The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 14, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 -NO 79. TIIOMASVILLE, GEOJiGLA, WEDNESDAY MOllNING, AUGUST 14, ’889 $5.00 PEll ANNUM T O O S T , -A. T O O S T 3 -A. T O O S T I Preparatory to going North for my fall stock, I Will sell, for the next thirty days’, my entire stock of summer clothing at ACTUAL COST. This is a bona fide closing out sale, as the goods must be sold to make room for fall purchases. This sale will be for the Spot Cash only. UTL ZLoIh-D^LSteizinL’s J=j2s©el©l©:r OlotUn-in^Lg' ZE3CouLse- 1-4 The Duel. I’ublic iulcrest has been wrought tip for several days over the details of the duel fought in Alabama, on ‘Saturday evening, between Messrs Calhoun and Williamson. The fol lowing details, taken from the Con stitution, will be read with interest: When Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Wil liamson were in position Mr. King, the second of Mr. Williamson, took one . pistol, and Capt. Jackson, the second of Mr. Calhoun, the other. Mr. King placed his in Mr. Wil liamson’s hand. Capt. Harry Jack- son walked over and handed his to Mr. Calhoun. The two seconds took their positions. They faced each other, Capt. Jackson on the north side of the line, and Mr. King on the south side. The principals and sec onds formed the four corners of a square. Mr. Calhoun’s right hand, holding the pistol, hung square down at his side. Mr. Williamson raised his to examine it, when Capt. Jack- son cried out: “Hold that hand down at your side." Mr. Williamson immediately drop ped it without a word. COl.OXKI, SEAY CAI.I.S KOI! PKAt'K. Then Col. John Seay, of Rome, rushed in and begged the seconds to settle the matter and not allow the fight. “It is a shame,” he said, “to have two such fine men stand up here and shoot at one another.” The, seconds could not agree upon a settlement, and so announced. “Then I shall stand between them,” said Col. Seay, as lie took his stand right in front of Mr. Williamson. He was removed by main force. Then for fully ten seconds there was not a sound. ■ - “ It had been arranged that each principal was allowed to empty his (Jistol—to shoot five times. Sudden ly Jack King’s voice rang out: “Are you ready, gentlemen ?” “Yes,” answered both. “Then lire.’' the Fiiwr snot's were simultaneous, and the flames and sparks that flew from the pistol barrels illuminated the scene for just an instant. Mr. Williamson emptied his revolver, the five shots being fired very rapidly. Mr. Calhoun fired only once, and then slowly lowered his pistol as Mr. Williamson’s bullets were whistling past his head. “Are you hurt, I’at?” some one cried. “No, sir,” he coolly replied. “Williamson, did he hit you ?” asked Mr. King. “I was not touched.” Right here the sconce was pictur esque. Roth gentlemen, with smok ing pistols in their hands, stood as calm as statues. Mr. Calhoun wore a dark suit of clothes, sack coat and a smoking cap. Mr. Williamson was also dressed in a dark sack suit, and his head was covered with a tan col ored traveling hut. Then tor a few minutes not another word was said cither by principals, seconds or spectators. The scene at that time was never equaled in an allair of this kind. It was dark, and to an observer fifty yards off, the little crowd of a dozen witnesses on the edge of the grouuds, with the principals and seconds facing each other, the principals each bearing smoking re volvers, and appearing against a back-ground of dense, dark woods, formed a wild and picturesque scene, the equal of which will never again lie witnessed. Till-: DEMAND KOI! KKTUAl'TIOX. The silence was quickly broken by the ringing voice of Mr. Calhoun : “Air. Williamson,” he said, “I have •four remaining balls which I have the right to fire at you. I now ask it you will withdraw the statement you made before the legislative com mittee ?” “I will,” replied Mr. Williamson, in a clear voice, “provided you will say that you intended no personal re flection upon me.” The spectators drew a little nearer to hear and sec better. Mr. Calhoun then said : “When I made those statements I did it to impress upon the legislature that your railroad had been offered to the Central. Will you withdraw your statement? Isay this, holding four balls in'my pistol which I have the right to fire. I have no desire to take Mr. Williamson’s life.” “I will withdraw it,” replied Mr. Williamson, “when you say that you meaut no pcrsonnl reflection.” “What I said,” Air. Calhoun re plied, "is that I wanted the legislature to {understand that your road was offered the Central in 1887. You came to the Kimball house to sec me. Do you remember that? All I want before firing my remaining balls is for you to say that you came to my office in 1887.” Air. Williamson stood firm, and said, turning toward bis seconds, that lie wanted Judge Tompkions to come from the car and decide as to how the shooting should be continued. The judge was familiar with the code. Air. Calhoun, in