The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 16, 1889, Image 4

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Ancient Ruins of Mexico From the New York Times. City of Mexico, Aug-1. via Cul- veston.—Rccoutly returned explor er* from the state of Chiapas confirm and add to the reiiiarkahle reports concerning important aroinoological discoveries. A fine broad paved road, built liy prehistoric inhabitants, has been traced from Tonala down into Guatemala and thence in *' curve up again into Mexico, termi nating at Palenque. All along this road arc still to be seen the remains of ruined cities, and a careful estimate of the population of these places is about 30,(XX),000. On that part of the road near Palenque the ruins are of great magnitude. Houses four and often five stories high have been found in the depth of the forest. Many of these houses are pyramidal in form, and so covered arc some of them with vegetable mold that large trees are growing from the roofs. In some oi the houses great employment has been made of stone beams of tre mendous weight, and the architect ure indicates a high degree of scien tific attainments. In some houses visited bronze lamps have been discovered, and the inter ior and exterior mural decorations of the more important houses consist of pancliugs filled with elaborately carved figures almost life siz.e, two types of men and women being rep resented, some plainly Egyptian and others genuine Africans. In front of one of the houses the explorers found fourteen sculptures of gods with folded arms. The work of exploration was one of extreme difficulty, owing to the density of the forest and the unwill ingness of the Indians to enter the ancient edifices, they averring that the buildings were inhabited by spir its. Another discovery was that ai enormous paved read extends from Palenque acrosst ucatan to the island of Cozumel, and is continued on the island. The explorers went to Chia pas on private business, hut incident ally became interested in the work of exploring the ruins, and they sug gest that the government fit out an expedition to make a complete, map of this wonderfully interesting region, regarding wliii^l little comparatively is known, even after so many years, since the white men became aware of its existence. Palenque explorers assert that they have’discovcred in the edifices lie- fore mentioned examples of a per fect arcli. One explorer is a scien tifically trained mail who has recent ly arrived from India, and by his ac count the region from Chiapas to Yucatan must have been the seat of a densely populous nation. IF A BODY MEET A IlOBY tho result is a collision, whether “eorninpf thro’ tho rye,” or not. Life i» full of collis ions. We lire constantly colliding with some body or something. If it isn’t with our neighbors it is with some dread diseases that “knocks us olT the track” and perhaps dis ables us for life. Women especially it seems, have to bear the brunt of more collisions and nillictions than mankind. In all cases of nervousness, Itonring-dwwn sensations, ten derness, periodical pains, sick headaeho , con gestion, inflammation, or l.leeration and nil “female irregularities” and * weaknesses. Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription comes to tho rescue of women as no other medicine does. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under 11 punitive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it will he refunded, few uwmmtic on bottle- wrapper. Copyright, 1883, by World’s Dis. Med. ass'*. Or.PIERCE’S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vi-tretable and per fectly harmless. One a Hose, bold by druggists. Uo cents a vial. Florida Central —AND— Peninsula ltailroail. Formerly fhr F. K. A IV, <’«»• Standard Time Used—June 2,1889. paid Consolidate your Shipments to Houses who have Standing and Ability. il'lcr careful investigation 1 have canned* 111 vself with tin- following reliable houses: L. Snyder, John Slant and Win. (nmblc 'o.. New York, Kedfield A- Son. Philadel phia, l*eiine! I, Kami A Ho.plosion. . hiiiises will n* in concert and hold the markets up. 1 will re- v York during f lie shipping sca- ,cn:> personal attention to the , <vi\ :• dailv «|iiolatoms from each 4 .1and wire to tin Times -Kntcr- blie.ti ion. When your .shipments are scattered it lends Inbreak down the mar kets. Kc.-peet fully, Jos. S. Norton, Ollice Washington St., 7-»Ml New York. JOSEPH PIKE’S SON, Commission Merchant, —Ami Under In — Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Florida & Georgia Fruits & Vegetables A SPECIALTY. !lb DM ICK I’l.AI'E, NEW YOKE. Melons awl LeConte Pears Solicited, Thomasville 1 W. Mitchell by A. (’. rnn:i S' DIVISION' i 5noY» 1003aLv Kernnndlmi Ar. :to*>p sailft 7 OOP 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 150p fill) a r, at) 1.11 07 by Callahan Ari 1 ."a p (»40a 30 1212 p Lv linldwin Arjl212 p •'» 00 a y 25 D 1 27 1* Ar Lawtey Ar, 11 5s a 3 55 a y 55 I* 142 D Ar Htnrke Arjll 2b a 3 30a p) :;<J p "» 27 j. Ar Waldo Ar. 10 52 a 2 50 a 11 20 a 02 P Ar Uawllu»rr.o Ar, 10 2:)a 2 00 a 110 a 4 2U p Ar Ocala Ar 007 j> 12 01 p a 50 a 542 pAr Wildwood Ar «< 0a 9 201- 5 10 a 0 10 p Ar Leesburg Ar. 7 35 a 7 *> p C 03 a 040 p Ar Tavares Lv| 7 10 a 7 00 p y 42 a b 22 p Ar Orlando Lv •> 15 a 4Uoj» in Fta mT-Td IV IS I 7 00 1\ it; 00 (i (i 40 ti y 30 a 0 25 (I I 12 03 p How to Use the Pen. Every time you arc tcnqitcil to say n ungentle word, or write ami ind line, or say a mean, ungracious hing about anybody, just stop : look [head twenty-five years, and think iow it may come back to you then, .ct me tell you bow I write mean let era and bitter editorials, my boy lometimes, when a man has pitched ijto me and “cut me up rough,” and I ivant to pulverize him and wear Tory scalp on my girdle, and hang hi hide on my fence, I write a letter or editorial that is to do the business, write something that will drive sleep from his eyes and peace from his soul for six weeks. Oh, I do hold him over a slow lire ami roast him! < Jail and aqua fortis drip from my blister ing pen. Then—1 don’t mail the letters and I don’t print the editorial There’s always plenty of time t< crucify a mau. 'lhe vilest criminal is entitled to a little reprieve. 1 put the manuscript away in a drawer. Next day I look at it. The ink cold; I read it over and say, “I don’t know about this. There's a good deal of bludgeon and bowie knife journalism in that. I’ll hold it over a day longer.” The next day I read it again. I laugh and say, “Pshaw!” and I feel my checks getting a little hot. The fact ia I am ashamed that I ever wrote, it, and I hope that no body has seen it, and I have half tor- gotten the article or letter that filled my soul with rage. I haven’t hurt anybody, and the world goes right along, making twenty four hours a day as usual, and 1 am all the hap pier. Try it, my boy. Put of! your JoittcT remarks until to-morrow. Then, -when you try to say them deliberate ly*-you'll linil that you have forgotten them, and ten years later, ah ! how glad you will be that you did! I5» good liatured, my boy. lie loving and gentle with the world, and you’ll be amazed to sec how dearly and tenderly the worried, tired, vexed hammed old world loves you.—It. J Burdette in Brooklyn Eagle. I.v WIMw I Ai Ar PanasulTkoo Ar Ar Sumt'Tvillu Ar ArSt. Catln rlno Ar (Ar Lacmichoo Ar . r Undo City Ai Ar Plant City Lv Id f TiIdau i imp 11 45 p .iOUp 23 . Thj i» 1145 a, Lv Jacksonville Ar 150 \< r. 10 a 00 i*l 4 10 tYLv Wul«h» Ar!l0 3.» l» 310p , io n| 4 53 p Ar Galncsvlllo Al l 9 40 a '-'•0 i> 115 a 5 42 p Ar Archer Lvj H 25 a U !