The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 20, 1889, Image 1

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■ ' nterpn VOL 1 -NO 58. THOMASV1LLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 20, ’880. 0 CD P P X h-* o c 05 rt- O o d I-S a: crq C/3 cc § £ CD a (D •d (D 0 H' 5) H H H* P ffiM W I H ' H ® 3 05 H CO W tri 0 p ' P- 5 CD CD P- ert- P* CD TS CD h- cc d p CO CD CD P oc Cd CD 'd I-S I H 0 V l> y u <1 Q B H 0 P® 0 H t % f H 8<i ■ y § *1 ‘ H p s <p CD CD <75 d o o 'CD* CD O £- P d du o • d CO p* 39. CT* CD i-i CD CD CD M* CD & & lb y t> tf 4 0 H' & 0 3. i_| 2 <u a i y fel ► 4 V » 4 ft H v 91 >s « THE OLIVE BILL. What Major Campbell Wallace Thinks of It. Iu au interview with the Constitu tion, touching the advisability of pass ing the Olive bill, and such legislation, Major Wallace says: Speaking for myself, I ilo not hesitate to that I fear very greatly the effect of such legislation upon tlio state. I ilo not question the purity ot the motives of the projectors and advocates of this sort of legislation, but Iookingnt it, as 1 think impartially, it seems quite menacing to capital, and without cap ital railroads caonot bchuilt. In the provi dence of God capital is aggregated in per sons and societies of persons, and we have to deal with it us it is, and where it is. Great good is oeing done to-day in the advance ment of intelligence, morals and religion by tbc use of capital. The people have no rea son, that I can sec, to treat capital as an enemy. I say this especially in regnrd to railroad investments. I am well aware that short cuts aro taken by capital, and that wholesome restraints of legislation arc some times necessary to circumvent the greed of gain. Kver- since I have been in the commission (and that is from the begin ning) wc have had tile pool. This is about the same as tor one man or the West Point Terminal or any other combination to own all the railroads embraced. As to rates our light has been with the pool from the start. Vet I think the pool has done some good. By maintaining rates it has many times saved the merchant, and as a consequence the peo ple. Let us fight the evils incident to the use of capital and not capital itself. For the life of me I cannot see any occasion for mnking war just now. What wrong do Un people labor under now that should make us forfeit anybody's stock in a riilroud or take away the charter of any railroad? We need every one of them and more, nnd if they become oppressive as monopolies in the future let future legislators deal with th m. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.’ " ‘■Then if I understand you correctly you see no need of any legislation on the subject of the sale of roads and stocks n’t the pres ent?” • ’ None whatever. Some of us are poor. Others arc rich. Let the legislature be fair and just to all. All arc necessary to the body politic. The people have the law making powers nnd, I trust in God, wil always have it. The way to maintain it is to exercise it discreetly.” Major Wallace is one of the clearest headed men in the State. He has stood by the people, nnd protected the people, for years, ns chairman of the rnilioad commission of the state. His views tire entitled to respectful atten tion. Cnpt. II. S. Duval, with his surveying corps, stopped nt Whigliam for several days about two weeks ago. They were running a propscctivc line from Midway, Florida, to Dawson, Georgia. This contemplated road will be the true northern outlet of the Flor ida Central nnd Peninsular, (F. B. k N.) system, and when the final line is located, will run from Tallahassee via Concord, Cal vary, Whigliam, Clieevertown, Leary, Daw- son, and front thence to Colnmbns. It c are informed that the money is already paid in to build this line of road, and if it is decided upon as tlie most practicable route for the bottled-up F. C. k P., to get a northern out let, the building will be commenced right away. Whighnm’s prospect for another road is good, and we arc not making much fuss about it cither.