The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 16, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - • Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Mnnager. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1081,. fhe Daily Timks-Extkri’kisk i-i published every morning (Monday excepted.) The Weekly Times-Kntf.upuise is published every Saturday morning. SrnscRiPTioN Rates. Daily Times-Entebpuisk, . . W EKLY • $5 00 . 1 00 for tlie • ii subse- . $ 5 00 . 8 00 12 00 . 20 00 . :!■» no Daily Adyebtih no Rates. 2JTransient Rates.—$1.00 per squari first insertion, and 50 certs for ea i quent insertion. One Square, one month, - One Square, two months One Square, three month 0r»o Square, six months, - One Square, twelte months, Subject to change by special arrangement, H,B. Rl'KR, IIii*Iiicmn Mniuificr. BI MI.YESS >OT«C E Parties leaving Thomasville for the sum- mer can have tho Times-Kstkiumusk s. nl to any address for r.O cents ]icr niont.i An dresses etui lie cluinyetl ns ntten n> i- ( < siru . Shot Through the Heart. Judge Tciry, of California, was shot dead by deputy United States mar shal, Nagle, on Wednesday, at La- llvrop, in that state. Terry, who had threatened justice Field, of the United States Supreme court, slapped the lattcrs face, and drew back to strike him again, when Nagle shot lerry through! the heart. Nagle was de tailed by the Department of justice to protect Judge Field. Terry has led a turbulent life. He was Chief Justice of the Supreme court of Cali fornia, at one time. He killed Sena tor liraderick of California, in a duel in 1859. lie married, it few years since, Sa ab Althea Ilill, the woman who claimed to lie millionaire. cx-Senator Sharon's wife. During a trial, one year ago, involving the woman s claim to Sharon’s trillions, Justice Field sent both her and her husband to jail six months for gross contempt of court. Terry swore lie would he avenged on Justice Field. Mrs. Terry is represented as a perfect tigress. The killing has caused intense excite ment throughout California. Nagle is in jail. He contends that he was simply doing his duty. The Pistols were Loaded with Balls. Parties who have visited the blood less duel ground, and who arc ac quainted with the location of the State line, say that the Calhoun-Williamson affair took place about- one hundred yards beyond the Georgia line, in the State of Alabama. A young farmer, who visited the ground next day, cut a ball out of a tree just to the right and in rear of where Mr. Calhoun stood. lie was offered $5 tor the ball, but declined it. He will present it to Mr. Calhoun. —— — » • * Danger Lurks In The Elixir. Several cases of ulcerated arms and blood poisoning arc reported as re sulting from injections of tho new elixir. Another danger lies, in the fact that bacteria may be in the fluid. Dr. Shaw, of St. Louis, rules: 1. The laity should not use the njcction upon themselves. “2. Physicians should not use it The Constitution lays it 011 toClark- uu tii it has been submitted to micro- Mr. M. Ferst, a prominent incr- dmnt of Savannah is dead. Henry Grady addressed the old 'vets” in Atnericus yesterday. Cairo received three bales of new cotton last Saturday. Good for Cairo. Manager Davies is putting in some good work North ,for the 1’incy Woods and Mitchell. How would it do to give your old unele, Allen G. Thurman, a few doses of the new elixir, and put him in train ing for 1892 ? If the thousands of decrepid pen sioners in the country get a new lease of life, by using the Brown-Scquard elixir, the country’s busted. Kilrain was arrested yesterday, and is on his way to Mississippi. r The grand jury at I’urvis have found true bills against all parties connected with the fight. The only man who ever made a success iu life without a training in fluence of a mother was Adam, and toys down the foliowi he felt the need of 011c before his "* " ' ’ ‘ career closed. u, about the Atlanta post office Pair; and Clarkson hits hack. The institution is hacked by facts, Idle Clarksoh has simply lied The New York Herald summarizes e recent commotion among the sgrocs of Liberty County'. “Georgia has tho cull on religious lpoBters this seasou. Three have ready appeared, with the bottom nds yet to hear from. They all vote ie republican ticket.” Each Monday morning for the last uir weeks Mr. Hudson, of Mernvcth- • has tried to get the legislature to 9 away with the business of adjourn ig from Friday to Monday. He asn’t made much headway, blit some f the legislators who oppose his reso- ition may find out, when they run ir office again, that the people think e is right.