The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 08, 1889, Image 3

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-AT" H.V01FF & BRO.’S WE ARE DAILY RECEIVIMG OUR STOCK Which is the hand- somestwehave had in years. Your kind inspection is solic ited. H. Wolf) & Bro., S|Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 188S. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr’s* 126 Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock 1*. M., Sept. 7, 1889. TEMPERATURE. 7 a. Ill 75 2 p. 9° 7 p. 79 Maximum for 21 hours 90 Minimum “ “ “ G® Rain-fall 1 * Local Schedule. Pafl.*eiiger for Savannah Lv... 0 00 p in Passenger from Savannah Ar... 7 00 a in Fast mail for Savannah . Ar... 12 05 p in .. ** •. «• Lv.. .12 30 j» in * “from “ Ar... 1*^11> m “ “ from Savannah Lv... 200 pm Passenger from Albany Ar... 0 20 p in Passenger for “ • • • 0 30 a in Freight and Acom. for Albany Lv... 5 45pm .? .. .. from “ Ar... 7 20am Freight and annum. from Wayc..Ar... 4 00 p m .. •• for Chatt. Lv... COO pm i. 4. >« f„r Wave.... Lv... 8 00 a in .. %. .. from Chatt. Ar... G30 a m THOMA8VILLE ANI) MONTICELLO. Freight accoro. for Monticcllo Lv...8 45 a m 44 44 from “ ....Ar...620pm Fast mail for “ ....LV...2 06 p in 44 44 f ro ,„ 41 ....Ar..l210 p m Talk up your town. Look out for vagrants. Thomasville is a humming. A nice rain fell yesterday. The electric lights arc taking rapid- ly. _____ * To morrow the new jail lot will be located. Drummers were plentiful in town last night. Stick to cotton bagging, and give jute the go by. Sherifl Hurst and the police made three arrests yesterday. Miss Lou Giannini, of Brunswick, is visiting the Misses Stuart. Mr. G. A. Randolph, of Alnbnmn, was at the Widdon yesterday. Mr. W. M. Brooks, a merchant of Boston, was in town yesterday. Mr. II. C. Hargrove, of New Or leans, is stopping at the Stuart. Thomasville ought to build up a good jobbing trade. She can do it. The first Florida oranges of the season have made their appearance. Thomasville is moving nlong stead ily and surely. And she’ll get there. Madison street, in front of the ware house, presented a lively appear ance yesterday. Piles and piles of new goods arc coming in. Handsomer stocks were never seen in Thomasville. Miss Carrie Chisholm and brother, Master John, returned yesterday from a visit to relatives in Savannah. Sec T. J. Ball A Bro’s. new locals. They are handling the very choicest goods and selling them way down. Mr. Adams, of Brice & Adams, prominent merchants of McDonald, was in the city on business Friday. Miss Mamie Sledge, who has been visiting Mrs. J. N. McKinnon on Dawson street, returned home yester day. Representative Smith, of Decatur county, passed through the city yes terday enroute home to spend Sun day. • The new warehouse, near the depot, has been about completed. Four cars were on their sidetrack yesterday un loading. Hon. Arthur Patten, left yesterday for the Manatee river, Florida, where he goes to the bedside of his father, who is quite ill. Rev. J. W. Carter will preach a spe cial sermon to-night at the Christian church. He invites white and colored to come out and hear him. Lumber dealers and builders should keep an eye on Mr. Joseph L. Bever ly’s ad. Joseph means business, busi ness right up to the handle. Mrs. J. C. Peters arrived from Washimrtou Territory, yesterday morning. Her friends are pleased to sec her at the old home again. A cotton special has been put on for the last few days between here and XVnycross. It goes down in the morning and returns in the afternoon R, O. Allen’s Minstrels, the first ol the season, passed through yesterday on route for Bainbridgc, where they played last night. They will take dinner at the Stuart to-day. . CTTRTRIGKETT & I) A.NIEL Are now receiving a large and elegant assortment of the celebrated Zeigler and Reed’s fine Ladies Shoes. J. S. Turner’s, Stacy Adams’ and Bannister’s Men Shoes. Boys’ and Misses’ School Shoes a Specialty. Sign of tlAo Big Boot. * He Rcsteth in Jail. Frank Williams, colored, has been in the employ of Mr. A. F. I’revatt, at and nbout his stoic, on Jackson street. Yesterday Frank was selling fish in front of the store. Mr. Joe MeCants, who is generally wide awake, noticed that the fish were disappear ing more rapidly than the proceeds were coming in. He and Mr. Pre- vatt escorted Frank up-stairs, when he was invited to turn his pockets inside out, and 85.80 rolled gu$. Mr. Williams was promptly escorted to the hotel dc Hurst, Mr. Thomas Sin gletary proprietor. He is lodging at the expense of the county. Judge Mitchell will set on him on Monday. And he will he flattened out—flatten ed out flutter than any flounder lie ever sold. A Wife and Mother Gone. Mrs. W. D. Bryant died at her husband,s residence in Fletchcrvillc yesterday morning, after a short ill ness. She was about thirty seven years old and leaves, besides her husband, five small children, four girls and a hoy, who'are yet almost