The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 15, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor S. B. BURR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, LI8f. The Daily Ti.vf.s-Entehprisk i* published every morniup (Monday exempted.) The Weekly Timks-Entehi’hisk is published every Saturday morning. Scbscbiptiox Rates. Daily Timks-Ektkrprise, W EKLY $5 00 . 1 00 sub< $ 8 00 12 00 20 00 Daily Rates. Transient Rates.—$1.00 per squat first insertion, and 50 cel ts for eu quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • One Square, two months - - - One Square, three month Or.o Square, six months, - - - One Square, twelve mont as, - - - Subject to change by special arrangement. M. B. DCKR, ISimIiicnn Wnnngrr, Bi Ni.MXS xotkt:. Parties leaving Thomasville for the sum mer can have the Times-Kntkrprisk sent to any address for 50 cents per month. Ad dresses can be changed as often as is desired. It is generally conceded that the Rankin amendment is doomed. The Craze Dying Out. The Liberty couuty fanatics have about subsided. A few of them are Business Manager, pinning their faith on Bell’s prophecy that lie would return on Aug. 1 6, and on that day would lead them into the promised land, hut the majority have iost faith in his teachings, and are go ing hack to their work. The “\ irgin Mary” has about seventy-five follow ers. Senalor Bradwell, who looked into the matter thoroughly at Gov. Gor don’s suggestion, found these followers subsisting on an car of corn per (lay. .Senator Bradwell says the fears are now that the deluded negroes will as semble on Aug. 16, the time set for their flying to the sky mansions. He found them anxiously awaiting the arrival of the wings promised by Bell. Sheriff Smith has appointed a po lice patrol for the section of the coun ty where the excitement has been greatest, and if any attempt is made to meet on Aug. 16, it will he prompt ly suppressed.—News. The State Agricultural Convention convened in Ccdartown on Tuesday. President Norlhen delivered an able address. <i «»«»■— Only one car load of melons was shipped by the Savannah, Florida and Western railroad yesterday. It went to Birmingham. The melon crop has about petered out. .Columbus has auothcr embryo duel on hand. These Columbus duels never,—will, hardly ever materialize. They are more bluster than blood. Tins is better, perhaps. The New York Herald insists that Sitting Bull should he removed from the Sioux reservation. Let the Her ald send some of its staff out there to do the job. It is likely some hair would be “removed" in the process. A Boston writer makes a furious protest against any further experiments . with the elixir of life. He says it is every man’s duty to die sooner or lat er, and that he has no right to remain in the world and over-crowd the pop ulation. Rome is now turning out ten tons of cofon tics per day. Slowly, but very surely, the South is “catching on.’ The finger of destiny points straight to the coal and iron fields of the South, as the center of the greatest manufac turing industries the world has ever seen. Day is breaking. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Shot His Wife Dead in her Tracks. Snelson Still in the Ring. Sj»eo!nl to tho Telegraph. Atlanta, Aug. 12.—The first thing sprung ii the House this morning was the peren nial resolution of Mr. Snelson, of Meriwether. It came up in a spick and span new dress, however, anti the author made a warm de nse of his resolution, which is as follows: ‘•That the tax-pajers of each comity o( the state arc hereby requested to demand of their representatives to show cause why they did not vote for the Snelson resolution dricting the pay of members to the time they are in session.” Mr. Snelson sharply attacked the Atlanta Constitution for misrepresenting him and diculing his measures. Snelson’s efforts appear, at this dis tance, to he oil the line of reform. The people expect their representa tives to stay in their seats. If they leave them they ought not to draw pay for the time they arc absent. Poking fun at Snelson, by the peo ple of Atlanta, is easily explained: they do not care if the legislature were to remain in perpetual session; it is money in their pockets. The press of the State would he doing the people a better service by sustaining Mr. Snelson in his efforts to correct the evil, than by holding him up to ridicule. . “Oh, Dat Watermillion!” Iu view of the immense possibilities of the melon crop of the south, Colo ncl William Duncan, of South Caro lina, suggested that the surplus he made into syrup. This idea was utilized during the war on more than one plantation in vords, at the Kimball, on Monday evening. The moon is again blurred vith blood. The Olive branch is vithered. Hon. A. T. McIntyre vitnessed the spat, so says the Cou- titution. From all parts of the United States :omc accounts of experiments by thysicians, with the new elixir, finny wonderful cures arc reported. IVhether these cures are imaginary, ir not, remains to he seen. If halt >c true, then the discovery is, indeed, i wonderful stride ahead in medical eience. thetarTon Totton. Larry Gantt and Mr. Olive, of Hive hill fame, had a short war of the south, and in I’utnam couuty, nt least, watermelon syrttpjwas no rar ity. Properly made it is clearer than honey and as sweet, and while the primitive experiments to reduce it to sugar were failures, there can he no doubt hut that the surplus crop cau he made to take the place of the “honey sweetening” of commerce to a great extent. It nuy be, too, that experiments carried on in a more scientific way will result in the