—News. We ouly hope that Mr. Hudson ill have the nerve to force members i stultify themselves, every Monday loruing during the session. Bcopio examination to ascertain whether it is infested with bacteria or not, and care should he taken that the glands are taken from a perfectly healthy animal. All instruments and vessels should he thoroughly sterilized, ami even distilled water should lid be used until examined.” The Democrat is in favor of a modification of the jury law, as it now exists. A hill should he passed abol ishing all exemptions from jury ser vice, in all eases of felony at least. Its need was so aptly illustrated in the county of Bibb in the late Wool- folk murder trial—where a change of venue hud to lie permitted, for this very reason, that argument needs 110 elaboration to show ils necessity. There should ho lew causes oi oxenip tion from this solemn duty of citizen ship ; indeed we can think of none except old ago and physical infirmity. —Bainbridgc Democrat. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE STATE OF OREGON ON FIRE. No More Base Ball or Theatrical Per formances in Cincinnati on Sunday— The Young Democrats of Atlanta to the Front -Standing in Line in Rome, Ready to take Some thing in Ther’n A Terrible Cloud Burst in Mew Jersey. Cun Aoo, I1.1.., Aug. 11.—A special dispatch from Portland, Ore., says : “The atmosphere for miles around is thick with smoke and cinders, and burning brands are falling in showers^ AH the northwestern country seems to lie 1 burning up iu forest fires. 1 he c has been so dense in Portland for the last two or three weeks that for a time it was impossible so see far iq, if,, street, and the su i,§J|d moon looked like two great balls of lire. In the harbor the gsmoke has lmd the effect of the fi g, and steamers have boon required to blow their whistles every few minutes to avoid collision.” Cincinnati, O., Aug. 11.—The superintendent of police have no tified theatrical and hall managers that Sunday performance and base ball games will not hereafter be per mitted. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 11.—The Young Men’s Democratic League had revival meeting to night and in dulged in hopeful talk of tho party and its prospects. A number of leg islators were present and made speeches. IJoMk, Ga., Aug. 14.— Liquor sa loons opened here this morning for the first time in the past two years. The license has been fixed by the city council at 81,000. Lines uf men, white and colored, stood waiting this morning and bought their first drinks in turn. Patkiison, N. J., Aug. 14.—A ter- riftic cloud burst occurred here this morning. The streets were washed out, cellars flooded and sewers choked so that water spurted out of man holes to the bight of ten feet, On Hamburgh avenue sidewalks were . . , . and lameness for many years; coni washed away and a woman was swept drea8 myst .if without help. N< w I ni several blocks toward tho river he- from all pain and soreness. -Old am aide t fore she was rescued by thr Iron and Gold in Harris. Joi.cMiius, Ga., Aug. I”. A. W. Her of Hhiloh, Harris county, was [kflumbusyesterday exhibiting some icimcus of gold and iron ore. Mr. ller showed the News correspond- t a piece of iron ore which expert f contains lid per cent, of iron, the ality of which is said to he -0 per it better than any that has yet been md near Birmingham, Ala. This >cc of ore was taken from a place med by M. Carlisle located on the atheast side of Oak mountain, near ud Hprings, and about three miles Hit Hhiloh. The ore containing ild was found on the Grant place, ily a half a mile from Hhiloh. A cat deal of excitement prevails in 19 mountains in Harris county owing recent discoveries of valuable ores, id the report that experts had offered 100,000 for the Warm Springs prop rty owing to the discovery of minerals icreon, luui hut added to the cxcitc- tent. It has long been thought that to mountains of Harris were full of nluablc ores, and it is likely that the ,to discoveries will result iu a thorough iVCsUgation of the matter. A uum- sr of experts have already visited the bids, and it is thought that some oportant sales will lie made soon men. In some places the water in the street was four feet deep. Passaic city had a similar experience. Chicago, 1m.., Aug. 8.