The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 29, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. T OHN THIPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, • Business Manager, Tlll'ItSDAY, AftifST 1 U8f. Daily Timks-Kstbki-iiisk i' pnWishsd every morning (Monday pxc qdod.) The Weeki,T Tiuks-Kstkiii'Iiisk every Siuurdiiy morning. SrnwKiiTios Naths. Daily TiMi.s-Kwenrnisi:, . . W ALLY " ... published 1 00 it snli.-c- |t r. on Daily Katas gjl'rnnsient Itnies.—$1.0(1 per »>|im lire! insertion, ami r*0 rei Is for en qnenI insertion. One Squnie, one month, - - - • One Square, two months - - - - s no One Square, three month -, - - • 1 - llft One Square, fix months, - - - ■ 00 One Square, twelve inont Us, - - - .'In on Subject to change hy special arraiq "me-* r*. II. m int. IlnalnCAA Miilingr General Sherman is tired of hearing "Marching Through Georgia.” So, The Atlanta post office excitement appears to have died out. These experiments with the elixir of life arc going too far. All Indiana doctor has given some to a book agent. Dra. Hammond and Sayre, arc passing left-handed compliments over the former's alleged endorsement of the new elixir. The elixir question will result, it seems, in licks, sir. Atlanta will have to pipe natural gas from Dalton—if it develops in sufficient quantities. However, the first point to be established, is the existence of the gas. Kilrain is oflercd $250 to stand up before Sullivan for four rounds. Be “keerlul” Jake; Sullivan is a bad one. It is pretty safe to assert that the fight will not come off in Mississippi. There is an immense strike goin on in London. Tens of thousands of laborers have quit work, and tlie great industries of London are para lyzed. A wealthy Californian left $6,500 the other day to a shop girl in New York, who treated him politely while making a purchase. Moral: It pays to be polite. Mr. Cleveland and Governor Hill arc in the Adirondacks together. Wc trust this information will not throw any of the C. O. 1*. into a fit of pre mature spasms. The real spasms will come on in 1892. The house has passed a bill to pay clerks and managers of all general elections. It will not be so difficult hereafter to secure the services of clerks and managers at elections. Well, they should be paid. Wc stop the press in order to say that the Times Union, Jacksonville, is one of the best daily papers on our exchange list. The young man who builds up those pithy editorial para graphs, manages to concentrate a large amount ol wisdom in a brief space. -— ■ — Some one has compared Mahonc to Gov. Hill, of New York. If Governor Hill submits tamely to ibis, lie can never be nominated lor President. Hill ought to whip the man who made the comparison. On Cuban railways any passenger who desires to do so can smoke in any car of the train, and the conductor himself passes back and forth through the cars smoking a cigar as if it were a part of bis official duly. Evan Howell tried to out cat 1 ton Bain at a Washington county barbe cue, the other day. The effort goes down in history as one of Evan’s very few failures in life. He ought to have known better. The Alliance endorses a dog law. Now, we’ll sec whether the legislature pays any attention to the recommend ations of that large, respectable and influential body of citizens. There will be some old dodging when the bill is brought up. Stand up to the rack, gentlemen. As oltcntinic lierctofoic suggested in this column, there be many old pro verbs and adages which should be turned around hind end foremost. For example, consider the curse that fol lows the drinker, the proverb, "Cursed be he who putteth the bottle to his neighbor’s lips,” might be better read: "Cursed is he who putteth his lips to his neighbor’s bottle.”—Timcs-Union, Jacksonville. Thou art wise, O, respected con temporary, in thy day and generation. A New Issue. From the following special to the Telegraph it will lie seen that a new question has been sprung in the leg! lature. It, is one which affects, vitally, the farmers and the agricultural in terests of the state. At i.anta, Ga., Aug. 2(1.—Senator Gihhs this morning proposed a bill calculated, in the cvenfcit heroines a law, to try the state of the public tem per in regard (o the exodus of negro laborers. The existing law, hy imposing a license tax of 8500 for each county, discourages and keeps away such emi gration agents as may east a longing eye upon the broad hacks of the Georgia negro. The Gibbs bill proposes to throw down the bars and give these agents a fair field by repealing that part ol section -1,008 of the Code which mak it, a misdemeanor for them to solicit without first obtaining this expensive license. Senator Gihhs apprehends that the farmers will find no difficulty in retaining all the laborers they want. Those negroes, lie says, who have good places on larns will hardly aban don so comfortable a certainty to test the flattering blit unreliable emigration agents, while the state will he speedily relieved of 100,000 loafers, whose presence is now a constant menace to ood order in the Georgia towns. The bill, lie says, was prompted by this latter consideration. