The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 01, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. T OHN TKIPLETT, - - S. B. BURR, - Busincs - Editor. 5 Manager. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER I. 1880. Daily TiMKSkEvmmiisii every morning (Monday e> The Weekly Timks-Entkrpkr every Saturday morning. Subsumption Dates Daily Timks-Entkbpbisr, . . W KKI.Y “ • • Daily Adykrtis m; Ba ^Transient RnteP.—?1.00 j*cr s first insertion, and 50 coi ts lor qurnt insertion. One Square, one month, - - One Square, two months - - One Square, three month', - Or.o Square, six months, - - One Square, twelve mont'is, - Suhjeet to change hy special N.n. II IKK. UiisIii<« i-. publish* •T»"U is publis u $r, mi , 1 on Major McKinley, of O-h i-o, is op posed to an extra session. Mrs. Terry has appeared in court again. Mrs. Terry should disappear. The court has decided against sev erance,in the cases of the Cronin mur derers. And now New York threatens to build a tower which will dwarf the Eiffel structure into insignificance. The daughter, and only child of Stonewall Jackson, is dead. The south will mourn with the bereaved mother and husband. Julia Jackson recently married Mr. W. K. Christian. An effort is to he made to do away with the dam just above Augusta, which supplies their great canal. Of course Augusta will resist it. It would ruin the great cotton mills there. Turner, of the Albany News and Advertiser, has discovered that the ladies of Atlanta wear russet hose as well as russet shoes. Me says the discovery was purely accidental. The range of the Mannlichcr rifle was proved again in a startling manner the other day,when an Austrian soldier was killed by one at target practice at a reputed range ot over two miles and a half. The G. A. R. passed mild resolu tions endorsing Tanner. A resolution fully endorsing his administration of the pension bureau was offered, but was withdrawn, and the milder one adopted. Tanner lias been imprudent enough to assail Henry Waltcrson. If Ian ncr’s hide is not tanned, and lning up to dry bclorc Watlcrson gets through with him, it will he the eighth wonder of the world. And now Tanner wants all the wid ows ot soldiers who have married, tt receive pensions, back pay, galore,and so forth. Tanner wil 1 never rest until he can catch a glimpse ot the bottom ot the treasury. In the meantime the tax payers will soon reach the bottom of their pockets. If the farmers of cotton growing states would economize, raise their meat and mules, and practice mixed husbandry to the end of producing at home adequate supplies of all kinds, they would soon recover their once enviable position—the richest agricul turists in the world.—News and Ad vertiser, Albany. An effort is being made in the Geor gia legislature to pension the widows of cx-confcderates who were killed in battle, died from wounds, or perma ncntly disabled by service in the con federate army. This would help many a poor struggling woman. Widows who are married would not, of course share in this pension. Mr. Snclson, of Meriwether, is a thron in the legislative side. Regular ly every morning lie introduces a res' olution that no member shall i eeeivc pay while absent from his seat, even though excused, and regularly the House tables the resolution with great heat. Mr. Snelson is wrong in con tinually reopeuing a question which has been settled by legislative vote. His persistence in combating the sense of the House is an unjustifiable .consumption of that very time and money he professes to be desirous to save. But the Legislature is wroug in treating the proposition itself as an insult- lu itself it is just and right I’cr diem is n compensation for ser vice, and if the member does not rett ilcr the service lie is not entitled to receive the pay.—Augusta Chronicle, An Illustration. The difference between Northern preaching and practice in the treat ment of the negro, is illustrated by the accidental juxtaposition of two news items in the Cincinnati Enquirer ol last Thursday. One is a special tele- gram from Selma, Ala., in reference to the. trouble created by an editorial in a 111 gro paper there, advising the “down trodden'’ race to arm for a war with tTic whiles, and predicting the utter destruction of the latter. Asa reason for thus urging his readers to adopt the "torch and dagger” policy recommended hy Gen. Sherman, the editor charges the white people with depriving his race of every right, and making their condition unbearable. He only echoes the statements made every day in radical newspapers of the North, which rarely fail in this connection to vaunt the superior hu manity and justice of liberty-loving Yankecdom. One would imagine, in the absence of facts to the contrary, that negroes were allowed at the North all the privileges which these papers claim should he accorded them in tin- South. The other item in the Enquirer, im mediately preceding the special, re lates an