The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 12, 1889, Image 1

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tint titttpci&t VOL 1 —XL' 104.. THOMASYILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, <881) $5.00 PER ANNUM AS OSDAL, Oar Hew Prints — AND — Fancy Dress GINGHAMS Arc acknowledged to bo the handsomest in the city. They are selling rapidly, especially those splendid patterns we offer at So a, Ya,rcL Ala lie your selections before they are picked over too much. Our Fancy Ribbons 3 INCHES WIDE, Which we are offering at the marvelously low price of 35c a, Yard., Arc the talk of the town. If you have not seen them yet, it will pay you to call at once and inspect them. For lO ots. We will sell you a beautiful Ladies’ Union Linen Hem stitched Handkerchief, which is certainly 4he best value ever offered in Thomasvillo. For 5 cents You can buy a nice colored bordered handkerchief, plenty good enough for the children to lose at school. IN JERSEYS We have an elegant all wool Saxony wove Jersey at the as tonishingly low figure of $1.00, Never before sold for less than one dollar and fifty cents. These are but a few of the plums we have in stock for our friends; and lots moro to show, if you will just take the trouble to come and look at them. We intend to make things lively this season, and we have the goods and prices to do it with. We extend a cordial invita tion to all to visit our establish ment, whether you buy or not. We are always glad to see you and show you what we have. 132 BllOAD ST. CANNING FACTORIES. Small Cost of a Plant to Turn out Ten Thousand Cans per Day. It requires such small capital to put in a first-class canning factory plant that it is a wonder every Florida town has not at least one in opera tion. There are no two ways about it, Tallahassee must have one. Some of our active citizens are figuring on the cost, and it has been given out that they would put in a plant, but why be so slow about it? Why not go to work at once? Our largely in creasing fruit and vegetable crops de mand that we should have a canning factory, and if our home oapital de lays much longer outsiders will drop in and grab the fowl that lays the golden fruit. Just think of it, at a cost of less than seventeen hundred dollars you can put in a plant with a capacity of ten thousand cans per day, including the corn and pea canning outfit; leave these out and you can put in a plant for about one thousand dollars. The Pensacola News is booming up a canning factory for Pensacola, and they wrote to Maj. Andrew Lewis, of Roanoke, Va., to know what a plant would cost. In reply he sent the fol lowing statement: EXPENSE F01I (ANN I NT. IIOI'SE OfTFIT. 1 boiler $ lies * 1 engine lob 9 1 corn cutter 250 * 1 closed top stenm process kettle 250 :i open top process kettles 100 0 crates for same 30 3 exhaust boxes for same 43 3 fire pots complete 18 G capping tools (Debow's patent) 18 1 oil tank 20 1 air pump 25 2 crane fixtures 30 1 vise 4 Total $1,440 This will pack 10,000 cans per dav. If you don’t wish to pack corn or peas then you don’t want what is marked * in the list. There will be some expense for pipe, fitting, etc. Fixtures for mnking cans, $250. One can cutter can cut for 8 or 10 makers, and each man makes from 800 to 1,000 cans per day. With these figures to go upon, the Floridian would advise the establish ment of canning factories throughout Florida, and Tallahassee must not be behind in the list.—Floridian, Talla hassee. Respectfully referred to the fruit growers of Thomas county. Let us have n factory. Public Spirit of the S. F. & W. That the S. F. & W. railroad is a true friend of Florida, and is not standing in the way of cheap excur sions, is fully proved by a circular from the “Queen and Crescent Route” under date of August 29. This road has inaugurated a scries of “Harvest Excursions” from Cincin nati south, particularly to Jackson ville and Florida, the rate to this city being 821.20 for the round trip, good for thirty days. These tickets will be sold September 10 and 24 and Octo ber 8. The S. F. & W. road is a party to this agreement, and over its line all excursionists entering this state must ass, and these cheap rates could not ave been established but for the cordial and hearty acquiscence. and support of the S. F. & W. railroad company.—Times-Union, Jackson ville. Why should not Thomasville, the health resort of Georgia—the place which has expended its hundreds of thousands of dollars .in hotels and boarding houses, be included ? Sure ly the S. F. & W. ought to feel and take some interest in a town which has given them so much business. Let Thomasville be put on the same footing with other winter resorts. It is all we ask. And wc have a right to ask this much. Johnstown Recuperation. Johnstown, Pa., Sept. 9.