The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 10, 1889, Image 3

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AT H, WOLFF & BEO.'S t WE ARE DAILY HECEIVIMG STOCK Which is the hand- somestwehave had in years. Your kind inspection is solic ited. H. Wolff & Bro., S|Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 100 & 111 DUO AD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1889. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU K. Thomas Jr's' 126 Broad Street. O. S. Bouduraut Vounteor Obsorver Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock I*. M., Sept. 9, 1S89. Tksi [■>: ii a r [, as. 7 a. in ‘5 Minimum “ “ “ <,s Rain-full Allen’s minstrels left yesterday for Camilla. Misa Laura Jones 1ms left for New York. The Whiddon opeued a new register for its guests on Sunday. Mr. N. M. Gilmer, of Florida, was at the Whiddon yesterday. Mias Dora Dekle has returned from a visit to friends in Camilla. Mr. Shelby Davis and wife of Quit- man, spent Sunday in town. The school children arc invading the book stores for school books. See notice of a stray deer. Suitable reward is offered for its return. County court was in session, yester day and transacted some buiness, though no eases were tried. Messrs. Held and Culpeper are putting a new Moor in their drug store. Mr. C. W. Bowman, of the Central railroad, was at the Whiddon yester day. Miss Josephine Taylor, who has been visiting relatives in the city, re turned to Monticello yesterday. Itev. J. I'- Underwood, of Camilla, preached two ahlo sermons to fine congregations at the Baptist church Sunday. Mr. John A. Scott, representing the Pauly Jail Co., of St. Louis, ac compnnicd by his wife, is stopping at the Stuart. Miss Bcne.ta Edwards, who has been visiting relatives in the city for some time, has returned to her homo at Cherry Lake, Fla. The new knife for the street grader has come. Marshal Spair tried it on Broad street yesterday morning, and it worked like a charm. Dr. McTycr’s fine mineral Springs is growing in popularity. The place ought to be Improved. It could be made a very attractive suburban ro Mrs. Shine and Miss Katie Winn f Darien, who have been spending >me time with relatives in the city, :ft yesterday morning for Millcdgc- illc. Seventy-five guests dined at the tuart on Sunday. And thirty-five f them were knights of the grip, honiasvillc is head quartern for the istive drummers. Mrs. Jane Mitchell and family will love lytck to their plantation on the oston road. The bright, winsome rcsencc of Misses Honorific and leorge, will lie sadly missed in town, V their numerous friends. We are authorized to say to our rrespondent, “Flctclievillc” that his quiiy in reference to the financial ndition of the town, will he nnswer- by the Chairman of the finance minittce on Wednesday morning. Mr, K. M. Mallette has bought the rge lot and four small houses mi rner of Mitchell slid Wnrrcu streets, mi Mr. B. F. Cochran. Mr. Mal- tte believes in Thoniasvllle real ea tc. Mr. John Montgomery sold a hand- me residence lot yesterday to Mr. J<\ Cochran. It is located on nrreii street. Mr. Cochran will set a resilience on the lot. Thom- villc dirt moves. Mr. Mac Reese and Mr. George . Ferrell left yesterday for Haiti- )rc, where they will take in the ■iole in tlml city. From thence cy will take in all the principal ;ies in the North and East, for the irposo of buying goods suitable for eir trade. Mr. Reese stys he is ing to buy every new and modern vclty to be found, ill his lino. Mr. irrell will, also, select the latcjt and >st stylish of every thing in the rniturc line. The stock of both esc gentlemen, will show this fall d winter, the latest thing, out. , CURTRIGHT &c D A.NIEL Are now receiving a large and elegant assortment of the celebrated Zeigler and Reed’s fine Ladies Shoes. J. S. Turner’s, Stacy Adams’ and Bannister’s Men Shoes. Boys’ and Misses’ School Shoes a Specialty. SSism of tlxo Big Boot. Stock Breeders. A mooting of the Thomas County Stock Breeders is called at 10 a. m. on next Saturday in Judge Mitchell’s office. For reasons deemed sufficient by the association, this society has held no fair for the past two years. No similar reasons exist now, and the association proposes to hold a fair this fall, the date to be fixed at the meet ing next Saturday. Appreciating the good that this organization has accom plished, and the stimulus and encour agement its exhibits have given to home-raising of stock, it is to he sin cerely hoped that the Society will re ceive the general and hearty support that it merits. Under its By-Laws every citizen of the county, whether directly or indirectly interested in stock raising, is a member of the asso ciation. No initiation fee or dues arc required of any. and no charge for exhibiting. The officers receive no salary or compensation. The only expense to any member is the gate fee, 2”> cents, which is required of every one who attends the annual exhibition, and this money goes to the payment ol the premiums of the succeeding