gran ulation necessary to make sugar. But that is not absolutely necessary. It is certain that an excellent quality of syrup can he made, and it is to this fact that the farmers should turn their attention. The melon can he cultivated at less expense than cither sugar-can or the sugar beet, and if the syrup is properly handled it will take the place of cane syrup and mo lasses as au article of food. Colonel Duncan estimates that the profits of one county of South Caro lina (Barnwell, would be $200,000 if the melons were made into syrup, which is more thau the crop would bring if it were sold as fruit. In additiou the refuse remaining after the crushing process makes excellent stock feed, and, according the Colo nel Duncan, this will repay the cost of making the syrup. Wo do not vouch for the figure.., but we present them cheerfully, with the remark that the south is the great est section of a great and growing country.—Constitution. dss to Farmers Prevented by Yester day’s Agreement. Columbia, S. C. Aug. 12.—Major ,. A. Ransom received a telegram ) night from Colonel A. I*. Butler in few York stating that the New York xcliangc has granted all that the ommittce of Southern agricultural omwissiouers asked regarding the ire on cotton. This fixed the price n net cotton without regard to the natcrial used and thereby prevents iny loss to farmers using cotton hug- Bainbridge's First Bale. Bainukiiwe, Ga., Aug. n.—The rst hale of cotton was received l’ri- ay. It weighed 431 pounds. It was lised by a colored man named Martin, t classed as low middling. It was ought by Stcinenger & Co. lor 10 jc. cr pound. Blondin’8 Dangerous Walk. Pakis, Aug. Iff.—Bloudin has been fibred and accepted a wager of $20,- 00 to walk 011 cable from the top of be Eiffel tower to tlic summit of the entral dome of the main building of lie Paris Exhibition in less’than five linutcs. Bloudin is only awaiting the erittisaiou of tlic exhibition authori al to begin. After Bobby's father had repeated the usual prayer the other day, Bob by asked : “I say, pa, what makes you pray for daily bread all the time?” “Eli?” “Ain’t it about time to pray for some early vegeta bles ?” A man may consider himself much better than his neighbor, but he can not prove it to that neighbor’s satis faction. Bar Harbor Still Harboring Harrison— Johnstown’s Dead Being Found Daily— Edison and Russell Harrison up in the World The Elixir Crazo Spread ing: Interesting Experiments— The Olive Bill Gets a Black Eye. Qi'Itmax, G.\., Aug. Iff.—Abe Stevens, a Brooks county negro, shot and instantly killed his wife, in the lower edge of the county, Sunday night. Bai:, Ml-:., Aug. Iff.— President Harrison received a warm greeting on Ids arrival here to-day on his return from the Ellsworth trip on the mid day Johnstown, Pa., Aug. Iff.—On an average there have been two bodies found every day during the past week. There are undoubtedly a great many more in the cellars all over the town, and at the present rate of cleaning up they will not all he ex humed this year. Pams, Aug. Iff.—Thomas A. Edi son, accompanied by Russell Harri son, ascended the Eiffel tower to-day and took luncheon at the summit. A number of artists from the opera were present and sang into a phonograph, which afterward reproduced their airs. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. Iff.—Au ex periment is under way here with the Brown-Sequard elixir, and the result is looked for with keen interest by medical men and others who are ac quainted with flic fact. The patient is Col. 1. W. Avery, wlio is well known in Georgia. He has been in feeble health for some time, and re- turned home from Washington, D. C., Saturday, determined to test the elix ir on himself. Dr. E. II. Green, his physician, made a careful preparation of the elixir late this afternoon, and within an hour afterward made four injections of one drachm each in the patient, one in each arm and one in cacli leg. The result will he reported to-morrow morning. CincAco, Iu.., Aug. Iff.—A Fort Wayne special says : “Yesterday Dr. William II. Myers, one of the first sur geons of the state, tested the Brown- Sequard elixir on Michael Kenny of Columbus City. The patient was so seriously affected with rheumatism that he was unable to vnlk without the aid of crutches. In less than an hour, through the stimulating effects of the treatment, Kenny threw away his crutches and walked away. Dr. Myers had had no faith whatever in the panacea, but in answer to a ques tion he remarked : “I can only say that the stimulating effect is some thing marvelous. The man’s pulse rose to lff-S and lie is walking without crutches. 'I don't understand it.” Atanta, Ga., Aug. Iff.—The Olive hill got a quietus in the House railroad committee this afternoon. This much talked of measure lias been under committee consideration since last December, and no kind of amendment or substitute lias sufficed to make it acceptable. The hill and the substi tute were before the full committee this afternoon, and after some discuss ion were tabled by a vote ot 10 to 9. It is undcrsjpod that on a straight vote the hill would have been killed by a much larger majority. The members of the committee gave notice that a new hill would he prepared and he submitted before any report is made to the House. This hill will probably he prepared by Mr. Berner. Fifteen Thousand Dollars for Georgia. Washington, Aug. 12.