—Tho new business directory of Johnstown, and the surrounding boroughs, con tains the names of over five hundred business and professional men. It also shows that there are- now thirty- six groceries and fifty-one saloons open iu the place, Politics in the Alliance. There is a hue and cry being raised to the effect that the Alliance is be coming a political party iu Georgia. What nonsense! The enemies of the Alliance assert this, and ascribe other sinister motives to the order. They do not need reply ing to. Time will effectually shelve them without the use of controversy. We expect them to say things against the Alliance. Let them rear! They will not be able to knock a feather off the Alliance. But we occasionally meet a brother that thinks with the outside world, i. e., the Alliance will have a political end, therefore a death. We wish to say to all such to “be not afraid.” When a man—no matter who—from Livingston and Northen, who are gubernatorial aspirants, down to the aspirants for the offico of con stable, attempts to use the Alliance to further his political aspirations, he will hear something fall with a dull thud. Of course we do not mean to say that an allianceman should not have the right to run for an office. They have that right the same as any other citizen, but they should not at tempt to draw the Alliance into poli tics. Remember the principles of the order, brethren. This alone will pre vent such n course. Tho high aims of the Alliance is not political degradation. Let the Alii ance take care of its principles and politics take care of itself. No alli- anceman can he elected governor of Georgia, who does not first secure the democratic nomination.— Whigham Advance. You are right, Bro. Wilson. Dixie’s Race Problem. Chicago, III., Sept.. 9.—Bishop Newman, of Omaha, addressed the Methodist ministers nt their meeting in the Methodist church block on the subject of the race problem in the south and the work of tho Methodist church in solving it. The speaker told of his late trip through the coun try, and gave several graphic illustra tions of his experiences. Ignorance and fanaticism were to lilanrn for much of the ill-feeling, he said, but, contrary to the general belief, the ig noranco and fanaticism were as much on one side ns the other. WOIIK OK Till: COLLEGES. The colleges for tho colored peo ple were doing a wonderful amount of good, and a prominent southern statistician admitted that there were now more illiterate people amongst whites than among the colored people. This wns largely due to the efforts of the Methodist church in pushing edu cation among the negroes. The speak er said he called on the governor of South Carolina and had a long talk with him. Ho discovered for the first time that the Methodists were not working for social equality for the negroes, but for full political recogni tion. THE NORTH WORSE OFF. “Ho complained,” said Bishop Newman, “of the terrible strain of the conflict engendered by race prejudice. I told him that he had a coinpara tively easy problem. You of the south, I said, have only your native- born people to contend with, while we in the north have all Europe. I would rather a thousand times to be a southerner and have the race problem to grapple with than to be hero in Chicago and the north, and bo con fronted by these vast hordes of ignor ant, uneducated foreigners, who are swarming over here to takoposscssion. I look forward to tho time, and I hope it is not far distant, when we can stand up and firmly say ‘No foreign born citizen shall henceforth have a place in tho legislative conduct of the country.’ ” Bishop Newman’s remarks were received with applause, but were not discussed. The county fairs in Georgia have begun. One of the striking features of thoso fairs is the exhibit of patriot ic Georgians who are willing to be governor, United States senator, or congressman. The entries in this department arc open to the state.— News. MR. AND MRS. BOWSER. ItV MRS. ISOWSF.E. “Mrs. Bowser, it is possible that this house may take fire some time,” observed Sir. Bowser as he laid aside his paper the other evening. “Yes.” “If it takes fire while I am home all I expect of you is to take the child and get out doors. I shall peril my life to subdue the conflagration, and it I find it cannot be done I shall save all the valuables.” “Perhaps I could help you.” “And perhaps you couldn’t. You’d do more damasre than good if you tried to. I want you to remember and get right out and stay out.” “I have been told that I had great presence of mind, Mr. Bowser.” “Yes, and you may have been told that you were the Empress of Russia. Prcseuce of mind ! There isn’t a wo man on earth wlio’d have presence of mind enough iu case of a fire to save iter own shoes! All I want of you is to follow my directions.” It was singular that the tost should come so soon. In lighting the gas in the;hall u pstairs Mr. Bowser must have dropped tho match upon a rug lying near. Wc were hardly in lied before I smelled smoko, but when I mentioned tho fact Mr. Bowser growl ed : “Nonsense! Tho cook probably threw some eggshells into the range when she was clearing up her supper dishes. Your nose is always smelling fire or burglars or sewer gas, ami it is always wrong.” He wont to sleep and 1 continued to sniff that odor. Ten minutes after Mr. Bowser had uttered his first snore a thick cloud of smoko poured into our bedroom all of a sudden, and at thejSama jftpmeut the. darkness was lighted up by a flickering flame. Tho house was certainly on fire, aud I shook Mr. Bowser and informed him of the fact. “W—what is it ?” he gasped as lie sat up in bed. “The house is on fire! Can’t you see the smoke and the blaze ?” I wns out on the floor and dressing when ho rolled out of bed, sprang to the door and shouted at