The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 23, 1889, Image 2

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H DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. T OHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Monomer. FRIDAV, At'Gt'ST 1 <!SI. Daily TiMKj-ENTF.iiriosB ii ]mlilish»d every niorninp (Montlnv eic-pleil.) The Wef kly Timks-Kxtkiu’hisk is published every Saturday morning. SriLscmmoN Rat Daily Timks-Entkri’risk, . W.BKLY* *• . . Daily Advkrtis no 1 ^Transient Rates.--.$1.00 per first insertion, and 50 eei ts f qnont insertion. One Square, one month, - - One Square, two months One Square, three month :, - Or..; Square, six months, One Square, twelve mont is, - Subject to change hv spuria is. II.:IE I K IC It 11*111 ok $;» 00 , 1 00 LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. FELL DEAD WHILE SPEAKING. lit. The Augusta, Tallahassee and Gulf Railroad. There was quite a gathering ui Au gusta, Tallahassee and Gulf Railway officials in Tallahassee Saturday. They mean business, and the road is coming right along. A Eloridian reporter cornered Chief Engineer Cook and learned from him that work was going steadily forward on the bridge across the Uchlockonec river, piling already having been driv en down lor about half the distance across. They are driving through a white clay, and get a solid lime rock foundation—equal to stone. Chiet Engineer Cook also informed the reporter that the contractors would be here about the first of September, and that then the work ol construction would begin on this side of the river in earnest, and that there would be no let-up until the road was completed. The Floridian’s special reporter at the river sends in about the same in formation. He says: “It is railroad now in good earnest—about one-half of the river is piled, and work keeps moving—they drive through stiff clay and sl’ike solid rock—splendid found ation for a bridge.” Those who have money to invest will strike a bonanza by buying lands anywhere along the line.—Floridian, Tallahassee. The New Board of University Trus tees. Speaking of the new hoard of trus tees, of the State University, the Constitution says: The whole government of the uni versity will lie shifted within two weeks. The governor is required to appoint the new board by the first of September, and if he signs the bill, as it is understood lie will, the respon sibility will lie shifted by that time. The new board is to meet in Athens and organize on the third Monday in September, the opening day of the fall term. According to the new law it will in clude : Ten-trustees from the congressional districts. Four from the state at large. Hon. X. E. Harris, chairman Technological com mission. Two trustees from Athens. And the governor, ex-officio mem her. Making eighteen members in all. Of the sixteen members to bo ap pointed by the governor, four will he appointeil for two years, four for . four years, four for six ami lour for eight years, so that the eight-year tortas will expire biennially, four at a time. The appointment of four trus tees biennially will keep up a rota tion in the board. The Biggest sale of Tobacco Ever Made- Yellow Fever on Shipboard Wade Hampton Explains Why the South is Solid Four Ocean Steamers Racing Across the Atlantic Investigating The West Point Terminal Comp'y. Gm isvii.i.i:, Kv., Aug. 21.-- Tin largest sale of tobacco ever mac auction in one day in the United Stales, and probably in the world, was made here to-day. The total number of hogsheads sold wan 1,002. This amounts to about I,.TOO,000 pounds, worth in the hogshead over 8100,000. Li:\vt-;s, Dr.t,., Aug. 21.—The ship John A. Briggs, from Rio Janeiro for Philadelphia, is detained at quar antine here on account of yellow love cases aboard at Rio and during tlie voyage. The body of the captain’: wife, who had died at sea, was aboar inclosed in a sealed case. 'The vesse has been disinfected, but will he de tained a few days. AVasiiixctox, Aug. 21. —Senator Hampton in ail interview here to-day said that the republicans were tnakin an effort to break into the solid south by introducing economic questions, hut that it would fail. He “As long as local self government demands our attention, our people cannot he divided on this issue. Whether man is a protectionist or tariff reformer the safety or welfare of his home is paramount to the tarifl.” Nkw York, Aug. 21.