The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 18, 1889, Image 3

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PROFITS 1 Obpl M Boom ISWHATWEWANT AND Boom WE MUST HAVE! Our buyer, Mr. C. Wolff, is now in New- York, where lie will spend about 6 weeks looking up the new est mi(1 most desirable goods on the market for our fall and win ter No Pains, Time or Money will be spared to ob tain the very latest importations in Dress Goods Novelties. This department, ys every one knows, is our “hobby,” niul we confidently promise to show the ladies of Thomasville the most elegant fabrics ever placed on sale in this city. No department of our busi ness shall he neglected, but each one fdled with everything that is New! Nobby! Stylish! ^o we advise yhu to wait and see our stock before making any purchase whatever of fall and winter goods. The ex treme novelties are just com ing into the Eastern markets, ami oar buyer will get them. You arc iuvitccl to come and buy what you waut iu Summer Materials almost At Your Own Price. As wc are determined not to pack up any summer stock at all, provided LOW PRICES will move what we have left. You will positively save money buyiug of us all the dry goods you need during the remainder ot' “the heated term.” Favor us with a call. Very respectfully, ti. Wo!l & Bro., headers of Styles and Low Prices. 109 & 111 MiOAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. 8URDAV, AUGUST 18, 1889 “signal service bureau AT it. Thomas Jr'u 126 Broad Street. G. S. ISondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 21 hour., ending fit 7 o'clock P. M August 15, 1889. Tkmpkkatlri!. 7 u. in 74 2 p. 88 7 p. m * 81 Maximum for 24 hours CO Minimum “ “ “ 70 Rain-fall Local Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah Ar... 9 2ft a m “ “ “ *• Lr...12 40 p in • “from “ Ar... 131pm “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200 pm Train for Albany Lr... 9 30 a in “ from “ Ar... ft20pin “ *• “ for Savannah Lv... 6 50pm Freight anil accom. from Wayc..Ar... 3 4ft p m •• •• »« for “ Lv... 8 40am “ •• •• “ Cliatt. Lv... 4 45 p in “ »• •• from Chatt. Ar... 715am “ « •• for Albany Lv... 4 23 pro •» “ •• from “ Ar... 7 53am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticcllo Lv.. .8 45 a in “ “ from “ ....Ar...6 20pm Fast mail for “ ....Lv...2 06pm “ “ from “ ....Ar..l210pm CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Church—Rev. G. G. N. MacDonell, pastor. Prayer meet ing 0:30 a. in. Preaching by pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 4 p. m. Presbyterian—Sunday School 9:30 a. ni. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. A. VV. Clisby. No services at night, Prayer Meeting Wednesday night at 7.30 o’clock. . Baptist C'iiurch:—Rey. W. J. Williams, pastor. .Sunday school at 9.30 a. in. Prcaclung at 11 a. m. and 8 p. 111. by Rev. J. E. Powell. Episcopal Church:—Rev. G. I. LaRoclic, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o’clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock. Catholic Church:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at 8:30 o'clock a. 111.; sermon at 11 a. 111. Mr. A. P. Perhnni, of Quitman, was in town yesterday. Judge Alexander is at home, after a pleasant sojourn in North Georgia. Miss Goodwin Sapp has returned from a protracted visit to Pensacola Florida. A steel door key was picked up Friday, on Broad street, by Dr. H. C. Ramsey. It is at this oflicc. Read the condition of fifty average farmers, in 1889, as compared with what they were worth in 1879. Wateli the figures which Thomas villc merchants arc going to pay for cotton. They will be at the head of the column. Rev. J. E. Powell, an able young Baptist minister, will occupy the Bap tist church pulpit this morning anil again at night. The Dixon Bros, tumbled into town yesterday morning with nine hales of cotton before 7 o’clock, The Dixon Bros, are hustlers. Mrs. Dr. A. P. Taylor, accompani ed by Miss P'lorric Pittman, has re turned from St. Vincint’s Island, near Appalachicola Fla. Conductor W, R. Ward who lias been inspector of melon trains for the Inst two months, has resumed his old run between here and Albany. Frank Walthour, who has been spending a short time at home, has returned to Valdosta Frank is now with the drug stole of Messrs. Duna way & Paine of that place. We think it but a just tribute to a first-class machinist and workman, when saying that Charley