—The Evening Journal reports an esti mate of InO to 170 cases of typhoid fever on Cottage Grove avenue, be tween Twenty-live and Forty-cixtb streets. The epidemic is attributed to pollution of the city water caused by the recent heavy rains, carrying sewage out to the source ol supply in the hike. Thus far the cases reported have been of a mild type. Physi cians recommended that the water >e boiled before drinking. MILLTNTSRY. I want to express my thanks and say how grateful I feel to the good people of Thomasville and vicinity, for the kind and liberal patronage ex tended me. My business the past week was double that of the same week last year. This, lou, 011 lower Broad, •where I was told 1 would get no trade. It is my desire to build up my busi ness on honest goods at low juices, tasty and thorough work, and the kindest attention to every one. My summer stock of millinery is still well supplied with, the latest styles in hats and trimmings. I will make it to your interest to buy from me, and respectfully solid your val uable patrumigc. Mrs. slrunic Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. STHAYKD bud. Iruveil hum my ]>n iiii.-<-s in Fk-U-licrvillc: .inter iliij.'. Tin'line is m.-irki'il ns follows, Lcinun ijc yellow spots on loft .“houhler, mill one ear yellow. I will puy :i rcnsoimlile rc- wuni for llie return ol tin' dug, or for infor mation tlint will lend to his recovery. jitditw .1. V. FAKNHLL. New cream cheese at Pickkit’s Cash Stork. Can a man soil 820,000 woith ol goods on the credit plan and lose less than 10 per cent in slow, very slow accounts. Everybody knows that it can’t be done. Then, what is the reason Pickett can’t save you 10 per cent? Delias no books, and gets cash for everything that goes out of the store. ’ EAltLY OATS. I will have n few bushels of early wits tor sale. Theso ont.s are about three weeks earlier Hum tho red rust proof, yield well, weigh heavier than the stand, ard, and so Ir: have been entirely free from disease. T. Chastain- Th. K|.i-i re run HUNT, Heetory, ol .Mela-illi Av c. Apply ti IIkv. C. I. I.,1 ItoeiiK, Fk-lrhervHle. Go., Mrs. ITiieln’ Chesley, Peterson, ('! Iowa, tells the following remarkable slory, the truth of wliieli is vuuehed for’hv the residents uf llie town : “l nm oi years old, have been troubled with kidney eomplaiut and lameness tor man do all my own house to Electric Hitters for having r youth, and removed completely and pain.'’ Try a bottle, aOr. K. J. Cussed's Drug Store. my thanks lewed inv nil disease 1 liitle 111 ply be. Preserve Your limber. The following experience of it New York farmer, may lie worth some thing to our readers: Recently an Ulster county farmer said lie had cut an acre or two of trees on an elevated portion of his farm.' In telling his experience, lie said: “My first loss was the drying up of a beautiful brook which had its source in my grove, and which rau through a -number ot fields, furnish ing water for cattle while grazing. Five times tho value of the wood I sold would have been refused for this stream. In the vicinity ol the jilace where the timber stood the ground became dry during the summer. When rain fell it did not seem to he absorbed ; the water ran down hill side, making great gullies and doing much damage, while the holds through which the brook flowed did not yield as good crojis. I am now a strong believer in the value of woodland on a farm. I believe it will pay farmers to plant groves of trees on the higher portions of their lands, if for no other purpose than to retain tire moisture.” Killed. Conductor Ballard, of No 8, from Chattahoochee, yesterday, gives us the information that a Mr. Wallace, a revenue collector, who lived in Talla hassee, was killed in West Florida, on Wednesday last, by a moonshiner. Inqiiirer-’TIow does your protracted meeting prosper, parson? ’ Parson— “O. well, there’s 1 great awakening at the close of every sermon." Meesitiger (going through Western railroad train)—Want dinner at Hcroggs Corners? Starving Passenger —Indeed 1 do. Messenger—One dollar, please? Passenger—What do you want jiay in advance for ? Mes senger- -Hometimes the train is late and doesn’t stoji. Wlmt will Uniiv ..ill cure dyspepsia, hidiucstiou, malaria, rheumatism ami all siniila Its wonderful curative power is -e it purifies the blood, thus beginning at foundation, and by building up tin* sys tem drives out all disease. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject it’is in- aluable. ‘ It is the only preparation of iron that does nut color the teeth or cause head* •he. Country merchants arc specially cared for at Pickett’s. Don’t buy your fall shoe bill until you have seen the special drives that we have in auction goods. _ Furniture, t’urpcts, llnhlinu, t'hihlmi a Carriages, Wall Paper uiul \\ hntuiv Flnuh-s, Straw mattings, lings, etc. The best style and lowest prices in the city. OKU. W. FORRES, G-11 -iv-1 d'l Musmry;iy- P1MPLES TO SCR0FULAR. t Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. Full HUNT. A six-room two-story Iioum kitchen and pantry) pleasantly live minutes’ walk frog* the .20 per month, Apply at thi 7 Id 6td located,about ost-ullice Tii md su pupal All a hu buy does i tffat i all dir Electric Hi lie i medy is becoming .ell known d no special nicnti lined Electric Ritters sing the 1,r 0 f praise, A purer medicine exist and it is guaranteed to do all laime I. Kleetrie Ritters will ses of the River and Kidneys, will 1'itnplcs, Roils, Salt Rheum and lections caused l>v impure blood. v« malaria from the system and well as cure all Malarial 1'evOrs.