The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 03, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 -NO 00. THOMASYILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, ’SSI) $5.00 PER AJNNTTM Ox A full stock the latest styles of Dress Goods, Dry Goods, GLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, HATS, Hosiery, Trim mings, Domestics, and all articles us ually kept in my line, just purchased in New York by Mr. Lohnstein, is now coming in. Call and inspect themf A Plea for the Persecuted. Prom the Ainrricns Recorder. The Legislature of Georgia seems to have been become the object of* all the sarcasm and ridicule of the Geor gia press, and the press 1ms been aided and abetted in its jeers by a few leg islators who seek to acquire some individual notoriety by characteriz ing their fellow members as raiders upon the public treasury, on the plc-a that these members are drawing their per diem lor fooling away their time. While we appreciate the ease with which those items are written, and that the public generally is inclined to think ill of all public servants, we think the press of the State is not only doing gross injustice to an intel ligent and industrious body, but arc making it more difficult to secure just and conservative legislation. Our brethren of the press should remember that in thus characterizing the Legislature as an incapable and thievish body they are reflecting upon the character of their own immediate representatives, whom only a few mot) fits ago they were lauding as be ing eminently fit for the position they now occupy; Very few editors would care to charge their own immediate representative with the moral and intellectual turpitude which they barge upon the whole body, and yet it is safe to say that their inline diate representatives arc a fa : r type of the Legislature as a whole. The fact is, our legislators do not receive the credit which they deserve. There are few of them who would not cam at home more compensation for their time and services than they now receive, to say nothing of the sacrifice made in leaving their homes and bus iness and extra expense incident to their office. It is not calculated to make a man diligent in his duties to have all his motives impugned by those whom lie is honestly trying to serve, and wc can say Irom personal knowledge that there are few mem hers of the Legislature who are not doing all in their power to expedite business consistent with doing their work well. It is to the credit of the men who are thus publicly condemned that they do not heed the public clamor and pass laws without consideration, or leave the work undone, in order that the session may be hurried to a close. It shows that they have a true conception of their duties, and that they set those duties above their per sonal preferences. The greater portion of the time of the Legislature is consumed in the consideration of local legislation, and attempt to cut short such legislation would he looked upon by the very people who do the most grumbling it nil attempt to deprive them of a personal -privilege. Those who the most loudly condemn the legislators for prolonging the session arc often those who the most strenuously insist upon flic passage of some ioeal law. They do not stop to tdidder that the legislation which they propose rnu.t first he carefully considered to see thg*. it is within the constitutional limits does not infringe upon the rights of some other community or class, but wonder why it cannot he enacted within u few hours, Because the Legislature remains in session but four hours per day, many people arc of the opinion that their representatives are not perform ing the amount of work which they should do to entitle them to the com pensation which they receive. These persons either do not know, or forget, that tfic afternoon, and often the night, is spent in committee rooms, carefully considering bills. Wc know of many members who work more hours per day than a majority of their constituents, and it is work which taxes the physical and incutnl system more than mere manual labor. Much complaint is nlso made that there is not always a full attcudancc of members. It must be remembered that the legislators have other busi ness which must lie attended to, for not one of them could live upon the compensation allowed for his legisla tive services. They have also home tics and love their families as other men. It is not to be wondered at, then, that they should occasionally make a hurried visit home to catch up the ends of their business and en joy a few hours with their loved ones, It is to their credit, however, that they have so timed their absence that public business has in no measure been obstructed, for there has not been a single day during the present session .when there has not been a suf ficient number present to transact business. The present Legislature has many important matters before it for con sideration, and any attempt to hasten action in these matters must result injuriously to the interests of the State. When men have in their keeping the interests of millions of people, and the virtual control r,f millions of dollars worth of property, they cannot he too careful in their ac tion. The business of a legislator is not like that of an individual, who has only his own interests to consult, for a legislator has the interests of all to look after, and in his work lie has to be careful that in advancing the interests of one class he does not in jure the interests of another. All in all, we believe the present Legislature will compare favorably, in point of ability