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. LOS ANGELES. CAL., ROCKED BY AN EARTHQUAKE. The Negro as an Inventor. Prof. R. R. Wright, principal of the Augusta high school, (colored), dcliv crcd an interesting lecture at Reach institute last night on "The Negro as an Inventor.” The lecture showed much study and research, and was delivered in an easy and pleasant manner. As a speaker Prof. Wright is clear, fluent and logical, and is considered probably the most eloquent colored speaker in the state. He mentioned about too nogro inventors, but only one ol them took out a patent previous to 1870 His audience was large and very attentive. 'I'he small hall was packed with about 600 people, who went away pleased.—News. Nineteen O’clock And now they threaten to do away with the old-notation of time, usinc a. in. and p. m. to denote whether the hour is in the forenoon or afternoon, and instead to run the hours straight up to 24. Instead ol 1 p. m. for in stance, it would be 13 o’clock. Just think how awkwark it would be for the old, man not dressed to receive compa ny, to stand at the head of the stairs and bawl down at Samantha Jane, who is entertaining young Noodles, in the plarlor; "I say, there, did you know it was 19 o’clock ?” There will be one great big sigh of relief when the discussion on the lease bill comes to a close. The best smeller now fails to detect gas where it was alleged to have been discovered near Dalton the other day. The Georgia Slate Alliance Exchange has ruled that no man who keeps an Alliance store shall sell to any others than members of the Alliance. Atlanta wants the Alliance Ex change. Wc reckon she’ll get it. It would be just like her. We have no objections to enter, as Tliomasville is not applying. Some days ago the bouse of "Uncle Jim” Cheers, of Ilawkinsville, Fla., was burned with all its contents while he and his wife were from home. The white people there built burr another house, and set him up as goedasnew. The old man, no doubt prefers to be called "Uncle Jim” by such neighbors, rather than live in Ohio and Massa chusetts to be called "Mr. Cheers,” and have a few religious tracts and a cheap ‘ God bless you” or two pre sented.—Timcs-Union, Jacksonville. Atlanta, Ga , Aug. 26.—The Ful ton county commissioners to day levied a county tax of 35 cents on the hundred. It is levied on nearly $40,- 000,000 worth ot property. It is said that several members are “loaded" with amendments to the W. A: A. lease bill. The bill has already been mo!t thoroughly and exhaustively discussed in committee of the whole, and it is hardly probable that the house will adopt any of the amendments offered in the house. Died at the Age of 121—Another Cloud Burst in North Carolina—The Plant System Worth a Million Dollars More than they Thought they Were Buf falo Bill Dines the American Minister in Paris - Fire in the Ohio Penitentiary. Ditiiiam, N. C., Aug. 27.—The Globe learns of the death of Granny Boston at Murphy, N. G. She was 121 years of age, was a pensioner and renu lobcreil the battle of King’s mouniain. Her corpse weighed only fifty pounds. Ciiaki.oitt:, N. C., Aug. 27,- A cloud burst yesterday over Rocking- iuiii and that vicinity destroyed the lams and damaged the machinery of the 1’ec Dee, Robcr Dec, Great Falls, Midway, and Ledbetter mills. The] loss is estimated at 8100,000. Five hundred hands arc thrown out of employment. The railroad I ruck of the Carolina road lor fifteen miles is more or le torn up. Los Av.ia.ns, Cai.., Aug. 27.—A sharp shock of earthquake occurred here aMi: Id o’clock this evening. It began with a slight tremor, which lasted a few seconds, then the vibra tion- grew stronger and ended with two heavy shockes. The entire dura tion of the disturbance was about ten seconds. Chicks slapped add ceilings cracked Ho far as known no other damage was done. The shock was the must severe experienced in many years. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 27.