a clear voice — Will you unconditionally withdraw your statements made before the leg islature? Air. Williamson, equally ns firm—I will do so, provided you say you meant no personal reflection. Air. Calhoun —I want Air. William son to understand that I want an un conditional withdrawal. Air. Williamson—When you say that you didn’t intend to reflect upon my personal integrity. Air. Calhoun will you withdraw ? Capt. Jackson intcriuptcd with: “Air. Williamson, linvo you any re spect for me as a gentleman of hon or ?” “I have,” replied Mr. Williamson. “Well,” said Capt. Jackson, “I say as a gentleman, that I would with draw the statement.” Mr. Williamson— Mr. Calhoun will say that he intended no personal reflection. Mr. Calhoun—Will you withdraw? Air. Williamson- If you say it. “Will you withdraw ?” again asked Mr. Calhoun. “1 hold four balls.” Air. Wil iamson, with firmness—“1 am ready for you to fire.” “Then we will load and lire again.” ax Kxrrnxi: inthkiimtiox “Allow me to speak to Air. Wil liamson,” said Mr. King hfs seeond. • Capt. Jackson, quickly—No, sir ; do not approach him. I will kill the first man who crosses this line. Capt. Jackson drew his revolver. As the moons rays played upon its glittering barrel, every one saw that he meant business, and the spectators drew back. “Rut I have a right to speak to him,” replied Air. King. Then Capt. Jackson lowered his [ revolver and said : “Yes, I believe you do have that right.” Air. King approached Mr. Wil liamson, and while talking began to examine bis revolver Capt. Jackson approached quiekly, and asked what that meant. “I am simply examining Air. Wil- liainson’c revolver,” replied Air. King, “to see if lie fired all five balls. You may come up and sec.” “That’s all right,” replied Capt, Jackson. Air. Calhoun had remained quiet during this colloquy, but as soon as it ended, and Air. King was with drawing, his voice rang out clearly : “In my remarks before tho legisla tive committee Air. Williamson per sonally did not enter my mind.” Then raising his pistol aloft he said : “With the understanding that you withdraw your remarks after my statement, I fire the remaining shots in the air. I expressly reserved my shots to do this.” With these remarks four shots rang out and four balls went skyward. Then Air. Calhoun approached and the two principals shook bauds, and the party started quickly for the ear. Entering the car, Air, Calhoun said: “Air. AVilliamson, we will let this matter end here.” “We will,” replied Air. AVilliamson, giving his hand a hearty shake. “You arc as brave a man as I ever s^v, and I don’t believe I lack in it." “You certainly do not,” replied Air. Calhoun. A New Theory About Foreheads. From the Chicago Journal. “That man has a fine forehend,” I said to-day to friend on the street, as a person with a perpendicular forehead of great amplitude passed us. Rut my friend, who was a physician and something of a phrenologist, remark ed : “Humph! Not necessarily. There is not a more groundless fancy abroad in the land than that about fine foreheads. Any mail of ordi nary reading and observation, if he will reflect for a moment, will see that a perpendicular forehead is not an invariable accompaniments of great intellect, and that a narrow or retreating forchcard is not always a sign of mental weakness. Sonic of the greatest men that ever lived, whose genius and force ol character have exerted the greatest influence on history and civilization, have hud these low or retreating brows, which are popularly called weak foreheads. The list of them includes Alexander the. Great, Savonarolo, Sir Thomas Rrowne, Calvin, Runyan, Darwin, Emerson, Gamhcttii, Lafayette, Washington, and even Lavntcr him self, tlic founder of phrenology, who says that perpendicularity of the fore head indicates coldness of tempera ment and a want of capacity, while, a retreating forehead is a sign of orig inality, brilliancy of conception and moral courage.” As I was not ready to dispute my friend’s theory, and in deed bad no interest in doing so, I merely passed my baud proudly over the upper end of my physiognomy and bade him good morning. A Great Railroad- I'nder the headline—A Great Railroad—the Louisville News and Farmer reproduces in full the article which recently appeared in theChron- iele about the Augusta and AA'est Florida railway, and adds the follow ing: If this road could be brought down the narrow gauge, to Noah or Alnt- tlicws, then to this place and over the route of the Louisville mid Wad ley road, and then follow the Donovan and Perkins road, only sellout seven teen miles would have to be built, and we would have a road to start with eighty-five miles long. To Wren, it is thirty miles, from Louis ville to AVadlcy ten, and the Donovan and Perkins road twenty-eight, mak ing sixty-eight miles for a start. Then build tiie seventeen between .Matthews and Louisville, and we have eighty- live miles, which is one one-third of the line from Augusta to