtr. 25 c. pat kage. Id by nil dr McR'.e .■ Mardrc , Th innsvlllc; A . Bra i • ini, C«:unih«i> Alcxan ior Drug and Scud c«>. Au- gusia; F. Von’Ove: , Charleston, Agents. Ftirnit re, Carpets, Bedding, Child Carriages Wall 1* iper ami Window Sh lilt’3 Straw m; ttinj.'*, i 11"?, etc. The lie?t ? vie. and lowest prices in the city. tiEo.-w. roumes 0-1 l-w2 dtt Masurv Built ing* TAK il A. I5E.ST. Excursion tick* ts III lmv e.Ue? wi 1 l)C sold to all summer resorts throughout the country l V the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Itn’lway commencing June 1st, good to r turn on or before October 31s . IV t tr tin servi ■e with Pullman cars It. W. WUEN'X, ( ten. I’.tss. ami Ticket Ag DIANOS: AND ORMANS w. . Brow t, tho Jeweler, ha? sc- jutjed the agency for all the limt-chu Pianos and Organs, which he Is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Tfioso desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices and terms. FOR RENT. The Fudge house, below the Ma-ury Ho tel, is for rent, Apply to *>-10 K. M. MALLETTK. IIiicklon'M Arnica Salve. The Be>t Halve in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Feyer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per !>ox. For sale by 8. J. Casseli, Drug Store, AN ARKANSAS SHAKER. “Wall, old feller, what'n the mai ler?” “Only a little agur, wtrautfer, but! thought I would .shake myself out Cr my hide.’’ "I've had 'em myself, friend ; I ink Westmoreland's (Jalisaya Tonic and I never have a shake.” Good advice to (he friend who was shaking is implied in the friend’s re ply. No ease of malaria has ever been found which bail!edits curative pow ers, and one physician has success fully used it in the treatment of ty phoid fever. It costs $100 a bottle and one or two bottles will stop Ihc fever. Huy il of your druggist. a Hnfe Investment. ^ Is one which is guaranteed to bring you_ satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return ot purchase price. On this plan you can buy from our advertised druggist n bot tle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every‘case, when used for any affection of oat* Lungs or Chest, such as Consump tion, Inflamation of Lungs, Bronchitis, \sthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly afe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at S. J. Casskls’ Drug store. NOT A PliyiPLE ON HIN NOW. Bn<! will* llxzrnm. Hair nil* Gone. •Sculp covered with n-uptiou*,Thought hit hair would n*Ver #row. Cured by rcmcdiCN. Hair xplrnilid *antl not n pimple on him. I cannot say enough in praise or the Cuticura Remedies. My hoy hen one year of had with eczema that ho lost all his alp was covered with eruptions. iilch the doctors said was scald head, and that his hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I began tho use of Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the most perfect success. 11 is hair is now splendid and there is not a pimple on him. I . n rho most ? skin dis eases "of infants and children, and l'cel that ev ery mother who has an atllictcd child will thank^he for so doing. Nrs. M E. WOODSUM, Norway. Mo A fr’ever Noi't Eiithl Years Cured. I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customers, who has been cured by using Cuticu- ra Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight years ago. Ho was so bad ho was fearful he would have to have his leg amputated, lmt is happy to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which is II. II. Cason, merchant of this place. JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, (Jainaboro, Teun. Ncvrir ttcnlc Disease Cured, A lew weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of tho scalp, and re ceived no relief from the various remedioa she used until she tried Cuticura. The disease dromptly yielded to this treatment, and in a short while she >cen no re auks 1 There has the disease and Cuticura Mutation for diseases of the Rev. J. J*RKS8LEY BARRETT, 1). I). Raleigh, N.C. 4'iiIicura Itcmcdlc*. dtivc cure for every form of skin, blood diseases, with loss of hair, from scrofular, except possibly ifehthyo- Sold everywhere. Trice, Cuticura, 25.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mas Cl page BABY’S il lustra Skin ands pure. Two, No. I, (J. •il and lieauti- *. Absolutely ten EVERY MUSCLE ACHED? Sharp aches, Dull Tains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- _uto by the Cuticura Anti-Tain Tins ’ll r«t and only instantaneous pain-kill ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. LOWER BROAD MILLINERY. For the next GO days 1 will sell any article in my stock at the lowest prices ever known in the millinery business of Thomasville. Here are samples: Straw Hats, all shapes and colors, selling at from 50 cents to $1, your choice at 20c. Ribbons, sold everywhere at 50c. 75c. and SI, your choice at 25c, 35c. and 50c. Flumes and feathers, milliners’ prices §1, $2 and §3, you may have at 50c., SI and §1.50. Hunch flowers and sprays, price else', where 75c., §1.25 and 82; your choice for -!<><.■., 05c. and §1. Black hose, fast colors, 25c. per pair. Towels 2c. cadi. Hand kerchiefs 5c. to 10c., worth 20c. My styles are latest, stock fresh, prices incomparable. Ladies from the country will tind it p .rticularly to their in terest to call. Leave your wraps and packages at my store; will take good care of them, anil be glad to see you whether you purchase from me or not. Airs. o3cmiie£4*;irroll, Lower Broad Milliner. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER '.Thomasville, Georgia. EH will bo glad to make extracts for construction of all classes of buildings, ] He and private, In either brick or wood. I will guarantee lu every Instance glvo satisfaction. Designs and plans dr and careful estimates made. My Motto—Uood. houest work nt prices. If you want any building done on mo. I will submit estimates who contract la awarded mo or not. I ref* tho many public buildings erected by m Thomasville and elsowhero, and allnoi for whom I have worked' When you are con templating a pur chase of anything in our line, no matter how small may be the amount involved By coming to look over our large and well selected stock of Clothing, Gents’ Fur nishing Goods, Hats, etc., that is new and seasonable. Decide Quickly To buy of us. After seeing the prices and examining the qual ity of our goods you can’t resist them. It is impossible to do as well clsewhere.Jj NO can be found. We get the choice of the best goods on the market, andbuy and sell them at •LnOTfiT". You m Dpi Upon It That our prices are the lowest, our as sortment the most complete, and our quality the|highest. Dont fail to“callJ on us. C. H. YOUNG & CO Clothiers andJFnrnishers. lQti.Brwd St. jiw