assault made upon a negro employed in a Cincinnati stable by- two white drivers. It appears that the negro had been made boss of Un stable, and celebrated his promotion by ordering one of the drivers |about in a very offensive maimer. At least the driver took that view of it, and he jumped on the new boss. The other driver couldn’t hear to see his comrade fighting with a ‘‘nig ger,” so lie took a hand himself. Be tween them the negro was beaten un til life was almost extinct, and this, too, while the music of brass hands was calling the populace together to welcome the representative of the race equality policy, President Harrison. The treatment of this negro was in accordance with the usual practice north of the Ohio river. The Kn quirer says “the new stable boss was objectionable to the drivers on ac count of liis color,” and the paper seems to consider the motive too nat ural to need elaboration. The drivers took-their cue from mechanics who re fuse to work on buildings with lie grocs, and possibly from the 5 oung Men’s Christian Association of New York, which refuses to admit the brother in ldaek to membership or to its rooms. In the South white and negro me chanics work side hy side on lniildings j and the same is true of cotton com presses, limgshoiciiii n at (Southern pints, and other occupations. The black man is paid just as much as the white man of equal skill. It lie he thrifty and shrewd lie can, and dots, accumulate property and lay up money against a rainy day. Ilis children have the facilities for obtaining an education that are oili-red white children, and in every- other aspect his material interests are bet ter guarded here than in the land of the canting Puritan.—Evening News, Macon. latest telegraphic news. Stonewall Jackson’s Daughter Dead Dan Lamonl Buys z Railroad -John Chi naman Going For the “Meliican Man” A Colored Convention Called —Har- rison-Heoitatcs About the Extra Ses sion Americans Arrested in Switzer land For Tramps. Ni;\v Yiikk, Aug. GO. — At noon to-day the irnpcliises, tracks, etc, of the PnoaiLivay Surface railroad were auction at the real estate ex- fiir sAY),000, Col. Daniel La is the purchaser. There was cluing monl no otl h. l.M in dispatch I hid. Aug. i’ll, 1 A. M.—A the Standard from Shnn- “Peking advices are that a number of high Chinese officials have petitioned I’riuec Chilli to have all Americans employed in China expelled from the empire. It is re ported that Prince Chun consents.” Boston, Aug. 30.—A meeting of colored people was held here to-night at which if was decided to hold a con- ferenre of leading colored men of the ,-omilrv in this city some time in Sep tember, tor the purpose of considering the m:itier of the distribution of the feih patronage. . I)i:i:i: I’akk, Mj>., Aug. 30.—It is improbable that President Harrison will call an extra session of congress, at least s-, the representative of the Associated Press is led to believe by a conversation with men who have the President's confidence, though this not official. Lfi ixNi:, Aug. 30.—Mr. Wash burn, Eniled Stales minister to Switz erland, has made a formal protest to the Budesralc- against the wrongful arrest of four American tourists at Berne, charged with being pickpockets. The poisons referred to were liberated after two day’s imprisonment. No apology was ottered to them for the mistake that had been made. Heavy damages are elaimen. Ciiapj.ottk, N.C. Aug.—Mrs. W.E. Christian nrr Julia Jackson, only child of Stonewall Jackson, died here nt C o’clock this morning, after a two week’s illness 0 f typhoid fever. Lkxini.tdn, Y.v., Aug. 30.—The remains ot Mrs. W. 13. Christian, who died at Charlotte, N. C. this morning, will he buried here beside her father, Gen. Thomas J_ Jackson (Stonewall), to-morrow. Now that the lease question lias been settled, the next thing is the knotty problem involved in the better ment question. rctitioii for Charter. (; E< >U(» I A—Thomas County. To the Superior Court of said county: The pe tition of John Triplett, S. II. Itiurr, Albert Win ter. A. I’. Wright, 8. L. Hayes, James Watt, and their associates, auccossors and assigns, shows that they desire to be made a body corporate and politic, with all the rights, powers and priv ileges usually incident and necessary to corpo rations. in: ler the name and stylo ot the Timks- Kntf.iiI'KisK rrnhisiiiNti Compavy. That they desire to do a general printing and publishing business, including all the branches of a news- naner business ana of job printing and binding. That they desire to have the authority to lease, buy, hold and sell real estate, and to construct and own buildings thereon, in connection with said newspaper and job business, and to make any and all contracts necessary to carry on such lusiness; ami to adopt such constitution and for its government and the successful prosecution of its business as arc not inconsist ent with this charter, or the constitution of Inws of this State