—A tre mendous increase lias been made in the valuation of the Savannah, Flori da and Western by the board of as sessors appointed .by the governor. The board reported to the comptroller to-dav and assesses the property at $5,177,705 The company’s figures were $4,037,113, a difference of over *1,000,000. Unless arbitration is demanded the road will be taxed on the figures of the assessors. I’auis, Aug. 27.—Col. William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) to-day gave a breakfast to a number of distinguished American tourists now in Paris, includ ing Mr. Edison and party, John Hocy, Chaunccy M. Depcw, Mich a: I O’Brien, Augustin Daly, Miss Ada Rehan and parly, Col. Moore and T. P. Branch of Georgia. There were seventy-five ladies and gentlemen present. White- law Reid, United Slates minister, and many members of the American colo ny were among the guests. CoT.U.wnrs, ()., Aug. 27.—One of the most exciting conflagrations that lias visited this city in years occurred at the Ohio penitentiary this evening. About 8 o’clock flames were dis covered in the factory building occu pied by the Columbus Chair Compa ny. The fire started in the boiler room where shavings became ignited by coals from the boiler lurnacc. The flames had made great headway when discoyered, and the piison fire department was utterly helpless. The city department was called in, but before the flames could be got under control the chair factory, Columbus bolt works and a large warehouse were total wrecks. The prisoners were locked in their cells, but the fires had not been put out, am! the greatest consternation prevailed. Whatever else may be said about the failure ol the Brown-Sequard elixir, several well authenticated cases of wonderful relict by it in rheumatism arc reported. But it is to have a rival and competitor even in this class of disorders. Dr. Tere, of Vienna, who made tfie discovery that rheumatism can be cured by the sting of bees, is coming to this country to treat such cases. Between his remedy and that ot the Brown Sequard elixir, sufferers from rheumatism may, in the language of the showman, "pay their money and take their choice ” The telegraph reports that ‘‘Baby McKee” had the colic the other night. Horrible! The country will await the next bulletin with bated breath. Countryman—Who arc they putting that statue up for? Cit'zcn—That’s the statue ot James Brown Smith. Did he do anything great or wise while he lived ? Yes, he paid for the statue before he died. Wiggins, the weather prophet, is to he knighted. He ought to be strapped, instead. Wig has told a hundred lies about the weather. The legislature is talking about legislating on tramps. Let the present vagrant law he first enforced, before making any morc^aws on the subject. The statisticians are endeavoring to figure out the census of the country when the figures shall have been made up next year. The estimates vary from 62,000,000 to 67,250,000. There arc five girls in one ol the Humphries families ol Fleming county Ky., and their names are Arkansas Louisiana, Tennessee, Florida and Virginia. ’NorJnNi* s Yearn. Head, Arum anil Ilreanl a Hoiitl Mrnli, Hack covered with Norm. Urn* Doctor* and Iflcdi- cincn fail. Cured by Cmiciira Heine- dim at a coni of JJJI.7H. I have used the Cuticura Remedies with the best results. I have used two bottles of the Cuticura Resolvent, three bottles of Cuticura and one cake of Cuticura soap, and am cured of terrible scalp and skin disease known as pso riasis. I bad li for eight years. I would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my bead would be a solid scab, and was at the time 1 be- gan the use of the Cuticura Remodies, My arms were coveted with scabs from my elbows to my shoulders, my breast was almost one sol id scab, and my back covered with sores vary ing in size from a penny to a dollar. I had doc. toted with all the best doctors with no relief, and used many Uilterent medicines without effoct. My case was hereditary, and l began to think, incurable, but it began to heal from the lirst application of Cuticura. ARCHERRUSSEL, Dcshicr, Ohio. Mkln Disease O Years Fur**!. I am thankful to say that I have used the Cu ticura Remedies for about eight mouths with great success, and consider myself entiroly cured of salt slicum, from which 1 havcsulTered for six years. I tried a number of medicines and two of the best doctors in the country, but found nothing that wonld oilect a cure until i used your remedies. . MRS. A. McCLAFMN, Morctte, Mo. rile Wont Cnnc of Wcrofulnr Cured. Wc have l»een selling your Cuticura Remedies for vears, and have the lirst complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. Ouo of the worst cases of Scrofular I ever saw cured by the use of five bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura soap. TAYLOR A TAYLOR, Druggist, Frankfort, Kail. Culicurn ;ltnnrdlcn. Cure ©very species of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and binod, with loss of lmir, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly ich- lyosis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, oc.; Soap, _j.