exhibit. Thus it. will he seen that the im-oeiation is working solely for the, pjihlic good, and being thus actuated, it is (he duty of every citizen of the county to give it Ids encouragement and support. The old South Georgia Fair did incalcu lable gooil to Thomas county and to Southern Georgia, and the Stock Breeders Association, organized upon its demise, has done and will still do much good by encouraging the rais ing and improvement of all kinds ot farm stock. There is no good reason why the farmers of Thomas should not raise their own stock, and raise it of a quality equal to the best to he found anywhere. This is the object pf the Stock Breeders Association, and it will not fail of its purpose if all our farmers will co-operato and work to this cud. Then let every one who can attend the meeting next Satur day. Resolve to revive the associa tion and to put it on a more useful and active footing. One day in each year devoted to exhibiting our stook, meeting together, and comparing experiences, will not only prove pleas ant but will 1)0 time well spent. By all means let us revive the fairs. The Jail Located. As will ho seen by reference to the proceedings of the called meeting of the Board of County Commissioners yesterday,they have selected the vacant lot between the old ccmctries, ns a location for the new jail. This will give general satisfaction. There is, eertoiply, fewer objections to that lo cation than any oilier which could have been selected. Now that the location has been fixed, we presume the work will be promptly pushed by the I’anly Jail Co., of St. Louis Mo., who have the cotract for the erection of Thomas county's new prison. Ho is Welcomed. Mr. W. E. Borden, of Springfield, Mo,, who recently purchased a tract of land on the Magnolia road, near the city, arrived Saturday, with a car load of his eflCets; among other thing-, some very fine cows. Mr. Bowden is a lawyer by proles sion, and a gentleman by nature. He comes to make Thomasvillc his future home, having been forced to leave his old home on account of throat troubles. He has a wife and several children, who will come on later in the season. We bespeak for this gentleman and his family a hospitable reception by our people. He will proceed to iiu prove his place, immdiatcly, and will make it ono of the most attractive suburban homes around our beautiful city. Funeral Notice 1 The friends and acquaintances ot the family arc invited to attend the tuncral of little Carrie ltclle, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Wcth- ington, from the residence of Mrs. Mary Wethington, on Smith Avenue, at 9 o’clock this morning. Interment in Laurel Hill Cemetery. A Riot. Pelham had a riot on Saturday even ing. The marshal attempted to quell a disturbance between some whites and negroes. In die melee the mar shal, Mr. H. 1). Castleberry, was mor tally wounded. Several others, white and colored, were wounded—one negro' very badly, though it is said he will recover. Some seventy-five shots were fired. Dr. McIntosh was telegraphed for, and drove through on Saturday night. The marshal died on Sunday morning. .At last accounts everything was quiet. A number of arrests have been made. -fy—- - Died. Carrie Belle, aged three years, the little daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wethington, of Wnukuciia, Fla., died at the residence of its grandmother, Mrs. Mary Wethington, on Smith Avenue, yesterday morning, nt half- past seven o’clock, of congestion, after an illness ot only a few days. The death is a peculiarly sad one, Carrie Belle being a twin sister. The other twin is very ill. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the entire community ill their loss and giief. See funeral notice elsewhere. Proceedings of County Commissioners. Office Roaki) Co Comm’rs, J Thomasvii.i.k, Sept. 9, 1889. ) Board met persuant 10 adjournment Present, Hon. A. P. Wright, Chairman cominiltce; Bullock, Finn, Mallette and Lilly, Motion by M R. Mallette that the jail be located on vacant county lot between the two cemeteries. Carried. Board adjourned. A. P. Wright, Redden Smith, Chairman. Clerk. Police Court. Ten cases of disorderly conduct for various offenses, were up before his Honor in the police court, yes terday morning. Some were up for fighting, one for drunkencss, others tor abusive language, and, in fact most of the petty disturbing elements had a representative. Wm. Franklin, D. A. McQuinn, and Gus. Stripling, had cases docketed against them. The latter two were discharged; Franklin was fined $3, Joe. King and Joe. Adams were up for fighting. They plead guilty and were fined 85 and costs, each. Turner Radford and Young Williams were tried and dis charged. Daniel Mitchell, who got full the other night, and wanted to whip somebody, was fined $6, includ ing costs. Emma Bennett and Jennie Montgomery were fined $3 each, fur quarreling, or two days. A case was called against Henry l’atlersou, hut, as he failed to put in an appearance, the customary bond of $50. was