Thompson has, in superintending the putting down of the water mains, showed himself a thorough workman. We understand that an arc light will be put up at the intersection of Broad and Jackson streets, and anoth er over the monument, at the intersec tion of Broad and Fletcher streets. Miss Laura Jones will leave lo-mor- row for New York, where she goes to lay in a fall and winter stock of fash ionable millinery. This will he an interesting item—to the ladies. Mr. John Campbell, one of the most expert machinists in the country, is now with the Thomasville Iron Works. Whenever John Campbell turns out a job, it is a finished one. The Thomasville Iron Works have as fine machinery as there is in the South, and we arc pleased to know that work is crowding them. FACTS AND FIGURES. Arc tho Farmers Growing Poorer or Richer?—The Tale Told by Fifty Average Farmers in Thomas County—An Interesting Statement. Editor Times-Erterprise : Many years ago Mr. Stephens made the statement that the farmers of Georgia were growing poorer. It is more than probable that tliia state ment was true at the time it was first made, for at that time the farmers of Georgia were bravely struggling to adjust themselves to tho hard condi tions of a new and strange environ ment. No people ever had to meet and solve the problems of life and progress under more difficult and em barrassing circumstances, and it is not strange that for a time the drift was backward and downward. But strong arms and bravo hearts soon changed and gave an opposite direction to the current of their his tory. This assertion of a temporary condition has been stereotyped and made to do service in many a public adArcss. It has been a sort of porta ble, ready-made platform, from which public speakers could, with advantage, declare with grace aud eloquence au honest sympathy with ’the great mass of our people. It lias been made to do service for the statesman, the pa triot and the demagogue alike, but the industry, intelligence and econo my of our sturdy farmers and their good housewives have long since de nied its truth, aud scaled their denial with an oatli annually made in due and solemn form. The companion statement, that the rich nrc growing richer, contains mi almost unconscious appeal to au tin- confessed prejudice which, in its truth and inflaming prejudice, causes the assertion that the poor are growing poorer, to lie accepted also as unchal lenged truth. The fact is, the rich are growing richer and the poor a r e growing richer ; the unfortunate anti ill-meaning fact of this question lies, however, just here, that’ the distance between poor and rich is undoubtedly growing greater. But I must beg pardon for digressing. I do not mean to discuss the question of poverty and riches. That the farmers of Georgia are not growing poorer, I think the tax hooks will abundantly prove. To make a test of the matter, so far as Thomas county is concerned, I wrote down, the other day, the names of fifty farmers. In preparing this list I tried to select men who lmd been engaged in nothing hut farming for the past ten years. As far as I could do so, I tried to select men who lmd inherited nothing within this time, and who had not given any portion of Jlicir property to nny child or child ren. I tried, also, to select men who live now on the same land they lived on ten years ago. After preparing this list of repre sentative Thomas county farmers, 1 went to the tax books, and here is the story told by these good citizens, each speaking under the solemn obligation of his oath. As a basis I took the tax hooks for 1879 and 1889. I found that seven farmers out of the fifty showed a decrease. The ag gregate returns of the seven in 1879 amounted to 828,794.00, and in 1889 to 825,635,00. The decrease in ten years was, therefore, 83,159.00. The largest individual decrease was 8940, aud the smallest 85. In 1879 the other forty-three far mers returned 880,420.00, and in the yenr 1889 they returned 8145,001.00 —an increase in ten years of 804,* 581.00, or nn increase of eight per cent. The average individual wealth of the forty three, in 1879, was SI,871.00, and in 1889 it was 83,372.