■> P 0 12p Ar Drunsou Arj I 1 j.\r C'oilar Key L* I WESTERN l»l VISION j Id Lv Jacksonville Ar 3 20 j> 2 15 p it HUOa .Vr Baldwin Ar. i'J P'P in 10 J. 9 n!Ar Lake City Ar 1 OH |» U 22 a JJlO 27 a A r Live Oak Ar 1223 i- » :L WANTED. 500 Gats Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits price rt!i ... pay highest market price on rnmmi&ion, ami I "’ill f s-jr» to the person t hipping lie largest melons this season, over and above the market i when received. A. P. UICIyKTS a!.* fruit awl Produce Dealer Oliultiinoog.'i, Tenn. , Hank and other bunks I inn k IV., and lln- wliolcsnle ■rallv. liferse Hlitii, dailirnsc Dibit, J. P. Cowpcr. Olivit Brothers, Commission Merchants, Melons and Pears Specialties. 335 Washington St., Bcfert NEW YORK. River Ikiiik-I ioin'U2»<i'A> *<*■*•»« -X > 111 -. 12 52 Pi A r M<»nticclh* Lv 1**30 i S 15 • Lv y 5 y 20' i 4 U0 p! A i lllver June. Lvj j I 2,7, 8, 9.10.13, It Daily. 32,‘’and 03 Dally. , , ;t t 23, 21, Dully, except felliiuaj*. 30 Dally except Sunday. 31 Daily Monday. 1005 p 3<>n Tv Jacksonville] ArS50a-tioO ik) a Ar Fcrnniullna Lv i l-» ti-l i 0 dally, except Sunday. ti0*and 01 Sundays only. j a. 111., Xl-w Orleans l'.-MUiss. qul'-kmt Him l" all Mlddlt, mid West Kii.fhlii l'"In;a, " William Halley & Co., 1MH )! )!'< 'K COMMISSION - MERCHANTS. Melons a Specialty. It)7 WEST STREET, liy shipping yeur Green and Dried Fruits, Melons VEGETABLES, Or anything von may have, to us. We have ry large trade in the above articles, find phoe your shipiutuils to as good ad Vilni us any house on the market. We invite espondenee from all parties having any thing in our line to ship. Sr.MMEKS, .MO Kill sox u ro., Commission Merchants, 171 South Witter Street, Chicago, Illinois, cnee: Metropolitan Nat. Hank. d.vw Member"! the Mercantile Exchange, Now York, l'i’iHI Exchange, Philadelphia. WALTER S. HILL, Mutt Hssitn Miiihst, — Knit THE SALE OF— Southern Fruits 5 VEGETABLES, LH'mite Pears and Melons a Specially. a.IIi III AM: NT, MAY YOUK. National Ihink, N. Y.j (Irowc Kcpreseutcd ‘ Natioitiii flunk, Smyrni , Thomasville by A. C. Brown. C IJOFUSSrOXAI. CARDS. W. C. HNOllGl; ISS. U. F. UAWKIXS gXOUGIiASS A HAWKINS, Attoenovs-at-Law. ip M. Mel MOT HI-1, Physician Surgeon, Thomasville, Georgia. U# 1 'OFFICE over Stark’s, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. ■QH. .1 ( ;KIj B. C< ' v LE. DENTIST. THOM AS VI LLiB, GEORGIA. OFFICE. Broad St., over Pickett’s. g <i. M< LONDON, Attorncy-at-Law, Prompt, attention given to fill hnsitiess en trusted 1" him. , Ollice Over Watt’s store, comer Bimul ana Jackson streets. J. If. COY1.K, U. 1). S., Resident Dentist, TUomaavllle, • - - Georgia. Offers Ills services to in cltl/.ensof Tim nsvlllo and vicinity. Office hours—From U a. hi. to 1 p. m., a from2 to 5 p. m. Office- On Jackson street. W. I). MITCHELL, K. CL MITCHELL. •ITCHKLI, & MlTCHKfib, M' MAY VOUli. Nfitionul •lJc\v2ni 1 Mobile and ‘ 7:i;, d. in. an4 7:30 1*. in. trains*c- n ,>ugh t" Tlmmasville, M.oitg'om iy n!L,inme. st. Louts. Ctnclnnai. , i . i nil [, Nurlti anil Wont. Anlv’ at 1' j!'! ,' .j 'n*,'m'i'ii ami Exiirom r.,r all ]-,!nl» , t J , ,0^m i »vim' i ^ala.Loc 3 !«a-«.'lVvo,ca. ‘ija.iV-Clly, I'lant'city. Aitivom al 1 :.">U |i. m 1 -HO li. III. I al, onlilieota Uir,.ii.u-ll Ini' al „ii ltJ | small, Oi ala, Onluonvlllo, Ija-nl-urc Tuvaii-a,_Orlai,;l,i, -J-;11• i■ i;. Sl;i- 1 1■ cM^111'..r- ll:ti a.'m.CimikorUiol at I'Vriiali.lllia Mi'll Fioalii.-l- I ily ‘ I Uniinsv.ltik, daily, I"'' M.-u -.n. At- [aula, CliaUalia''^a, J.,,,iluo, Ciin-lnna.l St. atnl Uhloa^:". Ar:-1 v.-i* 1 : Ji! 1 1 la. in. l-V-i-naiiillua Xlml ami l-..