—First Comptroller Matthews lias decided that tlic appropriation of $600,000 made by the act of congress of March 2,JM«‘J, for “agricultural experiment stations” can he used for the benefit of tlic forty stations for which the estimates were made, namely, $lo,000 each for the stations in each of tho thirty eight states, and the territory of Dakota and tlic agricultural depart ment, and that no part of the approp riation can he used in the establish ment of such stations in any of the territories with the exception of Dako ta, that being the only one included in the estimates upon which tlic ap propriation was based. FOK KENT. A six-room two-story house (exclusive of kitchen unit pantry) pleasantlyJoenteil.almut live minutes’ walk from the nost-ofticc, at $20 per month. Apply at this ofttec. 7 nctil MTTjIjI JSTH1JIY. I want to express my thanks and say how grateful I feel to the good people of Thomasville and vicinity, for the kind and liberal patronage ex tended me. My business the past week was double that of the same week last year. This, too, on lower Broad, where I was told J would get no trade. It is my desire to build ut> my busi ness on honest goods at low prices, tasty and thorough work, and the kindest attention to every one. My summer stock of millinery is still well supplied with the latest styles in hats and trimmings. I will tiiake it to your interest to buy from me, and respectfully solid your val uable patronage. Mrs. Joniiic Clarroll, Lower Broad Milliner. STRAYHl> DUG. Strayed from tny premises in Fleteherville: si pointer dog. The dog is marked as follows, Lemon or yellow spots on left shoulder, and one ear yellow. I will pay a reasonable rc- warjl for the return of the doff, or for infor mation that will lead to his recovery. ::tdltw J. C. PARNELL. New cream cheese at Pick kit’s Cash Store. Can a man sell $20,000 woith of goods on the credit plan and lose less than 10 per cent in slow, very slow accounts. Everybody knows that it can’t be done. Then, what is the reason Pickett can’t save you 10 per cent? lie has no books, and gets cash for everything that goes out of the store. ~ EARLY OATS. I will have ii few bushels of early outs for sale. These oats are about three w.ceks earlier than tho red rust proof, yield well, weigh heavier than the stand, ard, and so fu*. have been entirely freo f foni disease. J. T. Ciiastain- roit RENT, Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave Possession given at once. Apply to Rev. C. I, LaUociik, Fleteherville. Kn JIci mil. Mrs. Plnrbp Clieslcy, Peterson, (’lay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town : “I am 75 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. New 1 am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to lo all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Hitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain " Try a bottle, 50c. and $1, nt S. J. CasscFs Drug Store. What will Brown's Iron Hitters cure ? It ill cure dyspepsia, indigestion, weakness, malaria, rheumatism and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply be cause it purifies the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the sys tem drives out all disease. For the peculiar troubles to which Indies arc subject it is in valuable. It is the only preparation of iron that does not color the teeth or cause head, ache. _ Country merchants arc specially cared for at Pickett’s. Don’t buy your fall shoe bill until you have seen the special drives that \vc have in auction goods. Furniture,' Carpet Cnninges, Well l';(p Straw matt in".", llii| anil lowest prices in the city. GEO. W. Ft HUSKS, C-l l-w'iiJ l * Masury Unit. Iteihtinp-, ChiUn uni Window Sl.a PIMPLES TO SCR0FULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. pMoridMiN H Year*. IIoml, Ann* and II remit a Hoiiil Stall, Hack covered with HwrCM. IIcnS Doctor* anil iVIcrii- cincH fail. Carcil by ( uticurn Itcuic- «lim nt n coal of $11.73. I have used tlic Cutioura Remedies with the best results. I have used two bottles of tho Cutleura Resolvent, three l»ottles of Cuticura and one cake of Cutioura soap, and am cured of a terrible scalp and skin disease known as pso riasis. I had ii for eight years. I would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my head would be a solid scab, and was at the time I be gan the use of the Cutleura Remedies, Mr arms were coveted with scabs from my elbows to my shoulders, my breast was almost one sol id scab, and ray back covered with sores vary ing in sizo from a’penny to a dollar. I bad doe. toted with all the best doctors with no r *lief, and used many different medicines without eirect. My case was hereditary, and I bogai think, 'ncurablc, but it began to heal Horn first application oi' Cutleura. 11 ARCHER RUSSEL, Deslilor, Old' Slilu Disease O Years Cur'd. 1 am thankful tosay that I have used tlieCu- ticura Remedies for about eight months with cured of salt shcuin, from which 1 havcsultered for six years. I tried a number of medicines and two of the best doctors in the country, but found nothing that would offcct a cure until i used your remedies The Worn! Close of Ncrofulnr Cured. We have been selling your Cutleura Remedies for years, and have tho first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the worst eases of Scrofular I evor saw cured by the use of five bottles of Cutioura Resolvent, Cutleura and Cutleura soap. TAYLOR & TAYLOR, Druggist, Frankfort, Kai Cuticurn '.Remedies. oCurc every species of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly ieh- th »iddevery-where. Price, Cuticura, oc.; Soap, 25. j Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., llostcn, Mass. By Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases, Of pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. and consider myself entirely Headquarters lor Drugs! REED & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <1 BEAR IN MIND > -THAT THEY I1AVK THE— Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store insr GEORGIA. Where you citu find fresh nml pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all .hours, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb'g preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. ItGID A CULPEPPER, 120-122 Broad nffn’l.ll.'i. black, red, roncli, chapped rim anil.