— j ot Headache, Constipation and lu- 1 .try Kleetrie Ritters—Kiitire satis- guaranteed. or money refunded.— lets, and £1.00 per bottle at S. J. Drug Store. t'ctirn. anil Headquarters for Drugs! REXD & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. < BEAR IN' MINX) > —THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IN' GEORGIA' Where you can fim day or nig lit, by prescription depart ■sh and pure drugs and j impotent Pharmacists, nt and guarantee goods i yet presi They i d prie riptions compounded at all hour:, sc only Squihb’s preparations iu flic RE1BI & C!|!LI»EPI»EK, 120-123 *<• Sullivan & Kilrain. As fHullivc.ii knocked out Kilrain in seventy-five rounds, T j- S toy ei'iiiMn &. Bro. Propose to knuck out high prices iu Clothing iu tho next twelve mouths. Wo offer olotjiing at present at prices that make other houses dread the name'of Steyerman and Ero. Owing to the large trade.bestowed on us this .spring, our Mr. Simon Steyerman will leave for New York Monday to take advantage of tho market there. He will leave nothing undone as the CASH talks.. His instructions to us while he is away are to Sell Clothing at Cost and Below, To make mom for his fall purchases. Call and take advan tage of this opportunity. L. Steyerman & Bro. L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. ■adquarters for pure ••nrbonntcd bever- nt wholesale and retail. Rest soda r with pure fruit juice flavors* Ice Bream Parlors ially hik'd up tor tho accommodation of the Ladies. I, CoiiMimiHion Incurable? Itcad the lulluwmg : Mr. G. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abccss ot’ bungs, mid Iricnds and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. Finn's New Discovery for Consumption, mil now on my third bottle,- and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the best medicine ever made.'’ Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: “Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery tor Consumption ! would have died of I,ting Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health;' Try it. .Sample bottle free at S. J. t'assels' Drug Store, , Hoad, A; JlrcitNi a Noiicl Mcnla* Hack covered with NorrM. I!c*l Donor* mid lTIedi* cine* fail. L'liml by t'lilicuia Itcnic- <lic* at a cost of I have lined tlic Cuticura Unnedies with the best results. I have used two bottles of tlio Cuticura Resolvent, three bottles ot Cuticura ami one cake of Cuticura soap, and am cured ol terrible scalp and skin disease known as p-o- . basis. I had »i for eight years. I would uyt better and worse at times. Sometimes my bead would be a solid scab, ami was at tho time I be- the use of tho Cuticura Kennedies, Mr arms were coveted with scabs from my elbows to my shoulders, my breast was almost one sol id seal), and my back covered with sores vary ing in sizo from a penny to a dollar. I had doc. toted with all the liest doctors with no relief, and used many diirerent medicines without elfoct. My case was hereditary, and I bog an t. think, incurable, hut it began to heal from tin ftmt application U t e«tie,,ra.|, uiu . ssi . r i Dcslilor, Ohio. Skill DiMsiiNC ii Yearn Enroll. * 1 am thankful to say that l have used tlicCu ticura Remedies for about eight mouths with meat success, ami consider niysoll entirely cured of saltsheum, from which 1 havesitlletcd for six years, i tried a number of medicines and two ol the best doctors in the country, hut found nothing that would clfcct a cure until „«dy u .,rre,.,e.lie». v M ci AFj ix> Morettc, Mo. TlieMVoml Caw of Sci ofu’.nr Cured. We have been selling your Cuticura Remedies for years, and hnvo tho first complaint yet receive from a purchaser. One of the worst eases of Horufular I ever saw cured by th.. ..... of five bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cnticura aU, l C utI t "?.vTl!oHAT AY I.Du 1 ..r„g K l«l, Frankfort, Kai Cnticnrn IKeiiicdlo*. aCure overy rpcclosof agonizing huimiiatmg. Itching burning, ucaly, and pltiiiily the skin, scalp and mood, with loss ol hal from pimples toscrofular, except possibly itli- tb ffleverywhere, l’ricc,Cuticura, oc.; Soap, 2ft.; Resolvent, (I. Frcpared hv the I’otter Drug and Chemical Co., Rosten, Mass. rjr'Scrid for “How to Cure Skin Diseases C4 i»agcs, 60 illustrations,'and 100 testimonials. nfUFEKH, idack heads, red, rough, ehapi>ed rlHI and oily skin prevented by CutluuraSonp. WEAK, PA1HEUL, BACKS, . Kidneys and Uterine l'a I Weaknesses, relic vc.l in on*: n iiwu the Cuticura Anti-rain Fla first and only pain klir.nif plaster. Nev toneoas, infallible. 