and integrity, with any which have preceded it. If the members are not all that they should lie, the fault lies with the people who placed them where they arc, for they had their best men to select from, and if they failed to select the best man they should not complainant, their own action, We believe that the thoughtless and unjust comments upon the Leg islaturc by the press is calculated to do harm, ns it will tend to deter our best men from accepting a position which lays them liable to hnvo their motives impugned mid their integrity impeached. A Bill, To be entitled an Act to have a no- fence law in the following parts of Thomas county, to-wit: All that part bounded on the north by the Savannah, Florida & Western Rail way; on east by Brooks county; on south by Florida; and on west by Oc’nlockonee fiver- Section i. He It enacted by the Gen- j stoc | i billed on said portion eral Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and after the first day of March, 1890, it shall not be lawful for the owner or owners of any horse, mule, cow or cattle, hog, sheep, goat, or ctoc[; of ,qny kind, to ing of such stock or cattle, they-shall be disposed of as now provided by law in cases of estrays, except that in case any such animals shall be disposed of after the payment of legal costs and expenses the balance shall be applied first to damages which such stock or animals may have caused to the owner or owners, tenants or lessees of lands, premises or crops thereon. See, 4 Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in case of disagreement between the party claim ing to be damaged or the taker up of such stock or animals and the owner of the same as to the amount of dam age sustained on account of the alleg ed damage or trespass, or the expense of the feed and attention, the party claiming sa d damages or expenses may. sue for the same, as in other cases of trespass: provided, that said suit shall stand for trial at the first term of the court to which it is brought; and pro vided further, that a special lien shall attach upon the trespassing slock or animals from the date of the trespass for the payment of the judgment ob tained in said suit. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in case of litigation as contemplated by the pre ceding section, the owner ol said stock or animals may replevy the same by- giving bond with good security, to be approved by the officer, judge or jus tice before whom the suit is brought, conditioned to pay plaintiff all damages and costs and expenses which may be recovered against him in said suit. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this Act shall not go into, effect until after the same shall have been adopted by a majority of all the freeholders who are voters resident in that portion of the territory described in the first section of this Act shall have voted “For Stock Law” at an election to be held at all the election precincts embraced in said territory, and at the court house in Thomasvillc for that portion of the 637th district, G. M., in said territory, said election to he held on the first Saturday in December, 1889, under the rules governing elections lor mem bers of the General Assembly, except that the polls shall be closed at three p. m'., and the returns made to the Ordinary of said county, who shall declare the result by publication once in each of the papers published in said county. At said election all parties favoring the adoption of this Act shall have printed or written on their tickets “For Stock Law”, and those opposed “Against the Stock Law. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That should the Savannah, Florida & Western Railway Company agree to run a lawful fence along the northern boundary of its right of way on its main line, outside tire limits of the incorporated towns, from the Brooks county line to the Ochlockoncc river, and should put up said ience, then said railway company shall be relieved horn a'l liability tor of their road. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted by the authority aioresaid, That when the county authorities shall have erected proper,and substantial gates across all public roads, and the parties having private ways crossing the north to allow the same to run at large upon ! ^ ,e sou ^ side of said railway shall have " ‘ - put up proper and substantial gates across them, then any party or parties who shall wilfully leave any one or more gates open, shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction thereof “’ ai' be punished as prcsci.bed in sec. the lands of another, whether enclosed or unenclosed, lying in that portion of Thomas county, east.of the Ochlocko- nee river, and south of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway—Abe northern boundary of said tract being the northern boundary of the right of j 11011 43'° of the code ot .-882. The way of the main line ot said railway. erection of the gates above referred to Sec. 2, Be it further enacted by the j ls hereby made obligatory oil the coun authority aforesaid, That if any of the j L' authorises as to the public roads animals named ip thp foregoing section | anc * ? n the parties having private ways, shall commit any trespass or damage j al ’d ' n default thereof the railway cotn- to the crop or property ol another, or j Priny shall fence across private ways, shall be found running at large upon! ^ cc -.9- Be it further enacted by the the premises of another, whether such authority aforesaid, That all laws and crop, premises or property be enclosed or unenclosed, the owner of said stock oy animals shall be liable to the person damaged ip the amount of actual damages sustained by him, and the party injured, or owner of said prem ises, his tenant or lessees may impound said stock or cattle until such damages and all costs and expenses of taking up and impounding the same, shall have been paid by the owner of such cattle or stock. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in the event any such .animal or animals shall have been impounded under the provisions of the above section, the parties., so impounding shall give them all neces sary care, feed and attention, tor which he shall have reasonable compensation, as hereinafter provided. It shall be his duty within twenty-four hours after such stock or cattle shall have been taken up and impounded, to give no tice thereof to the owner; if the owner is not known and cannot be ascertain ed within six days after the impound- parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same arc, hereby repealed. Twelve Preachers in the House. There pro twelve preachers in the lower branch of the General Assem bly and An e of them arc Baptists. The preachers in the House arc Dr. Felton of Bartow, and Mr. W. A. McDonald, of Ware, Methodists; K. W. Aldrcd, of Pickens; A. Atkinson, of Butts; J. M. Atkinson, of Colum bia; J, W. M. Brown, of Ilarralson, and L. Gunter, ot Henry; J. II. Latham, of Cherokee; -S. Maxwell, of Talbot, Baptists; and S. A. Mclver, the colored member of Liberty, who is a Presbyterian. The worst case of selfishness on rec ord is that of a youth who complained because his mother put a larger mus tard plaster ou his younger brother than she did on bitu. An Experiment. An English colony has been plant ed on Malcolm Island, British Coluin bin. The following are among the rules promulgated for the govern ment of the infant colony: All members of the colony will bo required to work eight hours per diem and four hours on Saturday. The committee, on behalf of the members of the commonwealth will take all responsibility in providing work, med ical attendance, food and clothing for the member and bis family, and also provide for the scholastic education of the children, and, in the event of the member being sick, still provide as though he were at work, and if lie dies, to keep the widow and orphans, clc. Each and every member will have the same interest in the common wealth. The land will be held in trust by the committee for and on be half of the members, and clauses will bo inserted preventing the manufac ture and sale of intoxicating drinks by any member of the G. T. A clause will also be inserted preventing the trustees from selling or mortgag ing the land or property of the com monwealth, and that there shall al ways lie liberty of conscience; that no creed or dogma shall be insisted upon, the only “test” will be a willingness to conform t ) “the ten command ments and the savings of Jesus.” The board of management will un dertake to arrange with cadi member that every lad will learn some trade, and that every girl shall bo instructed in household duties, family dressmak ing, needlework, nursing, cooking, singing, pianoforte, and etiquette. No girl will be considered a servant, but will fulfill her appointment as alearn- As soon as the children of the members are old enough to perform the sacred duties of marriage, they will first give the municipal board three months’notice of their intention, in order to give the Board time to erect ami furnish the house, and make all the necessary arrangements, All marriages will lie contracted as by law established. Young men having learned their trade will be at liberty to leave the commonwealth, and will be at liberty to return after fulfilling the conditions. No member will be called upon to work after the age of >5, but lie may voluntarily. ■-«-»»• Legging for Livingston. The Covington Star, Politician Liv ingston's home paper, claims that bis unanimous election to the presidency of the-State Alliance shows that he has the strongest following of any man in Georgia, and that a formal innounoenicnt of his candidacy for the gubernatorial nomination is necessary. It concludes thus: “Being placed at the head of the must powerful organization without opposition, is sufficient of itself to put him in the lead of all those who have been spoken of in connection with the race for governor.” When Politican Livinston makes his announcement he will hear from this end of Georgia, at least.—(Juit- man Press. To the Front, AS ALWAYS, A Plan* fbr Getting Rid of Mos quitoes. Robert II. Lamborn has placed in the hands of Morris' K. Jesup, of the American Museum of Natural His tory, New York, the sum of 8200, to be [>aid in three prizes of 81-50, 80O, and 820, for the three best essays 011 the destruction of mosquitoes and Hies by other insects. It is suggested that the dragon fly is an active, voracious, and harmless “mosquito hawk,” and that it might, if.nrtificinlly multiplied, diminish the numbers of the smaller insects. A practical plan is called for in the breeding of the dragon lly or other such destroyer in large numbers, and its use in the larva, pupa, or per fect state, for the destruction of 1110s- [uitoes and flies in houses, cities, and neighborhoods.—Scientific American. The county commissioners were in session yesterday. (Mitchell House Block.) . Has just opened up to the young and old gents the handsomest line of shoes ever of fered in our city, in all styles, from the narrowest to the wid est lasts. Patent leather shoes, hand some line of gents’ toilet slippers and full line of ladies’, misses’ and children’s shoes. Mitchell House Block.