—Whigknm Advance. This outlet should claim the atten tion of our people. The subject is one of vital importance to Thomns- villc. Dogology- The man who wants to pass a dog law, is in tho legislature. But there is only about one of him. It will thus be seen that the member in favor of taxing curs, is in a hopeless minor ity. And he is likely to remain so as long as voters own curs. And the majority of voters are the unhappy owners of two curs each. In the meantime tho curs pick up a pretty fair living by raiding flocks of sheep in their respective neighborhoods, The legislature ought to. encourge sheep raising to the extent, at least, of furnishing mutton for the dogs. Mutton is a delicacy which a yaller dog prizes and appreciates. True, in these prtdatory excursions, the yaller dog gets a good deal of wool between his teeth. But the yaller dog doesn’t appear to mind this much. Notwith standing this draw-back to the busi ness he “would rather be a dog, and bay—a flock of sheep,” than to bay the pale, pale moon. In Memoriam. On Thursday, tbe lltli of July, the spirit of Mrs. Cina Scabbcroigii winged its flight from her home in Chattahoochee to its mansion in her Father’s house. For twenty-one years and six months she gladdened the hearts of all who knew her. Bright and beautiful, she seemed to trans mute the baser things of earthly life into the joy and sunshine ot love. Her nature was ns transparent and artless ns a child's. On the 3rd of October last, her life was crowned by a union with Mr. Edward Scarborough—In every respect n happy one. In the new home to which he bore her, she won every heart that came iu contact with her, and life, both in its present and future aspects, gleamed in rosiest tints. But the Mind that shapes the destiny of men, had a higher purpose far her to serve than gath ering the flowers o’er life's pathway and scattering them in the dark places. The final messenger for the perfection*of her na ture was a lingering illness, variable and alternating the hopes of loved ones with despair. To her it came with fortitude and patience. At times her mind wandered, until five days before her death, when, after a sudden physical change, it became stable and flashed with the very light ot paradise. In prophetic vision, as it were, she swept beyond the horizon of the present, and por trayed in glowing terms her glimpses into futurity. Through her as a medium, the very dews of heaven descended upon the hearts of all who lmd access to her. and her desire seemed unlimited to bless nil from the baptism of light she. had received, ere he departed. Her words linger like pre- ious seed sown in nature's best soil, and the fragrance of her memory remains in perpetual commemoration of her well-spent life. As peaceful as the sunset of a calm day was the flight of her spirit, and the rainbow of hope beamed through all the many tears that flowed unhidden from the eyes of those to whom she was dearer than life. As her precious remains were home into the sanctuary where she had worshipped in such unwonted fervor, the strains of “Let. us Gather up the Siinlycams” floated out and filled the air with their significant melody. Hearts made desolate fur the present, never theless hear full h opes of a glorious resur rection. Friends, the Master hath visited you ! E. The (Quincy /frrahl please copy. Hit Him Again. The Philadelphia Times, one of the great Northern dailies, is going for Tanner. The Times sayn that the commissioner, “under the color of law,'but without even the pretense of respect for the plainest limitations of the pension laws,” has in three months “practically added tens of thousands of pensioners to the list, by the arbitrary reversal of the prece dents established by a long republican administration of the office and sim ply maintained under democratic rule.” It continues: The administration cannot he insensible of the fact that Commissioner Tanner's reckless, lawless and profligate administra tion of the pension office is already a stench in the nostrils of the whole country, and es pecially offensive and humiliating to every true soldier in the land. Even if there shall be no new pension laws enacted by the next congress, the appropriation for pen sions, under the ruling of Commissioner Tanner, must be increased from $25,000,0*0 to $40,000,000 a year, and instead of the gradual diminution of pensions that would be logical, nearly a quarter of a century after the close of the war, the present year will hare the largest {tension roll and the largest expenditure of our history. The pension roll and the pending applications arc larger in number than the entire list of soldiers of the union one year or more in service during tbc whole war, nnd it goes without saying that they will all be pensioners, with rare exceptions, if Commissioner Tanner shall continue nt the bend of the department. A NORTH CAROLINA FROLIC. “I’d ruther fur it to be good ole slavery times agin,” murmured an aged negress as she hobbled out of the police court in Columbus, after seeing her son tried and fined for dis orderly conduct. "Hen dar was no justis—no such fooling as dat. Be sides niggers had better times, and ef they had to steal ’tall ’twas