—Great in terest is taken in the sailing of four big steamships which left for Europe to-day. The big racers Teutonic of the White Star line, City o’f New York of the Inman line, Saale of the North German Lloyd line, and the City of Rome of the Anchor line, all had a fair number of saloon passen gers, and all were eagerly discussing the merits of the several vessels. Of course, the Teutonic and the City of New York were the favorites, for the great race eastward to Queenstown lies between them. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 21.The special joint committee appointed to investigate the West Point Terminal deal in this state, and report wherein the constitution of Georgia is violated, began its investigation this afternoon, mitor Bartlett presiding. Among the railroad men present were Gen. Alexander and the erstwhile duelists lit Calhoun and Col. Williamson of the, Chattanooga, Rome and Co lumbus road. Gen.. Alexander was the only witness examined at to-day’s session. He gave the committee the history of the Georgia company, which was organized in North Caro- One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Alliance Men in Georgia. The following statistics were slihwn at the meeting of the Slate Alli ance in Macon this week:- There was an increase of 1,100 still alliances dur ing the past year, making now a grand total of 2,OKI! local alliances. Tn every county save one the organi zation was strong and growing. t (tie year ago the membership was ■10,1100. To-day the rolls showed that 120,1100 persons claimed alle giance to its Hag. Sanford’s Fertilizer Bill. An important bill was passed in the Senate on Tuesday—the Sanford fertil izer bill, winch seems to be more ac ceptable than Brady’s, and threatens to drive that measure out. There was considerable debate over it, but only three voled against it. The bill pro vides that on the demand of the pur chaser of any commercial fertilizer or composting chemical, a fair represen tation sample, securely sealed glass bottle, shall be deposited in the office of the ordinary ol the county in which the purchaser resides or in which the fertilize: is delivered, and that such samples it analyzed by the chem istof the stale agricultural departments and received in the courts as evidence, in case oi a purchaser should claim that the commodity has been found worthless. B. B. B. i Botanic Blood Balm.) Ifyirti try this remedy you will suy us many others have said, that it is the ijkst Idood puritieranil tonir. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, tin., for hook of convincing testimony. J. 1’. Davis, Atlanla, tin, (West Kud writes, "I consider that II- II. I!, has perms neatly cored me o 'rhcoomtism and sciatica. R. It. S,miter, Athens, (ta., says: 11. IS. |: cored ol on nicer that had "resisted other treatment. K. (i. Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., wri “My mother and sister had ulcerated sore throat amt scrofula- IS. IJ. R. cured them Jacob I-'- Npr,neler, Xewoan, (in., writes fi. It. It. entirely cored meof rheumatism i my shoulders. I used six bottles. Clias. Reinhardt, No. 202(1 Fountain Hire: Haiti more, Mil., writes : "I sotl'ered wit bleeding piles two years, and am glad to s.i that me bottle of li, R. R. cured me.’’ •T. J. Hardy, Toeeoa, (in., writes : Ml. II.B. is a quirk cure lor eatarrli. Three bottles cored me. I had been troubled several yc are.'' A. Spink. Atlanta, (la., says : One bottle d It. R. It. romplotely cured my child W. A. Pepper, II. R. R. cured in Frcdoni; mother d‘ ulcerated sore The wife of :i Chicago millionaire loped the other day with a poor priest. Queer taste. The Sibley mills of Augusta arc preparing to manufacture cotton bag- ; on a large scale. They have orders, already, for 200,000 yards. Down with the jute trust. The John B. Gordon Alliance, it pence district, expelled two ineni bets the other day for haying jute bagging. The Joint B. Gordon Alliance mean business. They are dead against jute. PiTTSM iio, Pa., Aug. 20.