the top of his voice: “Murder! Police! Fire! We are nil oil fire up here !” “Well, slip on your clothes and see if you can’t put it out. It must b ■ in the back hall.” “Fire! Fire! Fire!” lie yeded as ho sought to pull on his pants. “Our house is on fire ! We shall be burned alive!” In spite of the peril of the situation I bad to laugh at Mr. Bowser’s antics. Ho first got the left leg in the right leg of the pants. Then lie fell over in getting out of them ; got up and drew them on hind side before, and he was sprawled out on the bed and kicking them off when I was all dress ed and ready to leave the room. 1 was determined to see where the fire was bofore I took the baby and went down stairs. Tho smoke was very thick, but the tongue of tho flame guided mo down the hall, and I found the rug and base-board and a door casing ablaze. “Fire! Fire! Fire yelled Mr. Bowser at this moment as ho dashed into the hall. “Come and help me put it out!” 1 called to him, but he was already on his way down stairs to the telephone. Covering my mouth and nose as well as I could I made my way to the lavatory. There was nothing but a tumbler at hand, but after I had filled it several times and dashed its con tents along tho base I saw that I had the best of the blaze. After opening a window to let the smoke drive out I brought some more water aud extin guished tho last of tho fire. Mean while I could not help hut hear Mr. Bowser. Ho rushed to tho telephone and rang it continuously for twenty seconds, and then yelled: “Hello, central! Hello, central! Fire! Fire! Fire! My house is on fire ! .Send up the police and three engines right away!” lie couldn’t wait for an answer, but took three or four circuits around the sitting room, made a dash into the, parlor and out by the front fall, all the time yelling “fire !” at the top of his voice, and then it occurred to him to-go to the fire-alarm box down oil the corner. Out lie rushed, bare footed and bare-headed, and after trying for half a minute to pull the box off the post he ran to the resi dence where the key was kept. lire shouts and yells had aroused every body within half a mile, and the pos sessor of tho key threw up his window and called: “Is that yon, Bowser ?” “Yes, it’s me! My house is ou (ire!” “Sure? r didn’t see any light over there.” “It’s on fire from cellar to garret, and T expect my wife and child have perished in tho flames.” “That’s awful! Here’s the key.” Mr. Bowser not only turned in one alarm, but lie kept on sending them in until the first steamer arrived, and the driver of it ordered him away from the- box and called him a blank fool. Five engines came rushing up, and I hail got the smoko out of the hall and was down stairs when a dozen firemen dashed up the steps to fight the conflagration. I showed them up-stairs to investigate. Mr. Bowser went with them. After they got throiigl^iaughing they turned on Mr. Bowser. They called him by 150 different titles, besides advising him to go and sand-paper and soak his head. They sneered at his excuses and laughed at his explanation, and ns they retired one of them remark ed : “It’s a good ‘ thing for you, old bowlegs, that you have got a guardi an !” When they had gone aud wc were left to ourselves Mr. Bowser looked very important and observed : “Well, I made mighty short work of that blaze!” “You! What did you do?” I asked. “What did 1 do? Mrs. Bowser, do you iutcud to claim any credit for cxtiuimishing that blaze ?’’ “I do. But for mo the house would have gone. Mr. Bowser, you were so rattled that you acted like a crazy man.” “What! You put out the lire! I rattled! Mrs. Bowser, tin’s is too much. I see through the conspiracy. On several occasions you have driven me to the.limit. This is beyond the limit. I shall see my lawyer in the morning.” But when morning came he forgot all about it. lie was too busy bring ing the neighbors iu to show what a narrow escape lie had, and how his presence of mind saved the house.— Detroit Free Press. A Sketch of Dr. Tucker. Atlanta, G.\.,Scpt. 9.—Dr. Tucker, who fell from a second story window, yesterday, died at 6 o’clock this morn ing. lie was born in Warren county in 1S19. He was the son of a wealthy planter. lie was educated in Phila delphia and ordained at I.aGrange in 1851. lie was a professor at the Southern Female college at I.aGrange for several years, and was afterwards a member of the faculty, and later, president of Mercer University. In 1S74 he was elected chancellor of the Georgia University, a position he held for four years. At the time of his death, lie was editor and owner of the Christian Index, with which he had been connected for ten years. His death is deeply lamented, as jhe was generally beloved. lie was in easy circumstances, having an estate worth about 8100,000. He leaves a wife and two grown children. His funeral has been fixed for to-morrow afternoon. The sermon will be delivered by Dr. Warren,Jot Macon. To the Front. AS ALWAYS, The City Shoe Store, (Mitchell House Block.) Has just opened ujx to the young and old gents the handsomest line of shoes ever of fered in our city, in all styles, from the narrowest to the wid est lasts. Patent leather shoes, hand some line of gents’ toilet slippers and full line of ladies’, misses’ and children’s shoes. Mitchell House Block.