>lly skin prevented by Cutleura Snap. WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, Kidneys and Uterine Pains and Weaknesses, relieved in one minute by tho Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster* the first and only pain killing plaster. New, instan taneous, infallible. 23 cents. Sullivan & Kilrain. As Sullivan knocked out Ivilrain in seventy-five rounds, T j. Steyermari Bro. • Propose to knock out high prices in Clothing in the next twelve months. We offer clothing at present at prices that make other houses dread the name of Stcycrman and Bro. Owing to the large trade bestowed on us this spring, our Mr. Simon Stcycrman will leave for New York Monday to take advantage of the market there. He will leave nothing undone as the CASH talks. His instructions to us while he is away arc to Sell Clothing at Cost and Below, To make room for his fall purchases. Cull and take advan tage of this opportunity. . L. Steyerman & Bro. THOMASVILLE L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Headquarters for pure ".arbonuted bever ages, nt wholesale uud retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors Sitc'iullv litter up dor tho accommodation .if tin. t.ailics. (In ill-might also, the new Mexican c mm mis.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NKItVK TONIC. This delightful .bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, lint is as well a pcrlc.'t Ionic and system vitalizer. It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains (he normal tone of healthy (unc tions. Its Properties:^ Prepared t'roiuj the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, coir Lined with the ex tract horn a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, ot which the medicinal prop erties are invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot 15c Used to Excess. Not a foaming gas drink,causing belching ol wind and unpleasant efleets after drink ing. No ethcral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out often persons are eu husias- tie with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. “FUUI MIZ," the finest beverage in tlic world., mSI’KXSKD;uV L. NUH5HDT, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, Hue ltleii’s A mien Halve. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. Worth Knowing. .Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe Cold, attended with !i distressing Cough and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse,- Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty iu hrcAthing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King* New Dis covery for Consumption and found immediate relief* and after using about half a dozen bottles found himself well and 1ms no return of the disease. No other re edy can show such a grand record of cures» ns Dr. Kings Discovery for Consumption. Guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it.—Trial Kittle free at S. J. Cassels’ Drug Store. Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynas, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers andIDealers ROUGH .Sc. DIIESSED LUMBER. I. ATI IKS, lMGKKTS, SUING NFS, MOULDINGS, 11UACKETH, SCRUM. WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS,* STAIR-RAILS Novvel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORK FRONTS, Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sash* Doors ami Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. Jt® 1 CORRESPONDENCE’SOLICITED.;: B. B. B. i Botanic Blood Balm.) ll'you try this remedy you will say as many others have said, that it is the best blood purifier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co,, Atlanta, Ga., for book of convincing testimony. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. (West End), writes, **I consider that B- B. IE Ims perma nently cured meo ’rheumatism and sciatica.” R. R. Saulter, Athens, Ga., says: B. IE IE cured me ot an ulcer that had resisted all other treatment. K. <«. Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes : “My mother and sister lisid ulcerated sore throat and scrofula* IE B. B, cured them.” Jacob F* Sponcler, Newnan, Ga., writes : IE IE IE entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. I used six bottles. Clms. Reinhardt, No. 202b Fountain Street Baltimore, Md., writes : “I suffered with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say 4? that one bottle of ll. IE IE cured me.” J. J. Hardy, Toccoa, Ga., writes : ME B.B. is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me. I had been troubled several years.” A. Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says : One bottle of IE B. B. completely cured my child yf eczema.” W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala, writes: IE IE*II. cured my mother of ulcerated sore throat.” TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will he sold to all rummer resorts throughout the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October ill at. . Fast train service with Pullman curs. IE W. WREXN, Gen. Puss, and Ticket Ag CATARRH CURED, hcaltli and sweet breath secured, by fthilo) ’s Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free *