—The general impression that the South Fork dam would never he rebuilt up pears to be erroneous, as there i strong probability that a fishing lak will again he established in that Ideal ity. A member of the fishing club of that name said to day that the belief that South Fork dam had been abandoned by the club was a mistak en idea. The club, he said, could not afiord to lose the money it had invest ed in real estate in that locality. The property was worth fully 8200,000, and if the fishing resort was not re established the whole investment would become almost a dead loss. The intention was not to Imild a dam of the size of the one destroyed, hut one which would make the lake much less in size, so that in the event of the harrier again giving way no, destruc tion to life and property would (bi- low. No move in that direction will be made until the damage suit now pending against the stockholders is settled, cither by being paid or com promised. The object is to establish a fair sized pond capable of holding a good stock of fish. lina because it could not he chartered in Georgia. Bomk, Ga., Aug. 21.—The saddest event in the annuls of Odd Fellow ship in Georgia, occurred this morn ing at the meeting of the Grand Lodge. P. G. M. Adolph Brandt, of Atlanta, one of the leading lawyers of Georgia, was suddenly stricken with apoplexy while on the floor speaking. He had arisen to address the grand body, and had only spoken, when suddenly, placing his hand on his heart, he exclaimed: “Oh! God, what is the matter with me?” He fell hack in his chair and expired in a few moments. 11 is untimely death has east a gloom not only ever the Odd Fellows, hut the citizens of Home in eneral. Dalton, (la., August 10. —The Farmers’ alliance in this part of Geor gia, together with the cotton mill arc fighting the jute trust with a vim which prognosticates success. The Crown cotton mills of this place are making the fim st quality of cotton bagging and are receiving orders from all over the south, as wherever it is seen it takes the preference. They make it like cotton duck, forty inches wide, and a bale of the lleccy staple wrapped up in it looks like a society belle dressed for a picnic. Mr. Harrell's bill, which provided that bills should he invited for the sale of the State road at the same time when it is offered for lease, was defeated in the House on Wednesday, by a vote of HI to *7. That settles the question of selling. — - • • ■ Your uncle Jerry Rusk declines to form a part of Tanner’s escort to the meeting of the G. A, R. Your uncle Jerry’s head is very level. Dots from Valdosta. Quito a romantic wedding took place here last night at the Central hotel, witnessed by a number of the guests; Mr. L. R. Stephens, of Adel, to Miss Addie Milcy, of Sparks. The lady arrived here on Saturday last, on a visit to friends, and on Monday the gentleman called upon her with an introductory letter from a friend ol his. It seems that it was one of those cases of “love at first sight,’’ as all necessary arrangements for the tv^ding were soon made. Rev. R. T. Gnodrum went through with the solemn ccremo ny of pronouncing them man and wife, and the bridal couple went their way rejoicing. Several new and handsome buildings are going up in our 'city. The new bank building and Converse Ilro.’i store are splendid, and would do credit to any city. The Georgia Southern and Florida railroad is pushing ahead as fast as pos sible, and ere long the sin ill whistle of the locomotive will be heard as It speeds along its way ftom Valdosta to the land ol (lowers. They have a nice depot at this place, which is nearing completion. . Ilrj. Valdosta, Aug. 22. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. Received of tlic Preferred Mutual Accident Association, of New York, Thirty-Two Dol ors for ten days’ disability, resulting from incident. I cheerfully recommend this Co. for prompt payment. * K. M. Smith, Cash’r Rank of Thos’ville. Thomasville, Cn., Aug. 2, 1888. §5,000 III? AT IK BY ACdDEIVT. 5,000 LOSS OF HANDS OR FRET. 5,000 EOSS OF II AND AND FOOT. 2.500 I.OSS OF HAND OR FOOT. 2.500 I.OSS OF BOTH EYES. 2.500 PERMANENT,Total Diftiibililr 050 I.OSS or OlYE EYE. 25 prr week, Temporary Total Dis ability'. FOR FIFTY-TWO WEEKS. COSTS IN THIS ASSOCIATION, ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH, while other accident companies in the event of serious accidental injury slop tho payment of indemnity at the end of twenty-six weeks, the Preferred Mutual continues tlic same for fiftv- two weeks. Young Fern;tie College, Tliomasvillo, Ga. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4U1, 1889. 1 till Collegiate course, affords every facility for a fhoTmigh education. Location healthful, grounds exlensive and attractive. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, - . . $1.1.00 Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, - - 10.00 Music, per month, ^ Drawing, per month. ... . gqo Painliiig, “ “ 'loo Hoard in College per month, .... |.">.()0 Tuition payable one-half in advance, balance at expiration of first quarter. JA’O. E. DAK EH, ftU S 23 - ~ President. Headquarters tor Drags! REID & CULHSEPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. < HEAP list MlJNTD k K 8-::-1 m-1 T. X. nOl’KIXK, Agent, Tlioimntrille, Cu, TAILORING. There is an end to all things, so tho people sav, tint there Is no end to the splendid lilting clothing made at SI Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner. Give me call. John Kenny, SOITH GEORGIA COLLEGE Opens Wednesday, September 4th, Inrreased Facilities. Strictly Military. f-.r ratalegtl icMrcss G. M. I.nVKJOV, President. Administrator’s Sale, Hy virtue of an order from tho court of Ordi nary of Thomas county, Georgia, will ho sold, on tho 1st Tuesday In October next, within the legal li * scribed lands belonging to tho cstnto of James Barrette, Into of Thomas county, dcoeasod Sixty-two and a half (62 1-2) acres of lot of land number 260, ono hundred and twenty-live (123) acres of lot of ’and number 222, ono hundrod and twenty-live (123) acres of lot of land number 23'J; all of said lauds lying and bolus In the 17th district of Thomas county, Ga. Sold for purpose of paying debts and distribution among the heirs of said deceased. II. lb MAltDRE, aug2Ud Administrator. *5 REWARD. will pay a reward of live dollars for proof to convict any person of shooting, knocking oil; or otherwise defacing or de stroying sign hoards on the public roads of Thomas count v. J. A. Ill’Ll,OCII, Ch'iim Com. Roads and Bridges. NOTICE. To rut; It,iaii OvKnsKKits oi Thomas Col sty: I notice that there are some mile posts and hoards missing from the public roads of the county. Von arc directed to call on me, nil let me know what mile hoards are miss ing and I will furnish them, at the Ordi nary's oftiee, in Thomasville. J. A. BL'M.OCII, aug33 Cli'mn Cow. Roods and Bridges. I’lANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, Inis se cured the agency for nil the lirst-class Pianos and Organs, which lie is sellin,, at the lowest prices for caslt or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn Ills prices and terms. Notice of Election. To THE l»rALIKIKD VoTKILS OF TllOMASVILLK: accordance with u resolution of Coun- il, passed at a regular meeting on the 1 Dili of August, 1880, an election was ordered and ’ll he held on the twentieth (20th) day of September, 1889, at the usual place of liold- ‘ng municipal elections, as prescribed by an Act of the State Legislature, approved Sept. 1887, on the question of ’‘Ronds” or Ronds.’* The amount of bonds fo he ssued will he Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing land for park purposes, the balance, if any, to he applied to the extension of the water works of the town. The rate ot interest which the bonds arc to hear will he five (f») pop cent, per annum,and payable semi-annually; the whole amount to he paid off in thirty years, which will require Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) annually for the interest, and Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) annually to provide for payment of the principal. JOS. IIA NS FIX MERRILL, Mayor pro tern. Thomasville, Oa., Aug. 10, 1880. Why is It People will continue to buy groceries on .'10 days’ time, and thereby pay 15 per cent, more for them than they can buy them for for tlic spot cash. Don’t you know you are paying 15per cent, on some account the merchant can’t collect? He has to charge those who do pay, enough to make good his losses in bad accounts. It is perfectly legitimate and business-like, too! He has to live. But while it is perfectly right in him to charge you that way, il is very foolish in you to pay ft, becauso you can make that per cent, yourself by buying your goods for cash. I will take your order at regu lar prices, and then discount it 15 per cent, for the cash. Respectfully, M. P. Pickett. Electric Hitter*. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Hitters sing the same song of praise, A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do nil that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused hy impure blood.— Will drive malaria from the system and irevefft as well as cure all Malarial fevers.