or dered taken to insure bis presence. And the mourners filed out ot the city hall with lighter pockets and an other morning's experience before the Mayor. Attention Stock Breeders. Owing to the unavoidable absence of the Pro-iiloiil, the meeting ol'ihe Thomas County Stock Breeders, called lor last Saturday, was not Ii Id. The call is now made for next Satur day, at Judge.Mitchell's office, at HI it. m. The object of the |nceti#r is to lix the date for holding the fair and adopting a premium list. Every one interested in anywise in raising -lock is a member of the Association, and all who can are earnestly requested to he present at the meeting. Remem ber the time and place. By order of the President. J. T. (', Secy. Stray Durr! A tawn doe about 11 months o*.d. ;'»i very strayed from the owner Simla morning. Any one taking up •'am- an notifying thu oMIo* wii! hr suitably rvwani ftl. ’ 10-dlt GEORGIA SYRUP, Sealed in one and half gallons cans, fresh like from kittle, at J. T. B.u.i. & lino’s. 8-9 3t ON CASH GROCERIES We will meet lowest prices and give best quality. 9-8 .'it T. J. Bade & Bro. Stenographer and Type-Writer. Mr. Joseph M. Drrvcr oflora his services to the public as a stenographer and tvpc-writor. All work promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed- Apply to or address, JOS. M. DIIEYER, At McIntyre k McIntyre’s office, i:»U Broad Street. Salt mackerel and No. 1 mess, at T. J. Ball & Buo’s. Notice of Dissolution. Tin: firm el Kite & Beverly lias this duy lire:! dissolved by mutual consent. J. E. lievi-rh assumes all rout-suets and liabilities of lb.• firm, and to him all drills now owing them tulist be paid. Mr. Ibncrly will con duct the business in all its depai iniouts. and a i 11 b - thoroughly i-ipiippcd tu fill all order.-, prompt! v, as heretofore. .1.(1. Fi it:, J. I,. IIKVKKI.Y. A. CARD, In ivliring I' lie fir ' Ml- & Beverly, are daily receiving I do willi this liii.-ine.s and lii.v partner, lur the past year and a ball, lias been of Ihc most pb-asant nallire, Mr. Beverly, my successor, need- m, introduction to tliisYonin,unity a,id I In- I rade at large, ns lie is well known as a gi-uI b-iiian of sterling wurlli, and as a thorough mill ami business man lias but few -Hp-rior-. He will be a well prepared US liereloloi'e I o .i.-.-omimidali- the I rade, and I In .■ye ik for him tlml support lhai has Incn 30 liberal I'. ev t ended Ibis mill in the past, Vcrv llrspi-ctlully, .1. ti. Fife. New crop layer raisins at T. J. Ball & Bro’s. !)-8 .‘It For a superior quality of table butter call on T. J. Ba!l,.fc Bin, P-8 3t IT A NOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, lias se cured the agency for all I ho llrst-olnss l’iunoa and Organs, which Uo is selling at Iho lowost prices tor cash or on long time. Those desiring to purclinso will do well to learn hls prices and terms. Fresh cream cheese at. .8 9 3t T. J. Bade & lino’s. Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Children Carriages, Wall l’uper and Window Shade Straw mattings, lings, ete. The best style niuT lowest prices in the city. BED. W. KOItBES, 11-w2t d'.l Masury Building- Buy ilrieil white codfish af T- J. Ball & Bro, y-8 3t CASH GROCERIES Are still in the front ranks, and arc there to stay. They arc growing in favor every day, and in spite of that powerful competitor, the credit system, our sales show a very gratifying in crease every week, Please read the way down prices below : Best Patent Hour, per bbl. 5 65 Best Creamery Butler, 25 New Cream Cheese, 13 Magnolia Hams, . 13 N. Y. Salt Pork 08 Best Rio Coffee, green, 22 M. & J., parched 30 Best head rice 61 Granulated Sugar, 1 o', lbs. 1.00 White Extra C Sugar it lbs. 1.00 And everything else in our ling at just as low figures. We can save you money, and will do : o if you will give us the chance. Respectfully, M. P. Pickett. sunii (jiioRiilT collMC" Opens Wednesday, September 4th, lucruas.'i IViltlirs. Suit'lly Military, l ur ni-kiic, :u|dr«H (i. M. l.oYKJoY. ;hi2 J.: Ini Gin House Insurance, — WITH llansell &V Thomuavillo, On. Fall AXD- dint TAILORING. Tln'ii' is mi end tu all tiling.-, Hid pi'.ipb'say, b it tlu'l-D 1:1 nil end In Hid splendid lilting i-bdbing made at SI Bl ond sti ont. Cleaning and impairing iteil.D In the neati-st lliaillliT. Givo mo a call John Kenny. Iliicklru** Arnica Mulrr. Tin 1 Host S.ilvi* in th.» World for Cuts llrui.'CA, S>ro.«», Hour*, Salt Ilhcipn, Fever Sore?, Totter, Chapped Hand*, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and positively cares Pile.-*, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price J j cents per box. For sale- by »S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. CATAIIKII CTttKD, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilol’s Catarrh Heme dy Price 50 cent:?. Nasal Injector free Winter CLOTHING! jjancl our line ol Light | AND- I MUST 60! Call and get J OTJR, Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will SAVE YOU M02TEY Clothier? and Furnishers, 103 Broad St., Thomasvillo, Ga