too young to realize the loss they have sustained. The remains were taken to Cairo yes terday afternoon for interment. Every one will deeply sympathize with Mr. Bryant and his little ones. Mr. Bry ant has hut recently recovered from a protracted illness himself. What It Costs. Times-Enterprise: The following will explain the nialter of cost referred to by Mr. Allison, in his card, which appeared in your issue of the 7th: The State I Trespass ; pirn of guilts 4S. I). Allison J nnil Sentence to pay cost County Court (Code 500) S County Solicitor (act of 82-83,page • r *31): r . Sheriff—Arrest $2; Bond $1; 3 wit nesses (Tf\ 50c., $1.50 (code 3G9G) U, B. Mardrc, J.P., issuing warrant (code 3099) V 25 $13 75 Respectfully, T. N. Hopkins, County Solicitor. A Big Sale. Mr. John S. Montgomery sold a block of fifteen tenement houses, be longing to Mr. John L. Finn, to Mr. \v. C. Pittman, yesterday. Mr. Mont gomery is developing into a first class real estate agent. This sale shows the confidence home people hayc in Thomasville dirt. It is valuable. Two Arrested. Bill Daniels and Steve Jackson were arrested and locked up yester day. The former failed to answer a police summons sonic time ngo, and a bond of 850 was ordered taken. Jackson, who is a ono arm man, was arrested on a peace warrant. Forty dollars of stolen money was found on Daniel’s person. ■ ^4|4» Mr. C. A Lane, the clever repre sentative of the Estey organ compa ny, who lias been at the .Stuart, for several days, left yesterday for Quin cy, Fla. Mrs. James Dickson, of Marianna, Fla., spent she night with Dr. Ram scy and family last night, enroute home from Chattanooga,Tenn., where she lias been spending the summer. The Atlanta expositon has invited all the military companies in the state to attend, and it would he a good idea fur the Guards to send a delegation, at least, to represent them. While the city is putting the cross gs in good condition for the winter business, it would lie a good idea for the property owners to improve the sidewalks by putting down concrete pavements. Mr. Robert Dekle, the veteran county bridge builder, of Thomanville, was the youngest looking of the grand sons, at the Hurst reunion, at Ock- lockonee, last Friday.—Camilla Cla rion. The firemen are very much in fa vor of having a system of ropes to keep back the motly throng which annoys them on overy occasion when thorc Is a fire. Thieves take advan tage of the excitement and crowd, to make off with valuable articles, CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Church, Rev. Geo. G. N. MacDonell, Pastor—Prayer meet ing at 9.30 a. nt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by Rev. J. W. Hinton, Presiding Elder. .Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. Baptist Church—Rev. J. L. Un wood morning nnd night. Other services as usual. Presbyterian Church.—Services in the lecture room—Pastor J. H. Hcrbcner—services at 11 a. m. and and at eight. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night nt 7:30. Sunday school 9.30 a. m. Ei’iscopai. Church:—Rev. C. I. LaRocho, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o'clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock. Catholic Church:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at 8:30 o’clock a. in.; sermon at 11 a. m. Rev. J. W. Hinton, D. D. 'Phis eminent divine will fill the pulpit at the Methodist church to-day, both morning and night. Did you not ice Mr. S. j. Casscls’ electric lights last night? Sam is keeping up with the procession. Rev. Byron Wight has shown us some beautiful samples of evaporated pears. They were prepared and evaporated by G. A. Wight & Sons at Cairo, who have had an evaporator in successful operation for some months. We regret to learn fiom Rev. J. L. Underwood that Hart Hamblcton Pope, a nephew of Mr. 15. W. Hamblc ton, died in Camilla on Friday. The mother gave the cnild ^ grains of mor phine, thinking it was quinine. Mr. Hamblcton went up yesterday morn ing. President Lovejoy, of the South Georgia College, informs us that pupils arc coming in rapidly. Several matric ulated from Cairo, yesterday. The South Georgia College should receive a liberal patronage from South Georgia mid Florida. The New York Mail and Express gives an account of a brilliant Ger man in the Catskills, recently. It occurred in Churchill Hall, a popular summer resort. We notice that Mrs. Joseph A. Jerger was present. The Mail and Express says : “Mrs. Jerger, with her sweet face aiul attractive manner, was becoming ly attired in bhtek tulle, diamond or naments.” At tho last meeting of the county commissioners, the county rate of tax ation for this year was fixed at 60 cents on the 8100, which, with the state tax of forty cents, will make the state and county rates one percent, or 81 on the 8100, the highest rate of taxation since the war. In 1878 and 1885, the state and county rates com bined, reached 90 cents on the 8100, and last year the rate was 89 cents.