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Totter Drug and Chemical Co., llosten, Mass. Ffp-Send for “iJow to Cure Skin Diseases,” Cl pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. This is tlic season when every one wants to advise the farmer in rclcr cncc to selling or holding his cottoti. One man tells him to hold, another to sell. This leaves the farmer to settle the question lor himself. There is some talk about Fred Douglass losing the Ilayti mission, after all. Tis said that “republics arc ungrateful.” This would he a glaring instance of llic ungratefulness of the republicans. PINIPLESJO SCR0FULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. Young Female College, Thomasvilie, Ga. - Fall Session Regius Wednesday, September 4th, 1889. Full Collegiate course, nlVords every facility for it thorough education. Location hcnlthful, grounds extensive mid attractive. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks. - - - @13.00 Preparatory Department, -0 weeks, - - ID,00 Music, per month, ...... t.AO Drawing, per month, ... - .‘{.DO Painting, “ i‘ - -1.00 Hoard in College per month, - ... lA.OO Tuition payable onc-half in advance, balance at expiration of lirst quarter. • .UNO. JO. 1 > A K Id It, augU.’L President. and oily skin prove WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, Kidneys and Uterine Pain?) and Weaknesses, relieved in one minute by tho Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, the firstand only pain killing plaster. New, instan taneous, infallible. 25 cents. B.B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try this remedy you wilt say jib many others have said, that it is the best blood purifier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of convincing testimony. J. 1*. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. (West End), rites, “I consider that U* B. B. has perma nently cured me of rheumatism and sciatica. - ’ It. II. Saul ter, Athens, On., says: B. B. B. cured me ot an ulcer that hud resisted Jill other treatment. E. <1. Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes : My mother and sister had, ulcerated sore tlyroat and scrofula* B. B. B. cured them.” Jacob F* Spoticlor, Newnan, Ga., writes : B. B. II. entirely cured meof rheumatism in mv shoulders. I used six bottles. 'Clias. Reinhardt, No. *20*2G Fountain Street Baltimore, Md., writes : “I sutiered with bleeding piles two years, and am ghul to say that one bottle of B. B. B. cured me.” J. J. Hardy, Toccoa, Ga., writes : **11. B.B. is n quick cure for catarrh. Three hollies cured me. I had been troubled several years." A. Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says : One bottle of B. B. II. completely cured my child ol eczema.” W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala, writes: II. B. B. cured my^mothcr of ulcerated sore throat.” TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold to all summer resorts throughout the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October Jlst. Fast train service with Pullman cars. ]r. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Ag WANTED, 500 Gars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits, For # which I will pay highest market price in cash, or sell on commission, and I will pay a reward of $25 to the person shipping me the car ot the largest melons this season. This reward is over and above the market price of said cur when received. A. 1\ RICKETS ffholt-ilc Fruit ami Produce Dealer Chattanooga, Tcnn. Jtcfcrercc: People’. Hank and other banks here; nUo It. tj. Dun k Co., and the wholesale merchant- of this city gonerally. Headquarters tor Drags! REID & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, .Sheet Music, Etc. <1 BEAR IN" MIND > ITIAT THEY HAVE THE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IUST GEORGIA. Where you can find fresh ami pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at ail hours, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb's preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. REID A CULPEPPER, 120422 Broad Ml CLOTHING Continued at Cost Until Sept. 15. We are pleased to announcc-that the heavy reductions wo have made in prices of our Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Hats, has enabled us to reduce our stock considerably. Being anxious to dispose of it all before Fall season, we will from now on inaugurate special reductions in various lines. -L O O IKI I . TOWELS. 