Thomasville. Let our railroad magnates think about this route, and they must con clude we arc offering a good route and line inducements. If they will talk right, perhaps the inducements will he made stronger. Try us, gent lemen. A Tennessee editor gives this ac count of the difficulties under which he labors: "Ilow is it our readers can expect us out here, 20 miles from a railroad, 25 miles from a river, 25 miles from a city, millions of miles from heaven, about two miles from the devil and only 200 yards from a whiskey shop, to get out a newsy, lively and interesting paper.” Captain Kidd’s treasure has been located again. It is concealed, this time, on the Connecticut coast. Kidd was unusually ubiquitous, and so is the treasure he left. Ladies at the Polls. The new south is in danger of bor rowing too many isms and cranky methods from the north. In tlic good old times, southern la dies would have been shocked at the idea of going to the polls and mingling with excited crowds of voters on elec tion day. They would, have said that such a proceeding was outside of wo man’s sphere, and they would have been right. Rut tlic craze for woman’s rights in tlio, north, and the successful attempt in that region to identify vomep act ively with alleged moral reform move ments, have, to sonic extent, influ enced society at large. The prohibi tion campaigns in Atlanta and other southern towns, have induced ladies, under tlio mistaken advice of thought less leaders, to appear at the polls and do regular campaign work with the voters. Our correspondent in Rome gave a graphic and startling descrip tion, yesterday, of the scenes in that city during the prohibition election. Some of the Roman ladies were at the polls as early as half-past four o’clock in the morning. They spent the day praying, singing and exhorting. Avliat a sight! Tender women abandoning their homes to be jostled about in a crowd of voters oi all classes, conditions and colors! It is all wrong. No matter wliat the issue is, so long as men do the voting women have no business at the polls. " If our ladies, however, think differently, then it is high time togivc them the elective franchise — that would give them a substantial ex cuse for taking an active part in out- elections.—Constitution. It will be a sad day for tin: South when her fair women engage in tbe dirty work of the politician. It is bad enough for men; it is infinitely worse for women. There is some thing repulsive and unnatural about the thougnt of seeing women- refined, cultivated women-—smirched and be draggled with the scum of politics. Her home is her empire. There she may, and should, reign supreme. And right there sho can do more' to ward shaping the destinies of the country and race, than anywhere else. Hers is a high and noble mis sion-hut it does not lie in tbe line of tlic hustings, or around polling places, where, too often, scenes are witnessed, and language heard, which would tinge the check of modesty with crim son blushes. We Must Feed tho World. Ours is the only civilized country blessed with good crops this year. It is now tolerably certain that in addition to the food yield in the southern states the great northwest will produce a surplus crop of wheat (or export. The general failure of the farmers abroad will make the demand active lor everything that we cannot use at home. Russia lias a had wheat out look and dreads a famine. The grain prospect in iltmgaria, Kmimaiiia, Galicia, Silesia, Rohcmia and Moravia is very gloomy. India will be short 15,000,000 bushels of wheat. In France the estimates have fallen twenty per cent. England will be in a bad fix withoutsix weeks of unbrok en sunshine—something not to be luqicd for. Rut the situation is not as bad as it might be. There will be no famine anywhere in this country, and our farmers will be able to feed tbe world, and fill their own pockets at the same time.—Constitution. On the Fonce. Tlic announcement of Mr. Nortlicn’s candidacy for governor has kinder forced the issue. Livingston lias nut been heard from, though it is fair to assume that lie is “willin’;” Dullignon is comfortable astride of the fence, ready to jump—and lie is likely to jump into the ring, while numerous other perspiring statesmen mop their brows and keep away Irom lightning rods. Really it is too soon to com mence talking about the next governor of Georgia. The election is a long ways olf. The whirligig of time may make many changes between now and the time for the election. The Amateur Actor : She—Were you ever stage struck ? He— Yes ; with a bad egg. PRICES! a AT-, LEVY’S •-y‘:— -r-j—ra Our Mr. Levy is now in New York making Fall purchases, and lie lias sent us word to KNOCK DOWN PRICES on all sum mer goods, and make room for our immense Fall and Winter stock that is coining. So, from now on, all Spring and Summer goods go at old “Knocked Down Prices.” Remnant table full of choice bargains every week. JLiovys Dry Ms House Mitchell House Corner.