— News. Chatham county pays very nearly double the amount paid by Thomas. Notwithstanding the fact that tin• ex pense of a new and costly jail is pro vided for, our tax is only 33 cents on the hundred. On the Right Line. The News and Advertiser, Albany, speaking of new enterprises in that grow ing city, says : “A canning factory is assurul: which will prove of inestimable bene fit to this section. The fruits ami vegetables that now go to waste, wil[ have a steady market value, and land within ten miles of the city wilfrbe in demand to grow the products con sumed in the factory. Every p"ar orchard in this section will lie worth 8500 per acre. It behooves all who feel any inter est in the prosperity of the city, to eo operate earnestly in the dibi t to secure to the city, and section, such entcr- jiriscs as tend to give greater value to our products, for he, who, by intelli gent treatment, doubles the value of raw materials, belongs, in fact, to that class which sustains the country— the producers.” Gin House Insurance, —with— IIiuikcII «& 3I«‘i’i*iSl, ThomasvUlo, On. ditwlo »cU-lc ON CASH GROCERIES We will meet lowest prices and give best quality. 9-8 3t T. J. Bali. & lino. Stenographer and Type-Writer. Mr. Joseph M. Droyer offers hi* services to the public sit8 j\ stenographer anti type-writer. All work promptly done and Satisfaction guaranteed* Apply to or address, JOS. M. DUEVEK, At McIntyre k McIntyre's office, 13U Broad .Street. Halt mackerel and No. 1 mess, at T. J. Ball <fc Bro’s. Notice of Dissolution. Tlu* firm of Fife & Beverly lias thi- day been dissolved l»y mutual consent. J. L. Beverly assumes all contracts ami liabilities of tlie firm, and to him all debts now owing them must be paid. Mr, Beverly will con duit the business in all its departments, and will be thoroughly equipped to fill all orders promptly, as heretofore. J. C. FIFE, J. L. BKVKKLY. A CARD. In retiring from the firm of Fife k Beverly, 1 do so with reluctance, as my connection with this business and my partner, for the past year and a half, has been of the most pleasant nature. Mr. Beverly, my successor, nccls no introduction to this community and the trade at large, as be is well known ms a gentleman of sterling worth, and as a thorough mill ami business man has but few superiors. Ih* will he as well prepared as heretofore to accommodate the trade, and 1 bespotk for him'that support that 1ms been so liberally extended this mill in the past. Very Respectfully, J. (I. Fife. Now crop layer raisins at T. ./.Ball it Bro’s. * 9-8 3t For a superior quality of table butler call on T. J. Ball <C* Bro. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Drown, the Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all the tirst-olfiss Pianos and Organs, which he is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchaso will do well to learn his prices and terms. Fresh cream cheese at 8 9 3t T. J. Ball & Bro’s. Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Children 8 Carriages, Wall Paper and Window Shade Straw mattings, Rugs, etc. Thu best style and lowest prices in the city. GEO. W. FORBES, 0-1 l-w2t d'.f Masury Building* Buy dried white codfish ofT. J. Ball & Bro. 9*8 3t are daily receiving -OF- Fall -AND- Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot Light | \ND- i ax and Registration Notice. Jitrst round. I will be at the following named places on days named below for the purpose of collecting the State and County taxes for the year 1S89, and registering the legal voters of Thomas county: Duncanville, Monday, Sept. 9. Metcalfe, Tuesday, “ 10. East Glasgow, Wednesday, “ n. lioston, Thursday, “ 12. Ways, Friday, “ 13. Murphcy’s, Monday, ■* 16. Ochlockonee, Tuesday, “ 17, Spence, Thursday, “ 19. Cairo, Friday, “ 20. P. S. IIkuii, T. C. T. C. And Registrar. CASH GROCERIES Are still in the front ranks, and are there to stay. They are growing ill favor every day, and in spite of that powerful competitor, the credit system, our sales show a very gratifying in crease every week. Piease read the wav down prices below : Rest Patent Flour, per bfd Rest Creamery iJutter, New Cream Cheese, Magnolia Hams, N. V. Salt Pork Rest Rio Coffee, green, M. >V J.. parched 30 Best head rice 6A Granulated Sugar, [o', lbs. 1.00 White Extra C Sugar 11 lbs, 1.00 And everything else in our line at just as low figures. We can save you money, and will do , o if you will give us the chance. Rcspcctiully, M. P. Pickett. 5 <*5 2 5 *5 ■ 3 08 Opens Wednesday, September 4th. Iii.T'isol Facilities, Strictly Military. For catalogue, address (). M, LoVKJOV, •Seale- fresh GEORGIA SYRUP. d in one and half gallons ca like from kittle, at J. T. Bai.i. & Bro’s I ot iT.Utlill UUItlft), health an,l bv h smiriM, hy Shilol’s Catarrh Rcun i 50 cents. N eal Injector fro; MUST GO! Call and get J : OUR Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will SAVE YOU MONEY Clothiers and Furnishers, 106 Broad St., Thomasville, Ga