- 00. When wc remember that these forty-three farmers have met con stantly increasing family expenses, have educated their children and so on, aud in addition linvc increased their wealtli at the rate of eight per. cent, per annum, the showing made becomes a striking and instructive one. Here is a list, Mr. Editor, of these farmers, and a comparative statement of their returns for the years named. I designate the farmers hy number, as it would he improper to give their names. These, however, are at the service of any, gentlemen who may desire to verify them hy comparison with the books: No. 1879. 1839. No. 1879. 1889. 1. .$7,902... $11,505 26... .$2,375. .$ 4,915 2.' . 3,100... 3,518 27... . 3,033. . 5,383 3. . 5,550... 5,303 28... . 2,810. ...2,170 4. . 1,240... 2,585 29... . 3,789. . 5,805 5. . 4,805... 4,815 30... . 1,188. . 4,011 C. . 490... 1,19$ 31.. .. 3,355. . 7,175 7. . 785... 1,655 32.. .. 793. . 2,595 8. . 345... 2,150 33... . 3,432. . 2,492 9, . 872... 2,300 34... . 710. 940 10. . 2,183... 5,525 35... . 3,090. . 4,769 a. . 937... 1,800 36... . 178. . 1,190 12. . 1,210... 2,583 37... . 1,409. . 3,100 13. . 682... 1,987 38.. . 7,011. . 1 8,197 14. . 1,005... 1,000 39.. J 15. . 931... 5,448 40... . 700. . 2,775 to. . 410... 1,090 41.. .. 5,800. . 7,185 17. . 1,785... 2,700 42.. .. 910. . 1,850 18. . 013... 1,045 43.. .. 1,107. . 1,375 19. . 1,775... 2,306 44.. .. 1,454.. 3,174 20. . 448... 3,214 45.. .. 2,757. . 2,805 21. . 4,625... 4,505 40.. .. 8,840. . 8,225 *)•> . 3,322... 1,925 17.. .. 025. . 1,334 23. . 942... 1,273 48.. .. 2,133. . 4,958 21. 2 532... 1,880 49.. .. 1,420. . 2,102 25. . 1,080... 1,173 50.. .. 2,150. . 3,710 Now, Mr. Editor, if it is true that the farmers arc growing poorer, what a great county and a great people we must have here in the wiregrass! I believe au examination of the tax hooks in a majority of the counties in Georgia would show a similar encour aging state of facts. Th<\rceord for Thomas county indicates a growth that is wholesome and fixed, and shows that our farmers arc not grow ing poorer. The value of ail the taxable prop erty in Thomas county in 1879 was $2,532,703.00, and in 1889 it was 84.751,935.00. Most assuredly Thomas county is not retrograding. „ 8. G. M. Died, In Charleston, S. C., Aug. 17th, Elizabeth De Saussurc Tucker, wife of George H. Tucker, and daughter of the late Dr. Henry W. De Saussurc, of that city. Miss I)e Saussurc, the deceased, spent sometime hero a few years ago with her sister, Mrs. I. A. LaRoclic, By her pleasant, winning ways, and charms of person and manner, she drew all to her who made her ac quaintance. Refined, cultivated and gentle, she made herself a universal favorite with her circle of acquaint ances in Thoinnsvillc. The world loses and heaven gains a pure woman. For Sweet Charity. Miss Barbaroux, a maiden lady, will leave here in a day or two for New Orleans, where she goes to'place three little orphan children in an orphan’s home in that city. Miss Barbaroux has had charge of the children since their mothers died, two years ago. The deceased lady was a native of Florida. Capt. E. M. Smith, has in terested himself very much in the case of these motherless little children, and their guardian, Miss Barbaroux. Through Mr. Ilcnry V. Ogden, ot the London Liverpool and Globe, Ins., Co., who is president of the home in New Orleans, Captain Smith secured an entrance in that home for the chil dren. Capt. Smith is warm in his praises of Mr. Ogden, that gentleman having exerted himself to make ac commodations for the little ones. Captain Smith, also, is under obliga tions to Capt. R. G. Fleming of the S. F. & W. Ry., who, not only sent passes lor the party over his own line, but took the trouble to correspond with the L. & N. road, securing passes over that line to New Orleans, and a return pass for Miss Barbaroux. This action shows that railroad men have hearts as well as other people, il cor porations do not, as iS said, “have any souls.” May the little ones in their new home, which is said to be 011c ol the best conducted orphan homes m the South, find those who will be a mother to them, find those who will train them up to be useful and good men and women. They Took tho Cako. We allude to George W. Brown and Miss Gallic Mitchell. Quite a large crowd assembled at the City Hall, on Friday night, to witness a “cake walk,” among them quite a number id' whites, the latter including several ladies. To the inspiring notes of music, ten or twelve couples en tered for the prize. And there was some rare old walking done. George Washington Browu, is a cake walker from “a fur hack.” This is the sixteenth prize lie lias walked away