25 cents. Ou draught •verngo, also, llie “prtji mzr Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitali/.iug. A NKRVK TONIC. This delightful bever- is not only the most palatable drink dispensed from the soda fountain, blit well a perfect tonic and system vitali/.er. It improves llie appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: l'reiiureil tVoniS the ii'itrilious jn-operllcs pure fi'u it j u ices, cun.hined witli I lie ex tract h um a .-mall tropical plant tumid ill \u r Mexico, cl which the medicinal prop- ties are invaluable, and its liivor delicious. It Cannot Be Used to Excess. Not n foaming gas drink, causing hclching of wind and unpleasant eflcets alter drink- ng. No etheral extracts or liquors, but a iolid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; an •xtremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out of leu persons arc en liusiuS- lie with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wunls II, * Everybody Drinks It. “Fltl’l Ml/,’ the finest beverage ill tlie world. DISPKNSEDJJRV L. SEIOIIMT, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, Tliomnsville Variety WORKS. Rcjnolis, Hargrave & Dayis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers andSDealers liOIJOlT «Sr- JIRKHSED IH I MU Ml 4. LATH ns, PICK UTS, SlIINGLKS, MUtlLDINGS, liitAG’K UTS, SGIIUI.L IVUltK, M A N'TLKH, I1A LUSTKItS * STAIIl-RAILS Nuwol Dusts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, • Furniture. STORK FRONTS, Wire Screen Doora and Windows, Saslu Doors and Blinds TO OUT) Ell. * STAIR KUILDING, AND INSIDK IIAUDW’UDD FINISH A SPECIALTY. SerCURRESTONDENCE SOLICITED." . Hue hlen'i Aviiiru Mnlve. The Best Halve in the World for CiiD Rruisess Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Telter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, mid positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cossets, Drug Store. Worth Knowing. Mr W.II. Morgan, merchant, Rake City, Fla. was taken with a severe Cold, attended with a distressing Cough and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tric.l many so-called popular coitgl> remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty iu breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. Kings New Dis covery for Consumption and found immediate relief and after using about half a dozen boU'eslouud himself well and has no return of the disease. No other re edy can show such a grand record of cures, as Dr. King’s Discovery for Consumption. Guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it.—Trial bottle free at S. J. Cassels’ Drug Store. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try this remedy you will say us many others have said, that it is the bust blood purifier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co„ Atlanta, Uu., for book of convincing testimony. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. (West End), writes, “I consider that B* B. R. has perma nently cured me o'rheumatism and sciatica.” R. R. Sautter, Alliens, Ga., says: B. B. B. cured me ulcer that lmd resisted all other treatment. E. G. Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes : “My mother and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula' B. B. B. cured them.” Jacob F* Sponcler, Newnan, Ga., writes : B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. Lused six bottles. Chas. Reinhardt, No. 2026 Fountain Stri ct Baltimore, Md., writes : “I siitleied with blebding piles two years, and am glad to say that oae bottle of B. B. B. cured me.” J. J. Hardy, Toccoa, Ga., writes : “B. B.B. is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me. I had been troubled several years.” A. Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says ; One lnd^lc of B. B. B. completely cured my child of eczema.” W. A. Pepper, Fredouia, Ala, writes: It. B. B. cured my. mother of ulcerated sore throat.” TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold to uU^uinmcr resorts throughout, the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia ami Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October Itlst. Fast train service with Pullman cars, B. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Ag CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by HiiUol’sCatarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free