The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 02, 1889, Image 3

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1 • - THIS RIMtSI S YOU THAT A Change of Wearing Apparel If Fot Already Ncce’sary- SOON WILL BE ! And Every Issnl.v NATO! - 'FLY AS.-CSTHE I..CKS'-ION : Where Shall 1 Buy my Dress Goods? We will answer tl’ : 5 for you lice, nil bits 7n to our Stun, Where we will assist you. if we can, to decide what style of Fabric and Trimming would suit you. —KOIt WE - POSITIVELY Have K very thing that is NEW & STYLISH In lHiK!-S I KUDS this Si-,son, Wilis Hie Very Vastest TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. Robe Suits. Lovely ones, $D».5o, tfl.s.on, s-ju.on, £2 5 .<)»>. Beautiful Combinations, In the newest luipoiicri Materials. Exquisite Plaids and Stripes, Which arc very stylish ngnifcthis Call. • in Plain Materials, We have all tlie new similes, !>otli it- tine all wool and silk warp goods. Ladies’ Cloths, 52 and 54 Inches wide in a dozen shades. Black Goods. We would call your special attention to our Black Dress Hoods Stock, which really needs no mention, for we have earned tile reputation of keeping the .only complete stock of Fine Mack Dress floods in the city, and any lady contemplating the purchase of a Mack Dress will do herself an injustice to buy before seeing our magnificent stock. Black and Colored Silks. Ail endless variety, in Gros Grain, Faille Fraucaise, India, Facone, Ilengnline. .Surahs &c., &c. In Lovely, Stylish Dress Trimming Xo one can show such a variety. Black & Colored FJilNf i MS'. STRIPEDSILKS, NEW PERSIAN SILKS, SILK VELVET AND PLUSHES, Persian Bands, <!SCO., &C. Everytiiingto Match We Invite You To rnH at mu stoic ami inspu't tin- loveliest slock of IMv- j (lootls over shown over a Thoinasvillo l>r. -s (fowls counter. A Pleasure to Show Them. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 109 & 111 MtOAD ST THE DAILY TliJIEjS-ENTERPRISE. ■ .1- . WEDNESDAY, OC rOBEI, 2 1889. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT 1!. Tlitimas Jr’s - 128 Broad Slrccl. C. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin Cor the 24 hours ending nt 7 o'clock I’. 11., lift. 1, 18811. TkMPERATL'RiC. 2 p. in 8;> 7 p. ^ Maximum for 24 hours 89 Minimum “ “ “ 82 Ruin-fall Local Schedule. Passenger for Savannah. I.v... C .*>0 p iu Paisenger from Savannah A**... 7 00 a .a Fast mail for Savannah Ar.. .12 05 p m • “ I.v.. .12 35 p m * o from - \r... 131 pill “ “ from Savannah I.v... 2 00 p in Passenger from Albany Ar... 5 20 p m Passenger for ** I.v... !»30 a in Fieight ami Aeoin. for Albany I.v... 5 45 p in “ “ •* from “ Ar... 7 20 am Freight and aecoin. from Wayc..Ar... 4 50 p m o “ for Cliatt. I.v... 0 00 pm for Wave....I.v... 8 00 a in from Chatt. Ar... 0 30 a m THOMASVILLE AN1» MONTICKI.LO. Freight aecoro. for Monticeho I.v...845 a in - from “ .... Ar.. .0 20 p m Fast mail for “ . .. I.v...2 00 p m .. .♦ f ro „i “ ....Ar..l210 p in The ’own conHuies to g’ow. Fit"'; Owns w; s in 'he r’ly yester day. A new flag floats over Wolff & Bros, stores. V’silot.: \'v'" be d oppmg iu from now forwent. I’l.ts.eting is progressing rapidly on the new Gulf. Mr. Knowles, of New York, is at the It hidden. A few.iale peaches were brought in yesterday lor sale. I)r. S A. Roddenberry, of Cairo, was in town yesterday. Mr. Duck Ellington, of North Caro lina, is slopping at ilie Stuart. Mr. 1). L. t'ampbell. ol Dchumak Springs, Fla., Was at ihe Siuari yester day. Mr. J. C. Cassaily, wile and child,of Albany, were at the Whiddon yester day. Steyerman & I’.ro. have one ol die baudsomest dressed windows it the city. . • 1. F\ Thompson SLCq., are furnish ing the windows and doors for the new Gulf. Capl. R. I,. Hicks has gone to New York to buy a stock for the Cash drug store. Eucitis Few, colored, son ot Ctcsar Few, has gone to Atlanta to enter school. Miss Maria Coyle has returned from a visit to her brother, MV. Neal Coyle, in Florida. Mr. Frank Lewis, of Elk Rapids, Mich., is among the recent a vals at the Whiddon. Rev. G. G. N. McDonald went over to Ilainbt dge yesterday, and w"1 re turn to-day. Mrs. J. O. Beasley, of Monticeilo, passed through