The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 18, 1889, Image 4

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When They Were New. From, the Somerville Journal. First jury 070. Pins made 1450. Needles used 1545. Matches made 1800. First cast iron 1544. First newspaper 1494. Coal used as fuel 1834. Surnames used in 1169. Lead pencils used in 1501. Window glass used in 694. First gold coin 1?. C. 206. Tobacco introduced 1582. First steam railrtfad 1830. First postage stamp 1840. Kerosene introduced 1826. Electric light invented 1874. Iron found in America 1815. First insurance, marine, 533. First wheeled carriages 1559. First American express 1821. Musical notes introduced 1338. Latin censed to be spoken 580. Bible translated into Saxon 637. Gunpowder used by Chinese 80. First illuminating gas in 1792. Bible translated into Gothic 872. Photographs first produced 1802. Old Testament finished B. (J. 450. Emancipation proclamation 1865. Paper made by Chinese B. C. 220. Bible translated into English 1534, Lord Wolseley’s Opinion. Lord Wolsclcy took this view of the future in making an address at Birmingham: “Those who study the map of Europe, at the present mo ment and the condition ot things in Europe must feel that there is hang ing ovor us a war cloud greater than any which lias hung over Europe be fore. It means that when it bursts— and burst it will as surely as the sun will rise to-morrow—it means not, as in former days, a contest between two highly trained armies, but a war of extinction, of devastation, between great armed nations whose populations are armed and trained to fight.” Send Your Best Men- The coming convention of the Georgia State Aliiancc will be the most important meeting ever held by that body. Questions of vital im portance to the order and to the state are coming before that assembly and we must have our truest and best men to handle them. We want truly conservative men who have the good of the Alliance at heart, men who wifi discard the wrong and sustain the right. In the election ot delegates, brethren, do not be guided by any personal preference, but send the man who you know will forget every other interest while there except the good of the Farmers’ AlliaDcc. There Is an influence being brought to bear by a certain clement in our order which must be counteracted, or the Alliance and its dearest interest will again be the victims of treachery. Look well to this matter and send your truest men to the convention.— Southern Alliance Farmer. As the Chronicle has already stated, an important bill was introduced in ..the House on Friday by Mr. Clark Howell, of Fulton, which provides for the election of twenty trustees of the university, two from each Congression al district, and the appointment o( three by the governor from the city of Athtns. The governor is to be ex officio a member of the boar^, and the term of each trustee is to be four years. They are to be paid actual railroad fare and expenses for not ex ceeding one week. Mr. Howell con tends, and with great reason, that elect ion by the people would bring the university, and the cause of education in general, nearer to the people, and woufd have the effect of removing whatever ground there is tor the com plaint about the control ot the univer sity being too local in its character, —Augusta Chronicle. Professor Tood, of Amherst, has discovered a spot on the sun 30,000 miles in diameter. If the theory of Herschell that these spots arc holes in the outer disk of the sun be correct, this hole is big enough to let several planets the size of the earth drop .in to the sun without any crowding at the entrance. Come to think of it, this earth of ours is rather small pota toes. Some people turn down the corner of a leal of a book in order to find the place. Others turn down the streets of a city for the same purpose. Fanner’s wile.- -“Why do you get up and leave that piece of steak?" Tramp—“I didn’t ask lor work, ma'am; I asked for something to eat. A IIOItSF WHO CAN TAI.K ! Everybody him If but who has over « the power of sneeel bo pronounced a in telegraph anal the t ago. Why, even ve sumption, which ai d of a “ horse laugh,'* ■eit an equine gifted with ? Sueh an animal would raele; hut so would the lephono ft hundred years y recently iy to be scrofula alb been looked upon plo fire lieginning to realize that, the disease is not incurable. Dr. I’ieree's (Jolden Medical Discovery will cure it, if taken in time and given ft fair trial. This world-renowned rem edy will not make new lungs, but it will re store diseased ones to a healthy state when other means have failed. Thousands grate fully testify to this. It is the most potent tonic, or Strength restorer, alterative, or blood-cleanser and nutritive, or tlesh-huilder, known to medical science. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of lliond, bronchitis. Asthma, Ca tarrh in the Head, and all Lingering Coughs, it. isan uncqualed remedy. In derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels, as Indiges tion, or Dyspepsi | GUARANTEED.! Diarrhea, and kindred •ei ru remedy. "Colden Medical Dis- >very” is the only med iae uf its class, sold isfs, under a the man 11 fact- printed ffiinraiifcc, t urers, that it will benefit or cure m v of disease for which it is reconum money paid for it will be promptly i Copyright, IWM. by Woklo’s bis. Mkl •cry r SBSOO offered Sr by the manufaetur- / the manufaetur- Catarrh Kemedy. I atarrh in the Head Florida Central —AND— benii is ul a lia i I road. F.rmerlr flu- I' It. A IV. Co. Standard Time Used—June 2,1 SS9. :l I 7 5 (HI p IU 700 p II 4.", a I, r»30p 1127 ft IiV 8.TO p 1*2 42 p Lv 0 2.', p 1 ‘27 p Ar V 14‘JpAr JO TO P • ~ • 1I2UU f. 10 p Ar 0 10 j, Ar 8 ‘2‘2 p Ar Lv Fcruandiu I Ar, t <r» p 8 to ft 3 Al- 1 To P 0 10ft Ar 1 At 11 0 40 a Aril-2 42 P 5 00 a Ar il 58a 3 55a Aril *28 41 T :t0a Ar 10 52ft 2 50ft Ar 10 *2Ta ‘2 00 a Ocala Wild woe 7 00 a • ’. Lv Jacksonville Ar 0 00 a * I.v Wildwood Ar 0 40a : Ar l’anasolTkeo Ar 7‘20 a ; Ar Humtervillo Ar 8 25 a 1 i Al*St. Catherine A r LlAll KF.Y 1)1 V. -| 14 | 24 CIO* _ f . . :j i10 a! 1 ,'»T p Ar Gainesvillo Ar, 9 40 a 2 10 45 5 42 p Ar Archer Lv 8 ‘25 u 1215 p C 12 p Ar Bronson Ar 7 48 a; |« j.\r Ci-dnrKcy l.vl r, :w ul y f -T I WlksTEliy DIVISION I 2 j 1H 7 00 P 8 05 p 10 40 p 4 10 0 10 a 8 00 9 20 7 15 Jacksonville Ari 3 20 8 00a|Ar Baldwin Ar; 235 Lake City 10 27a 11 28 a 12 52 J •2 02 | Oik A11223 \ r Madison At 1115 \r Montlecllo Lv.loTO Ar Tallahassee Lv 9 50 Ar Quincy Lv 8 57 A rUlver June. Lv 8 00 1,2, 7, rt, 9, 10, IT, 14 Dally. 62, and 63 Daily. 3, 4, 23, 24, Dally, except Sunday. TO Dally except Holiday. 31 Dally except Monday, • AN U I c | JACKSONVILLE lm.V.NGH I 5 | Id Lv 7 15 n-4 TO l G daily, except Sunday. 6*J and 61 Sundays only. and quick** l, Now Orlea Expr {Shortest , m all Middle and W Florld*ii points, Pensacola, Mobllo and New Orleans. 7 :15 a. in. and 7 :T0 p. in. trains con nect girough to Thomasvllle, Montgomery, Nashville, St. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, and all points North and West. Arrive at 2:" in. mid 3.45 p. in. 11:45 p. in. Mall find Express for all points South, Gainesville, Ocala, Leesburg, Tavores, Apopka, Orlando, Panasoffkeo (St. Cotkarlne) Dade City, blunt City. Arrives at 1:50p. m, 7:00 n. ni. Local, connects through for all points South, Ocala, Gainesville, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpon Springs, Souther land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives a 6 :10 a. m, i'll:45 a. m.Cumberland Route Express,con nects at Fernandlna with steamer City of Brunswick, daily, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati Ht. Louis and Chicago. Arrives 1:50 p. m, 4:30 p. m. Fernandlna Mall and Express, dallv, connecting Tuesday and Friday with Str. St. Nicholas for Savannah rfhd way land lugs. Thursday with Mallory Steamers foi New York. Arrives 8:50a. m. Sunday trait, loaves Jacksonville 8:15 a. in. This new servlco gives perfect connection! at Baldwin for all points North and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Fernandlna, connecting with Str. city of Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlauta and all points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A. O. MAcDONELL, Geu. Manager, G. 1*. Sc T. A. J. W REID. Agent at Thomasvllle, Ga. DK.01 LEVv/oEiiTifRiCf ' W ASH /^A\V/^Cleanx aud Preserves Ihe'Teelh / \ \\Jy' and Cure* DUcMt* Cumt. \j y^rII u bnox-rioA co. . 1TU18II MEATS. Wc will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. I\ II. bone a fine stock of fresh meats, beef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from our own farms, fat, juicy and sweet. Wc will be glad to receive your patronage and will serve you with the cst meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Iloitv k bao ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. W. A. ELDER- Proprietor. SEASONOF 1889. For rail's, analysis u[ water ami infor mation, address 6 1C tf E. A. Elder Manger. IMbO It TANT PEAR GROWERS & SHIPPERS. Consolidate your Shipments lo Houses who have Standing anil Ability. W. I. X Cl I r careful investigation I have connect' ♦elf with lhe following reliable houses: Snyder. .lolm Stout and Win Utmblc , New York, Kcdlield A Son. Pliiladcl- bcntieli, Rand k Co., boston, j above houses will net in concert and vor to hold the markets up. I will re in New York during the shipping sea- md give nn personal attention to the ess. Receive daily quotations from each markets, and wire lo the Times-Kiiter- for publication. When your shipments altered it tends to break* down tliemar- Kespcct fully, Jos. S. Norton, Office J2‘J Washington St., Ne York. ftronrff Olivil, Ambrose Olivif, i. I*. Cowper. Olivit Brothers, Commission Merchants, Melons and Pears Specialties. Washington St., NEW YORK. Reference: North River Park. Hunt & Voorhees, 179 READE ST., N. Y., Commission Dealers Southern Fruit and Produce- Particular attention paid to the -sale of peaches, pears and melons. Sales reported daily and returns promptly made. Dei met t & Hall, < o Jl 111S SI ON .11 Kill'll AN T1,| Fruits and Produce. Melons -:- and Pears SI’F.CI A l/l'IES. No. 1 * i 1 W F.ST ST I i I-’.ET, Ni:W YORK. Jarob T. Brntifll. Joseph W. Thom. BENNETT & THORN, PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 302 North Front St.,- Philadelphia, - Pa. 6-1 t-2ni William Halley & Co., COMMISSION - MERCHANTS. Melons a Specialty.’ 107 WEST STREET, XKW YORK. RidVrcnce: New York County National bank. »IA\v2iii WALTER S. HILL, Produce Commisiion Mirthnt, — FOR THE SALE OK— Southern Fruits 5 VEGETABLES,'onte Pears and Melons a Specialty 200 DI ANE NT,. NEW YORK. Reference?: Irving National bank, N. Y. Fruit (Lowers’ National bank, Smyrna, Del. Rcjirese;ited in Tliomasville by A. ('. brown WANTED, 500 Gars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits, Forjwliich I will pay highest market -price in cosh, or sell on commission, and I will pay ft reward of $25 to the person shipping me the ear of the largest melons tliis|season. This reward is over and above the market price of said ear when received. A. 1\ RICKETS Wholesale Fruit anti Mure Dealer, Chattanooga, Tcnn. Reference: People's bank and other banks here; also It. (5. Dun k Co.*and the wholesale merchants of this city generally. KSTAIII.IMIIKD I*JIN. E. IS. WOODWARD, CjrLdNlilIJ AL Commission Merchant, Melons and Pears Specialties. 17-L CHAMBERS ST.. NEW YOKE. KG-2G U 4tW 2m JOSEPH PIKE’S SON,, Commission Merchant, • —Ami Dealer In — Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Florida & Georgia Fruits & Vegetables A SPECIALTY. VS PA UK PLV'G, NEW YORK. Melons and LeConte Pears Solicited, Represented in Tliomasville by A. C brown and John \Y. Mitchell' 1IHK By shipping ycur Green and Dried Fruits, Melons VEGETABLES, Or anything you may have, to us.J \Vt* have a very large trade in the above articles, and ran place your shipments to as good advant- ag i as any house on the market. We invite correspondence from nil parties having any thing in our line to ship. SUMMERS, MORRISON k CO., Commission Merchants, 174 South Water Street, , Chicago. Illinois. Reference: Metropolitan Nat. Rank, daw PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. C. J9XODOBASS. B. F. HA W KI NS gX()l)GUASS& HAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. iji M.McINOTSH, Physician «& Surgeon, Thomasville, Georgia. ^-OFFICE over ;Stark’s,(corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. % J)K. JOEL B. COYLE. IhEYTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St., overJlMckctt’s. g o. mclendon, Attorncy-at-Law, Tlioinasvlllc, Prompt attention gii Georgia, all Imsiness en trusted to him. Office—Over Watt’s store, coiner Broad and Jackson streets. J If. COYLE, I). I). s., Resident Dentist, ThomauvlUe, ... Georgia. Offers ht* Horviceu to th vltl/.ens of Thom* asvlllo and vicinity. Office hours—From 9 a. in. to 1 p. *m. f and from 2 to 5 p. in • Office—On Jackson street. W. I». MITCHELL, It. G. MITCHELL. jypTCUKLL & MITCMIEI.L, Attorncys-at-Law, Thomasvllle, • • Go»»rgln. wThhuJe, al d. Office, up-stairs. Coiner of Broad and Fletcher streets, laug T. S. DKKLE, M. I)., Office in Ilayes Building. Residence—Cornor College avcntio and Mag nolla stroct. Telephone communication, No. 25 for night calls. N. S Eaires, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasvllle, Goorgla, I will ho glad to make contracts for the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and privato, 4n either brick or wood. I will guarantee In every Instance to giro satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. My Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building dono call on mo. I will submit estimates contract is awarded mo or not. I refer to the ninny public buildings erected by mo In Thomasvllle and elsewhere, and all parties for whom I have worked' 18Y FAB THE ROUTE —TO— NEW YORK OR SAVANNAH —AND THE— OCEANSTEAMSHIP:-: LINE —OF TUB— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMEB EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale al reduced rates. Good to return until October 31st, 1889. Magnificent Steamers and clegnnt ser vice. Free from the itcat and dust incident to nil-rail routes. If jou arc sick the trip will invigorate nnd build you up. Go cast by sea and you'll never regret it. Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to impure first of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information may lie had by apply ing to the A gent SI your station, or to M. S. BELKNAP, IV. F, SHKLLMAN, Gencrnl Manager. Traffic Manager, E. T.CIIARLTOX. CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Tass. Agt., Savannah, Ga. THE BEST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEfSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. 9 wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, ami Chair-Cars by day, between Cln* cinnattl and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also bo tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con* nectlons are made for , St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Tol land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco amt points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Loiilsvlllo, Dallyoxcept Sunday, at 7 *30 a. m. Cincinnati!, Dally, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at G :55. Tho most rapid servlco over attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago. J*W7 hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage chock ed to destination, and your satoty and com fort provided for, are among tho points thaf have made the mONON ROUTE Universally and deservodljr popular. OHN B. CARSON, vTco-pros’t and Gen'I Mgr W. II. McDOEL, Gon'l Traffic Manager, E. O. McCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent R. W. GLADINO. Passongor and Fxplght Agt., 158 Broad 8fr.V Thomasvllle Ga. Whiddon House (Opposite Pinoy Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, GA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. Tills liotisc, loeated in tho most desir able mid central part of tho city, Is now and complete In every part icular. Fur nished in the most elegant manner and provided with all convenient es of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect, and the service rendered by truined nndjpo- lito servants. Terms roasonablo, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from the house meet all trains. dcelO-Xy Fife & Beverly MEIGS, — GEORGIA. --PEALERS IN- Geiieriil Morchandi«e ANt> ALL KINDS OF Builders.’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. We are prepared to furnish anything wtn ed In tho Luudku Link, We makga spccli'lt Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work. best equipped mills, and carry the largest stock of so asoned lumber In Southern Geor gla. Parti *s wanting lumber willsavo money by consulting us before placing their orders. FIFE k BEVERLY Grleii & Levied, Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will ho glad to make contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, public or private, in elthor brick or wood. Will fur- nish plans and specllca'lons If required. It you want any building dono call on us, and wo will submit estimates whethor contract Is awarded us or not. Wo will gunrantco satis faction In nil our work. Wo refer to tho many .buildings erected by us In Thoinasvllle, and to all parttos for whom wo have worked. Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvllle, Ga., April 3, 1889. B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN * HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, of all kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. The Elmwood, Marietta. Ga. This new and beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First class in nil of its appointments, has been leased by M. G. Whitlock, fqfnier own er nnd proprietor of the Into “WHITLOCK HOUSE.” His table nnd service will satisfy the most fastidious. His hods arc delightful. Terms lensonnhle. Address, M.G.’WHITLOCK, Marietta, Ga, The Old Bill Bryant place on Jackson .St., in Fletcherville. LARGE 10T, Healthy Location. Good neighbors, and convenient to South Georgia College and Depot. Terms so easy that anybody having the will, can have a good home. Apply imme diately to E. M. Mallette, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. GLeor'-ia