or of the United States. That the principal otlico ami place of business of said company shall be in Thomasville, in Thom as county, (Jeorgla. That the capital stock of said company shall be Kiglit Th msand Dollars (#8 000.00), divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, .anti Petitioners dosir# to havo the privilege ot increasing their capital stock at fjnic to any amount not exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.) That they desire that the business affairs of said company shall be under the control of a Hoard of Direc tors composed of not less than Hyc nor more than nine of its stockholders, who shall have nower to elect such officers as they in their discretiontnav deem best for the welfare of the Company, prescribing their salary ami duties. That they desire to have perpetual succession, to have and use a common seal, and that this charter remain in force for twenty (20) years, with the privilege of renewal at the end ol that time. Amt that the liability ef stockholders to the creditors of the Company shall be to the ex tent of their unpaid stock subscription, and- no more. JOHN TRIPLETT, 8. B. BURK, ALBERT WINTER, Petitioners. Clerk'--' office SiTtr.nlon Court: 1 hereby certify that tho above ami-foregoing petition Is an exact copy of petition filed in ot- lice till* (lav. ns will appear from my minutes. This, uotli tiny ol August, law. Clerk Sillieri Furniture, Carpets, Redding, Childrens Carriages Wall 1’aper and Window Shades Struw'mattings, Hugs, etc- The host style and lowest prices in Ihe city. < GEO. W. FORBES, ,3-1 |., v 2t dtt Masury Building- Wonderful C-iiren. W. D. Ilovt & Co., Wholesale nnd Retail Druggists of Rome On., says: We have been selling Dr. King's New Dicovcry, Electric Ritters and Bueklcn’s Arnica Salve for four years Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this citv. .Several eases ot pronounced Consump tion Lave been entirely cured by use ot a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Ritters. We guarantee them always. Sold l»v S. J. Cassels. PIMPLESJT0 SCROFULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. INorliuh H Yearn. Head, llrrnd a Nolle! Wcnli, with Norc*. cincn fail- dim at r na nnd covered Urn! Doctor* and JVJedi* Cured by Uillicitr« llciuc- eo»« of $.’1.73. I have used the Cutlcnra Remedies with the best results. I have used two bottles of the Cuticura Resolvent, three bottles ol Cuticura and one cake of Cuticura soap, and am cured ol a terrible scalp anil skin disease known as pso riasis. 1 had il for eight years. I would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my head would be a solid scab, and was at the time I be gan the use of tho Cuticura Keiuodics, arms werocovered with scabs from my to my shoulders, Macon’s Mayor on Carpet-Baggers. New York .Star: “I’ll tell yon wliat wc want in Georgia, that is Northern men anil Northern capital for legitimate business,” said lion B. Price, Mayor of Macon, (in., i is spending a few days in the city. What wc don’t want,” he continued, ‘is carpet-baggers. TJtc gentlemen without any capital but their wits, and no intention of doiug honest, work arc just the kind of people wc don’t want, But we are getting them, too many of them. They want to get into politic: or anything else they can to make a dollar without work. In my section of Georgia wc are having a highly prosperous season. Farmers and busi ness men generally feel it and look for its continuance. To this prosperity Northern enterprise is doiug much to bring this state of affairs about, and wc arc glad to sec Northern settlers come into our country when they mean business. But wc don’t want atty more carpet-baggers.” ' Everything Serene- The Queen ol England, in her ad dress to parliament, day before yester day, said: "My relations with the other powers arc most cordial, and since the begin ning of the session nothing has hap pened to diminish my confident ex pectation that the peace ot Europe will remain unbroken.” Mr. West, of Habersham, has intro duced a bill in the bouse to incorporate the town of Demurest, in that county. A novel feature is a proviso that the women be allowed to vote. This the first bill ol the kind ever introduc ed in the legislature. It is proper to add that the town is settled by north western people, and it is by their lucst that ibis novel feature is in the bill. Georgia is not good missionary ground for the nciv isms of the north. MILLINERY —AT- _ I hows breast was almost one sol id scab, and my back covered with sores vary- ‘-'-dollar. I had doe. rs with no relief, and used many different medicines without fcffoct. My case was hereditary, and I begani to think, incurable, but it began first application of Cuticura > heal from the AUC1IKR11US8EL, Deshlor, Ohio. Kklu Disease O Your* fur^il. I am thankful to say that I have used tlic Cu ticura Remedies for about eight mouths with iM-cat success, and consider ntyscli entirely M * 1- r—u which 1 havcsulfercd number of medicine and two of tho best doctors in the country, but found nothing that would olfcct a cure until u S cd S -o«rrcn.