yesterday, en route home from Baltimore. Col. A. T. McIntyre will not attend Colquitt county court next week. He will he absent in Clinch. See Curtis Brown’s local He is offering an imported five cent cigar; the best in the market. Give him a cab. George Robinson and Arch .Smith have been brought down from Och- lockOnec afld lodged in jail here,charg ed with forgery. The g eat Piedmont exposition in Atlanta opens next Monday. Round trip tickets, at low rates, will be on sale here for the exposition. Work on the streets is progressing. The streets and side waiks should be put in first class condition. And this is just what John Spair is doing. John Groover, colored, who was the porter of the old Mitclie 1 ’ House rnd other hotels here, but who now resides in south Florida, is on a visit to his old home. I!ev. I*. II. Crumpler spent the morning in the city yesterday en route to Bainbridge. He was formerly pas tor there, but removed to Texas,where he now resides. Mr. G. W. Herring, accompanied by his wife and Miss Bessie, returned home yeste day from their old home in North Carolina, where hey have spent the summer. CTJRT^lG-HT & D ANXEL ‘‘ Are now receiving - J large and elegant assortment of the celebrated Zeigler and Reed’s fine Ladies Shoes. J. S. Turner’s, Stacy Adams’ and Bannister’s Men Shoes. Boys’ and Misses’ School Shoes a Specialty. Sign of the Big;: Boot. The Killing of Lev/ Harpe; -The \eidioS of Pie Coroner’s Jui y. Coroner Johnson held an inquest yesterday movu'ng on the dead body of Levi Harper. Harper’s brother testjjicd that more than one party shot. Other parties testified to seeing Alfred Cone, Lafai ;■ Cone, and a man whom lie took to he Shade Clay, passing through a field about a quarter of a mile from where the shooting occurr ed, fifteen or twenty minutesafte^ the firing. Cone, in a statement, claims that he did all the shooting, and that ’twas in self defense. After hearing the evidence, the jury returned the following verdict: Geobcia, Thomas Co.—We, the jury, sworn by the coroner, 1L C. Johnson, find that the deceased, Levi Harper, came to his death by wounds inflicted by shots with a pistol and gun, in the hands of Allroil Cone, and some unknown person. \\ e con sider it manslaughter. ,M. 15 Uni ford, Foreman; 11. G. Kehberg, K A. liarwick, I). IL Col lins, S. A. Eubanks, W. C. Lewis, W. FI. Lewis. Cone came to town soon after the killing ami surrendered to the sheriff. He was in town yesterday in charge of the sheriff, employing counsel, anil trying to make a bond,, as manslaugh ter is bailable. Mr. Cone succeeded iu making, a bond for 81,000 last night. Cotton Tare. Take 500 lbs of lint cotton, wrap it in 6 yards ot jute. 2 lbs to the yard, and your Dale will weigh 5 12 ^ 5- Take 500 lbs of lint cotton, wrap it in cotton bagging, jilts to the yard, and your bale will weigh 504 lbs. Now deduct 24 lbs from the jute bale, and 16 lbs from the cotton bale, and you will have 4S8 lbs each, being just and equ'iahlu. ’ The above explanation of the pro posed new tare on cotton, has been handed us by Mr. A W. Ivey, presi dent uf the Thomas county Alliance. Fell Down an Old Well. William .Spencer, colored, died on Mrs. A .J.” Futch’s plantation about six miles from town, Saturday, from the effects of a fall into an old well sixty feet deep. He lived sever- nl days after the accident. The lumber for the new jail is on the ground. The contractors will be gin hauling brick to morrow. Edmund Johnson, a colored boy, was before Judge Mitchell in the coun ty court yesterday, charged with as sault and battery. He was found gu : lty and fined $12 including costs. A prominent member of the Thom- asvillc bar is in a qtiandaiy. ’ihc fall term of Colquitt court, :n which he is interested in several cases, conflicts with the minstrel show, which comes off here next Monday night, and in which he is also interested. Attention is called to the advertise meat headed “Mule Lost," by J. L. Finn. Mr. Finn lias not lost any mule, but lie wants those who owe him to come forward mid settle, or there will he music in the air: In printing the names of the Oclt lockonce district committee lust week, the