with.' Look Out for the Light! The gentlemen who are here putting n the electric plant, say they will probably turn on the new light next Saturday night. Ten and a Half. That was what was paid for cotton here yesterday. Home sold as low as 9J. Eighteen hales were marketed. One thing is certain: Thomasville buyers will pay as high for cotton as anybody. Mr. CharleyfcStark, will, at an early day, put a' concrete pavement down in fiont of his popular confectionery establishment on lower Broad street. Now let those who control the small gap between Mr. Stark and Mr, Cook, fill it, in and the block on the cast side ol Broad will have a first class pave ment front end to end. Mr. Little Mardre arrived on the 5.20 train, last evening, and will spend a day or two here. Judge W. D. Mitchell returned yes terday from the meeting of the State Agricultural Society. Mr. Olive docs not like Mr. Mc Intyre’s hill on the subject of carrying out the provisions of the constitution in reference to the consolidation of railroads. Probably Mr. McIntyre will be able to engineer his hill through without the aid of Mr. Olive. Mr. niul Mrs. T. E. Blackshcar who have been iu North Georgia for a few days, returned yesterday afternoon. See what Sam Wolll says about his laundry agency. Look out for new. goods—and plenty of them. The ladies will soon he happy, for the new styles arc said to he very handsome; and if there is any one thing which 11 woman would rather do than another, it is to go into a store and get the first look at a new stock of dress goods. Seen Through Smoke. Home years ago the writer visited the pretty little town of Quincy, Fla. It was then, as it lacs always been,and is now, noted for the refinement and culture ol its citizens, for its hospital ity, aud for the beauty of its fail- daughters. A fellow traveller once said: “If you wish to see the prettiest women in Florida, go to Quincy.” In those days, however, the place, nestling among the hills of Gadsden, had not caught on to the boom which has been sweeping over Fla. The houses, most of them, were old and quaiut, with lovely lawns and yards in front of them. There was, even then, an air of comfort and elegance about the place and its people, which was apparent to even the casual ob server. No stranger ever went to Quincy without being favorably im pressed with place and people. It was a typieal old .southern town. But a change lias come o’er the spirit of their dream. The quicken ing pulsations of renewed life is felt. On every hand is now seen evidences of thrift and improvement. New houses arc going up, adjacent planta tions arc being worked like gardens, and the steady, healthy hum of industry, is heard from .early morn till dewy eve. It is a veritable bee hive. And there arc no drones there. What has caused this transformation font a sleepy, old time r Southern town, to the hustling, hustling young city of to day? Tobacco. And wc are looking (in imagina tion) at the little giant of West Florida, through a cloud of smoke from a choice cigar, the tobacco having been grown in Gadsden, by Mr. W. M. Bruce, and hy him ^manufactured into a fragrant cigar, which will compare most favorably with the choicest Ha vanas. GAZE O.V THIS. I have the agency for the hent laundry in the South, sit the lowest prices. Collars 2 cents each, culls 2 cents, shirts 8 cents. All work guaranteed. SAM M. WOLFF, sun,tues 109 llroad St. Whyit It People will continue to buy groceries on 30 days’ time, and thereby pay 15 percent, more for them than they can buy them for for the spot cosh. Don’t you know you are paying 15 per cent, on some account the merchant can’t collect? He hns to charge those who do pay, cumigh to make good his losses iu had accounts. It is perfectly legitimate and husiucss-likc, too! He has to live. But while it is perfectly light fn him to charge you that way, it is very foolish iu you to pay it, because you can make that per cent, yourself hy buying your goods for cash. I will take your order at regu lar prices, and then discount it 15 per cent, for the cash. Respectfully, M. I‘. Pickett. Gin House Insurance, —WITH— llaiiMell die Merrill, Thomaaville, Ga. ilittto octl-le ■W33 are daily receiving | —OF 1 Fall -AND- ■Winter CLOTHING! and our line of Light MUST GO! Call and get OUR t> Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will SAVE YOU MONEY Clothiers and Furnishers, * toe Broad st., Thomaaville, Qa