°mc.. a Mi W AFr ix , Morctte, Mo. The Worst C’nsr of Ncrofnlnr Cured. Wc have been selling your Cuticura Reinedie; for years, and have the first complaint yet ti receive from a purchaser. One of the w >rst cases of Scrofular l ever saw cured 1. of five bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura soap. TAYLOR A- TAYLOn, Druggist, I'ranklbrt, Ka Cutic urn ItcinediCN. oCurc itching the skin, - ... . from pimples to scrofular, except possibly leli- tl ?old everywhere. Price, Cuticura, oc.; Soap, 2ft.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared bv the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. drftend for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 04 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. Young TJ’emale College, Th.oma.svilie, (la. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4th, 1889. Full Collegiate course, affords every facility for a thorough education. Location healthful, grounds extensive and attractive. - $15.00 10.00 4.50 3.00 4.00 - 15.00 at expiration BA K VAX, President. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, Music, per' month, - - Drawing, per month, .... Painting, “ f‘ Board in College per month, Tuition payable ont-lialf in advance, balance of lirst quarter. JNO. K. au“2.'l- Headquarters for Drags! REID & CULPEPPER'S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <1 T4TH A R IN MIND THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I3ST GEORGIA- Where you can find fresh nnd pure drugs and day or night, by competent Pharmacists, prescription department and guarantee goods i pt prescriptions compounded at all hours* They use only Squibb’* preparations in tho ml prices. REID d CULPEPPER, 120433 ISroad Nt CLOTHING Continued at Cost Until Sept. 15. Wc arc pleased to announce that the heavy reductions wc have made in prices of our Clothing, Furnishing Goods ancL Hats, has enabled us to reduce our stock considerably. Being anxious to dispose of it all before Fall season, we will from now on inaugurate special reductions in various lines. L OOK I TOWELS. DRESS GOODS. Ktal Linen Chambries at 10 cents. Figured Clmllics at (>} cents. Fall Clmllics, the latest style in Cot ton Goods, at 8 cents. All other Dress Goods in proportion. TABLE ITAMASK. 2 pieces Turkey Red Damask at 30c. 1 “ “ 3 “ “ “ “ 50c. SlIOKs. The largest stock and host goods in the city for tlic money. 100 dozen Towels at 5 i -10 “ 10 30 “ 121 T2 • “ “ 15 00 “ 20 17 “ 25 cents each ULEACllING. One case 11 Bleaching at 0A cents. We also call your attention to our remnant counter, where bargains are numerous. Wc will;bc pleased to have all who wish anything in our line to call and vet prices before buying elsewhere. Very Respectfully, L. Steyerman & Bro. Cuticiint Hcmeiuc*. even rpccies of agonising humiliating, C burning, scaly, and pimply diseases ot in, scalp anti blood, ■with loss of hair, PIM‘n and oily akin prevented by CutiouraSunp. YOUR OWH PRICE. MISS LAURA JONES ng moved her damn; e Mitchell House 111* ns, has determined t k to the store t door to Miss out regardless ortli, so as to have none but new ivhen she reopens at her old place, rc, ladies, arc requested to call and get BARGAINS. n many of my goods were not damaged ml others only slightly, ami parties ke money by calling at once. CASH GROCERIES Arc still in the front ranks, and are there to stay. They are growing in favor every day, and in spite of that powerful competitor, the credit system, our sales show a very gratifying in crease every week. Please read the way down prices below -. Best Patent Flour, per bbl. ' ; 6$ Best Creamery Butter, 25 New Cream Cheese, 15 Magnolia Hams, 13 N. Y. Salt Pork 08 Best Rio Coffee, green, M. J., parched 30 Best head rice 61 Granulated Sugar, 10L lbs. 1.00 White Extra C Sugar 11 lbs. 1.00 And everything else in our line at just as low figures. We can save you money, and will do so if you will give us the chance. Respectfully, M. P. Pickett. WEAK, PAINFUL. BACKS, If ' .lrst... tancoua, infallil To tho Friends of Education. Kidneys and Uterino Rains and Weaknesses, relieved in one minute by .... the Cuticura Anti-l’ain l’laster. the first and only pain killing plaster. New, instan- • ' Mlble. 25 cents. My Kindergarten and Primary school will open on Monday,Sept. 10, 1881L With the assistance of Miss Laura Barnes, who will devote more of her time to the work, l wish to make my school FIRST CLASS in every particular. To furnish tic material I will need, which will include that used in AutomaticDrawing, Clay Modeling and coloring, also slate and lead pencils, I find it necessary to make my tuition $0.00 lor the term. Yours very respectfully. • 30-01 • MARY F. BARNES. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try this remedy you will say ns many others have said, that it is the best Idood purifier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Uu., for book of convincing testimony. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, (la. (West End), writes, “I consider that B* B. IL has perma nently cured me o* rheumatism and sciatica.” R. R. Snulter, Athens, C«a., says: B. B. B. cured me of an ulcer that had resisted all other treatment. K. (L Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes : “My mother and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula* B. B. B. cured them.” Jacob F- Sponcler, Xcwnan, On., writes : B. B. B. entirely cured meof rheumatism in shoulders. I used six bottles, has. Reinhardt, No. 2020 Fountain .Street Baltimore, Mil., writes : “1 suffered with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say that oae bottle of B. B. IL cured me.” J. J. Hardy, Toccoa, (la., writes : “B. B.B. is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me. 1 had been troubled several years.” A. .Spink, Atlanta, (la., says : One bottle oi B. B. B. completely cured my child of eczema.” W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala, writes: IL IL IL cured my*mother of ulcerated sore throat.” Every third person you meet is troubled more or less with biliousness, and don’t know how to get rid of it. The causes are easily recorded. A lack of sufficient exercise, eating too much by persons of sedentary habits, indulg ence in too rich food, a sluggish torpid liver where the blood does not do its duty, and bile is allowed to accumu late; these cause the whites of the eye to turn yellow, the skin to look thick and coarse, and the complexion yellow or dark. These are sure indications of biliousness. Brown’s Iron Bitters is the remedy you want. It acts di rectly upon the blood, cleanses aud purifies it, and sends it on its journey through the channels of the liver, giv ing to it activity and clearing out the bile. It will remove the yellow tinge from the eyes and the complexion, leaving the latter fresh and clear. Notice of Election. To thk Qualified Voteus or Thomasmllk: In accordance with ti resolution of Coun cil, passed at a regular meeting on the 1 Dili of August, 188P, an election was ordered and will be held on the twentieth (20th) day of September, 1881),at the usual place of hold ing municipal elections, as prescribed by an Act of the State Legislature, approved Sept. 1st, 1887, on the question of “Bonds” or “No Bonds.” The amount of bonds to he issued will be Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing land for park purposes, the balance, it any, to be applied to the extension of the water wopks of the town. The rate ot interest which the bonds are to bear will he five (5) per cent, per annum, ami payable semi-annually; the whole amount to be paid off in thirty years, which will require Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) annually for the- interest, and Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) aur.ually to provide for payment ot tins principal. JOS. HANSKLL MERRILL, Mayor pro tem. Thomasville, (hi., Aug. ID, 1880. SEED RYE. J. L. & \V. A. Pringle can s seed rye at $1.50 per bushel, fore supply is exhausted. ipply you with (’all early, be- 8-22dlw Tax and Registration Notice. [first round. I will be at the following named places on days named below for the purpose of collecting the State and County taxes for the year 1889, and registering the legal voters of Thomas county: Duncanville, Monday, Sept. 9. Mclcalle, Tuesday, “ 10. East Glasgow, Wednesday, “ n- Boston, Thursday, “ 1 -■ Ways, Etiday, “ *3- Murphcy’s, Monday, “ ib- Ochlockoncc, Tuesday, “ 17- .Spence, Thursday, - «9- Cairo, Friday, “ 2 °- P, S. Hf.etii, T. C. T. C. And Registrar. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. Received ol' tlic Preferred .Mutual Accident Association, of Xcw York, Thirty-Two Dol lars for ten days' disability, resulting from accident. I cheerfully recommend this Co. for prompt payment, K. M. Smith, Casli'r Hank of Thos’villc. Thomasville, (la,, Aug. 2, 1888. $.1,1100 INI'.ATII ItV ACCIDENT. 3,OOt> I.ONS OF HANDS* »U FEET. 3,000 I,OSS OC HAND AND FOOT. •2,300 I.OSS OF HAND OK FOOIV 0,300 I.ONSOF BOTH KVKN. 2,300 PERSIASENT,Toml Disability 030 I.OSS OF ONE EVE. •23 pci- week, Temporary Total Dis ability. FOlt FIFTY-TWO WEEKS. COSTS IX THIS ASSOCIATION, ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH, while other accident companies In the event of serious accidental injury stop tlin payment of indemnity at the end ut twenty-ala weeks, the Preferred Mutual continues tiro same tor llfty- kwo weeks. T. X. IIOI’KI.V*, AfiCUl, Tltoninsytile, tin. a-:!-lmd PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Drown, Hie Jeweler, bus ee- eured the agency for all tho llnit-oloaa Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at tho lowest prices for cash or on long time. ThoEo desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices nud terms.