printer inserted 11 J. for it G. milking it Mr. J. M. Bulloch, when it should have been Mr. G. M. Bul loch. “Mac’’ is the man, nod lie is a good one. It is said that over one hundred carcases will be barbecued at the con federate reunion at Quitman on the .'ltd. It would be well for some of our committeemen to go down for the purpose of getting some points. Brooks knows how to get up a barbe cue. The big barbecue, picnic, stock show and Confederate reunion, at the old fair grounds, on ihc 151I1 of No vember, is all die talk. There will be an immense ihrong here. Thomas- yille, having inaugurated the move ment, cannot afford to hold back now. The people are coming, and everything should be in readiness and plenty. Let the canvassing committee be met with liberal subscriptions. They are nec essary. They Will Toot. The band hoys are fi’k’ng of gobig into piact'.-e, for the pi’ pose of play ing for I he Stock Brcedoi s A -ocia- tion. We hope they tv'll. The band : s composed of some of the best young men in the town, and they can maRfe excellent music. “Yes,” said one of the young gentlemen who toots one of the horns, when asked if the band would re organize “We W'll proba bly get in shape to play on the loth of November. The citizens, 1 under stand, arc going to furnish the proven der, and we propose to furnish the brass anti wind. You see brass and wind are very important features of the occasion, ami the bandcati furnish both.” The Prospect Never Brighter. Mr. George I.. Cross, Northwestern passenger agent, with headquarters at Chicago, wdtes as follows 10 Mr. R. W. Gladding : “'1 he business ou'look for a good travel south never looked brighter than now. I believe we will have an early winter, and that the tourist business wiM start earlier than in former years." Mr. Cross lias sent more people - to Tliotnasville than any otlicr - one man in the west, and his views are certainly encouraging. Our people appreciate file kindness of Mr. Cross A Correction. A wroug (late crept into our notice the other day, of the meeting of the Mercer Baptist Association. It meets at Big Creek church, on Wednesday before the third Sunday in this month. All parties interested will take due notice. To Farmers. Attention is called to the circular issued by the National C'ommittco of the Farmers’ Alliance, yesterday. It instructs them to’ demand pay for Fight' additional pounds, over gross weight, for every halo of cotton cov ered with cotton bagging. The long-winded stories and yarns which have been spun in front of the drug stores during the summer, will soon terminate. The spinner will ad journ to the inside of the store where the process will be continued; from thence, the fish and other stories will be retailed in the back rooms by a crackling fire. It would be a graceful thing for some one of the big rich friends of 1’homasvillc, who frequent her borders in. the wintry season, to donate a half million dollars to build and sustain a sanitarium or hospital here for the free use of those afflicted with lung troub les, who are too poor to pay the heavy expenses ot living away from home. \Vc regret to learn that Mr. J. C. Yatibrunt, an-old and highly esteemed citizen of our county, died at his home five miles from Thomasville, on Sunday afternoon, of paralysis. He was buried on Monday in the Bowen grave yard, just below ihc Jones biidge. Mr. Yanbrunt leaves a wile and live chil dren to mourn lus death. He had been a member of the Baptist church for many years. We call attention, especially of our readers on the south side of the rail road, to tlr - article by “Experience’' 011 the subject of the nb-fenee law. This question is one which should re ceive the earnest attention of the tanners in that section, and they should study it carefully to the end that they may vote intelligently at the election on the first Saturday in December. • The proceedings of council will be found elsewhere. It will be seen that the petition for electric lights on Broad and Jackson streets, was received and referred to a special committee, con sisting of Alderman Wright and Mitch ell and Mayor Hopkins. This is a strong, conservative and