— ’or cure of Headache, Constipation and In digestion try Electric Hitters—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded.— Price 50cts. and $1.00 per bottle at JS. J. Cussels, Drug Store. Arc you troubled with a sluggish, inactive liver ? Arc you bilious ? Do you suffer from Jaundice ? Has your complexion a sickly yellow tinge? The blood in its pas sage through the liver docs not furnish the healthy action which should result from it, The impurities are stopped and clogging up the duct, cause a disordered condition, which will produce serious results to your healtl. unless you take Brown’s Iron Hitters at once. It will cure your biliousness and jaundice, and incite to healthy action the sluggish liver. -THAT THEY HAVE THE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IN' GEORGIA. , hc ' r< ' J 01 ! c , an l j mI ""(I pure drugs an 1 get prescription* (■oiii|i(,uii,le,l at ill In,in--, dnv or night, by competent Pharmacists'. Tlu-v use only Hquii ' ’ prescription department and guarantee goods mid pj-iecs. hb's preparations (Ik REID A €ULPEP1»EB, 120-1-22 JSroari «t. Sullivan & KHrain. As Sullivan knocked out Ivilrain in seventy-five von mis, L. Steyermaxi &d Bro. Propose to knock out high prices in Clothing in the next twelve months. Wc otter clothing at present at prices that make other houses dread the name of Steyerman and Hru. Owing to the large trade bestowed on us this spring, our Mr. Simon Steyerman will leave for New York Monday' to take advantage of the market there, lie will leave nothing undone as the CASH talks. Ills instructions to us while he is awav arc to Sell Clothing at Cost and Below, Call and take advan- L. Steyerman & Bro. To make room for his fall purchases, tage of this opportunity. WANTED, 500 Gars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits, For.which 1 will pay highest jnarket price in cash, or sell on commission, and I will pay a reward of $25 to the person shipping me the car of the largest melons this season. This reward is over and above the market price of said car when received. A. 1\ PICKETS Wholesale Fruit and Prod arc Dealer Chattanooga, Tcnn. Reference: People's Hank and other hanks here; also K. (». Dun k Co., and the wholesale merchants of this city generally. IMPORTANT PEAR GROWERS & SHIPPERS. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, hy Shi lot’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free SCHOOL NOTICE! My school will he re-opened on Monday, September 2d. Number limited. One ses sion daily. Tuition two dollars and a half ($2.50) per month, payable montlilr. A. W. CLLSBV. d&w once awcek for2\v Consolidate your Shipments to Houses who have Standing and Ability. After careful investigation I have connect ed myself with the following reliable houses: W. L. Snyder, John Stout and Wm. (limbic A Co., New York, Hcdliehl ft Son. Philadel phia, Bennett, Rand ft Co.ulio.dnn. The above houses will a* in concert and indcavor to hold the markets up. I will re main in New York during the shipping sea son, and give ni> personal attention to the business. Receive daily quotations from each of the markets, and wire to tin Times-Enter- prisc for publication. When your shipments are scattered it tends to break down, the mar kets. Respectfully, Jos. S. Norton, Ollicc 529 Washington St., 7-0-tf New \ork. Bncklcn’* Arnica Waive. The Best Salve in the World A for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cossets, Drug Store. tlcorec lllitit, Ambrose Dibit, J. |>. Cowpcr. Olivit Brothers, Commission Merchants, Melons and Pears Specialties, 355 Washington St., NEW YORK. Reference: North River Hark. William Halley & Co., PKODTJCE COMMISSION - MERCHANTS, Melons a Specialty. 197 WEST STREET, liefer Hunk. NEW YORK. New York Con nty National d&w2m TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold to all summer resorts throughout the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia and (Jcorgia Railway, commencing Jnne 1st, good to return on or before October 31st. Fast train service with Pullman cars. B. W. WRENN, Hen. Pass, and Ticket Ag Hunt & Voorhees, 179 READE ST., N. Y., C'oimiii.ssioti Ihalvt's Southern Fruit and Produce Particular attcutiou paid to the sale of peaeluiN, pears unit melons. ■Sales reported daily and returns promptly made. KSTAIM.INIItin INIS. IS. «. WOODWARD, gkneral Commission Merchant Melons and Pears Specialties. 174 CHAMBERS ST. XH1V YOltli. C-W O.iiW 2m