when they was mouthing for nice tilings and not cause they was hungry. Old master used to git de vittals for us. He was court, judge, jury, sheriff, writer and everything else, I tell you.” It begins to look as if tho cigarette would have to go, in Georgia. Geor gia, and Georgia boys, would be great gainers. A Little Compulsion Forced the Pinin’ at the Kissing Bee. From the Washington Lost; Back in the North Carolina moun tains tho student of customs may still find material for research. ,The most unique arc the kissing games, which still cling to tho soil. A lot of , big limbed, powerful young men and ap ple cheeked, buxom girls, gather and select one of their number as master of ceremonies. He takes his station in the center of tho room, while the rest pair oil and parade around, him. Suddenly one young woman will throw up her hand and say : “I’m a-pinin’.” The master of ceremonies takes it up, and the following dialogue nnd interlocution takes place: "Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp says she’s a-piuin’. What is Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp a-pinin’ fur.” “I’m a-pinin’ fur a sweet, kiss. ’ "Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp says she’s a-pinin’ fur a sweet kiss. Who is Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp a-pinin' fur a sweet kiss frum?” “I’m a-pinin’fur a sweet kiss from Mr. Hugh Waddle.” (Blushes, convul sive giggles, and confusion on the part of Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp at this forced confession.) Mr. Hugh 11 ad lle walks up manfully ami relieves the fair Arabella’s pinin’ by a smack which sounds like a three year old steer drawing bis hoof out of tbe mud. Then a young man will bn taken with a sudden and unaccountable pinin’, which, after the usual exchange of questions and volunteered informa tion, reveals the name of the maiden who causes the gnawin’ and pinin’. She coyly retreats out-doors, only to be chased, overtaken, captured and forcibly compelled to relieve her cap tor’s distress. At one of these entertainments which it was the narrator’s fortune to attend there was a rcaiarknhly beau tiful young woman, who had been married about a month. Her hus band was present, a lingo beetle-browed, blnck-cycd young mountaineer, with a fist like a ham. Tho bpys fought shy of the bride for fear of incurring the anger of her hulking spouse. Tho game went on for some time, when symptoms of irritation developed in the giant. Striding into the middle of the room he said: “My wife is cz pooty, V ez nice, ’n’ sweet ez any gyurl liyali. You uus has known her all her life. This game her. been a-goin’ on half an hour an’ nobody 1ms pined fur her onct. Ef some one doesn’t piue fur her pooty soon tliar will bo trouble.” She was the belle of the ball alter that. Everybody pined for her. A Mr. Clayton recently went into the undertaking business at Roswell, lie sent in his application for member ship to the Funeral Directors' Asso ciation and was rejected, for the reason, it is supposed, that there was already one undertaker at Roswell, and the place was too small to support two. lly some sort of agreement the coffin manufactories only sell to members ot the Funeral Directors' Association, and Mr. Clayton found that the mar ket is closed against him. Mr. Clay ton lias gone out of the business. # Andffitiow it scents, that the under takers have formed a trust or com bine. This is the last feather on the camels back. There will be some lively kicking against this new coin- bine—not by parties who arc to be buried—they cannot kick—hut by those who arc left behind to foot the bills. These trusts and combines pursue a man, even into bis grave. When once there, however, it is supposed to be a safe place ot refuge. From the pres ent outlook of things, the tomb is about the only place where mortal man can escape the trusts. Decatur county has the cheapest school house in tho state : it is the “dollar school house.” To Close Out. LEVY’S We are offering our entire stock ot Shoes and Hats at and below cost. These goods must he sold by Sept. 1st, and we are offer ing Unheard of bar gains in our line. All goods sold for the cash. Positively no more goods charged. We also offer our store fixtures for sale, and store house for rent. All parties indebt ed to us will please come forward a n d settle at once, as we want the money. Has Made a Bid GUT IX ALL LINES OF 108 Broad St. r f o "continue| u n t i closed out. Our remnant table is ful of choice BAR- gains, and will be all Summer. Still left, a few of our (> :M ets. Ging hams, worth 10 cts. JL<evys Dry Ms House