\[in-:-p, ilaliv, '-"iiii'-'-tliiZ Tuva,lay ami Friday witii Str. W. Xl'-lmlM «">; l-J-ivimn: lugs. Thursday with Mall Now 1'. ak. Arllvos K :.jil a. a leavos.laoks.ilivlllijsir. a. This now norvlou glvos [.orlocl ominoi U.-ns at lialilwla t.-r Ml [minis Nm-tH ami W ost, Ma Callahan t" all [mints X.-rth, Last ami Most. Hunt & Voorhees, 179 READE ST.. N. Y., foiuiiiibsi'*)! ShaltTS Southern Fruit vay lump y Steamers lot Sunday train vTa Fo'rnn'mlftVa: o-.miiooting with Htf. Ulty "I Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlautu and all points North and West. . D K. MAXWELL, A.O JIArltOXELL (ion. Managor, <•- 1 ■ J r - A. .1. W 11F.1D. Agent at TliumftHVlllo. (»a FRESH HEATS. . Mull,lav April l-l. at the . 1'. II. llon« i-f Mii'.um ami AVo will i.ih place lately ucoiipicl hy aline stock of frosh moal l’ork. Our meats arc from our own tarms, tut, niov noil sweet. We will ho ghfl to receive our patronage ami w ill serve you with lhe est meats al the lowest possible prices. F. 1’. Houn « iluo DISCOVERY. Only 'Genuine Syntcm of Memory Tralnln*. l-’oitr Book* Learned in one reading. Mind wandering eured. livery rUlld and adult greatly benefltted. « Qaiat tadocemi-atii t.» C irrt^poniiinco Uas3«*. I Y ' ami Produce r ; ; Attorney s-at-Linv, Thomasville, * * c5 ‘ n ' 1 W. iilfUCIO,, M. I>. w. Office, up-stairs. utter of Ernad uml I’lololier streets, [mis 13-ay] P s. DICKlsK, M. 1)., Office in Haves BuiKliiig. r College avenue and Slug . 25 for night ill tu the nil’ll ms. returns I’ui'tii'iiliu' al I in t'n »t i U* of pouelu s. |k nrs mu Sal,-a i*e|mi'L ! il 'laily [ii'oinjilly lmck'. Jarnii T. Il.’iiinil. -I |hi\V. Thorn. BENNETT & THORN, :fbodtjoe Commission Merchants, No, 302 North Front St,, Philadelphia, - Pa. <5-11.-21 n EMTAIIEIMIIED IVIN. K. IB. WOOU1VA1ID, (r KNEHAL Commission Merchant, Melons ami Pears Specialties. S, £fl'fLottisvll%'K"V Albany AChicup By. Cn. jfSr' vr — » THE PEST AND MOST Direct Route I FKOJI ALL l’ltlNCrPAIi l’OINTS IN TIIKSOIIT1I TO OHIOAC.O AND THE NORTHWEST. w<> through expreoH trains daily, with Pull man Palace DuffotHloeplngCarH by night, and Chair Cars hy day, between Cin cinnati! ami Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be; tween Louisville and Chicago, wlicro close con* ncotinns nro made forfl St. Paul, Fargo, Blsnmrk, I’ol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points intermediate— New Fait Mail, J.oavlng Louisville, Dally except Sunday, at 7 -30 a. m. ClnclniiAttl, Dally, except Sunday at 7:15. Arriving at Chicago at 6:35. Tho most rapid sorvlco ever attempted bo- tween tho Great Commercial Cities on tho Ohio lllver and Chicago. OiT'i hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and coni fort provided for, aro among tho points that have made tho MOMOl ROUTES Universally and deservedly popular. OIIN B.CARSON. Vleo-pros't and Oon’l Mgr W. II. Mf’DOEL, Oon’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gon.l Passenger Agent- It. W. GRADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvlllo On. Whiddon House {Opposite Plnoy Woods Hotel.) THOM ASVIW.E, - UA E. li. Wlviddon, Prop. Thl.-i liouso, Ini-,-iti’il In lhe most desir able ami central part of tho city, is new unit complete in every particular. l*ur- uislieil in I lie most elegant manual and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect, and the service rendered by 1 rained nndlpo- lite servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from lhe house meet all trains. declO-ly Fife & Beverly THE PUBLIC M KICKS, — GKOUfflA. --riKW.nua in— General Merchtindi^ -AND ADD KINDS 01- N. S. Ea-yes, CONTRACTOR and BUli.DEli Thomasvlllo, Georgia. I will t»o glad t" make contracts bn tho construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, in cither brick or wood. I will guarantee In every lnstanco to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. MY Motto—G*«od, honest work at fair prices. If you want nay building dono call on mo. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded mo or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me In Thomasville and elsewhere, and all parties for whom I have workod Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. Wo are prepared t** furnish anything w ui ed In llie LUMBER LINK, We makea Kpech*ll Mouldings, Turnod Scroll Work. The mostclcbmate designs will be faithful ly and correctly executed. Wo operate the best equipp ’d mills, and carry the largest stock of so tsoiied lumber in Southern Ge«*r gin. Parti ejwnntlng lumberwlllsave money by consulting us before placing their orders FIFEk BEVERLY Grlei&LBiiT Contractors & Builders TIIOMASVII.T.K, <iA. Wr will ho vk’.il t” iimkn cimlrnct . »,,[,cl-llit. 11.1, nil .’Insw’S ”t Dull.liliCT. ljubllc or i.i-ivnto. In i-tlli”i’ t>rlck nr wu'»t. Mill fi"- W.I will Hulimlt VHtlmntes wliutlioronti’iw nwimlo.1 us iir nut. Wo will f.action In all our work. Mei to all parties for whom Thoiiiusvilic. Ga., April 3, 1889. That I have open ed, at my office oil Broad st., an ex change where land lords may find ten ants, and tenants may find landlords. I will undertake to rent any class of real estate, from a* negro cahin to the Mitchell House, from an acre patch to a five thousand acre plantation, and to collect the rents. Parties who have vacant rooms or furnished rooms to let, should call and see me. All wishing any thing in that line can find what they want at my office. elimjallette; B. D. FffD&E, THOMASVII.I.E, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, J5Y FA It 'B'Sl-F hi and Cheapest Pa§3Sii|gp hll ani Wagon Material Tin and Hollow Ware, 17 1 < ’ll A Ml I HUS i.ST. NEW YORK. I3ciiiL(‘tr & H.ali, iniiiiiKsiii.v iimu ii vx i«t, Fruits and Produce. Melons and Pears Sl’KCi AT.TiKS. No. 101 WKST STREET, NEW YUUK.I ROUTE —TO— NEW YORK OR BOSTON SAVANNAH —AND TIIE— OCEAN:-: STEAMSHIP:-: LINE —OF THE— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale al roiliicml rates. <!ood to return until U’ luber :1D1, 1HSD. Magnificent Steamers ami elegant ser vice. Free Irom the heat ami rlust incident to nit-rail routes. If you are sick tile trqi will invigorate and build you tip. <!o cast by sea and you'll never regret It. Passengers, before purchasing tickets via oilier routes, would do veil lo impure first of the. merits of the Houte via Savannah. Further information may be bad by apply ing to tile Agent at your station, or to * SI.S.BELKSA1’, W.F.SMELLMAN, General Manager. Traffic .Manager E. T. CHARLTON. CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pats. Agt., Savannah Gn. Gins and Sirtii Goofls of all kimls, and [agent for King’s Powder Co. Five room cottage on Love street, at §12.50 per month. Six room house on Lower Broad street, where Mr. H. Wolll'now lives, from Sept.l, at $20.00 a month. Four room tenement, on Cal houn street, near Broad street, at §5 per month, Large new house on Jeffer son street, at $25 per month. Furnished rooms' on Jack son st., near business blocks. Upstais of house on Calhoun street. Unfurnished rooms in Bry ant house, on Jackson st, be yond railroad. Furnished house im Fast End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $50 per month. ! jiEAL XSTATB AGIVT. OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. (ily and Cun dry rrupert' for Salt. HOUSES Jtl*: NTET) And Tim cm l'i *«*. TjO ATSTvi NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your property REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thoniasvillo. Gtoof'ia