100 do/.ou Towels at 5 cents each DRESS GOODS. Rial Linen Chamhries at 10 cents. Figured G'hnllics at Of cents. Fall Chnllics, the latest style in Cot ton Goods, at 8 cents. All other Dress Goods in proportion. TABLE DAMASK. 2 pieces Turkey Red Duraask at 20c. 1 “ » “ " “ -10e. 3 •> " “ “ “ 50c. SIIOFIs. The largest stock and best goods in the city for the money. Wc willlhc pleased to have all who wish anything in our line to call and get prices before buying elsewhere. . Very Respectfully, 10 • “ 10 “ .‘50 1 4 " ‘ “ 121 “ ( u ir,” ti it L J 60 14 , .. 20 .. 17 , .. 25 •< 1LL.E AGIIING. Ouc case 1-1 Bleaching at 61 ccnla. We also call your attention to our muant counter, where bargains are numerous. L. Steyerman & Bro. Why is It 1 People will continue to buy groceries on .‘10 days’ time, and thereby pay 15 per cent, more for them than they can buy them for for the spot cash. Don’t you know you are paying 15 per cent, on some account the merchant can’t collect? He has to charge those who do pay, enough to make good his losses in had accounts. It is perfectly legitimate and business-like, too! lie lias to live. But while it is perfectly right in him to charge you that way, it is very foolish in you to pay it, hecauso you can make that per cent, yourself by buying your goods for cash. I will take your order at regu lar prices, anil then discount it 15 per cent, for the cash. Respectfully, M. P. PlCKKTT. Notice of Election. To the Qualified Votkus of Tiiomasvillk: In accordance with a resolution of Coun cil, passed at a regular meeting on the 1 Dili of August, 1880, an election was ordered and will be held on the twentieth (20th) day of September, 1880, at the usual place of hold ing municipal elections, as prescribed by an Act of the State Legislature, approved Sept. 21st, 1887, on llic question of “Ronds” or “No Bonds.” The amount ot lionds to be issued will lie Fifteen Thousand ($ 1 f>,1Rj0) Dollars for the purpose of purchasing land for park purposes, the balance, it any, to he applied to the extension of the water works of the town. The rate ot interest which the bonds arc to bear will be five (5) per cent, per annum, and payable semi-annually; the whole amount to be paid off in thirty years, which will require Seven Hundred nnd Fifty Dollars ($750.00) annually tor the interest, and Five Burred Dollars ($500.00) annually to provide for payment of the principal. JOS. MANSELL MERRILL, Mayor pro tern. Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 10, 1880. TAILORING. There Is uii end to all things, so the people say, but there Is no end to the splendid lifting clothing mado at hi Ilroad street. Cleaning mid repairing done In the neatest manner. Give mo o call. John Kenny, Ruckleii’* Arnica Nnlrr. The Best Salve in the World for Guts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,and positively cured Biles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect ssitisfaetion, or money refunded. Brice 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. Reeeiv l of tin Association, of N lars for ten days’ accident. I dice for prompt puym 5 Brcferrcd Mutual Acci4»itl ew York, Thirty-Two Dol* disability, resulting from rfullv recommend this Co. cut. * E. M. Smith, Casli’r Bank of Thos’villc. Tliomasville, Ga., Aug. 2, 1888. 83,000 RE.tTII HY ACCIDENT. .1,000 I.O.SS or IIANIH OR FEET, .1,000 I.O.SS Ol* II AND ANI) FOOT. •j,.100 I.OHM OF IIANI) OH FOOT. 2,300 1.OSS OF BOTH EVEN. *4,100 IM UMAM N IM olal Disnbilil) 0.10 I.OSS OF ONE EYE. 23 per week, Temporary Total nbillty. FOR FIFTY-TWO WEEKS. costs in this Association*, ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH, while other accident, companies in the event of serious accidental injury srop tho payment of indemnity at the end of twenty-six weeks, the Preferred Mutual continues the same for fifty- two weeks. T. X. II01*141 NS. Agcai, Tliomasville, (in. fi-.l-l nnl PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Jlrown, tho Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all the lirsUiduss Piano* ami Organs, which lie 1b soiling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Thpsc desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices and terms. Don't Kxprriuirtif, You canuot a fiord to waste time in exper imenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Cousumptic n, Coughs and Colds, but lie sure you get thcgenuiuc. Be cause lie can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don’t be deceived, hut Insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and ('host a flections. Trial bottle free at S. J. Cassels’ Drug Store. Large bottles one dollar.