progressive committee. They will no doubt give the subject careful attention, and arrive at a correct conclusion. Attention is called to the advertise ment of Mr. Sam Cassels, who is offering some fine brands of tobacco at his drug store. To Wesleyan Female College. A party of four young ladies left yesterday mornimg for Macon, to en ter Wesleyan Female College. They were Misses Ida Bryant, of Tallahas see; Nettie Bird, of Monticeilo; Mo selle Hayes, of Eufaula,Ala., andDena Mitchell, of this place. A number of friends of the young ladies were at the depol to see them off. Mr. T. C, Mitchell accompanied them to Macon. Misses Mary Wright, Sallic ?tark and Marion Hayes, returned last night from Murphey, N. C , and other places where they have been spending the summer. The party are cordially welcomcd to home, ‘stweet home ’’ again. A rarely is promised at the Confeder ate reunion in Thomasville on the 15th of November- a genuine private will be * 1 1 attendance. It is a noticeable fact that in most of the reunions since ilia war, the participants have been generals, colonels and majors, while a few have ranked as low as captains. It is generally supposed that the . pri- va es weie all killed, as they cannot be lound now. Jf you want to see .a genuine ntivale, one who struck the gut for four years, carried a musket, blanket, three days rations and forty rounds of cartridges, come to Thom* asviHe on the fifteenth. There will be no admission to see this, perhaps only living specimen of a genuine piivate. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. I'm si 11. Rohm, Sept. .'Id, IK.S'.l. I'tium il invi in rcguhir a,-inn, Mnyt Hopkins I'.',,-. Present Al.l. lim n V, right, Hayes, Jer- ijiT, .Merrill, Mitchell ami Wlmhlon.'* Min ill es Iasi meeting read ami coiilmncit. I’elilimi I 7 I seven electric are lights mi llrna.i ami .lack.-mi streets receive,! ami re- lerreil In committee consisting ul' Aldermen Wright, Mitchell and Mayor Hopkins. , Application of F. .1. Wind k Co., lor ^.s- t uirant license granted on his complying with ordinance. Petition referring to nuisance on corner of Broad ami Jack-nil streets referred to street committee. Chairman I inane*- Committee authorized to borrow .s2,..iin at s per cent., due Janua ry, ls:> I. Committee Hopkins, .larger and Mitchell mi park granted power o act in obtaining services"of attorney in absence ol city attnr- Improvcmcnts on Dawson and Jefferson streets referred to street committee. Moved by Aldeamnn Mitchell that one hundred and fifty dollars lie appropriated for advertising, and referred to printing com mittee, with power to act. Following accounts ordered paid : • >. W. Beverly $20; It. K. and T. C. llnvcr- ly $14.02; firibbcii ami I.eviel; $20; II. D. Fudge $ IP.12; Hubert Deklc.s - .!; Mrs. Chase $:i.P7>: A. F. Ihevatt $i. Council adjourned to (let. 1st, 1SSP, at 7 o’clock p, at. Jas. F. Evans. Acting Clerk, Natural Leaf Tobacco •Joetlw S. J. Cassi:i... 1 Is Broad Street. Gin House Insurance, WITH BlaiiM’ll aS: Morrill, Thomasvillo, Ga. > dAwto oetl-le Homo Again, ON LOWER BROAD Have just returned from the north. Glad to get hack, too. Thomasville really feels like home, and there’s no place like that. But the goods! they are coming; be here next week. A big stock'! Well, no. Mine is not the largest. The others have that size, but it is large enough, and still better, all personally selected, choice goods from the cream of New York and Baltimore markets. They arc the latest styles, bought low down,and will be sold the same. This means that I want to do a good share of the milliucry trade this season. It is said to be impossible to please everybody : maybe so; but there’s nothing like trying, and if J gel the chance the cliort will not be wanting. Think over the matter, and decide if it is not well to give at ieast a share of your trade to one who is anxious for it,and will do her best to please. Yours, for trade and low prices, Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot Light MS! GO! Call and get Prices before buy ing at ARBOURS Cost Prices, and we will El YOU MONEY ClothieiT aiuKFurnishers, 108 E r St., Thomasvillo, Ga